changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dfb7c4ff071f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // This file implements a loopback driver for use with the ETel Regression test harness.  This
    15 // driver supports two ports with signalling capabilities for DCD, DSR, DTR, RTS, RI, and CTS.
    16 // In order for the signalling to function properly, one port should be opened as a DCE, though
    17 // the driver will allow both ports to operate as DTE's.
    18 // By default, the driver marks or asserts (sets to 1) the following signals when the method
    19 // SetRole is called.
    20 // For the DTE:
    21 // KSignalRTS	KSignalDTR
    22 // For the DCE:
    23 // KSignalCTS	KSignalDSR
    24 // Note that the DCE does NOT set DCD, thus it's initial state is space or de-asserted
    25 // (set to zero).  This was chosen because of the desire of test script authors to fully
    26 // control DCD.
    27 // The driver supports the following signalling configuration handshake capabilities:
    28 // For the DTE:
    29 // KCapsObeyCTSSupported  KCapsFailCTSSupported
    30 // KCapsObeyDSRSupported  KCapsFailDSRSupported
    31 // KCapsObeyDCDSupported  KCapsFailDCDSupported
    32 // For the DCE:
    33 // KCapsObeyRTSSupported  KCapsObeyDTRSupported
    34 // Break, Configuration Change Notification, Flow Control Notification, and Data Available
    35 // Notifications are not supported.
    36 // directory exists.  The log file is named loopback.
    37 // 
    38 //
    40 /**
    41  @file
    42  @note	This driver will create a log file in the Logs\ETel directory if the Logs\ETel
    43 */
    44 #include <cs_port.h>
    45 #include "LOGGER.H"
    46 #include <d32comm.h>
    47 #include <c32comm.h>
    48 #include <e32hal.h>
    49 #include <c32comm_internal.h>
    51 #ifdef __LOGGER__XTRA
    52 #define LOGI(AAA)	CETelLogger::WriteFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC8>(AAA),iPortName,iSignals,&iPtr);
    53 #else
    54 #define LOGI(AAA)
    55 #endif
    57 #if defined(__VC32__) && _MSC_VER==1100
    58 // Disable MSVC++ 5.0 aggressive warnings about non-expansion of inline functions.
    59 #pragma warning(disable : 4710)	// function '...' not expanded
    60 #endif
    62 const TUint KCommLowUnit=0;
    63 const TUint KBufferGrowthIncrement=0x1000;
    64 const TUint KMaxBufferSize = 0x8000;
    66 // This should be even
    67 const TUint KLoopbackCount=8;
    70 #define SERIAL_DESCRIPTION _L("Loopback CSY")
    71 #define SERIAL_NAME _S("Loopback")
    73 // #define _DEBUG_CONSOLE_
    75 #if defined(_DEBUG_CONSOLE_)
    76 // This class is not used in the loopback csy.  It is left here for future reference.
    77 #include <e32twin.h>
    78 class RDebugConsole : public RConsole
    79 	{
    80 public:
    81 	RDebugConsole();
    82 public:
    83 	void Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...);
    84 	};
    86 #define DEBUG_TRACE(m) m
    88 #else	// (_DEBUG)
    90 #define DEBUG_TRACE(m)
    91 //
    92 #endif
    94 //
    95 // "Entry point object" makes the objects which do the work
    96 class CHWPort;
    99 /**
   100  * This class is the factory port object.  It drives the "entry point object" which
   101  * makes the reset of the objects do their work.  It is based on the basic serial port
   102  * class CSerial.
   103  */
   104 class CHWPortFactory : public CSerial
   105 	{
   106 public:
   107     CHWPortFactory();
   108     ~CHWPortFactory();
   109 	virtual CPort * NewPortL(const TUint aUnit);
   110 	virtual void Info(TSerialInfo &aSerialInfo);
   111 	void Remove(CHWPort* aPort);
   112 public: //CSerial
   113 	TSecurityPolicy PortPlatSecCapability(TUint aPort) const;
   114 private:
   116 	CHWPort* iPort[KLoopbackCount];	// pairs of ports
   117 	CHWPort* PairedPort(TUint aPort) { return iPort[aPort^1]; } // returns the other half
   119 	};
   122 /**
   123  *	This class is the object that interfaces with the commserver.  An instance of this class
   124  *	represents one port in the loopback driver.
   125  */
   126 class CHWPort : public CPort
   127 	{
   128 public:
   129 	static CHWPort * NewL(TUint aUnit);
   130 private:
   131 	 CHWPort();
   133 public:
   134 	virtual void StartRead(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength);
   135 	virtual void ReadCancel();
   136 	virtual TInt QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const;
   137 	virtual void ResetBuffers(TUint aFlags);
   138 	virtual void StartWrite(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength);
   139 	virtual void WriteCancel();
   140 	virtual void Break(TInt aTime);
   141 	virtual void BreakCancel();
   142 	virtual TInt GetConfig(TDes8& aDes) const;
   143 	virtual TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8& aDes);
   144 	virtual TInt SetServerConfig(const TDesC8& aDes);
   145 	virtual TInt GetServerConfig(TDes8& aDes);
   146 	virtual TInt GetCaps(TDes8& aDes);
   147 	virtual TInt GetSignals(TUint& aSignals);
   148 	virtual TInt SetSignalsToMark(TUint aSignals);
   149 	virtual TInt SetSignalsToSpace(TUint aSignals);
   150 	virtual TInt GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt& aLength) const;
   151 	virtual TInt SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aSignals);
   152 	virtual void Destruct();
   153 	virtual void FreeMemory();
   154 	virtual void NotifySignalChange(TUint aSignalMask);
   155 	virtual void NotifySignalChangeCancel();
   156 	virtual void NotifyConfigChange();
   157 	virtual void NotifyConfigChangeCancel();
   158 	virtual void NotifyFlowControlChange();
   159 	virtual void NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel();
   160 	virtual void NotifyBreak();
   161 	virtual void NotifyBreakCancel();
   162 	virtual void NotifyDataAvailable();
   163 	virtual void NotifyDataAvailableCancel();
   164 	virtual void NotifyOutputEmpty();
   165 	virtual void NotifyOutputEmptyCancel();
   166 	virtual TInt GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& aFlowControl);
   167 	virtual TInt GetRole(TCommRole& aRole);
   168 	virtual TInt SetRole(TCommRole aRole);
   170 	virtual ~CHWPort();
   171 #if defined (_DEBUG_DEVCOMM)
   172 	virtual void DoDumpDebugInfo(const RMessage2 &aMessage);
   173 #endif
   174 public:
   175 	void SetLoopbackPort(CHWPort* aHWPort);
   176 	TInt WriteBuf(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength, TBool& aIssueComplete);
   177 	void TryToCompleteRead();
   178 	void UpdatePortResources();
   180 private:
   181 	void CheckSigsAndCompleteRead();
   182 public:
   183 	TPtr8 iPtr;				//< A pointer to the buffer created during class creation.
   185 private:
   186 	TCommRole iRole;		//< The role of this port (ECommRoleDTE or ECommRoleDCE)
   187 	TUint iSignals;			//< The current signals for this port
   188 	TUint iSignalMask;		//< The mask used when a NotifySignalChange request is posted.
   189 							//< If it is clear, no request is outstanding.  It is cleared when
   190 							//< a request is either cancelled or completed.
   192 	TBool iWritePending;			//< True if a write is left pending
   193 	TInt  iWritePendingLength;		//< The length of the buffer that was left pending.
   194 	const TAny* iClientWriteBuffer; //< The buffer pointer that was pended.  A pended write
   195 									//< implies that the WriteCompleted was NOT called when
   196 									//< the write was posted.
   198 	TPckgBuf<TCommServerConfigV01> iServerConfig;	//< A placeholder; no real function in loopback.
   199 	TPckgBuf<TCommConfigV01> iConfig;	//< The configuration of this port.  Important fields for
   200 										//< the loopback driver are: iHandShake
   202 	CHWPort* iLoopbackPort;	//< The pointer to the loopback port to which this port is connected.
   204 	/**
   205 	An HBufC created during port creation, pointed to by iPtr.
   206 	This buffer is only appended to by this object on a write request;
   207 	this object never reads from the buffer.  iLoopbackPort is the
   208 	object responsible for reading from this iBuf (via iPtr), and send
   209 	the data it reads to iLoopbackPort's client (as a completion of a
   210 	read request).
   211 	*/
   212 	HBufC8* iBuf;			//< An HBuf created during port creation, pointed to by iPtr.
   213 							//< Note that this buffer can grow during operation, but it will
   214 							//< not shrink.
   215 	TInt iBufSize;			//< The initial size of the buffer and it's growth increment.
   216 	TBool iReadPending;		//< Boolean indicating that a read has been left pending for later
   217 							//< completion.
   219 	TBool iReadOneOrMore;	//< Should the current read (even if it is pending) complete before
   220 							//< the buffer is full?
   222 	TBool iDataNotify;		//< Set when a data notify event is pending
   224 	TInt iBytesWritten;		//< The number of bytes written to the current read buffer.
   225 	TInt iPendingLength;	//< Count of how many more bytes can be written to the read buffer
   226 	/**
   227 	Pointer to the client buffer to be filled by a read.  The read
   228 	actually takes the data from iLoopbackPort->iPtr to send to the
   229 	client.
   230 	*/
   231 	const TAny* iClientReadBuffer;		//< Pointer to the client buffer to be filled by a read.
   233 	TUint iPortName;		//< Unit number of this port
   235 #if defined (_DEBUG_CONSOLE_)
   236 	// Not used in the current loopback driver.
   237 #if defined (_DEBUG_DEVCOMM)
   238 	CCommDebugDumper *iDumper;		//< Pointer to debug class.
   239 #endif
   240 public:
   241 	RDebugConsole iConsole;			//< Console for debugging.
   242 #endif
   243 	};
   245 //
   246 // CHWPort definitions
   247 //
   248 CHWPort::CHWPort() : iPtr(NULL,0,0)
   249 /**
   250  * This method is the basic constructor for the CHWPort class.  In initializes
   251  * the iPtr member specifically to NULL.
   252  *
   253  * @param	None
   254  *
   255  * @return	None
   256  */
   257 	{
   258 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CHWPort"));
   259 	}
   261 void CloseObject(TAny* anObject)
   262 /**
   263  * This method simply closes an object from the cleanup stack.  The object must contain
   264  * a Close method.
   265  *
   266  * @param	anObject - a TAny pointer to the object to close.
   267  * @return	None
   268  */
   269 	{
   270 	((CObject*)anObject)->Close();
   271 	}
   273 CHWPort* CHWPort::NewL(TUint aUnit)
   274 /**
   275  * This method is used by the factory object to create the new CHWPort instances.
   276  * After newing the CHWPort object, the buffer is created, roles and signals are defaulted,
   277  * and names are initialized.
   278  *
   279  * @param	aUnit - the unit to create.
   280  *
   281  * @return	A pointer to the created object
   282  */
   283 	{
   285 	LOGTEXTREL(_S8("Loopback:NewL: Called"));
   286 	LOGTEXTREL2(_L8("Loopback:NewL:  Unit %d..."), aUnit);
   288 	CHWPort *p=new(ELeave) CHWPort;
   289 	TCleanupItem closePort(CloseObject,p);
   291 	CleanupStack::PushL(closePort);
   294 	p->iBuf=HBufC8::NewL(KBufferGrowthIncrement);
   295 	p->iBufSize=KBufferGrowthIncrement;
   296 	p->iPtr.Set((TUint8*)p->iBuf->Ptr(),0,KBufferGrowthIncrement);
   298 	p->iRole = ECommRoleDTE;
   299 	p->iSignals = 0;		// start with no signals asserted.
   300 	p->iSignalMask = 0;		// Prevents any spurrious notifications, etc.
   302 	TName name;
   303 	name.Format(_L("%d"),aUnit);
   304 	p->SetName(&name);
   305 	p->iPortName = aUnit;
   306 #if defined (_DEBUG_CONSOLE_)
   307 	name.Format(_L("Comm::%d"),aUnit);
   308 	p->iConsole.SetTitle(name);
   309 #if defined (_DEBUG_DEVCOMM)
   310 	p->iDumper=CCommDebugDumper::NewL(p->iConsole);
   311 #endif
   312 #endif
   313 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   315 	return p;
   316 	}
   318 void CHWPort::SetLoopbackPort(CHWPort* aHWPort)
   319 /**
   320  * This method sets up the loopback port member of the CHWPort.  It is used after
   321  * both ports have been created (NewL).  This allows each port to "know" to whom he is
   322  * connected.
   323  *
   324  * @param	aHWPort - the port which THIS port should be connected to.
   325  *
   326  * @return	None
   327  */
   328 	{
   329 	if (aHWPort != NULL)
   330 		{
   331 		LOGTEXT3(_L8("SetLoopbackPort:  Unit %d-%d"), iPortName, aHWPort->iPortName);
   332 		}
   333 	else
   334 		{
   335 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:SetLoopbackPort:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   336 		}
   338 	// Now set up the loopback
   339 	iLoopbackPort=aHWPort;
   341 	}
   344 void CHWPort::CheckSigsAndCompleteRead()
   345 /**
   346  * This method checks the configuration of the port and the current state of the signals
   347  * and determines if the read should even attempt to be completed.  Based on configurations,
   348  * reads can fail or be left pending (KConfigObeyXXX).  This method calls TryToCompleteRead
   349  * if all configuration and signal state allows the read to continue.
   350  *
   351  * Note that this method is called to either complete a pended read (from WriteBuf) or
   352  * to complete an incoming read request (from StartRead).  Also note that this routine does
   353  * not check the fail flags.  These flags are checked when the read is first posted and
   354  * when the signals are first asserted/deasserted.  It is unnecessary (and maybe even undesirable)
   355  * to check the fail flags here.
   356  *
   357  * @param	None
   358  *
   359  * @return	None
   360  */
   361 	{
   362 	LOGI(_L8("CheckSigsAndCompleteRead:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   364 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:CheckSigsAndCompleteRead:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   367 	// At this point, we must check the config flags and signals.  If we have been
   368 	// configured to obey signals, then we must pend the read and not complete it.
   369 	// Note that the iReadPending flag was set in StartRead().
   370 	if (ECommRoleDTE == iRole)
   371 		{
   372 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyDCD) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDCD))) ||
   373 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyDSR) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDSR))))
   374 			{
   375 			LOGI(_L8("CheckSigsAndCompleteRead DTE:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   376 			return;
   377 			}
   378 		}
   379 	else if (ECommRoleDCE == iRole)
   380 		{
   381 		if ((iConfig().iHandshake & (KConfigObeyDTR)) && (!(iSignals & (KSignalDTR))))
   382 			{
   383 			LOGI(_L8("CheckSigsAndCompleteRead DCE:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   384 			return;
   385 			}
   386 		}
   389 	// Can the request be satisfied now?  Note that we call TryToCompleteRead on THIS instance.
   390 	// This means that CheckSigsAndCompleteRead must be called on the desired instance.
   391 	TryToCompleteRead();
   392 	LOGI(_L8("CheckSigsAndCompleteRead:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   393 	}
   396 void CHWPort::StartRead(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength)
   397 /**
   398  * This method queues a read operation to the driver.  If the read length is zero (which is a
   399  * special case used during initialization) the read completes immediately without being
   400  * concerned about any of the configuration flags.  Failure flags are checked in this routine.
   401  * If the port has been configured to fail (KConfigFailXXX) and the signals are NOT asserted,
   402  * then the read will fail immediately with KErrCommsLineFail.  Obey flags are not handled here,
   403  * but are handled in a different method.  The code was structured in this manner so that the
   404  * Obey flags are checked any time a read is attempted to be completed, not just when the read
   405  * is initially sent to the driver.  This is needed because reads can pend and before the reads
   406  * are completed the signal state could change.
   407  *
   408  * @param	aClientBuffer	- a TAny * to the buffer into which data is placed.
   409  * @param	aLength			- the length of the buffer.  If the length is less than zero the
   410  *                            read can be completed with less than length bytes available.  If
   411  *                            a positive length value is specified, the read will not complete
   412  *                            until length bytes have been read.
   413  *
   414  * @return	None
   415  */
   416 	{
   418 	//	DEBUG_TRACE((iConsole.Write(_L("DoRead \n\r"))));
   419 	LOGI(_L8("LOGIStartRead:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   421 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:StartRead:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   423 	// Because a length of zero is a special case, we will complete this without
   424 	// worries about the config/fail flags.
   425 	if(aLength==0)
   426 		{
   427 		ReadCompleted(KErrNone);
   429 		LOGI(_L8("StartRead 0:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   431 		return;
   432 		}
   435 	// At this point, we must check the config flags and signals.  If we have been
   436 	// configured to fail operations if certain signals are not set, then we must
   437 	// fail the read.
   438 	if (ECommRoleDTE == iRole)
   439 		{
   440 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailDCD) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDCD))) ||
   441 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailDSR) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDSR))))
   442 			{
   443 			ReadCompleted(KErrCommsLineFail);
   444 			LOGI(_L8("XtartRead DTE:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   445 			return;
   446 			}
   447 		}
   448 	else if (ECommRoleDCE == iRole)
   449 		{
   450 		if ((iConfig().iHandshake & (KConfigFailDTR)) && (!(iSignals & (KSignalDTR))))
   451 			{
   452 			ReadCompleted(KErrCommsLineFail);
   453 			LOGI(_L8("StartRead DCE:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   454 			return;
   455 			}
   456 		}
   459 	// At this point, we set up for the read.  If the obey flags later don't let us
   460 	// complete the read, having this work done is vital.
   461 	iReadOneOrMore=EFalse;
   462 	if(aLength<0)
   463 		{
   464 		aLength=-aLength;
   465 		iReadOneOrMore=ETrue;
   466 		}
   468 	iBytesWritten=0;
   469 	iPendingLength=aLength;
   470 	iClientReadBuffer=aClientBuffer;
   471 	iReadPending=ETrue;
   473 	// Later code will assert iLoopback, so check it now to avoid crashes during startup.
   474 	// The CheckSigsAndCompeteRead method will actually process the Obey flags.
   475 	if (iLoopbackPort != NULL)
   476 		{
   477 		CheckSigsAndCompleteRead();
   478 		}
   480 	LOGI(_L8("StartRead:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   481 	}
   483 void CHWPort::ReadCancel()
   484 /**
   485  * Cancel a pending read and complete it with KErrCancel.  The handling of the CActive class
   486  * will by default complete any outstanding read with KErrCancel, but it is cleaner to handle
   487  * that processing here.
   488  *
   489  * @param	None
   490  *
   491  * @return	None
   492  */
   493 	{
   494 	LOGI(_L8("ReadCancel:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   496 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:ReadCancel:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   498 	iReadPending=EFalse;
   500 	ReadCompleted(KErrCancel);
   502 	}
   505 TInt CHWPort::WriteBuf(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength, TBool& aIssueComplete)
   506 /**
   507  * This method writes the client buffer to the loopback port.  It must take into consideration
   508  * all of the KConfigFailXXX and KConfigObeyXXX flags that might have been specified in the
   509  * configuration of the port.  Any fail configuration results with writes failing with the
   510  * KErrCommsLineFail error.  This method is used both when the write is originally posted to
   511  * the driver and when trying to finish any write that was pended by the driver based on the
   512  * Obey flags.  This routine does not actually complete the read, but returns a value with
   513  * which the caller should complete the read.  Because this routine can also leave the operation
   514  * pended, it uses the aIssueComplete boolean to tell the caller whether or not to complete the
   515  * read.
   516  *
   517  * @param	aClientBuffer	- a TAny * to the buffer which contains the data to write
   518  * @param	aLength			- the length of the buffer.
   519  * @param	aIssueComplete	- a reference to a boolean used to indicate to the caller if the
   520  *                            write operation should be completed.
   521  *							- ETrue  - Caller should issue the WriteCompleted with returned
   522  *							           result code.
   523  *							- EFalse - Caller shoud not issue the WriteCompleted.
   524  *
   525  * @return	KErrNone		- Everything is okay
   526  * @return	KErrCommsLineFail  - Write failed based on signal state and configuration.
   527  * @return	Varies			- Non-Zero return from Kernel calls
   528  */
   530 	{
   531 	TInt res=KErrNone;
   533 	LOGI(_L8("WriteBuf:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   535 	// Plan on completeing, so set aIssueComplete to TRUE.
   536 	aIssueComplete = ETrue;
   539 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("Config 0x%x  Sigs 0x%x"), iConfig().iHandshake, iSignals);
   541 	// At this point, we must check the config flags and signals.  Note that Fail
   542 	// flags always take precedence over Obey flags.
   543 	if (ECommRoleDTE == iRole)
   544 		{
   545 		// if we are configured to fail if CD, DSR, or CTS are not present, then we
   546 		// must fail the write here.
   547 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailDCD) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDCD))) ||
   548 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailDSR) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDSR))) ||
   549 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailCTS) && (!(iSignals & KSignalCTS))))
   550 			{
   551 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("WriteBuf:  DTE Failure  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   552 			LOGTEXT3(_L8("...Config 0x%x  Sigs 0x%x..."), (iConfig().iHandshake), iSignals);
   553 			res=KErrCommsLineFail;
   554 			LOGI(_L8("WriteBuf:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   555 			return res;
   556 			}
   558 		// At this point, we must check the config flags and signals.  If we have been
   559 		// configured to obey signals, then we must pend the write and not complete the
   560 		// write.
   561 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyDCD) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDCD))) ||
   562 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyDSR) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDSR))) ||
   563 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyCTS) && (!(iSignals & KSignalCTS))))
   564 			{
   565 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("WriteBuf:  DTE Pended:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   566 			iWritePending = ETrue;
   567 			iClientWriteBuffer = aClientBuffer;
   568 			iWritePendingLength = aLength;
   569 			aIssueComplete = EFalse;
   570 			res=KErrNone;
   571 			LOGI(_L8("WriteBuf:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   572 			return res;
   573 			}
   574 		}
   575 	else if (ECommRoleDCE == iRole)
   576 		{
   577 		// if we are configured to fail when DTR or RTS are not present, then
   578 		// fail the write here.
   579 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailRTS) && (!(iSignals & KSignalRTS))) ||
   580 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailDTR) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDTR))))
   581 			{
   582 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("WriteBuf:  DCE Failure...  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   583 			LOGTEXT3(_L8("...Config 0x%x  Sigs 0x%x..."), (iConfig().iHandshake), iSignals);
   584 			res=KErrCommsLineFail;
   585 			LOGI(_L8("WriteBuf:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   586 			return res;
   587 			}
   589 		// At this point, we must check the config flags and signals.  If we have been
   590 		// configured to obey signals, then we must pend the write and not complete the
   591 		// write.
   592 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyRTS) && (!(iSignals & KSignalRTS))) ||
   593 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyDTR) && (!(iSignals & KSignalDTR))))
   594 			{
   595 			LOGTEXT2(_L8("WriteBuf:  DCE Pended:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   596 			LOGTEXT3(_L8("...Config 0x%x  Sigs 0x%x..."), (iConfig().iHandshake), iSignals);
   597 			iWritePending = ETrue;
   598 			iClientWriteBuffer = aClientBuffer;
   599 			iWritePendingLength = aLength;
   600 			aIssueComplete = EFalse;
   601 			res=KErrNone;
   602 			LOGI(_L8("WriteBuf:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   603 			return res;
   604 			}
   605 		}
   607 	// Resize the receiving buffer if it is not big enough or it is
   608 	// more than twice as big as it needs to be for this write.
   609 	if ((iPtr.Length() + aLength) > iBufSize)
   610 		{
   611 		// New buffer size will be just big enough to fit the existing
   612 		// data + new data, rounded up to nearest multiple of
   613 		// KBufferGrowthIncrement.
   614 		TInt newBufSize;
   616 		if (((iPtr.Length() + aLength) % KBufferGrowthIncrement) == 0)
   617 			{
   618 			newBufSize = iPtr.Length() + aLength;
   620 			}
   621 		else
   622 			{
   623 			// New buffer size = length of data already in the buffer
   624 			//					 + length of data to be added to the buffer
   625 			//					 + round up to next KBufferGrowthIncrement
   626 			newBufSize = iPtr.Length() + aLength
   627 						 + KBufferGrowthIncrement - ((iPtr.Length() + aLength)%KBufferGrowthIncrement);
   628 			}
   631 		// Need to resize the buffer
   632 		// Note: iBuf should not be deleted, buffer may be emptied
   633 		//       later if this ReAllocL fails and tmpBuffer remains NULL.
   634 	    HBufC8* tmpBuffer = NULL;
   635 	    TRAP(res, tmpBuffer = iBuf->ReAllocL(newBufSize));
   637 		if (tmpBuffer == NULL || res != KErrNone)
   638 			{
   639 			// Could not reallocate the buffer (maybe not enough
   640 			// memory) so write request fails.
   641 			iWritePending = EFalse;
   643 			// return with an Issue complete and an error message
   644 			aIssueComplete = ETrue;
   645 			LOGI(_L8("WriteBuf:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   646 			return KErrNoMemory;
   647 			}
   649 		iBufSize = newBufSize;
   650 		iBuf = tmpBuffer;
   653 		// Note: the aIssueComplete flag has already been set to ETrue
   654 		// so, don't need to set it again here.
   655 		iWritePending = EFalse;
   656 		}
   658 	// Fill the receiving buffer
   659 	if (aLength!=0)
   660 		{
   661 		// point to where the new data will be located in our buffer
   662 		TPtr8 ptrWriteLocation((TUint8*)(iBuf->Ptr() + iPtr.Length()), aLength);
   664 		res = IPCRead(aClientBuffer,ptrWriteLocation);  // Must go through correct port
   666 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("Read \"%S\""), &ptrWriteLocation);
   667 		if(res!=KErrNone)
   668 			{
   669 			LOGI(_L8("WriteBuf:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   670 			return res;
   671 			}
   673 		// memory leak detection : we create a single memory leak, if our input buffer contains
   674 		// special token string:
   675 		_LIT8(KMemLeakToken, "--MemoryLeakToken--");
   676 		TInt nRetVal = ptrWriteLocation.Compare(KMemLeakToken);
   677 		if (nRetVal == 0)
   678 			{
   679             // coverity [returned_pointer]
   680 			// coverity [memory_leak] - create a memory leak intentionally, look at the comments above 
   681             TInt* pArr = new TInt[1024]; // deliberatly causing a memory leak here...
   682 			}
   684 		// set the iPtr to point to the new iBuffer and keep a record of data length
   685 		iPtr.Set((TUint8*)iBuf->Ptr(), iPtr.Length() + aLength, iBufSize);
   686 		}
   687 	// Since we are completing a write on THIS instance, see if we can complete a read on
   688 	// the loopback port.  A read could have been left pending.
   689 	if (iLoopbackPort != NULL)
   690 		{
   691 		iLoopbackPort->CheckSigsAndCompleteRead();
   692 		}
   694 	return res;
   695 	}
   697 void CHWPort::TryToCompleteRead()
   698 /**
   699  * This method attempts to complete reads, either as they are initially issued or at a later
   700  * time because they were pended when initially issued.  Data is moved from the buffer associated
   701  * with this port to a buffer that was supplied by the client when the read is issued.  The
   702  * read is completed when either the client buffer is full or when some data has been written
   703  * to the client buffer and the iReadOneOrMore member set.  This member data is set when then
   704  * initial read was passed a negative length value.  Using this method allows a read to complete
   705  * without filling the entire buffer.
   706  *
   707  * @param	None
   708  *
   709  * @return	None
   710  */
   712 	{
   713 	LOGI(_L8("TryToCompleteRead:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   715 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:TryToCompleteRead: Unit %d ..."), iPortName);
   717 	ASSERT(iLoopbackPort);
   718 	TPtr8& refLoopBackiPtr = iLoopbackPort->iPtr; // Loopback listening port's buffer
   720 	// Is there a Data Available notification pending?
   721 	TInt s = refLoopBackiPtr.Length();
   722 	if(iDataNotify)
   723 		{
   724 		NotifyDataAvailableCompleted(KErrNone);
   725 		iDataNotify=EFalse;
   726 		}
   728 	// Is there a Read Pending?
   729 	if(!iReadPending)
   730 		return;
   732 	// If there's somthing in the buffer then try to copy that...
   733 	TInt stillToBeWritten=iPendingLength-iBytesWritten;
   734 	TInt len=Min(s, stillToBeWritten);
   736 	// only point to the data we are going to read
   737 	TPtrC8 ptr(refLoopBackiPtr.Ptr(), len);
   739 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Write \"%S\""), &ptr);
   741 	// Search for terminator characters
   742 	TBool terminatorFound = EFalse;
   743 	const TText8* terminators = iConfig().iTerminator;
   744 	TInt termNum;
   745 	for (termNum=0; termNum < iConfig().iTerminatorCount; ++termNum)
   746 		{
   747 		TInt termIndex = ptr.Locate(terminators[termNum]);
   748 		if (termIndex >= 0)
   749 			{
   750 			// Found the terminator; reduce the length of ptr and search for the next one
   751 			len = termIndex + 1;
   752 			ptr.Set(refLoopBackiPtr.Ptr(), len);
   753 			terminatorFound = ETrue;
   754 			}
   755 		}
   757 	TInt res=IPCWrite(iClientReadBuffer,ptr,iBytesWritten);
   758 	if(res == KErrNone)
   759 		{
   760 		// Delete the read data from the buffer
   761 		ASSERT(refLoopBackiPtr.Length() >= len);
   762 		TPtrC8 source = refLoopBackiPtr.Right(refLoopBackiPtr.Length() - len);
   763 		// a memory move occurs on each read. This must be inefficient
   764 		refLoopBackiPtr.Copy(source);
   765 		iBytesWritten+=len;
   766 		}
   768 	if((iBytesWritten==iPendingLength)||(iReadOneOrMore&&(s>=1))||terminatorFound)
   769 		{
   770 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:TryToCompleteRead: Completing Read  Unit %d ..."), iPortName);
   771 		iReadPending=EFalse;
   772 		// a complete read has succeeded, now update the Ports memory usage
   773 		iLoopbackPort->UpdatePortResources();
   774 		ReadCompleted(res);
   775 		}
   776 	}
   778 void CHWPort::UpdatePortResources()
   779 /**
   780  * This method recalculate how much memory is actually required by a ports write buffer
   781  *
   782  * @param Not used
   783  *
   784  * @return None
   785  */
   786 	{
   787 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:UpdatePortResources: Unit %d ..."), iPortName);
   790 	TInt newBufSize = 0;
   792 	// it is possible to have a length of 0 therefore we leave the buffer size
   793 	// to KBufferGrowthIncrement
   794 	if(iPtr.Length() > 0)
   795 		{
   796 		newBufSize = iPtr.Length() + KBufferGrowthIncrement - ((iPtr.Length()) % KBufferGrowthIncrement);
   797 		}
   798 	else
   799 		{
   800 		// the minimum buffer size is KBufferGrowthIncrement
   801 		newBufSize = KBufferGrowthIncrement;
   802 		}
   804 	// if the buffer needs changing then resize it otherwise leave as is
   805 	if(newBufSize != iBufSize)
   806 		{
   807 		TInt res = KErrNone;
   808 		// Shrink the buffer to the new size calculated above. If this fails we return leaving memory as it was
   809 		HBufC8* tmpBuffer = NULL;
   810 	    TRAP(res, tmpBuffer = iBuf->ReAllocL(newBufSize));
   812 		if (tmpBuffer == NULL || res != KErrNone)
   813 			{
   814 	   		// could not resize the buffer - return without modifying anything
   815 	   		return;
   816 			}
   818 		iBuf = tmpBuffer;
   819 		iBufSize = newBufSize;
   821 		// update the public interface to our buffer.
   822 		iPtr.Set((TUint8*)iBuf->Ptr(), iPtr.Length(), iBufSize);
   823 		}
   824 	}
   826 TInt CHWPort::QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const
   827 /**
   828  * This method returns the length of the buffer associated with this instance of the
   829  * port.
   830  *
   831  * @param	aLength			- a reference to return the length of the buffer.
   832  *
   833  * @return	KErrNone
   834  */
   835 	{
   836 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:QueryReceiveBuffer:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   838 	aLength=iPtr.Length();
   839 	return KErrNone;
   840 	}
   842 void CHWPort::ResetBuffers(TUint)
   843 /**
   844  * This method resets the buffer used by this loopback port
   845  *
   846  * @note Note that most ResetBuffers methods derived from CPort allow a parameter for flags.
   847  * This ResetBuffers method does not.
   848  *
   849  * @param	Not Used
   850  *
   851  * @return	None
   852  */
   853 	{
   855 	LOGI(_L8("ResetBuffers:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   857 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:ResetBuffers:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   859 	// reset the length of data to zero and update port resources
   860 	iPtr.Set((TUint8*)iBuf->Ptr(), 0, iBufSize);
   862 	// this method will perform any memory re-sizing required on the port
   863 	UpdatePortResources();
   864 	}
   866 void CHWPort::StartWrite(const TAny* aClientBuffer,TInt aLength)
   867 /**
   868  * This method queues a write operation to the driver.  This method is simply the outside
   869  * interface to the class for writing data.  It calls a private method to actually process
   870  * the write.  StartWrite passes a reference to a boolean value to the private routine that
   871  * indicates whether or not StartWrite should issue a WriteCompleted response.  This is necessary
   872  * because some combinations of signals and configuration can cause writes to be pended and
   873  * thus NOT completed.
   874  *
   875  * @param	aClientBuffer	- a TAny * to the buffer into which data should be read.
   876  * @param	aLength			- the length of the data to be written.
   877  *
   878  * @return	None
   879  */
   880 	{
   882 	LOGI(_L8("StartWrite:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   884 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:StartWrite:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   886 	// memory leak detection mechanism:
   887 	// if special write buffer token is received is received, we create memory leak
   888 	// this condition is triggered, when working with "te_C32_leakdetection.script"
   890 	DEBUG_TRACE((iConsole.Write(_L("DoWrite \n\r"))));
   891 	TBool issueComplete = ETrue;
   893 	TInt res = KErrNone;
   895 	if((iPtr.Length() + aLength) > KMaxBufferSize)
   896 		{
   897 		// we are exceeding our buffer growth size. Do not process the
   898 		// write message
   899 		iWritePending = EFalse;
   900 		res = KErrNoMemory;
   901 		}
   902 	else
   903 		{
   904 		res = WriteBuf(aClientBuffer,aLength, issueComplete);
   905 		}
   907 	// Only complete the write if allowed to by WriteBuf.
   908 	if (issueComplete)
   909 		{
   910 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:StartWrite:  Completing Write Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   911 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:StartWrite:  Completing Write Unit %d..."), res);
   912 		WriteCompleted(res);
   913 		}
   915 	LOGI(_L8("StartWrite:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   917 	}
   919 void CHWPort::WriteCancel()
   920 /**
   921  * This method cancels a pending write and issues a WriteCompleted with the result
   922  * KErrCancel.  If no writes are pending, then this method simply returns.
   923  *
   924  * @param	None
   925  *
   926  * @return	None
   927  */
   929 	{
   931 	LOGI(_L8("WriteCancel:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   933 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:WriteCancel:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   936 	// if there is a pending write (which could happen with the obey
   937 	// flags), then we have to cancel the write.
   938 	if (iWritePending)
   939 		{
   940 		iWritePending = EFalse;
   941 		WriteCompleted(KErrCancel);
   942 		}
   943 	}
   945 void CHWPort::Break(TInt /* aTime */)
   946 /**
   947  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver as breaks are
   948  * not supported.
   949  *
   950  * @param	Not Used
   951  *
   952  * @return	None
   953  */
   955 //
   956 // Queue a Break
   957 //
   958 	{}
   960 void CHWPort::BreakCancel()
   961 /**
   962  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver as breaks are
   963  * not supported.
   964  *
   965  * @param	None
   966  *
   967  * @return	None
   968  */
   969 //
   970 // Cancel a pending break
   971 //
   972 	{}
   974 TInt CHWPort::GetConfig(TDes8& aDes) const
   975 /**
   976  * This gets the current configuration from the loopback driver.
   977  *
   978  * @param	aDes	- a TDes8 reference to copy the configuration into.
   979  *
   980  * @return	KErrNone
   981  */
   982 	{
   984 	LOGI(_L8("GetConfig:%04d %x \"%S\""));
   986 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:GetConfig:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
   988 	aDes.Copy(iConfig);
   989 	return KErrNone;
   990 	}
   992 TInt CHWPort::SetConfig(const TDesC8& aDes)
   993 /**
   994  * This sets the current configuration for the loopback driver.  Note that
   995  * no error checking is done when setting the configuration.
   996  *
   997  * @param	aDes	- a TDes8 reference to copy the configuration from.
   998  *
   999  * @return	KErrNone
  1000  */
  1001 	{
  1003 	LOGI(_L8("SetConfig:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1005 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:SetConfig:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
  1007 	iConfig.Copy(aDes);
  1008 	return KErrNone;
  1009 	}
  1011 TInt CHWPort::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes)
  1012 /**
  1013  * This gets the supported capabilities from the loopback driver.  The actual capabilities of
  1014  * the driver will vary based on the role the port is playing (DCE or DTE).  The loopback driver
  1015  * supports capabilities via TCommCapsV01 and TCommCapsV02.
  1016  *
  1017  * @param	aDes				- a TDes8 reference to copy the capabilities into.
  1018  *
  1019  * @return	KErrNone			- Everything is okay.
  1020  * @return	KErrNotSupported	- The length of the descriptor passed to this method indicates a
  1021  *                                capabilities structure which we don't support.
  1022  */
  1023 	{
  1025 	LOGI(_L8("GetCaps:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1027 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:GetCaps:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
  1029 	if(aDes.Length()==sizeof(TCommCapsV01))
  1030 		{
  1031 		TCommCapsV01* commcaps=(TCommCapsV01*)(aDes.Ptr());
  1033 		// We've got all of these
  1034 		commcaps->iRate=0x3fffff;
  1035 		commcaps->iDataBits=0xf;
  1036 		commcaps->iStopBits=0x3;
  1037 		commcaps->iParity=0x1f;
  1038 		commcaps->iFifo=0x1;
  1040 		if (ECommRoleDTE == iRole)
  1041 			{
  1042 			commcaps->iHandshake= KCapsObeyCTSSupported | KCapsFailCTSSupported |
  1043 			                      KCapsObeyDSRSupported | KCapsFailDSRSupported |
  1044 			                      KCapsObeyDCDSupported | KCapsFailDCDSupported;
  1045 			}
  1046 		else
  1047 			{
  1048 			commcaps->iHandshake= KCapsObeyRTSSupported | KCapsObeyDTRSupported;
  1049 			}
  1051 		commcaps->iSignals=0x3f;
  1052 		commcaps->iSIR=0x0;
  1053 		return KErrNone;
  1054 		}
  1055 	else if(aDes.Length()==sizeof(TCommCapsV02))
  1056 		{
  1057 		TCommCapsV02* commcaps=(TCommCapsV02*)(aDes.Ptr());
  1058 	// We've got all of these
  1059 		commcaps->iRate=0x3fffff;
  1060 		commcaps->iDataBits=0xf;
  1061 		commcaps->iStopBits=0x3;
  1062 		commcaps->iParity=0x1f;
  1063 		commcaps->iFifo=0x1;
  1065 		if (ECommRoleDTE == iRole)
  1066 			{
  1067 			commcaps->iHandshake= KCapsObeyCTSSupported | KCapsFailCTSSupported |
  1068 			                      KCapsObeyDSRSupported | KCapsFailDSRSupported |
  1069 			                      KCapsObeyDCDSupported | KCapsFailDCDSupported |
  1070 			                      KCapsFreeRTSSupported | KCapsFreeDTRSupported;
  1071 			}
  1072 		else
  1073 			{
  1074 			commcaps->iHandshake= KCapsObeyRTSSupported | KCapsObeyDTRSupported;
  1075 			}
  1077 		commcaps->iSignals=0x3f;
  1078 		commcaps->iSIR=0x0;
  1079 		commcaps->iNotificationCaps=KNotifySignalsChangeSupported;
  1080 		commcaps->iRoleCaps=0x0;
  1081 		return KErrNone;
  1082 		}
  1083 	else
  1084 		return KErrNotSupported;
  1085 	}
  1087 TInt CHWPort::SetServerConfig(const TDesC8& aDes)
  1088 /**
  1089  * This sets the current server configuration for the loopback driver.  The loopback driver
  1090  * stores this information but does nothing with it.
  1091  *
  1092  * @param	aDes	- a TDes8 reference to copy the configuration from.
  1093  *
  1094  * @return	KErrNone
  1095  */
  1096 	{
  1098 	LOGI(_L8("SetServerConfig:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1100 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:SetServerConfig:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
  1102 	iServerConfig.Copy(aDes);
  1103 	return KErrNone;
  1104 	}
  1106 TInt CHWPort::GetServerConfig(TDes8& aDes)
  1107 /**
  1108  * This gets the current server configuration for the loopback driver.  The loopback driver
  1109  * stores this information but does nothing with it other than return it here.
  1110  *
  1111  * @param	aDes	- a TDes8 reference to copy the configuration to.
  1112  *
  1113  * @return	KErrNone
  1114  */
  1115 	{
  1117 	LOGI(_L8("GetServerConfig:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1119 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:GetServerConfig:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
  1121 	aDes.Copy(iServerConfig);
  1122 	return KErrNone;
  1123 	}
  1125 TInt CHWPort::GetSignals(TUint& aSignals)
  1126 /**
  1127  * This method retrieves the current setting of the signals for THIS port.
  1128  *
  1129  * @param	aSignals	- A reference to a TUint to return the signal settings.
  1130  *
  1131  * @return	KErrNone
  1132  */
  1133 	{
  1135 	LOGI(_L8("GetSignals:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1137 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("Loopback:GetSignals:  Unit %d... Sigs 0x%x"), iPortName, iSignals);
  1139 	aSignals=iSignals;
  1140 	return KErrNone;
  1141 	}
  1143 TInt CHWPort::SetSignalsToMark(TUint aSignals)
  1144 /**
  1145  * This method asserts the signals specified by the parameter aSignals.  In addition to
  1146  * simply asserting the signals, this routine will complete any signal notification requests
  1147  * that are outstanding.  After handling any signal notification requests, this routine will
  1148  * also update the signal state of it's partner loopback port.  The other port's signals are
  1149  * updated only if they are considered output signals for the role that this port is playing.
  1150  * For example, assume that a DTE port is setting the RTS signal.  It determines that RTS is
  1151  * an output signal for a DTE port, so it must propagate the signal to the DCE by calling
  1152  * this routine on the DCE instance of the port.  When the DCE instance runs, it sets RTS, then
  1153  * determines that RTS is NOT a DCE output signal, so it does NOT attempt to propagate the signal.
  1154  * It is NOT an error for a DCE port to call this routine with DTE output signals.  In fact,
  1155  * this behaviour is required in order to propagate signal settings from one port to the other.
  1156  *
  1157  * After propagating the signal settings, this method will attempt to complete reads and writes
  1158  * that have been outstanding, based on the changed signals and the configuration of the
  1159  * port.  For example, say that the DTE port had been configured to Obey CTS (i.e., to flow control
  1160  * when CTS is not asserted).  When the DCE asserts CTS, this signal would be propagated to the
  1161  * DTE port.  Then the DTE port would check the current configuration and note that CTS has
  1162  * been asserted.  At this point, there could be operations which were pended (because of the
  1163  * lack of CTS) that should be attempted.  This method will attempt these operations.
  1164  *
  1165  *
  1166  * @param	aSignals	- a bitmask specifying which signals to assert (See definition
  1167  *                        of KSignalDCD, KSignalCTS, etc. for bit values).
  1168  *
  1169  * @return	KErrNone
  1170  */
  1171 	{
  1173 	TBool attemptRead = EFalse;
  1174 	TBool attemptWrite = EFalse;
  1175 	TUint sigsChanged;
  1176 	TUint tmpSigs;
  1180 	LOGI(_L8("SetSignalsToMark:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1183 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("Loopback:SetSignalsToMark:  Unit %d...Sigs 0x%x"), iPortName, aSignals);
  1185 	// If no signals are passed in to set, then get out of here.  This is possible when
  1186 	// the upper layers have used the RComm::SetSignals interface.  This interface is used
  1187 	// to both space and mark signals with a single call.  Frequently, this interface is used
  1188 	// with one of the two masks set to zero.
  1189 	if (!aSignals)
  1190 		return KErrNone;
  1192 	tmpSigs = iSignals;
  1193 	iSignals |= aSignals;
  1195 	// sigsChanged contains only the signals changed by this operation, no history is contained.
  1196 	sigsChanged = (iSignals ^ tmpSigs);
  1198 	// Only complete notifications if the changed sigs were specified in the mask.
  1199 	if (sigsChanged & iSignalMask)
  1200 		{
  1201 		// Notify people that the signals have changed.
  1202 		// Note that the KSignalChanged bits are stored in sigsChanged, but passed.
  1203 		// The tmpSigs value has the state of all the signals that they were interested in
  1204 		// as specified by the iSignalMask and the Changed flags.
  1205         tmpSigs = (((sigsChanged & iSignalMask) * KSignalChanged) | (iSignals & iSignalMask));
  1206 		SignalChangeCompleted(tmpSigs, KErrNone);
  1207 		// Reset signal mask, another NotifiySignalChange is necessary to get any
  1208 		// more signal information out of the driver.
  1209 		iSignalMask = 0;
  1210 		}
  1212 	// if I'm a DTE port and the signals changed are DTE outputs, then
  1213     // I've got to figure out what signals to change on the DCE side (as inputs).
  1214  	// else if I'm a DCE port and the signals changed are DCE outputs, then
  1215     // I've got to figure out what DTE signals I've got to change.
  1216     if ((ECommRoleDTE == iRole) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDTEOutputs))
  1217 		{
  1218 		if (iLoopbackPort)
  1219 			iLoopbackPort->SetSignalsToMark(aSignals);
  1220         }
  1221 	else if ((ECommRoleDCE == iRole) && (sigsChanged  & KSignalDCEOutputs))
  1222 		{
  1223 		if (iLoopbackPort)
  1224 			iLoopbackPort->SetSignalsToMark(aSignals);
  1225 		}
  1228 	// if we dropped DCD, CTS, or DSR, then we need to complete any outstanding writes and
  1229     // reads on the DTE port if they have been configured to fail.
  1230 	// We only look at the DTE input signals to see if the roles, etc. change.
  1231 	if (ECommRoleDTE == iRole)
  1232 		{
  1234 		// DCD and DSR affect both Reads and Writes, so we'll want to attempt both
  1235 		// reads and writes later.
  1236 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyDCD) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDCD)) ||
  1237 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyDSR) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDSR)))
  1238 			{
  1239 			attemptRead = attemptWrite = ETrue;
  1240 			}
  1242 		// CTS has NO effect on the Reads, so don't attempt to complete any reads here.
  1243 		// No need to do this if we executed the above if ...
  1244 		else if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyCTS) && (sigsChanged & KSignalCTS)))
  1245 			{
  1246 			attemptWrite = ETrue;
  1247 			}
  1248 		}
  1249 	// if the DTE dropped the signals (RTS and DTR) the complete actions for the DCE
  1250 	// only look at the DCE input signals.
  1251 	else if (ECommRoleDCE == iRole)
  1252 		{
  1253 		// if DTR has changed, then we need to try to complete both reads and writes.
  1254 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyDTR) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDTR)))
  1255 			{
  1256 			attemptRead = attemptWrite = ETrue;
  1257 			}
  1258 		// if RTS has changed, only attempt the Writes, RTS does not effect Reads.
  1259 		// No need to do this if we executed the above if ...
  1260 		else if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigObeyRTS) && (sigsChanged & KSignalRTS)))
  1261 			{
  1262 			attemptWrite = ETrue;
  1263 			}
  1265 		}
  1267     // Attempt to complete any writes if necessary.  Note that if we do a write for THIS
  1268 	// port, it will attempt to complete a read for the Loopback port.  Because this method
  1269 	// calls itself (on the other port), we can end up trying to complete reads and writes
  1270 	// a couple of times.  By checking the pending flags for writes and reads, we should
  1271 	// avoid this extra work (even though it probably would not hurt anything).
  1272 	if ((attemptWrite) && (iWritePending))
  1273 		{
  1274 		TBool issueComplete = EFalse;
  1275 		TInt res=WriteBuf(iClientWriteBuffer,iWritePendingLength, issueComplete);
  1277 		if (issueComplete)
  1278 			{
  1279 			WriteCompleted(res);
  1280 			}
  1281 		}
  1283 	// Attempt to complete any reads if necessary.  See comment above writes for information
  1284 	// regarding the use of the pending flags.  Note that we call this on our own port.  This
  1285 	// is by design.  If a write was attempted, then it called the the read completion on the
  1286 	// other port.
  1287 	if ((attemptRead) && (iReadPending))
  1288 	{
  1289 		CheckSigsAndCompleteRead();
  1290 	}
  1293 	return KErrNone;
  1294 	}
  1298 TInt CHWPort::SetSignalsToSpace(TUint aSignals)
  1299 /**
  1300  * This method de-asserts the signals specified by the parameter aSignals.  In addition to
  1301  * simply de-asserting the signals, this routine will complete any signal notification requests
  1302  * that are outstanding.  After handling any signal notification requests, this routine will
  1303  * also update the signal state of it's partner loopback port.  The other ports signals are
  1304  * updated only if they are considered output signals for the role that this port is playing.
  1305  * For example, assume that a DTE port is deasserting the RTS signal.  It determines that RTS is
  1306  * an output signal for a DTE port, so it must propagate the signal to the DCE by calling
  1307  * this routine on the DCE instance of the port.  When the DCE instance runs, it clears RTS, then
  1308  * determines that RTS is NOT a DCE output signal, so it does NOT attempt to propagate the signal.
  1309  * It is NOT an error for a DCE port to call this routine with DTE output signals.
  1310  * In fact, this behaviour is required in order to  * propagate signal settings from one port
  1311  * to the other.
  1312  *
  1313  * If signals are de-asserted, then it may be necessary to FAIL pending operations.  For example,
  1314  * if the port is configured to Fail if DCD is de-asserted and there is a read pending, this
  1315  * routine will complete the outstanding read with KErrCommsLineFail.
  1316  *
  1317  *
  1318  * @param	aSignals	- a bitmask specifying which signals to assert (See definition
  1319  *                        of KSignalDCD, KSignalCTS, etc. for bit values).
  1320  *
  1321  * @return	KErrNone
  1322  */
  1323 	{
  1324 	TBool completeRead = EFalse;
  1325 	TBool completeWrite = EFalse;
  1326 	TUint sigsChanged;
  1327 	TUint tmpSigs;
  1329 	LOGI(_L8("SetSignalsToSpace:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1331 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("Loopback:SetSignalsToSpace:  Unit %d...Sigs 0x%x"), iPortName, aSignals);
  1334 	// If no signals are passed in to set, then get out of here.  This is possible when
  1335 	// the upper layers have used the RComm::SetSignals interface.  This interface is used
  1336 	// to both space and mark signals with a single call.  Frequently, this interface is used
  1337 	// with one of the two masks set to zero.
  1338 	if (!aSignals)
  1339 		return KErrNone;
  1342 	// iSignals is used to store the current state of the signals only, it does not
  1343 	// include the changed masks.  This is so that history will not be reflected.
  1344 	tmpSigs = iSignals;
  1345 	iSignals &= ~aSignals;
  1347 	// sigsChanged contains only the signals changed by this operation, no history is contained.
  1348 	sigsChanged = (iSignals ^ tmpSigs);
  1350 	// Only complete notifications if the changed sigs were specified in the mask.
  1351 	if (sigsChanged & iSignalMask)
  1352 		{
  1353 		// Notify people that the signals have changed.
  1354 		// Note that the KSignalChanged bits are stored in sigsChanged, but passed.
  1355 		// The tmpSigs value has the state of all the signals that they were interested in
  1356 		// as specified by the iSignalMask and the Changed flags.
  1357 		tmpSigs = (((sigsChanged & iSignalMask) * KSignalChanged) | (iSignals & iSignalMask));
  1358 		SignalChangeCompleted(tmpSigs, KErrNone);
  1359 		// Reset signal mask, another NotifiySignalChange is necessary to get any
  1360 		// more signal information out of the driver.
  1361 		iSignalMask = 0;
  1362 		}
  1364 	// if I'm a DTE port and the signals changed are DTE outputs, then
  1365     // I've got to figure out what signals to change on the DCE side (as inputs).
  1366  	// else if I'm a DCE port and the signals changed are DCE outputs, then
  1367     // I've got to figure out what DTE signals I've got to change.
  1369 	// The DTE Role could be ignored safely (Req7) but as long as the test
  1370     // harness does not ever request notification, it won't matter.  This is
  1371     // for potential future use.
  1372     if ((ECommRoleDTE == iRole) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDTEOutputs))
  1373 		{
  1374 		if (iLoopbackPort)
  1375 			iLoopbackPort->SetSignalsToSpace(aSignals);
  1376         }
  1377 	else if ((ECommRoleDCE == iRole) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDCEOutputs))
  1378 		{
  1379 		if (iLoopbackPort)
  1380 			iLoopbackPort->SetSignalsToSpace(aSignals);
  1381 		}
  1383 	// if we dropped DCD, CTS, or DSR, then we need to complete any outstanding writes and
  1384     // reads on the DTE port if they have been configured to fail.
  1385 	// We only look at the DTE input signals to see if the roles, etc. change.
  1386 	if (ECommRoleDTE == iRole)
  1387 		{
  1388 		// DCD and DSR affect both Reads and Writes, so we'll want to complete both
  1389 		// reads and writes later.
  1390 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailDCD) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDCD)) ||
  1391 			((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailDSR) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDSR)))
  1392 			{
  1393 			completeRead = completeWrite = ETrue;
  1394 			}
  1396 		// CTS has NO effect on the Reads, so don't attempt to complete any reads here.
  1397 		// No need to do this if we executed the above if ...
  1398 		else if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailCTS) && (sigsChanged & KSignalCTS)))
  1399 			{
  1400 			completeWrite = ETrue;
  1401 			}
  1402 		}
  1403 	// if the DTE dropped the signals (RTS and DTR) the complete actions for the DCE
  1404 	// only look at the DCE input signals.
  1405 	else if (ECommRoleDCE == iRole)
  1406 		{
  1407 		// if DTR has changed, then we need to try to complete both reads and writes.
  1408 		if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailDTR) && (sigsChanged & KSignalDTR)))
  1409 			{
  1410 			completeRead = completeWrite = ETrue;
  1411 			}
  1412 		// if RTS has changed, only attempt the Writes, RTS does not effect Reads.
  1413 		// No need to do this if we executed the above if ...
  1414 		else if (((iConfig().iHandshake & KConfigFailRTS) && (sigsChanged & KSignalRTS)))
  1415 			{
  1416 			completeWrite = ETrue;
  1417 			}
  1418 		}
  1420 	// Note:  We don't have to work with the Obey flags when we set signals.  The obey flags
  1421 	// when something is set force future operations to be pended.  Operations currently pended
  1422 	// or already completed don't have any effect.  If any of the signals were treated as Active
  1423 	// Low (or Asserted means error condition) then we would have to attempt to complete
  1424 	// reads or writes.
  1425 	//
  1427 	// if we need to complete the read and there is one pending, fail it.
  1428 	if ((completeRead) && (iReadPending))
  1429 		{
  1430 		ReadCompleted(KErrCommsLineFail);
  1431 		iReadPending = EFalse;
  1432 		}
  1434 	// if we need to complete writes, do it here.
  1435 	if ((completeWrite) && (iWritePending))
  1436 		{
  1437 		WriteCompleted(KErrCommsLineFail);
  1438 		iWritePending = EFalse;
  1439 		}
  1441 	return KErrNone;
  1442 	}
  1444 TInt CHWPort::GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt& /* aLength */) const
  1445 /**
  1446  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.  Calling this
  1447  * method will return an error
  1448  *
  1449  * @param	Not Used
  1450  *
  1451  * @return	KErrNotSupported
  1452  */
  1453 	{
  1455 	LOGI(_L8("GetReceiveBufferLength:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1456 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1457 	}
  1459 TInt CHWPort::SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt /* aLength */)
  1460 /**
  1461  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.  Calling this
  1462  * method will return an error
  1463  *
  1464  * @param	Not Used
  1465  *
  1466  * @return	KErrNotSupported
  1467  */
  1468 	{
  1469 	LOGI(_L8("SetReceiveBufferLength:%04d %x \"%S\""));
  1470 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1471 	}
  1473 #ifdef _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
  1474 // This code will not compile given current class structure, etc.  It is left here for
  1475 // future reference.
  1476 void CHWPort::DoDumpDebugInfo(const RMessage2 &aMessage)
  1477 	{
  1478 	TCommDebugInfoPckg d;
  1479 	if (iRole==ECommRoleDTE)
  1480 		iPort.DebugInfo(d);
  1481 	else
  1482 		iPortDCE.DebugInfo(d);
  1483 	TRAPD(leave,aMessage.WriteL(0,d));		// trap but ignore leaves
  1484 	aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
  1485 	}
  1486 #endif
  1488 void CHWPort::Destruct()
  1489 /**
  1490  * This method is simply deletes this instance of the port, comitting sucide.
  1491  *
  1492  * @param	None
  1493  *
  1494  * @return	None
  1495  */
  1496 	{
  1497 	delete this;
  1498 	}
  1502 void CHWPort::NotifySignalChange(TUint aSignalMask)
  1503 /**
  1504  * This method sets up a request to be notified when a signal change occurs on the specified
  1505  * signals.  Later operations will send a message to the requestor indicating the signal
  1506  * change.
  1507  *
  1508  * @param	aSignalMask		-	the signals that the caller is interested in monitoring.
  1509  *
  1510  * @return	None
  1511  */
  1512 	{
  1514 	LOGTEXT3(_L8("Loopback:NotifySignalChange:  Unit %d...Mask 0x%x"), iPortName, aSignalMask);
  1516 	iSignalMask|=aSignalMask;
  1518 	}
  1521 void CHWPort::NotifySignalChangeCancel()
  1522 /**
  1523  * This method cancels an outstanding request to be notified when a signal change occurs.  Any
  1524  * outstanding signal change request will be completed with KErrCancel.
  1525  *
  1526  * @param	None
  1527  *
  1528  * @return	None
  1529  */
  1530 	{
  1532 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:NotifySignalChangeCancel:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
  1534 	if (iSignalMask != 0)
  1535 		{
  1536 		// Complete any outstanding notifications with KErrCancel
  1537 		SignalChangeCompleted(0, KErrCancel);
  1538 		iSignalMask = 0;	// set mask to zero
  1539 		}
  1540 	}
  1543 void CHWPort::NotifyConfigChange()
  1544 /**
  1545  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1546  *
  1547  * @param	None
  1548  *
  1549  * @return	None
  1550  */
  1551 	{}
  1553 void CHWPort::NotifyConfigChangeCancel()
  1554 /**
  1555  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1556  *
  1557  * @param	None
  1558  *
  1559  * @return	None
  1560  */
  1561 	{}
  1563 void CHWPort::NotifyFlowControlChange()
  1564 /**
  1565  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1566  *
  1567  * @param	None
  1568  *
  1569  * @return	None
  1570  */
  1571 	{}
  1573 void CHWPort::NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel()
  1574 /**
  1575  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1576  *
  1577  * @param	None
  1578  *
  1579  * @return	None
  1580  */
  1581 	{}
  1584 void CHWPort::NotifyBreak()
  1585 /**
  1586  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1587  *
  1588  * @param	None
  1589  *
  1590  * @return	None
  1591  */
  1592 	{}
  1594 void CHWPort::NotifyBreakCancel()
  1595 /**
  1596  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1597  *
  1598  * @param	None
  1599  *
  1600  * @return	None
  1601  */
  1602 	{}
  1604 void CHWPort::NotifyDataAvailable()
  1605 /**
  1606  * Wake up when data is sent by the other side
  1607  *
  1608  * @param	None
  1609  *
  1610  * @return	None
  1611  */
  1612 	{
  1613 	iDataNotify=ETrue;
  1614 	CheckSigsAndCompleteRead();
  1615 	}
  1617 void CHWPort::NotifyDataAvailableCancel()
  1618 /**
  1619  * Cancel data available notification
  1620  *
  1621  * @param	None
  1622  *
  1623  * @return	None
  1624  */
  1625 	{
  1626 	iDataNotify=EFalse;
  1627 	NotifyDataAvailableCompleted(KErrCancel);
  1628 	}
  1630 void CHWPort::NotifyOutputEmpty()
  1631 /**
  1632  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1633  *
  1634  * @param	None
  1635  *
  1636  * @return	None
  1637  */
  1638 	{}
  1640 void CHWPort::NotifyOutputEmptyCancel()
  1641 /**
  1642  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1643  *
  1644  * @param	None
  1645  *
  1646  * @return	None
  1647  */
  1648 	{
  1649 	}
  1651 TInt CHWPort::GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& /* aFlowControl */)
  1652 /**
  1653  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1654  *
  1655  * @param	Not Used
  1656  *
  1657  * @return	KErrNotSupported
  1658  */
  1659 	{
  1660 	return KErrNotSupported;
  1661 	}
  1663 TInt CHWPort::GetRole(TCommRole& aRole)
  1664 /**
  1665  * This method returns the current Role that this port is playing (ECommRoleDCE or ECommRoleDTE)
  1666  *
  1667  * @param	aRole	-	a reference to a TCommRole to return the role value in.
  1668  *
  1669  * @return	KErrNone
  1670  */
  1671 	{
  1672 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:GetRole:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
  1674 	aRole=iRole;
  1675 	return KErrNone;
  1676 	}
  1678 TInt CHWPort::SetRole(TCommRole aRole)
  1679 /**
  1680  * This method sets the role of the port.  Additionally, it sets the default state of the
  1681  * signals for this type of port.  This is the first place where signals are set as a port
  1682  * is opening.  The ports will assert their output signals with the exception of DCD (which
  1683  * is an output signal from the DCE).  DCD is left to be driven by the test harness.
  1684  *
  1685  * A test could be put into place to insure that each port is in a different role.  This was
  1686  * not done at this time for backwards compatibility reasons.
  1687  *
  1688  * @param	aRole	-	the TCommRole value that this port should be set to.
  1689  *
  1690  * @return	None
  1691  */
  1692 	{
  1693 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:SetRole:  Unit %d..."), iPortName);
  1695 	if (ECommRoleDTE == aRole)
  1696 		{
  1697 		SetSignalsToMark(KSignalDTR|KSignalRTS);
  1698 		}
  1699 	else // DCE
  1700 		{
  1701 		SetSignalsToMark(KSignalDSR|KSignalCTS);
  1702 		}
  1705 	// Informational test only.  This will produce output to the log file if both sides have the
  1706 	// same role set.  With both sides having the same role, none of the signal handling will
  1707 	// function properly.
  1708 #if defined (_DEBUG)
  1709 	if (iLoopbackPort)
  1710 		{
  1711 		TCommRole otherSide;
  1712 		iLoopbackPort->GetRole(otherSide);
  1713 		if (otherSide == aRole)
  1714 			LOGTEXT3(_L8("Loopback:SetRole:  Unit %d...Both sides same role %d"), iPortName, aRole);
  1715 		}
  1716 #endif
  1718 	iRole = aRole;
  1719 	return KErrNone;
  1720 	}
  1722 CHWPort::~CHWPort()
  1723 /**
  1724  * This method is the standard destructor for the port.  It deletes the buffer
  1725  * which was allocated to the port and resets the loopback port pointer to NULL.
  1726  *
  1727  * @param	None
  1728  *
  1729  * @return	None
  1730  */
  1731 	{
  1734 	delete iBuf;
  1735 	iBuf=NULL;
  1736 	iPtr.Set(NULL,0,0);
  1737 	if(iLoopbackPort)
  1738 		iLoopbackPort->SetLoopbackPort(NULL);
  1739 	((CHWPortFactory*)Owner())->Remove(this);
  1741 #if defined (_DEBUG_CONSOLE_)
  1742 #if defined (_DEBUG_DEVCOMM)
  1743 	delete iDumper;
  1744 #endif
  1745 	iConsole.Close();
  1746 #endif
  1747 	}
  1749 void CHWPort::FreeMemory()
  1750 /**
  1751  * This method is currently not implemented in the loopback driver.
  1752  *
  1753  * @param	None
  1754  *
  1755  * @return	None
  1756  */
  1757 	{}
  1759  CPort* CHWPortFactory::NewPortL(const TUint aUnit)
  1760 /**
  1761  * This method creates a new port object.  It identifies the new object with the unit number that
  1762  * is supplied.  If both ports that are supported by the CHWPortFactory object have been created,
  1763  * then the loopback ports are initialized.
  1764  *
  1765  * @param	aUnit		-	The unit number to create.
  1766  *
  1767  * @return	CPort *		-	A pointer to the newly created object.
  1768  */
  1769 	{
  1770 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:NewPortL:  Unit %d"), aUnit);
  1771 	if(aUnit >= (KLoopbackCount&~1))
  1772 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1774 	CPort* newPort;
  1775 	if (iPort[aUnit])
  1776 		{
  1777 		LOGTEXT3(_L8("Loopback:NewPortL:  Unit %d already exists! @%x"), aUnit, iPort[aUnit]);
  1778 		}
  1779 	newPort=iPort[aUnit]=CHWPort::NewL(aUnit);
  1781 	if((iPort[aUnit])&&(PairedPort(aUnit)))
  1782 		{
  1783 		iPort[aUnit]->SetLoopbackPort(PairedPort(aUnit));
  1784 		PairedPort(aUnit)->SetLoopbackPort(iPort[aUnit]);
  1785 		}
  1786 	return newPort;
  1787 	}
  1789 void CHWPortFactory::Info(TSerialInfo &aSerialInfo)
  1790 /**
  1791  * This method fills information into the passed structure.  It is required for factory objects.
  1792  *
  1793  * @param	aSerialInfo		-	a reference to the structure to fill in.
  1794  *
  1795  * @return	None
  1796  */
  1797 	{
  1798 	aSerialInfo.iDescription=SERIAL_DESCRIPTION;
  1799 	aSerialInfo.iName=SERIAL_NAME;
  1800 	aSerialInfo.iLowUnit=KCommLowUnit;
  1801 	aSerialInfo.iHighUnit=KLoopbackCount - 1;
  1802 	}
  1804 CHWPortFactory::CHWPortFactory()
  1805 /**
  1806  * This method is the constructor for the factory object.
  1807  *
  1808  * @param	None
  1809  *
  1810  * @return	None
  1811  */
  1812 	{
  1813 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CHWPortFactory"));
  1814 	TName name(SERIAL_NAME);
  1815 	SetName(&name);
  1816 	iVersion=TVersion(KEC32MajorVersionNumber,KEC32MinorVersionNumber,KEC32BuildVersionNumber);
  1817 	}
  1819  void CHWPortFactory::Remove(CHWPort* aPort)
  1820 /**
  1821  * This method removes an instance of the CHWPort from the factory package CHWPortFactory.
  1822  *
  1823  * @param	aPort	-	The pointer to the CHWPort pointer to be removed from the factory object.
  1824  *
  1825  * @return	None
  1826  *
  1827  * @note	If the passed in value does not match a current port, this method will panic.
  1828  */
  1829  	{
  1830 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("Loopback:Remove:  Port %x"), aPort);
  1831 	for(TUint i=0; i<KLoopbackCount; i++)
  1832 		{
  1833 		if(iPort[i]==aPort)
  1834 			{
  1835 			iPort[i]=NULL;
  1836 			return;
  1837 			}
  1838 		}
  1839 	User::Panic(_L("CHWPortFactory Panic"),0);
  1840 	}
  1842 CHWPortFactory::~CHWPortFactory()
  1843 /**
  1844  * This method is the destructor for the factory object.
  1845  *
  1846  * @param	None
  1847  *
  1848  * @return	None
  1849  *
  1850  */
  1851 	{
  1853 	LOGDESTROY();
  1855 	}
  1857 /**
  1858 Returns capabilities for requested port
  1859 */
  1860 TSecurityPolicy CHWPortFactory::PortPlatSecCapability(TUint /*aPort*/) const
  1861 	{
  1862 	return TSecurityPolicy(TSecurityPolicy::EAlwaysPass);
  1863 	}
  1865 extern "C"
  1866 	{
  1867 	IMPORT_C CSerial * LibEntry(void);	// Force export
  1868 	}
  1870 EXPORT_C CSerial * LibEntry(void)
  1871 /**
  1872  * This method is the library's main entry point.  It simply new's the factory object.
  1873  *
  1874  * @param	None
  1875  *
  1876  * @return	None
  1877  *
  1878  */
  1879 	{
  1881 	return new CHWPortFactory;
  1882 	}
  1885 #if defined(_DEBUG_CONSOLE_)
  1886 // This code will not compile given current class structure, etc.  It is left here for
  1887 // future reference.
  1888 RDebugConsole::RDebugConsole()
  1889 	{
  1890 	Create();
  1891 	Set(_L(""),TSize(64,15));
  1893 	}
  1895 void RDebugConsole::Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
  1896 //
  1897 // Print to a console screen.
  1898 //
  1899 	{
  1901 	VA_LIST list;
  1902 	VA_START(list,aFmt);
  1903 	TBuf<0x100> aBuf;
  1904 	aBuf.AppendFormatList(aFmt,list);
  1905 	Write(aBuf);
  1906 	}
  1907 #endif
  1909 #if defined (_DEBUG_DEVCOMM) && defined (_DEBUG_CONSOLE_)
  1910 CCommDebugDumper* CCommDebugDumper::NewL(RDebugConsole &aConsole)
  1911 	{
  1912 	CCommDebugDumper* p=new CCommDebugDumper(aConsole);
  1913 	return p;
  1914 	}
  1916 CCommDebugDumper::CCommDebugDumper(RDebugConsole &aConsole)
  1917 	:CActive(EPriorityStandard)
  1918 	{
  1919 	iRole=ECommRoleDTE;
  1920 	iConsole=&aConsole;
  1921 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
  1922 	SetActive();
  1923 	iConsole->Read(iKeystroke,iStatus);
  1924 	};
  1926 CCommDebugDumper::~CCommDebugDumper()
  1927 	{
  1928 	Cancel();
  1929 	}
  1931 void CCommDebugDumper::RunL()
  1932 	{
  1933 	TInt key=iKeystroke.Code();
  1934 	switch(key)
  1935 		{
  1936 		case 'd':
  1937 		case 'D':
  1938 			{
  1939 			TCommDebugInfoPckg d;
  1940 			if (iRole==ECommRoleDTE)
  1941 				iParent->DTEPort().DebugInfo(d);
  1942 			else
  1943 				iParent->DCEPort().DebugInfo(d);
  1944 			TCommDebugInfo& debug=d();
  1945 			iConsole->Printf(_L("rxbusy  : 0x%04x, rxHeld   : 0x%04x, \n\r"),debug.iRxBusy,debug.iRxHeld);
  1946 			iConsole->Printf(_L("txbusy  : 0x%04x, txHeld   : 0x%04x, \n\r"),debug.iTxBusy,debug.iTxHeld);
  1947 			iConsole->Printf(_L("drainRx : 0x%04x, fillTx   : 0x%04x\n\r"),debug.iDrainingRxBuf,debug.iFillingTxBuf);
  1948 			iConsole->Printf(_L("Txonchar: 0x%04x, TxOffchar: 0x%04x\n\r"),debug.iTxXon,debug.iTxXoff);
  1949 			iConsole->Printf(_L("RxonChar: 0x%04x, RxOffchar: 0x%04x\n\r"),debug.iRxXon,debug.iRxXoff);
  1950 			iConsole->Printf(_L("NumTX   : 0x%04x, NumRx    : 0x%04x\n\r"),debug.iTxChars,debug.iRxChars);
  1951 			iConsole->Printf(_L("TxLen   : 0x%04x, RxLen    : 0x%04x\n\r"),debug.iTxLength,debug.iRxLength);
  1952 			iConsole->Printf(_L("TxOffset: 0x%04x, RxOffset : 0x%04x\n\r"),debug.iTxOffset,debug.iRxOffset);
  1953 			iConsole->Printf(_L("TxInts  : 0x%04x, RxInts   : 0x%04x\n\r"),debug.iTxIntCount,debug.iRxIntCount);
  1954 			}
  1955 			break;
  1956 		case 's':
  1957 		case 'S':
  1958 			{
  1959 			TUint signals=0;
  1960 			if (iRole==ECommRoleDTE)
  1961 				signals=iParent->DTEPort().Signals();
  1962 			else
  1963 				signals=iParent->DCEPort().Signals();
  1964 			iConsole->Printf(_L("Signals: "));
  1965 			if (signals&KSignalCTS)
  1966 				iConsole->Printf(_L("CTS "));
  1967 			if (signals&KSignalDSR)
  1968 				iConsole->Printf(_L("DSR "));
  1969 			if (signals&KSignalDCD)
  1970 				iConsole->Printf(_L("DCD "));
  1971 			if (signals&KSignalRTS)
  1972 				iConsole->Printf(_L("RTS "));
  1973 			if (signals&KSignalDTR)
  1974 				iConsole->Printf(_L("DTR "));
  1975 			iConsole->Printf(_L("\n\r"));
  1976 			}
  1977 			break;
  1978 		default:
  1979 			break;
  1980 		}
  1982 	SetActive();
  1983 	iConsole->Read(iKeystroke,iStatus);
  1984 	};
  1986 void CCommDebugDumper::DoCancel()
  1987 	{
  1988 	iConsole->ReadCancel();
  1989 	}
  1991 #endif