changeset 70 b564fb5fd78b
parent 69 9d7ce34704c8
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/serverden/src/sd_player.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/serverden/src/sd_player.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:35:48 2010 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include <e32base.h>
 #include <cfshared.h>
 #include "sd_log.h"
@@ -39,12 +39,10 @@
 // CSockSessionProxy
 EXPORT_C CCommonSessionProxy::CCommonSessionProxy(CWorkerSession* aSession, CCommonPlayer& aPlayer)
 :	iSession(aSession),
-	iNumSubSessClosing(ELivingSession),
-	iSubSessionCloseThrottle(*this)
+	iNumSubSessClosing(ELivingSession)
 	//COMMONLOG((WorkerId(),KECommonBootingTag, _L8("CSockSessionProxy %08x:\tCSockSessionProxy(), iSockSession %08x"), this, iSession) );
@@ -68,77 +66,37 @@
 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsClosing(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemSvrDenPlayrC, 1));
 	iNumSubSessClosing = 1;	// dummy subsession to prevent premature suicide during this close loop
-	DeleteSubSessionsWithThrottling();
-	}
-void CCommonSessionProxy::DeleteSubSessionsWithThrottling()
-    {
-    // Why Throttle?  The original scenario is a process which opens a large number of sockets (100 in the
-    // original case) and terminates without closing them, leaving BeginSessionClose() to clean them up.
-    // In addition, the worker in question (pdummy1) synchronously deletes subsessions (1) and uses a shared
-    // shared heap configuration (i.e. limited memory).  As each deletion results in a message being sent
-    // (to an SCPR), and there is no opportunity to drain these due to the synchronous deletion, the transport
-    // queue overflows and cannot be grown resulting in a panic.  So use a (*low* priority) active object to
-    // delete a limited number of subsessions per RunL().
-    //
-    // (1) a call to DeleteMe() results in an immediate upcall to NotifySubSessionDestroyed(). 
-    TInt count = KSubSessionThrottleSize;
-    // The object container is stored as a packed array, so working backwards through it avoids invalidating
-    // the iterator when removing entries (and as a bonus is more efficient)
+	// The object container is stored as a packed array, so working backwards through it avoids invalidating
+	// the iterator when removing entries (and as a bonus is more efficient)
+	CCommonPlayer::TSubSessionContainer& subSessions(iPlayer.SubSessions());
+	for(TInt i = subSessions.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+		{
+		CWorkerSubSession* subSession = subSessions[i];
+		if(subSession->Session() == iSession)
+			{
+			++iNumSubSessClosing;
+			if(!subSession->IsClosing())
+				{
+				subSession->DeleteMe();
+				}
+			}
+		}
-    CCommonPlayer::TSubSessionContainer& subSessions(iPlayer.SubSessions());
-    for(TInt i = subSessions.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
-        {
-        CWorkerSubSession* subSession = subSessions[i];
-        if(subSession->Session() == iSession)
-            {
-            ++iNumSubSessClosing;
-            if(!subSession->IsClosing())
-                {
-                subSession->DeleteMe();
-                // Throttle the deletions as appropriate
-                if (--count <= 0)
-                    {
-                    COMMONLOG((Player().WorkerId(),KECommonBootingTag, _L8("CCommonSessionProxy %08x:\tDeleteSubSessionBunch(): throttled subsession deletion"), this) );
-                    // Re-prime the one shot
-                    iSubSessionCloseThrottle.Call();
-                    return;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    NotifySubSessionDestroyed();    // all, done, remove the dummy subsession
-    }
+	NotifySubSessionDestroyed();	// remove the dummy subsession
+	}
 EXPORT_C void CCommonSessionProxy::NotifySubSessionDestroyed()
-	//COMMONLOG((Player().WorkerId(),KECommonBootintgTag, _L8("CCommonSessionProxy %08x:\tNotifySubSessionDestroyed(), iSockSession %08x"), this, iSession) );
-	if(IsClosing() &&--iNumSubSessClosing <= 0)
-	    {
-        __ASSERT_DEBUG(iNumSubSessClosing == 0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemSvrDenPlayrC, 2));
-        CCommonWorkerThread& worker = iPlayer.WorkerThread();
-        worker.CompleteSessionClose(iSession);
-        delete this;
-	    }
+	//COMMONLOG((Player().WorkerId(),KECommonBootingTag, _L8("CCommonSessionProxy %08x:\tNotifySubSessionDestroyed(), iSockSession %08x"), this, iSession) );
+	if(IsClosing() && --iNumSubSessClosing <= 0)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iNumSubSessClosing == 0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemSvrDenPlayrC, 2));
+		CCommonWorkerThread& worker = iPlayer.WorkerThread();
+		worker.CompleteSessionClose(iSession);
+		delete this;
+		}
-// CCommonSessionProxy::CSubSessionCloseThrottle
-CCommonSessionProxy::CSubSessionCloseThrottle::CSubSessionCloseThrottle(CCommonSessionProxy& aProxy)
-  : CAsyncOneShot(EPriorityLow), iProxy(aProxy)     // This must be low priority!
-    {
-    }
-void CCommonSessionProxy::CSubSessionCloseThrottle::RunL()
-    {
-    // Delete some more subsessions
-    iProxy.DeleteSubSessionsWithThrottling();
-    }
 // CCommonPlayer