--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/src/systemsharedbufs.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "es_commsbuf_internal.h"
+#include <comms-infras/commsbufpondop.h>
+#include "systemsharedbufs.h"
+#include "commsbufasyncreqinternal.h"
+#include "commsbufpanic.h"
+#include "commsbufpond_internal.h"
+CSystemSharedBufPool* CSystemSharedBufPool::New(MCommsBufPondIntf& aPondIntf, const TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo& aCreateInfo)
+ {
+ CSystemSharedBufPool* self = NULL;
+ // We take the freelist count as 50% of the ceiling size.
+ const TInt KFreeListCount = aCreateInfo.iCeiling / 2;
+ self = new CSystemSharedBufPool(aPondIntf, aCreateInfo.iBufSize, KFreeListCount);
+ self = new CSystemSharedBufPool(aPondIntf, aCreateInfo.iBufSize);
+ if(self)
+ {
+ if(self->Construct(aCreateInfo) != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete self;
+ self = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPool::Construct(const TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo& aCreateInfo)
+ {
+ TShPoolCreateInfo poolCreateInfo(
+ TShPoolCreateInfo::ENonPageAlignedBuffer,
+ aCreateInfo.iBufSize + ALIGN_UP(sizeof(RCommsBuf)),
+ aCreateInfo.iInitialBufs,
+ 0);
+ // The ratios are represented as a 32-bit fixed-point number, where the binary point is defined
+ // to be between bits 7 and 8 (where the least-significant bit is defined as bit 0).
+ // The format is also know as Q8.
+ // See RShBuf documentation for more details.
+ const TReal KQ8Number = 256.0; // Q8 value 2^8.
+ // Normalise to the Q8 number format.
+ TUint growTriggerRatio = (((TReal)aCreateInfo.iMinFreeBufs/aCreateInfo.iInitialBufs) * KQ8Number);
+ TUint growByRatio = (((TReal)aCreateInfo.iGrowByBufs/aCreateInfo.iInitialBufs) * KQ8Number);
+ const TUint shrinkHysteresisRatio = 332; // Value of 1.3 normalised with 256 (Q8).
+ // Shrink hysteresis ration should be > 256
+ poolCreateInfo.SetSizingAttributes(aCreateInfo.iCeiling,growTriggerRatio,growByRatio,shrinkHysteresisRatio);
+ TInt err = iPool.Create(poolCreateInfo, EShPoolAllocate | EShPoolWriteable);
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = iFreeListLock.CreateLocal();
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+ {
+ iFreeListCount = iMaxFreeListCount;
+ iFreeList.Free();
+ iFreeListLock.Close();
+ iPool.Close();
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPool::AllocFromFreeList(RCommsBufQ& aBufQ, TInt aSize)
+ {
+ // Allocate from the free list and returns the total size that is allocated.
+ // Note that the total size that is allocated may not be equal to the size
+ // and depends on the pool size, sometimes would be little greater than than
+ // the requested size.
+ TInt transfered = 0;
+ TInt bufCount = 0;
+ iFreeListLock.Wait();
+ transfered = iFreeList.Transfer(aBufQ, aSize, BufSize(), bufCount);
+ iFreeListCount -= bufCount;
+ iFreeListLock.Signal();
+ return transfered;
+ }
+TBool CSystemSharedBufPool::ReleaseToFreeList(RCommsBuf* aBuf)
+ {
+ TBool released = EFalse;
+ aBuf->SetDataRange(0, aBuf->RawSize()); // Reset the offset to 0 and length to the size.
+ iFreeListLock.Wait();
+ if(iFreeListCount < iMaxFreeListCount)
+ {
+ ++iFreeListCount;
+ iFreeList.Append(aBuf);
+ released = ETrue;
+ }
+ iFreeListLock.Signal();
+ return released;
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPool::FreeListCount()
+ {
+ iFreeListLock.Wait();
+ TInt freeCount = iFreeListCount;
+ iFreeListLock.Signal();
+ return freeCount;
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPool::AllocOverflow(RCommsBufQ& aBufQ, TInt aSize)
+ {
+ TInt allocated = 0;
+ allocated = AllocFromFreeList(aBufQ, aSize);
+ // See comment in AllocFromFreeList. RCommsBufQ::Transfer adjust the
+ // end of the commsbuf. We have to do this in our algorithm when we allocate from
+ // the system shared pool. To avoid conflicts mark the size as 0.
+ aSize = (allocated > aSize) ? 0 : (aSize - allocated);
+ while(aSize > 0)
+ {
+ RCommsBuf* buf = Alloc();
+ if(buf)
+ {
+ aBufQ.Append(buf);
+ aSize -= buf->RawSize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return aSize; // Return the pending allocation size.
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPool::AllocUnderflow(RCommsBufQ& aBufQ, TInt aSize)
+ {
+ TInt allocated = 0;
+ TInt toAllocate = aSize < BufSize() ? aSize : (aSize - (aSize % BufSize()));
+ allocated = AllocFromFreeList(aBufQ, toAllocate);
+ // See comment in AllocFromFreeList. RCommsBufQ::Transfer adjust the
+ // end of the commsbuf. We have to do this in our algorithm when we allocate from
+ // the system shared pool. To avoid conflicts mark the size as 0.
+ aSize = (allocated > aSize) ? 0 : (aSize - allocated);
+ // Either there was no buffers available in the freelist or we allocated partially from
+ // the freelist. See we have still to allocate.
+ // If we are doing a zero size alloc and freelist doesn't contain
+ // any buffers we have to check whether we did actually allocate or not from the freelist.
+ if((allocated == 0) || (aSize >= BufSize()))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ RCommsBuf* buf = Alloc();
+ if(buf)
+ {
+ aBufQ.Prepend(buf);
+ aSize -= buf->RawSize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }while((aSize - BufSize()) >= 0);
+ }
+ return aSize;
+ }
+RCommsBuf* CSystemSharedBufPool::Alloc()
+ {
+ RShBuf buf;
+ if(buf.Alloc(iPool) != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TUint8* metaStart = buf.Ptr() + BufSize();
+ return new(metaStart) RCommsBuf(-BufSize(), BufSize(), buf.Handle(), Id());
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPool::Free(RCommsBuf* aBuf)
+ {
+ TBool released = EFalse;
+ released = ReleaseToFreeList(aBuf);
+ if(!released)
+ {
+ RShBuf buf;
+ buf.SetHandle(aBuf->Handle());
+ buf.Close();
+ }
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPool::Compare(const CSystemSharedBufPool& aLhs, const CSystemSharedBufPool& aRhs)
+ {
+ if(aLhs.BufSize() == aRhs.BufSize())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if(aLhs.BufSize() > aRhs.BufSize())
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+T3StageAllocator::T3StageAllocator(RPointerArray<CSystemSharedBufPool>& aPools, TInt aSize, TInt aMinSize, TInt aMaxSize)
+: iPools(aPools),
+iZeroBufSize(iSize == 0)
+ {
+ Init(aMinSize, aMaxSize);
+ }
+RCommsBuf* T3StageAllocator::Do()
+ {
+ // If the criteria didn't match we have nothing to allocate
+ if(iBiggestPoolIndex == KErrNotFound || iSmallestPoolIndex == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Note that our pools are ordered from big to small.
+ if(iSize == 0)
+ {
+ // Note. This is a special case. If the size requested is 0 then we allocate smallest
+ // buffer as possible provided the availability of buffers on the pools.
+ ZeroSizedAlloc();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ForwardAlloc1stStage();
+ BackwardAlloc2ndStage();
+ // We have to do the 3rd stage allocation only if we set the iIntermediatePoolIndex.
+ // The setting is happening at the end of 1st stage, if further allocation is required
+ // in the 2nd and probably in the 3rd stage
+ if(iMarkedPoolIndex != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ // We already traversed till the iIntermediatePoolIndex so we increment the
+ // index by 1
+ ++iMarkedPoolIndex;
+ ForwardAlloc3rdStage();
+ }
+ }
+ // Check allocation is partially failed
+ if (iSize > 0 && (!iBufQ.IsEmpty()))
+ {
+ iBufQ.Free();
+ }
+ // Adjust the end of the commsbuf if we hit with -ve size. Happens when the request buffer size
+ // is less than the actual pool buffer size
+ if(iSize < 0)
+ {
+ iBufQ.Last()->AdjustDataEnd(iSize);
+ }
+ return iBufQ.First();
+ }
+void T3StageAllocator::Init(TInt aMinSize, TInt aMaxSize)
+ {
+ TInt poolCount = iPools.Count();
+ TInt index = 0;
+ while(index < poolCount)
+ {
+ CSystemSharedBufPool* pool = iPools[index];
+ if((pool->BufSize() >= aMinSize) && (pool->BufSize() <= aMaxSize))
+ {
+ if(iBiggestPoolIndex == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ iBiggestPoolIndex = index;
+ }
+ iSmallestPoolIndex = index;
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+ iMarkedPoolIndex = iSmallestPoolIndex;
+ }
+void T3StageAllocator::ForwardAlloc1stStage()
+ {
+ // We are going to do a forward traversal on the array.
+ TInt traversalIndex = iBiggestPoolIndex;
+ while(iSize > 0 && traversalIndex <= iSmallestPoolIndex)
+ {
+ CSystemSharedBufPool* currentPool = iPools[traversalIndex];
+ TInt nextPoolSize = 0;
+ if(traversalIndex + 1 <= iSmallestPoolIndex)
+ {
+ nextPoolSize = iPools[traversalIndex + 1]->BufSize();
+ }
+ // If we still need to allocate then check whether the next pool buffers size
+ // smaller than that we needed.
+ if(nextPoolSize < iSize)
+ {
+ // Yes? Force an allocation with the current pool.
+ TInt remains = currentPool->AllocUnderflow(iBufQ, iSize);
+ if(remains == iSize)
+ {
+ iMarkedPoolIndex = traversalIndex;
+ break;
+ }
+ iSize = remains;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++traversalIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void T3StageAllocator::BackwardAlloc2ndStage()
+ {
+ // We are going to do a backward traversal on the array.
+ TInt traversalIndex = iMarkedPoolIndex - 1;
+ // Reverse allocation allocates from any pool that has the buffers
+ while((iSize > 0) && iBiggestPoolIndex <= traversalIndex)
+ {
+ iSize = iPools[traversalIndex]->AllocUnderflow(iBufQ, iSize);
+ --traversalIndex;
+ }
+ }
+void T3StageAllocator::ForwardAlloc3rdStage()
+ {
+ // We are going to do a forward traversal on the array
+ // from the marked pool index position.
+ TInt traversalIndex = iMarkedPoolIndex;
+ while(iSize > 0 && traversalIndex <= iSmallestPoolIndex)
+ {
+ iSize = iPools[traversalIndex]->AllocOverflow(iBufQ, iSize);
+ ++traversalIndex;
+ }
+ }
+void T3StageAllocator::ZeroSizedAlloc()
+ {
+ // We are going to do a backward traversal on the array.
+ TInt traversalIndex = iMarkedPoolIndex;
+ // We need only one buffer.
+ while(iBufQ.IsEmpty() && iBiggestPoolIndex <= traversalIndex)
+ {
+ iSize = iPools[traversalIndex]->AllocUnderflow(iBufQ, iSize);
+ --traversalIndex;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MCommsBufPondIntf* CSystemSharedBufPond::New(RArray <TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo>& aPoolInfo)
+ {
+ CSystemSharedBufPond* self = new CSystemSharedBufPond;
+ if(self)
+ {
+ if(self->Construct(aPoolInfo) != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete self;
+ self = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPond::Construct(RArray <TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo>& aPoolInfo)
+ {
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < aPoolInfo.Count(); ++i)
+ {
+ CSystemSharedBufPool* commsPoolInfo = CSystemSharedBufPool::New(*this, aPoolInfo[i]);
+ TInt err = (commsPoolInfo == NULL) ? KErrNoMemory : iPools.Append(commsPoolInfo);
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort the pool from bigger to small order
+ TLinearOrder<CSystemSharedBufPool> order(CSystemSharedBufPool::Compare);
+ iPools.Sort(order);
+ iAsyncAlloc = CSystemSharedAsyncAlloc::New(iPools);
+ if(!iAsyncAlloc)
+ {
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ {
+ iPools.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iPools.Close();
+ delete iAsyncAlloc;
+ }
+// From MCommsBufManagerIntf
+RCommsBuf* CSystemSharedBufPond::FromHandle(TInt aHandle)
+ {
+ RShBuf buf;
+ buf.SetHandle(aHandle);
+ TInt bufSize = buf.Size() - sizeof(RCommsBuf);
+ TUint8* metaStart = buf.Ptr() + bufSize;
+ return new(metaStart)RCommsBuf();
+ }
+RCommsBuf* CSystemSharedBufPond::Alloc(TInt aSize, TInt aMinBufSize, TInt aMaxBufSize)
+ {
+ // check args
+ // - regarding use of TInt instead of TUint, refer comments in CMBufPoolManager::AddL
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSize >= 0, CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_SillyAlloc));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMinBufSize >= 0, CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_NegativeMinMBufSize));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxBufSize >= 0, CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_NegativeMaxMBufSize));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxBufSize >= aMinBufSize, CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_MinExceedsMaxMBufSize));
+ T3StageAllocator allocator(iPools, aSize, aMinBufSize, aMaxBufSize);
+ return allocator.Do();
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPond::BytesAvailable() const
+ {
+ TInt totalBytesAvbl = 0;
+ TInt poolsCount = iPools.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < poolsCount; ++i)
+ {
+ totalBytesAvbl += (iPools[i]->Pool().FreeCount() * iPools[i]->BufSize());
+ totalBytesAvbl += (iPools[i]->FreeListCount() * iPools[i]->BufSize());
+ }
+ return totalBytesAvbl;
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPond::BytesAvailable(TInt aSize) const
+ {
+ TInt totalBytesAvbl = 0;
+ TInt poolsCount = iPools.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < poolsCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if(iPools[i]->BufSize() == aSize)
+ {
+ totalBytesAvbl = (iPools[i]->Pool().FreeCount() * iPools[i]->BufSize());
+ totalBytesAvbl += (iPools[i]->FreeListCount() * iPools[i]->BufSize());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return totalBytesAvbl;
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPond::NextBufSize(TInt aSize) const
+ {
+ TInt poolsCount = iPools.Count() - 1;
+ for (TInt i = poolsCount; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ if (iPools[i]->BufSize() > aSize)
+ {
+ return iPools[i]->BufSize();
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPond::LargestBufSize() const
+ {
+ return iPools[0]->BufSize();
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPond::StartRequest(CCommsBufAsyncRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ iAsyncAlloc->StartRequest(aRequest);
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPond::CancelRequest(CCommsBufAsyncRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ iAsyncAlloc->CancelRequest(aRequest);
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPond::Free(RCommsBuf* aBuf)
+ {
+ while(aBuf != NULL)
+ {
+ RCommsBuf* nextBuf = aBuf->Next();
+ aBuf->SetNext(NULL);
+ CSystemSharedBufPool* pool = static_cast<CSystemSharedBufPool*>(aBuf->Pool());
+ pool->Free(aBuf);
+ aBuf = nextBuf;
+ }
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPond::SetContext()
+ {
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPond::Release(RLibrary& /*aLib*/)
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+MCommsBufPondDbg& CSystemSharedBufPond::CommsBufPondDbg()
+ {
+ return *this;
+ }
+RCommsBuf* CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgBufChain()
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+RCommsBuf* CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgBufChain(TUint /* aBufSize */)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgSetPoolLimit(TInt /* aCount */)
+ {
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgSetPoolLimit(TInt /* aCount */, TUint /* aBufSize */)
+ {
+ }
+void CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgSetFailAfter(TInt /* aCount */)
+ {
+ }
+TUint CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgGetBufSpace()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+TUint CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgGetBufSpace(TUint /* aBufSize */)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+TUint CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgGetBufTotal()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+TUint CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgGetBufTotal(TUint /* aMufSize */)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPond::__DbgGetHeapSize()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+@purpose Writes flattened pond structure to a descriptor for transfer to a commsbufs aware driver
+@param aStore Descriptor in to which the pond structure is to be flattened
+TInt CSystemSharedBufPond::Store(TDes8& aStore) const
+ {
+ // todo_cdg needs to be fixed as assumes alignment of TDes8 which need not be word aligned at all
+ // Need enough space to store the max number of pools
+ if(aStore.Length() < sizeof(TCommsPond))
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_InsufficientSpaceToStorePond);
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ // Map basic pond structure on top of flat buffer we are writing to
+ TCommsPond* pond = const_cast<TCommsPond*>(reinterpret_cast<const TCommsPond*>(aStore.Ptr()));
+ TInt numPools = iPools.Count();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < numPools; i++)
+ {
+ CSystemSharedBufPool* pool = iPools[i];
+ RShPool shPool = pool->Pool();
+ pond->iPoolRecords[i] = TPoolRecord(shPool.Handle(), (TInt)pool, pool->BufSize());
+ }
+ pond->iNumPools = numPools;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }