--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_connstates.cpp Wed Mar 31 23:27:09 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_connstates.cpp Wed Apr 14 17:14:05 2010 +0300
@@ -625,6 +625,160 @@
return EFalse;
+//Handling Progress/TStateChange
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TAwaitingStateChange, NetStateMachine::MState, ConnStates::TContext)
+TBool ConnStates::TAwaitingStateChange::Accept()
+ {
+ TCFMessage::TStateChange* progressMsg = message_cast<TCFMessage::TStateChange>(&iContext.iMessage);
+ if (progressMsg)
+ {
+ TStateChange& progress = progressMsg->iStateChange;
+ if (iContext.iSender != iContext.Node().Id())
+ {
+ //CConnection trusts that locally generated progresses are to be trusted,
+ //but some of the legacy progresses coming from the stack need some filtering.
+ //Here's the filtering.
+ // Check whether KDataTransferUnblocked is received and if yes, then traslate it to KConnectionUp (== KLinkLayerOpen)
+ // the log only sees the translated version, this goes into the queue, so it alright I suppose.
+ if (progress.iStage == KDataTransferUnblocked )
+ {
+ progress.iStage = KConnectionUp; // KLinkLayerOpen
+ }
+ if (progress.iError == KErrForceDisconnected)
+ {
+ progress.iError = KErrDisconnected;
+ }
+ if (progress.iStage == KConnectionUninitialised)
+ {
+ //KConnectionUninitialised has been deprecated in the stack and it will be ignored
+ //when reported by it. It is still valid towards the application. Here it is being reported by the stack.
+ //The original KConnectionUninitialised denoted CAgentReference destruction and as such speculated too
+ //much about the sturcture of the stack (notably: there isn't necesserily an agent anymore.
+ //As defined KConnectionUninitialised would need to be reported after TCFControlClient::TGoneDown or TCFServiceProvider::TStopped,
+ //except the stack decomposes after TCFControlClient::TGoneDown or TCFServiceProvider::TStopped and the progress path along with
+ //it. It is therefore impossible for the stack to generate KConnectionUninitialised after
+ //TCFControlClient::TGoneDown or TCFServiceProvider::TStopped. CConnection takes over and will generate KConnectionUninitialised
+ //when detatching from the service providers (see ConnStates::TGenerateConnectionUninitialisedProgress)
+ LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockConnectionTag, _L("CConnection %08x:\tProgressNotification(TInt aStage %d, TInt aError %d) - deprecated progress, ignoring"),
+ &(iContext.Node()), progress.iStage, progress.iError) );
+ progressMsg->ClearMessageId();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockConnectionTag, _L("CConnection %08x:\tProgressNotification(TInt aStage %d, TInt aError %d)"),
+ &(iContext.Node()), progress.iStage, progress.iError) );
+ CConnection& cc = iContext.Node();
+ if (cc.iLastProgress == progress)
+ {
+ progressMsg->ClearMessageId();
+ return EFalse; //ignore this duplicate
+ }
+ cc.iLastProgress = progress;
+ if (progress.iError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ cc.iLastProgressError = progress; //Save last progress in error for use by LastProgressErrorL()
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+//Progress & Progress Request
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TEnqueueStateChange, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
+void ConnStates::TEnqueueStateChange::DoL()
+ {
+ TStateChange& progress = message_cast<TCFMessage::TStateChange>(iContext.iMessage).iStateChange;
+ //Diagnostic assertion.
+ //If ECFActivityConnectionStateChangeRequest is running, it has not been
+ //presented with the TStateChange message (channel activity id != 0?) which is a serious mistake.
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().CountActivities(ECFActivityConnectionStateChangeRequest)==0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnsts, 9));
+ CConnection& cc = iContext.Node();
+ // Check to see if the progress queue is full causing older progress to be discarded.
+ // This has the potential to cause problems if a critical progress item is lost.
+ // Normally the queue is large enough such that this doesn't happen but this log entry
+ // serves as a warning if it ever does.
+ if( cc.iProgressQueue.IsFull() )
+ {
+ LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockConnectionTag, _L("CConnection %08x:\tThe maximum progress queue size of %d has been exceeded - discarding old progress to make space for new item"), this, KMaxProgressQueueLength); )
+ }
+ //Add the progress to queue
+ cc.iProgressQueue.Enque(progress);
+ }
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TProcessProgressRequest, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
+void ConnStates::TProcessProgressRequest::DoL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.iNodeActivity, ConnPanic(KPanicNoActivity));
+ CESockClientActivityBase& ac = static_cast<CESockClientActivityBase&>(*iContext.iNodeActivity);
+ TUint selectedProgressStage = ac.Int1();
+ TStateChange progress;
+ TBool found = EFalse;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((subsessmessage_cast<ECNProgressNotification>(&iContext.iMessage)), ConnPanic(KPanicIncorrectMessage));
+ //Process the queue looking for the progress of interest
+ found = iContext.Node().iProgressQueue.Deque(progress);
+ if (found && selectedProgressStage != KConnProgressDefault)
+ {
+ // For a selected progress request, dequeue entries until we find one which
+ // matches the criteria. If we dequeue all entries, fall through without
+ // completing the message. It it not considered useful to retain un-matching
+ // entries on the queue if a selected progress request is pending.
+ while (found)
+ {
+ if (progress.iStage == selectedProgressStage || progress.iError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ found = iContext.Node().iProgressQueue.Deque(progress);
+ }
+ }
+ if (found)
+ {
+ //We have found a progress of interest, finish
+ TPckg<TStateChange> progressPkg(progress);
+ ac.WriteL(0,progressPkg);
+ ac.SetIdle(); //We are done
+ }
+ }
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TProcessStateChange, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
+void ConnStates::TProcessStateChange::DoL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.iNodeActivity, ConnPanic(KPanicNoActivity));
+ CESockClientActivityBase& ac = static_cast<CESockClientActivityBase&>(*iContext.iNodeActivity);
+ TUint selectedProgressStage = ac.Int1();
+ //Are we here as a result of receiving TStateChange (rather than ECNProgressNotification)?
+ TCFMessage::TStateChange& progress = message_cast<TCFMessage::TStateChange>(iContext.iMessage);
+ if (selectedProgressStage == KConnProgressDefault ||
+ selectedProgressStage == progress.iStateChange.iStage ||
+ KErrNone != progress.iStateChange.iError)
+ {
+ //We have found a progress of interest, finish
+ TPckg<TStateChange> progressPkg(progress.iStateChange);
+ ac.WriteL(0,progressPkg);
+ ac.SetIdle(); //We are done
+ }
+ }
DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TGenerateConnectionUpProgress, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
void ConnStates::TGenerateConnectionUpProgress::DoL()
@@ -657,124 +811,19 @@
-//Progress & Progress Request
-DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TProcessStateChange, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
-void ConnStates::TProcessStateChange::DoL()
- {
- TStateChange& progress = message_cast<TCFMessage::TStateChange>(iContext.iMessage).iStateChange;
- //Check whether KDataTransferUnblocked is received and if yes, then traslate it to KConnectionUp (== KLinkLayerOpen)
- // the log only sees the translated version, this goes into the queue, so it alright I suppose.
- if (progress.iStage == KDataTransferUnblocked )
- {
- progress.iStage = KConnectionUp; // KLinkLayerOpen
- }
- if (progress.iError == KErrForceDisconnected)
- {
- progress.iError = KErrDisconnected;
- }
- LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockConnectionTag, _L("CConnection %08x:\tProgressNotification(TInt aStage %d, TInt aError %d)"),
- &(iContext.Node()), progress.iStage, progress.iError) );
- //Diagnostic assertion.
- //If ECFActivityConnectionStateChangeRequest is running, it has not been
- //presented with the TStateChange message (channel activity id != 0?) which is a serious mistake.
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().CountActivities(ECFActivityConnectionStateChangeRequest)==0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnsts, 9));
- CConnection& cc = iContext.Node();
- if (cc.iLastProgress == progress)
- {
- return; //ignore this duplicate
- }
- cc.iLastProgress = progress;
- if (progress.iError != KErrNone)
- {
- cc.iLastProgressError = progress; //Save last progress in error for use by LastProgressErrorL()
- }
- // Check to see if the progress queue is full causing older progress to be discarded.
- // This has the potential to cause problems if a critical progress item is lost.
- // Normally the queue is large enough such that this doesn't happen but this log entry
- // serves as a warning if it ever does.
- if( cc.iProgressQueue.IsFull() )
- {
- LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockConnectionTag, _L("CConnection %08x:\tThe maximum progress queue size of %d has been exceeded - discarding old progress to make space for new item"), this, KMaxProgressQueueLength); )
- }
- #endif
- //Add the progress to queue
- cc.iProgressQueue.Enque(progress);
- }
-DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TProcessProgressRequest, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
-void ConnStates::TProcessProgressRequest::DoL()
- {
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.iNodeActivity, ConnPanic(KPanicNoActivity));
- CESockClientActivityBase& ac = static_cast<CESockClientActivityBase&>(*iContext.iNodeActivity);
- TUint selectedProgressStage = ac.Int1();
- TStateChange progress;
- TBool found = EFalse;
- //Are we here as a result of receiving TStateChange (rather than ECNProgressNotification)?
- TCFMessage::TStateChange* msg = message_cast<TCFMessage::TStateChange>(&iContext.iMessage);
- if (msg)
- { //Yes, we have been triggered by a TStateChange message
- //Check if this is the progress we are waiting for, otherwise dump the progress
- //Check whether KDataTransferUnblocked is received and if yes, then traslate it to KConnectionUp (== KLinkLayerOpen)
- if (msg->iStateChange.iStage == KDataTransferUnblocked )
- {
- msg->iStateChange.iStage = KConnectionUp; // KLinkLayerOpen
- }
- //TODO: Verify if this (connection) is the right place to translate the error
- if (msg->iStateChange.iError == KErrForceDisconnected)
- {
- msg->iStateChange.iError = KErrDisconnected;
- }
- if (selectedProgressStage == KConnProgressDefault
- || selectedProgressStage == msg->iStateChange.iStage
- || KErrNone != msg->iStateChange.iError)
- {
- progress = msg->iStateChange;
- found = ETrue;
- }
- }
- else
- { //No, we must have been triggered by a ECNProgressNotification message
- __ASSERT_DEBUG((subsessmessage_cast<ECNProgressNotification>(&iContext.iMessage)), ConnPanic(KPanicIncorrectMessage));
- //Process the queue looking for the progress of interest
- found = iContext.Node().iProgressQueue.Deque(progress);
- if (found && selectedProgressStage != KConnProgressDefault)
- {
- // For a selected progress request, dequeue entries until we find one which
- // matches the criteria. If we dequeue all entries, fall through without
- // completing the message. It it not considered useful to retain un-matching
- // entries on the queue if a selected progress request is pending.
- while (found)
- {
- if (progress.iStage == selectedProgressStage || progress.iError != KErrNone)
- {
- break;
- }
- found = iContext.Node().iProgressQueue.Deque(progress);
- }
- }
- }
- if (found)
- {
- //We have found a progress of interest, finish
- TPckg<TStateChange> progressPkg(progress);
- ac.WriteL(0,progressPkg);
- ac.SetIdle(); //We are done
- }
- }
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TGenerateConnectionUninitialisedProgress, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
+void ConnStates::TGenerateConnectionUninitialisedProgress::DoL()
+ {
+ if (iContext.Node().CountActivities(ECFActivityDestroy) == 0)
+ {//TGenerateConnectionUninitialisedProgress is called when the stack goes away
+ //below the CConnection's feet and it sometimes goes away because CConnection is
+ //being ECNClosed and therefore sitting on an electric chair. It is risky, but
+ //above all uselsess to send the progress when when app clearly doesn't want
+ //to see it.
+ TCFMessage::TStateChange msg(TStateChange(KConnectionUninitialised, KErrNone));
+ RNodeInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(iContext.Node().Id(), iContext.Node().Id(), msg);
+ }
+ }
//Legacy enumeration
@@ -1602,8 +1651,6 @@
if ( iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<TEPeer::TLeaveComplete>() )
-// __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().GetClientIter(RNodeInterface::ECtrl|RNodeInterface::EData)[0] == NULL,
-// User::Panic(KCorePRPanic, KPanicClientsStillPresent));
if (iContext.Node().GetFirstClient<TDefaultClientMatchPolicy>(TCFClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider)) == NULL)
{ // This was the last service provider
return NetStateMachine::EForward | MeshMachine::KNoTag;