datacommsserver/esockserver/Documentation/Control Plane Connection Stack(phase 2)0.2.mdl
changeset 22 592244873960
parent 5 68ef71f0cd72
child 25 e53adc4c49de
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/Documentation/Control Plane Connection Stack(phase 2)0.2.mdl	Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27344 +0,0 @@
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-			    (object Link
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$10"
-				quidu      	"428B76970231"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"11"
-					ordinal    	10))))
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-				quid       	"42B2993E0374"
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-				quidu      	"42B18280031F"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"10"
-					ordinal    	9))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)))
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
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-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$14"
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-				quid       	"428CCDDA006A"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$16"
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-					quid       	"42C3F8690021"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"11"
-					ordinal    	10))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-			quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"428CC21A003D"
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-			quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"428CC2330328"
-			class      	"Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
-			quidu      	"421BA9590249"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"428CC2A10080"
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-				quid       	"428CC4EA023B"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$18"
-				quidu      	"428CC4C4036C"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$16"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$21"
-				quidu      	"42C3F62400AD"
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-					quid       	"42C3F8E401DE"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"14"
-					ordinal    	13))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
-			quidu      	"41A87F1B03AD"
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-			quid       	"428CC2B002BD"
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-				quid       	"428CC337013D"
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-				quidu      	"428CC2A10080"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
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-					ordinal    	1
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-					quidu      	"41C303FB0299")
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-					quid       	"42C3F9CC03C6"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"19"
-					ordinal    	18))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection"
-			quidu      	"41A750530146"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"428CCDAF00FE"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$17"
-				quidu      	"428CC2330328"))
-			class      	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	5))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
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-				quidu      	"428CC21A003D"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"15"
-					ordinal    	14))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
-			quidu      	"41A87F61023B"
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-			multi      	FALSE)))
-	    (object Mechanism @4
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-				quidu      	"4292FECF0093"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4"
-					ordinal    	3)))
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	5))))
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-			quid       	"429301A1025E"
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC"
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-				quidu      	"42934E2303DF"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-				quidu      	"42934E24000B"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-			class      	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
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-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					quidu      	"4288B5CE03C8"))))
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC"
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-				quidu      	"4298BFF203C0"
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-					quid       	"4298C0B800B8"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1.2.1"
-					ordinal    	3))))
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
-			quidu      	"4288B56E012B"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"4298BFF203C0"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4298C0C50283"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$42"
-				quidu      	"4298BFF203C0"
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-					quid       	"4298C0C50284"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	""
-					ordinal    	4)
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-					quid       	"4298C0D302AB"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	""
-					ordinal    	5)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$43"
-				quidu      	"4298C00501AA"
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-					quid       	"4298C0EF03BB"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	""
-					ordinal    	6))))
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CDispatcher"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"4298C00501AA"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"4298C10B0310"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$43"
-				quidu      	"4298C00501AA"
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-					quid       	"4298C10B0311"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	""
-					ordinal    	7)))
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-				quid       	"4298C13700EC"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$44"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	""
-					ordinal    	8))))
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientS"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"4298C04E03A4"
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-			quidu      	"4284A7BB031E"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$45"
-			quid       	"4298C070037B"
-			class      	"Use Case View::Client"
-			quidu      	"41AB65200268"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)))
-	    (object Mechanism @7
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-				quidu      	"42B93D700346"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1"
-					ordinal    	0
-					Operation  	"FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
-					quidu      	"41C2EF450163")))
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-				quid       	"42B9743D03BA"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$48"
-				quidu      	"42B93DDB020A"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"10"
-					ordinal    	9))))
-			class      	"Use Case View::Client"
-			quidu      	"41AB65200268"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$47"
-			quid       	"42B93D700346"
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$49"
-				quidu      	"42B93D7A03B9"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4"
-					ordinal    	3)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$47"
-				quidu      	"42B93D700346"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"3"
-					ordinal    	2))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
-			quidu      	"41A87F1B03AD"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-			quid       	"42B93D7A03B9"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B93FEF0377"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$48"
-				quidu      	"42B93DDB020A"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"5"
-					ordinal    	4))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
-			quidu      	"41A87F61023B"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$48"
-			quid       	"42B93DDB020A"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B93FF502FE"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$50"
-				quidu      	"42B93DED0364"
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-					quid       	"42B9406A03A6"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	5)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$51"
-				quidu      	"42B93F420328"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	10
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-					quidu      	"41C303FB0299")))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$48"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"9"
-					ordinal    	8))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-			quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$50"
-			quid       	"42B93DED0364"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B93FFD0165"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$51"
-				quidu      	"42B93F420328"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"7"
-					ordinal    	6))))
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$51"
-			quid       	"42B93F420328"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B96F530160"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$52"
-				quidu      	"42B96F4500F1"
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-				client_visibility 	"LOCAL"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	7)
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	17)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$53"
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-				client_containment 	"By Reference"
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-				client_visibility 	"LOCAL"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"19"
-					ordinal    	18))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-			quid       	"42B96F4500F1"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B974180294"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$54"
-				quidu      	"42B973B2021E"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$55"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"17"
-					ordinal    	16
-					Operation  	"AttachFlow(CSubConnectionProviderBase* handle)"))))
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B973B2021F"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$54"
-				quidu      	"42B973B2021E"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"14"
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$56"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	14))))
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B975DE018D"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$53"
-				quidu      	"42B975B30195"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"16"
-					ordinal    	15))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			    (object Link
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$55"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	19))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-			quid       	"42B984000268"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B993A20063"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$48"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"21"
-					ordinal    	20))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
-			quidu      	"4289DA6801E1"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)))
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"36"
-					ordinal    	35))))
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-			quid       	"42B2A03E03C5"
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-			    (object Link
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$59"
-				quidu      	"42B2A03E03DE"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"35"
-					ordinal    	34))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
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-				quidu      	"42B2A03E03DB"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"3"
-					ordinal    	2
-					Operation  	"SelectNextLayer")))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$61"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	23
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-					quidu      	"41C30A56024B")
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-					quid       	"42B3001E02DB"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"31"
-					ordinal    	30))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$63"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"13"
-					ordinal    	12)
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"29"
-					ordinal    	28))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"19"
-					ordinal    	18)
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-					quid       	"42B2FDD80319"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"20"
-					ordinal    	19)
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-					quid       	"42B300000313"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"30"
-					ordinal    	29))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-			quidu      	"41BDAABC004D"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$60"
-			quid       	"42B2A03E03DB"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B2DB140197"
-				supplier   	"placeholder"
-				quidu      	"42B2A03E03D3"
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-					quid       	"42B2DB1702D2"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4"
-					ordinal    	3
-					Operation  	"SelectNextLayer"))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
-			quidu      	"41A8839B0038"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "placeholder"
-			quid       	"42B2A03E03D3"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B2A03E03D4"
-				supplier   	"placeholder"
-				quidu      	"42B2A03E03D3"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "figure out preferences for the next layer"
-					quid       	"42B2DB390169"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"6"
-					ordinal    	5)
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-					quid       	"42B3007E00C8"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"33"
-					ordinal    	32)))
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-				quid       	"42B2DBC102BC"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$65"
-				quidu      	"42B2DBA000C9"
-				messages   	(list Messages
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-					quid       	"42B2DC1203D2"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"7"
-					ordinal    	6
-					Operation  	"SelectProvider( )"
-					quidu      	"41C6B9CD03AB")))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B2E6850197"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$66"
-				quidu      	"42B2DD56023A"
-				messages   	(list Messages
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-					quid       	"42B2FEB102BB"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"22"
-					ordinal    	21)
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-					quid       	"42B300650325"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"32"
-					ordinal    	31)))
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-				quid       	"42B2E6D500DF"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$59"
-				quidu      	"42B2A03E03DE"
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-					quid       	"42B2FEE0030A"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"23"
-					ordinal    	22)
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-					quid       	"42B3038F036C"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"34"
-					ordinal    	33))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-			quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$65"
-			quid       	"42B2DBA000C9"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B2DBA000CA"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$65"
-				quidu      	"42B2DBA000C9"
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-					quid       	"42B2DBA000CB"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"5"
-					ordinal    	4)
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-					quid       	"42B2DC320216"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"8"
-					ordinal    	7)))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B2DD830344"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$66"
-				quidu      	"42B2DD56023A"
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-					quid       	"42B2DEEE0389"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"9"
-					ordinal    	8)
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"10"
-					ordinal    	9
-					Operation  	"Select( )"
-					quidu      	"41C839A501F7"))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
-			quidu      	"41A883B6002D"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$66"
-			quid       	"42B2DD56023A"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B2DF380305"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$62"
-				quidu      	"42B2A03E03E6"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"11"
-					ordinal    	10)
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"12"
-					ordinal    	11)
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-					quid       	"42B2E15C0191"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"14"
-					ordinal    	13)
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-					quid       	"42B2FF0C0209"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"25"
-					ordinal    	24)
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-					quid       	"42B2FFD303C2"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"28"
-					ordinal    	27)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$67"
-				quidu      	"42B2DFB40143"
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-					quid       	"42B2E26A02B7"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"15"
-					ordinal    	14)))
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-				quid       	"42B2E3F902EB"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$61"
-				quidu      	"42B2A03E03E7"
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-				client_containment 	"By Value"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"17"
-					ordinal    	16)
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"27"
-					ordinal    	26)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$66"
-				quidu      	"42B2DD56023A"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"26"
-					ordinal    	25))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"42B2DFB40143"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B2DFE9037B"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$61"
-				quidu      	"42B2A03E03E7"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"16"
-					ordinal    	15))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
-			quidu      	"41A8839B0038"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$63"
-			quid       	"42B2E00B0104"
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifAgentRef"
-			quidu      	"4295B90F02AD"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$64"
-			quid       	"42B2E0DC027B"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B2E5C90215"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$63"
-				quidu      	"42B2E00B0104"
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-					quid       	"42B2FDF002EC"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"21"
-					ordinal    	20))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
-			quidu      	"421BA9590249"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)))
-	    (object Mechanism @9
-		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$68"
-			quid       	"42B9959101DD"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$69"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101FE"
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-					quid       	"42B99E14001F"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"1"
-					ordinal    	0)))
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-				quid       	"42B9A72D016C"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$70"
-				quidu      	"42B995910208"
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-					quid       	"42B9A74702E6"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"8"
-					ordinal    	7))))
-			class      	"Use Case View::Client"
-			quidu      	"41AB65200268"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$71"
-			quid       	"42B9959101E2"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B99E1A02DB"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$71"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101E2"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"12"
-					ordinal    	11)))
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-				quid       	"42B9959101E3"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$72"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101E7"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
-					quid       	"42B9A94B02BB"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"13"
-					ordinal    	12))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"42B9959101E7"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B9959101E8"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$73"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101EA"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
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-					ordinal    	13)
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"15"
-					ordinal    	14))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
-			quidu      	"41A87F61023B"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$73"
-			quid       	"42B9959101EA"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B9959101ED"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$74"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101F2"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"18"
-					ordinal    	17))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-			quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$75"
-			quid       	"42B9959101EF"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B9959101F0"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$74"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101F2"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"10"
-					ordinal    	9)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$76"
-				quidu      	"42B99591020C"
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-				client_containment 	"By Reference"
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-				client_visibility 	"LOCAL"
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-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"ToClientFromSupplier"
-					sequence   	"7"
-					ordinal    	6
-					Operation  	"FindOrCreateProviderL(CSubConnectionFlow* handle + info)")
-				    (object Message "return CSubConnectionProviderbase* handle()"
-					quid       	"42B9A9A601B8"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"16"
-					ordinal    	15)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$71"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101E2"
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-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"11"
-					ordinal    	10
-					Operation  	"FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
-					quidu      	"41C2EF450163"))))
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC"
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-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"42B9959101F2"
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-			    (object Link
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$70"
-				quidu      	"42B995910208"
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-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"19"
-					ordinal    	18))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
-			quidu      	"4289BB88034F"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"42B9959101F9"
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B9959101FC"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$76"
-				quidu      	"42B99591020C"
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-					quid       	"42B99F7B026E"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"6"
-					ordinal    	5))))
-			class      	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC"
-			quidu      	"4288AD8F0337"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B995910206"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$70"
-				quidu      	"42B995910208"
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-					quid       	"42B99EA90350"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"4"
-					ordinal    	3))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
-			quidu      	"427F6DC802D7"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
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-			quid       	"42B995910208"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B995910209"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$76"
-				quidu      	"42B99591020C"
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-					quid       	"42B9A767021A"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"9"
-					ordinal    	8)))
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-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$77"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101F9"
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-					quid       	"42B99F2C00E3"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"5"
-					ordinal    	4))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-			quidu      	"4284A7BB031E"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$69"
-			quid       	"42B9959101FE"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B995910202"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$78"
-				quidu      	"42B995910205"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "FindOrCreateFlowL"
-					quid       	"42B99E4B0390"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"3"
-					ordinal    	2)))
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B99E1701B4"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$69"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101FE"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "FindFactory"
-					quid       	"42B99E370066"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Simple"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"2"
-					ordinal    	1))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer"
-			quidu      	"4280F79E0392"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE)
-		    (object Object "$UNNAMED$76"
-			quid       	"42B99591020C"
-			collaborators 	(list link_list
-			    (object Link
-				quid       	"42B9AA4201DC"
-				supplier   	"$UNNAMED$73"
-				quidu      	"42B9959101EA"
-				supplier_containment 	"By Reference"
-				client_containment 	"By Reference"
-				supplier_visibility 	"LOCAL"
-				client_visibility 	"LOCAL"
-				messages   	(list Messages
-				    (object Message "CJoinL/CStartSubConnectionL"
-					quid       	"42B9AA4F02FD"
-					frequency  	"Aperiodic"
-					synchronization 	"Asynchronous"
-					dir        	"FromClientToSupplier"
-					sequence   	"17"
-					ordinal    	16))))
-			class      	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
-			quidu      	"4289DA6801E1"
-			persistence 	"Transient"
-			multi      	FALSE))))
-	statemachine 	(object State_Machine "State/Activity Model"
-	    quid       	"427FAA3D03AD"
-	    states     	(list States)
-	    partitions 	(list Partitions)
-	    statediagrams 	(list StateDiagrams
-		(object ActivityDiagram "XFlowFactoryQuery::Match"
-		    quid       	"427FAA3D03C1"
-		    title      	"XFlowFactoryQuery::Match"
-		    zoom       	100
-		    max_height 	28350
-		    max_width  	21600
-		    origin_x   	0
-		    origin_y   	0
-		    items      	(list diagram_item_list
-			(object Swimlane "" @10
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    width      	450)))))
-	logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-	    (object UseCaseDiagram "Main"
-		quid       	"41A74B8C0288"
-		title      	"Main"
-		zoom       	100
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
-		origin_x   	3
-		origin_y   	0
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list
-		    (object ClassView "Class" "Use Case View::Client" @11
-			ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-			location   	(1200, 832)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@11
-			    location   	(1200, 992)
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	327
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Client")
-			icon       	"Actor"
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			quidu      	"41AB65200268"
-			annotation 	8
-			autoResize 	TRUE)
-		    (object NoteView @12
-			location   	(1232, 256)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@12
-			    location   	(373, 147)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	4
-			    max_width  	1683
-			    label      	
-|A SubConnection can start via:
-|- RSubConnection::Attach()
-|- CSocket::NoBearer/CHostResolver::QueryComplete(KErrComletion) (an implicit one)
-|- CConnectionProvdBase::StartL in case the connection needs 1 or more subconnection(s)
-			    )
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	1743
-			height     	231)
-		    (object NoteView @13
-			location   	(1232, 484)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@13
-			    location   	(373, 375)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	4
-			    max_width  	1683
-			    label      	
-|A Connection can start via:
-|- RConnection::Start()
-|- CSubConnectionProviderBase::StartL (an implicit one) or CImplicitSelection::StartL that is basically the same as the point 1. (see "Data side connection request" sequence)
-			    )
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	1743
-			height     	231)))
-	    (object InteractionDiagram "Cross-Thread call Flow client->Sub-connection"
-		mechanism_ref 	@1
-		quid       	"4288AE2C0184"
-		title      	"Cross-Thread call Flow client->Sub-connection"
-		zoom       	100
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
-		origin_x   	0
-		origin_y   	0
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list
-		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$0" @14
-			location   	(160, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@14
-			    location   	(160, 265)
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	360
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"")
-			icon       	"Actor"
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
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-			icon_height 	162
-			icon_width 	120
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-			    location   	(160, 352)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@14
-			    height     	1018
-			    y_coord    	958
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$1" @16
-			location   	(592, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@16
-			    location   	(592, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	557
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
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-			icon_width 	0
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-			    location   	(592, 352)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@16
-			    height     	958
-			    y_coord    	898
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$2" @18
-			location   	(1200, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@18
-			    location   	(1200, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	596
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-			    label      	"")
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-			height     	1235
-			icon_height 	0
-			icon_width 	0
-			icon_y_offset 	0
-			annotation 	1
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @19
-			    location   	(1200, 368)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@18
-			    height     	882
-			    y_coord    	822
-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @20
-			    location   	(1200, 416)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@18
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE))
-		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$3" @21
-			location   	(1664, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@21
-			    location   	(1664, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    max_width  	282
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-			    location   	(1664, 496)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@21
-			    height     	694
-			    y_coord    	634
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
-		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$4" @23
-			location   	(1974, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@23
-			    location   	(1974, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    max_width  	282
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-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @25
-			    location   	(1974, 560)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@23
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @26
-			    location   	(1974, 704)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@23
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE))
-		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$5" @27
-			location   	(2448, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@27
-			    location   	(2448, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    max_width  	596
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-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @28
-			    location   	(2448, 803)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@27
-			    height     	267
-			    y_coord    	207
-			    Nested     	FALSE)
-			Focus_Of_Control 	(object Focus_Of_Control "" @29
-			    location   	(2448, 848)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@27
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	TRUE))
-		    (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$6" @30
-			location   	(3044, 224)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@30
-			    location   	(3044, 224)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	554
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-			    location   	(3044, 950)
-			    line_color 	3342489
-			    InterObjView 	@30
-			    height     	60
-			    y_coord    	0
-			    Nested     	FALSE))
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-			location   	(16, 352)
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-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			supplier   	@16
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-			Focus_Entry 	@17
-			origin     	(175, 352)
-			terminus   	(576, 352)
-			ordinal    	0)
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-			location   	(16, 368)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Call(clientId)"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@16
-			supplier   	@18
-			Focus_Src  	@17
-			Focus_Entry 	@19
-			origin     	(607, 368)
-			terminus   	(1184, 368)
-			ordinal    	1)
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-			location   	(16, 416)
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-			    location   	(1291, 372)
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-			    max_width  	144
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"marshal"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@18
-			supplier   	@18
-			Focus_Src  	@19
-			Focus_Entry 	@20
-			origin     	(1216, 416)
-			terminus   	(1366, 416)
-			ordinal    	2)
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-			location   	(16, 496)
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-			    Parent_View 	@38
-			    location   	(1431, 452)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	94
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Send"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@18
-			supplier   	@21
-			Focus_Src  	@19
-			Focus_Entry 	@22
-			origin     	(1215, 496)
-			terminus   	(1648, 496)
-			ordinal    	3)
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-			location   	(16, 528)
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-			    location   	(1818, 484)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	94
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"RunL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@21
-			supplier   	@23
-			Focus_Src  	@22
-			Focus_Entry 	@24
-			origin     	(1679, 528)
-			terminus   	(1958, 528)
-			ordinal    	4)
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-			location   	(16, 560)
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-			    location   	(2065, 516)
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-			    max_width  	228
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"object lookup"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			supplier   	@23
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-			Focus_Entry 	@25
-			origin     	(1990, 560)
-			terminus   	(2140, 560)
-			ordinal    	5)
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-			location   	(1808, 368)
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-			    Parent_View 	@44
-			    location   	(1636, 302)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	309
-			    label      	"with help of CObjectResolver")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	369
-			height     	144)
-		    (object AttachView "" @45
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@44
-			supplier   	@43
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object SelfMessView "" @46
-			location   	(16, 704)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @47
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-			    location   	(2065, 660)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	156
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"fn lookup"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@23
-			supplier   	@23
-			Focus_Src  	@24
-			Focus_Entry 	@26
-			origin     	(1990, 704)
-			terminus   	(2140, 704)
-			ordinal    	6)
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-			location   	(2240, 384)
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-			    Parent_View 	@48
-			    location   	(2059, 309)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	3
-			    max_width  	327
-			    label      	"with help of static table given by the calling object type")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	387
-			height     	162)
-		    (object AttachView "" @49
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@48
-			supplier   	@47
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(16, 803)
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-			    max_width  	222
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Call(clientId)"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@23
-			supplier   	@27
-			Focus_Src  	@24
-			Focus_Entry 	@28
-			origin     	(1989, 803)
-			terminus   	(2432, 803)
-			ordinal    	7)
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-			location   	(16, 848)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @53
-			    Parent_View 	@52
-			    location   	(2539, 804)
-			    quidu      	"4298BDEF0121"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	188
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"demarshal"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@27
-			supplier   	@27
-			Focus_Src  	@28
-			Focus_Entry 	@29
-			origin     	(2464, 848)
-			terminus   	(2614, 848)
-			ordinal    	8)
-		    (object InterMessView "" @54
-			location   	(16, 950)
-			label      	(object SegLabel @55
-			    Parent_View 	@54
-			    location   	(2745, 906)
-			    quidu      	"4298BE3901E6"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	222
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Call(clientId)"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@27
-			supplier   	@30
-			Focus_Src  	@28
-			Focus_Entry 	@31
-			origin     	(2463, 950)
-			terminus   	(3028, 950)
-			ordinal    	9)
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-			    label      	"using CMessageQueue")
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-			client     	@56
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-	    (object ObjectDiagram "Connection Provider Top Layer Selection"
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-			    bold       	TRUE)
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-			location   	(1712, 1328)
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-			    label      	"delegated to preference resolver in management plane => Async")
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-			terminus   	(1771, 656))
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-			    label      	"delegated to ESOCK selection entry point=>could bw async")
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Figure out selection info"
-			    pctDist    	0.508333
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-			    max_width  	1215
-			    label      	"It's up to the provider to select next layer. Either on JoinL (join would have to become async). Or RConnection::Select could have a parameter to request that. Normally the stack is build on start.")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	1275
-			height     	187)
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-			terminus   	(2213, 957))
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-			    color      	32768
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-			client     	@67
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-			location   	(2260, 1160)
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2315, 1138)
-			terminus   	(2205, 1182))))
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-		title      	"Bringing SubConnection Stack Up"
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-			location   	(48, 2400)
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-			label      	"NIFMAN")
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-			location   	(48, 2256)
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-			location   	(2688, 2137)
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-			    location   	(2433, 2088)
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-			    location   	(990, 59)
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-			    label      	"Scenario assumes that connection has been started.")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	700
-			height     	150)
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-			location   	(2304, 80)
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-			location   	(2304, 144)
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-			    color      	255
-			    default_color 	FALSE)
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-			location   	(2304, 16)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    bold       	TRUE)
-			nlines     	1
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-			label      	"Colour Legend:")
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-			location   	(1520, 1261)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			location   	(2384, 880)
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-			    max_width  	627
-			    label      	"comes back with a sub connection type => sub connection factory Id")
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			height     	143)
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-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			pctDist    	0.500000
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-			terminus   	(2204, 1420))
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-			    location   	(2144, 1283)
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-			pctDist    	0.500000
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-			terminus   	(2204, 1327))
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-			supplier   	@120
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-			    pctDist    	0.883333
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-			terminus   	(573, 510))
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-			location   	(484, 457)
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-			terminus   	(484, 398))
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-			supplier   	@117
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-			terminus   	(573, 1800))
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-			    label      	"SubConnectionEvent(MConnectionDataClient::ENotifyLayerUp)"
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-			pctDist    	0.887566
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-			terminus   	(484, 1936))
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-			supplier   	@119
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-			    (567, 1324)
-			    (784, 1675)
-			    (1809, 1676))
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-			location   	(919, 1633)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProvider(CConnectionProviderBase&)"
-			    pctDist    	3.816667
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-			pctDist    	0.381751
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-			terminus   	(979, 1633))
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-			supplier   	@124
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-			    max_width  	453
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"CanDoSubConnection()"
-			    pctDist    	2.743757
-			    height     	109
-			    orientation 	1)
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-			pctDist    	0.413866
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-			orientation 	0
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-			origin     	(2308, 1494)
-			terminus   	(2404, 1424))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@132
-			supplier   	@158
-			line_style 	0)
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-			client     	@119
-			supplier   	@126
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"CanDoSubConnection()"
-			    pctDist    	2.798333
-			    height     	130
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-			pctDist    	0.636306
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-			origin     	(2454, 1881)
-			terminus   	(2546, 1959))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@132
-			supplier   	@162
-			line_style 	0)
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-			client     	@119
-			supplier   	@131
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-			location   	(1772, 1489)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL"
-			    pctDist    	2.542774
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-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@165
-			pctDist    	0.575584
-			height     	50
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1821, 1521)
-			terminus   	(1723, 1457))
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-			quidu      	"42C3F8CA001C"
-			client     	@119
-			supplier   	@133
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(1954, 1880)
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-			    Parent_View 	@169
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL"
-			    pctDist    	-0.296260
-			    height     	134
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			pctDist    	0.312170
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2000, 1843)
-			terminus   	(1908, 1917))
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-			supplier   	@119
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-			    (707, 591)
-			    (1791, 591)
-			    (2122, 1613))
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(930, 543)
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-			    Parent_View 	@172
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	919
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProvider(CConnectionProviderBase&)"
-			    pctDist    	3.733333
-			    height     	51
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@171
-			pctDist    	0.103800
-			height     	49
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(870, 543)
-			terminus   	(990, 543))
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-			client     	@120
-			supplier   	@116
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(573, 734)
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-			    Parent_View 	@175
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	134
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"JoinL"
-			    pctDist    	1.150000
-			    height     	61
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@174
-			pctDist    	0.147806
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(573, 674)
-			terminus   	(573, 794))
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-			location   	(573, 891)
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-			    Parent_View 	@177
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"StartL"
-			    pctDist    	1.150000
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-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@174
-			pctDist    	0.437269
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(573, 831)
-			terminus   	(573, 951))
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-			location   	(484, 1116)
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-			    Parent_View 	@179
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-			    quidu      	"42C3F9CC03C6"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	1134
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"SubConnectionEvent(MConnectionDataClient::ENotifyLayerUp)"
-			    pctDist    	1.322034
-			    height     	166
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@174
-			pctDist    	0.852399
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(484, 1175)
-			terminus   	(484, 1057))
-		    (object LinkView "" @181
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"428CCDAF00FE"
-			client     	@126
-			supplier   	@118
-			line_style 	0)
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			quidu      	"42C3F66502EF"
-			client     	@131
-			supplier   	@116
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(979, 1306)
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-			    color      	32768
-			    default_color 	FALSE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@183
-			    location   	(979, 1351)
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-				color      	32768
-				default_color 	FALSE)
-			    quidu      	"42C3F6770089"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	147
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@182
-			pctDist    	0.528875
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1038, 1306)
-			terminus   	(920, 1306))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42C3F9060275"
-			client     	@133
-			supplier   	@117
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(972, 2186)
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-			    color      	32768
-			    default_color 	FALSE)
-			line_color 	65280
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-			    Parent_View 	@186
-			    location   	(972, 2231)
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-				color      	32768
-				default_color 	FALSE)
-			    quidu      	"42C3F90D028A"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	169
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			pctDist    	0.588415
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1031, 2186)
-			terminus   	(913, 2186))))
-	    (object ObjectDiagram "HostResolver Open (implicit/explicit)"
-		mechanism_ref 	@4
-		quid       	"4292FE3C00B0"
-		title      	"HostResolver Open (implicit/explicit)"
-		zoom       	100
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
-		origin_x   	269
-		origin_y   	0
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list
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-			location   	(896, 688)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@188
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-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			location   	(224, 688)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@189
-			    location   	(124, 637)
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-			    max_width  	200
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-			icon_style 	"Icon"
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-			annotation 	4
-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
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-			location   	(1808, 688)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@190
-			    location   	(1654, 637)
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-			    max_width  	308
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-			location   	(1360, 400)
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-			    Parent_View 	@191
-			    location   	(1147, 341)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	390
-			    label      	"cross-thread via comm-channel")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	450
-			height     	131)
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-			location   	(2736, 688)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@192
-			    location   	(2644, 637)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	184
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-			annotation 	4
-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
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-			location   	(256, 256)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@193
-			    location   	(105, 205)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    max_width  	302
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-			height     	126
-			annotation 	4
-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
-			x_offset   	0.000000
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-			location   	(1280, 112)
-			nlines     	19
-			max_width  	56
-			label      	
-			)
-		    (object Label @195
-			location   	(608, 144)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	1293
-			label      	
-			)
-		    (object LinkSelfView "" @196
-			location   	(896, 475)
-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			quidu      	"4292FECF008D"
-			client     	@188
-			supplier   	@188
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(895, 858)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(895, 814)
-			    quidu      	"4292FECF008E"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"ForwardMessageL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@196
-			pctDist    	0.491667
-			height     	383
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(835, 858)
-			terminus   	(955, 858))
-		    (object MessView "" @199
-			location   	(895, 969)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(895, 925)
-			    quidu      	"4292FECF008F"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	466
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"ForwardMessageToPeer"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@196
-			pctDist    	0.491667
-			height     	494
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(835, 969)
-			terminus   	(955, 969))
-		    (object LinkSelfView "" @201
-			location   	(2736, 475)
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"4292FECF009A"
-			client     	@192
-			supplier   	@192
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @202
-			location   	(2736, 431)
-			line_color 	65280
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-			    Parent_View 	@202
-			    location   	(2736, 387)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	32768
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-			    quidu      	"4292FECF009B"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	606
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewHostResolver"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@201
-			pctDist    	0.500000
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2676, 431)
-			terminus   	(2796, 431))
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-			location   	(80, 1040)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	1219
-			label      	"_______________________________________________________")
-		    (object Label @205
-			location   	(736, 1120)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	381
-			label      	
-|CONTROL Thread	
-			)
-		    (object Label @206
-			location   	(1280, 1104)
-			nlines     	25
-			max_width  	50
-			label      	
-			)
-		    (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$26" @207
-			location   	(2742, 2306)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@207
-			    location   	(2591, 2254)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	302
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-			icon_style 	"Icon"
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-			height     	126
-			annotation 	4
-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
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-		    (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$27" @208
-			location   	(1696, 1088)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@208
-			    location   	(1367, 1036)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	658
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-			    label      	"")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
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-			quidu      	"429300700152"
-			width      	676
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-			annotation 	4
-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
-			x_offset   	0.000000
-			y_offset   	0.000000)
-		    (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$28" @209
-			location   	(1825, 1843)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@209
-			    location   	(1495, 1798)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	660
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-			    label      	"")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
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-			quidu      	"429301A1025E"
-			width      	678
-			height     	112
-			annotation 	4
-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
-			x_offset   	0.000000
-			y_offset   	0.000000)
-		    (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$30" @210
-			location   	(1825, 2307)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@210
-			    location   	(1519, 2255)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	612
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	65280
-			quidu      	"42930305035B"
-			width      	630
-			height     	126
-			annotation 	4
-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
-			x_offset   	0.000000
-			y_offset   	0.000000)
-		    (object NoteView @211
-			location   	(2144, 2032)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@211
-			    location   	(1834, 1972)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	584
-			    label      	"given CSubConnectionProviderBaseC*")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	644
-			height     	132)
-		    (object NoteView @212
-			location   	(1296, 1632)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@212
-			    location   	(989, 1523)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	4
-			    max_width  	578
-			    label      	"Given XSubConnFactoryQuery with sub-connection pointer (either ==NULL for implicit or !=NULL explicit)")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	638
-			height     	231)
-		    (object NoteView @213
-			location   	(656, 1936)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@213
-			    location   	(284, 1845)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	3
-			    max_width  	708
-			    label      	
-|for details on the flow creation see "Flow creation(data side initialised)" diagram
-			    )
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	768
-			height     	194)
-		    (object AttachView "" @214
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@213
-			supplier   	@210
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object AttachView "" @215
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@213
-			supplier   	@205
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object NoteView @216
-			location   	(2416, 2672)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@216
-			    location   	(1913, 2553)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	5
-			    max_width  	971
-			    label      	"!!This join is a synchronous data->control call => will block data thread => beware of deadlocks. Unfortunatelly the complexity of IP stack doesn't allow us to run host resolver in control thread where it belongs.")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	8421631
-			width      	1031
-			height     	250)
-		    (object LinkView "" @217
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"4292FECF008B"
-			client     	@188
-			supplier   	@189
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @218
-			location   	(418, 728)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(563, 774)
-			    quidu      	"4292FECF008C"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	453
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"GetWorkerForProtocol"
-			    pctDist    	-0.737288
-			    height     	46
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@217
-			pctDist    	0.792593
-			height     	40
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(477, 728)
-			terminus   	(359, 728))
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-			terminus   	(1195, 639))
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-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(1519, 733)
-			terminus   	(1401, 733))
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-			    label      	"ProcessMessageL"
-			    pctDist    	2.456180
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-			terminus   	(2169, 645))
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-			    label      	"NewL"
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-			terminus   	(2784, 1624))
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"SubConnectionFactory"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			terminus   	(2150, 966))
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-			    Parent_View 	@236
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-			location   	(2256, 1367)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL(CConnectionProviderBase*)"
-			    pctDist    	0.703587
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-			pctDist    	0.569104
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-			terminus   	(2220, 1414))
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-			supplier   	@238
-			line_style 	0)
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-			    Parent_View 	@240
-			    location   	(576, 471)
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-			client     	@193
-			supplier   	@188
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-			location   	(585, 425)
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-			    label      	"ServiceL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			pctDist    	0.465116
-			height     	44
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(535, 391)
-			terminus   	(635, 459))
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-			client     	@207
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-			location   	(2355, 2351)
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-			    label      	"JoinL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			pctDist    	0.511990
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-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2414, 2351)
-			terminus   	(2296, 2351))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@216
-			supplier   	@243
-			line_style 	0)))
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-			    location   	(124, 637)
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-			    location   	(1147, 341)
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-			    label      	"cross-thread via comm-channel")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
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-			height     	131)
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-			location   	(2558, 688)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@251
-			    location   	(2466, 637)
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-			location   	(256, 256)
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-			location   	(1280, 112)
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-			label      	
-			)
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-			location   	(608, 144)
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-			)
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-			location   	(1776, 1317)
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-			location   	(2558, 1808)
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-			    Parent_View 	@256
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-			location   	(1664, 976)
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-			    Parent_View 	@257
-			    location   	(1357, 867)
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-			    max_width  	578
-			    label      	"Given XFlowFactoryQuery with sub-connection pointer (either ==NULL for implicit or !=NULL explicit)")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	638
-			height     	231)
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-			location   	(736, 1120)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	381
-			label      	
-|CONTROL Thread	
-			)
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-			location   	(1280, 1162)
-			nlines     	25
-			max_width  	50
-			label      	
-			)
-		    (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$36" @260
-			location   	(2558, 1504)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@260
-			    location   	(2322, 1452)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			location   	(80, 1040)
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-			label      	"_______________________________________________________")
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-			location   	(896, 475)
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-			client     	@247
-			supplier   	@247
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-			location   	(895, 858)
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(835, 858)
-			terminus   	(955, 858))
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-			location   	(895, 969)
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-			    location   	(895, 925)
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-			    label      	"ForwardMessageToPeer"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@262
-			pctDist    	0.491667
-			height     	494
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(835, 969)
-			terminus   	(955, 969))
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-			location   	(2558, 475)
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42934E24000C"
-			client     	@251
-			supplier   	@251
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @268
-			location   	(2558, 431)
-			line_color 	65280
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-			    Parent_View 	@268
-			    location   	(2558, 387)
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-				color      	32768
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-			    quidu      	"42934E24000D"
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"CSocket::NewL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@267
-			pctDist    	0.500000
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2498, 431)
-			terminus   	(2618, 431))
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-			location   	(1776, 1600)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@270
-			    location   	(1404, 1509)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	3
-			    max_width  	708
-			    label      	
-|for details on the flow creation see "Flow creation(data side initialised)" diagram
-			    )
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	768
-			height     	194)
-		    (object AttachView "" @271
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@270
-			supplier   	@255
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object AttachView "" @272
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@270
-			supplier   	@256
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object AttachView "" @273
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@270
-			supplier   	@258
-			line_style 	0)
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@247
-			supplier   	@248
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-			location   	(418, 728)
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-			    label      	"GetWorkerForProtocol"
-			    pctDist    	-0.737288
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-			pctDist    	0.792593
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-			terminus   	(359, 728))
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-			supplier   	@249
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-			location   	(1135, 639)
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-			    label      	"PeerWorkerMessageReceivedL"
-			    pctDist    	2.375000
-			    height     	45
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-			terminus   	(1195, 639))
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"CompleteReq"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(1500, 733)
-			terminus   	(1382, 733))
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"ProcessMessageL"
-			    pctDist    	1.425000
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			dir        	1
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-			terminus   	(2132, 645))
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-			    label      	"FindOrCreateFlowL"
-			    pctDist    	0.214619
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-			    orientation 	0)
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-			pctDist    	0.621872
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2160, 1061)
-			terminus   	(2068, 1137))
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-			client     	@257
-			supplier   	@288
-			line_style 	0)
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-				color      	32768
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-			    pctDist    	1.275000
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-			pctDist    	0.642961
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-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2603, 1133)
-			terminus   	(2603, 1253))
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-			    location   	(576, 471)
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-			    label      	"")
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-			client     	@252
-			supplier   	@247
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(585, 425)
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-			    max_width  	200
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-			    label      	"ServiceL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			terminus   	(635, 459))
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-			client     	@260
-			supplier   	@256
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-			location   	(2603, 1653)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"JoinL"
-			    pctDist    	0.891667
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-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2603, 1593)
-			terminus   	(2603, 1713))))
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-			    Nested     	FALSE))
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-			    height     	679
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-			    Nested     	FALSE))
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-			terminus   	(864, 368)
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-			Focus_Entry 	@303
-			origin     	(896, 416)
-			terminus   	(1046, 416)
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-			Focus_Entry 	@305
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-			terminus   	(1312, 521)
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-			Focus_Entry 	@307
-			origin     	(1343, 560)
-			terminus   	(1616, 560)
-			ordinal    	3)
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-			location   	(16, 624)
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-			    label      	"object lookup"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			supplier   	@306
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-			Focus_Entry 	@308
-			origin     	(1648, 624)
-			terminus   	(1798, 624)
-			ordinal    	4)
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-			location   	(16, 736)
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-			    max_width  	163
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-			    label      	"fn lookup"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			    orientation 	0)
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-			supplier   	@306
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-			Focus_Entry 	@309
-			origin     	(1648, 736)
-			terminus   	(1798, 736)
-			ordinal    	5)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Call(clientId)"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@306
-			supplier   	@310
-			Focus_Src  	@307
-			Focus_Entry 	@311
-			origin     	(1647, 838)
-			terminus   	(2054, 838)
-			ordinal    	6)
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-			location   	(16, 880)
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-			    location   	(2161, 836)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"client lookup/broadcast"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@310
-			supplier   	@310
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-			Focus_Entry 	@312
-			origin     	(2086, 880)
-			terminus   	(2236, 880)
-			ordinal    	7)
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-			location   	(16, 960)
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-			    location   	(2338, 916)
-			    quidu      	"4298C13700ED"
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-			    max_width  	69
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Call"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			    orientation 	0)
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-			client     	@310
-			supplier   	@313
-			Focus_Src  	@311
-			Focus_Entry 	@314
-			origin     	(2085, 960)
-			terminus   	(2592, 960)
-			ordinal    	8)
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-			location   	(2240, 640)
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-			    Parent_View 	@334
-			    location   	(2043, 577)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	359
-			    label      	"client Id could be object pointer.")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
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-			height     	138)
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@334
-			supplier   	@331
-			line_style 	0)))
-	    (object ObjectDiagram "Flow creation(control side initialised)"
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-			)
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-			location   	(1582, 128)
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-			)
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-			location   	(1963, 416)
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-			location   	(1963, 896)
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-			location   	(1984, 2504)
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-			location   	(1984, 1648)
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-			    Parent_View 	@343
-			    location   	(1715, 1596)
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-			location   	(1963, 203)
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-			location   	(1963, 137)
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-			pctDist    	0.508333
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-			terminus   	(1904, 137))
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-			location   	(378, 1760)
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-			location   	(379, 1232)
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-			location   	(379, 2512)
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-			    location   	(15, 2460)
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-			supplier   	@350
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-			location   	(1241, 1232)
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-			    Parent_View 	@352
-			    location   	(935, 1180)
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-			    Parent_View 	@353
-			    location   	(1691, 1348)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    label      	"self firing netmeta message")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	418
-			height     	132)
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-			location   	(2752, 1744)
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-			    Parent_View 	@354
-			    location   	(2561, 1685)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	346
-			    label      	"request held untill 18: comes in")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	406
-			height     	131)
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-			location   	(2704, 1019)
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-			location   	(2704, 956)
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-			pctDist    	0.508333
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-			origin     	(2763, 956)
-			terminus   	(2645, 956))
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-			location   	(379, 2234)
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-			pctDist    	0.508333
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-			origin     	(438, 2234)
-			terminus   	(320, 2234))
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-			supplier   	@343
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-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			terminus   	(2385, 461))
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-			supplier   	@341
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-			terminus   	(2008, 689))
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-			terminus   	(2385, 1039))
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-			    label      	"FindOrCreateFlowL"
-			    pctDist    	0.677433
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-			terminus   	(2323, 1503))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@354
-			supplier   	@377
-			line_style 	0)
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-			client     	@342
-			supplier   	@343
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-			location   	(1940, 2064)
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-			    color      	32768
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-			pctDist    	0.519782
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-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1940, 2123)
-			terminus   	(1940, 2005))
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-			client     	@343
-			supplier   	@347
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-			location   	(1518, 2244)
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-			    max_width  	1091
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-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL(CSubConnectionBase* handle + info)"
-			    pctDist    	-1.216777
-			    height     	363
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@383
-			pctDist    	0.680908
-			height     	37
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1556, 2199)
-			terminus   	(1480, 2289))
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-			location   	(1696, 1943)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"return CSubConnectionFlow* handle"
-			    pctDist    	2.397310
-			    height     	142
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@383
-			pctDist    	0.332037
-			height     	26
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(1657, 1987)
-			terminus   	(1735, 1899))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@354
-			supplier   	@386
-			line_style 	0)
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-			client     	@343
-			supplier   	@349
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-			location   	(1087, 1462)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"CStartFlow"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			    orientation 	0)
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-			terminus   	(1030, 1448))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@353
-			supplier   	@390
-			line_style 	0)
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-			supplier   	@350
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-			    label      	"FindOrCreateFlowL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(898, 2573)
-			terminus   	(780, 2573))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@347
-			supplier   	@352
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-			    color      	32768
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-			    Parent_View 	@397
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL(CSubConnectionProviderBase* handle)"
-			    pctDist    	1.161017
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-			pctDist    	0.558419
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1196, 1869)
-			terminus   	(1196, 1751))
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-			location   	(1196, 2053)
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-			    justify    	0
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-			    pctDist    	1.313559
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-			pctDist    	0.348797
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1196, 2112)
-			terminus   	(1196, 1994))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@350
-			supplier   	@348
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-			location   	(334, 2032)
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-			    max_width  	397
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateFlowL"
-			    pctDist    	1.313559
-			    height     	75
-			    orientation 	0)
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-			pctDist    	0.664013
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(334, 2091)
-			terminus   	(334, 1973))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@348
-			supplier   	@349
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(334, 1532)
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-			    color      	32768
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-			    location   	(448, 1451)
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-				color      	32768
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL(CSubConnectionProviderBase* ptr)"
-			    pctDist    	1.186441
-			    height     	114
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-			pctDist    	0.415842
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(334, 1591)
-			terminus   	(334, 1473))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@349
-			supplier   	@352
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"LayerUp"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			pctDist    	0.521429
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(731, 1188)
-			terminus   	(851, 1188))
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-			client     	@352
-			supplier   	@341
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-			location   	(1959, 1188)
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-			    label      	"CLayerUp"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
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-			pctDist    	0.473005
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1899, 1188)
-			terminus   	(2019, 1188))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@353
-			supplier   	@411
-			line_style 	0)))
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-			location   	(2508, 2722)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			location   	(304, 2080)
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-			location   	(1056, 2416)
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-			location   	(1056, 2288)
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-			location   	(48, 96)
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-			location   	(48, 160)
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-			    color      	255
-			    default_color 	FALSE)
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-			label      	"Object Destroyed")
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-			location   	(48, 32)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    bold       	TRUE)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	600
-			label      	"Colour Legend:")
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-			location   	(1360, 672)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			location   	(2509, 1008)
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-			location   	(2509, 795)
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-			supplier   	@426
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-			location   	(865, 400)
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-			    Parent_View 	@428
-			    location   	(521, 312)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	3
-			    max_width  	652
-			    label      	"Since the provider's been already selected start doesn't have a connection info given in preferences.")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	712
-			height     	188)
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-			location   	(2509, 659)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"figure out preferences for the next layer"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			object_arc 	@427
-			pctDist    	0.500000
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-			terminus   	(2569, 659))
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-			    location   	(1938, 268)
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-			    label      	"delegated to selector in management plane => Async")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
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-			height     	181)
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@431
-			supplier   	@429
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(1872, 1456)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			location   	(1872, 1243)
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-			location   	(1872, 1217)
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-			    label      	"MapPreferencesToLayer"
-			    pctDist    	0.366667
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-			pctDist    	0.500000
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-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1812, 1217)
-			terminus   	(1932, 1217))
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-			location   	(2509, 2078)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@437
-			    location   	(2256, 2027)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    max_width  	506
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-			location   	(1273, 97)
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-			label      	
-			)
-		    (object Label @439
-			location   	(1856, 128)
-			nlines     	44
-			max_width  	63
-			label      	
-			)
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-			location   	(1392, 1744)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    Parent_View 	@440
-			    location   	(1066, 1693)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    max_width  	652
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-			location   	(1376, 2722)
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-			    underline  	TRUE)
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-			    max_width  	270
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-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
-			x_offset   	0.000000
-			y_offset   	0.000000)
-		    (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$64" @442
-			location   	(304, 2721)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    underline  	TRUE)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@442
-			    location   	(114, 2670)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	380
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			quidu      	"42B2E0DC027B"
-			width      	398
-			height     	126
-			annotation 	4
-			autoResize 	TRUE
-			subobjects 	0
-			x_offset   	0.000000
-			y_offset   	0.000000)
-		    (object NoteView @443
-			location   	(704, 1520)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@443
-			    location   	(344, 1454)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	684
-			    label      	"start should follow after join once we've removed NIFMAN.")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	744
-			height     	144)
-		    (object LinkSelfView "" @444
-			location   	(2509, 1865)
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2F9FB0371"
-			client     	@437
-			supplier   	@437
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object NoteView @445
-			location   	(672, 1728)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@445
-			    location   	(347, 1663)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	615
-			    label      	"this will only happen if provider needs to be newly created")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	675
-			height     	143)
-		    (object NoteView @446
-			location   	(2784, 1328)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@446
-			    location   	(2574, 1122)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	8
-			    max_width  	384
-			    label      	"All progresses and other notifications are propagated via this route until SelectComplete. After that they are sent via provider stack.")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	8421631
-			width      	444
-			height     	425)
-		    (object MessView "" @447
-			location   	(2569, 1852)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			label      	(object SegLabel @448
-			    Parent_View 	@447
-			    location   	(2569, 1808)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	255
-				default_color 	FALSE)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"delete"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@444
-			pctDist    	1.000000
-			height     	14
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2509, 1852)
-			terminus   	(2629, 1852))
-		    (object MessView "" @449
-			location   	(2502, 752)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@449
-			    location   	(2502, 708)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	255
-				default_color 	FALSE)
-			    quidu      	"42B3007E00C8"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	178
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"delete"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@427
-			pctDist    	0.450000
-			height     	44
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2442, 752)
-			terminus   	(2562, 752))
-		    (object NoteView @451
-			location   	(2704, 324)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@451
-			    location   	(2432, 199)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	5
-			    max_width  	509
-			    label      	"Upper layer destruction is either initiated by LayerUp or by Detach => ISelectNotify needs to have a new fn ptr.")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	8421631
-			width      	569
-			height     	262)
-		    (object AttachView "" @452
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@451
-			supplier   	@449
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object NoteView @453
-			location   	(1408, 1936)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@453
-			    location   	(1105, 1870)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	571
-			    label      	"currently via CConnectionFactoryContainer")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	631
-			height     	144)
-		    (object LinkView "" @454
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2A03E03C0"
-			client     	@414
-			supplier   	@415
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @455
-			location   	(364, 491)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@455
-			    location   	(424, 574)
-			    quidu      	"42B2A0D601E4"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	119
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Start"
-			    pctDist    	1.191667
-			    height     	60
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@454
-			pctDist    	0.396825
-			height     	60
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(364, 431)
-			terminus   	(364, 551))
-		    (object AttachView "" @457
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@428
-			supplier   	@455
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @458
-			location   	(262, 529)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@458
-			    location   	(159, 451)
-			    quidu      	"42B303DC033C"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	309
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"StartComplete"
-			    pctDist    	1.161017
-			    height     	103
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@454
-			pctDist    	0.589109
-			height     	43
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(262, 588)
-			terminus   	(262, 470))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2A03E03C9"
-			client     	@415
-			supplier   	@416
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @461
-			location   	(349, 822)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(393, 918)
-			    quidu      	"42B2A0EA0297"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	119
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Start"
-			    pctDist    	1.308333
-			    height     	44
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@460
-			pctDist    	0.404110
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(349, 762)
-			terminus   	(349, 882))
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-			location   	(262, 850)
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-			    Parent_View 	@463
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"LayerUp"
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-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@460
-			pctDist    	0.538835
-			height     	43
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(262, 909)
-			terminus   	(262, 791))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2A1130303"
-			client     	@416
-			supplier   	@425
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @466
-			location   	(798, 805)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@466
-			    location   	(739, 749)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	494
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"SelectNextLayer(provider*)"
-			    pctDist    	0.161673
-			    height     	72
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@465
-			pctDist    	0.471954
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(741, 822)
-			terminus   	(855, 788))
-		    (object LinkView "" @468
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2E7000178"
-			client     	@416
-			supplier   	@418
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @469
-			location   	(349, 1212)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(428, 1306)
-			    quidu      	"42B2FEF3005E"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	156
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"JoinL"
-			    pctDist    	1.283333
-			    height     	79
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@468
-			pctDist    	0.147992
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(349, 1152)
-			terminus   	(349, 1272))
-		    (object AttachView "" @471
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@443
-			supplier   	@469
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @472
-			location   	(260, 1474)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(169, 1392)
-			    quidu      	"42B3001E02DB"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	206
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"LayerUp"
-			    pctDist    	1.194915
-			    height     	91
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-			object_arc 	@468
-			pctDist    	0.424947
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(260, 1533)
-			terminus   	(260, 1415))
-		    (object LinkView "" @474
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2E02E0000"
-			client     	@417
-			supplier   	@441
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @475
-			location   	(2067, 2767)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@475
-			    location   	(2067, 2812)
-			    quidu      	"42B2E13C0253"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	306
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"AddObserverL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@474
-			pctDist    	0.305838
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2126, 2767)
-			terminus   	(2008, 2767))
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-			location   	(1706, 2767)
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-			    Parent_View 	@477
-			    location   	(1706, 2812)
-			    quidu      	"42B2FFE70050"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	363
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"RemoveObserver"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@474
-			pctDist    	0.763959
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1765, 2767)
-			terminus   	(1647, 2767))
-		    (object LinkView "" @479
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2E0FA02CF"
-			client     	@418
-			supplier   	@442
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @480
-			location   	(348, 2269)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@480
-			    location   	(423, 2346)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	32768
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	169
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL"
-			    pctDist    	1.150000
-			    height     	75
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@479
-			pctDist    	0.249516
-			height     	44
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(348, 2209)
-			terminus   	(348, 2329))
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-			location   	(349, 2499)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(553, 2578)
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-			    max_width  	428
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"AttachToConnectionL"
-			    pctDist    	1.166667
-			    height     	204
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@479
-			pctDist    	0.696325
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(349, 2439)
-			terminus   	(349, 2559))
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-			location   	(260, 2437)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@484
-			    location   	(153, 2342)
-			    quidu      	"42B300000313"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	278
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"LinkLayerUp"
-			    pctDist    	1.305085
-			    height     	107
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@479
-			pctDist    	0.576402
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(260, 2496)
-			terminus   	(260, 2378))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2DB140197"
-			client     	@425
-			supplier   	@426
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(1876, 777)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@487
-			    location   	(2207, 817)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	32768
-				default_color 	FALSE)
-			    quidu      	"42B2DB1702D2"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	525
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"SelectNextLayer(provider*)"
-			    pctDist    	3.220778
-			    height     	55
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@486
-			pctDist    	0.388392
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1818, 760)
-			terminus   	(1934, 794))
-		    (object LinkView "" @489
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2DBC102BC"
-			client     	@426
-			supplier   	@433
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @490
-			location   	(2242, 1259)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(2319, 1350)
-			    quidu      	"42B2DC1203D2"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	288
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"SelectProvider"
-			    pctDist    	0.422521
-			    height     	119
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@489
-			pctDist    	0.455219
-			height     	53
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2290, 1225)
-			terminus   	(2194, 1293))
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-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2E6850197"
-			client     	@426
-			supplier   	@437
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object AttachView "" @493
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@446
-			supplier   	@492
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @494
-			location   	(2449, 1517)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(2359, 1422)
-			    quidu      	"42B2FEB102BB"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	338
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"SelectComplete"
-			    pctDist    	1.313559
-			    height     	91
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@492
-			pctDist    	0.474019
-			height     	61
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(2449, 1576)
-			terminus   	(2449, 1458))
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-			location   	(2592, 1686)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(2723, 1639)
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-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	184
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Detach"
-			    pctDist    	0.898305
-			    height     	131
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@492
-			pctDist    	0.652174
-			height     	83
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(2592, 1745)
-			terminus   	(2592, 1627))
-		    (object LinkView "" @498
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2E6D500DF"
-			client     	@426
-			supplier   	@416
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @499
-			location   	(1320, 1055)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(1320, 1100)
-			    quidu      	"42B2FEE0030A"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	231
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"JoinNextL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@498
-			pctDist    	0.569404
-			height     	46
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1379, 1055)
-			terminus   	(1261, 1055))
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-			location   	(1670, 1053)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(1670, 1098)
-			    quidu      	"42B3038F036C"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	184
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Detach"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@498
-			pctDist    	0.370073
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1729, 1053)
-			terminus   	(1611, 1053))
-		    (object LinkView "" @503
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B2DD830344"
-			client     	@433
-			supplier   	@437
-			line_style 	0)
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-			location   	(2172, 1701)
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-			    Parent_View 	@504
-			    location   	(2296, 1767)
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-				color      	32768
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-			terminus   	(2568, 2274))
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-			terminus   	(2568, 2644))
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-			terminus   	(1943, 2123))
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-			terminus   	(773, 1982))
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-			terminus   	(938, 2677))))
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-			)
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-			    location   	(859, 1300)
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-			    label      	"self firing netmeta message")
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
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-			location   	(352, 1888)
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-			    location   	(161, 1829)
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-			    max_width  	346
-			    label      	"request held untill 16: comes in")
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			width      	406
-			height     	131)
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-			location   	(1040, 246)
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-			location   	(2640, 2203)
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-			    Parent_View 	@555
-			    location   	(1040, 158)
-			    quidu      	"42B99E370066"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	238
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindFactory"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@553
-			pctDist    	0.500000
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(980, 202)
-			terminus   	(1100, 202))
-		    (object MessView "" @557
-			location   	(2640, 2159)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@557
-			    location   	(2640, 2115)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A9410270"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	259
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindFactory"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@554
-			pctDist    	0.500000
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2580, 2159)
-			terminus   	(2700, 2159))
-		    (object NoteView @559
-			location   	(2192, 720)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@559
-			    location   	(1729, 620)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	4
-			    max_width  	890
-			    label      	
-|Join needs a "C" sub-connection client to be created and it than receives JoinComplete call to pack it into CJoinCmplete object and pass it to the data thread - not shown on the diagram.
-			    )
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	950
-			height     	212)
-		    (object AttachView "" @560
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@552
-			supplier   	@550
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object LinkView "" @561
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B99DEB01F6"
-			client     	@538
-			supplier   	@549
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @562
-			location   	(547, 386)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			label      	(object SegLabel @563
-			    Parent_View 	@562
-			    location   	(547, 342)
-			    quidu      	"42B99E14001F"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	375
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateFlowL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@561
-			pctDist    	0.610703
-			height     	76
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(487, 386)
-			terminus   	(607, 386))
-		    (object LinkView "" @564
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9A72D016C"
-			client     	@538
-			supplier   	@548
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @565
-			location   	(317, 756)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			label      	(object SegLabel @566
-			    Parent_View 	@565
-			    location   	(428, 849)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A74702E6"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	244
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"JoinL/StartL"
-			    pctDist    	1.283333
-			    height     	111
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@564
-			pctDist    	0.428986
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(317, 696)
-			terminus   	(317, 816))
-		    (object LinkView "" @567
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9959101E3"
-			client     	@541
-			supplier   	@542
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @568
-			location   	(2596, 1941)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			label      	(object SegLabel @569
-			    Parent_View 	@568
-			    location   	(2729, 1861)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A94B02BB"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	456
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL"
-			    pctDist    	1.177966
-			    height     	133
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@567
-			pctDist    	0.706186
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2596, 2000)
-			terminus   	(2596, 1882))
-		    (object LinkView "" @570
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9959101E8"
-			client     	@542
-			supplier   	@543
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @571
-			location   	(2596, 1370)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    color      	32768
-			    default_color 	FALSE)
-			line_color 	65280
-			label      	(object SegLabel @572
-			    Parent_View 	@571
-			    location   	(2648, 1275)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	32768
-				default_color 	FALSE)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A96102F9"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	169
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL"
-			    pctDist    	1.313559
-			    height     	52
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@570
-			pctDist    	0.662621
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2596, 1429)
-			terminus   	(2596, 1311))
-		    (object MessView "" @573
-			location   	(2596, 1549)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@573
-			    location   	(2713, 1468)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A9760317"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	247
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"AttachFlow"
-			    pctDist    	1.186441
-			    height     	117
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@570
-			pctDist    	0.230583
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2596, 1608)
-			terminus   	(2596, 1490))
-		    (object LinkView "" @575
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9959101ED"
-			client     	@543
-			supplier   	@545
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @576
-			location   	(2195, 1087)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@576
-			    location   	(2195, 1132)
-			    quidu      	"42B9AA6C0219"
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-			    max_width  	456
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"LayerUp"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
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-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@575
-			pctDist    	0.543796
-			height     	82
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2254, 1087)
-			terminus   	(2136, 1087))
-		    (object AttachView "" @578
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@559
-			supplier   	@576
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object LinkView "" @579
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-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9959101F0"
-			client     	@544
-			supplier   	@545
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @580
-			location   	(1734, 1801)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    color      	32768
-			    default_color 	FALSE)
-			line_color 	65280
-			label      	(object SegLabel @581
-			    Parent_View 	@580
-			    location   	(1850, 1719)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	32768
-				default_color 	FALSE)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A8F50021"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	822
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL(CSubConnectionFlowBase* handle)"
-			    pctDist    	1.194915
-			    height     	116
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@579
-			pctDist    	0.493333
-			height     	59
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1734, 1860)
-			terminus   	(1734, 1742))
-		    (object LinkView "" @582
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9959101F3"
-			client     	@544
-			supplier   	@550
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @583
-			location   	(1277, 1857)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			label      	(object SegLabel @584
-			    Parent_View 	@583
-			    location   	(1673, 1946)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A6C202B1"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	1172
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL(CSubConnectionFlowBase* handle + info)"
-			    pctDist    	3.424138
-			    height     	206
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@582
-			pctDist    	0.809154
-			height     	54
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	-1
-			origin     	(1233, 1816)
-			terminus   	(1321, 1898))
-		    (object MessView "" @585
-			location   	(1587, 2286)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@585
-			    location   	(1540, 2223)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A9A601B8"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	863
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"return CSubConnectionProviderbase* handle()"
-			    pctDist    	1.164106
-			    height     	15
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@582
-			pctDist    	0.182965
-			height     	47
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1630, 2326)
-			terminus   	(1544, 2246))
-		    (object AttachView "" @587
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@552
-			supplier   	@585
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object LinkView "" @588
-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			quidu      	"42B9A7E400DA"
-			client     	@544
-			supplier   	@541
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @589
-			location   	(2189, 2374)
-			line_color 	3342489
-			label      	(object SegLabel @590
-			    Parent_View 	@589
-			    location   	(2189, 2330)
-			    quidu      	"42B9A93303C4"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	456
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@588
-			pctDist    	0.439024
-			height     	43
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(2129, 2374)
-			terminus   	(2249, 2374))
-		    (object LinkView "" @591
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9AB7F00EB"
-			client     	@545
-			supplier   	@548
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @592
-			location   	(1056, 1087)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    Parent_View 	@592
-			    location   	(1056, 1132)
-			    quidu      	"42B9AB8900A9"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	206
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"LayerUp"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@591
-			pctDist    	0.468718
-			height     	82
-			orientation 	1
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1115, 1087)
-			terminus   	(997, 1087))
-		    (object AttachView "" @594
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@551
-			supplier   	@592
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object LinkView "" @595
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9959101FC"
-			client     	@546
-			supplier   	@550
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @596
-			location   	(1012, 2143)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    color      	32768
-			    default_color 	FALSE)
-			line_color 	65280
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-			    Parent_View 	@596
-			    location   	(970, 2062)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	32768
-				default_color 	FALSE)
-			    quidu      	"42B99F7B026E"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    max_width  	147
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL"
-			    pctDist    	1.186441
-			    height     	43
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-			object_arc 	@595
-			pctDist    	0.382075
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1012, 2202)
-			terminus   	(1012, 2084))
-		    (object LinkView "" @598
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B995910206"
-			client     	@547
-			supplier   	@548
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @599
-			location   	(708, 1060)
-			font       	(object Font
-			    color      	32768
-			    default_color 	FALSE)
-			line_color 	65280
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-			    Parent_View 	@599
-			    location   	(689, 1112)
-			    font       	(object Font
-				color      	32768
-				default_color 	FALSE)
-			    quidu      	"42B99EA90350"
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"NewL"
-			    pctDist    	0.801551
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-			object_arc 	@598
-			pctDist    	0.423963
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(764, 1040)
-			terminus   	(652, 1080))
-		    (object LinkView "" @601
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B995910209"
-			client     	@548
-			supplier   	@550
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @602
-			location   	(679, 1401)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    quidu      	"42B9A767021A"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
-			    max_width  	244
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"JoinL/StartL"
-			    pctDist    	2.121011
-			    height     	47
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@601
-			pctDist    	0.480939
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(630, 1366)
-			terminus   	(728, 1436))
-		    (object AttachView "" @604
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@552
-			supplier   	@602
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object LinkView "" @605
-			stereotype 	TRUE
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-			client     	@548
-			supplier   	@546
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @606
-			location   	(477, 1415)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    quidu      	"42B99F2C00E3"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateProviderL"
-			    pctDist    	0.400390
-			    height     	178
-			    orientation 	1)
-			object_arc 	@605
-			pctDist    	0.182752
-			height     	44
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(445, 1364)
-			terminus   	(509, 1466))
-		    (object LinkView "" @608
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B995910202"
-			client     	@549
-			supplier   	@547
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @609
-			location   	(1085, 666)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(1248, 772)
-			    quidu      	"42B99E4B0390"
-			    anchor_loc 	1
-			    nlines     	1
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"FindOrCreateFlowL"
-			    pctDist    	1.385314
-			    height     	163
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@608
-			pctDist    	0.461467
-			height     	45
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1085, 606)
-			terminus   	(1085, 726))
-		    (object LinkView "" @611
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"42B9AA4201DC"
-			client     	@550
-			supplier   	@543
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object MessView "" @612
-			location   	(1565, 1493)
-			line_color 	3342489
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-			    location   	(1552, 1451)
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-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"CJoinL/CStartSubConnectionL"
-			    pctDist    	0.500000
-			    height     	45
-			    orientation 	0)
-			object_arc 	@611
-			pctDist    	0.283473
-			height     	49
-			orientation 	0
-			dir        	1
-			origin     	(1508, 1512)
-			terminus   	(1622, 1474))
-		    (object AttachView "" @614
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			client     	@551
-			supplier   	@612
-			line_style 	0)))))
-    root_category 	(object Class_Category "Logical View"
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-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$84"
-			quid       	"41A755110322"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-			quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
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-		quid       	"41A755B40150"
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-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$87"
-			quid       	"41A755B501F3"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
-			quidu      	"41A754670219")))
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-			quid       	"41A7567B02F1"
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-			quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
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-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$93"
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-			supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection"
-			quidu      	"41A750530146")))
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-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$95"
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-			quidu      	"41A75088005C"
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-		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$96"
-			quid       	"41A7570302BA"
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-			quidu      	"41AA25160186"))
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-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED")
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-				quid       	"4296102C00B4"
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-				quid       	"41BDB38D02B0"
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-				quid       	"41C2DE9B0191"
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-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8")))
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-				quidu      	"41B6EE01032A")))
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-			quid       	"41AA239C036D"
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-				quid       	"41AA239D02ED"
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-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$99"
-				quid       	"41AA239D02F7"
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-				quidu      	"41A8587D00BE")))
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-					quid       	"41A77D490109"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
-					quidu      	"41A7526F01F7"))
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-					quid       	"41B9FB6102E7"
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-					quidu      	"41B9FB280154")
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-					quid       	"41B9FB640115"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::MNifSessionNotify"
-					quidu      	"41B9FAF0024C")))
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-				quid       	"41B9FB280154")
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-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"421BA9730142"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession"
-					quidu      	"41A77CCA0251"))))
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-					supplier   	@615
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-				quidu      	"41B9FACD0024"))
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-					quidu      	"41CC1965029F"))
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-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					abstract   	TRUE
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0))
-				abstract   	TRUE)
-			    (object Class "MConnectionClient"
-				quid       	"41CC1965029F"
-				operations 	(list Operations
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-					quid       	"41CC198E0244"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					abstract   	TRUE
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "FetchInterfaceInstanceL"
-					quid       	"421A4EB40342"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0))
-				abstract   	TRUE)
-			    (object Class "XDummyConnectionControlClient"
-				quid       	"421CAA340392"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"421CAA9A033C"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
-					quidu      	"41BDA92A0213")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$100"
-				quid       	"41BDA93B00D8"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$101"
-					quid       	"41BDA93B02EA"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
-					quidu      	"41BDA8D00172"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$102"
-					quid       	"41BDA93B02EB"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41BDA765028C")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$103"
-				quid       	"41BDA951031F"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$104"
-					quid       	"41BDA95202DA"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
-					quidu      	"41BDA92A0213"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$105"
-					quid       	"41BDA95202DB"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41BDA765028C")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$106"
-				quid       	"41BDAC800074"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$107"
-					quid       	"41BDAC8002D7"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
-					quidu      	"41A7526F01F7"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$108"
-					quid       	"41BDAC8002E1"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-					quidu      	"41BDAABC004D"
-					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$109"
-				quid       	"41BDB3930132"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$110"
-					quid       	"41BDB394017A"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41BDA765028C"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$111"
-					quid       	"41BDB394017B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
-					quidu      	"41A7507C013B")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$112"
-				quid       	"41BEFC66039C"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$113"
-					quid       	"41BEFC700011"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41BDA765028C"
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$114"
-					quid       	"41BEFC700012"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41BDA765028C")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$115"
-				quid       	"41BEFC8500CF"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$116"
-					quid       	"41BEFC880246"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41BDA765028C"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$117"
-					quid       	"41BEFC880250"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41BDA765028C")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$118"
-				quid       	"41C067410023"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$119"
-					quid       	"41C067410380"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
-					quidu      	"41C061D101C6"
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$120"
-					quid       	"41C067410381"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-					quidu      	"41BDAABC004D")))
-			    (object Class_Category "Connection Provider Shim"
-				quid       	"41DEB6F2028E"
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-				    (object Class "CConnectionProviderShim"
-					quid       	"41BDAABC004D"
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-					    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-						quid       	"41BDAB9000EC"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-						quidu      	"41BDA765028C"))
-					realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-					    (object Realize_Relationship
-						quid       	"41BDABB8034D"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
-						quidu      	"41BDA92A0213")
-					    (object Realize_Relationship
-						quid       	"41BDABBB01DF"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
-						quidu      	"41BDA8D00172"))
-					operations 	(list Operations
-					    (object Operation "DoSettingsAccess"
-						quid       	"41ECEA0F01FF"
-						stereotype 	"V"
-						concurrency 	"Sequential"
-						opExportControl 	"Protected"
-						uid        	0)))
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-					quid       	"422DD7460005"
-					superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-					    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-						quid       	"422DD864001A"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CConnectionSettings"
-						quidu      	"41ECEA270100")))
-				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$121"
-					quid       	"41DEBACA02CE"
-					roles      	(list role_list
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-						quid       	"41DEBACB01AD"
-						label      	"iSessionProxies"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSessionProxy"
-						quidu      	"41A7737A02A3"
-						client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-						exportControl 	"Protected"
-						is_navigable 	TRUE)
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$122"
-						quid       	"41DEBACB01AE"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-						quidu      	"41BDAABC004D")))
-				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$123"
-					quid       	"41ECEC800317"
-					roles      	(list role_list
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$124"
-						quid       	"41ECEC82003E"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionSettingsShim"
-						quidu      	"422DD7460005"
-						client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-						is_navigable 	TRUE)
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$125"
-						quid       	"41ECEC82003F"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-						quidu      	"41BDAABC004D"
-						is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$126"
-					quid       	"41ECEC9602C8"
-					roles      	(list role_list
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$127"
-						quid       	"41ECEC9900CE"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
-						quidu      	"41A7526F01F7"
-						client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-						is_navigable 	TRUE)
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$128"
-						quid       	"41ECEC9900CF"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CConnectionSettings"
-						quidu      	"41ECEA270100")))
-				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$129"
-					quid       	"421CAE8901B4"
-					roles      	(list role_list
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$130"
-						quid       	"421CAE8A016F"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-						quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3"
-						client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-						is_navigable 	TRUE)
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$131"
-						quid       	"421CAE8A0179"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-						quidu      	"41BDAABC004D")))
-				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$132"
-					quid       	"422DE24F0248"
-					roles      	(list role_list
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$133"
-						quid       	"422DE25002D6"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-						quidu      	"41BDAABC004D"
-						client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-						is_navigable 	TRUE)
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$134"
-						quid       	"422DE25002D7"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
-						quidu      	"41C1AF890151"
-						is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$135"
-					quid       	"422DE2C100BF"
-					roles      	(list role_list
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$136"
-						quid       	"422DE2C20193"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-						quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"
-						client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-						Containment 	"By Value"
-						is_navigable 	TRUE)
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$137"
-						quid       	"422DE2C20194"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
-						quidu      	"41C1AF890151"
-						is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-				    (object Association "$UNNAMED$138"
-					quid       	"422DE30E02F3"
-					roles      	(list role_list
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$139"
-						quid       	"422DE30F0394"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
-						quidu      	"421BA9590249"
-						client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-						is_navigable 	TRUE)
-					    (object Role "$UNNAMED$140"
-						quid       	"422DE30F0395"
-						supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-						quidu      	"41BDAABC004D"
-						is_aggregate 	TRUE))))
-				logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
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-					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase" @626
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-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(992, 688)
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-						    max_width  	740
-						    label      	"At the moment represents the link layer and does some of the CInterface's work. The network session always ends up talking to an instance of the class as to the layer below.")
-						line_color 	3342489
-						fill_color 	13434879
-						width      	800
-						height     	275)
-					    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim" @628
-						location   	(352, 1440)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@628
-						    location   	(150, 1356)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
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-						    label      	"Sub Connection Provider Shim")
-						icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					    (object CategoryView "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions" @629
-						location   	(1776, 184)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@629
-						    location   	(1603, 100)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
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-						location   	(2272, 176)
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-						    Parent_View 	@630
-						    location   	(1965, 79)
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-						    nlines     	3
-						    max_width  	578
-						    label      	
-|Db Access see "New Interfaces & Functions" package for the methods.
-						    )
-						line_color 	3342489
-						fill_color 	13434879
-						width      	638
-						height     	207)
-					    (object Label @631
-						location   	(208, 880)
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-						label      	"ESOCK")
-					    (object Label @632
-						location   	(209, 1025)
-						nlines     	1
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-						label      	"ECOM ShimCPR plugin")
-					    (object NoteView @633
-						location   	(480, 192)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@633
-						    location   	(183, 126)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
-						    nlines     	2
-						    max_width  	559
-						    label      	"Replaces CInterface CConnection related behaviour.")
-						line_color 	3342489
-						fill_color 	13434879
-						width      	619
-						height     	144)
-					    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session" @634
-						location   	(1520, 512)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@634
-						    location   	(1360, 428)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
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-						    max_width  	320
-						    justify    	0
-						    label      	"Nif Session")
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-						label      	"___________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
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-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(448, 1264)
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-						SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(2288, 688)
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-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(1584, 688)
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-							client     	@640
-							supplier   	@637
-							line_style 	0)))
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-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(2288, 1264)
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-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(1360, 1264)
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-						    location   	(1109, 1212)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
-						    nlines     	1
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-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-							Parent_View 	@648
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-							    Parent_View 	@649
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-							    pctDist    	0.699473
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-							Parent_View 	@648
-							location   	(1018, 458)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
-							line_color 	3342489
-							quidu      	"41BDAC8002E1"
-							client     	@648
-							supplier   	@645
-							line_style 	0)))
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-						location   	(1823, 1264)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-							Parent_View 	@652
-							location   	(-65, 80)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
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-							client     	@652
-							supplier   	@644
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-							    Parent_View 	@653
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-							    pctDist    	0.940154
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-						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$125" @655
-							Parent_View 	@652
-							location   	(-65, 80)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
-							line_color 	3342489
-							quidu      	"41ECEC82003F"
-							client     	@652
-							supplier   	@645
-							line_style 	0)))
-					    (object InheritView "" @656
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"422DD864001A"
-						client     	@644
-						supplier   	@637
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassDiagram "ShimCPR selection"
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-					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase" @657
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-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(481, 608)
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-						    italics    	TRUE)
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-						    Parent_View 	@657
-						    location   	(160, 534)
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-						location   	(144, 816)
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-					    (object Label @659
-						location   	(144, 880)
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-						label      	"ECOM ShimCPR plugin")
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-						location   	(144, 784)
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-						label      	"ESOCK")
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-						location   	(144, 1297)
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-						label      	"__________________________________________________________________________________________________")
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-						location   	(144, 1360)
-						nlines     	1
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-						label      	"NIFMAN")
-					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession" @663
-						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(481, 1552)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@663
-						    location   	(285, 1478)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
-						    nlines     	1
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-						width      	410
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-					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim" @664
-						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-						SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(481, 1104)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@664
-						    location   	(158, 1030)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
-						    nlines     	1
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-						client     	@664
-						supplier   	@657
-						line_style 	0)
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-						location   	(481, 1327)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						    (object RoleView "" @667
-							Parent_View 	@666
-							location   	(-159, 223)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
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-							client     	@666
-							supplier   	@663
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-							    Parent_View 	@667
-							    location   	(535, 1451)
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-							    pctDist    	0.900000
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-							    orientation 	0))
-						    (object RoleView "" @669
-							Parent_View 	@666
-							location   	(-159, 223)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
-							line_color 	3342489
-							quidu      	"422CC564007E"
-							client     	@666
-							supplier   	@664
-							line_style 	0)))
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-						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-						SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(1296, 610)
-						font       	(object Font
-						    italics    	TRUE)
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-						    Parent_View 	@670
-						    location   	(1138, 535)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
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-						width      	334
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-					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim" @671
-						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-						SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(1297, 1104)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@671
-						    location   	(1037, 1029)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
-						    nlines     	1
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-					    (object UsesView "" @672
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-						client     	@671
-						supplier   	@664
-						line_style 	0)
-					    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$135" @673
-						location   	(1296, 856)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$136" @674
-							Parent_View 	@673
-							location   	(0, -248)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
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-							quidu      	"422DE2C20193"
-							client     	@673
-							supplier   	@670
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-							    Parent_View 	@674
-							    location   	(1350, 713)
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-							    pctDist    	0.900000
-							    height     	54
-							    orientation 	1))
-						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$137" @676
-							Parent_View 	@673
-							location   	(0, -248)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
-							line_color 	3342489
-							quidu      	"422DE2C20194"
-							client     	@673
-							supplier   	@671
-							line_style 	0)))
-					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession" @677
-						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(1297, 1568)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@677
-						    location   	(1101, 1494)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
-						    nlines     	1
-						    max_width  	392
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-						width      	410
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-						location   	(1297, 1336)
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-						    (object RoleView "" @679
-							Parent_View 	@678
-							location   	(-159, 232)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
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-							supplier   	@677
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-							    Parent_View 	@679
-							    location   	(1351, 1466)
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-							    label      	"0..1"
-							    pctDist    	0.900000
-							    height     	54
-							    orientation 	0))
-						    (object RoleView "" @681
-							Parent_View 	@678
-							location   	(-159, 232)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
-							line_color 	3342489
-							quidu      	"422CC56802FB"
-							client     	@678
-							supplier   	@671
-							line_style 	0)))
-					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim" @682
-						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-						SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(2033, 1104)
-						label      	(object ItemLabel
-						    Parent_View 	@682
-						    location   	(1781, 1052)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
-						    nlines     	1
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-						    justify    	0
-						    label      	"CConnectionProviderShim")
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-						location   	(1668, 1104)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-							Parent_View 	@683
-							location   	(212, 0)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
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-							supplier   	@682
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-							    Parent_View 	@684
-							    location   	(1760, 1158)
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-							    anchor_loc 	1
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-							    label      	"0..1"
-							    pctDist    	0.900000
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-							    orientation 	1))
-						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$134" @686
-							Parent_View 	@683
-							location   	(212, 0)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
-							line_color 	3342489
-							quidu      	"422DE25002D7"
-							client     	@683
-							supplier   	@671
-							line_style 	0)))
-					    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$138" @687
-						location   	(1681, 1324)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$139" @688
-							Parent_View 	@687
-							location   	(-351, 220)
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-							client     	@687
-							supplier   	@677
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-							    Parent_View 	@688
-							    location   	(1564, 1463)
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-							    pctDist    	0.590101
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-							    orientation 	0))
-						    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$140" @690
-							Parent_View 	@687
-							location   	(-351, 220)
-							stereotype 	TRUE
-							line_color 	3342489
-							quidu      	"422DE30F0395"
-							client     	@687
-							supplier   	@682
-							line_style 	0)))
-					    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector" @691
-						ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-						SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-						IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-						IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-						location   	(2032, 608)
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-						    italics    	TRUE)
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-						    Parent_View 	@691
-						    location   	(1849, 533)
-						    fill_color 	13434879
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-						width      	384
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-					    (object RealizeView "" @692
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-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"42960F0C02A6"
-						client     	@671
-						supplier   	@691
-						line_style 	0))))))
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-				    (object NoteView @693
-					location   	(608, 2032)
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-					    Parent_View 	@693
-					    location   	(161, 1945)
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-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	859
-					    label      	"In case the connection is started with NID only it forms an overrides so that NETCON can select an agent the way it currently done?")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	919
-					height     	187)
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-					location   	(1648, 2432)
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-					    Parent_View 	@694
-					    location   	(1342, 2204)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	9
-					    max_width  	577
-					    label      	"New component written by Nokia will replace our dummy provider. This isn't at all ideal solution since it merges two big areas in one class (mobility & IP connection management) however it's the quickest one and is written by someone else:-). This is the piece all the fuss is about.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	637
-					height     	469)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CIPNetworkConnectionProvider" @695
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1648, 1888)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@695
-					    location   	(1348, 1836)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	600
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CIPNetworkConnectionProvider")
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-					width      	618
-					height     	128
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-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1648, 944)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@696
-					    location   	(1489, 892)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    label      	"XFactoryObject")
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-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1680, 544)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@697
-					    location   	(1432, 492)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    label      	"MConnectionControlClient")
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-					width      	514
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2400, 1296)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@698
-					    location   	(2171, 1244)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	458
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MConnectionDataClient")
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-					quidu      	"41BDA8D00172"
-					width      	476
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient" @699
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					SuppressAttribute 	TRUE
-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(912, 1296)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@699
-					    location   	(664, 1255)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	496
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MConnectionControlClient")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
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-					quidu      	"41BDA92A0213"
-					width      	514
-					height     	107
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase" @700
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1648, 1296)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@700
-					    location   	(1397, 1245)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	520
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CConnectionProviderBase")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
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-					quidu      	"41BDA765028C"
-					width      	520
-					height     	126
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object InheritView "" @701
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41BDA8BB001D"
-					client     	@700
-					supplier   	@696
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$100" @702
-					location   	(2034, 1296)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
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-						Parent_View 	@702
-						location   	(338, 256)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						client     	@702
-						supplier   	@698
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-						    Parent_View 	@703
-						    location   	(2129, 1350)
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-						    justify    	0
-						    label      	"0..*"
-						    pctDist    	0.748031
-						    height     	54
-						    orientation 	1))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$102" @705
-						Parent_View 	@702
-						location   	(338, 256)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"41BDA93B02EB"
-						client     	@702
-						supplier   	@700
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$103" @706
-					location   	(1278, 1296)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$104" @707
-						Parent_View 	@706
-						location   	(-418, 256)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"41BDA95202DA"
-						client     	@706
-						supplier   	@699
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-						    Parent_View 	@707
-						    location   	(1213, 1350)
-						    anchor     	2
-						    anchor_loc 	1
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-						    max_width  	15
-						    justify    	0
-						    label      	"0..*"
-						    pctDist    	0.594340
-						    height     	54
-						    orientation 	0))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$105" @709
-						Parent_View 	@706
-						location   	(-418, 256)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"41BDA95202DB"
-						client     	@706
-						supplier   	@700
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnection" @710
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2096, 944)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@710
-					    location   	(1963, 870)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	266
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CConnection")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"41A7507C013B"
-					width      	284
-					height     	172
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object RealizeView "" @711
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41BDB38A01E3"
-					client     	@710
-					supplier   	@697
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$109" @712
-					location   	(1856, 1131)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41BDB3930132"
-					roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$110" @713
-						Parent_View 	@712
-						location   	(-800, 395)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"41BDB394017A"
-						client     	@712
-						supplier   	@700
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-						    Parent_View 	@713
-						    location   	(1741, 1180)
-						    anchor     	2
-						    anchor_loc 	1
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-						    justify    	0
-						    label      	"0..1"
-						    pctDist    	0.735497
-						    height     	34
-						    orientation 	1))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$111" @715
-						Parent_View 	@712
-						location   	(-800, 395)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"41BDB394017B"
-						client     	@712
-						supplier   	@710
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession" @716
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2208, 512)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@716
-					    location   	(2017, 438)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	382
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CSockSubSession")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
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-					quidu      	"41A7685902ED"
-					width      	400
-					height     	172
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-				    (object InheritView "" @717
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41B875C100D1"
-					client     	@710
-					supplier   	@716
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim" @718
-					location   	(672, 336)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@718
-					    location   	(470, 252)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	404
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"Sub Connection Provider Shim")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	16776960
-					quidu      	"41BEF8100115"
-					width      	416
-					height     	180)
-				    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim" @719
-					location   	(304, 336)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@719
-					    location   	(150, 252)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	308
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"Connection Provider Shim")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	16776960
-					quidu      	"41DEB6F2028E"
-					width      	320
-					height     	180)
-				    (object Label @720
-					location   	(144, 96)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"See:")
-				    (object RealizeView "" @721
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41BDA98602E0"
-					client     	@695
-					supplier   	@699
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @722
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41DEB8A10386"
-					client     	@695
-					supplier   	@700
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AttachView "" @723
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@693
-					supplier   	@695
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object Label @724
-					location   	(481, 1713)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	2325
-					label      	"________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
-				    (object Label @725
-					location   	(480, 1776)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"ECOM plugin")
-				    (object Label @726
-					location   	(480, 1680)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"ESOCK")
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CBase" @727
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1088, 944)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@727
-					    location   	(932, 870)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	330
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CBase")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"41A7525A00AC"
-					width      	330
-					height     	172
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-				    (object InheritView "" @728
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"421BA9EE0293"
-					client     	@700
-					supplier   	@727
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object NoteView @729
-					location   	(2448, 1904)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@729
-					    location   	(2129, 1842)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	602
-					    label      	"practically dummy provider. Does idle timers & call traversing.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	662
-					height     	137)
-				    (object AttachView "" @730
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@729
-					supplier   	@695
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::XDummyConnectionControlClient" @731
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(528, 1536)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@731
-					    location   	(213, 1484)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	630
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"XDummyConnectionControlClient")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					quidu      	"421CAA340392"
-					width      	648
-					height     	128
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object InheritView "" @732
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"421CAA9A033C"
-					client     	@731
-					supplier   	@699
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object NoteView @733
-					location   	(464, 944)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@733
-					    location   	(67, 809)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	5
-					    max_width  	759
-					    label      	
-|Implements an empty versions of all but mandatory MConnectionControlClient virtuals. The mandatory ones are:
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	819
-					height     	282)
-				    (object AttachView "" @734
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@733
-					supplier   	@731
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::XConnectionSelector" @735
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2736, 512)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@735
-					    location   	(2530, 438)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	412
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"XConnectionSelector")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	65280
-					quidu      	"42960EDE02D0"
-					width      	430
-					height     	172
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object InheritView "" @736
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"4296102C00B4"
-					client     	@710
-					supplier   	@735
-					line_style 	0))))))
-		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-			quid       	"41A7579D02C6"
-			title      	"Main"
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-			max_width  	21600
-			origin_x   	0
-			origin_y   	0
-			items      	(list diagram_item_list
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::RConnection" @737
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1200, 176)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@737
-				    location   	(1067, 125)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	266
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"RConnection")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"41B1D83B017A"
-				width      	284
-				height     	126
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-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnection" @738
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1200, 608)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@738
-				    location   	(1069, 556)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	262
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CConnection")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				fill_color 	65535
-				quidu      	"41A7507C013B"
-				width      	280
-				height     	128
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object UsesView "" @739
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41B1D85E017A"
-				client     	@737
-				supplier   	@738
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession" @740
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(736, 352)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@740
-				    location   	(545, 278)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	382
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSockSubSession")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"
-				width      	400
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session" @741
-				location   	(1204, 1195)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@741
-				    location   	(1060, 1111)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	288
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"Nif Session")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41B9FACD0024"
-				width      	300
-				height     	180)
-			    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider" @742
-				location   	(1200, 768)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@742
-				    location   	(1056, 684)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	288
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"Connection Provider")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41BDA4160337"
-				width      	300
-				height     	180)
-			    (object ImportView "" @743
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"4288AB6F0382"
-				client     	@742
-				supplier   	@741
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object InheritView "" @744
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41B875C100D1"
-				client     	@738
-				supplier   	@740
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::XConnectionSelector" @745
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1648, 336)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@745
-				    location   	(1442, 262)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	412
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"XConnectionSelector")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"42960EDE02D0"
-				width      	430
-				height     	172
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-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @746
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"4296102C00B4"
-				client     	@738
-				supplier   	@745
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object NoteView @747
-				location   	(2048, 672)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@747
-				    location   	(1804, 578)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	3
-				    max_width  	452
-				    label      	"for initialisig and monitoring top level selection")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	512
-				height     	200)
-			    (object AttachView "" @748
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@747
-				supplier   	@745
-				line_style 	0)))))
-	    (object Class_Category "Sub Connection"
-		quid       	"41A74FC60071"
-		visible_categories 	(list visibility_relationship_list
-		    (object Visibility_Relationship
-			quid       	"41A77B4D007D"
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-			quidu      	"41A7584503E0")
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-			quid       	"41A876050177"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::Factory"
-			quidu      	"41A875EF01EE")
-		    (object Visibility_Relationship
-			quid       	"41A91E370312"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::Connection"
-			quidu      	"41A74FA2017D")
-		    (object Visibility_Relationship
-			quid       	"427A06AC0060"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss"
-			quidu      	"41AA25160186"))
-		exportControl 	"Public"
-		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
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-			quid       	"41A750530146"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A7689000BB"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"))
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-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A754C80042"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
-				quidu      	"41A753D702F9")))
-		    (object Class "CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-			quid       	"41A75088005C"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A7557C0268"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
-				quidu      	"41A7522A0392")
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41C05A6C02FE"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
-				quidu      	"41BDA8D00172"))
-			realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"41EFFB2001BC"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
-				quidu      	"41BDA8D00172")
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"427F424701C7"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"427A6DF6004F"))
-			operations 	(list Operations
-			    (object Operation "StartL"
-				quid       	"41C303FB0299"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "Stop"
-				quid       	"41C30B2C01B7"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "NextLayer"
-				quid       	"41C703B201B3"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)))
-		    (object Class "MSubConnectionControlClient"
-			quid       	"41A753D702F9"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"42D2C3B802F9"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionClient"
-				quidu      	"42D2C324007D"))
-			abstract   	TRUE)
-		    (object Class "MSubConnectionDataClient"
-			quid       	"41A753E90088"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"42D2C3BC009C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionClient"
-				quidu      	"42D2C324007D"))
-			abstract   	TRUE)
-		    (object Class "CIPSubConnectionProvider"
-			quid       	"41A85C53037D"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"422CB16002EA"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CEmptySubConnectionProvider"
-				quidu      	"422CB11602A6")
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"4289C2EB0253"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
-		    (object Class "RSubConnection"
-			quid       	"41C177E40146"
-			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"41C178650047"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection"
-				quidu      	"41A750530146")))
-		    (object Class "CEmptySubConnectionProvider"
-			quid       	"422CB11602A6"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"422CB1CA0349"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C"))
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-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"422CB2FF03C1"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
-				quidu      	"41BDA8D00172")
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"422CB303034F"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::MConnectionEnumerateClients"
-				quidu      	"422CAE600150")))
-		    (object Class "CDefaultSubConnectionProvider"
-			quid       	"422CB12403A1"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"422CB2BE0240"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CEmptySubConnectionProvider"
-				quidu      	"422CB11602A6")))
-		    (object Class "ISubConnectionProviderBase"
-			quid       	"427A6DF6004F"
-			stereotype 	"Interface")
-		    (object Class "ISubConnectionFlow"
-			quid       	"42B9B1BA03A7"
-			stereotype 	"Interface")
-		    (object Class "ISubConnectionFlowClient"
-			quid       	"42C2CB700385"
-			stereotype 	"Interface")
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$141"
-			quid       	"41BEFF540033"
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-				quid       	"41BEFF580061"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$143"
-				quid       	"41BEFF58006B"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$144"
-			quid       	"41EBDF5401F5"
-			roles      	(list role_list
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-				quid       	"41EBDF5501EC"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
-				quidu      	"41A7507C013B"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$146"
-				quid       	"41EBDF5501F6"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection"
-				quidu      	"41A750530146")))
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-			quid       	"427A6BBC010E"
-			roles      	(list role_list
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-				quid       	"427A6BBD015F"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41BDA765028C"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$149"
-				quid       	"427A6BBD0169"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$150"
-			quid       	"427A6C370396"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$151"
-				quid       	"427A6C3802B1"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
-				quidu      	"41BDA8D00172"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$152"
-				quid       	"427A6C3802B2"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41BDA765028C")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$153"
-			quid       	"427A6E310389"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$154"
-				quid       	"427A6E3300C5"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"427A6DF6004F"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$155"
-				quid       	"427A6E3300C6"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CNetworkSubConnectionFlow"
-				quidu      	"427A6CAC0380")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$156"
-			quid       	"427A6E3B031F"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$157"
-				quid       	"427A6E3D0065"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
-				quidu      	"42B9B1BA03A7"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$158"
-				quid       	"427A6E3D0066"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
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-			quid       	"4284AE670316"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$160"
-				quid       	"4284AE68037C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"427A6DF6004F"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$161"
-				quid       	"4284AE680386"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-				quidu      	"4284A7BB031E")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$162"
-			quid       	"42C2C7E302A1"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$163"
-				quid       	"42C2C7E5004B"
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-				quidu      	"41A753E90088"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$164"
-				quid       	"42C2C7E5004C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
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-			quid       	"42C2CE0102CF"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$166"
-				quid       	"42C2CE020321"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlowClient"
-				quidu      	"42C2CB700385"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$167"
-				quid       	"42C2CE020322"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC"
-				quidu      	"4289BE6D02F0")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$168"
-			quid       	"42C2D15A00B6"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$169"
-				quid       	"42C2D15B0180"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
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-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$170"
-				quid       	"42C2D15B0181"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-				quidu      	"4284A7BB031E")))
-		    (object Class_Category "Sub Connection Provider Shim"
-			quid       	"41BEF8100115"
-			exportControl 	"Public"
-			logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-			    (object Class "CSubConnectionProviderShim"
-				quid       	"41BEF88800A9"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"41BEF8F60206"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41A75088005C")
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"421CA642026D"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
-					quidu      	"41A753E90088"))
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-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"41BEFFD60012"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
-					quidu      	"41A753E90088")
-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"41EFF19A038E"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
-					quidu      	"41BDA8D00172")
-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"4284C7F4004E"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MSubInterfaceShim"
-					quidu      	"4284C7CC02B2"))
-				operations 	(list Operations
-				    (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
-					quid       	"41C316950133"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "NotifyDataTransferred"
-					quid       	"421A55B300B8"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "NotifyDataSent"
-					quid       	"421A55B803D6"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "NotifyDataReceived"
-					quid       	"421A55BE0154"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)))
-			    (object Class "CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
-				quid       	"41C061D101C6"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"41C061ED0164"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
-					quidu      	"41BEF88800A9"))
-				realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"41BEFFD90229"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
-					quidu      	"41A753D702F9")
-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"41F00CA800E2"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MConnDataTransferNotify"
-					quidu      	"41F00C760342")
-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"41F013D30282"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MShimControlClient"
-					quidu      	"41F0137D0060"))
-				operations 	(list Operations
-				    (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
-					quid       	"41C3159B02D3"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "RequestSubConnectionProgressNotificationL"
-					quid       	"41C315B103B1"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "CancelSubConnectionProgressNotification"
-					quid       	"41C315B902A5"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataSentNotificationRequestL"
-					quid       	"41C315C10332"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataSentNotificationCancel"
-					quid       	"41C315C90316"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationRequestL"
-					quid       	"41C315D1019B"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationCancel"
-					quid       	"41C315D8023C"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "IsSubConnectionActiveRequestL"
-					quid       	"41C315DF0296"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel"
-					quid       	"41C315E7036A"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "GetCurrentProgress"
-					quid       	"41C315F200D1"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)))
-			    (object Class "CConnDataTransferShim"
-				quid       	"41F0088C039C"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"41F00DC50034"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CConnDataTransfer"
-					quidu      	"41F00D6A0013")))
-			    (object Class "MConnDataTransferNotify"
-				quid       	"41F00C760342")
-			    (object Class "CConnDataTransfer"
-				quid       	"41F00D6A0013"
-				operations 	(list Operations
-				    (object Operation "DataTransferred"
-					quid       	"421A4F1102B1"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataTransferredCancel"
-					quid       	"421A4F200082"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataSentNotificationRequest"
-					quid       	"421A4F2A0376"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataSentNotificationCancel"
-					quid       	"421A4F4B0215"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationRequest"
-					quid       	"421A4F5200F3"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationCancel"
-					quid       	"421A4F580048"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "RegisterClientL"
-					quid       	"421A4F5E034A"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)
-				    (object Operation "DeRegisterClient"
-					quid       	"421A4F6401FE"
-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
-					opExportControl 	"Public"
-					uid        	0)))
-			    (object Class "MShimControlClient"
-				quid       	"41F0137D0060")
-			    (object Class "MSubInterfaceShim"
-				quid       	"4284C7CC02B2")
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$171"
-				quid       	"41BF002A0257"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$172"
-					quid       	"41BF002B023B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
-					quidu      	"41A7526F01F7"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$173"
-					quid       	"41BF002B0245"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
-					quidu      	"41BEF88800A9")))
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-				quid       	"41EFDA2E0333"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$175"
-					quid       	"41EFDA2F03CA"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
-					quidu      	"41C061D101C6"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$176"
-					quid       	"41EFDA2F03CB"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
-					quidu      	"41BEF88800A9")))
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-				quid       	"41EFDA99020C"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$178"
-					quid       	"41EFDA9A0358"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
-					quidu      	"41A7526F01F7"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$179"
-					quid       	"41EFDA9A0362"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
-					quidu      	"41C061D101C6")))
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-				quid       	"41F00DA8035D"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$181"
-					quid       	"41F00DA90250"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MConnDataTransferNotify"
-					quidu      	"41F00C760342"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$182"
-					quid       	"41F00DA90251"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CConnDataTransfer"
-					quidu      	"41F00D6A0013")))
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-				quid       	"41F00DC903B5"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$184"
-					quid       	"41F00DCA03D4"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CConnDataTransferShim"
-					quidu      	"41F0088C039C"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$185"
-					quid       	"41F00DCA03D5"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
-					quidu      	"41BEF88800A9")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$186"
-				quid       	"4284C7FA03DC"
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-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$187"
-					quid       	"4284C7FB037A"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MSubInterfaceShim"
-					quidu      	"4284C7CC02B2"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$188"
-					quid       	"4284C7FB037B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
-					quidu      	"41BDAABC004D"))))
-			logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-			    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-				quid       	"41BEF88601F1"
-				title      	"Main"
-				zoom       	100
-				max_height 	28350
-				max_width  	21600
-				origin_x   	0
-				origin_y   	0
-				items      	(list diagram_item_list
-				    (object NoteView @749
-					location   	(2048, 1568)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@749
-					    location   	(1648, 1487)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	765
-					    label      	"Conveys downcalls made by an upper sub-connection layer to NIFMAN. (former CSubInterface)")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	825
-					height     	175)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession" @750
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1168, 2016)
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-					    Parent_View 	@750
-					    location   	(1037, 1942)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					location   	(448, 1568)
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-					    Parent_View 	@751
-					    location   	(98, 1505)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	665
-					    label      	"Does all the up-calls related work of the former CSubConnection.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	725
-					height     	138)
-				    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider" @752
-					location   	(2800, 1056)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@752
-					    location   	(2640, 972)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    max_width  	320
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"Connection Provider")
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-					line_color 	3342489
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-					location   	(2468, 656)
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-					label      	"ESOCK")
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-					location   	(36, 688)
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-					label      	"______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
-				    (object Label @755
-					location   	(2468, 768)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"ECOM ShimSCPR plugin")
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MConnDataTransferNotify" @756
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(804, 544)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@756
-					    location   	(558, 493)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    label      	"MConnDataTransferNotify")
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-					width      	510
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CConnDataTransfer" @757
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1444, 544)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@757
-					    location   	(1251, 492)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    label      	"CConnDataTransfer")
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-					location   	(1150, 544)
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-						Parent_View 	@758
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-						    label      	"0..*"
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-						Parent_View 	@758
-						location   	(-338, -800)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"41F00DA90251"
-						client     	@758
-						supplier   	@757
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase" @762
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-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1168, 1648)
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-					    Parent_View 	@762
-					    location   	(937, 1574)
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-					client     	@750
-					supplier   	@762
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient" @764
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(500, 1232)
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-					    Parent_View 	@764
-					    location   	(194, 1180)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@751
-					supplier   	@764
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$177" @766
-					location   	(815, 1428)
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-						Parent_View 	@766
-						location   	(-529, -364)
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-						    Parent_View 	@767
-						    location   	(996, 1500)
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$179" @769
-						Parent_View 	@766
-						location   	(-529, -364)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"41EFDA9A0362"
-						client     	@766
-						supplier   	@764
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object RealizeView "" @770
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-					client     	@764
-					supplier   	@756
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1444, 864)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@771
-					    location   	(1205, 813)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-				    (object InheritView "" @772
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-					client     	@771
-					supplier   	@757
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim" @773
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1796, 1232)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@773
-					    location   	(1502, 1180)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					location   	(1497, 1428)
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-						Parent_View 	@774
-						location   	(-7, -188)
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-						    Parent_View 	@775
-						    location   	(1335, 1512)
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$173" @777
-						Parent_View 	@774
-						location   	(-7, -188)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						client     	@774
-						supplier   	@773
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object AttachView "" @778
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@749
-					supplier   	@773
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-					location   	(1153, 1232)
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-						Parent_View 	@779
-						location   	(-191, -160)
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-						client     	@779
-						supplier   	@764
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-						    Parent_View 	@780
-						    location   	(864, 1272)
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-						    label      	"0..*"
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$176" @782
-						Parent_View 	@779
-						location   	(-191, -160)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"41EFDA2F03CB"
-						client     	@779
-						supplier   	@773
-						line_style 	0)))
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-					location   	(1619, 1047)
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-						Parent_View 	@783
-						location   	(-221, -889)
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-						    label      	"0..1"
-						    pctDist    	0.542481
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$185" @786
-						Parent_View 	@783
-						location   	(-221, -889)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"41F00DCA03D5"
-						client     	@783
-						supplier   	@773
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MShimControlClient" @787
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(260, 896)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@787
-					    location   	(63, 845)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					location   	(212, 464)
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-					    Parent_View 	@788
-					    location   	(30, 273)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	7
-					    max_width  	328
-					    label      	"client down calls related to the old CSubConnection/CSubInterface => ESOCK doesn't have to link against the shim.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	388
-					height     	394)
-				    (object AttachView "" @789
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@788
-					supplier   	@787
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object RealizeView "" @790
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-					client     	@764
-					supplier   	@787
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-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2224, 896)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@791
-					    location   	(2030, 845)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	388
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-					    label      	"MSubInterfaceShim")
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-					client     	@773
-					supplier   	@791
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2708, 1232)
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-					    Parent_View 	@793
-					    location   	(2449, 1157)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					location   	(2448, 1051)
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-						Parent_View 	@794
-						location   	(-272, -981)
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-						    label      	"0..*"
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$188" @797
-						Parent_View 	@794
-						location   	(-272, -981)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4284C7FB037B"
-						client     	@794
-						supplier   	@793
-						line_style 	0)))
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-					location   	(16, 1760)
-					nlines     	1
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-					label      	"______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
-				    (object Label @799
-					location   	(2448, 1840)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"NIFMAN"))))))
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject" @800
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-				location   	(2227, 1072)
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-				    Parent_View 	@800
-				    location   	(2068, 998)
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-				location   	(1712, 752)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@801
-				    location   	(1511, 668)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	402
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-				    label      	"Sub Connection Provider Shim")
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-				line_color 	3342489
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-				width      	414
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-				location   	(1728, 560)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@802
-				    location   	(1356, 457)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	4
-				    max_width  	708
-				    label      	"See Sub Connection Provider Shim package for sub-connection handled via RConnection based on sub-connection Id.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	768
-				height     	219)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::RSubConnection" @803
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(928, 128)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@803
-				    location   	(762, 77)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	332
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"RSubConnection")
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-				quidu      	"41C177E40146"
-				width      	350
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CEmptySubConnectionProvider" @804
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1683, 2336)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@804
-				    location   	(1381, 2284)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	604
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CEmptySubConnectionProvider")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"422CB11602A6"
-				width      	622
-				height     	128
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient" @805
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2675, 1072)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@805
-				    location   	(2446, 998)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	458
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MConnectionDataClient")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"41BDA8D00172"
-				width      	476
-				height     	172
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-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object Label @806
-				location   	(928, 960)
-				nlines     	34
-				max_width  	31
-				label      	
-				)
-			    (object Label @807
-				location   	(480, 896)
-				nlines     	1
-				max_width  	944
-				label      	
-				)
-			    (object Label @808
-				location   	(31, 831)
-				nlines     	1
-				max_width  	2832
-				label      	"_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
-			    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow" @809
-				location   	(352, 2512)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@809
-				    location   	(179, 2428)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	346
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"Sub Connection Flow")
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-				fill_color 	65280
-				quidu      	"427A06CC0387"
-				width      	358
-				height     	180)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow" @810
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(448, 1920)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@810
-				    location   	(186, 1846)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	524
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MSubConnectionFlow")
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-				quidu      	"429C882D03D7"
-				width      	542
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase" @811
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2675, 1616)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@811
-				    location   	(2424, 1541)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	502
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CConnectionProviderBase")
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-				quidu      	"41BDA765028C"
-				width      	520
-				height     	174
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$150" @812
-				location   	(2675, 1343)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"427A6C370396"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$151" @813
-					Parent_View 	@812
-					location   	(2275, 399)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427A6C3802B1"
-					client     	@812
-					supplier   	@805
-					line_style 	0
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-					    Parent_View 	@813
-					    location   	(2712, 1285)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..*"
-					    pctDist    	0.310860
-					    height     	37
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$152" @815
-					Parent_View 	@812
-					location   	(2275, 399)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427A6C3802B2"
-					client     	@812
-					supplier   	@811
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow" @816
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(928, 1936)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@816
-				    location   	(927, 2065)
-				    anchor_loc 	1
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	585
-				    justify    	0
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-				quidu      	"42B9B1BA03A7"
-				width      	100
-				height     	100
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-			    (object RealizeView "" @817
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42C2C68D01D0"
-				client     	@810
-				supplier   	@816
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient" @818
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1680, 1056)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@818
-				    location   	(1414, 1005)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	532
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MSubConnectionDataClient")
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-				quidu      	"41A753E90088"
-				width      	550
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-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase" @819
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1683, 1926)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@819
-				    location   	(1397, 1874)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	572
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSubConnectionProviderBase")
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-				quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-				width      	590
-				height     	128
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-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @820
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A7557C0268"
-				client     	@819
-				supplier   	@800
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @821
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41EFFB2001BC"
-				client     	@819
-				supplier   	@805
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object InheritView "" @822
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				quidu      	"422CB1CA0349"
-				client     	@804
-				supplier   	@819
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$147" @823
-				location   	(2149, 1778)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				quidu      	"427A6BBC010E"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$148" @824
-					Parent_View 	@823
-					location   	(709, 322)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427A6BBD015F"
-					client     	@823
-					supplier   	@811
-					line_style 	0
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-					    Parent_View 	@824
-					    location   	(2359, 1679)
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-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.829843
-					    height     	33
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$149" @826
-					Parent_View 	@823
-					location   	(709, 322)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427A6BBD0169"
-					client     	@823
-					supplier   	@819
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$156" @827
-				location   	(1178, 1929)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"427A6E3B031F"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$157" @828
-					Parent_View 	@827
-					location   	(-262, 473)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427A6E3D0065"
-					client     	@827
-					supplier   	@816
-					line_style 	0
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-					    Parent_View 	@828
-					    location   	(992, 1983)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$158" @830
-					Parent_View 	@827
-					location   	(-262, 473)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427A6E3D0066"
-					client     	@827
-					supplier   	@819
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$162" @831
-				location   	(1681, 1490)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42C2C7E302A1"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$163" @832
-					Parent_View 	@831
-					location   	(193, 34)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42C2C7E5004B"
-					client     	@831
-					supplier   	@818
-					line_style 	0
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-					    Parent_View 	@832
-					    location   	(1734, 1156)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..*"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$164" @834
-					Parent_View 	@831
-					location   	(193, 34)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42C2C7E5004C"
-					client     	@831
-					supplier   	@819
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlowClient" @835
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(928, 1648)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@835
-				    location   	(926, 1805)
-				    anchor_loc 	1
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	689
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-				quidu      	"42C2CB700385"
-				width      	156
-				height     	156
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC" @836
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1328, 1344)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@836
-				    location   	(1047, 1270)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	562
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSubConnectionDataClientC")
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-				width      	580
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @837
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42C2C7F800F2"
-				client     	@836
-				supplier   	@818
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$165" @838
-				location   	(1102, 1512)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$166" @839
-					Parent_View 	@838
-					location   	(-2, 376)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42C2CE020321"
-					client     	@838
-					supplier   	@835
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-					    Parent_View 	@839
-					    location   	(1034, 1630)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$167" @841
-					Parent_View 	@838
-					location   	(-2, 376)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42C2CE020322"
-					client     	@838
-					supplier   	@836
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @842
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(448, 1600)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@842
-				    location   	(215, 1526)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	466
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CControlledServProvider")
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-				quidu      	"41A754670219"
-				width      	484
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession" @843
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1504, 128)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@843
-				    location   	(1313, 54)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	382
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSockSubSession")
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-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"
-				width      	400
-				height     	172
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-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnection" @844
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2400, 432)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@844
-				    location   	(2267, 358)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				    label      	"CConnection")
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-				width      	284
-				height     	172
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient" @845
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(336, 128)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@845
-				    location   	(48, 77)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	576
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MSubConnectionControlClient")
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-				width      	594
-				height     	126
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase" @846
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(928, 768)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@846
-				    location   	(636, 716)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				location   	(630, 447)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-					Parent_View 	@847
-					location   	(-906, -449)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					client     	@847
-					supplier   	@845
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-					    Parent_View 	@848
-					    location   	(378, 245)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    label      	"0..*"
-					    pctDist    	0.921176
-					    height     	49
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$84" @850
-					Parent_View 	@847
-					location   	(-906, -449)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A755110322"
-					client     	@847
-					supplier   	@846
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection" @851
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(928, 432)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@851
-				    location   	(763, 381)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	330
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-				    label      	"CSubConnection")
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-				quidu      	"41A750530146"
-				width      	348
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @852
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A754C80042"
-				client     	@851
-				supplier   	@845
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$144" @853
-				location   	(1679, 432)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
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-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$145" @854
-					Parent_View 	@853
-					location   	(-705, -1024)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					client     	@853
-					supplier   	@844
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-					    Parent_View 	@854
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-					Parent_View 	@853
-					location   	(-705, -1024)
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-					client     	@853
-					supplier   	@851
-					line_style 	0)))
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-				location   	(928, 599)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-					Parent_View 	@858
-					location   	(-1504, 135)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    Parent_View 	@859
-					    location   	(897, 681)
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-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.786015
-					    height     	32
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$93" @861
-					Parent_View 	@858
-					location   	(-1504, 135)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A75685011E"
-					client     	@858
-					supplier   	@851
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object UsesView "" @862
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-				supplier   	@851
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-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				client     	@802
-				supplier   	@844
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase" @864
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-				location   	(928, 2372)
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-				    Parent_View 	@864
-				    location   	(926, 2517)
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-				location   	(448, 1232)
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-				    italics    	TRUE)
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-				    Parent_View 	@866
-				    location   	(181, 1158)
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-			    (object RealizeView "" @867
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-				quidu      	"42C2D0EF03A3"
-				client     	@842
-				supplier   	@866
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @868
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-				client     	@866
-				supplier   	@835
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase" @869
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
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-				location   	(448, 2352)
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-				    Parent_View 	@869
-				    location   	(185, 2278)
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-				location   	(795, 2363)
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-					Parent_View 	@870
-					location   	(507, 1099)
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-					    pctDist    	0.900000
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-					Parent_View 	@870
-					location   	(507, 1099)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					client     	@870
-					supplier   	@869
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object RealizeView "" @874
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-				supplier   	@810
-				line_style 	0)
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-				location   	(50, 1791)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-					Parent_View 	@875
-					location   	(-398, -561)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (50, 1791)
-					    (50, 1472)
-					    (304, 1318))
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-					    Parent_View 	@876
-					    location   	(279, 1396)
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-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..*"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
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-					Parent_View 	@875
-					location   	(-398, -561)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					supplier   	@869
-					vertices   	(list Points
-					    (50, 1791)
-					    (50, 2144)
-					    (282, 2265))
-					line_style 	0)))))
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-				    location   	(1390, 1286)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				location   	(1312, 1072)
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-				    Parent_View 	@881
-				    location   	(1010, 1021)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CEmptySubConnectionProvider")
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-				location   	(976, 1344)
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-				    Parent_View 	@882
-				    location   	(672, 1293)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				    location   	(355, 614)
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
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-				location   	(2128, 1056)
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-				    Parent_View 	@886
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-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	3
-				    max_width  	427
-				    label      	"functionality common to primary and secondary context.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	487
-				height     	175)
-			    (object AttachView "" @887
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object NoteView @888
-				location   	(2304, 1360)
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-				    location   	(2066, 1298)
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-				    label      	"represents secondary context")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
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-				height     	137)
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-				location   	(320, 1344)
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-				    Parent_View 	@889
-				    location   	(82, 1282)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				    max_width  	440
-				    label      	"represents primary(default) context")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	500
-				height     	137)
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-			    (object AttachView "" @892
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-			    (object InheritView "" @893
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-			    (object Label @898
-				location   	(352, 832)
-				nlines     	1
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-				label      	"ESOCK")))))
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-			quid       	"41A91E410014"
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-			quid       	"427A063C027B"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss"
-			quidu      	"41AA25160186"))
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-				quid       	"41A877C8023E"
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-				quidu      	"41A7522A0392"))
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-				quidu      	"41A753E90088")
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-				quid       	"42C2D0EF03A3"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
-				quidu      	"4284A8070236")))
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-			quid       	"41A85E7502CE"
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-				quid       	"41A85EF7011C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
-				quidu      	"41A754670219"))
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-				quid       	"41D920F900C8"
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-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"))
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-				quid       	"41A864B90298"
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-				quid       	"41AC9D080150"
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-				quidu      	"41A753D702F9")
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-				quid       	"41C2DDF30330"
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-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8")
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-				quid       	"41CFEA310370"
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-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8")
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-				quid       	"422CAE9A0154"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::MConnectionEnumerateClients"
-				quidu      	"422CAE600150")))
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-			quid       	"41A768BD034B"
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-				quid       	"41A877070223"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
-				quidu      	"41A7522A0392")))
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-			quid       	"41A7685902ED")
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-			quid       	"41A863A900AC"
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-				quid       	"41A888E80288"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"))
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-				quid       	"41A864E301EE"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::MSocketControlledNotify"
-				quidu      	"421A09A70089")))
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-			quid       	"41A8641100E8")
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-			quid       	"41A869E70168"
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-				quid       	"41A869F0002B"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A768BD034B")))
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-			quid       	"41A88D720008")
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-			quid       	"421A09A70089")
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-			quid       	"422CAE600150")
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-			quid       	"41A863F10128"
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-				quid       	"41A863F20238"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
-				quidu      	"41A754670219"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$191"
-				quid       	"41A863F20242"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CSocket"
-				quidu      	"41A863A900AC"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$192"
-			quid       	"41A866DD0047"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$193"
-				quid       	"41A866DD039A"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A768BD034B"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$194"
-				quid       	"41A866DD03A4"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
-				quidu      	"41A85E7502CE"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$195"
-			quid       	"41A867AE0142"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$196"
-				quid       	"41A867AF031A"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify"
-				quidu      	"41A8641100E8"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$197"
-				quid       	"41A867AF0324"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A768BD034B")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$198"
-			quid       	"41A867D1039B"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "iSocket"
-				quid       	"41A867D30019"
-				label      	"iSocket"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify"
-				quidu      	"41A8641100E8"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				exportControl 	"Protected"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$199"
-				quid       	"41A867D30023"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A768BD034B")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$200"
-			quid       	"41B722220185"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "iSocketClient"
-				quid       	"41B7222301A4"
-				label      	"iSocketClient"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::MSocketControlledNotify"
-				quidu      	"421A09A70089"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				exportControl 	"Protected"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$201"
-				quid       	"41B7222301AE"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
-				quidu      	"41A85E7502CE")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$202"
-			quid       	"41D0871802FF"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$203"
-				quid       	"41D08719022E"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession"
-				quidu      	"41C06F440273"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$204"
-				quid       	"41D087190238"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
-				quidu      	"41A85E7502CE"))))
-		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-			quid       	"41A77B5F015F"
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-			    (object NoteView @899
-				location   	(1296, 1664)
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-				    Parent_View 	@899
-				    location   	(833, 1561)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	4
-				    max_width  	890
-				    label      	"Emulates being MSocketNotify (CSocket) so that it can server NoBearer & Bearer calls on horizontal level and forwards the rest to the CControlledServProviderShim::iSocketClient.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	950
-				height     	219)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @900
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(848, 896)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@900
-				    location   	(615, 844)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	466
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CControlledServProvider")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"41A754670219"
-				width      	484
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-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CSocket" @901
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1575, 896)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@901
-				    location   	(1475, 845)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	200
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSocket")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A863A900AC"
-				width      	218
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$189" @902
-				location   	(1277, 896)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				quidu      	"41A863F10128"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$190" @903
-					Parent_View 	@902
-					location   	(365, 448)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					quidu      	"41A863F20238"
-					client     	@902
-					supplier   	@900
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-					    Parent_View 	@903
-					    location   	(1127, 844)
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-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..1"
-					    pctDist    	0.802139
-					    height     	52
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$191" @905
-					Parent_View 	@902
-					location   	(365, 448)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A863F20242"
-					client     	@902
-					supplier   	@901
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object NoteView @906
-				location   	(1680, 240)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@906
-				    location   	(1248, 137)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	4
-				    max_width  	828
-				    label      	"Remove CInterface association and replace CServProviderBase association with CControlledServProvider one. CSocket no longer owns the provider.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	888
-				height     	219)
-			    (object AttachView "" @907
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@901
-				supplier   	@906
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AttachView "" @908
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				client     	@902
-				supplier   	@906
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CIpcProvdBase" @909
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(768, 2256)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@909
-				    location   	(617, 2205)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	302
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CIpcProvdBase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"41A869E70168"
-				width      	320
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object NoteView @910
-				location   	(1264, 2064)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@910
-				    location   	(995, 1961)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	4
-				    max_width  	502
-				    label      	"All service provider are currently derived from CServProviderBase. Example CIpcProvdBase.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	562
-				height     	219)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject" @911
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(848, 528)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@911
-				    location   	(689, 476)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	318
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"XFactoryObject")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A7522A0392"
-				width      	336
-				height     	128
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession" @912
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1264, 528)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@912
-				    location   	(1073, 476)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	382
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSockSubSession")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
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-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"
-				width      	400
-				height     	128
-				annotation 	8
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-			    (object InheritView "" @913
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A888E80288"
-				client     	@901
-				supplier   	@912
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object NoteView @914
-				location   	(528, 240)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@914
-				    location   	(100, 106)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	5
-				    max_width  	821
-				    label      	"Alternatively we can forget about CFactoryObject as a base for service provider leave the hard coded creation of the shim in ProtocolManager::NewSocketL for the time being.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	881
-				height     	281)
-			    (object NoteView @915
-				location   	(1527, 1136)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@915
-				    location   	(1348, 1080)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	322
-				    label      	"NoBearer / Bearer selection.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	382
-				height     	125)
-			    (object InheritView "" @916
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				client     	@900
-				supplier   	@911
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify" @917
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2055, 1136)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@917
-				    location   	(1897, 1061)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	316
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"ISelectionNotify")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"
-				width      	334
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-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AttachView "" @918
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@915
-				supplier   	@917
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object NoteView @919
-				location   	(1824, 2064)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@919
-				    location   	(1583, 1980)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	3
-				    max_width  	446
-				    label      	"to be able find a default connection for the session on NoBearer.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	506
-				height     	181)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify" @920
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(768, 1152)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@920
-				    location   	(619, 1101)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	298
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MSocketNotify")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A8641100E8"
-				width      	316
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase" @921
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(768, 1872)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@921
-				    location   	(574, 1821)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	388
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CServProviderBase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"41A768BD034B"
-				width      	406
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-				annotation 	8
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-				client     	@909
-				supplier   	@921
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AttachView "" @923
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@910
-				supplier   	@922
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$198" @924
-				location   	(768, 1511)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "iSocket" @925
-					Parent_View 	@924
-					location   	(-1120, 1047)
-					label      	(object SegLabel @926
-					    Parent_View 	@925
-					    location   	(727, 1269)
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-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"#iSocket"
-					    pctDist    	0.800000
-					    height     	42
-					    orientation 	0)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A867D30019"
-					client     	@924
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-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$199" @928
-					Parent_View 	@924
-					location   	(-1120, 1047)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A867D30023"
-					client     	@924
-					supplier   	@921
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession" @929
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2340, 2259)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@929
-				    location   	(2062, 2185)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	556
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSockSession")
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-				width      	574
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::MSocketControlledNotify" @930
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2343, 480)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@930
-				    location   	(2103, 429)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	480
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MSocketControlledNotify")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"421A09A70089"
-				width      	498
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim" @931
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2343, 1872)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@931
-				    location   	(2066, 1821)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	554
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CControlledServProviderShim")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"41A85E7502CE"
-				width      	572
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-			    (object AttachView "" @932
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@899
-				supplier   	@931
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object InheritView "" @933
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				client     	@931
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-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				client     	@899
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-				line_style 	0)
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-				location   	(1513, 1872)
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-					Parent_View 	@936
-					location   	(-375, 880)
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-					Parent_View 	@936
-					location   	(-375, 880)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					quidu      	"41A866DD03A4"
-					client     	@936
-					supplier   	@931
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$202" @940
-				location   	(2341, 2053)
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-					Parent_View 	@940
-					location   	(-171, 181)
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-					supplier   	@929
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-					    Parent_View 	@941
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-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$204" @943
-					Parent_View 	@940
-					location   	(-171, 181)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41D087190238"
-					client     	@940
-					supplier   	@931
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AttachView "" @944
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@919
-				supplier   	@940
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object UsesView "" @945
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-				quidu      	"41D920F900C8"
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-				supplier   	@917
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$200" @946
-				location   	(2343, 1175)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41B722220185"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "iSocketClient" @947
-					Parent_View 	@946
-					location   	(1223, -681)
-					label      	(object SegLabel @948
-					    Parent_View 	@947
-					    location   	(2509, 599)
-					    anchor     	1
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    max_width  	284
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"#iSocketClient"
-					    pctDist    	0.912975
-					    height     	166
-					    orientation 	1)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41B7222301A4"
-					client     	@946
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-					    Parent_View 	@947
-					    location   	(2317, 640)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.847612
-					    height     	27
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$201" @950
-					Parent_View 	@946
-					location   	(1223, -681)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41B7222301AE"
-					client     	@946
-					supplier   	@931
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object RealizeView "" @951
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				client     	@901
-				supplier   	@930
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::MConnectionEnumerateClients" @952
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2720, 1136)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@952
-				    location   	(2419, 1085)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	620
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-				    label      	"MConnectionEnumerateClients")
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-				quidu      	"422CAE600150"
-				width      	620
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
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-			    (object RealizeView "" @953
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-				quidu      	"422CAE9A0154"
-				client     	@931
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-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient" @954
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
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-				location   	(336, 528)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
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-				    Parent_View 	@954
-				    location   	(69, 454)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				    label      	"MSubConnectionFlowClient")
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-				width      	552
-				height     	172
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-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @955
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42C2D0EF03A3"
-				client     	@900
-				supplier   	@954
-				line_style 	0)))))
-	    (object Class_Category "Resolver"
-		quid       	"41A77EF303B5"
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-			quid       	"41A8760C02FE"
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-			quidu      	"41A875EF01EE")
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-			quid       	"41A91EB50147"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection"
-			quidu      	"41A74FC60071")
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-			quid       	"427A064401E7"
-			supplier   	"Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss"
-			quidu      	"41AA25160186"))
-		exportControl 	"Public"
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-			quid       	"41A8880E036B"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A8883B030C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"))
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-				quid       	"41D9210C036E"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"))
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-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A8883E0342"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
-				quidu      	"41A8883002B6")
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-				quid       	"41A911B7034D"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
-				quidu      	"41A753D702F9")
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-				quid       	"41C2DF4803B0"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8")))
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-			quid       	"41A8883002B6")
-		    (object Class "CHostResolvProvdBase"
-			quid       	"41A889D9031B"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A88F0702D1"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
-				quidu      	"41A88CCB00F8")))
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-			quid       	"41A88CCB00F8"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A88F10013A"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::CBase"
-				quidu      	"41A7525A00AC")))
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-			quid       	"41A88EED0310"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A88F160355"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
-				quidu      	"41A88CCB00F8")))
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-			quid       	"41A88F6201EC"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A88F71017F"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
-				quidu      	"41A88CCB00F8")))
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-			quid       	"41A88FF3019A"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A890E80233"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"))
-			realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A8913D00F5"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
-				quidu      	"41A8883002B6")))
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-			quid       	"41A895920294"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A895C701FA"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"))
-			realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A895C200E4"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
-				quidu      	"41A8883002B6")))
-		    (object Class "RHostResolver"
-			quid       	"41A895FE0203"
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-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A8967D0101"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
-				quidu      	"41A8880E036B")))
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-			quid       	"41A8962700F4"
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-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A8967F01EA"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolver"
-				quidu      	"41A88FF3019A")))
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-			quid       	"41A89654024D"
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-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"41A896810342"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CNetDatabase"
-				quidu      	"41A895920294")))
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-			quid       	"41A889E30261"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$206"
-				quid       	"41A889E501F6"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolvProvdBase"
-				quidu      	"41A889D9031B"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$207"
-				quid       	"41A889E50200"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
-				quidu      	"41A8880E036B"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"41A88D8F014A"
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-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$209"
-				quid       	"41A88D9001E2"
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-				quidu      	"41A8883002B6"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$210"
-				quid       	"41A88D9001EC"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
-				quidu      	"41A88CCB00F8")))
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-			quid       	"41A88E5E03B5"
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-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$212"
-				quid       	"41A88E6003C2"
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-				quidu      	"41A88D720008"
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-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$213"
-				quid       	"41A88E6003CC"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
-				quidu      	"41A88CCB00F8")))
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-			quid       	"41A890A901EC"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$215"
-				quid       	"41A890AA0003"
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-				quidu      	"41A88EED0310"
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-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$216"
-				quid       	"41A890AA000D"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolver"
-				quidu      	"41A88FF3019A"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$217"
-			quid       	"41A895A2016A"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$218"
-				quid       	"41A895A301A8"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CNetDBProvdBase"
-				quidu      	"41A88F6201EC"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$219"
-				quid       	"41A895A301A9"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CNetDatabase"
-				quidu      	"41A895920294"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$220"
-			quid       	"41A912D4002C"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$221"
-				quid       	"41A912D80190"
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-				quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$222"
-				quid       	"41A912D801C2"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
-				quidu      	"41A8880E036B")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$223"
-			quid       	"41A913C8025D"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$224"
-				quid       	"41A913C9034F"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
-				quidu      	"41A753D702F9"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1..n")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$225"
-				quid       	"41A913C90363"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C"))))
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1808, 878)
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-				    Parent_View 	@956
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-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(756, 512)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@957
-				    location   	(675, 460)
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1312, 878)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@958
-				    location   	(1152, 827)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	320
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MResolverNotify")
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-				quidu      	"41A8883002B6"
-				width      	338
-				height     	126
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-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(240, 877)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@959
-				    location   	(90, 803)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				    label      	"CProtocolBase")
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-				width      	318
-				height     	172
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(756, 877)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@960
-				    location   	(549, 826)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				    label      	"CResolverProvdBase")
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-				height     	126
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-				location   	(1057, 877)
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-					Parent_View 	@961
-					location   	(129, -259)
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-					client     	@961
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-					    pctDist    	0.900000
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-					    orientation 	1))
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-					Parent_View 	@961
-					location   	(129, -259)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A88D9001EC"
-					client     	@961
-					supplier   	@960
-					line_style 	0)))
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-				location   	(469, 877)
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-					location   	(-459, -243)
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-					client     	@965
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-					    Parent_View 	@966
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-					    pctDist    	1.014286
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-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$213" @968
-					Parent_View 	@965
-					location   	(-459, -243)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A88E6003CC"
-					client     	@965
-					supplier   	@960
-					line_style 	0)))
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-				client     	@960
-				supplier   	@957
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2146, 1949)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@970
-				    location   	(1955, 1875)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	382
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSockSubSession")
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-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"
-				width      	400
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolvProvdBase" @971
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(756, 2237)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@971
-				    location   	(503, 2186)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	506
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CServiceResolvProvdBase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A88EED0310"
-				width      	524
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @972
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A88F160355"
-				client     	@971
-				supplier   	@960
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolver" @973
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2146, 2237)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@973
-				    location   	(1974, 2186)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	344
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CServiceResolver")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A88FF3019A"
-				width      	362
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$214" @974
-				location   	(1491, 2237)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				quidu      	"41A890A901EC"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$215" @975
-					Parent_View 	@974
-					location   	(995, 765)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A890AA0003"
-					client     	@974
-					supplier   	@971
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-					    Parent_View 	@975
-					    location   	(1192, 2202)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..1"
-					    pctDist    	0.631579
-					    height     	36
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$216" @977
-					Parent_View 	@974
-					location   	(995, 765)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A890AA000D"
-					client     	@974
-					supplier   	@973
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object InheritView "" @978
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A890E80233"
-				client     	@973
-				supplier   	@970
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify" @979
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1666, 1965)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@979
-				    location   	(1506, 1914)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	320
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MResolverNotify")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A8883002B6"
-				width      	338
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @980
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A8913D00F5"
-				client     	@973
-				supplier   	@979
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDBProvdBase" @981
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(304, 2736)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@981
-				    location   	(120, 2685)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	368
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CNetDBProvdBase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
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-				quidu      	"41A88F6201EC"
-				width      	386
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @982
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A88F71017F"
-				client     	@981
-				supplier   	@960
-				vertices   	(list Points
-				    (303, 2672)
-				    (303, 1800)
-				    (723, 940))
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDatabase" @983
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2146, 2733)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@983
-				    location   	(2000, 2682)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	292
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CNetDatabase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A895920294"
-				width      	310
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$217" @984
-				location   	(1243, 2734)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A895A2016A"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$218" @985
-					Parent_View 	@984
-					location   	(-1173, 414)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A895A301A8"
-					client     	@984
-					supplier   	@981
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @986
-					    Parent_View 	@985
-					    location   	(572, 2789)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$219" @987
-					Parent_View 	@984
-					location   	(-1173, 414)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A895A301A9"
-					client     	@984
-					supplier   	@983
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify" @988
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1682, 2469)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@988
-				    location   	(1522, 2418)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	320
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MResolverNotify")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A8883002B6"
-				width      	338
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession" @989
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2146, 2453)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@989
-				    location   	(1955, 2379)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	382
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSockSubSession")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A7685902ED"
-				width      	400
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @990
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A895C200E4"
-				client     	@983
-				supplier   	@988
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object InheritView "" @991
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A895C701FA"
-				client     	@983
-				supplier   	@989
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::RHostResolver" @992
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1459, 144)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@992
-				    location   	(1308, 93)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	302
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"RHostResolver")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A895FE0203"
-				width      	320
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::RServiceResolver" @993
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1923, 144)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@993
-				    location   	(1750, 93)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	346
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"RServiceResolver")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A8962700F4"
-				width      	364
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::RNetDatabase" @994
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2371, 144)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@994
-				    location   	(2224, 93)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	294
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"RNetDatabase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A89654024D"
-				width      	312
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver" @995
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1454, 384)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@995
-				    location   	(1304, 333)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	300
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CHostResolver")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	65535
-				quidu      	"41A8880E036B"
-				width      	318
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolver" @996
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1922, 384)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@996
-				    location   	(1750, 333)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	344
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CServiceResolver")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A88FF3019A"
-				width      	362
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDatabase" @997
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2370, 384)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@997
-				    location   	(2224, 333)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	292
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CNetDatabase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A895920294"
-				width      	310
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object UsesView "" @998
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A8967D0101"
-				client     	@992
-				supplier   	@995
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object UsesView "" @999
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A8967F01EA"
-				client     	@993
-				supplier   	@996
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object UsesView "" @1000
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A896810342"
-				client     	@994
-				supplier   	@997
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object NoteView @1001
-				location   	(2368, 592)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1001
-				    location   	(2002, 514)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	3
-				    max_width  	696
-				    label      	"Add MSubConnectionControlClient realisation. CHostResolver will become sub connection control client.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	756
-				height     	169)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolvProvdBase" @1002
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1108, 1245)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1002
-				    location   	(877, 1194)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	462
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CHostResolvProvdBase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A889D9031B"
-				width      	480
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1003
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A88F0702D1"
-				client     	@1002
-				supplier   	@960
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver" @1004
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1808, 1246)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1004
-				    location   	(1658, 1195)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	300
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CHostResolver")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	65535
-				quidu      	"41A8880E036B"
-				width      	318
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1005
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A8883B030C"
-				client     	@1004
-				supplier   	@956
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @1006
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A8883E0342"
-				client     	@1004
-				supplier   	@958
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$205" @1007
-				location   	(1498, 1245)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A889E30261"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$206" @1008
-					Parent_View 	@1007
-					location   	(282, -211)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A889E501F6"
-					client     	@1007
-					supplier   	@1002
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1009
-					    Parent_View 	@1008
-					    location   	(1414, 1200)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..1"
-					    pctDist    	0.560000
-					    height     	45
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$207" @1010
-					Parent_View 	@1007
-					location   	(282, -211)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A889E50200"
-					client     	@1007
-					supplier   	@1004
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient" @1011
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2768, 880)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1011
-				    location   	(2480, 806)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	576
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MSubConnectionControlClient")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A753D702F9"
-				width      	594
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @1012
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A911B7034D"
-				client     	@1004
-				supplier   	@1011
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase" @1013
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1808, 1712)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1013
-				    location   	(1522, 1637)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	572
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSubConnectionProviderBase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	65535
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-				width      	590
-				height     	174
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$220" @1014
-				location   	(1808, 1466)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A912D4002C"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$221" @1015
-					Parent_View 	@1014
-					location   	(-416, 122)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A912D80190"
-					client     	@1014
-					supplier   	@1013
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1016
-					    Parent_View 	@1015
-					    location   	(1862, 1575)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..1"
-					    pctDist    	0.694118
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$222" @1017
-					Parent_View 	@1014
-					location   	(-416, 122)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41A912D801C2"
-					client     	@1014
-					supplier   	@1004
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$223" @1018
-				location   	(2766, 1646)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
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-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$224" @1019
-					Parent_View 	@1018
-					location   	(542, -18)
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-				    label      	"The CSubConnectionProviderBase instance and the association replaces CInterface instance + its association.")
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-				quidu      	"41A87B83033C"))
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-				quid       	"41A87F8100C4"
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-				quidu      	"41A87B4C0397")))
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-				quidu      	"41A87B4C0397")))
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-				quidu      	"41A8839B0038"))
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-				quidu      	"421A2BA8032E")))
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-				quidu      	"41A87B4C0397"))
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-				quid       	"41C06B66019E"
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-				quidu      	"41A87F61023B")))
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-			quid       	"41C1C8E302CA"
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-				quidu      	"41A8839B0038"))
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-				quidu      	"41C1AF890151"))
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-				quidu      	"41A87B83033C"))
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-				    (object Parameter "protocol")
-				    (object Parameter "conInfo"))
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-				    (object Parameter "protocol")
-				    (object Parameter "conInfo"))
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-				quidu      	"41A87B83033C")))
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-				quid       	"421A086A016D"
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-				quidu      	"41A87B4C0397")))
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-			quid       	"421A09250134"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"421A093000AD"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
-				quidu      	"41A87F61023B")))
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-				quidu      	"422F26CC014D"))
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-				quid       	"422F27D301BF")))
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-				quidu      	"422F27180328"))
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-				quidu      	"422F26CC014D"))
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-				quid       	"422F27750024")))
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-				quidu      	"422F27350281"))
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-				quid       	"422F279602E0")))
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-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
-				quidu      	"41A87B83033C")))
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-				quid       	"4280F9B50125"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
-				quidu      	"427F6DC802D7")))
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-				quidu      	"427F6DC802D7")))
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-				quidu      	"41A7522A0392")))
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-				quidu      	"41C1AF890151"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$239"
-				quid       	"4280F7D901FE"
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-				quidu      	"41A87B83033C"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE))))
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-				location   	(1727, 1245)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1033
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-					Parent_View 	@1034
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-					    (1770, 666)
-					    (1775, 606)
-					    (2264, 607))
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-					    pctDist    	0.900000
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-					    orientation 	1))))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject" @1039
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(736, 1952)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1039
-				    location   	(577, 1900)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				location   	(892, 1245)
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-					Parent_View 	@1040
-					location   	(-148, 845)
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-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
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-					Parent_View 	@1040
-					location   	(-148, 845)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (892, 1245)
-					    (832, 1245)
-					    (744, 1887))
-					line_style 	0)))
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-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1728, 224)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1044
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-				client     	@1032
-				supplier   	@1044
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-				location   	(2128, 849)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1046
-				    location   	(1808, 798)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2896, 848)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1047
-				    location   	(2575, 796)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				client     	@1046
-				supplier   	@1032
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-			    (object InheritView "" @1049
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-				client     	@1047
-				supplier   	@1032
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CProtocolFamilyFactoryBase" @1050
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2087, 1472)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1050
-				    location   	(1799, 1421)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1311, 1664)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1051
-				    location   	(956, 1613)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	710
-				    justify    	0
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-				client     	@1050
-				supplier   	@1033
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CIPNetworkProviderFactory" @1053
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2352, 1936)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1053
-				    location   	(2083, 1886)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	538
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CIPNetworkProviderFactory")
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-				width      	556
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase" @1054
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(336, 2208)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1054
-				    location   	(50, 2133)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	572
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSubConnectionProviderBase")
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-				width      	590
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-			    (object NoteView @1055
-				location   	(736, 368)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1055
-				    location   	(73, 46)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				    label      	
-|Generel note:
-|All the factory classes are very tiny ones mainly providing type cast. Could be template based as long as they don't add special functionality and even though it could be sorted by template specialisation.
-|All requests for provider are comming through factory container (unless the client knows which factory to talk to). All factories and providers are at the memont identified by address family. The factory can choose a provider type based on CommDb or.... Ther OID is a filter to select the desired provider (at the moment is equal to connection preferences). No concept of layers as yet. To be BC proof the factory holds an context of the created provider that (in the future) can be used to hold interface extensions + versions.
-				    )
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	1350
-				height     	656)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase" @1056
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2128, 1664)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1056
-				    location   	(1807, 1613)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	642
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CConnectionProviderFactoryBase")
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-				width      	660
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @1057
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1104, 2480)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1057
-				    location   	(870, 2406)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	468
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CControlledServProvider")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"41A754670219"
-				width      	486
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1058
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41A7557C0268"
-				client     	@1054
-				supplier   	@1039
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1059
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				client     	@1057
-				supplier   	@1039
-				vertices   	(list Points
-				    (926, 2393)
-				    (735, 2302)
-				    (735, 2016))
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object NoteView @1060
-				location   	(336, 1616)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1060
-				    location   	(64, 1491)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	5
-				    max_width  	508
-				    label      	"Reference counted self-destructing class or a class owned by someone. Factory never owns it but is adviced of its deletion.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	568
-				height     	262)
-			    (object AttachView "" @1061
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@1039
-				supplier   	@1060
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Service" @1062
-				location   	(1520, 2480)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1062
-				    location   	(1347, 2396)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	346
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-				    label      	"Service")
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-				height     	180)
-			    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Selection" @1063
-				location   	(240, 1376)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1063
-				    location   	(67, 1292)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	346
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-				    label      	"Selection")
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-				quidu      	"41B6EAB601E8"
-				width      	358
-				height     	180)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryShim" @1064
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1312, 2160)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1064
-				    location   	(956, 2109)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	712
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSubConnectionProviderFactoryShim")
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-			    (object InheritView "" @1065
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-				quidu      	"41C06B66019E"
-				client     	@1064
-				supplier   	@1051
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim" @1066
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2800, 2144)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1066
-				    location   	(2473, 2092)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	654
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CConnectionProviderFactoryShim")
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase" @1067
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-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(336, 2480)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1067
-				    location   	(85, 2428)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	520
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CConnectionProviderBase")
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-			    (object InheritView "" @1068
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-				client     	@1067
-				supplier   	@1039
-				vertices   	(list Points
-				    (476, 2415)
-				    (734, 2302)
-				    (735, 2016))
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer" @1069
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2896, 1072)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1069
-				    location   	(2608, 1020)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	576
-				    justify    	0
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-				quidu      	"41A883B6002D"
-				width      	594
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-			    (object InheritView "" @1070
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-				client     	@1069
-				supplier   	@1032
-				vertices   	(list Points
-				    (2751, 1007)
-				    (2528, 911)
-				    (2528, 672))
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-			    (object InheritView "" @1071
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-				client     	@1053
-				supplier   	@1056
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1072
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-				client     	@1033
-				supplier   	@1044
-				line_style 	0)
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-				location   	(928, 1728)
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-			    (object Label @1074
-				location   	(916, 1765)
-				nlines     	11
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-				label      	
-				)
-			    (object Label @1075
-				location   	(919, 2262)
-				nlines     	1
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-				label      	"________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
-			    (object Label @1076
-				location   	(960, 2240)
-				nlines     	1
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-				label      	"ECOM plugins")
-			    (object Label @1077
-				location   	(3200, 1765)
-				nlines     	11
-				max_width  	62
-				label      	
-				)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1078
-				stereotype 	TRUE
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-				client     	@1056
-				supplier   	@1033
-				vertices   	(list Points
-				    (1931, 1600)
-				    (1725, 1534)
-				    (1726, 1308))
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CServProviderFactoryContainer" @1079
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2128, 1072)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1079
-				    location   	(1831, 1021)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	594
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-				    label      	"CServProviderFactoryContainer")
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-				width      	612
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
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-			    (object InheritView "" @1080
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-				    (2278, 1008)
-				    (2525, 909)
-				    (2527, 672))
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-				    (1512, 1600)
-				    (1725, 1534)
-				    (1726, 1308))
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CServProviderFactoryBase" @1082
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1248, 1472)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1082
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-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				client     	@1082
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory" @1084
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1712, 1936)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1084
-				    location   	(1388, 1885)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	648
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-				    (2800, 2079)
-				    (2800, 1888)
-				    (2317, 1727))
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-				location   	(1040, 992)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1087
-				    location   	(755, 920)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	534
-				    label      	"To be replaced by CSubConnectionFlowFactory")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	594
-				height     	157)
-			    (object AttachView "" @1088
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@1087
-				supplier   	@1082
-				line_style 	0)))
-		    (object ClassDiagram "Network IP CPR Factory"
-			quid       	"422CA9100265"
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(688, 800)
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-				    italics    	TRUE)
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-				location   	(688, 1104)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1090
-				    location   	(419, 1052)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				client     	@1090
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector" @1092
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1552, 1104)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1092
-				    location   	(1325, 1030)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-			    (object UsesView "" @1093
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-				client     	@1090
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector" @1094
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-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1552, 768)
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-				    italics    	TRUE)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1094
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1552, 1472)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1096
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-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-				label      	"ESOCK")
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-				location   	(176, 912)
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-			    (object Label @1100
-				location   	(176, 976)
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-				label      	"ECOM IPCPR plugin")
-			    (object Label @1101
-				location   	(176, 1248)
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-				label      	"________________________________________________________________________________")
-			    (object Label @1102
-				location   	(176, 1312)
-				nlines     	1
-				max_width  	600
-				label      	"ECOM ShimCPR plugin")))
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-			quid       	"422CB62C0268"
-			title      	"Network IP SCPR Factory "
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-			max_width  	21600
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-				location   	(160, 672)
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-				label      	"________________________________________________________________________________")
-			    (object Label @1105
-				location   	(160, 736)
-				nlines     	1
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-				label      	"ECOM IPSCPR plugin")
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(816, 896)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1106
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(816, 544)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1107
-				    location   	(461, 493)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				client     	@1106
-				supplier   	@1107
-				line_style 	0)))
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-			quid       	"422CC4330046"
-			title      	"Link Shim CPR Factory"
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-			max_width  	21600
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-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(640, 608)
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-				    italics    	TRUE)
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-			    (object Label @1111
-				location   	(144, 880)
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-				label      	"ECOM ShimCPR plugin")
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-				location   	(144, 784)
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-				location   	(144, 1296)
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-				label      	"________________________________________________________________________________")
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-				location   	(144, 1360)
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-				location   	(640, 1552)
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-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(640, 1104)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1116
-				    location   	(319, 1052)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-					Parent_View 	@1125
-					location   	(0, 234)
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-					line_color 	3342489
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-					client     	@1125
-					supplier   	@1123
-					line_style 	0)))))
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-				annotation 	8
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::XConnectionFactoryQueryInfo" @1131
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-				location   	(608, 1168)
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::XSubConnectionFactoryQuery" @1132
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-				location   	(1472, 800)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1132
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::XSubConnectionFactoryQueryInfo" @1133
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-				location   	(1472, 1216)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1133
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-			    (object RealizeView "" @1137
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-		    (object ClassDiagram "Sub Connection Flow Factory"
-			quid       	"427F6D780046"
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-			items      	(list diagram_item_list
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase" @1138
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-				location   	(1536, 832)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1138
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
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-				location   	(560, 624)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1139
-				    location   	(197, 573)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase" @1140
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
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-				location   	(2016, 320)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1140
-				    location   	(1799, 269)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer" @1142
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
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-				location   	(560, 320)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1142
-				    location   	(306, 269)
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-					Parent_View 	@1144
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-					Parent_View 	@1144
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-					supplier   	@1142
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-				    Parent_View 	@1148
-				    location   	(185, 806)
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-				    nlines     	4
-				    max_width  	715
-				    label      	"Data plane counterparts of CSubConnectionProviderFactory & CSubConnectionFactoryContainer hiding IPC marshaling code.")
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-				height     	225)
-			    (object AttachView "" @1149
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-			    (object AttachView "" @1150
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CNetworkFlowFactory" @1151
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-				location   	(1539, 1760)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1151
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-				location   	(2099, 1760)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1152
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-			    (object Label @1154
-				location   	(160, 1552)
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-				label      	"__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
-			    (object Label @1155
-				location   	(160, 1616)
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-				label      	"ECOM plugin(s)")
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC" @1158
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1120, 1312)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1158
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase" @1160
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-				location   	(2448, 832)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1160
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-				supplier   	@1140
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC" @1162
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2448, 1296)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1162
-				    location   	(2120, 1192)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
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-				client     	@1162
-				supplier   	@1160
-				line_style 	0)))))
-	    (object Class_Category "Session Proxy/Pit Boss"
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-				quid       	"41AA25FD03E1"
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-				quidu      	"41A7525A00AC")))
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-				quid       	"421CAB5301A4"
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-				quidu      	"421CAA340392")))
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-				quid       	"41AA259B01C3"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSessionProxy"
-				quidu      	"41A7737A02A3")))
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-			quid       	"41C06F5E01F0"
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-				quid       	"421CA9A9025F"
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-				quidu      	"41A7737A02A3")))
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-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"42774D7301AE"
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-				quidu      	"42774D1403A3"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"42774D8F0170"
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-				quid       	"42774D9100C9"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession"
-				quidu      	"41C06F440273")))
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-			quid       	"427F66EB03C6"
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-				quid       	"427F66EC0377"
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-				Containment 	"By Reference"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$260"
-				quid       	"427F66EC0378"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CWorkerThread"
-				quidu      	"42774D1403A3"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE))))
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-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1568, 496)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1164
-				    location   	(1487, 444)
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-				location   	(2256, 1584)
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-				    Parent_View 	@1165
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-|Two meanings :
-|1. CtlType() == EMonitor - doesn't affect idle timers, serves to determined a default connection provider only.
-|2. CtlType() == ESession - affects timers and serves to determined a default conn provider.
-				    )
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	1137
-				height     	269)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::XDummyConnectionControlClient" @1166
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2256, 800)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1166
-				    location   	(1941, 726)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	630
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"XDummyConnectionControlClient")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"421CAA340392"
-				width      	648
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient" @1167
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2256, 496)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1167
-				    location   	(2008, 421)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	496
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MConnectionControlClient")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41BDA92A0213"
-				width      	514
-				height     	174
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1168
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"421CAA9A033C"
-				client     	@1166
-				supplier   	@1167
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object NoteView @1169
-				location   	(1440, 208)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1169
-				    location   	(1136, 127)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	3
-				    max_width  	572
-				    label      	"needs changing to return different worker id for data/control if control exists.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	632
-				height     	175)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CProtocolBase" @1170
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1376, 1600)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1170
-				    location   	(1226, 1526)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	300
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CProtocolBase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A88D720008"
-				width      	318
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::XSessionProxyEntry" @1171
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2256, 1232)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1171
-				    location   	(2047, 1181)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	418
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"XSessionProxyEntry")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"421CA9900353"
-				width      	436
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1172
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"421CAB5301A4"
-				client     	@1171
-				supplier   	@1166
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AttachView "" @1173
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@1171
-				supplier   	@1165
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSessionProxy" @1174
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1568, 1232)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1174
-				    location   	(1367, 1180)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	402
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSockSessionProxy")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A7737A02A3"
-				width      	420
-				height     	128
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$241" @1175
-				location   	(1477, 1404)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41AA259A01F4"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$242" @1176
-					Parent_View 	@1175
-					location   	(1109, 796)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41AA259B01B9"
-					client     	@1175
-					supplier   	@1170
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1177
-					    Parent_View 	@1176
-					    location   	(1489, 1479)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..*"
-					    pctDist    	0.499634
-					    height     	45
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$243" @1178
-					Parent_View 	@1175
-					location   	(1109, 796)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41AA259B01C3"
-					client     	@1175
-					supplier   	@1174
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object InheritView "" @1179
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41AA25FD03E1"
-				client     	@1174
-				supplier   	@1164
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$247" @1180
-				location   	(1907, 1232)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"421CA9A80195"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$248" @1181
-					Parent_View 	@1180
-					location   	(787, 448)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"421CA9A9025E"
-					client     	@1180
-					supplier   	@1171
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1182
-					    Parent_View 	@1181
-					    location   	(2023, 1286)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..*"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$249" @1183
-					Parent_View 	@1180
-					location   	(787, 448)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"421CA9A9025F"
-					client     	@1180
-					supplier   	@1174
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CPitBoss" @1184
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(880, 304)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1184
-				    location   	(780, 253)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	200
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CPitBoss")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	65535
-				quidu      	"42774CEE029D"
-				width      	218
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AttachView "" @1185
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@1169
-				supplier   	@1184
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CPlayer" @1186
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1024, 1232)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1186
-				    location   	(881, 1158)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	286
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CPlayer")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A773DB02DF"
-				width      	304
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession" @1187
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1264, 736)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1187
-				    location   	(1114, 685)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	300
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSockSession")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41C06F440273"
-				width      	318
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$244" @1188
-				location   	(1415, 983)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41C06F5E01F0"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$245" @1189
-					Parent_View 	@1188
-					location   	(295, 199)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41C06F5F004D"
-					client     	@1188
-					supplier   	@1187
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1190
-					    Parent_View 	@1189
-					    location   	(1377, 827)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.718276
-					    height     	49
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$246" @1191
-					Parent_View 	@1188
-					location   	(295, 199)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41C06F5F004E"
-					client     	@1188
-					supplier   	@1174
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CDealer" @1192
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(272, 1232)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1192
-				    location   	(129, 1158)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	286
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CDealer")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"427F666A03B4"
-				width      	304
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CWorkerThread" @1193
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(704, 736)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1193
-				    location   	(550, 685)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	308
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CWorkerThread")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"42774D1403A3"
-				width      	326
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$250" @1194
-				location   	(790, 519)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42774D1B01D6"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$251" @1195
-					Parent_View 	@1194
-					location   	(486, 55)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42774D1C0097"
-					client     	@1194
-					supplier   	@1184
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1196
-					    Parent_View 	@1195
-					    location   	(896, 404)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$252" @1197
-					Parent_View 	@1194
-					location   	(486, 55)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42774D1C0098"
-					client     	@1194
-					supplier   	@1193
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$253" @1198
-				location   	(856, 972)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42774D7301AE"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$254" @1199
-					Parent_View 	@1198
-					location   	(600, 12)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42774D74029F"
-					client     	@1198
-					supplier   	@1186
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1200
-					    Parent_View 	@1199
-					    location   	(1001, 1098)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$255" @1201
-					Parent_View 	@1198
-					location   	(600, 12)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42774D7402A0"
-					client     	@1198
-					supplier   	@1193
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$256" @1202
-				location   	(985, 736)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42774D8F0170"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "owner" @1203
-					Parent_View 	@1202
-					location   	(137, 16)
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1204
-					    Parent_View 	@1203
-					    location   	(942, 695)
-					    anchor     	1
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	140
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"#owner"
-					    pctDist    	0.362832
-					    height     	42
-					    orientation 	1)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42774D9100C8"
-					client     	@1202
-					supplier   	@1193
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1205
-					    Parent_View 	@1203
-					    location   	(880, 790)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$257" @1206
-					Parent_View 	@1202
-					location   	(137, 16)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42774D9100C9"
-					client     	@1202
-					supplier   	@1187
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$258" @1207
-				location   	(497, 972)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"427F66EB03C6"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$259" @1208
-					Parent_View 	@1207
-					location   	(49, 236)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427F66EC0377"
-					client     	@1207
-					supplier   	@1192
-					line_style 	0
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-					    Parent_View 	@1208
-					    location   	(436, 1113)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"0..1"
-					    pctDist    	0.637284
-					    height     	47
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$260" @1210
-					Parent_View 	@1207
-					location   	(49, 236)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427F66EC0378"
-					client     	@1207
-					supplier   	@1193
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CSocketServer" @1211
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(272, 720)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1211
-				    location   	(121, 646)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	302
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CSocketServer")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"427F651A0205"
-				width      	320
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object InheritView "" @1212
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"427F672803B1"
-				client     	@1192
-				supplier   	@1211
-				line_style 	0)))))
-	    (object Class_Category "Selection"
-		quid       	"41B6EAB601E8"
-		exportControl 	"Public"
-		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object Class "CNetworkControllerBase"
-			quid       	"41B6EDD003A2")
-		    (object Class "MNetworkControllerObserver"
-			quid       	"41B6EE01032A")
-		    (object Class "MProviderSelector"
-			quid       	"41C1AF5D02D3"
-			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"41D920A80342"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8")
-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"41D92127034F"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"))
-			operations 	(list Operations
-			    (object Operation "Cancel"
-				quid       	"41C2E57D012B"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				abstract   	TRUE
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "Cancel"
-				quid       	"421A0EF8010F"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0))
-			abstract   	TRUE)
-		    (object Class "CConnectionSelectorShim"
-			quid       	"41C1AF890151"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"41C1AFAB0146"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3"))
-			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"422DE221004C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
-				quidu      	"41C1C8E302CA"))
-			realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"42960F0C02A6"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3"))
-			operations 	(list Operations
-			    (object Operation "Select"
-				quid       	"41C839A501F7"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
-				quid       	"41C839AC005C"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "SelectionComplete"
-				quid       	"41C839AF022D"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)))
-		    (object Class "ISelectionNotify"
-			quid       	"41C2DC4001D8"
-			operations 	(list Operations
-			    (object Operation "SelectComplete"
-				quid       	"41C2E55E01E4"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
-				quid       	"41D9206C0242"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "ServiceChangeNotification"
-				quid       	"421A0F3000D5"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "LayerUp"
-				quid       	"421A0F3900D8"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "SubConnectionEvent"
-				quid       	"421A0F40027D"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0)
-			    (object Operation "Detach"
-				quid       	"421A0F460362"
-				concurrency 	"Sequential"
-				opExportControl 	"Public"
-				uid        	0))
-			abstract   	TRUE)
-		    (object Class "CIPConnectionSelector"
-			quid       	"421A2BA8032E"
-			superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"421A2BCA0193"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3"))
-			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"422CA9EB0070"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
-				quidu      	"41C1C8E302CA")
-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"422CBD8E03CC"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
-				quidu      	"41C1C8E302CA"))
-			realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"42960F11020D"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3")))
-		    (object Class "XConnectionSelector"
-			quid       	"42960EDE02D0"
-			used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"4296107D0379"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"))
-			realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"42960EF9008B"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$261"
-			quid       	"41B9F92C03A2"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$262"
-				quid       	"41B9F9320025"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MNetworkControllerObserver"
-				quidu      	"41B6EE01032A"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$263"
-				quid       	"41B9F9320026"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::CNetworkControllerBase"
-				quidu      	"41B6EDD003A2")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$264"
-			quid       	"41C2DC60004E"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$265"
-				quid       	"41C2DC6101B8"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$266"
-				quid       	"41C2DC6101B9"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$267"
-			quid       	"41C2DD0701D8"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$268"
-				quid       	"41C2DD0801C5"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
-				quidu      	"41A7526F01F7"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$269"
-				quid       	"41C2DD0801CF"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF890151"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$270"
-			quid       	"41D929B9014B"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$271"
-				quid       	"41D929BB0086"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				Containment 	"By Value"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$272"
-				quid       	"41D929BB0087"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF890151"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$273"
-			quid       	"41B9F90C0305"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$274"
-				quid       	"41B9F90D02D4"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::CNetworkControllerBase"
-				quidu      	"41B6EDD003A2"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$275"
-				quid       	"41B9F90D02D5"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
-				quidu      	"41A883B6002D"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$276"
-			quid       	"421A2BC40158"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$277"
-				quid       	"421A2BC500F5"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				Containment 	"By Value"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$278"
-				quid       	"421A2BC50109"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector"
-				quidu      	"421A2BA8032E"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$279"
-			quid       	"421A4CFD0107"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$280"
-				quid       	"421A4CFE002C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$281"
-				quid       	"421A4CFE00A4"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector"
-				quidu      	"421A2BA8032E")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$282"
-			quid       	"42960F230340"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$283"
-				quid       	"42960F2401E2"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				Containment 	"By Value"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$284"
-				quid       	"42960F2401E3"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Selection::XConnectionSelector"
-				quidu      	"42960EDE02D0"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE))))
-		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-			quid       	"41B6EAEB00C1"
-			title      	"Main"
-			zoom       	100
-			max_height 	28350
-			max_width  	21600
-			origin_x   	0
-			origin_y   	0
-			items      	(list diagram_item_list
-			    (object NoteView @1213
-				location   	(1328, 1840)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1213
-				    location   	(1062, 1762)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	3
-				    max_width  	497
-				    label      	"self destructing class. Deletes itself once the selection completes.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	557
-				height     	169)
-			    (object NoteView @1214
-				location   	(624, 1840)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1214
-				    location   	(315, 1721)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	4
-				    max_width  	583
-				    label      	"Implements only the selection related functions from MConnectionNotify interface. The rest doesn't do anything")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	643
-				height     	250)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase" @1215
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2160, 1504)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1215
-				    location   	(1929, 1430)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	462
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CConnectionProvdBase")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41A7526F01F7"
-				width      	480
-				height     	172
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify" @1216
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(592, 1504)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1216
-				    location   	(434, 1452)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	316
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"ISelectionNotify")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41C2DC4001D8"
-				width      	334
-				height     	128
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim" @1217
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1328, 1504)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1217
-				    location   	(1068, 1453)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	520
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CConnectionSelectorShim")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	16776960
-				quidu      	"41C1AF890151"
-				width      	538
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$267" @1218
-				location   	(1758, 1504)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41C2DD0701D8"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$268" @1219
-					Parent_View 	@1218
-					location   	(126, 336)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41C2DD0801C5"
-					client     	@1218
-					supplier   	@1215
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1220
-					    Parent_View 	@1219
-					    location   	(1902, 1558)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	1))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$269" @1221
-					Parent_View 	@1218
-					location   	(126, 336)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41C2DD0801CF"
-					client     	@1218
-					supplier   	@1217
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object AttachView "" @1222
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@1213
-				supplier   	@1217
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AttachView "" @1223
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@1214
-				supplier   	@1217
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$270" @1224
-				location   	(908, 1504)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"41D929B9014B"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$271" @1225
-					Parent_View 	@1224
-					location   	(-212, 1088)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41D929BB0086"
-					client     	@1224
-					supplier   	@1216
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1226
-					    Parent_View 	@1225
-					    location   	(774, 1558)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.900000
-					    height     	54
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$272" @1227
-					Parent_View 	@1224
-					location   	(-212, 1088)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"41D929BB0087"
-					client     	@1224
-					supplier   	@1217
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector" @1228
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(976, 352)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1228
-				    location   	(792, 300)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	368
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MProviderSelector")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3"
-				width      	386
-				height     	128
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object Label @1229
-				location   	(63, 1025)
-				nlines     	1
-				max_width  	2412
-				label      	"______________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
-			    (object Label @1230
-				location   	(2128, 992)
-				nlines     	1
-				max_width  	331
-				label      	"Network Layer")
-			    (object Label @1231
-				location   	(2128, 1104)
-				nlines     	1
-				max_width  	381
-				label      	"Shim(Link) Layer")
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim" @1232
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(2032, 896)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1232
-				    location   	(1708, 821)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	648
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CConnectionProviderFactoryShim")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	16776960
-				quidu      	"41C1C8E302CA"
-				width      	666
-				height     	174
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object NoteView @1233
-				location   	(2016, 592)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1233
-				    location   	(1691, 523)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	615
-				    label      	"Uses the factory to select & start the agent via NIFMAN session.")
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				width      	675
-				height     	150)
-			    (object AttachView "" @1234
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@1233
-				supplier   	@1232
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector" @1235
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1328, 1216)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1235
-				    location   	(1144, 1164)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	368
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"MProviderSelector")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"41C1AF5D02D3"
-				width      	386
-				height     	128
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @1236
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42960F0C02A6"
-				client     	@1217
-				supplier   	@1235
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector" @1237
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(1328, 896)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1237
-				    location   	(1101, 845)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	454
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"CIPConnectionSelector")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	13434879
-				quidu      	"421A2BA8032E"
-				width      	472
-				height     	126
-				annotation 	8
-				autoResize 	TRUE)
-			    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$279" @1238
-				location   	(1328, 1055)
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"421A4CFD0107"
-				roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$280" @1239
-					Parent_View 	@1238
-					location   	(208, 159)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"421A4CFE002C"
-					client     	@1238
-					supplier   	@1235
-					line_style 	0
-					label      	(object SegLabel @1240
-					    Parent_View 	@1239
-					    location   	(1365, 1125)
-					    anchor     	2
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	15
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"1"
-					    pctDist    	0.729167
-					    height     	37
-					    orientation 	0))
-				    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$281" @1241
-					Parent_View 	@1238
-					location   	(208, 159)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"421A4CFE00A4"
-					client     	@1238
-					supplier   	@1237
-					line_style 	0)))
-			    (object UsesView "" @1242
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"422CBD8E03CC"
-				client     	@1237
-				supplier   	@1232
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object AttachView "" @1243
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				client     	@1233
-				supplier   	@1237
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object RealizeView "" @1244
-				stereotype 	TRUE
-				line_color 	3342489
-				quidu      	"42960F11020D"
-				client     	@1237
-				supplier   	@1228
-				line_style 	0)
-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify" @1245
-				ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-				SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-				IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-				IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-				location   	(608, 896)
-				font       	(object Font
-				    italics    	TRUE)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1245
-				    location   	(450, 844)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	1
-				    max_width  	316
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"ISelectionNotify")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-			    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::XConnectionSelector" @1250
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-				location   	(608, 624)
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-				    location   	(58, 277)
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-				    label      	"Spawn by sub-connection factory when starting connection from data side.")
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-				)
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-				quidu      	"41A753E90088")))
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-				quid       	"41C2E1A0009E"
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-				quid       	"41C2E1C40336"
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-				quid       	"41D929DD016B"
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-				supplier   	"Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
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-			quid       	"421A553A0346"
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-				quid       	"421A553A0347"
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-				is_navigable 	TRUE)))
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-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionId"
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-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionId"
-					quidu      	"4288AEEB03A5"))
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-					quidu      	"4288EF9A01FA"))
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-					concurrency 	"Sequential"
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-					uid        	0))
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-					quid       	"4288B7140074"
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-					quidu      	"4288B56E012B")))
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-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"4288B73C02C0"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CObjectResolver"
-					quidu      	"4288B50200E0")))
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-					quid       	"4288B51800BA"
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-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CDispatcher"
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-					Containment 	"By Reference"
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
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-					quid       	"4288B588020F"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
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-					is_navigable 	TRUE
-					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-					quid       	"4289E2D20026"
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-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$311"
-					quid       	"4289E2D20027"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CObjectResolver"
-					quidu      	"4288B50200E0"
-					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-					quid       	"42B05DA10243"
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-					quid       	"42B05DA1024D"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CObjectResolver"
-					quidu      	"4288B50200E0"))))
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-				items      	(list diagram_item_list
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionId" @1261
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(560, 1056)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1261
-					    location   	(302, 900)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    label      	"CInterfaceFunctionId")
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-					quidu      	"4288AEEB03A5"
-					width      	534
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-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::SMetaDataECom" @1262
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(560, 672)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1262
-					    location   	(380, 621)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	360
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"SMetaDataECom")
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionCall1" @1263
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(800, 1920)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1263
-					    location   	(542, 1814)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	516
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CInterfaceFunctionCall1")
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-					quidu      	"4288AFBB0188"
-					width      	534
-					height     	236
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionSig1" @1264
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(256, 1424)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1264
-					    location   	(33, 1373)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	446
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CInterfaceFunctionSig1")
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-					quidu      	"4288AFED01E4"
-					width      	464
-					height     	126
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object Label @1265
-					location   	(1088, 1552)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"More function signatures......")
-				    (object InheritView "" @1266
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"4288B08D011B"
-					client     	@1264
-					supplier   	@1261
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MDispatcher" @1267
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1664, 720)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1267
-					    location   	(1464, 639)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	400
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MDispatcher")
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-					quidu      	"4288B2220092"
-					width      	418
-					height     	186
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CActive" @1268
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1024, 368)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1268
-					    location   	(881, 294)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    label      	"CActive")
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-					quidu      	"4288B28F03C4"
-					width      	304
-					height     	172
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object Label @1269
-					location   	(1088, 1984)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"More function calls......")
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MDispatcher" @1270
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(256, 1632)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1270
-					    location   	(56, 1551)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	400
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MDispatcher")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	65280
-					quidu      	"4288B2220092"
-					width      	418
-					height     	186
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object RealizeView "" @1271
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"4288B3670356"
-					client     	@1263
-					supplier   	@1270
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CMessageQueue" @1272
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1664, 1862)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1272
-					    location   	(1494, 1811)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	340
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CMessageQueue")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"4288B6EA0363"
-					width      	358
-					height     	126
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CCommsFactoryResolver" @1273
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2240, 1462)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1273
-					    location   	(1994, 1411)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	492
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CCommsFactoryResolver")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"4288B71E01A5"
-					width      	510
-					height     	126
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object Label @1274
-					location   	(1888, 1878)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"More transports.....")
-				    (object Label @1275
-					location   	(2608, 1478)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"More resolvers......")
-				    (object NoteView @1276
-					location   	(2192, 736)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1276
-					    location   	(1914, 608)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	5
-					    max_width  	521
-					    label      	"Dispatcher could be a template formed at compile time => no need for CObjectResolver/CTransport abstractions...")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	581
-					height     	268)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CObject" @1277
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1024, 640)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1277
-					    location   	(881, 566)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    label      	"CObject")
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-					quidu      	"4288EF9A01FA"
-					width      	304
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object NoteView @1278
-					location   	(2192, 1702)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1278
-					    location   	(1986, 1608)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	377
-					    label      	"reference -counted, self-destructive class.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	437
-					height     	200)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionSig2" @1279
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(800, 1488)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1279
-					    location   	(577, 1382)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	446
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CInterfaceFunctionSig2")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"4288B03F02C8"
-					width      	464
-					height     	236
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1280
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"4288B09200D3"
-					client     	@1279
-					supplier   	@1261
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1281
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"4288B32E00F1"
-					client     	@1263
-					supplier   	@1279
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object NoteView @1282
-					location   	(2896, 768)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1282
-					    location   	(2664, 709)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	428
-					    label      	
-|An array of "S" shadow objects.
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	488
-					height     	131)
-				    (object NoteView @1283
-					location   	(2944, 1280)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1283
-					    location   	(2659, 1177)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	4
-					    max_width  	534
-					    label      	
-|Directly resolves "S" shadow objects and observes destruction of their "real" conterpartners.
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	594
-					height     	218)
-				    (object NoteView @1284
-					location   	(2816, 1702)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1284
-					    location   	(2503, 1614)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	590
-					    label      	
-|Resolve "real" objects with a help of global comms factories existing in the particular thread.
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	650
-					height     	188)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1285
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1284
-					supplier   	@1273
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1286
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					quidu      	"428B553801CC"
-					client     	@1261
-					supplier   	@1262
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-					location   	(47, 1247)
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-					label      	"_________________________________________________________")
-				    (object Label @1288
-					location   	(1296, 1287)
-					nlines     	16
-					max_width  	44
-					label      	
-					)
-				    (object Label @1289
-					location   	(1456, 448)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"NetInterface element DLL")
-				    (object Label @1290
-					location   	(48, 795)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	1244
-					label      	"_________________________________________________________")
-				    (object Label @1291
-					location   	(1296, 48)
-					nlines     	16
-					max_width  	44
-					label      	
-					)
-				    (object Label @1292
-					location   	(80, 2096)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	600
-					label      	"Function Signatures Plugin")
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport" @1293
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1664, 1392)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1293
-					    location   	(1452, 1267)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    label      	"MTransport")
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-					quidu      	"4288B56E012B"
-					width      	442
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-				    (object InheritView "" @1294
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-					quidu      	"4288B7140074"
-					client     	@1272
-					supplier   	@1293
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1295
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					quidu      	"4288EFB303E0"
-					client     	@1293
-					supplier   	@1277
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1296
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1293
-					supplier   	@1278
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CDispatcher" @1297
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1664, 1056)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1297
-					    location   	(1537, 1005)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	254
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CDispatcher")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"4288ADE80190"
-					width      	272
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-					annotation 	8
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-				    (object RealizeView "" @1298
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-					quidu      	"4288B276015B"
-					client     	@1297
-					supplier   	@1267
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1299
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-					client     	@1297
-					supplier   	@1268
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-					location   	(1664, 1186)
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$307" @1301
-						Parent_View 	@1300
-						location   	(192, 370)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						supplier   	@1297
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$308" @1303
-						Parent_View 	@1300
-						location   	(192, 370)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						    label      	"1"
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-				    (object AttachView "" @1305
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1276
-					supplier   	@1297
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::XStubClass" @1306
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2896, 1056)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1306
-					    location   	(2651, 982)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    justify    	0
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-					width      	508
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-				    (object AttachView "" @1307
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1282
-					supplier   	@1306
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CObjectResolver" @1308
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2240, 1056)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1308
-					    location   	(2050, 975)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	380
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CObjectResolver")
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-					width      	398
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-					location   	(1920, 1056)
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$304" @1310
-						Parent_View 	@1309
-						location   	(464, 576)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						    Parent_View 	@1310
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-						    orientation 	1))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$305" @1312
-						Parent_View 	@1309
-						location   	(464, 576)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"4288B51800BB"
-						client     	@1309
-						supplier   	@1297
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object InheritView "" @1313
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					client     	@1273
-					supplier   	@1308
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-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1283
-					supplier   	@1308
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$312" @1315
-					location   	(2540, 1056)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
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-					roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$313" @1316
-						Parent_View 	@1315
-						location   	(300, 0)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"42B05DA10243"
-						client     	@1315
-						supplier   	@1306
-						line_style 	0)
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$314" @1317
-						Parent_View 	@1315
-						location   	(300, 0)
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-						quidu      	"42B05DA1024D"
-						client     	@1315
-						supplier   	@1308
-						line_style 	0)))))))
-		    (object Class_Category "Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call"
-			quid       	"4288B3EE021A"
-			visible_categories 	(list visibility_relationship_list
-			    (object Visibility_Relationship
-				quid       	"4289BB630020"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls"
-				quidu      	"4288AD2E01F7"))
-			exportControl 	"Public"
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-					quid       	"4288EC4B001B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::CBase"
-					quidu      	"41A7525A00AC")
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-					quid       	"42B9B02000F1"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
-					quidu      	"41A87F61023B"))
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-				    (object ClassAttribute "iFunctionsTable"
-					quid       	"4288EE2201E5"
-					stereotype 	"C"
-					type       	"void*"
-					Containment 	"By Value"
-					static     	TRUE)))
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-				quid       	"4288EBF70314"
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-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"4288EC510327"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::CBase"
-					quidu      	"41A7525A00AC")
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-					quid       	"42B9AEC103B9"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
-					quidu      	"427F6DC802D7"))
-				class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
-				    (object ClassAttribute "iFunctionTable"
-					quid       	"4288EE9A03AA"
-					stereotype 	"C"
-					type       	"void*"
-					Containment 	"By Value"
-					static     	TRUE)))
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-				quid       	"4288ECFA0013"
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-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$316"
-					quid       	"4288ECFB02DB"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
-					quidu      	"4288B56E012B"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$317"
-					quid       	"4288ECFB02E5"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC"
-					quidu      	"4288AD8F0337")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$318"
-				quid       	"4288EEFB0057"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$319"
-					quid       	"4288EEFB0382"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
-					quidu      	"4288B56E012B"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					Containment 	"By Reference"
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$320"
-					quid       	"4288EEFB038C"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC"
-					quidu      	"4288EBF70314")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$321"
-				quid       	"4289BAFF024D"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$322"
-					quid       	"4289BB000231"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
-					quidu      	"41A87F1B03AD"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$323"
-					quid       	"4289BB000245"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC"
-					quidu      	"4288EBF70314"))))
-			logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-			    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-				quid       	"4288B43F032F"
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-				items      	(list diagram_item_list
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CBase" @1318
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1312, 304)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1318
-					    location   	(1169, 230)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    label      	"CBase")
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
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-					location   	(1328, 1232)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1319
-					    location   	(1021, 1148)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	614
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-					    label      	"Message-based function calls")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					width      	626
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport" @1320
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(896, 1056)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1320
-					    location   	(616, 982)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	560
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MTransport")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"4288B56E012B"
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC" @1321
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(896, 720)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1321
-					    location   	(572, 639)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					width      	666
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-					client     	@1321
-					supplier   	@1318
-					line_style 	0)
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-					location   	(896, 891)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$316" @1324
-						Parent_View 	@1323
-						location   	(352, 235)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"4288ECFB02DB"
-						client     	@1323
-						supplier   	@1320
-						line_style 	0
-						label      	(object SegLabel @1325
-						    Parent_View 	@1324
-						    location   	(950, 959)
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-						    label      	"1"
-						    pctDist    	0.900000
-						    height     	54
-						    orientation 	0))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$317" @1326
-						Parent_View 	@1323
-						location   	(352, 235)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4288ECFB02E5"
-						client     	@1323
-						supplier   	@1321
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object NoteView @1327
-					location   	(720, 304)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1327
-					    location   	(386, 191)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	4
-					    max_width  	633
-					    label      	
-|"C" ending (client side) and "S"  ending (server side) classes' methods are linked via static const function ptrs' table
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	693
-					height     	238)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1328
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1327
-					supplier   	@1321
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object NoteView @1329
-					location   	(368, 512)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1329
-					    location   	(137, 453)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	427
-					    label      	"Caller -uses transport to reach its callie.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	487
-					height     	131)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1330
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1329
-					supplier   	@1321
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object NoteView @1331
-					location   	(1936, 432)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1331
-					    location   	(1705, 373)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	427
-					    label      	"Callie -uses transport to send a return value to its caller.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	487
-					height     	131)
-				    (object Label @1332
-					location   	(16, 1488)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	1631
-					label      	
-|SOURCE(real instance) --> "C" class(marshalling) --> CTransport --> message --> CDispatcher --> "S" class(de-marshalling) --> DESTINATION(real instance)
-					)
-				    (object NoteView @1333
-					location   	(1456, 1824)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1333
-					    location   	(1053, 1730)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	4
-					    max_width  	771
-					    label      	"Message based function call in pseudo code. Return is viewed a function call => it is treated the same way.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	831
-					height     	200)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1334
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1333
-					supplier   	@1332
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport" @1335
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1760, 1056)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1335
-					    location   	(1480, 982)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MTransport")
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC" @1336
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1760, 720)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1336
-					    location   	(1466, 642)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC")
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-					quidu      	"4288EBF70314"
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-				    (object InheritView "" @1337
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"4288EC510327"
-					client     	@1336
-					supplier   	@1318
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$318" @1338
-					location   	(1760, 889)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$319" @1339
-						Parent_View 	@1338
-						location   	(352, 233)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"4288EEFB0382"
-						client     	@1338
-						supplier   	@1335
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-						    Parent_View 	@1339
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-						    height     	54
-						    orientation 	0))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$320" @1341
-						Parent_View 	@1338
-						location   	(352, 233)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4288EEFB038C"
-						client     	@1338
-						supplier   	@1336
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object AttachView "" @1342
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1327
-					supplier   	@1336
-					line_style 	0)
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-					location   	(1312, 96)
-					nlines     	26
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-					label      	
-					)
-				    (object Label @1344
-					location   	(893, 101)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	1038
-					label      	
-					))))))
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-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1345
-				    location   	(1372, 732)
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-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1346
-				    location   	(504, 300)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	592
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-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1347
-				    location   	(1288, 300)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	528
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-				client     	@1346
-				supplier   	@1345
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-			    (object ImportView "" @1349
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-				supplier   	@1345
-				line_style 	0)
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-				location   	(2208, 384)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1350
-				    location   	(1944, 300)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	528
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-				quidu      	"4289D921035E"
-				client     	@1350
-				supplier   	@1345
-				line_style 	0)))))
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-			quid       	"427A06F80113"
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-		    (object Visibility_Relationship
-			quid       	"427A070F0206"
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-			quidu      	"41A74FC60071"))
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-				quid       	"427A72D701BE"
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-				quidu      	"41A75088005C")
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-				quid       	"4284A9BD0114"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-				quidu      	"4284A7BB031E"))
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-				quid       	"427F4298026D"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
-				quidu      	"41A753E90088")))
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-			quid       	"427B9BDF0325"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"427B9BFB0221"
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-				quidu      	"427A6CAC0380")
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-				quid       	"4284ACDB0198"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-				quidu      	"4284A7BB031E")))
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-			quid       	"4284A8070236"
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-				quid       	"42D2C3B20355"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionBroadcast"
-				quidu      	"42D2C2FE008B")
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-				quid       	"42D2C3B502CD"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionClient"
-				quidu      	"42D2C324007D"))
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-				quid       	"4297435201B2"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientS"
-				quidu      	"4297348E03E2"
-				supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")))
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-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"42B9B18B0205"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
-				quidu      	"42B9B1BA03A7")
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"42C2CE650340"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlowClient"
-				quidu      	"42C2CB700385"))
-			abstract   	TRUE)
-		    (object Class "CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-			quid       	"4284A7BB031E"
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-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"4284A9A90102"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::CBase"
-				quidu      	"41A7525A00AC")
-			    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-				quid       	"4284A9AC0283"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
-				quidu      	"41A7522A0392"))
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-			    (object Uses_Relationship
-				quid       	"42974825016C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-				supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")))
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-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"4284AEA9008F"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
-				quidu      	"4284A8070236")
-			    (object Realize_Relationship
-				quid       	"42C2BCCB0101"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow"
-				quidu      	"429C882D03D7")))
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-			quid       	"427A72C50063"
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-				quid       	"427A72C503DF"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
-				quidu      	"41A753E90088"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$326"
-				quid       	"427A72C60001"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
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-			quid       	"427A74340149"
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-				quid       	"427A74350172"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$329"
-				quid       	"427A7435017C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
-				quidu      	"41A754670219")))
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-			quid       	"427B9C2801AF"
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-				quid       	"427B9C290084"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfNotify"
-				quidu      	"427B9A910314"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$332"
-				quid       	"427B9C290085"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfBase"
-				quidu      	"427B998F0372")))
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-			quid       	"427BAC5B01E7"
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-				quid       	"427BAC5C0080"
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-				quidu      	"427BAC4F0104"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-				Containment 	"By Reference"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$335"
-				quid       	"427BAC5C0081"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionFlowShim"
-				quidu      	"4294808402B6"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"427F2FE4023C"
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-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$337"
-				quid       	"427F2FE501C5"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifShim"
-				quidu      	"427F2FD800AE"
-				Containment 	"By Reference"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$338"
-				quid       	"427F2FE501D9"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionProvider"
-				quidu      	"427BABFD02D2"
-				is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"427F40E702D9"
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-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$340"
-				quid       	"427F40E80399"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfUser"
-				quidu      	"427F40D202C5"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$341"
-				quid       	"427F40E8039A"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CBinderRef"
-				quidu      	"427BAC4F0104")))
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-			quid       	"427F421D00B8"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$343"
-				quid       	"427F421E0146"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
-				quidu      	"42B9B1BA03A7"
-				client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$344"
-				quid       	"427F421E0147"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
-		    (object Association "$UNNAMED$345"
-			quid       	"427F42640327"
-			roles      	(list role_list
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$346"
-				quid       	"427F4266003B"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
-				quidu      	"427A6DF6004F"
-				is_navigable 	TRUE)
-			    (object Role "$UNNAMED$347"
-				quid       	"427F4266003C"
-				supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CNetworkSubConnectionFlow"
-				quidu      	"427A6CAC0380")))
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-			quid       	"427F43920168"
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-				quid       	"4284A96C03A4"
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-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$349"
-					quid       	"4284A96D0374"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
-					quidu      	"4284A8070236"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$350"
-					quid       	"4284A96D037E"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-					quidu      	"4284A7BB031E")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$351"
-				quid       	"4284AB10035A"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$352"
-					quid       	"4284AB1101CB"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
-					quidu      	"4289DA6801E1"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					Containment 	"By Reference"
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$353"
-					quid       	"4284AB1101D5"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-					quidu      	"4284A7BB031E"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$354"
-				quid       	"42D2C1A20016"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$355"
-					quid       	"42D2C1A2034B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
-					quidu      	"4289BB88034F"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$356"
-					quid       	"42D2C1A2035F"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-					quidu      	"4284A7BB031E"))))
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-				items      	(list diagram_item_list
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CNetworkSubConnectionFlow" @1352
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1456, 1472)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1352
-					    location   	(1167, 1398)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CNetworkSubConnectionFlow")
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-					quidu      	"427A6CAC0380"
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-				    (object Label @1353
-					location   	(464, 384)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	2113
-					label      	
-|SAP				FLOW				SUB-CONNECTION(control plane )
-					)
-				    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection" @1354
-					location   	(2128, 1600)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1354
-					    location   	(1955, 1516)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	346
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-					    label      	"Sub Connection")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
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-					quidu      	"41A74FC60071"
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-				    (object NoteView @1355
-					location   	(2208, 1424)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1355
-					    location   	(1967, 1330)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	446
-					    label      	"see Sub Connection packadge for details on sub-connection.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	506
-					height     	200)
-				    (object NoteView @1356
-					location   	(2224, 1856)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1356
-					    location   	(1908, 1771)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	596
-					    label      	"self destructiv data side counter partner of sub-connection hiding IPC marshaling code.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	656
-					height     	182)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @1357
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(704, 1472)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1357
-					    location   	(470, 1398)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	468
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CControlledServProvider")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				    (object AttachView "" @1358
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1356
-					supplier   	@1352
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CBase" @1359
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1728, 160)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1359
-					    location   	(1572, 86)
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject" @1360
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1328, 160)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1360
-					    location   	(1169, 86)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    label      	"XFactoryObject")
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-					width      	336
-					height     	172
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient" @1361
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(704, 1104)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1361
-					    location   	(437, 1030)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	534
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MSubConnectionFlowClient")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42C2D0EF03A3"
-					client     	@1357
-					supplier   	@1361
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object NoteView @1363
-					location   	(1008, 832)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1363
-					    location   	(655, 729)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	4
-					    max_width  	671
-					    label      	"self destructiv data side counter partner of sub-connection. same interface as data methods of CSubConnectionProviderBase.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	731
-					height     	219)
-				    (object NoteView @1364
-					location   	(336, 848)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1364
-					    location   	(64, 760)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	509
-					    label      	"same as MSubConnectionDataClient at the moment.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	569
-					height     	188)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1365
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1364
-					supplier   	@1361
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase" @1366
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2240, 1104)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1366
-					    location   	(1954, 1029)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    label      	"CSubConnectionProviderBase")
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1456, 1104)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1367
-					    location   	(1193, 1030)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$350" @1371
-						Parent_View 	@1368
-						location   	(-215, 528)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						client     	@1368
-						supplier   	@1367
-						line_style 	0)))
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-				    (object InheritView "" @1373
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-					supplier   	@1367
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
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-						    height     	54
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$356" @1381
-						Parent_View 	@1378
-						location   	(404, -184)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"42D2C1A2035F"
-						client     	@1378
-						supplier   	@1367
-						line_style 	0)))))))
-		    (object Class_Category "Link Layer"
-			quid       	"427F43CA015F"
-			exportControl 	"Public"
-			logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-			    (object Class "CNifIfLink"
-				quid       	"427B9A77017B"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"427B9C1B02C8"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfBase"
-					quidu      	"427B998F0372")))
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-				quid       	"427F2FD800AE"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"427F301D0284"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfLink"
-					quidu      	"427B9A77017B")))
-			    (object Class "MNifIfUser"
-				quid       	"427F40D202C5"
-				abstract   	TRUE)
-			    (object Class "CBinderRef"
-				quid       	"427BAC4F0104")
-			    (object Class "CLinkSubConnectionProvider"
-				quid       	"427BABFD02D2"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"427BAC1B0344"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
-			    (object Class "CSubConnectionProviderUmts"
-				quid       	"427F36C203BB"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"427F36FE005A"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionProvider"
-					quidu      	"427BABFD02D2")))
-			    (object Class "MNifIfNotify"
-				quid       	"427B9A910314"
-				abstract   	TRUE)
-			    (object Class "CNifIfBase"
-				quid       	"427B998F0372"
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-				    (object Uses_Relationship
-					quid       	"427B9C20038E"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfNotify"
-					quidu      	"427B9A910314")))
-			    (object Class "CLinkSubConnectionFlowShim"
-				quid       	"4294808402B6"
-				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
-				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
-					quid       	"429480BE0395"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CLinkSubConnectionFlow"
-					quidu      	"427B9BDF0325"))
-				realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"427B9C360187"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfNotify"
-					quidu      	"427B9A910314")
-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"429742B8022F"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfLink"
-					quidu      	"4295BA500016")))
-			    (object Class "INifIfNotify"
-				quid       	"4295B7CA0303"
-				stereotype 	"Interface")
-			    (object Class "CNifAgentRef"
-				quid       	"4295B90F02AD"
-				realized_interfaces 	(list realize_rel_list
-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"429742AD02A2"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfNotify"
-					quidu      	"4295B7CA0303")))
-			    (object Class "INifIfLink"
-				quid       	"4295BA500016"
-				stereotype 	"Interface")
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$357"
-				quid       	"4284AC1001EA"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$358"
-					quid       	"4284AC12007B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"427A6DF6004F"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$359"
-					quid       	"4284AC12007C"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-					quidu      	"4284A7BB031E")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$360"
-				quid       	"4295B8EF001C"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$361"
-					quid       	"4295B8F2002B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfNotify"
-					quidu      	"4295B7CA0303"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$362"
-					quid       	"4295B8F2002C"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionFlowShim"
-					quidu      	"4294808402B6")))
-			    (object Association "iInterface"
-				quid       	"4295B9B2018D"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$363"
-					quid       	"4295B9B400BE"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfLink"
-					quidu      	"4295BA500016"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$364"
-					quid       	"4295B9B400C8"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifAgentRef"
-					quidu      	"4295B90F02AD"))))
-			logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-			    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-				quid       	"427F43D70244"
-				title      	"Main"
-				zoom       	100
-				max_height 	28350
-				max_width  	21600
-				origin_x   	0
-				origin_y   	0
-				items      	(list diagram_item_list
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfLink" @1382
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(176, 1200)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1382
-					    location   	(69, 1148)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	214
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CNifIfLink")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
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-					quidu      	"427B9A77017B"
-					width      	232
-					height     	128
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object NoteView @1383
-					location   	(400, 2048)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1383
-					    location   	(50, 1967)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	665
-					    label      	"MNifExtendedManagementInterface on data side transformed into signals.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	725
-					height     	175)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfLink" @1384
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2767, 466)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1384
-					    location   	(2660, 414)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	214
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CNifIfLink")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"427B9A77017B"
-					width      	232
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-				    (object NoteView @1385
-					location   	(2607, 1074)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1385
-					    location   	(2225, 968)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	4
-					    max_width  	728
-					    label      	
-|Internal Component class implementing MConnectionDataClient::FetchInterface to allow NIFMAN to reach data side "NIF"
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	788
-					height     	225)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CSubConnectionProviderUmts" @1386
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2159, 1330)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1386
-					    location   	(1865, 1278)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	588
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CSubConnectionProviderUmts")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					location   	(2799, 1346)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1387
-					    location   	(2636, 1277)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	290
-					    label      	"As provided by PREQ870")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	350
-					height     	150)
-				    (object Label @1388
-					location   	(1685, 352)
-					nlines     	28
-					max_width  	50
-					label      	
-					)
-				    (object Label @1389
-					location   	(1335, 96)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	1007
-					label      	
-					)
-				    (object NoteView @1390
-					location   	(432, 496)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1390
-					    location   	(216, 415)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	396
-					    label      	"self destructiv data side counter partner of sub-connection")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	456
-					height     	175)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfNotify" @1391
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(608, 848)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1391
-					    location   	(481, 796)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	254
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MNifIfNotify")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"427B9A910314"
-					width      	272
-					height     	128
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfBase" @1392
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(176, 848)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1392
-					    location   	(59, 796)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	234
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CNifIfBase")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"427B998F0372"
-					width      	252
-					height     	128
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1393
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427B9C1B02C8"
-					client     	@1382
-					supplier   	@1392
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$330" @1394
-					location   	(386, 848)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427B9C2801AF"
-					roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$331" @1395
-						Parent_View 	@1394
-						location   	(146, -352)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"427B9C290084"
-						client     	@1394
-						supplier   	@1391
-						line_style 	0)
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$332" @1396
-						Parent_View 	@1394
-						location   	(146, -352)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"427B9C290085"
-						client     	@1394
-						supplier   	@1392
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifShim" @1397
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2767, 818)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1397
-					    location   	(2657, 766)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	220
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CNifShim")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					width      	238
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionProvider" @1398
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2159, 818)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1398
-					    location   	(1884, 766)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	550
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CLinkSubConnectionProvider")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"427BABFD02D2"
-					width      	568
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
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-					location   	(2545, 818)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$337" @1400
-						Parent_View 	@1399
-						location   	(433, -718)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"427F2FE501C5"
-						client     	@1399
-						supplier   	@1397
-						line_style 	0)
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$338" @1401
-						Parent_View 	@1399
-						location   	(433, -718)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"427F2FE501D9"
-						client     	@1399
-						supplier   	@1398
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object InheritView "" @1402
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"427F301D0284"
-					client     	@1397
-					supplier   	@1384
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1403
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1398
-					supplier   	@1385
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1404
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					quidu      	"427F36FE005A"
-					client     	@1386
-					supplier   	@1398
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1405
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1387
-					supplier   	@1386
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CLinkSubConnectionFlow" @1406
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1146, 1200)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1406
-					    location   	(900, 1126)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    label      	"CLinkSubConnectionFlow")
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-					quidu      	"427B9BDF0325"
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-				    (object Label @1407
-					location   	(237, 256)
-					nlines     	1
-					max_width  	2269
-					label      	
-|"SAP"(not existing as yet)				FLOW			SUB-CONNECTION
-					)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase" @1408
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1685, 817)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1408
-					    location   	(1684, 946)
-					    anchor_loc 	1
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	585
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"ISubConnectionProviderBase")
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-					width      	100
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase" @1409
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1144, 816)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1409
-					    location   	(881, 742)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	526
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CSubConnectionFlowBase")
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-					location   	(1527, 815)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$358" @1411
-						Parent_View 	@1410
-						location   	(487, -1)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"4284AC12007B"
-						client     	@1410
-						supplier   	@1408
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-						    Parent_View 	@1411
-						    location   	(1604, 761)
-						    anchor     	2
-						    anchor_loc 	1
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-						    label      	"0..1"
-						    pctDist    	0.900000
-						    height     	54
-						    orientation 	0))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$359" @1413
-						Parent_View 	@1410
-						location   	(487, -1)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4284AC12007C"
-						client     	@1410
-						supplier   	@1409
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object AttachView "" @1414
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1409
-					supplier   	@1390
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1415
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
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-					client     	@1406
-					supplier   	@1409
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-					location   	(1392, 1440)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1416
-					    location   	(1176, 1374)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	396
-					    label      	"new NIFs will not need the Shim.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	456
-					height     	144)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1417
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1416
-					supplier   	@1406
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfUser" @1418
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(192, 1467)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1418
-					    location   	(75, 1415)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	234
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MNifIfUser")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					width      	252
-					height     	128
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CBinderRef" @1419
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(192, 1723)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1419
-					    location   	(76, 1671)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    label      	"CBinderRef")
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-					width      	250
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-					location   	(192, 1594)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$340" @1421
-						Parent_View 	@1420
-						location   	(-880, -230)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"427F40E80399"
-						client     	@1420
-						supplier   	@1418
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$341" @1422
-						Parent_View 	@1420
-						location   	(-880, -230)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"427F40E8039A"
-						client     	@1420
-						supplier   	@1419
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfNotify" @1423
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1680, 1712)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1423
-					    location   	(1679, 1820)
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(848, 1712)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1424
-					    location   	(550, 1661)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    label      	"CLinkSubConnectionFlowShim")
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-					location   	(428, 1718)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$334" @1426
-						Parent_View 	@1425
-						location   	(-644, 166)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						    label      	"0..*"
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-						    orientation 	0))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$335" @1428
-						Parent_View 	@1425
-						location   	(-644, 166)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"427BAC5C0081"
-						client     	@1425
-						supplier   	@1424
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object InheritView "" @1429
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					quidu      	"429480BE0395"
-					client     	@1424
-					supplier   	@1406
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object RealizeView "" @1430
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-					client     	@1424
-					supplier   	@1391
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1431
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1416
-					supplier   	@1424
-					line_style 	0)
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-					location   	(1402, 1712)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$361" @1433
-						Parent_View 	@1432
-						location   	(554, 0)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						Parent_View 	@1432
-						location   	(554, 0)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"4295B8F2002C"
-						client     	@1432
-						supplier   	@1424
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object NoteView @1436
-					location   	(1168, 2032)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1436
-					    location   	(893, 1944)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	515
-					    label      	"Packet activity/data cacheing/extended management")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	575
-					height     	188)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1437
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1424
-					supplier   	@1436
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfLink" @1438
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1680, 1536)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1438
-					    location   	(1679, 1644)
-					    anchor_loc 	1
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-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2784, 1705)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1439
-					    location   	(2647, 1654)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					location   	(2171, 1609)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1440
-					    location   	(2171, 1550)
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-					    pctDist    	0.500000
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-					    orientation 	0)
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-						Parent_View 	@1440
-						location   	(-613, -87)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						supplier   	@1438
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-						    location   	(1744, 1597)
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-						    orientation 	0))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$364" @1444
-						Parent_View 	@1440
-						location   	(-613, -87)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"4295B9B400C8"
-						client     	@1440
-						supplier   	@1439
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object RealizeView "" @1445
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					supplier   	@1423
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-				    (object RealizeView "" @1446
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-					supplier   	@1438
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-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1120, 454)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1447
-					    location   	(858, 380)
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1680, 467)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
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-					    location   	(1679, 593)
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-					location   	(2159, 469)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1449
-					    location   	(1873, 394)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-				    (object RealizeView "" @1451
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-					client     	@1449
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-					location   	(1791, 466)
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-						Parent_View 	@1452
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-						Parent_View 	@1452
-						location   	(-321, -718)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"427F421E0147"
-						client     	@1452
-						supplier   	@1449
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-					client     	@1447
-					supplier   	@1448
-					line_style 	0)))))
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-				quid       	"4289BB670008"
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-				quidu      	"4288AD2E01F7"))
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-					quid       	"4289BC53015C"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41A75088005C"))
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-					quid       	"42B03F3802C1"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow"
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-					type       	"void*"
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-					quid       	"42B03F160019"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::XStubClass"
-					quidu      	"42AEB35C0326"))
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-					quid       	"42B03DB00213"
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-					quidu      	"42B9B1BA03A7"))
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-					type       	"void*"
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-					static     	TRUE)))
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-					quid       	"42D2C3AD00EA"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionBroadcast"
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-					quid       	"42C2C68D01D0"
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-					quidu      	"42B9B1BA03A7"))
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-				quid       	"42C2CBE7012C")
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-					quid       	"4289BD23006B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
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-				quid       	"4289BD26019B"
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-					quid       	"4289BD2700C1"
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-				quid       	"4289BDB1000B"
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-					quid       	"4289BDB102DC"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
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-					quid       	"4289BE98032E"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC"
-					quidu      	"4289BE6D02F0")))
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-					quid       	"4289BF990112"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
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-				quid       	"4289C32E00F1"
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-					quid       	"4289C32F01E3"
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-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$382"
-					quid       	"4289C32F01ED"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
-					quidu      	"41A754670219")))
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-				quid       	"4289C7430270"
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-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$384"
-					quid       	"4289C745002E"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-					quidu      	"4284A7BB031E"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$385"
-					quid       	"4289C745002F"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
-					quidu      	"41A754670219")))
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-				quid       	"4289C7EA0194"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$387"
-					quid       	"4289C7EB009B"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
-					quidu      	"4289BB88034F"
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$388"
-					quid       	"4289C7EB00A5"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseS"
-					quidu      	"4289BB9E02BA")))
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-				quid       	"4289C8360085"
-				stereotype 	"symbolic"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$390"
-					quid       	"4289C8360306"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseS"
-					quidu      	"4289BB9E02BA"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$391"
-					quid       	"4289C8360307"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
-					quidu      	"4289BB88034F"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE
-					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$392"
-				quid       	"4289CC1000AB"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$393"
-					quid       	"4289CC100372"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
-					quidu      	"4284A8070236"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$394"
-					quid       	"4289CC100373"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-					quidu      	"4284A7BB031E")))
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-				quid       	"42B03C6B011B"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$396"
-					quid       	"42B03C6D0164"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
-					quidu      	"4284A7BB031E"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$397"
-					quid       	"42B03C6D016E"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseS"
-					quidu      	"4289BB9E02BA")))
-			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$398"
-				quid       	"42B03F220323"
-				roles      	(list role_list
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$399"
-					quid       	"42B03F240145"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow"
-					quidu      	"429C882D03D7"
-					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$400"
-					quid       	"42B03F24014F"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41A75088005C"))))
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-				    (object CategoryView "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls" @1457
-					location   	(1488, 1872)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1457
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-					    justify    	0
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-					location   	(1468, 256)
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-					label      	
-					)
-				    (object Label @1459
-					location   	(976, 224)
-					nlines     	1
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-					label      	
-					)
-				    (object NoteView @1460
-					location   	(2274, 1920)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1460
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-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
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-					    label      	"references transport to send return back and forward control thread calls")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	587
-					height     	181)
-				    (object NoteView @1461
-					location   	(1474, 2272)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1461
-					    location   	(992, 2191)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	928
-					    label      	
-|"Real" client is being shadowed by CSubConnectionDataClientC on the Control side.
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	988
-					height     	175)
-				    (object NoteView @1462
-					location   	(2352, 144)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1462
-					    location   	(2214, 84)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	240
-					    label      	
-|"Real" instance
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	300
-					height     	132)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC" @1463
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2663, 1392)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1463
-					    location   	(2382, 1341)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    justify    	0
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-					client     	@1461
-					supplier   	@1463
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-					    (1968, 2190)
-					    (2669, 2078)
-					    (2663, 1455))
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport" @1465
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1874, 1712)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1465
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-					location   	(2269, 1550)
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$375" @1467
-						Parent_View 	@1466
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-						    Parent_View 	@1467
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$376" @1469
-						Parent_View 	@1466
-						location   	(-83, 702)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4289BE98032E"
-						client     	@1466
-						supplier   	@1463
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object AttachView "" @1470
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1460
-					supplier   	@1466
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @1471
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(322, 1408)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1471
-					    location   	(89, 1334)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"CControlledServProvider")
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-				    (object AttachView "" @1472
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					client     	@1471
-					supplier   	@1461
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-					    (321, 1494)
-					    (321, 2032)
-					    (1058, 2184))
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient" @1473
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(320, 432)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1473
-					    location   	(53, 358)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	534
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MSubConnectionFlowClient")
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-				    (object RealizeView "" @1474
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-					client     	@1471
-					supplier   	@1473
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1058, 1712)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1475
-					    location   	(842, 1662)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    label      	"MTransport")
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1872, 1376)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1476
-					    location   	(1566, 1295)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    Parent_View 	@1476
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-					width      	630
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-					location   	(1872, 1557)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$366" @1478
-						Parent_View 	@1477
-						location   	(880, 837)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						supplier   	@1465
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$367" @1480
-						Parent_View 	@1477
-						location   	(880, 837)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4289BD23006B"
-						client     	@1477
-						supplier   	@1476
-						line_style 	0)))
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1056, 432)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1481
-					    location   	(793, 358)
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-					    justify    	0
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-						Parent_View 	@1482
-						location   	(130, -67)
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-						    (450, 797)
-						    (463, 734)
-						    (883, 518))
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$385" @1485
-						Parent_View 	@1482
-						location   	(130, -67)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4289C745002F"
-						client     	@1482
-						supplier   	@1471
-						line_style 	0)))
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-					location   	(689, 432)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-						Parent_View 	@1486
-						location   	(-367, 0)
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-						    label      	"0..*"
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-						Parent_View 	@1486
-						location   	(-367, 0)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4289CC100373"
-						client     	@1486
-						supplier   	@1481
-						line_style 	0)))
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1056, 1376)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1490
-					    location   	(750, 1295)
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-					    location   	(750, 1356)
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-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	618)
-					width      	630
-					height     	186
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-					location   	(1056, 1559)
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-						Parent_View 	@1491
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-						    orientation 	0))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$370" @1494
-						Parent_View 	@1491
-						location   	(-656, 839)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						client     	@1491
-						supplier   	@1490
-						line_style 	0)))
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-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (2241, 1829)
-					    (2168, 1613)
-					    (1056, 1559))
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-					location   	(1463, 1376)
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$390" @1498
-						Parent_View 	@1496
-						location   	(407, 544)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$391" @1500
-						Parent_View 	@1496
-						location   	(407, 544)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						quidu      	"4289C8360307"
-						client     	@1496
-						supplier   	@1476
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-						    Parent_View 	@1500
-						    location   	(1546, 1323)
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-						    pctDist    	0.900000
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-						    orientation 	0))))
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-					location   	(1056, 900)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-						Parent_View 	@1502
-						location   	(48, 68)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"42B03C6D0164"
-						client     	@1502
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-						    Parent_View 	@1503
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-						    label      	"1"
-						    pctDist    	0.900000
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-						    orientation 	1))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$397" @1505
-						Parent_View 	@1502
-						location   	(48, 68)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"42B03C6D016E"
-						client     	@1502
-						supplier   	@1490
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient" @1506
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2656, 432)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1506
-					    location   	(2391, 358)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-				    (object RealizeView "" @1507
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-					client     	@1463
-					supplier   	@1506
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-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1872, 912)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1508
-					    location   	(1656, 860)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    label      	"MSubConnectionFlow")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase" @1509
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1873, 432)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1509
-					    location   	(1587, 357)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					location   	(2274, 432)
-					stereotype 	TRUE
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-						Parent_View 	@1510
-						location   	(1058, -80)
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-						    label      	"0..*"
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-						    orientation 	1))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$373" @1513
-						Parent_View 	@1510
-						location   	(1058, -80)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4289BDB102DC"
-						client     	@1510
-						supplier   	@1509
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object AttachView "" @1514
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1462
-					supplier   	@1509
-					line_style 	0)
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-					location   	(1872, 683)
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-						Parent_View 	@1515
-						location   	(7, 246)
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-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$400" @1518
-						Parent_View 	@1515
-						location   	(7, 246)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						client     	@1515
-						supplier   	@1509
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow" @1519
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1472, 1040)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1519
-					    location   	(1470, 1179)
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-				    (object RealizeView "" @1520
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-					client     	@1476
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-				    (object RealizeView "" @1521
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-					client     	@1476
-					supplier   	@1508
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-				    (object RealizeView "" @1522
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-					client     	@1490
-					supplier   	@1519
-					line_style 	0)))))
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-			quid       	"4289D8F802AB"
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-				quid       	"4289D921035E"
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-				quidu      	"4288AD2E01F7"))
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-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41A75088005C"))
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-					quid       	"4297432900C2"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"427A6DF6004F"))
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-					static     	TRUE)))
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-				quid       	"4289DB160047"
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-					quid       	"42AEB3A60055"
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-					quidu      	"42AEB35C0326"))
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-				    (object Realize_Relationship
-					quid       	"4297432D0294"
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-					quidu      	"427A6DF6004F"))
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-					quid       	"4289DBAD0365"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
-					quidu      	"4289DA6801E1")))
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-				quid       	"4289DBB003E2"
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-					quid       	"4289DBB103A7"
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-					quidu      	"4289DB160047")))
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-					quid       	"4289DC150397"
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-					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
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-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$414"
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-					quidu      	"41A75088005C"
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-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseS"
-					quidu      	"4289DB160047")))
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-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$417"
-					quid       	"428A0B530316"
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-					is_aggregate 	TRUE)
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-					quid       	"42973FAB0228"
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-					quidu      	"4284A7BB031E")))
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-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$426"
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-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$427"
-					quid       	"429C8851013C"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
-					quidu      	"41A75088005C")))
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-					quid       	"42B0416302C9"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
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-					is_navigable 	TRUE)
-				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$430"
-					quid       	"42B0416302CA"
-					supplier   	"Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseS"
-					quidu      	"4289DB160047"
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-					is_navigable 	TRUE
-					is_aggregate 	TRUE))))
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-					location   	(1459, 125)
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-					label      	
-					)
-				    (object Label @1525
-					location   	(1002, 70)
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-					label      	
-					)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1526
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-					    nlines     	2
-					    max_width  	240
-					    label      	
-|"Real" instance
-					    )
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	300
-					height     	132)
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-					    location   	(20, 335)
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-					    nlines     	4
-					    max_width  	533
-					    label      	"Reflects a fact that some of the sub-connection<->SAP needs to be addressed to the particular SAP.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	593
-					height     	206)
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1456, 1536)
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-					    location   	(1455, 1662)
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-					    max_width  	551
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(720, 1504)
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-					    location   	(434, 1429)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @1530
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(284, 1896)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1530
-					    location   	(50, 1822)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(288, 1168)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1531
-					    location   	(21, 1094)
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-					quidu      	"4284A8070236"
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-					height     	172
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-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object RealizeView "" @1532
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-					client     	@1530
-					supplier   	@1531
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1036, 822)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1533
-					    location   	(755, 748)
-					    nlines     	1
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-				    (object AttachView "" @1534
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-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1527
-					supplier   	@1533
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object UsesView "" @1535
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-					client     	@1531
-					supplier   	@1533
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient" @1536
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-					location   	(2768, 336)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1536
-					    location   	(2502, 262)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1036, 2256)
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-					    italics    	TRUE)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1537
-					    location   	(772, 2181)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1036, 1175)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1538
-					    location   	(773, 1101)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					location   	(386, 1464)
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-						Parent_View 	@1539
-						location   	(66, 600)
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-						    (386, 1464)
-						    (400, 1406)
-						    (797, 1261))
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-						Parent_View 	@1539
-						location   	(66, 600)
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-						client     	@1539
-						supplier   	@1530
-						line_style 	0)))
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-					location   	(663, 1170)
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-						Parent_View 	@1543
-						location   	(-393, 738)
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-						Parent_View 	@1543
-						location   	(-393, 738)
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-						client     	@1543
-						supplier   	@1538
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-					location   	(1036, 998)
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-						Parent_View 	@1547
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-						Parent_View 	@1547
-						location   	(-4, 342)
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-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport" @1552
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-					SuppressOperation 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1919, 2256)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1552
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-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
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-					location   	(1918, 822)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1553
-					    location   	(1637, 748)
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-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2761, 1899)
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-					    location   	(2475, 1824)
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-						Parent_View 	@1556
-						location   	(1548, 604)
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-						supplier   	@1555
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-				    (object AttachView "" @1560
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-					location   	(1040, 1904)
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-						location   	(-3, 1216)
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-						Parent_View 	@1562
-						location   	(-3, 1216)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						client     	@1562
-						supplier   	@1561
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-					location   	(1037, 1537)
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-						Parent_View 	@1565
-						location   	(-3, 481)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						client     	@1565
-						supplier   	@1538
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-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1920, 1904)
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-					    Parent_View 	@1571
-					    location   	(1614, 1823)
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-						location   	(95, 1218)
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-						supplier   	@1571
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-						Parent_View 	@1575
-						location   	(-434, 511)
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-						    label      	"*"
-						    pctDist    	0.900000
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-					supplier   	@1528
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-						Parent_View 	@1581
-						location   	(526, 684)
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-						    height     	54
-						    orientation 	1))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$415" @1584
-						Parent_View 	@1581
-						location   	(526, 684)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"4289DCC10005"
-						client     	@1581
-						supplier   	@1571
-						line_style 	0)))
-				    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$428" @1585
-					location   	(1479, 1904)
-					stereotype 	(object SegLabel @1586
-					    Parent_View 	@1585
-					    location   	(1479, 1785)
-					    anchor     	10
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-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"<<symbolic>>"
-					    pctDist    	0.500000
-					    height     	120
-					    orientation 	0)
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-					roleview_list 	(list RoleViews
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-						Parent_View 	@1585
-						location   	(-441, 0)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
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-						client     	@1585
-						supplier   	@1561
-						line_style 	0
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-						    Parent_View 	@1587
-						    location   	(1368, 1958)
-						    anchor     	2
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-						    justify    	0
-						    label      	"1"
-						    pctDist    	0.900000
-						    height     	54
-						    orientation 	0))
-					    (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$430" @1589
-						Parent_View 	@1585
-						location   	(-441, 0)
-						stereotype 	TRUE
-						line_color 	3342489
-						quidu      	"42B0416302CA"
-						client     	@1585
-						supplier   	@1571
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-						label      	(object SegLabel @1590
-						    Parent_View 	@1589
-						    location   	(1591, 1958)
-						    anchor     	2
-						    anchor_loc 	1
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-						    max_width  	15
-						    justify    	0
-						    label      	"1"
-						    pctDist    	0.900000
-						    height     	54
-						    orientation 	1))))
-				    (object UsesView "" @1591
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42B041AB0091"
-					client     	@1553
-					supplier   	@1533
-					line_style 	0)))))
-		    (object Class_Category "Sub Connection Flow Clients"
-			quid       	"42D2C2D70107"
-			exportControl 	"Public"
-			logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
-			    (object Class "MSubConnectionBroadcast"
-				quid       	"42D2C2FE008B"
-				abstract   	TRUE)
-			    (object Class "MSubConnectionClient"
-				quid       	"42D2C324007D"
-				abstract   	TRUE))
-			logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-			    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-				quid       	"42D2C2FA023E"
-				title      	"Main"
-				zoom       	100
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-				max_width  	21600
-				origin_x   	0
-				origin_y   	0
-				items      	(list diagram_item_list
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionBroadcast" @1592
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(480, 272)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1592
-					    location   	(215, 221)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
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-					    max_width  	530
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MSubConnectionBroadcast")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					fill_color 	65280
-					quidu      	"42D2C2FE008B"
-					width      	548
-					height     	126
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow" @1593
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(480, 848)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1593
-					    location   	(218, 774)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	524
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MSubConnectionFlow")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	65280
-					quidu      	"429C882D03D7"
-					width      	542
-					height     	172
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionClient" @1594
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1824, 272)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1594
-					    location   	(1600, 221)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	448
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MSubConnectionClient")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	65535
-					quidu      	"42D2C324007D"
-					width      	466
-					height     	126
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient" @1595
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1826, 855)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1595
-					    location   	(1538, 781)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	576
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MSubConnectionControlClient")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	65535
-					quidu      	"41A753D702F9"
-					width      	594
-					height     	172
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient" @1596
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(2496, 863)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1596
-					    location   	(2231, 789)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	530
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MSubConnectionDataClient")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	65535
-					quidu      	"41A753E90088"
-					width      	548
-					height     	172
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient" @1597
-					ShowCompartmentStereotypes 	TRUE
-					IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
-					IncludeOperation 	TRUE
-					location   	(1152, 850)
-					font       	(object Font
-					    italics    	TRUE)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1597
-					    location   	(885, 776)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	1
-					    max_width  	534
-					    justify    	0
-					    label      	"MSubConnectionFlowClient")
-					icon_style 	"Icon"
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-					quidu      	"4284A8070236"
-					width      	552
-					height     	172
-					annotation 	8
-					autoResize 	TRUE)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1598
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42D2C3AD00EA"
-					client     	@1593
-					supplier   	@1592
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1599
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42D2C3B20355"
-					client     	@1597
-					supplier   	@1592
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1600
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42D2C3B502CD"
-					client     	@1597
-					supplier   	@1594
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1601
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42D2C3B802F9"
-					client     	@1595
-					supplier   	@1594
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object InheritView "" @1602
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					quidu      	"42D2C3BC009C"
-					client     	@1596
-					supplier   	@1594
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object NoteView @1603
-					location   	(1184, 320)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1603
-					    location   	(971, 182)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	5
-					    max_width  	390
-					    label      	"indicates that the super-class is sub-connection client and processes sub-connection->flow broadcast calls.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	450
-					height     	288)
-				    (object NoteView @1604
-					location   	(2560, 256)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1604
-					    location   	(2301, 175)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	3
-					    max_width  	483
-					    label      	"indicates that the super-class is sub-connection client")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	543
-					height     	175)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1605
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1604
-					supplier   	@1601
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1606
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1604
-					supplier   	@1602
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1607
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1603
-					supplier   	@1599
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1608
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1603
-					supplier   	@1600
-					line_style 	0)
-				    (object NoteView @1609
-					location   	(448, 1264)
-					label      	(object ItemLabel
-					    Parent_View 	@1609
-					    location   	(298, 1127)
-					    fill_color 	13434879
-					    nlines     	5
-					    max_width  	265
-					    label      	"class represents 1-1 sub-connection -> flow channel.")
-					line_color 	3342489
-					fill_color 	13434879
-					width      	325
-					height     	287)
-				    (object AttachView "" @1610
-					stereotype 	TRUE
-					line_color 	3342489
-					client     	@1609
-					supplier   	@1593
-					line_style 	0))))))
-		logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-		    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-			quid       	"427A6CA9006E"
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-			zoom       	100
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-			max_width  	21600
-			origin_x   	959
-			origin_y   	0
-			items      	(list diagram_item_list
-			    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Network Layer" @1611
-				location   	(1680, 656)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1611
-				    location   	(1536, 572)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	288
-				    justify    	0
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-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"427F43920168"
-				width      	300
-				height     	180)
-			    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer" @1612
-				location   	(1008, 640)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1612
-				    location   	(864, 556)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	288
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"Link Layer")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
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-				quidu      	"427F43CA015F"
-				width      	300
-				height     	180)
-			    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients" @1613
-				location   	(1360, 1072)
-				label      	(object ItemLabel
-				    Parent_View 	@1613
-				    location   	(1174, 988)
-				    fill_color 	13434879
-				    nlines     	2
-				    max_width  	372
-				    justify    	0
-				    label      	"Sub Connection Flow Clients")
-				icon_style 	"Icon"
-				line_color 	3342489
-				fill_color 	65280
-				quidu      	"42D2C2D70107"
-				width      	384
-				height     	180))))))
-	logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
-	    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
-		quid       	"41A74B8C02E2"
-		title      	"Main"
-		zoom       	100
-		max_height 	28350
-		max_width  	21600
-		origin_x   	0
-		origin_y   	0
-		items      	(list diagram_item_list
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection" @1614
-			location   	(1744, 896)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1614
-			    location   	(1600, 812)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	288
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Connection")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			quidu      	"41A74FA2017D"
-			width      	300
-			height     	180)
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection" @1615
-			location   	(1248, 896)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1615
-			    location   	(1104, 812)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	288
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Sub Connection")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			quidu      	"41A74FC60071"
-			width      	300
-			height     	180)
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Service" @1616
-			location   	(176, 896)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1616
-			    location   	(32, 812)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	288
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Service")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	65535
-			quidu      	"41A7584503E0"
-			width      	300
-			height     	180)
-		    (object NoteView @1617
-			location   	(2032, 1808)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1617
-			    location   	(1251, 1611)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	8
-			    max_width  	1527
-			    label      	
-|amber boxes    - need changing, 
-|redish boxes    - need reduction or removal
-|green boxes     - new
-|light blue boxes- new but temporary to be removed as architecture progresses
-|white boxes      - pseudo-classes (don't actually exist) representing de-marshaling 		on the receiver side
-|X                   - dependencies/associations to be removed
-			    )
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			width      	1587
-			height     	407)
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Resolver" @1618
-			location   	(816, 1200)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1618
-			    location   	(672, 1116)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	288
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Resolver")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			quidu      	"41A77EF303B5"
-			width      	300
-			height     	180)
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Factory" @1619
-			location   	(1055, 304)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1619
-			    location   	(911, 220)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	288
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Factory")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	65535
-			quidu      	"41A875EF01EE"
-			width      	300
-			height     	180)
-		    (object Label @1620
-			location   	(1039, 32)
-			nlines     	44
-			max_width  	62
-			label      	
-			)
-		    (object Label @1621
-			location   	(751, 48)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	288
-			label      	"DATA PLANE")
-		    (object Label @1622
-			location   	(1103, 48)
-			nlines     	1
-			max_width  	363
-			label      	"CONTROL PLANE")
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss" @1623
-			location   	(1051, 1712)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1623
-			    location   	(904, 1628)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	294
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Session Proxy/Pit Boss")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	13434879
-			quidu      	"41AA25160186"
-			width      	306
-			height     	180)
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Selection" @1624
-			location   	(2208, 896)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1624
-			    location   	(2064, 812)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	288
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Selection")
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-			fill_color 	65535
-			quidu      	"41B6EAB601E8"
-			width      	300
-			height     	180)
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions" @1625
-			location   	(1872, 288)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1625
-			    location   	(1717, 204)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	310
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"New Interfaces & Functions")
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-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	65280
-			quidu      	"41C1686300B3"
-			width      	322
-			height     	180)
-		    (object ImportView "" @1626
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"41A8760C02FE"
-			client     	@1618
-			supplier   	@1619
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object ImportView "" @1627
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"41A91EB50147"
-			client     	@1618
-			supplier   	@1615
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object ImportView "" @1628
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"427A064401E7"
-			client     	@1618
-			supplier   	@1623
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object ImportView "" @1629
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"41A8760803A2"
-			client     	@1614
-			supplier   	@1619
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object ImportView "" @1630
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"41B6EADF010A"
-			client     	@1614
-			supplier   	@1624
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object ImportView "" @1631
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"427A065F0376"
-			client     	@1614
-			supplier   	@1623
-			line_style 	0)
-		    (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow" @1632
-			location   	(624, 896)
-			label      	(object ItemLabel
-			    Parent_View 	@1632
-			    location   	(460, 812)
-			    fill_color 	13434879
-			    nlines     	2
-			    max_width  	328
-			    justify    	0
-			    label      	"Sub Connection Flow")
-			icon_style 	"Icon"
-			line_color 	3342489
-			fill_color 	65280
-			quidu      	"427A06CC0387"
-			width      	340
-			height     	180)
-		    (object ImportView "" @1633
-			stereotype 	TRUE
-			line_color 	3342489
-			quidu      	"427A06F80113"
-			client     	@1632
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-			quid       	"427A149403B2"
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-			quid       	"427A174601CC"
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-			quidu      	"41B9DF0E0232"
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-			quid       	"41B9EB080174"
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-			quidu      	"41B9E8210008"
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-			quidu      	"427A284001B4"
-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"41B9EB140275"
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-			quid       	"423D5297018E"
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-			quidu      	"427A121B0032"
-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"41B9EAFD025E"
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-			quid       	"41B9EB23015F"
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-			quid       	"427A19DD0151"
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-			quid       	"427A9405026B"
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-			quidu      	"427A93D702E1"
-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-		quid       	"41B9E8210008"
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-			quid       	"41B9EAF603DA"
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-			quid       	"41B9EAE901BE"
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-			quid       	"423032600030"
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-			quidu      	"4230324802F2"
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-		quid       	"41B9E82B026F"
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-			quid       	"427A149F0372"
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-			quid       	"427A90F403C9"
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-			quidu      	"427A90E203B1"
-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-		quid       	"41B9E9EF034B"
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-			quid       	"427A952A029F"
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-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-			quidu      	"41B9E8210008"
-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-			quidu      	"41B9DF050008"
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-			quid       	"427A145002BD"
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-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"427A1841032C"
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-			quidu      	"41B9E8210008"
-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"427A28650378"
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-			quidu      	"427A284001B4"
-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-		quid       	"427A284001B4"
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-			quid       	"427A9471028D"
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-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE)))
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-			quid       	"427A952203CB"
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-			supplier_is_spec 	TRUE))))
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-			width      	228
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-			width      	313
-			height     	881)
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-			    location   	(137, 799)
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-			width      	228
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-			location   	(866, 47)
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-			)
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-			location   	(244, 575)
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-			label      	
-			)
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-			location   	(48, 1046)
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-			label      	
-			)
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-			label      	
-			)
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-			width      	250
-			height     	506)
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-			width      	228
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-			width      	275
-			height     	175)
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-			location   	(1575, 1385)
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-			label      	
-			)
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-			location   	(1856, 1658)
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-			label      	
-			)
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-			width      	238
-			height     	1150)
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-			location   	(78, 888)
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-			    (1823, 1299)
-			    (1956, 1300)
-			    (2041, 1099))
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