changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/serialserver/c32serialserver/INC/cs_msgs.h	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef CS_MSGS_H
+#define CS_MSGS_H
+#include <cfmsgs.h>
+#include <elements/cftransport.h>
+#include <cfshared.h>
+#include <cfutil.h>
+/** Messages from Main Thread to Worker Threads (with Resp messages being responses
+sent back from Worker)
+class TC32WorkerMsg : public CommsFW::TCFMessage
+	{
+	enum
+		{
+		/** Number of messages reserved for C32 internal usage. Currently bigger than the actual
+		number of messages to provide space for more in the future since player msgs being after this block.
+		The number is fairly arbitrary and is a guess at being "big enough" to accomodate a
+		reasonable multiplicity of future messages given we only use a couple at the moment.
+		@see TC32WorkerMsg::TCode::ELasTC32WorkerMsgCode
+		*/
+		KC32MessageCodeReserveSize = 15
+		};
+	enum TCode {
+		/** This is the first message between worker thread and the main thread. It is sent from
+		the main thread when receiving a bind request and starts the initialisation sequence.
+		The receiver is expected to respond with a EMainIntroductionResp message.
+		@see TC32WorkerMsg::EMainIntroductionResp
+		*/
+		EMainIntroduction = CommsFW::TCFCommsMessage::ECodePrivateFlag,
+		/** This is sent from a worker to the main thread in response to the
+		introduction message from the main thread. Once received the main thread will notify
+		the Root Server that the binding is complete.
+		@see TC32WorkerMsg::EMainIntroduction
+		*/
+		EMainIntroductionResp,
+		/** Dummy trailer code to give reference point for starting a following sequence of message codes. */
+		ELasTC32WorkerMsgCode = CommsFW::TCFCommsMessage::ECodePrivateFlag + KC32MessageCodeReserveSize
+		};
+	inline TC32WorkerMsg(TInt aCode)
+		{
+		Code(aCode);
+		}
+	};
+class CC32Dealer;
+@see TC32WorkerMsg::EMainIntroduction
+class TC32WorkerMainIntroductionMsg : public TC32WorkerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = EMainIntroduction};//< Message code
+	inline TC32WorkerMainIntroductionMsg(CC32Dealer* aDealer)
+	: TC32WorkerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iDealer=aDealer;
+		}
+	inline CC32Dealer* Dealer() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iDealer;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		CC32Dealer* iDealer;					//< The Dealer
+		};
+	};
+@see TC32WorkerMsg::EMainIntroductionResp
+class TC32WorkerMainIntroductionRespMsg : public TC32WorkerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32WorkerMsg::EMainIntroductionResp};//< Message code
+	inline TC32WorkerMainIntroductionRespMsg(const TC32WorkerThreadPublicInfo& aWorkerInfo)
+	: TC32WorkerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params=reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iWorkerInfo=aWorkerInfo;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+  		params->iFailType = RAllocator::ENone;
+  		params->iFailRate = 0;
+		}
+	inline const TC32WorkerThreadPublicInfo& WorkerInfo() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iWorkerInfo;
+		}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+  	inline void SetFailType(RAllocator::TAllocFail aFailType)
+  		{
+  		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+  		params->iFailType = aFailType;
+  		}
+  	inline RAllocator::TAllocFail FailType() const
+  		{
+  		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+  		return params->iFailType;
+  		}
+  	inline void SetFailRate(TInt aFailRate)
+  		{
+  		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+  		params->iFailRate = aFailRate;
+  		}
+ 	inline TInt FailRate() const
+  		{
+  		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+  		return params->iFailRate;
+  		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		TC32WorkerThreadPublicInfo iWorkerInfo;	//< Crucial information the Dealer needs about the worker thread/server
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+  		RAllocator::TAllocFail iFailType;
+  		TInt iFailRate;
+		};
+	};
+Messages from a Dealer to a Player in another thread
+class TC32PlayerMsg : public CommsFW::TCFMessage
+	{
+	enum TCode {
+		/** This is the most common message. It is used to forward IPC requests
+		from a Dealer to a Player. */
+		EForwardRequest = TC32WorkerMsg::ELasTC32WorkerMsgCode + 1,
+		/** When a session is closed by a client the Dealer will send this message to all Players
+		that might have relations (sub-sessions) to this session.
+		@note The receiver is expected to response with a ESessionCloseResp message.
+		@see TC32PlayerMsg::ESessionCloseResp
+		*/
+		ESessionClose,
+		/** Notify the Dealer that cleanup related to the ESessionClose message is completed.
+		@see TC32PlayerMsg::ESessionClose
+		*/
+		ESessionCloseResp,
+		/** This message is sent from dealer to player on load request. Response message is sent from
+		player back.
+		@see TC32PlayerMsg::ELoadCommModuleSuccessResp
+		@see TC32PlayerMsg::ELoadCommModuleFailureResp
+		*/
+		ELoadCommModuleMsg,
+		/** This message is sent from the player to dealer in response to ELoadCommModuleMsg
+		msg. On success, CSerial* with RMessage2 is sent to dealer. CSerial* is used by dealer to
+		update the ThreadManager entry of PortPrefix, while csyfilename is retrieved from message again.
+		After updation, the message is completed by dealer
+		*/
+		ELoadCommModuleSuccessResp,
+		/** This message is sent from player to dealer when CSY load fails. The load failure
+		result is also sent with the message which the dealer completes the message with.
+		*/
+		ELoadCommModuleFailureResp,
+		/**
+		Message sent from deale to player to unload Comm Module
+		*/
+		EUnLoadCommModuleMsg,
+		/**
+		This is the message used specifically for RCommServ::GetPortInfo (aIndex) API as
+		global index which is sent via aMessage is no longer valid in player, which maintains
+		its local index.
+		*/
+		EGetPortInfoMsg,
+		};
+	inline TC32PlayerMsg(TInt aCode)
+		{
+		Code(aCode);
+		}
+	};
+@see TC32PlayerMsg::EForwardRequest
+class TC32PlayerForwardRequestMsg : public TC32PlayerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32PlayerMsg::EForwardRequest};//< Message code
+	inline TC32PlayerForwardRequestMsg(const RMessage2& aMsg, CCommSubSession* aSubSession):TC32PlayerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iMsg=aMsg;
+		params->iSubSession=aSubSession;
+		}
+	inline const RMessage2& Message() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iMsg;
+		}
+	inline CCommSubSession* SubSession() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iSubSession;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		/** The IPC message to process. The Player must complete this itself when ready.
+		When sent to a Player the Dealer will have forgotten completely about it and left
+		the responsibility to the Player.
+		*/
+		RMessage2 iMsg;
+		CCommSubSession* iSubSession;
+		};
+	};
+@see TC32PlayerMsg::ESessionClose
+class TC32PlayerSessionCloseMsg : public TC32PlayerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32PlayerMsg::ESessionClose};//< Message code
+	inline TC32PlayerSessionCloseMsg(CCommSession* aSession, const TInt64& aSessionCloseDeadline):TC32PlayerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iSession=aSession;
+		params->iSessionCloseDeadline=aSessionCloseDeadline;
+		}
+	inline CCommSession* Session() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iSession;
+		}
+	inline TInt64 SessionCloseDeadline() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iSessionCloseDeadline;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		CCommSession* iSession;			//< The session that is being closed.
+		/** The session pointer is only valid if TTime.HomeTime() returns a value smaller than
+		the value stored here, otherwise the Dealer will have timed out and deleted the session. */
+		TInt64 iSessionCloseDeadline;
+		};
+	};
+@see TC32PlayerMsg::ESessionCloseResp
+class TC32PlayerSessionCloseRespMsg : public TC32PlayerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32PlayerMsg::ESessionCloseResp};//< Message code
+	inline TC32PlayerSessionCloseRespMsg(CommsFW::TWorkerId aPlayerId, const TC32PlayerSessionCloseMsg& aCloseMsg):TC32PlayerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iSession=aCloseMsg.Session();
+		params->iPlayerId=aPlayerId;
+		params->iSessionCloseDeadline=aCloseMsg.SessionCloseDeadline();
+		}
+	inline CCommSession* Session() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iSession;
+		}
+	inline CommsFW::TWorkerId WorkerId() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iPlayerId;
+		}
+	inline TInt64 SessionCloseDeadline() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iSessionCloseDeadline;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		CCommSession* iSession;			//< The session which was closed
+		CommsFW::TWorkerId iPlayerId;			//< Id of the sending worker thread
+		/** Must contain the session close deadline from the session close
+        message which this message is responding to. */
+		TInt64 iSessionCloseDeadline;
+		};
+	};
+@see TC32PlayerMsg::ELoadCommModuleMsg
+class TC32PlayerLoadCommModuleMsg : public TC32PlayerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32PlayerMsg::ELoadCommModuleMsg};//< Message code
+	inline TC32PlayerLoadCommModuleMsg(const RMessage2& aMsg):TC32PlayerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iMsg=aMsg;
+		}
+	inline const RMessage2& Message() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iMsg;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		/** The IPC message to process. The Player must complete this itself when ready.
+		When sent to a Player the Dealer will have forgotten completely about it and left
+		the responsibility to the Player.
+		*/
+		RMessage2 iMsg;
+		};
+	};
+@see TC32PlayerMsg::ELoadCommModuleSuccessResp
+class TC32PlayerLoadCommModuleSuccessResp : public TC32PlayerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32PlayerMsg::ELoadCommModuleSuccessResp};//< Message code
+	inline TC32PlayerLoadCommModuleSuccessResp(const RMessage2& aMsg, CSerial* aSerial):TC32PlayerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iMsg=aMsg;
+		params->iSerial=aSerial;
+		}
+	inline const RMessage2& Message() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iMsg;
+		}
+	inline CSerial* SerialPtr() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iSerial;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		/** The IPC message to process. The Player must complete this itself when ready.
+		When sent to a Player the Dealer will have forgotten completely about it and left
+		the responsibility to the Player.
+		*/
+		RMessage2 iMsg;
+		CSerial* iSerial;	//< used in PortInfo(aIndex)
+		};
+	};
+@see TC32PlayerMsg::ELoadCommModuleFailureResp
+class TC32PlayerLoadCommModuleFailureResp : public TC32PlayerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32PlayerMsg::ELoadCommModuleFailureResp};//< Message code
+	inline TC32PlayerLoadCommModuleFailureResp(const RMessage2& aMsg, TInt aFailReason):TC32PlayerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iMsg=aMsg;
+		params->iFailReason=aFailReason;
+		}
+	inline const RMessage2& Message() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iMsg;
+		}
+	inline TInt FailureReason() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iFailReason;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		RMessage2 iMsg;
+		TInt iFailReason;
+		};
+	};
+@see TC32PlayerMsg::EUnLoadCommModuleMsg
+class TC32PlayerUnLoadCommModuleMsg : public TC32PlayerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32PlayerMsg::EUnLoadCommModuleMsg};//< Message code
+	inline TC32PlayerUnLoadCommModuleMsg(CSerial* aSerial):TC32PlayerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iSerial=aSerial;
+		}
+	inline CSerial* SerialPtr() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iSerial;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		CSerial* iSerial; //< CSerial to call Close()
+		};
+	};
+@see TC32PlayerMsg::EGetPortInfoMsg
+class TC32PlayerGetPortInfoMsg : public TC32PlayerMsg
+	{
+	enum {KCode = TC32PlayerMsg::EGetPortInfoMsg};//< Message code
+	inline TC32PlayerGetPortInfoMsg(const RMessage2& aMsg, CSerial* aSerial):TC32PlayerMsg(KCode)
+		{
+		TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		params->iMsg=aMsg;
+		params->iSerial=aSerial;
+		}
+	inline const RMessage2& Message() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iMsg;
+		}
+	inline CSerial* SerialPtr() const
+		{
+		const TParams* params = reinterpret_cast<const TParams*>(TCFMessage::ParamBlock());
+		return params->iSerial;
+		}
+	struct TParams
+		{
+		/** The IPC message to process. The Player must complete this itself when ready.
+		When sent to a Player the Dealer will have forgotten completely about it and left
+		the responsibility to the Player.
+		*/
+		RMessage2 iMsg;
+		CSerial* iSerial;
+		};
+	};
+#endif	// CS_MSGS_H