changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/inc/systemsharedbufs.h	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description: Implementation of system shared buffer allocation and buffer
+// management.
+#include "commsbufpondintf.h"
+#include "commsbufponddbg.h"
+#include "commsbufpool.h"
+#include "systemsharedasyncalloc.h"
+#include "commsbufq.h"
+#include "commsbufponddbg.h"
+#include <e32shbuf.h>
+class TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo;
+class RCommsBuf;
+class RShPool;
+class MCommsBufPondIntf;
+Representation of a single system shared pool.Allocates/free from the system shared pool or from 
+the freelist if enabled) 
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSystemSharedBufPool) : public CCommsBufPool
+	{
+	public:
+	static CSystemSharedBufPool* New(MCommsBufPondIntf& aPondIntf, const TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo& aCreateInfo);
+	TInt FreeListCount();
+	~CSystemSharedBufPool();
+	TInt AllocUnderflow(RCommsBufQ& aBufQ, TInt aSize);	
+	TInt AllocOverflow(RCommsBufQ& aBufQ, TInt aSize);
+	RCommsBuf* Alloc();
+	void Free(RCommsBuf* aBuf);
+	inline RShPool Pool() const;
+	static TInt Compare(const CSystemSharedBufPool& aLhs, const CSystemSharedBufPool& aRhs);	
+	private:
+	inline CSystemSharedBufPool(MCommsBufPondIntf& aPondIntf, TInt aSize);
+    TInt Construct(const TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo& aCreateInfo); 
+	inline CSystemSharedBufPool(MCommsBufPondIntf& aPondIntf, TInt aSize, TInt aFreeListCount);	
+	TInt AllocFromFreeList(RCommsBufQ& BufQ, TInt aSize);
+	TBool ReleaseToFreeList(RCommsBuf* aBuf); 
+	private:
+	RShPool		iPool;
+	RWorkerLock iFreeListLock;
+	RCommsBufQ  iFreeList;
+	TInt        iMaxFreeListCount;
+	TInt        iFreeListCount;
+	};
+Implements the 3 stage buffer allocation algorithm using the system wide shared buffer APIs or
+from the freelist (if enabled)
+Description of the 3 stage allocator.
+1/ The algorithm MUST try to allocate from the pool that has bigger or equal size buffers in 
+preference to the pools that has smaller size buffers ie; 
+2/ The algorithm MUST return fewest bytes of memory that satisfy the request and doesn't conflict 
+with 1/
+3/ More than one buffer may be allocated and linked, if the requested buffer size doesn't directly 
+satisfy with the configured buffer sizes.
+Input parameters:
+Size            - Requested total size 
+Minimum Size    - The size that the allocated buffer(s) must atleast have                       
+Maximum Size    - The size that the allocated buffer(s) must not exceed     
+Working Model:
+The algorithm relies on the big to small order. If the order is not obeyed/adhered the algorithm will 
+fail to allocate the buffers from the right pools and more buffers maybe allocated than needed.The 
+pools are sorted during initialization time.        
+The first step in the algorithm is to clip the pool array position based on the given min and max size. 
+Clipping is done to ensure that allocation happens from the pools that satisfies the given min and 
+max condition, and no further checking is needed on the pools to see whether the pool buffer size 
+satisfies the min and max values. Once the clipping is done the algorithm works in 4 stages.   
+The following terms are used in the description of the algorithm. The terms should be read as:
+biggest pool ---  The pool that has the bigger buffer size, relative to the given max value
+smallest pool --- The pool that has the smallest buffer size, relative to the given min value 
+The reader should note that there is no gurantee that the requested allocation size will be exactly or 
+nearly matching to the pool sizes and this applies to each stage that operatea on the allocation size.
+The first stage execution depends on the input parameters and lower and upper index. Subsequent stages 
+exectuion depend on the outcome of the prior stage.
+The 4 stages are:
+1/ Traverse the pool array forward from the biggest pool index till the traversal reaches the smallest 
+pool index. When the requested size is greater than the buffer size of the "next" pool allocate as much 
+as possible from the "current" pool and decrement the requested size if there is an allocation. If there 
+is no allocation happens from the "current" pool mark the "current" pool index and exit the stage.
+ At this point,
+ a/ We allocated completely as requested or 
+ b/ We would have been passed through and didn't allocate from the bigger pools that may have buffer for 
+ allocation in order to satisfy the Credo 2/. But we MUST satisfy the Credo 1/ and in order to satisfy the 
+ Credo 1/ we need to traverse back from the point where we stopped the traversal, hence need to mark the 
+ "current" pool index. 
+2/ If the first stage allocation cannot complete due to the non-availability of buffer in the pools or with 
+1.b/ traverse the array backward starting from the marked pool index till the traversal reaches the biggest 
+pool index. Allocate from any pool where buffers are available by satisfying Credo 1/.
+3/ If the second stage allocation cannot complete due to the non-availability of buffers then we have to 
+increment the marked pool index by 1 as the marked pool has been checked for buffer availability on the 2nd 
+stage. We have the following scenario:
+ a/ The pending allocation size (maybe partial or the size "actually" requested)is greater than the marked 
+ pool index buffer size
+ b/ Allocation MUST satisfy the Credo 1/
+Traverse the array forward from the marked pool index till the traversal reaches the smallest pool index. 
+Allocate from any pool where buffers are available.   
+Special condition:
+If the requested size is 0 we will allocate from the pool that has the smallest buffer size, provided the
+availability of buffers in the pool. The zero sized allocation takes a different path (using ZeroSizedAlloc Fn.)
+and does not run through the stages as described above.
+We MUST satisfy the requirement 1 and we SHOULD try to achieve the requirement 2 then we have the following 
+that we encounter during allocation
+1/ No gurantee that we get buffers from the pool that has the best size for the allocation.
+2/ We might skip a pool to identify the more best size and we may not be able to allocate from that pool
+due to the non-availablity of the buffers. We would be needing to traverse back on the pool array.
+3/ No gurantee that we can allocate we traverse back because some other threads woule have been executed inbetween
+and allocate the buffers and the pool might became empty. and vice versa.
+1/ More looping happens with the algorithm on certain cases when the bigger size pools became empty.
+1/ Couple of more loops on certain cases does not add much problems as the total no. of elements in the pools   
+are expected to be ~10 hence does not cause much problems in terms of performance.
+2/ All depends on how the pool buffer sizes are configured. It is expected that the smaller size buffer numbers 
+in the pool will be lesser than bigger sizes. So most time we get good allocation.
+3/ More problems are on the allocation of system shared buffer from the Kernal as the algorithm has to allocate
+one by one and ask the pool each time. If there is no buffers available on the requested pool there will be more 
+system calls 
+Based on the above arguments the conclusion is that algorithm (and the couple of more loops) doesn't cause much 
+Future & suggestions:
+It maybe possible to fine tune the algorithm. But any futuer enhancements should consider 
+1/ the min and max  conditions
+2/ Non-deterministic configured pool sizes
+One of the thing that would definitly improve the algorithm is to request the kernel to allocate a series of
+RShBuf's. This would reduce the no. of system calls that is currently happening on the system. The current freelist
+implementation tries to address this issue to an extent.
+class T3StageAllocator
+	{
+	public:
+	    T3StageAllocator(RPointerArray<CSystemSharedBufPool>& aPools, TInt aSize, TInt aMinSize, TInt aMaxSize);
+	RCommsBuf* Do();
+	private:
+	void Init(TInt aMinSize, TInt aMaxSize);
+	void ForwardAlloc1stStage();
+	void BackwardAlloc2ndStage();
+	void ForwardAlloc3rdStage();
+	void ZeroSizedAlloc();
+	private:
+	RPointerArray<CSystemSharedBufPool>& iPools;
+	TInt iSize;
+	TInt iBiggestPoolIndex;
+	TInt iSmallestPoolIndex;
+	TInt iMarkedPoolIndex;	
+	RCommsBufQ iBufQ;
+	TBool iZeroBufSize;	
+	};
+Implements the buffer management using the system wide shared buffers
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSystemSharedBufPond) : public CBase, public MCommsBufPondIntf, public MCommsBufPondDbg
+	{
+	friend class RCommsBufPond;
+	public:
+	static MCommsBufPondIntf* New(RArray <TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo>& aPoolInfo);
+	~CSystemSharedBufPond();
+	private:
+	TInt Construct(RArray <TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo>& aPoolInfo);
+	// From MCommsBufPondIntf
+	virtual RCommsBuf* Alloc(TInt aSize, TInt aMinBufSize, TInt aMaxBufSize);
+	virtual RCommsBuf* FromHandle(TInt aHandle);
+	virtual TInt Store(TDes8& aStore) const;
+	virtual void Free(RCommsBuf* aBuf);
+	virtual TInt BytesAvailable() const;
+	virtual TInt BytesAvailable(TInt aSize) const;
+	virtual TInt NextBufSize(TInt aSize) const;
+	virtual TInt LargestBufSize() const;
+	virtual void StartRequest(CCommsBufAsyncRequest& aRequest);
+	virtual void CancelRequest(CCommsBufAsyncRequest& aRequest);
+	virtual void SetContext();
+	virtual void Release(RLibrary& aLib);
+	virtual MCommsBufPondDbg& CommsBufPondDbg();
+	// From MCommsBufPondDbg
+    virtual RCommsBuf* __DbgBufChain();
+    virtual RCommsBuf* __DbgBufChain(TUint aBufSize);
+    virtual void __DbgSetPoolLimit(TInt aCount);
+    virtual void __DbgSetPoolLimit(TInt aCount, TUint aBufSize);
+    virtual void __DbgSetFailAfter(TInt aCount=0);
+    virtual TUint __DbgGetBufSpace();
+    virtual TUint __DbgGetBufSpace(TUint aBufSize);
+    virtual TUint __DbgGetBufTotal();
+    virtual TUint __DbgGetBufTotal(TUint aMufSize);
+    virtual TInt __DbgGetHeapSize();
+	private:
+	RPointerArray<CSystemSharedBufPool> iPools;
+	CSystemSharedAsyncAlloc*			iAsyncAlloc;
+  	};
+#include "systemsharedbufs.inl"