--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/networkcontroller/src/CTelBearer.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file CTelBearer.cpp
+#include "CTelBearer.h"
+#include "NetConLog.h"
+#include "NetConError.h"
+#include "NetConPanic.h"
+#include <comms-infras/dbaccess.h>
+#include <agentdialog.h> // for TConnectionPrefs
+#include "CNetworkController.h"
+ {
+ CloseTelephony();
+ if(iStartCheckingCb)
+ {
+ iStartCheckingCb->Cancel();
+ }
+ // Note: iBearerCompleteCb is declared in the base class CBearerBase.
+ if(iBearerCompleteCb)
+ {
+ iBearerCompleteCb->Cancel();
+ }
+ delete iStartCheckingCb;
+ iStartCheckingCb = NULL;
+ delete iBearerCompleteCb;
+ iBearerCompleteCb = NULL;
+ delete iTsyName;
+ iTsyName = NULL;
+ }
+CTelBearer* CTelBearer::NewLC(MBearerObserver* aObserver)
+Factory function - creates a new CTelBearer
+On return the new object is left on the cleanup stack
+@param aObserver, checks for bearer availability
+@param aDatabase,allow the requests and bearers access to the database..
+@return the new CTelBearer object
+@exception leaves if construction fails
+ {
+ CTelBearer* self = new(ELeave) CTelBearer(aObserver);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+CTelBearer* CTelBearer::NewL(MBearerObserver* aObserver)
+Factory function - creates a new CTelBearer
+@param aObserver, checks for bearer availability
+@param aDatabase,allow the requests and bearers access to the database..
+@return the new CTelBearer object
+@exception leaves if construction fails
+ {
+ CTelBearer* self = CTelBearer::NewLC(aObserver);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
+ return self;
+ }
+CTelBearer::CTelBearer(MBearerObserver* aObserver)
+: CBearerBase(aObserver)
+ { }
+void CTelBearer::ConstructL()
+2nd phase of construction
+@exception leaves if 2nd phase construction fails
+ {
+ // call base class ConstructL()
+ CBearerBase::ConstructL();
+ // Set up start checking callback
+ TCallBack callback(StartCheckingCb, this);
+ iStartCheckingCb = new (ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(callback, CActive::EPriorityStandard);
+ }
+void CTelBearer::AssignSupportedBearerSet()
+Assign the supported telephony bearer set.
+ {
+ // identify bearer type of this object
+ iSupportedBearerSet = (KCommDbBearerCSD | KCommDbBearerPSD);
+ }
+void CTelBearer::Disconnect()
+Trigger all agents on this bearer to disconnect
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tDisconnect()")); )
+ }
+TBool CTelBearer::StartChecking()
+Start checking for availability
+@return ETrue if available else EFalse
+ {
+ return StartChecking(EFalse);
+ }
+TBool CTelBearer::StartChecking(TBool aIsReconnect)
+Start checking for availability
+@param aIsReconnect, if this is a reconnection then any asynchronous requests are skipped in order to speed things up.
+@return ETrue if available else EFalse
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tStartChecking()")); )
+ if (iChecking)
+ return EFalse;
+ iChecking = ETrue;
+ iIsReconnect = aIsReconnect;
+ iStartCheckingCb->CallBack();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TInt CTelBearer::StartCheckingCb(TAny* aThisPtr)
+Callback initiated from StartChecking()
+@param aThisPtr a pointer to the instance of this class that initiated the callback
+@return KErrNone always
+ {
+ CTelBearer* self = (CTelBearer*) aThisPtr;
+ self->CheckBearerSupport();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TBool CTelBearer::StopChecking()
+Stop checking for availability
+@return ETrue if stopped else EFalse
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tStopChecking()")); )
+ if (!iChecking)
+ return EFalse;
+ iStartCheckingCb->Cancel();
+ // Note: iBearerCompleteCb is declared in the base class CBearerBase.
+ iBearerCompleteCb->Cancel();
+ iChecking = EFalse;
+ // free telephony resources
+ CloseTelephony();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+void CTelBearer::CheckBearerSupport()
+Find out which bearers are available
+ {
+ LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tStarting to check for bearer availability")); )
+ TRAPD(err, GetBearerSupportL());
+ if(err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tError %d during bearer availability check"), err); )
+ // something has gone wrong when trying to check availability
+ // so stop checking availability and tell the observer that
+ // no bearers are available
+ StopChecking();
+ iAvailableBearerSet = KCommDbBearerUnknown;
+ UpdateObserver();
+ }
+ }
+void CTelBearer::GetBearerSupportL()
+Retrieve required telephony information and work out which bearers are available
+@exception leaves with one of the system-wide error codes
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tGetBearerSupportL()")); )
+ OpenTelephonyL();
+ RetrievePhoneCapsL();
+ RetrieveNetworkModeL();
+ RetrievePacketSupportL();
+ }
+void CTelBearer::OpenTelephonyL()
+Initialise telephony resources
+@exception leaves with one of the system-wide error codes
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tOpenTelephonyL()")); )
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iTelServerState == ENotConnected, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ETelBearerBadState));
+ // Request pointer to CommDB's access class
+ CCommsDbAccess* dbAccess = iObserver->DbAccess();
+ // retrieve the TSY name from the database
+ // and remove the .tsy extension if necessary
+ TFileName tsyName;
+ dbAccess->GetBearerAvailabilityTsyNameL(tsyName);
+ if (tsyName.Right(4).CompareF(KTsyNameExtension())==0)
+ {
+ tsyName = tsyName.Left(tsyName.Length() - 4);
+ }
+ // Remember the tsy name so it can be unloaded
+ if(iTsyName)
+ {
+ delete iTsyName;
+ iTsyName = NULL;
+ }
+ iTsyName = tsyName.AllocL();
+ // connect to ETEL
+ User::LeaveIfError(iTelServer.Connect());
+ iTelServerState = EServerConnected;
+ // load the TSY
+ User::LeaveIfError(iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule(tsyName));
+ iTelServerState = EPhoneModuleLoaded;
+ // open the phone module
+ OpenPhoneL(iTelServer, tsyName, iMmPhone);
+ iTelServerState = EPhoneOpen;
+ // start watching signal strength
+ iSigStrengthWatcher = CAgentSignalStrengthWatcher::NewL(iMmPhone);
+ }
+void CTelBearer::CloseTelephony()
+Free any telephony resources used
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tCloseTelephony()")); )
+ if(iETelServerRequestsWrapper)
+ {
+ delete iETelServerRequestsWrapper;
+ iETelServerRequestsWrapper = NULL;
+ }
+ if(iSigStrengthWatcher)
+ {
+ delete iSigStrengthWatcher;
+ iSigStrengthWatcher = NULL;
+ }
+ switch(iTelServerState)
+ {
+ case EPacketOpen:
+ iPacket.Close();
+ // ... fall through ...
+ case EPhoneOpen:
+ iMmPhone.Close();
+ // ... fall through ...
+ case EPhoneModuleLoaded:
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iTsyName, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ETelBearerTsyNameMissing));
+ // can't do anything if UnloadPhoneModule fails so ignore return value
+ (void)iTelServer.UnloadPhoneModule(*iTsyName);
+ // ... fall through ...
+ case EServerConnected:
+ iTelServer.Close();
+ iTelServerState = ENotConnected;
+ break;
+ case ENotConnected:
+ if (iTsyName)
+ {
+ delete iTsyName;
+ iTsyName = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CTelBearer::OpenPhoneL(RTelServer& aTelServer, const TDesC& aTsyName, RMobilePhone& aMmPhone)
+Open the phone module (ie the TSY)
+@param aTelServer the telephony server session
+@param aTsyName the name of the phone module to load
+@param aMmPhone the phone session in which to load the TSY
+@exception leaves with one of the system-wide error codes
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iTelServerState == EPhoneModuleLoaded, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ETelBearerBadState));
+ // find out how many phones are supported (i.e. how many TSYs)
+ TInt count = 0;
+ User::LeaveIfError(aTelServer.EnumeratePhones(count));
+ if (count <= 0)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ RTelServer::TPhoneInfo info;
+ TBool found(EFalse);
+ // loop through all the phones and find correct TSY
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> currentTsyName;
+ User::LeaveIfError(aTelServer.GetTsyName(i, currentTsyName));
+ // remove .TSY extension if necessary
+ if (currentTsyName.Right(4).CompareF(KTsyNameExtension())==0)
+ {
+ currentTsyName = currentTsyName.Left(currentTsyName.Length() - 4);
+ }
+ // compare current TSY name with the one we're looking for
+ if (currentTsyName.CompareF(aTsyName)==0)
+ {
+ // get phone info from the TSY
+ User::LeaveIfError(aTelServer.GetPhoneInfo(i, info));
+ found = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ // open multimode phone object
+ User::LeaveIfError(aMmPhone.Open(aTelServer, info.iName));
+ }
+void CTelBearer::RetrievePhoneCapsL()
+Query the phone for basic and multimode capabilities
+@exception leaves with one of the system-wide error codes
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tRetrievePhoneCapsL()")); )
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iTelServerState == EPhoneOpen, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ETelBearerBadState));
+ // retrieve the basic phone capabilities
+ // (ie. whether it supports data calls)
+ iPhoneCaps.iFlags = RPhone::KCapsUnknown;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iMmPhone.GetCaps(iPhoneCaps));
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tiPhoneCaps.iFlags = %d"), iPhoneCaps.iFlags); )
+ // retrieve multimode phone capabilities
+ User::LeaveIfError(iMmPhone.GetMultimodeCaps(iPhoneMultimodeCaps));
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tiPhoneMultimodeCaps = %d"), iPhoneMultimodeCaps); )
+ }
+void CTelBearer::RetrieveNetworkModeL()
+Query the phone for the network mode (e.g. GSM, WCDMA, cdma95 or cdma2000)
+Stores the network mode in the database (since it is needed for Mobile IP)
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tRetrieveNetworkModeL()")); )
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iTelServerState == EPhoneOpen, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ETelBearerBadState));
+ // retrieve the current network mode
+ // ignore error because the phone might not be able
+ // to report this information (eg. a normal modem)
+ iNetworkMode = RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeUnknown;
+ (void)iMmPhone.GetCurrentMode(iNetworkMode);
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tiNetworkMode = %d"), iNetworkMode); )
+ // Request pointer to CommDB's access class
+ CCommsDbAccess* dbAccess = iObserver->DbAccess();
+ // set the network mode in the database
+ // this is required for Mobile IP
+ dbAccess->SetNetworkMode(iNetworkMode);
+ }
+void CTelBearer::RetrievePacketSupportL()
+Find out if packet switched data is available
+@exception leaves with one of the system-wide error codes
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tRetrievePacketSupportL()")); )
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iTelServerState == EPhoneOpen, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ETelBearerBadState));
+ if(iPhoneMultimodeCaps & (RMobilePhone::KCapsGprsSupported))
+ {
+ // the phone supports packet data
+ // so try and open the packet service
+ User::LeaveIfError(iPacket.Open(iMmPhone));
+ iTelServerState = EPacketOpen;
+ // query the TSY for the attach mode
+ iPacketAttachMode = RPacketService::EAttachWhenNeeded;
+ TInt err = iPacket.GetAttachMode(iPacketAttachMode);
+ // query packet network status (but only if the TSY is set to attach when possible)
+ iPacketDataNetworkStatus = RPacketService::EStatusUnattached;
+ if(err==KErrNone && iPacketAttachMode == RPacketService::EAttachWhenPossible)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iPacket.GetStatus(iPacketDataNetworkStatus));
+ }
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tiPacketDataNetworkStatus = %d"), iPacketDataNetworkStatus); )
+ // close packet service as it is no-longer needed
+ iPacket.Close();
+ iTelServerState = EPhoneOpen;
+ if(!iIsReconnect)
+ {
+ // start asynchronous ETEL requests to retrieve
+ // the MS class and the network registration status
+ iMsClass = RPacketService::EMSClassUnknown;
+ iETelServerRequestsWrapper = CASyncEtelRequestWrapper::NewL(this);
+ iETelServerRequestsWrapper->StartAsyncRequests(iTelServer, iMmPhone);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_DETAILED( else NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tPacket data is not supported")); )
+ CalculateAvailableBearerSet();
+ }
+void CTelBearer::ETelAsyncRequestsComplete(TETelAsyncRequestData aRequestData)
+The MS Class and Network Registration status have been retrieved
+Store these values and work out which bearers are available
+@param aRequestData contains the information returned from ETEL
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tETelAsyncRequestsComplete()")); )
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iTelServerState == EPhoneOpen, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ETelBearerBadState));
+ if (aRequestData.iETelAsynError.iError==KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tiNetworkRegStatus = %d"), iNetworkRegStatus); )
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tiMsClass = %d"), iMsClass); )
+ // data was retrieved sucessfully
+ iNetworkRegStatus = aRequestData.iRegistrationStatus;
+ iMsClass = aRequestData.iMSClass;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tAsync ETEL requests completed with error %d)"), aRequestData.iETelAsynError.iError); )
+ iNetworkRegStatus = RPacketService::ENotRegisteredNotSearching;
+ iMsClass = RPacketService::EMSClassUnknown;
+ }
+ // we now have all the information we need
+ // so work out which bearers are available
+ CalculateAvailableBearerSet();
+ }
+void CTelBearer::CalculateAvailableBearerSet()
+Adds each available bearer to the currently available bearer set
+and updates the status of this bearer with the bearer manager
+ {
+ iAvailableBearerSet = KCommDbBearerUnknown;
+ if(CsdAvailable())
+ iAvailableBearerSet |= KCommDbBearerCSD;
+ LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tFinished availability check - available bearer set is %d"), iAvailableBearerSet); )
+ // update the observer with the available bearers
+ UpdateObserver();
+ }
+TBool CTelBearer::CsdAvailable() const
+CSD is available as long as the phone can support data
+@return ETrue if CSD is available otherwise EFalse
+ {
+ // can the phone support CSD?
+ TBool supported = (iPhoneCaps.iFlags & (RPhone::KCapsData | RPhone::KCapsUnknown));
+ if(supported)
+ NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tPhone capabilities allow CSD"));
+ else
+ NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tPhone capabilities do not allow CSD"));
+ )
+ return supported;
+ }
+TBool CTelBearer::PhoneAttachedAndRegistered() const
+Check whether the phone is attached to the network and registered
+@return ETrue if the phone is attached and registered otherwise EFalse
+ {
+ TBool attached(EFalse);
+ // Is the phone attached to the packet network?
+ if(iPacketAttachMode == RPacketService::EAttachWhenNeeded)
+ {
+ // if the TSY is set to attach when needed then ignore the attachment status
+ attached = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if (iPacketDataNetworkStatus != RPacketService::EStatusUnattached)
+ {
+ attached = ETrue;
+ }
+ TBool registered(ETrue);
+ // Is the phone registered on the packet network?
+ if (iNetworkRegStatus == RPacketService::ENotRegisteredNotSearching ||
+ iNetworkRegStatus == RPacketService::ERegistrationDenied ||
+ iNetworkRegStatus == RPacketService::ENotRegisteredAndNotAvailable)
+ {
+ registered = EFalse;
+ }
+ if(attached)
+ NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tPhone is attached to the packet network"));
+ else
+ NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tPhone is not attached to the packet network"));
+ if(registered)
+ NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tPhone is registered on the network"));
+ else
+ NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tPhone is not registered on the network"));
+ )
+ return (attached && registered);
+ }
+TBool CTelBearer::MsClassSupportsPsd() const
+Check whether the MS class supports Packet Switched Data
+As long as the MS Class is neither RPacketService::EMSClassAlternateMode or
+RPacketService::EMSClassCircuitSwitchedOnly then PSD is supported
+i.e. the MS Class can be any of the following and still support PSD:
+RPacketService::EMSClassDualMode, RPacketService::EMSClassSuspensionRequired
+RPacketService::EMSClassPacketSwitchedOnly, RPacketService::EMSClassUnknown
+@return ETrue if PSD is supported otherwise EFalse
+ {
+ TBool supported = (iMsClass != RPacketService::EMSClassAlternateMode && iMsClass != RPacketService::EMSClassCircuitSwitchedOnly);
+ if(supported)
+ NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tMS class supports PSD"));
+ else
+ NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tMS class does not support PSD"));
+ )
+ return supported;
+ }
+TInt CTelBearer::SecondPhaseAvailability()
+Get the latest signal strength
+@return KErrNone if signal strength is ok, otherwise KErrNetConnInadequateSignalStrengh or one of the system-wide error codes
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tSecondPhaseAvailability()")); )
+ // if the watcher is missing it may be that this function has been called before
+ // StartChecking(). In this case just return KErrNone
+ if(!iSigStrengthWatcher)
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tSignal strength watcher missing")); )
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ const TInt KMinSignalStrengthOffset(10000);
+ TInt32 sigStrengthInDbm(0);
+ if(iSigStrengthWatcher->CurrentSignalStrength(sigStrengthInDbm)!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ // a value has not yet been retrieved so best to carry on with
+ // the connection and let it fail later if it is going to fail.
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tNo signal strength value available")); )
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ // Request pointer to CommDB's access class
+ CCommsDbAccess* dbAccess = iObserver->DbAccess();
+ // retrieve signal strength from commdb
+ TUint32 minAcceptSignalStrength=0;
+ TRAPD(ret, dbAccess->GetIntL(TPtrC(MODEM_BEARER), TPtrC(MODEM_MIN_SIGNAL_LEVEL), minAcceptSignalStrength));
+ if(ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tError %d when reading minimum signal strength from CommDb"), ret); )
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if(minAcceptSignalStrength==0)
+ {
+ // the functionality to stop a connection if the signal strength is
+ // below a certain value has been turned off in commdb so return no error
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tSignal strength functionality disabled in CommDb")); )
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ // Convert to dBm's
+ TInt minSigStrengthInDbm=STATIC_CAST(TInt, minAcceptSignalStrength);
+ minSigStrengthInDbm-=KMinSignalStrengthOffset;
+ if(sigStrengthInDbm < minSigStrengthInDbm)
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tSignal strength lower than minimum acceptable value")); )
+ // signal strength too low so fail the connection early
+ return KErrNetConInadequateSignalStrengh;
+ }
+ LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("TelBearer:\tSignal strength ok")); )
+ return KErrNone;
+ }