changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/SS_STD.H	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__SS_STD_H__)
+#define __SS_STD_H__
+#include <es_prot.h>
+#include <es_enum.h>
+#include <es_panic.h>
+#include <es_panic_internal.h>
+#include <es_panic_partner.h>
+#include <connpref.h>	// for TConnPref
+#include <cflog.h>
+#include <elements/sd_std.h>
+#include <comms-infras/api_ext_list.h>
+#include <comms-infras/api_ext_msg.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_log.h>
+//#define ESOCK_LIB_NAME _L("ESOCK")
+class CSockSession;
+class CSockSessionProxy;
+class CWorkerThread;
+class CPlayer;
+class CSockManData;
+class CPitBoss;
+const TUint KDefaultHeapSize=0x1000;
+const TUint KMaxHeapSize=0x80000;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptBlocking=0x00000001;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptDontRoute=0x00000002;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptKeepAlive=0x00000004;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptDebug=0x00000008;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptOOBInLine=0x00000010;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptReUseAddr=0x00000020;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptBroadCast=0x00000040;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptSendBufSet=0x00000080;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KOptRecBufSet=0x00000100;
+Internal socket options bitmap.
+const TUint KESocketDefaultOptions=KOptBlocking;
+Maximum length for any Dealer's server name
+const TInt KMaxSockSvrNameLength = 32;
+Delay from the SessionClose messages are sent to the players till the session is deleted.
+const TUint32 KSessionCloseDelay = 16*1000*1000;
+const TUint32 KSessionClosePlayerDeadline = 8*1000*1000;
+const TUint KMaxConnectionInfoSize = 16;
+const TInt KMaxFactoryNameSize = 32;
+namespace ESock
+	class CSubConnection;
+	class CSocket;
+	class CConnection;
+	class CHostResolver;
+	class CServiceResolver;
+	class CNetDatabase;
+	class CCommsProviderBase;
+namespace Den
+	class RSafeMessage;
+namespace SubSessActivities
+	{
+	class CESockClientActivityBase;
+	}
+namespace NetInterfaces
+	{
+	class TInterfaceControl;
+	}
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSockSubSession) : public Den::CWorkerSubSession
+@class CSockSubSession
+	{
+//	friend class CSockSession;
+//	friend class CPlayer;
+//	friend class SubSessActivities::CESockClientActivityBase;
+	// Reference counting methods formerly supplied by CObject.
+    void DeleteMe(); //Utility fn
+    virtual ~CSockSubSession();
+    CSockSession* Session();
+    const CSockSession* Session() const;
+	virtual void CommsApiExtBindIfaceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	virtual void CommsApiExtIfaceSendReceiveL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	virtual void CloseExtensionInterface(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	virtual void CancelAndCloseAllClientExtIfaces();
+	/** Special non-zero subsession pointer, used in a very few cases to select additional behaviour on a forwarded request. For example on
+	creating a subsession this flags that tier resolution is first required
+	*/
+	static CSockSubSession* KFlagSpecialForwardCase();
+	// migrate to using SafeMessage
+	virtual inline const RMessage2& Message() const
+		{
+		return static_cast<RMessage2&>(const_cast<Den::RSafeMessage&>(Den::CWorkerSubSession::SafeMessage()));
+		};
+	void CancelClientExtItfRequests() const;
+	CSockSubSession(CSockSession* aSession, CPlayer* aPlayer, TSubSessionUniqueId aSubSessionUniqueId);
+	void ConstructL(CProtocolBase* aProtocol);
+	inline void IncludePerformanceData(TInt aDeltaClientRxBytes, TInt aDeltaClientRxBuffBytes, TInt aDeltaClientTxBytes);
+	};
+@class MSockSessionObserver
+Notifier class used by observers of CSockSession events.
+class MSockSessionObserver
+	{
+	/** Event indicating session is about to close */
+	virtual void SessionClosing(const CSockSession* aSession)=0;
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSockSession) : public Den::CWorkerSession, public MProvdSecurityChecker
+@class CSockSession
+Server side representation of RSocketServ.
+	{
+#ifdef __CFLOG_ACTIVE
+	friend class CSocketServer;	// for iProcessName
+	friend class CSockSubSession;
+    //friend class CPitBoss;
+	CWorkerThread& WorkerThread() const;
+	CPitBoss& PitBoss() const;
+	static CSockSession* NewL(TProcessId aProcessId, TUidType aUid, Den::TSessionUniqueId aSessionUniqueId);
+	void ConstructL(TProcessId aProcessId);
+	ESock::CSocket * CSocketFromHandle(TUint aHandle);
+    TBool FlowAndSCPRFromSocketHandle(TUint aHandle, Messages::TNodeId& aFlow, Messages::TNodeId& aSCPR);
+	ESock::CHostResolver * CHostResolverFromHandle(TUint aHandle);
+	ESock::CServiceResolver * CServiceResolverFromHandle(TUint aHandle);
+	ESock::CNetDatabase * CNetDatabaseFromHandle(TUint aHandle);
+	ESock::CConnection* CConnectionFromHandle(TUint aHandle);
+    ESock::CSubConnection* CSubConnectionFromHandle(TUint aHandle);
+	void TransferSocketL();
+	virtual ~CSockSession();
+	void AddProtocolL(CProtocolBase * const aProtocol);
+	void RemoveProtocolL(CProtocolBase * const aProtocol);
+	void NumProtocolsL(void);
+	void ProtocolInfoL(void);
+	void ProtocolInfoByNameL(void);
+	void PanicClient(TESockPanic aPanic);
+	void ForwardTierRequestL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	void RequestOptimalDealerL();
+	// Methods implementing MProvdSecurityChecker methods
+	TInt CheckPolicy(const TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy, const char *aDiagnostic);
+	// from CWorkerSession
+	void Disconnect(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	CSockSession(TUidType aUid, Den::TSessionUniqueId aSessionUniqueId);
+	void NotifyObservers();
+   	inline CSockManData* SockManGlobals() const;
+	void IncludePerformanceData(TInt aDeltaClientRxBytes, TInt aDeltaClientRxBuffBytes, TInt aDeltaClientTxBytes);
+	void CloseSubSessionL(const RMessage2& aMessage, Den::TSubSessInfo aType);
+	void SSDbgFunctionL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	void DispatchDebugMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+	/** Used exclusively for handling ESSRequestOptimalDealer IPC
+	Assigned in CSockSession::RequestOptimalDealer and
+	CSockSession destructor. */
+	Den::CCommonWorkerDealer* iOptimalDealer;
+	TProcessId iEligiblePid;	    // ProcessId of authorised process, set by ESSRequestOptimalDealer.
+	LOG_STMT( TBuf8<KMaxName> iProcessName; )
+	class TDebugRequestParking
+		{
+	public:
+		TInt iSubSessHandle;
+		TInt iNumOutstanding;
+		};
+	TDebugRequestParking iDebugParking;
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSocketServer) : public Den::CCommonServer
+@class CSocketServer
+	{
+	static CSocketServer* NewL(CWorkerThread* aOwnerThread);
+	~CSocketServer();
+	CPolicyServer::TCustomResult CustomSecurityCheckL(const RMessage2& aMsg, TInt& /*aAction*/, TSecurityInfo& /*aMissing*/);
+	CSocketServer(CWorkerThread* aOwnerThread, TInt aPriority);
+	virtual CSession2* DoNewSessionL(const TProcessId& aProcessId, const TUidType& aProcessUid) const;
+	virtual TVersion CurrentVersion() const;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	mutable TBool iPostBootChecksRun;
+	};
+namespace ESock
+    {
+    class CSubConnectionFlowBase;
+    }
+class TAcceptQEntry
+@class TAcceptQEntry
+	{
+	ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* iSSP;
+	HBufC8* iConnectData;
+	TInt iConnectDataError;
+	};
+template<class TInfo, TInt QueueSize>
+class TNotificationQueue
+@class TNotificationQueue
+Class used to maintain a notification queue for CConnection.
+	{
+	inline TNotificationQueue();
+	inline TBool IsEmpty() const { return iQueueLength == 0; }
+	void Enque(const TInfo& aInfo);
+	TBool Deque(TInfo& aInfo);
+	/**
+	Use only with non-pointers!!! If a pointer based queue should
+	be reseted use the ResetWithPointers() method!!!
+	*/
+	void Reset();
+	/**
+	When storing pointers in the queue these methods are essential in order
+	to avoid memory leaking.
+	Before inserting a pointer make sure with the IsFull() method that the queue
+	is not full. If it is full remove the oldest element with the
+	'GetTheOldestElem()' call and after that the enque can
+	be called (work with pointer reference in order to be able to
+	NULLed the queue element).
+	When reseting the queue use the ResetAndDestroy() function which will
+	delete the heap cells pointed by the pointers in the array and calls
+	the Reset() method.
+	Use these only with pointers!!!
+	*/
+	inline TBool IsFull() const { return iQueueLength == QueueSize;}
+	inline TInfo& GetTheOldestElem();
+	void ResetAndDestroy();
+	TInfo iQueue[QueueSize];
+	TUint iQueueLength;
+	TUint iQueueStart;
+	};
+#include <es_notq.inl>
+const TUint KMaxProgressQueueLength = 8;
+typedef TNotificationQueue<Elements::TStateChange, KMaxProgressQueueLength>	TProgressQueue;
+const TUint KMaxInterfaceNotificationQueueLength = 8;
+typedef TNotificationQueue<TInterfaceNotification, KMaxInterfaceNotificationQueueLength>	TInterfaceChangeQueue;
+const TUint KMaxSubConnectionEventQueueLength = 8;
+typedef TNotificationQueue<TSubConnectionEvent*, KMaxSubConnectionEventQueueLength> TSubConnectionEventQueue;
+GLREF_C void Fault(TESockFault aFault);
+IMPORT_C void Panic(TProtocolPanic aPanic);
+class CSockManData;
+class CSockSession;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSocketScheduler) : public CActiveScheduler
+@class CSocketScheduler
+	{
+	static CSocketScheduler* New();
+//	~CSocketScheduler();
+//	virtual void Error(TInt aError) const;
+//    static TBool CheckLockedL(CSockSession* aSession);
+//    static void SetLockedL(CSockSession* aSession);
+//    static TInt Unlock(CSockSession* aSession);
+//    void SetCurrentMessage(const RMessage2* aMessage);
+//    void ClearCurrentMessage(const RMessage2* aMessage);
+//    virtual void WaitForAnyRequest();
+//	inline static void SetGlobals(CSockManData* aGlobals);
+//	inline static void SetWaitHook(TCallBack* aCall);
+	inline static CSockManData* Globals();
+//    CSockManData* iGlobals;
+	// Within any RunL() only one message (at most, since most RunL()s are for
+	// neither a server message delivery nor a forward to an ESock peer) can
+	// be the "current message" for a thread. It's referred to by pointer
+	// because there's no way to check for completion of an aliased copy and
+	// double completion is fatal; keeping this goal of sharing a single instance
+	// clearly in sight is desirable. When a message is forwarded from a
+	// Dealer to a Player then responsibility for handling passes to the Player.
+//	mutable const RMessage2* iCurrentMessage;
+//	TCallBack* iWaitHook;
+//    CSockSession* iLockedSession;
+//    CArrayFixFlat<RMessage2>* iLockedMessageFifo;
+	};
+#include <ss_std.inl>