changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/cfg2xml/ReadMe.txt	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+CommDB Editor and Utilities
+1. General
+This directory contains the CommDB XML Editor and utilities to allow the creation
+of CommDB settings files, as input to the CED utility, in an XML format. The editor
+as well as the utilities are written in Java and they can be compiled using any
+Java Software Development Kit (SDK) Version 1.4 or higher compatible development
+The CommDB XML Editor is part of the com.symbian.commdb package and it is composed
+of the following packages:
+com.symbian.commdb.ui     - contains all Java classes which implement the GUI components
+                            of the editor.
+   - contains all Java classes which implement the structure of
+                            the CommDB database used internally by the editor and the
+                            utilities.
+com.symbian.commdb.xml    - contains all Java classes which implement XML-related utility
+                            classes.
+  com/symbian/commdb/schema<x>/
+  where <x> is the version of the OS
+contains all the XML Schema files which define the required version of CommDB. 
+The documentation for the source files is stored in directory:
+  com/symbian/commdb/doc/
+and it was automatically generated using the javadoc utility. The binary executable Java
+files are supplied as JAR files and they are placed in directory:
+  bin/
+The building process for the CommDB Editor and Utilities can be performed in directory
+  group/
+by issuing the commands:
+  bldmake bldfiles
+  abld export
+The export procedure copies the Java binary files to directory:
+  /epoc32/tools/
+and the XML Schema files to directory:
+  /epoc32/tools/commdb-schema/<x>schema
+  where <x> is the version of the OS  i.e 92, 93 ...
+2. CommDB XML Editor
+The CommDB XML Editor executable file is cxmled.jar (executable Java archive) and it can
+be executed in two ways:
+a. On a desktop environment (Windows, Linux, MacOS X etc) double-click on the cxmled.jar
+   file to start the application.
+b. From a command line (e.g. a UNIX shell) issue the command:
+   java -jar cxmled.jar
+c. On a Windows computer where the Symbian OS SDK is installed one can simply issue
+   the command:
+   cxmled
+   on a command line shell.
+Note that the execution of this application requires the installation of a Java Runtime
+Environment (JRE) Version 1.4 or higher on the user's computer (see [4]).
+3. Conversion Utility
+The purpose of the cfg2xml.jar utility is to convert one or more CommDB settings files of 
+the CFG format (*.cfg) to the XML format (*.xml). The utility should be executed as:
+  java -jar cfg2xml.jar -mode:[file|dir] schema-dir in [out]
+-mode:[file|dir] - specifies whether the utility should process
+                   a single file (-mode:file) or a directory with
+                   some .cfg files (-mode:dir)
+schema-dir   - the directory which contains the XML Schema
+                   files which define the version of CommDB
+                   appropriate for the settings file to convert
+in               - The file in the pre-XML format (*.cfg) to convert,
+                   if -mode:file is specified, else the directory
+                   which contains .cfg files to convert. When operating
+                   in directory mode this utility will also process all
+                   subdirectories and their contents for .cfg files
+out              - The XML settings file (.xml) to generate as the result
+                   of the conversion process. This parameter can be
+                   supplied only if the utility operates in file mode
+                   (-mode:file). If not specified, the converted file
+                   has the same name as the original .cfg one
+Note that this conversion can also be performed from within the CommDB XML Editor using the
+"Import Old Format File" menu item of the "Actions" menu. Then, the XML CommDB settings
+file can be created by using the "Export XML File" menu item. However, the cfg2xml.jar utility
+can convert a large number of files automatically when executed in directory mode (-mode:dir)
+because in that case it converts all .cfg files encountered in the specified directory
+as well as all the whole directory tree under this directory.
+cfg2xml.bat can be used: 
+  cfgxml -mode:[file¦dir] version in out
+where parameters mean same as above expect:
+version	- version of Symbian OS creating database for, i.e 92, 93 ...
+if schema directory needs to be configured to point to a different location the batch file must be edited.  
+The batch file itself indicates what needs to be added.
+example execution:
+cfg2xml -mode:file 92 p:\epoc32\plattestserial.cfg P:\epoc32\WINSCW\C\plattestserial.xml
+Also note that the execution of this application requires the installation of a Java Runtime
+Environment (JRE) Version 1.4 or higher on the user's computer (see [4]).
+4. Requirements
+The execution of the CommDB XML Editor and the utilities requires the installation of a
+Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 1.4 or higher on the user's computer. This can be
+obtained as follows:
+i)   For PCs running Windows or Linux and for Sun workstations running Solaris,
+     it can be downloaded from Sun's Java web site:
+     Note that PCs with Microsoft's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot execute these
+     applications because this JVM is not up to date. Sun's JRE must be downloaded
+     and installed from the link given above.
+ii)  For Apple computers running MacOS X 10.2 (Jaguar), 10.3 (Panther) or higher, 
+     Apple's JRE 1.4 or higher is pre-installed while updates can be obtained from 
+     Apple's Developer web site:
+     When executed on an Apple computer, the CommDB XML Editor uses the Apple Aqua
+     look and feel.
+iii) On other UNIX platforms the user should visit the web site of the manufacturer in
+     order to obtain an appropriate JRE for his system.
+Finally, the documentation in directory
+  com/symbian/commdb/doc/
+is in HTML format and it can be viewed by any web browser on any computer system.
+Panos Asproulis (01/12/2003)
+updated Agnelo Vaz (10/08/2006) - New directory structure for mulitversion support
+updated Agnelo Vaz (02/08/2006) - Clarified use of cfg2xml.bat due to defect DEF089584, now specify os version
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