changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/inc/CommsDatSchema.h	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ * @file CommsDatSchema.h
+ *
+ * Declaration of the comms data schema
+ *
+ * @internalComponent
+ * @released
+ *
+ */
+#if (! defined COMMSDATSCHEMA_H)
+#define        COMMSDATSCHEMA_H
+#include <commsdattypeinfov1_1.h>
+#include <commsdattypeinfov1_1_internal.h>
+namespace CommsDat
+    // table lookup structure 
+    typedef struct 
+	    {
+	    TMDBElementId				        iTableId;
+	    const TText* 						iTableName;
+      	const CommsDat::SRecordTypeInfo*	iFields;
+      } STableLookup;
+CommsDatSchemaV1_1 encapsulates
+  Schema (Version 1.1) of tables in the Comms Database
+	Linking table id with table name and field info
+	{
+	public :
+        //
+        // Field Linktypes
+        //
+        typedef enum
+        {
+// Integer record links used up to OS 9.3
+            /* links for particular record types (can be extended as necessary)*/
+            ELinkIAPRecord          = EInt,
+            ELinkAPRecord           = EInt,
+            ELinkEAPSecRecord       = EInt,
+            ELinkWAPAPRecord        = EInt,
+            ELinkModemBearerRecord  = EInt,
+            ELinkAgentLookupRecord  = EInt,
+            ELinkNetworkRecord      = EInt,
+            ELinkLocationRecord     = EInt,
+            ELinkChargecardRecord   = EInt,
+            ELinkUMTSR99QoSRecord   = EInt
+            /* links for particular record types (can be extended as necessary)*/
+            ELinkIAPRecord          = ELink | KCDTIdIAPRecord,
+            ELinkAPRecord           = ELink | KCDTIdAccessPointRecord,
+            ELinkTierRecord         = ELink | KCDTIdTierRecord,
+            ELinkMCprRecord         = ELink | KCDTIdMCprRecord,
+            ELinkCprRecord          = ELink | KCDTIdCprRecord,            
+            ELinkSCprRecord         = ELink | KCDTIdSCprRecord,            
+            ELinkProtocolRecord     = ELink | KCDTIdProtocolRecord,
+            ELinkCAPRecord          = ELink | KCDTIdConfigAccessPointRecord,
+            ELinkEAPSecRecord       = ELink | KCDTIdEAPSecRecord,
+            ELinkWAPAPRecord        = ELink | KCDTIdWAPAccessPointRecord,
+            ELinkModemBearerRecord  = ELink | KCDTIdModemBearerRecord,
+            ELinkAgentLookupRecord  = ELink | KCDTIdAgentLookupRecord,
+            ELinkNetworkRecord      = ELink | KCDTIdNetworkRecord,
+            ELinkLocationRecord     = ELink | KCDTIdLocationRecord,
+            ELinkChargecardRecord   = ELink | KCDTIdChargecardRecord,
+            ELinkUMTSR99QoSRecord   = ELink | KCDTIdUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord
+        } TCDFieldLinkTypes;
+		/*
+		1/ Schema of tables in the database
+		*/
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iParamsRecordBaseInfo[];				// base class for all PARAMS tables
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iServiceRecordBaseInfo[];			// base class for all SERVICE tables
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iBearerRecordBaseInfo[];				// base class for all BEARER tables
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iConnectionPrefsRecordInfo[];		// Connection Preferences table - config for client preferences for connection behaviour
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iGlobalSettingsRecordInfo[];			// Global settings - contains single record - config for global settings for comms behaviour
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iNetworkRecordInfo[];				// Network table - config for service network information
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iLocationRecordInfo[];				// Location table - config for host phone location
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iIAPRecordInfo[];					// IAP table - config for a connection at the link layer, oonnects service, bearer, location and network information
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iWAPAccessPointRecordInfo[];			// WAP access point table - config for WAP access point connection
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iDialOutISPRecordInfo[];				// SERVICE: DialOut ISP table - config to allow dial-up connection with remote ISP
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iDialInISPRecordInfo[];				// SERVICE: DialIn ISP table - config to allow dial-back from remote ISP (testing only)
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iLANServiceRecordInfo[];				// SERVICE: LAN Service table - config for a LAN service
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iWLANServiceExtRecordInfo[];			// SERVICE: WLAN Service table - config for a WLAN service
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iVPNServiceRecordInfo[];				// SERVICE: VPN Service table - config for a VPN service
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecordInfo[];	// UMTSR99QoSAndOn Table - config for QoS parameters for default context
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iWCDMAPacketServiceRecordInfo[];		// SERVICE:	WCDMA Packet service table - config for a WCDMA packet service (GPRS) connection
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iDefaultWCDMARecordInfo[];			// Default WCDMA table - default settings for WCDMA service (only one record in this table)
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iModemBearerRecordInfo[];				// BEARER: Modem Bearer table - settings for any modem bearer
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iLANBearerRecordInfo[];				// BEARER: LAN bearer table - settings for any LAN bearer
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iVirtualBearerRecordInfo[];			// BEARER: Virtual Bearer table - settings for any virtual bearer
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iWAPSMSBearerRecordInfo[];			// WAP: WAP SMS Bearer table - settings for a WAP SMS bearer
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iWAPIPBearerRecordInfo[];				// WAP: WAP IP Bearer table - settings for a WAP IP bearer
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iChargecardRecordInfo[];				// Chargecard table - settings for chargecard payment
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iProxiesRecordInfo[];					// Proxies table - settings for HTTP and other proxies
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iSecureSocketRecordInfo[];			// @deprecated - Secure Socket table - settings for SSL/TLS
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iAgentLookupRecordInfo[];				// @deprecated - settings for AgentLookupTable
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iPANServiceExtRecordInfo[];			// PAN service extension table - extension table to use PAN via LAN service
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iAccessPointRecordInfo[];				// Access Point table - definition of a single layer or access point within the comms stack
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecordInfo[];// IAP Priority Selection Policy table - indication of priority selection of next-level Access Point
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iEAPSecRecordInfo[];					// EAP Sec table - settings for EAP authenticiation
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iTunEAPRecordInfo[];					// Tun EAP table - settings for Tunnelled EAP authentication method
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iEAPTLSRecordInfo[];					// EAP TLS table - settings for EAP TLS authentication method
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iLEAPRecordInfo[];						// LEAP table - settings for LEAP authentication method
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iEAPSIMRecordInfo[];					// EAP-SIM table - settings for EAP-SIM authentication method
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iEAPAKARecordInfo[];					// EAP-AKA table - settings for EAP-AKA authentication method
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecordInfo[];// IAP Priority Selection Policy table - indication of priority selection of next-level Access Point
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iTierRecordInfo[];
+	    static const SRecordTypeInfo iMCprRecordInfo[];
+	    static const SRecordTypeInfo iCprRecordInfo[];
+	    static const SRecordTypeInfo iSCprRecordInfo[];
+	    static const SRecordTypeInfo iProtocolRecordInfo[];
+	    static const SRecordTypeInfo iBearerTypeRecordInfo[];
+	    static const SRecordTypeInfo iConfigAccessPointRecordInfo[];
+	    static const SRecordTypeInfo iPolicySelectorRecordInfo[];
+	    static const SRecordTypeInfo iPolicySelector2ParamsRecordInfo[];
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iGenericQosRecordInfo[];
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo iWifiScanEngineRecordInfo[];
+		static const STableLookup iTableLookup[];
+		/*
+		Retrieve type info for a table given a table id
+		@internalComponent
+		*/
+		static const SRecordTypeInfo* GetRecordTypeInfo(TMDBElementId aId);
+        /*
+        Retrieve full type info for a field given a <table><column> id
+        @internalcomponent
+        */
+		IMPORT_C static TInt GetFieldTypeInfoL(TMDBElementId aId);
+		/* This function is to get full table info based on the table ID. The main
+		 * purpose to have this function is CEDDUMP. It has got a functionality,
+		 * which resolves the link values to Link.<Tablename>.<TagId> format. In order
+		 * to get the tableID we need this function.
+		 * It's marked as internal component, because CEDDUMP should use it only.
+		 * @internalcomponent
+		 */
+		IMPORT_C static const STableLookup* GetTableInfoL(TMDBElementId aId);
+		/* Get back the table ID based on the table name */
+        static TMDBElementId LookupTableId(TDesC& tableName);
+        /*
+        This function is used when some linked record is given as tagId. This can be done
+        only with some tables and this function can tell whether the forced link resolving
+        can be applied to the given table or not...
+        @internalcomponent
+        */
+        static TBool IsEnabledForcedLinkedTypeResolving(TMDBElementId aId);
+        /*
+        If the forced link resolving is enabled this function resolves the linked record
+        given as tagId and returns the linked type.
+        @internalcomponent
+        */
+        static TMDBElementId ForcedFindLinkedIdL(TMDBElementId aTableId, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldId);
+	private :
+		CommsDatSchemaV1_1(){} // at the moment, no need to instantiate this class - just used as namespace
+	};
+CommsDatSchema encapsulates
+  Type Validation Functions
+		Lookup for Table Type info by id
+		 to check container type matches data type
+	{
+	public:
+		/*******************************************************
+		Functions to check the meaning of an elementId
+		*/
+		static TBool IsNode(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool IsTable(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool IsColumn(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool IsRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool IsGenericRecord(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool IsTemplate(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool HasValidTableId(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool HasValidColumnId(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool HasValidRecordId(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool IsNewRecordRequest(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool IsNewColumnRequest(TMDBElementId aElementId);
+		static TBool IsNewTableRequest(TMDBElementId aElementId); // New Table Request is not currently supported
+		static TBool IsDeprecatedRecord(
+		                                TMDBElementId aElementId
+		                               );
+		/*****************************************************************************************
+		* Functions to check validity of container being used to store or modify data
+		*/
+		/*
+		Validate the container type of aElement is appropriate to carry the data specified by its element id
+		*/
+		static void ValidateFieldTypeL(CMDBSession& aSession, CMDBElement& aElement);
+        /*
+        Get link information about legacy fields that link with base classes (NB new links should be used properly)
+        */
+		static TMDBElementId GetLegacyLinkTableIdL(CMDBSession& aSession, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldId, CMDBElement* aLinkingRecord);
+        /*
+        Fully qualify link fields to give table and record id
+        */
+        static TMDBElementId GetLinkIdL(CMDBSession& aSession, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldId, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldValue, TMDBElementId aLinkedTableId, CMDBElement* aLinkingRecord = NULL);
+        /*
+        Get the linked element ID from the database
+        */
+        static TMDBElementId IdTagResolverL(CMDBSession& aSession, TMDBElementId aLinkedTypeId, TMDBElementId aTargetValue);
+        static TMDBElementId ConstructLinkFromLegacyValueL(CMDBSession& aSession, CMDBElement* aLegacyField, TInt aLegacyValue);
+        /* This funciton here is for the case when somebody tries to read a
+                  * legacy link field, which is now contains the fully resolved TMDBElementId
+                  * of the linked record, to contain only the record id...
+                  * 
+                  * IMPORTANT: the function expects ONLY fields as parameter!!!!!!!!!
+        */
+        static void ChangeLegacyLinkFieldValues(CMDBElement*& aLegacyField);
+        static TMDBElementId ForcedLegacyLinkFindL(CMDBSession& aSession, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldId, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldValue, CMDBElement* aElement);
+	private :
+		static TMDBElementId ForcedIAPFindL(CMDBSession& aSession, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldId, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldValue, CMDBElement* aElement);
+		static TMDBElementId ForcedProxiesFindL(CMDBSession& aSession, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldId, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldValue, CMDBElement* aElement);
+		static TMDBElementId ForcedLanServiceFindL(CMDBSession& aSession, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldId, TMDBElementId aLinkingFieldValue, CMDBElement* aElement);
+		CommsDatSchema(){} // at the moment, no need to instantiate this class - just used as namespace
+	}; //class CommsDatSchema
+}// end namespace CommsDat