changeset 76 576874e13a2c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufgobblerlayer/src/mbufgobblerflow.cpp	Wed Sep 15 13:33:11 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Flow / Binder
+//  (data plane)
+//  This is a 3-plane comms layer implementation example, which has been customised to be a test layer which gobbles and releases ESOCK MBUFs.
+//  The MBuf gobbling functionality can be disabled by undefining the macro SYMBIAN_COMMSFW_MBUF_GOBBLER which is specified in mbufgobblerproviders.mmp.
+//  When SYMBIAN_COMMSFW_MBUF_GOBBLER is undefined, the source code specified by mbufgobblerproviders.mmp becomes a pass through layer i.e. it passes the data
+//  through to the layer above or below without altering it. This makes it useful as a starting point for implementing your own layers / providers;
+//  useful documentation on how to customise your own passthrough layer can be found in ..\docs\MbufGobblerLayer.doc
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <comms-infras/ss_activities.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_logext.h>
+#include <es_mbman.h>
+#include <mbufgobblerpubsub.h>
+#include "mbufgobblerflow.h"
+#include "mbufgobblerlog.h"
+// for panics
+_LIT(KPanicCategory, "MbufGobblerLayer");
+	{
+	KPanic_DestroyReceivedBeforeUnbind = 2001
+	};
+_LIT8(KNodeName, "CMbufGobblerFlow");
+// class CMbufGobblerFlow  //
+CMbufGobblerFlow* CMbufGobblerFlow::NewL(ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConnId, ESock::CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf)
+    {
+    CMbufGobblerFlow* inst = new(ELeave) CMbufGobblerFlow(aFactory, aSubConnId, aProtocolIntf);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(inst);
+    inst->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(inst);
+    return inst;    
+    }
+CMbufGobblerFlow::CMbufGobblerFlow(ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConnId, ESock::CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf)
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param aFactory Reference to the factory which created this object.
+ * @param aTheLogger The logging object, ownership is passed to this object
+ */
+	:ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase(aFactory, aSubConnId, aProtocolIntf)
+	{
+	MBUFGOBBLER_LOG_NODE_CREATE(KMbufGobblerFlowSubTag, CMbufGobblerFlow, KNodeName, this->NodeId().Ptr());
+	}
+void CMbufGobblerFlow::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iMBufGobbler = CMBufGobbler::NewL();
+    }
+	{
+	MBUFGOBBLER_LOG_NODE_DESTROY(KMbufGobblerFlowSubTag, CMbufGobblerFlow, KNodeName, this->NodeId().Ptr());
+	iBinders.ResetAndDestroy();
+	delete iMBufGobbler;
+	}
+// Methods from CSubConnectionFlowBase:  //
+ESock::MFlowBinderControl* CMbufGobblerFlow::DoGetBinderControlL()
+	{
+	return this;
+	}
+// Messages::ANode
+void CMbufGobblerFlow::ReceivedL(
+	const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aSender,
+	const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient,
+	Messages::TSignatureBase& aMessage
+	)
+Method called on incoming SCPR messages
+@param aCFMessage message base
+    {
+    LOGMESSAGE(KMbufGobblerFlowSubTag, KNodeName, this, aSender, aRecipient, aMessage);
+    //LOG_NODE_INFO(KMbufGobblerFlowSubTag, KNodeName, *this); does not compile as flow inheritance is different to other nodes
+    CSubConnectionFlowBase::ReceivedL(aSender, aRecipient, aMessage);
+	// Dispatch the message locally
+	if (ESock::TCFDataClient::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
+		{
+		switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
+			{
+			case ESock::TCFDataClient::TStart::EId :
+				{
+				iSubConnectionProvider.RNodeInterface::PostMessage(
+					Id(),
+					ESock::TCFDataClient::TStarted().CRef()
+					);
+				}
+				break;
+			case ESock::TCFDataClient::TStop::EId :
+				{
+				TInt i;
+				for (i=iBinders.Count()-1;i>=0;--i)
+					{
+				    CMbufGobblerBinder* binder = iBinders[i];
+				    binder->UnbindFromLowerFlow();
+					delete binder;
+					iBinders.Remove(i);
+					}
+				iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), ESock::TCFDataClient::TStopped(KErrNone).CRef());
+				}
+				break;
+			case ESock::TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig::EId :
+				{
+				ESock::TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig& aMess = Messages::message_cast<ESock::TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig>(aMessage);
+				iAccessPointConfig.Close();
+				iAccessPointConfig.Open(aMess.iConfig);
+				}
+				break;
+			case ESock::TCFDataClient::TBindTo::EId :
+				{
+				ESock::TCFDataClient::TBindTo& bindToReq = Messages::message_cast<ESock::TCFDataClient::TBindTo>(aMessage);
+				if (bindToReq.iNodeId == Messages::TNodeId::NullId())
+					{
+					User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+					}
+				const Messages::TNodeId& commsId = bindToReq.iNodeId;
+				CSubConnectionFlowBase* lowerFlow = Messages::mnode_cast<CSubConnectionFlowBase>(&commsId.Node());
+				MFlowBinderControl* lowerBinderControl = lowerFlow->GetBinderControlL();
+				ASSERT(lowerBinderControl);
+				TInt i;
+				for (i=0;i<iBinders.Count();++i)
+					{
+					// binder for each protocol will request binder for same protocol from lower binder controller using this fn.
+					iBinders[i]->BindToLowerFlowL(*lowerBinderControl);
+					}
+				ASSERT(i); // there should be some binders!
+				Messages::RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(
+					Id(),
+					aSender,
+					ESock::TCFDataClient::TBindToComplete().CRef()
+					);
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				ASSERT(EFalse);
+			}
+		}
+	else if (Messages::TEChild::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
+		{
+		switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
+			{
+			case Messages::TEChild::TDestroy::EId :
+				{
+				TInt i;
+				for (i=0;i<iBinders.Count();++i)
+					{
+					// ensure all binders unbound
+					if (iBinders[i]->InUse())
+						{
+						//__CFLOG_0(KLogTag1, KLogTag2,_L("something is sending TDestroy to CMbufGobblerFlow before unbinding."));
+						User::Panic(KPanicCategory,KPanic_DestroyReceivedBeforeUnbind);
+						}
+					// EXAMPLE CODE: cancel requests here if necessary...
+					//iBinders[i]->Cancel();
+					}
+				if (i==iBinders.Count()) // all unbound
+					{
+					DeleteThisFlow();
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				ASSERT(EFalse);
+			}
+		}
+	// realm != TCFMessage::ERealmId
+	else
+		{
+		ASSERT(EFalse);
+		}
+    }
+// Methods from MFlowBinderControl:  //
+ESock::MLowerControl* CMbufGobblerFlow::GetControlL(const TDesC8& aProtocol)
+Create and return an MLowerControl instance of the specified binder type.
+Called from upper layer during binding procedure.
+@param aProtocol Protocol type of the binder
+@return MLowerControl instance of the protocol type
+	{
+	ESock::MLowerControl* lowerControl = FindOrCreateBinderL(aProtocol);
+	ASSERT(lowerControl);
+	return lowerControl;		
+	}
+ESock::MLowerDataSender* CMbufGobblerFlow::BindL(const TDesC8& aProtocol, ESock::MUpperDataReceiver* aReceiver, ESock::MUpperControl* aControl)
+	{
+	CMbufGobblerBinder* binder = FindOrCreateBinderL(aProtocol);
+	ASSERT(binder);
+	binder->BindToUpperL( *aReceiver, *aControl );
+	iSubConnectionProvider.RNodeInterface::PostMessage(
+		Id(),
+		ESock::TCFControlProvider::TActive().CRef()
+		);
+	return binder;
+	}
+void CMbufGobblerFlow::Unbind( ESock::MUpperDataReceiver* aReceiver, ESock::MUpperControl* aControl)
+	{
+	ASSERT(aReceiver);
+	ASSERT(aControl);
+	TInt i;
+	TInt numberUnbound=0;
+	for (i=0;i<iBinders.Count();++i)
+		{
+		numberUnbound += (iBinders[i]->UnbindFromUpper(*aReceiver,*aControl) ? 1 : 0);
+		}
+	ASSERT(i); // there should be some binders!
+	ASSERT(numberUnbound<=1); // only 1 unbind should have happened
+	iSubConnectionProvider.RNodeInterface::PostMessage(
+		Id(),
+		ESock::TCFControlProvider::TIdle().CRef()
+		);
+	}
+ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* CMbufGobblerFlow::Flow()
+	{
+	return this;
+	}
+// Own methods //
+CMbufGobblerBinder* CMbufGobblerFlow::FindOrCreateBinderL(const TDesC8& aProtocol)
+	{
+	// EXAMPLE CODE, should you want your: perhaps your protocol to work with IPv4
+	//if (aProtocol.Compare(KIp4ProtocolName))
+	//	{  // only work with IPv4
+	//	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	//	}
+	for (TInt i=0;i<iBinders.Count();++i)
+		{
+		if(iBinders[i]->ProtocolName() == aProtocol)
+			{
+			return iBinders[i];
+			}
+		}
+	// not found.. create it.
+	CMbufGobblerBinder* newBinder = CMbufGobblerBinder::NewL(aProtocol);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(newBinder);
+	iBinders.AppendL(newBinder);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(newBinder);
+	return newBinder;
+	}
+// class CMbufGobblerBinder  //
+// My constructor //
+CMbufGobblerBinder::CMbufGobblerBinder(const TDesC8& aProtocolName):
+	iLowerControl(NULL),
+	iLowerDataSender(NULL),
+	iUpperControl(NULL),
+	iUpperDataReceiver(NULL),
+	iProtocolName(aProtocolName)
+	{}
+CMbufGobblerBinder* CMbufGobblerBinder::NewL(const TDesC8& aProtocolName)
+	{
+	CMbufGobblerBinder* inst = new(ELeave) CMbufGobblerBinder(aProtocolName);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(inst);
+	inst->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(inst);
+	return inst;
+	}
+void CMbufGobblerBinder::ConstructL()
+	{
+#if 0
+	// EXAMPLE CODE - set up everything you need to in this method.
+	//  Perhaps you have some kind of test control interface using pub/sub.. if so you'd do something like below..
+	//   Diff this file with networking/netperf/delaymeterproto/src/delaymeterflow.cpp for a full working implementation of such a control interface...
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+	DefinePubSubKeysL();
+	// watch for incoming commands
+	User::LeaveIfError(iProperty.Attach(TUid::Uid(KDelayMeterControlLevel), KCommandToDelayMeter));
+	iProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+	SetActive();
+	}
+	{
+	}
+// Methods from ESock::MLowerControl: //
+TInt CMbufGobblerBinder::GetName(TDes& aName)
+	{
+	TBuf16<10> tmp;
+	tmp.Copy(ProtocolName());
+	aName.Format(_L("mbufgobbler[%S][0x%08x]"), &tmp, this);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CMbufGobblerBinder::BlockFlow(TBlockOption aOption)
+	{
+	if (iLowerControl==NULL)
+		{
+		return KErrNotReady;
+		}
+	return iLowerControl->BlockFlow(aOption) ;
+	}
+TInt CMbufGobblerBinder::GetConfig(TBinderConfig& aConfig)
+	{
+	if (iLowerControl==NULL)
+		{
+		return KErrNotReady;
+		}
+	return iLowerControl->GetConfig(aConfig) ;
+	}
+TInt CMbufGobblerBinder::Control(TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDes8& aOption)
+	{
+	// Pass it on..
+	if (iLowerControl==NULL)
+		{
+		return KErrNotReady;
+		}
+	return iLowerControl->Control(aLevel,aName,aOption);
+	}
+// Methods from ESock::MLowerDataSender: //
+ESock::MLowerDataSender::TSendResult CMbufGobblerBinder::Send(RMBufChain& aData)
+	{
+	//  This is where a protocol implementation will do its work on outgoing data.
+	if (iLowerControl==NULL)
+		{
+		return ESendBlocked; // returning this obliges us to send an unblock later..
+							 // so perhaps it'd be better to just swallow the packet?
+		}
+	return iLowerDataSender->Send(aData);
+	}
+// Methods from ESock::MUpperControl: //
+void CMbufGobblerBinder::StartSending()
+	{
+	if (iUpperControl)
+		{
+		iUpperControl->StartSending();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ASSERT(1); // to allow setting a breakpoint
+		//__CFLOG_0(KLogTag1, KLogTag2,_L("CMbufGobblerBinder::StartSending: upper control not yet known!"));
+		}
+	}
+void CMbufGobblerBinder::Error(TInt anError)
+	{
+	if (iUpperControl)
+		{
+		iUpperControl->Error(anError);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ASSERT(1); // to set a breakpoint
+		//__CFLOG_0(KLogTag1, KLogTag2,_L("CMbufGobblerBinder::Error: upper control not yet known!"));
+		}
+	}
+// Methods from ESock::MUpperDataReceiver: //
+void CMbufGobblerBinder::Process(RMBufChain& aData)
+	{
+	//  This is where a protocol implementation will do its work on incoming data.
+    MBUFGOBBLER_TEST_POINT(KBinderReceive,KErrNone)
+	if (iUpperDataReceiver == NULL)
+		{
+		// Why is the guy below still sending data to me when I'm not bound above?
+		//   Try to ignore it
+		ASSERT(1); // so a breakpoint can be set if necessary
+		//__CFLOG_0(KLogTag1, KLogTag2,_L("CMbufGobblerBinder::Process: incoming traffic discarded as upper data receiver not (or no longer) set"));
+		return;
+		}
+	iUpperDataReceiver->Process(aData);
+	}
+// and my own methods.. //
+// called by layer above calling my flow's BindL
+void CMbufGobblerBinder::BindToUpperL(MUpperDataReceiver& aUpperDataReceiver, MUpperControl& aUpperControl)
+	{
+	if(iUpperDataReceiver || iUpperControl) {User::Leave(KErrInUse);}
+	iUpperDataReceiver=&aUpperDataReceiver;
+	iUpperControl=&aUpperControl;
+	}
+// called by layer above calling my flow's Unbind. Returns ETrue if unbind happened here, EFalse otherwise
+TBool CMbufGobblerBinder::UnbindFromUpper(MUpperDataReceiver& aUpperDataReceiver, MUpperControl& aUpperControl)
+	{
+	if(&aUpperDataReceiver == iUpperDataReceiver && &aUpperControl == iUpperControl)
+		{
+		iUpperDataReceiver=0;
+		iUpperControl=0;
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+// called by my flow receiving a BinderRequest
+void CMbufGobblerBinder::BindToLowerFlowL(ESock::MFlowBinderControl& aLowerBinderControl)
+	{
+//	__CFLOG_0(KLogTag1, KLogTag2, _L("CMbufGobblerBinder::BindToLowerFlowL")); 
+	if(iLowerControl || iLowerDataSender)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
+		}
+	iBinderControl = &aLowerBinderControl;
+	iLowerControl = aLowerBinderControl.GetControlL(ProtocolName());
+	iLowerDataSender = aLowerBinderControl.BindL(ProtocolName(), this, this);
+	}
+void CMbufGobblerBinder::UnbindFromLowerFlow()
+    {
+    if (!iBinderControl)
+        return;
+    iBinderControl->Unbind(this, this);
+    iBinderControl = NULL;
+    iLowerControl = NULL;
+    iLowerDataSender = NULL;
+    }
+const TDesC8& CMbufGobblerBinder::ProtocolName() const
+	{
+	return iProtocolName;
+	}
+    CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
+    {
+    }   
+CMBufGobbler* CMBufGobbler::NewL()
+    {
+    CMBufGobbler* inst = new(ELeave) CMBufGobbler;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(inst);
+    inst->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(inst);
+    return inst;
+    }
+void CMBufGobbler::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iChain.AllocL(128);
+    CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+    TInt result = RProperty::Define(TUid::Uid(EMBufGobbler), EAdjustNumberOfMBufsRemainingInPool, RProperty::EInt);
+    // Only want 1 instance of a MBufGobbler Layer, so just leave if KErrAlreadyExists returned
+    User::LeaveIfError(result);
+    // watch for incoming commands
+    User::LeaveIfError(iProperty.Attach(TUid::Uid(EMBufGobbler), EAdjustNumberOfMBufsRemainingInPool));
+    iProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+    SetActive();
+    }
+/*virtual*/ CMBufGobbler::~CMBufGobbler()
+    {
+    if (IsActive())
+        {
+        Cancel();   
+        }
+    iChain.Free();
+    TInt result = RProperty::Delete(TUid::Uid(EMBufGobbler), EAdjustNumberOfMBufsRemainingInPool);  
+    if (result != KErrNone)
+        {
+        RDebug::Print(_L("CMBufGobbler::~CMBufGobbler() %d"), result);
+        }
+    }
+/*virtual*/ void CMBufGobbler::DoCancel()
+    {
+    iProperty.Cancel();
+    }
+/*virtual*/ void CMBufGobbler::RunL()
+    {
+    // Resubscribe to ensure that next pub/sub notification is picked up
+    iProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+    SetActive();
+    TInt request=EGobbleAllMBufs;
+    TInt pubSubRet = iProperty.Get(request);
+    if (pubSubRet == KErrNone)
+        {
+        switch(request)
+            {
+            case EGobbleAllMBufs:
+                {
+                RMBufAllocator allocator;
+                RMBufChain chain;
+                TInt size = allocator.NextMBufSize(0);
+                while (size != KErrNotFound)
+                    {
+                    TInt ret = KErrNone;
+                    while (ret == KErrNone)
+                        {
+                        ret = chain.Alloc(size);
+                        if (ret==KErrNone )
+                            {
+                            iChain.Append(chain);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    size = allocator.NextMBufSize(size);
+                    }
+                TInt length = iChain.Length();
+                RDebug::Print(_L("Out of MBuf Memory... Total MBuf memory in use %d"), length);
+                TInt numBufs = iChain.NumBufs();
+                RDebug::Print(_L("Out of MBuf Memory... Total MBufs in use %d"), numBufs);
+                break;
+                }
+            case EReleaseAllMBufs:
+                {
+                if(!iChain.IsEmpty())
+                     {
+                     iChain.Free();
+                     ASSERT(!iChain.Length());
+                    }
+                break;
+                }
+            case EReleaseASingleMBuf:
+                {            
+                TInt length = iChain.Length();
+                if (length != 0)
+                    {
+                    TInt trimOffset = length - iChain.Last()->Size();
+                    iChain.TrimEnd(trimOffset);
+                    }
+                length = iChain.Length();
+                RDebug::Print(_L("MBufMemory De-Allocated... Total MBuf memory in use %d"), length);
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                RDebug::Print(_L("CMBufGobbler::RunL(), invalid request %d"), request);
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        RDebug::Print(_L("Attempt to process MBufGobbler publish/subscribe failed with value for  %d"), pubSubRet);
+        }
+    }