changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use strict;
+my %objectCoordinates =  # pretty dumb. could smarten this up a lot.
+	"CSocket",					[200,100],
+	"CSubConn",					[400,100],
+	"CConn",					[600,100],
+	"CCommsMgr",				[800,100],
+	"CSelectionRequest",		[1000,110], # NOT Tier Manager's sub-session hence offset
+	"CFlowFactCtr",				[100,150],
+	"CSubConnFactCtr",			[300,150],
+	"CConnFactCtr",				[500,150],
+	"CMetaConnFactCtr",			[700,150],
+	"CTierMgrFactCtr",			[900,150],
+	"CIPDefaultSCPrFact",		[300,200],
+	"CIPCPrFact",				[500,200],
+	"CNetMCPrFact",				[700,200],
+	"CNetTierMgrFact",			[900,200],
+	"CIPDefaultSCPr",			[400,250],
+	"CIPCPr",					[600,250],
+	"CNetMCPr",					[800,250],
+	"CNetTierMgr",				[1000,250],
+	"CIPProtoSCPrFact",			[300,300],
+	"CIPProtoCPrFact",			[500,300],
+	"CIPProtoMCPrFact",			[700,300],
+	"CIPProtoTierMgrFact",		[900,300],
+	"CIPProtoDefaultSCPr",		[400,350],
+	"CIPProtoCPr",				[600,350],
+	"CIPProtoMCPr",				[800,350],
+	"CIPProtoTierMgr",			[1000,350],
+	"CIPProtoDefaultSCPr-1",	[400,400],
+	"CIPProtoCPr-1",			[600,400],
+	"CPPPSCPrFact",				[300,500],
+	"CPPPCPrFact",				[500,500],
+	"CPPPMCPrFact",				[700,500],
+	"CPPPTierMgrFact",			[900,500],
+	"CPPPSCPr",					[400,550],
+	"CPPPCPr",					[600,550],
+	"CPPPMCPr",					[800,550],
+	"CPPPTierMgr",				[1000,550],
+# constants
+my $incrementY = 20;
+my $topMargin = 20;
+my $arrowWidth = 10;
+my $textArrowSpacing = 1;
+my $messageSpacingAboveLine = 1;
+my $objectVerticalLineSpacing = 2;
+my $objectUnderlineToLifelineGap = 2;
+my $objectsPerRow = 4;
+my $objectSpacesToSkipBeforeAutoSpacing = 4 * $objectsPerRow - 1; # start on 5th line
+my $xSpacing = 200;
+my $ySpacing = 100;
+my $objectName = 0;
+my $objectX = 1;
+my $objectY = 2;
+my $objectMsgCount = 3;
+my $objectCreationPointKnown = 4;
+my $sequenceAction = 0;
+my $sequenceObjRef = 1;		# if action == "t" || "oc"
+my $sequenceMsgRef = 1;		# if action != "t"
+my $sequenceX = 2;
+my $sequenceY = 3;
+my $anims = 1;
+my $time = 0;
+my $timeDelta = 500;
+my $timeDur = $timeDelta * 0.9;
+my $colouredBoxes = 1;
+my $animKeys = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm';
+#$animKeys = ''; # uncomment this line to enable animKeys
+my $animMessagesPerKey = 5;
+my $animKeyCounter = 0;
+my $animKeysFirstElement=1;
+my @sequences;
+my @messages;
+my @objects;
+if(@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-auto')
+# Data Structures:
+# "objects" is array of arrays:
+#	[ <object name> <object X> <object Y> <object message count> <creation point known flag> ]
+# "sequences" is an array of arrays:
+#	[ "t" \objects[<n>] "text" ]
+#	[ "[p|r]" \messages[n] \objects[<source>], \objects[<destination>] ]
+#	[ "oc" \objects[<n>] ]
+# Input file format:
+#	<action> <arguments> ...
+# specifically:
+#	[P|R] <message name> <source object> <destination object>
+#	T <object> <text>
+#	OC <object>
+# actions:
+# P		Post
+# R		Receive
+# T		Text
+# OC	Object Create
+# All fields are space separated text.  For example:
+# P StartFlow SCPR Flow
+while (<>) {
+	die unless s/^(\w+)\s+//;
+	my $action = $1;
+	if ($action eq "t")
+		{
+		# Text
+		# t <object> <text>
+		my $pos;
+		if (s/^([\w\d-]+)\s+//) { $pos = $1; }
+		my $objRef = addObject($pos);
+		chomp;
+		my $text = $_;
+		push @sequences, [$action, $objRef, $text];
+		}
+	elsif ($action eq "oc")
+		{
+		# Object Create
+		# oc <object>
+		my $objName;
+		if (s/^([\w\d-]+)\s+//) { $objName = $1; }
+		my $objRef = addObject($objName);
+		${$objRef}->[$objectCreationPointKnown] = 1;
+		chomp;
+		push @sequences, [$action, $objRef];
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		# Post/Receive
+		# [P|R] <message> <source object> <destination object>
+		split;
+		my $msgRef = addMessage(shift @_);
+		my $srcRef = addObject(shift @_);
+		my $destRef = addObject(shift @_);
+		${$srcRef}->[$objectMsgCount]++;
+		${$destRef}->[$objectMsgCount]++;
+		push @sequences, [$action, $msgRef, $srcRef, $destRef];
+		}
+	}
+my ($screenWidth,$screenHeight) = calculateObjectPositions();
+#my $screenWidth = $objects[$#objects]->[$objectX] + $rightMargin;
+#my $screenHeight = scalar(@sequences) * ($incrementY + 2) + $topMargin;
+#my $screenWidth = 500;
+#my $screenHeight = 500;
+outputDocHeader($screenWidth, $screenHeight);
+# Message routines
+sub drawObjectsAtTop()
+	{
+	my $i;
+	foreach $i (@objects)
+		{
+		if ($i->[$objectCreationPointKnown] == 1)
+			{
+			next;
+			}
+		outputText($i->[$objectX], $i->[$objectName], $i->[$objectY], "middle", "underline","freeze",'',0);
+		} 
+		print "\n";
+	}
+sub addMessage()
+	{
+	my $obj = $_[0];
+	my $i;
+	for ($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@messages) ; ++$i) {
+		if ($messages[$i] eq $obj) {
+			return \$messages[$i];
+			}
+		}
+	$messages[$i] = $obj;
+	return \$messages[$i];
+	}
+sub printMessages()
+	{
+	print "Messages (", scalar(@messages), ") : ";
+	foreach my $msg (@messages) {
+		print $msg, " ";
+		}
+	print "\n";
+	}
+# Object routines
+sub addObject()
+	{
+	my $objName = $_[0];
+	my $i;
+	for ($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@objects) ; ++$i) {
+		if ($objects[$i]->[$objectName] eq $objName) {
+			return \$objects[$i];
+			}
+		}
+		$objects[$i] = [ $objName, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
+		return \$objects[$i];
+	}
+sub printObjects()
+	{
+	print "Objects (", scalar(@objects), "): ";
+	foreach my $obj (@objects) {
+		print $obj->[0], "(", $obj->[1], ") ";
+		}
+	print "\n";
+	}
+sub calculateObjectPositions()
+	{
+	my ($maxX, $maxY) = (0,0);
+	my $xSpacing = 200;
+	my $ySpacing = 100;
+	my $objctr = $objectSpacesToSkipBeforeAutoSpacing;
+	my $i;
+	for ($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@objects) ; ++$i)
+		{
+ 		my $coords = $objectCoordinates{$objects[$i][$objectName]};
+ 		if(defined $coords)
+ 			{
+			($objects[$i][$objectX],$objects[$i][$objectY]) =
+		    	($coords->[0], $coords->[1]);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+	 		$objctr++;
+#	for($objctr = 0 ; $objctr < 50 ; $objctr++)
+#	{
+ 			my $x = (1+($objctr % $objectsPerRow)) * $xSpacing;
+ 			my $y = (1+int($objctr / $objectsPerRow)) * $ySpacing;
+ #			print STDERR ("X $x Y $y\n");
+ #	}		
+ #	exit;
+#my ($x,$y); 
+			($objects[$i][$objectX],$objects[$i][$objectY]) =
+		    	($x, $y);
+			}
+		if($objects[$i][$objectX] > $maxX) { $maxX = $objects[$i][$objectX];}
+		if($objects[$i][$objectY] > $maxY) { $maxY = $objects[$i][$objectY];}
+		$objects[$i][$objectX] -= $xSpacing/2;
+		$objects[$i][$objectY] -= $ySpacing/2;
+		print STDERR ("$i $objects[$i][$objectName] $objects[$i][$objectX] $objects[$i][$objectY]\n")
+		}
+#	die("$maxX $maxY");
+	return ($maxX,$maxY);
+	}
+sub trimSilentObjects()
+	{
+	# get rid of objects that didn't end up with any messages sent to/from them
+	my $i;
+	for ($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@objects) ; ) {
+		if ($objects[$i][$objectMsgCount] == 0)
+			{
+			my $j;
+			for ($j = 0 ; $j < scalar(@sequences) ; )
+				{
+				my $action = $sequences[$j][$sequenceAction];
+				if ( (($action eq "t") || ($action eq "oc")) &&
+				     ($sequences[$j][$sequenceObjRef] == \$objects[$i]) )
+				    {
+					splice @sequences, $j, 1;
+#print "delete sequence $j\n";
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					++$j;
+					}
+				}
+			splice @objects, $i, 1;
+#print "delete object $i $objects[$i][$objectName]\n";
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			++$i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+sub drawObject($$$)
+	{
+	my ($x,$y,$name) = @_;
+	outputText($x, $name, $y, "middle", "underline","freeze",qq{opacity="0.9"},0);
+#	outputVerticalLine($x, $y + $objectUnderlineToLifelineGap, $screenHeight - $topOffset);
+	}
+sub drawCollaborations()
+	{
+	foreach my $ref (@sequences) {
+		my $action = $ref->[$sequenceAction];
+		if ($action eq "t")
+			{
+			my $objX = ${$ref->[$sequenceObjRef]}->[$objectX];
+			my $objY = ${$ref->[$sequenceObjRef]}->[$objectY] + $incrementY;
+			my $text = $ref->[2];
+print STDERR ("DRAWING $text $objX $objY\n");
+			outputText($objX, $text, $objY, "middle", "", "freeze",qq{opacity="0.9"},0);
+			$time += $timeDelta/2;
+			}
+		elsif ($action eq "oc") 
+			{
+#			if ($objectsDisplayedAtCreationPoint == 1)
+				{
+				my $objX = ${$ref->[$sequenceObjRef]}->[$objectX];
+				my $objY = ${$ref->[$sequenceObjRef]}->[$objectY];
+				my $objName = ${$ref->[$sequenceObjRef]}->[$objectName];
+				drawObject($objX, $objY, $objName);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			my $msg = ${$ref->[$sequenceObjRef]};
+			my $srcX = ${$ref->[$sequenceX]}->[$objectX];
+			my $srcY = ${$ref->[$sequenceX]}->[$objectY];
+			my $destX = ${$ref->[$sequenceY]}->[$objectX];
+			my $destY = ${$ref->[$sequenceY]}->[$objectY];
+			my $align;
+			if ($action eq "p") {
+				$align = "tail";
+				}
+			elsif ($action eq "r") {
+				$align = "head";
+				}
+			outputLabelledLine($srcX, $srcY, $destX, $destY, $msg, $align);
+			$time += $timeDelta;
+			if($animKeys)
+				{
+				$animKeyCounter++;
+				if($animKeyCounter % $animMessagesPerKey == 0)
+					{
+					$time = 0;
+					$animKeysFirstElement=1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		print "\n";
+		}
+	}
+# SVG output routines
+sub outputDocHeader()
+	{
+	my ($width,$height) = @_;
+	print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>',"\n";
+	print '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">',"\n";
+	print "<svg height=\"$height\" width=\"$width\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\n";
+	outputDefs();
+	}
+sub outputDefs()
+	{
+	print "<defs>\n";
+	print qq{<marker id="arr" markerHeight="10" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="10" orient="auto" refX="10" refY="5" viewBox="0 0 10 10">\n};
+	print qq{\t<path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 " />\n};
+	print "</marker>\n";
+	print "</defs>\n";
+	}
+sub outputDocFooter()
+	{
+	print "</svg>\n";
+	}
+sub shortenLine($$$$$)
+ 	my($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$amount) = @_;
+	my $xdiff = $x1-$x2;
+	my $ydiff = $y1-$y2;
+	my $linelen = sqrt(($xdiff*$xdiff) + ($ydiff*$ydiff));
+	my $factor = 1 - ($amount / ($linelen+1));
+ 	if($x2>$x1)
+ 	{
+ 		$amount = (1-$factor) * ($x2-$x1);
+ 		$x1 += $amount;
+ 		$x2 -= $amount;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$amount = (1-$factor) * ($x1-$x2);
+ 		$x1 -= $amount;
+ 		$x2 += $amount;
+	}
+ 	if($y2>$y1)
+ 	{
+ 		$amount = (1-$factor) * ($y2-$y1);
+ 		$y1 += $amount;
+ 		$y2 -= $amount;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$amount = (1-$factor) * ($y1-$y2);
+ 		$y1 -= $amount;
+ 		$y2 += $amount;
+	}
+ 	return ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2);
+sub outputLabelledLine()
+	{
+	my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$text,$alignment) = @_;
+#	my $scale = 0.9;
+	($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = shortenLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,15);
+	outputLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2);
+	my ($textx,$texty);
+	my $anchor;
+#	if (!$alignment || $alignment eq "mid") {
+		$textx = (($x1 + $x2) / 2);
+		$texty = (($y1 + $y2) / 2);
+		$anchor = "middle";
+#		}
+#	else {
+#		if ($alignment eq "head") {
+#			if ($x1 < $x2) {
+#				$anchor = "end";
+#				$textx = $x2 - $arrowWidth - $textArrowSpacing;
+#				$texty = $y2 - $arrowWidth - $textArrowSpacing;
+#				}
+#			else {
+#				$anchor = "start";
+#				$textx = $x2 + $arrowWidth + $textArrowSpacing;
+#				$texty = $y2 + $arrowWidth + $textArrowSpacing;
+#				}
+#		} else {	# "tail"
+#			$textx = $x1;
+#			$texty = $y1;
+#			if ($x1 < $x2) {
+#				$anchor = "start";
+#			} else {
+#				$anchor = "end";
+#				}
+#			}
+#		}
+	my $rectangleColour = "black";
+	if($colouredBoxes)
+	{
+		if($alignment eq "head")
+		{
+			$rectangleColour='pink';
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$rectangleColour='lightgreen';
+		}
+	}
+	outputText($textx,$text,$texty, $anchor, "", "remove", "", $rectangleColour);
+	}
+sub getAnimStr
+	my ($animFill) = @_;
+	my $beginStr = '';
+	my $idStr = '';
+	if($animKeys)
+		{
+		my $char = substr ($animKeys, int($animKeyCounter/$animMessagesPerKey) , 1);
+		if($animKeysFirstElement) # if first in sequence
+			{
+			$animKeysFirstElement=0;
+			$beginStr.=qq{accessKey($char)};
+			$idStr = qq{ id="anim_$char" };
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			$beginStr = qq{anim_$char.begin};
+			if($time) {$beginStr .= qq{ + $time}.'ms'}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		$beginStr = $time;
+		$beginStr .= 'ms';
+		}
+	my $anim = qq{<set $idStr attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="visible" begin="$beginStr" dur="$timeDur}.qq{ms" fill="$animFill" />};
+	return $anim;
+sub outputText()
+	{
+	my ($x,$text,$y,$anchor,$decoration,$animFill,$otherAttrs,$rectangleColour) = @_;
+	my $attrs = qq{ x="$x" y="$y" $otherAttrs};
+	if ($decoration)
+		{
+		$attrs .= qq{ text-decoration="$decoration" };
+		}
+	my $anim='';
+	if ($anims)
+		{
+		$attrs .= qq{ visibility="hidden" };
+		$anim = getAnimStr($animFill);
+		}
+	if ($anchor)
+		{
+		$attrs .= qq { text-anchor="$anchor" };
+		}
+	if($rectangleColour)
+		{
+		my $w = 8*length($text);  # guessing
+		my $h = 18;  # guessing
+		my $rx = $x - $w/2;		
+		my $ry = $y - $h/2 - 4;
+		print qq{<rect x="$rx" y="$ry" width="$w" height="$h" visibility="hidden" style="fill:$rectangleColour" opacity="0.95">$anim</rect>\n};
+		}
+	print "<text $attrs>$text$anim</text>\n";
+	}
+sub outputLine()
+	{
+	my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = @_;
+	my $animTag='';
+	my $animAttr='';
+	if($anims)
+		{
+		$animAttr=qq{visibility="hidden"};
+		$animTag= getAnimStr('remove');
+		}
+	print qq{<line stroke="black" marker-end="url(#arr)" $animAttr x1="$x1" y1="$y1" x2="$x2" y2="$y2">$animTag</line>\n};
+	}
+sub outputVerticalLine()
+	{
+	my ($x,$y1,$y2) = @_;
+	print qq{<line stroke="black" x1="$x" y1="$y1" x2="$x" y2="$y2" />\n};
+	}