Bug 3024 - Mark all vtable & typeinfo exports for TMeta as ABSENT in EABI def files -- rolling back latest commit -- no good
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#if !defined(__RSSTD_H__)
#define __RSSTD_H__
#include <cflog.h>
#include <cfshared.h>
#include <commschan.h>
#include <rscommon.h>
#include <e32property.h>
class CRootServerSession;
class CRootServer;
class CBindManager;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRSTransientModuleInfo) : public CBase
/** Helper class/structure used by the RCFThread.
CRSTransientModuleInfo(const CommsFW::RCFChannel::TMsgQueues& aTxQueues, const CommsFW::RCFChannel::TMsgQueues& aRxQueues,
RootServer::TRSHeapType aThreadHeapType, TThreadFunction aLibEntry, HBufC8* aIniDataOnRSHeap,
TThreadPriority aPriority, TUint32 aControlFlags);
static TInt ModuleThreadStartup(TAny* aArg);
CommsFW::TCFModuleInfo iCFModuleInfo;
RootServer::TRSHeapType iThreadHeapType;
TThreadFunction iLibEntry;
HBufC8* iIniDataOnRSHeap;
RHeap* iHeapPtr;
TThreadPriority iPriority;
TUint32 iControlFlags;
/** MNotifySuddenDeath is used by CModuleUndertaker to notify registered
sessions of Sudden Death.
class MNotifySuddenDeath
virtual void SuddenDeath(TInt aError)=0;
class CNotifySuddenDeathContainer:public CBase
CNotifySuddenDeathContainer(MNotifySuddenDeath* aNotifier);
void Dequeue();
void Notify(TInt aReason);
TBool Match(MNotifySuddenDeath* aNotifier) const;
TDblQueLink iLink; // DblQue link element
MNotifySuddenDeath* iNotifier; // Reference to notifier
/** The CModuleUnderTaker class monitors a thread for sudden death. If it happens it will call
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CModuleUndertaker) : public CActive
static CModuleUndertaker* NewL(MNotifySuddenDeath& iNotifier, RThread& aThread);
void Logon();
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
void LogThreadDeath();
CModuleUndertaker(MNotifySuddenDeath& iNotifier, RThread& aThread);
MNotifySuddenDeath& iNotifier;
RThread& iThread;
/** This is the main module orchestrating thread creation, loading and unloading, The class
is asynchronously activated from three active objects: its own derivative, the
iModuleTimer * member and the iUndertaker member. The type of action taken on a particular
input is decided by its internal state, defined by iState.
class CCommsProviderModule : public CActive, public MNotifySuddenDeath
IMPORT_C ~CCommsProviderModule();
TInt Load(TRequestStatus& aStatus); // Start module in new thread
TInt CancelLoad();
TInt Unload(); // Unload module
TInt CancelUnload(RootServer::TRSUnLoadType aType);
RThread GetThread() const;
inline const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& GetName() const; // Return name
inline const TFileName& GetDll() const; // Return name of dll
inline RootServer::TRSModuleState GetState() const;
const TText8* GetStateName() const;
#if defined _DEBUG || defined __CFLOG_ACTIVE || defined SYMBIAN_TRACE_ENABLE
static const TText8* GetUnloadTypeName(RootServer::TRSUnLoadType aType);
inline RHeap* GetHeapPtr() const;
inline const CommsFW::RCFChannel& GetSendChannel() const;
inline const CommsFW::RCFChannel& GetRecvChannel() const;
IMPORT_C virtual void SuddenDeath(TInt aReason); // Called by iUndertaker upon thread death
inline TBool IsSticky() const;
inline TBool IsServer() const;
inline TUint32 ControlFlags() const;
inline void SetControlFlags(TUint32 aFlags);
// Functions for handling Sudden Death notification
void RegisterSuddenDeathNotifierL(MNotifySuddenDeath* aNotifier);
void UnregisterSuddenDeathNotifier(MNotifySuddenDeath* aNotifier);
// Failure to respond promptly converts it into half-dead zombie
void Inhume();
void CreateThreadL();
TDblQueLink iLink; // DblQue link element
IMPORT_C CCommsProviderModule( RThread& aThread );
IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CRootServer* aRootServer, const RootServer::TRSStartModuleParams& aParams, HBufC8* aIniData);
virtual TInt CreateModuleThread(const TDesC& aName, TThreadFunction aOtherThreadFunction,
TInt aStackSize, RHeap* aHeap, TAny* aModuleArgs) = 0;
void NotifyOfDeath( TInt aReason );
TBool UidMatch(const TUid& aUid) const;
IMPORT_C void RunL();
void DoCancel() {};
RootServer::TRSModuleState iState; // Current state of module (running, starting, etc)
/** Whether RootServer should deny client shutdown requests.
TBool iIsSticky;
/** Whether module is being loaded as a server.
TBool iIsServer;
/** Additional module control flags
@see TRSStartModuleParamContainer::TControlFlags
TUint32 iControlFlags;
/** Saved for asynchronous stuff.
TRequestStatus* iReqStatus;
/** Name of module, defined by privileged app.
CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF iName;
/** Filename of DLL containing this module.
TFileName iDll;
/** Handle on the DLL, kept open as long as the module is active.
RLibrary iLibrary;
HBufC8* iIniData;
/** Priority of thread.
TThreadPriority iPriority;
/** Stack size of thread.
TInt iStackSize;
/** Min heap size of thread.
TInt iMinHeapSize;
/** Max heap size of thread.
TInt iMaxHeapSize;
/** Ordinal for main threadfunction in dll.
TInt iThreadFunctionOrdinal;
/** EDefaultHeap, EShareHeap(with another loaded module), ENewHeap.
RootServer::TRSHeapType iHeapType;
/** If sharing a heap, then this is the module to share with.
CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF iShareHeapWith;
/** Thread handle of running module context.
RThread& iThread;
/** Active object listening for sudden death.
CModuleUndertaker* iUndertaker;
/** Access to the root server public functions.
CRootServer* iRootServer;
/** Sending comms channel.
CommsFW::RCFChannel iSend;
/** Receiving comms channel.
CommsFW::RCFChannel iRecv;
/** Registered sudden death notifiers.
TDblQue<CNotifySuddenDeathContainer> iNotifiers;
/** Exitreason when module has exited.
TInt iExitReason;
CRSTransientModuleInfo* iThreadStartupInfo;
RHeap* iHeapPtr;
class CRootServer : public CPolicyServer, public MRootServerNotify
/** The main class implementing the Rootserver.
IMPORT_C ~CRootServer();
// Create new CRootServerSession instance
IMPORT_C virtual CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion &aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
// Create comms provider module and put it in list
CCommsProviderModule* CreateCpmL(const RootServer::TRSStartModuleParams& aParams, HBufC8* aIniData);
RHeap* FindHeap( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName );
// Retrieve Server or Provider reference by name
CCommsProviderModule* FindCpm(const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName);
// Sudden Death notification. Called by Undertaker's. Call all members of iNotifier.
IMPORT_C void SuddenDeath(TInt aReason);
// Information, module count
IMPORT_C TInt CpmCount();
// Information, Enumeration
TInt EnumerateModules(TInt aStartAt, CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName);
TInt EnumerateSubModules(const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModuleName, TInt aStartAt, CommsFW::TCFSubModuleNameF& aName);
TInt GetModuleInfo(const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName, RootServer::TRSModuleInfo& aInfo);
IMPORT_C virtual void LazyLoadL();
IMPORT_C virtual void ReceivedMessage(const CommsFW::TCFModuleName& aModule,
const CommsFW::TCFMessage& aNewMsg); // Notification of messages from modules
CBindManager* BindManager() const; // returns a pointer to the bind manager
TInt Shutdown();
TInt Forward(const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule, const RMessage2& aMessage);
IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsCallerConfigurator(const CRootServerSession* aSession, const RMessage2& aMessage);
IMPORT_C virtual void DisconnectSession(const CRootServerSession* aSession);
TUid iDeathKey;
TUid iLeakKey;
TUid iProcessKey;
IMPORT_C CRootServer(TInt aPriority, const TPolicy& aPolicy); // Construction
IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const TRootServerStartupInfo& aRootServerStartupInfo); // Second level construction
TDblQue<CCommsProviderModule> iModules;
CBindManager* iBindMgr;
RProperty iDeathProperty;
TInt iDeathCount;
static const TUint PolicyRangeCount;
static const TInt PolicyRanges[];
static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement PolicyElements[];
static const TUint8 PolicyElementsIndex[];
static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy Policy;
TCommsProviderModuleCtor iCommsProviderModuleCtorL;
CPerfMetricStore* iPerfStore;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandler) : public CActive, public MNotifySuddenDeath
/** Active session response object. Used when the session makes an asynchronous request to
e.g. Binding Manager. Has access to public members of it's CRootServerSession parent.
CSessionHandler( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
CCommsProviderModule* GetModulePtr( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aName ) const;
virtual TInt Start() = 0;
virtual TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse ) = 0;
TDblQueLink iLink; // DblQue link element
enum TSHType
ESHTypeLoadCPM = 0,
ESHTypeUnLoadCPM = 1,
ESHTypeBinding = 2,
ESHTypeUnBinding = 3
virtual TSHType HandlerType() = 0;
virtual void CompleteClientRequest( TInt aRequest );
virtual void RunL()=0;
virtual void DoCancel()=0;
void SuddenDeath(TInt aError);
enum TSHState
ESHIdle = 0,
ESHStarting = 1,
ESHLoading = 2,
ESHUnLoading = 3,
ESHBinding = 4,
ESHUnBinding = 5,
ESHKilling = 6,
ESHCompleting = 7
TBool iRequestCompleted;
CRootServerSession* iSession;
CBindManager* iBindMgr;
TSHState iState;
RMessage2 iMessage;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandlerLoadCPM) : public CSessionHandler
/** Small class to handle a pending operation for loading a module.
static CSessionHandlerLoadCPM* NewL( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
TInt Start();
void SetHandler( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule );
TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse );
CSessionHandler* MatchPending( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule );
virtual TSHType HandlerType();
CSessionHandlerLoadCPM( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
void ConstructL();
void CompleteClientRequest( TInt aRequest );
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
void CompleteModalWaiter();
void SuddenDeath(TInt aError);
CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF iName;
CActiveSchedulerWait* iLoadCompletionNotificationWaiter;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM) : public CSessionHandler
/** Small class to handle a pending operation for unloading a module.
static CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM* NewL( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
TInt Start();
void SetHandler( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule, RootServer::TRSUnLoadType aType );
TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse );
CSessionHandler* MatchPending( const CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF& aModule );
virtual TSHType HandlerType();
CSessionHandlerUnLoadCPM( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
void ConstructL();
void CompleteClientRequest( TInt aRequest );
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
void SuddenDeath(TInt aError);
CommsFW::TCFModuleNameF iName;
RootServer::TRSUnLoadType iType;
CActiveSchedulerWait* iLoadCompletionNotificationWaiter;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandlerBinding) : public CSessionHandler
/** Small class to handle a pending operation for forbinding a module.
static CSessionHandlerBinding* NewL( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
TInt Start();
void SetHandler(const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aFrom,
const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aTo, RootServer::TRSBindType& aBindType,
TInt aForwardQLength, TInt aReverseQLength);
TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse );
CSessionHandler* MatchPending( const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aFrom, const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aTo );
virtual TSHType HandlerType();
CSessionHandlerBinding( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
RootServer::TRSBindType iBindType;
CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iNameFrom;
CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iNameTo;
TInt iForwardQLength;
TInt iReverseQLength;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSessionHandlerUnBinding) : public CSessionHandler
/** Small class to handle a pending operation for unloading a module
@internalComponent */
static CSessionHandlerUnBinding* NewL( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
TInt Start();
void SetHandler( const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aFrom, const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aTo );
TBool CancelHandler( TBool aCompleteRequest, TBool aWaitForCompletionIfUncancelable = EFalse );
CSessionHandler* MatchPending( const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aFrom, const CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress& aTo );
CSessionHandlerUnBinding( CRootServerSession* aSession, CBindManager* aBindMgr, const RMessage2& aMessage );
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
virtual TSHType HandlerType();
CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iNameFrom;
CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iNameTo;
class CRootServerSession : public CSession2, public MNotifySuddenDeath
/** Required session object as required by the client/server framework.
Implements the "Secure IPC" API.
IMPORT_C CRootServerSession(const CRootServer* aRootServer);
IMPORT_C virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
IMPORT_C void SuddenDeath(TInt aError); // As required by MNotifySuddenDeath
void RegisterHandler( CSessionHandler& aHandler );
void CloseSession();
CRootServer* RootServer();
RMessage2& GetMessage();
IMPORT_C virtual ~CRootServerSession();
IMPORT_C void Disconnect(const RMessage2& aMessage);
virtual TInt IsCallerConfigurator(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt LoadCPML(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt UnloadCPML(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt GetModuleInfo(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt EnumerateModules(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt EnumerateSubModules(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt CancelLoadCPM(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt CancelUnloadCPM(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt Forward(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt EnumerateBindings(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt BindL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt UnbindL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt CancelBind(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt CancelUnbind(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt Shutdown();
CRootServer* iRootServer;
RMessage2 iMessage;
TBool iSuddenDeathListener;
RMessage2 iSuddenDeathMessage;
TBool iRequestActive;
TDblQue<CSessionHandler> iActiveHandlers;
TInt iEnumerateModulesIndex;
TInt iEnumerateSubModulesIndex;
TInt iEnumerateBindingsIndex;
CommsFW::TCFSubModuleAddress iEnumBindings;
CommsFW::TCFSubModuleNameF iEnumSubs;
#include "rsstd.inl"
#endif // __RSSTD_H__