Bug 3024 - Mark all vtable & typeinfo exports for TMeta as ABSENT in EABI def files -- rolling back latest commit -- no good
# Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# use strict;
use Math::Complex;
use Math::Trig;
require 'getopts.pl';
my $version = "0.2 VRML (28/12/07)";
my $animate = 0;
# Notes for future merging with parseseq.pl:
# - usage of %symtab with "oc" and "od"
# Abstract principles:
# Objects are conceptually placed within a variable sized rectangular "super" grid. Each position of this
# grid represents a particular "type" of object (e.g. IP SubConnection Provider). More than one object
# (of the same type) can occupy the same position on this grid. Consequently, each grid position has
# within it a variable sized rectangular "sub-grid" that is used to define the placement of each of the
# individual objects that occupy the same super grid position. The object placement within the sub-grid
# is calculated to avoid connecting lines to neighbouring objects from passing through other objects
# (this is, in fact, the raison d'etre for the sub-grid concept). Note that the sub-grid can have
# larger dimensions than the number of objects within it - i.e. it can have "empty" spaces. This
# is a consequence of the simple placement algorithm:
# Each sub-grid in the super grid has a (subRow,subCol) variable that starts with the value (0,0). The
# first object is placed at (0,0). For every subsequent object needs to be placed, if there are has
# any horizontal connections ("west" or "east") to neighbouring objects, then (subRow) variable is
# incremented. if there are any vertical connections, then (subCol) variable is incremented. The object
# is then placed at the final (subRow,subCol) position within the sub-grid, and process repeats.
# Each set of inter-related objects forms a "group". The relationship is based around the exchange of
# messages. There may be several such distinct and seperate groups. By definition, no object in one
# group has any message exchange with an object in another group.
# Example of two groups:
# group 1:
# A -- B -- C
# |
# D
# group 2:
# E -- F -- G
# |
# H
# Two groups are merged into one if, whilst reading the message sequence file, a message is found to flow from
# an object in one group is sent to an object in another group. For example, if object D sends a message to
# object E, then a larger group is formed:
# group 1:
# A -- B -- C
# |
# D
# |
# E -- F -- G
# |
# H
# Each object is a hash:
# n => array of object references to objects that are "north" of this object
# s => array of object references to objects that are "south" of this object
# w => array of object references to objects that are "west" of this object
# e => array of object references to objects that are "east" of this object
# group => group number. Each group is a set of interconnected objects.
# col => column number of object within super grid
# row => row number of object within super grid
# subCol => column number of object within sub-grid (within supergrid col,row position)
# subRow => row number of objects within sub-grid (within supergrid col,row position)
# subGridPlacement[<col>][<row>] is a hash containing the (subRow,subCol) variable pair for a sub-grid at
# a particular <col> and <row> in the overall grid:
# subCol => <subCol>
# subRow => <subRow>
# colToSubColIndex[<col>] and rowToSubRowIndex[<row>] are arrays containing the cumulative total number of sub-grid
# columns and rows, respectively, at a particular <col> and <row> position in the super grid.
# For example, if the first, second and third columns of the super grid contain sub-grids of
# 2, 1 and 3 columns respectively, then colToSubColIndex[] contains 0, 2, 3, 6, ...).
# colToSubGridWidth[<col>] and rowToSubGridHeight[<row>] are arrays containing the width and height respectively
# of the sub-grid at a particular <col> and <row> position in the super grid, respectively.
# gridVerticalLineCount[<col>] and gridHorizontalLineCount[<row>] are arrays containing the number
# of "long" lines that run vertically and horizontally at certain <col> and <row> positions in the
# grid for connecting objects that are not neighbours. Objects connected to immediate neighbours
# do not have "long" lines and are not counted here.
# groupRanges{<group>} is a hash which contains
# minCol => minimum column number of any object within the group
# maxCol => maximum column number of any object within the group
# minRow => minimum row number of any object within the group
# maxRow => maximum row number of any object within the group
# row => row number that the group starts at within the super grid
# VRML line array elements
use constant X => 0;
use constant Y => 1;
use constant Z => 2;
# fonts
use constant FONT_FAMILY => "SANS";
use constant Z_POSITION => 0;
# Flags
my $displayObjectAddressFlag = 0; # display object hex address alongside name
my $group = 1; # next free group number (monotonically incremented after allocation)
my $groupVerticalSeperation = 3;
my %directionTranslate = ( n => { x => 0, y => -1 },
s => { x => 0, y => +1 },
w => { x => -1, y => 0 },
e => { x => +1, y => 0 } );
my %initRange = ( minCol => 9999, minRow => 9999, maxCol => -9999, maxRow => -9999 );
my %overallRange = %initRange;
# tabLabel is a monotonically increasing value used to derive a unique Tab Label. It is incremented
# everytime a new Tab is drawn.
my $tabLabel = "a";
my @colToSubColIndex;
my @rowToSubRowIndex;
my @rowToSubGridHeight;
my @colToSubGridWidth;
my %relationships;
my %groupRanges;
my @objects;
my @subGridPlacement;
print "Reading sequences\n" if ($opt_V);
print "Normalising coordinates\n" if ($opt_V);
print "Seperating groups\n" if ($opt_V);
print "Seperating overlaps\n" if ($opt_V);
# print2DArray("subGridPlacement", \@subGridPlacement);
print "Calculating grid positions\n" if ($opt_V);
if ($opt_v) {
printArray("colToSubColIndex", \@colToSubColIndex);
printArray("rowToSubRowIndex", \@rowToSubRowIndex);
printArray("rowToSubGridHeight", \@rowToSubGridHeight);
printArray("colToSubGridWidth", \@colToSubGridWidth);
#my $outputFormat = "svg";
my $outputFormat = "vrml";
my $adjustFactor;
if ($outputFormat eq "vrml") {
$adjustFactor = 0.1;
} else {
$adjustFactor = 1;
#VRML specific
my $vrmlCycleInterval = 0.2;
my $boxDepth = 20 * $adjustFactor;
my $lineThickness = 2 * $adjustFactor;
my $lineExtensionFactor = 1.01; # *** REMOVE THIS ***
my $initialTransparency = $animate ? 1 : 0;
my $boxDepthMargin = 120 * $adjustFactor;
my $boxDepthWithMargin = $boxDepth + $boxDepthMargin;
my $boxInternalTextColour = colourString(0,100,100);
my $tabSpacing = 10 * $adjustFactor;
# minor aesthetic adjustments to the spacing between the end of a Tab line and its Labels
my $tabToFontAdjustTopY = 2 * $adjustFactor;
my $tabToFontAdjustBottomY = 1 * $adjustFactor;
my $tabLineLengthY = 5 * $adjustFactor;
my $fontHeight = 9 * $adjustFactor; # assumed font height
my $boxInternalFontHeight = $fontHeight / 3;
my $groupHighlightFill = colourString(235,235,235);
my $groupHighlightMargin = 5 * $adjustFactor; # margin of the group background rectangle
my $horizMargin = 20 * $adjustFactor;
my $rectangleMargin = 15 * $adjustFactor;
#my $rectangleWidth = 50 * $adjustFactor;
#my $rectangleHeight = 50 * $adjustFactor;
my $rectangleWidth = 110 * $adjustFactor;
my $rectangleHeight = 27 * $adjustFactor;
my $rectangleWidthWithMargin = $rectangleWidth + $rectangleMargin;
my $rectangleHeightWithMargin = $rectangleHeight + $rectangleMargin;
my $vertMargin = $horizMargin;
my $gridXSpacing = $horizMargin;
my $gridYSpacing = $gridXSpacing;
my $rectangleOpacity = 0.80;
my $rectangleColour1 = colourString(144,238,144); # "lightgreen"
my $rectangleColour2 = colourString(135,206,250); # "lightskyblue"
my $rectHighlightColour = colourString(250,128,114); # "salmon"
# X position of last grid column + size of last grid column + horizontal margin
my $width = gridX($#colToSubColIndex) + $colToSubGridWidth[$#colToSubColIndex] * $rectangleWidthWithMargin + $horizMargin;
my $height = gridY($#rowToSubRowIndex) + $rowToSubGridHeight[$#subGridRow] * $rectangleHeightWithMargin + $vertMargin;
# Not for VRML (yet)
print "Generating links\n" if ($opt_V);
print "Generating nodes\n" if ($opt_V);
if ($animate) {
print "Generating animation\n" if ($opt_V);
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
outputRelationsHTMLEmbedder($width, $height);
sub colourString($$$)
my ($r,$g,$b) = @_;
if ($outputFormat eq "svg") {
return "rgb($r,$g,$b)";
else {
my $str = sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f", $r/255, $g/255, $b/255);
return $str;
sub createOutputFile()
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
open SVG, ">relations.svg" || die "Cannot open relations.svg for writing\n";
open WRL, ">relations.wrl" || die "Cannot open relations.wrl for writing\n";
sub closeOutputFile()
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
close SVG;
close WRL;
sub readSequences()
while (<>) {
die unless s/^(\w+)\s+//;
my $action = $1;
if ($action eq "p" || $action eq "r" || $action eq "sc")
# Post/Receive
# [P|R] <message> <source object> <destination object>
my $msg;
if (/^"/)
$msg = $1;
$msg = $1;
$msg =~ s/ \(.*\)//; # remove message arguments in parentheses: "<message>(<arguments>)" => "<message>"
my $srcRef = findOrCreateObject(shift @_);
my $destRef = findOrCreateObject(shift @_);
my $direction = $relationships{$msg};
if ($direction) {
if (isDirection($direction)) {
AddRelation($srcRef, $destRef, $direction);
elsif ($srcRef != $destRef) {
# print "Unknown relationship: $srcRef->{Name} -- $msg --> $destRef->{Name}\n";
AnimateObjectMessage($srcRef, $destRef, $direction) if $animate;
elsif ($action eq "oc")
# Object Create
# oc <object name> <order> <addr>
my $objRef = findOrCreateObject(shift @_);
shift @_; # order - can we use this to define object column placement ?
$objRef->{Addr} = shift @_;
AnimateObjectCreate($objRef) if $animate;
elsif ($action eq "od")
# Object Destroy
# od <object name> <addr>
my $objRef = findObject(shift @_);
if ($objRef != 0) {
AnimateObjectDestroy($objRef) if $animate;
sub AddRelation($$$)
my ($srcRef,$destRef,$dir) = @_;
my $rdir = reverseDirection($dir);
if ($srcRef != $destRef && ! RelationExists($srcRef->{$dir}, $destRef))
push @{$srcRef->{$dir}}, $destRef;
push @{$destRef->{$rdir}}, $srcRef;
# my %range = %initRange;
# we are about to merge groups, so delete the group about to be assimilated from the group ranges hash
delete $groupRanges{$destRef->{group}};
my $rangeRef = \%{$groupRanges{$srcRef->{group}}};
MergeGroups($destRef->{group}, $srcRef->{group},
$srcRef->{col} + $directionTranslate{$dir}{x} - $destRef->{col},
$srcRef->{row} + $directionTranslate{$dir}{y} - $destRef->{row}, $rangeRef );
# MergeGroups() above will automatically adjust the min/max range values in range for all the "incoming"
# objects. However, we still have to take into account the effect that the original src object has on
# the min/max range values, so call updateRange() specially here for it.
updateRange($rangeRef, $srcRef->{col}, $srcRef->{row});
# Ultimately we need to place objects on the super grid according to what type they are - for example,
# flows in col 0, SCPRs in col 1 etc. At the moment, they are mixed up in the same super grid, as
# some groups may have flow, some may not, but all groups are left aligned. This explains why
# the display is messed up with MCPRs and CPRs occupying the same column in different groups.
updateRange(\%overallRange, $rangeRef->{minCol}, $rangeRef->{minRow});
updateRange(\%overallRange, $rangeRef->{maxCol}, $rangeRef->{maxRow});
# Indicate whether the string passed is a (compass) direction.
sub isDirection($)
my $dir = $_[0];
return $dir eq "n" || $dir eq "s" || $dir eq "w" || $dir eq "e";
sub MergeGroups($$$$)
my ($targetGroup, $newGroup, $adjustCol, $adjustRow, $rangeRef) = @_;
foreach my $obj (@objects) {
if ($obj->{group} == $targetGroup) {
# print "Merge $obj->{Name}, group $obj->{group} => $newGroup, ($obj->{col},$obj->{row}) => ";
$obj->{group} = $newGroup;
$obj->{col} += $adjustCol;
$obj->{row} += $adjustRow;
# print "($obj->{col},$obj->{row})\n";
# determine minimum and maximum row,col extent of group
updateRange($rangeRef, $obj->{col}, $obj->{row});
sub updateRange($range, $col, $row)
my ($range, $col, $row) = @_;
if (!defined($range->{maxCol}) || $col > $range->{maxCol}) {
$range->{maxCol} = $col;
if (!defined($range->{maxRow}) || $row > $range->{maxRow}) {
$range->{maxRow} = $row;
if (!defined($range->{minCol}) || $col < $range->{minCol}) {
$range->{minCol} = $col;
if (!defined($range->{minRow}) || $row < $range->{minRow}) {
$range->{minRow} = $row;
sub RelationExists($$)
my ($relationArrayRef, $objRef) = @_;
if (defined ($relationArrayRef))
foreach my $obj (@{$relationArrayRef})
if ($obj == $objRef)
return 1;
return 0;
sub reverseDirection($)
my ($dir) = @_;
my %reverseMap = ( "n" => "s", "s" => "n", "w" => "e", "e" => "w" );
return $reverseMap{$dir};
# Print objects that exchange no messages with anyone else.
sub printLoners()
my $wrapCount = 8;
my $wrapIndex = 1;
print "Loners:\t";
my $commaRequired = 0;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#objects ; ++$i)
my $obj = $objects[$i];
if (!defined($obj->{subCol}) && !defined($obj->{subRow}))
if ($commaRequired != 0)
print ", ";
$commaRequired = 1;
print $obj->{Name};
if (($wrapIndex++ % $wrapCount) == 0)
$commaRequired = 0;
print "\n\t";
print "\n\n";
sub printRelationships()
print "Relationships - overallRange: ($overallRange{minCol}, $overallRange{minRow}) to ($overallRange{maxCol}, $overallRange{maxRow}):\n";
my $i;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@objects) ; ++$i)
print "\n";
sub printObjectRelationships($)
my ($obj) = @_;
# Object
print $obj->{Name}, ": group $obj->{group}, ($obj->{col},$obj->{row}), sub ($obj->{subCol},$obj->{subRow})\n";
# North
if (defined($obj->{n}))
print "\tN: ";
print "\n";
# West
if (defined($obj->{w}))
print "\tW: ";
print "\n";
# East
if (defined($obj->{e}))
print "\tE: ";
print "\n";
# South
if (defined($obj->{s}))
print "\tS: ";
print "\n";
print "\n";
sub printObjects($)
my ($relationArray) = @_;
my $commaRequired = 0;
foreach my $obj (@{$relationArray})
if ($commaRequired == 1)
print ", ";
print $obj->{Name};
$commaRequired = 1;
sub findObject($)
my $objName = $_[0];
my $i;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@objects) ; ++$i) {
if ($objects[$i]{Name} eq $objName) {
return $objects[$i];
return 0;
sub findOrCreateObject($)
my $objName = $_[0];
my $objRef = findObject($objName);
if ($objRef != 0) {
return $objRef;
else {
my $objectCount = scalar(@objects);
$objects[$objectCount] = { Name => $objName, row => 0, col => 0, group => $group++ };
# print "findOrCreateObject: $objects[$i]->{Name}, group $objects[$i]->{group}, ($objects[$i]->{col},$objects[$i]->{row})\n";
return $objects[$objectCount];
sub readRelationshipFile()
if ($opt_x) {
open (REL, $opt_x) || die "Cannot open exclude file $opt_x\n";
while (<REL>) {
# remove leading and trailing blanks and ignore blank lines
if (! $_)
{ next; };
my ($message,$direction) = split;
$relationships{$message} = $direction;
close REL;
# SVG output routines
sub outputDocHeader()
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
sub outputSVGDocHeader()
my ($width,$height) = @_;
print SVG '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>',"\n";
print SVG '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd">',"\n";
print SVG "<svg height=\"$height\" width=\"$width\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\">\n";
# place popup rectangle before all other text, otherwise it will be on top of rather than
# underneath the popup text
sub outputText($$$$$$$)
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
# Not working
sub outputTextAlongLine($$$$$$$)
if ($outputFormat eq "svg") {
my ($x1,$y1,$z1,$x2,$y2,$z2,$text) = @_;
my $rotation = "";
my $rotateRef = calcAxialRotationAndLength([$x1, -$y1, $z1] , [$x2, -$y2, $z2]);
printHash("Text Rotation", $rotateRef);
print "\n";
if (exists $rotateRef->{angle})
$rotation = "vrml: rotation $rotateRef->{x} $rotateRef->{y} $rotateRef->{z} " . ($rotateRef->{angle} - (pi/2));
outputText(($x1 + $x2) / 2, $text, ($y1 + $y2) / 2, ($z1 + $z2) / 2, "middle", $rotation, "");
sub outputSVGText($$$$$$$)
my ($x,$text,$y,$z,$anchor,$otherSvgAttr,$colour) = @_;
my $attrs = qq{ x="$x" y="$y" };
if ($otherSvgAttr)
$attrs .= qq { $otherSvgAttr };
if ($anchor)
$attrs .= qq { text-anchor="$anchor" };
if ($colour)
if ($colour =~ s/^!//)
outputRect($x - 1, $y - $fontHeight, $z, 3, $fontHeight, "white", "white", "");
if ($colour)
$attrs .= qq { fill="$colour" };
print SVG "<text $attrs>$text</text>\n";
sub outputLine($$$$$$$$)
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
sub outputSVGLine($$$$$$$$)
my ($x1,$y1,$z1,$x2,$y2,$z2,$colour,$otherAttr) = @_;
if (! $colour) {
$colour = "black";
print SVG qq{<line stroke="$colour" x1="$x1" y1="$y1" x2="$x2" y2="$y2" $otherAttr />\n};
sub outputVerticalLine()
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
sub outputSVGVerticalLine()
my ($x,$y1,$y2,$colour) = @_;
if (! $colour) { $colour = "black"; }
print SVG qq{<line stroke="$colour" x1="$x" y1="$y1" x2="$x" y2="$y2" />\n};
sub outputRect($$$$$$$$)
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
sub outputSVGRect($$$$$$$)
my ($x,$y,$z,$width,$height,$fill,$stroke,$otherAttr) = @_;
print SVG qq {<rect fill="$fill" stroke="$stroke" x="$x" y="$y" width="$width" height="$height" $otherAttr />\n};
sub outputDocFooter()
if ($outputFormat eq "svg")
sub outputSVGDocFooter()
# Begin Interpolated Text #
print SVG <<'EOT'
var highlightedNodes = new Array();
var highlightedNodesAttr = new Array();
function bindToParent()
parent.relationsMessageHighlightPtr = messageHighlight;
parent.relationsObjectHighlightPtr = objectHighlight;
function sequenceMessageHighlight(id) {
if (!opener.closed) {
function sequenceObjectHighlight(id) {
if (!opener.closed) {
function MessageEvent(evt)
function NodeEvent(evt)
function display(obj)
var s = "";
var t = "";
for (i in obj)
t = typeof obj[i];
s += i + " = ";
if (t != "unknown") {
var u = "";
u += obj[i];
if (u.indexOf("function") < 0)
s += u;
s += "(function)";
s += "(unknown)";
s += ", ";
function messageHighlight(nodeNamesString)
// given a string "x_y" find all nodes with tags "x", "y", "x_y" or "y_x"
var nodeNames = nodeNamesString.split("_", 2);
if (nodeNames.length == 2)
var nodeList = svgDocument.getElementsByTagName("*");
var count = nodeList.length;
var el;
var reverseNodeNamesString = nodeNames[1] + "_" + nodeNames[0];
highlightIndex = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
el = nodeList.item(i);
if (el.id == nodeNames[0] || el.id == nodeNames[1] || el.id == nodeNamesString || el.id == reverseNodeNamesString)
function objectHighlight(nodeNameString)
// given a string "x" find all nodes with tag "x"
// OPTIMISE nodeList
var nodeList = svgDocument.getElementsByTagName("*");
var count = nodeList.length;
var el;
for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
el = nodeList.item(i);
if (el.id == nodeNameString)
function highlightNode(el)
if (el.tagName == "rect")
el.setAttribute("fill", "lightsalmon");
function UnhighlightCurrentNodes()
while(highlightedNodes.length > 0)
highlightedNodes.pop().setAttribute("fill", highlightedNodesAttr.pop());
function matchName(name, targetName)
var nameLen = name.length;
var targetNameLen = targetName.length;
var pos, underlinePos;
pos = targetName.indexOf(name);
if (pos != -1)
// check for exact match
if (pos == 0 && nameLen == targetNameLen)
return true;
// match "x" against "x_y" or "y_x"
underlinePos = targetName.indexOf("_");
if ( underlinePos != -1 && ((pos == 0 && underlinePos == nameLen) || (pos == targetNameLen - nameLen)) )
return true;
return false;
# End Interpolated Text #
sub outputRelationsHTMLEmbedder($$)
my ($width,$height) = @_;
open HTML, ">relations.html" || die "Cannot open relations.html for writing\n";
print HTML qq{<html>\n<body onLoad="resize()">\n};
print HTML qq{<embed src="relations.svg" width="$width" height="$height" type="image/svg+xml" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/" name="embedder">\n};
print HTML qq{<script type="text/javascript">\n};
print HTML "var relationsWidth = $width;\n";
print HTML "var relationsHeight = $height;\n";
print HTML<<'EOT'
function resize() {
if (opener != null) {
window.resizeTo(relationsWidth + 55, relationsHeight + 70);
} else {
window.resizeTo(relationsWidth + 55, relationsHeight + 180);
close HTML;
# VRML Routines
sub outputVRMLDocHeader()
# Begin Interpolated Text #
print WRL<<END
#VRML V2.0 utf8
WorldInfo {
title "Node Relationships"
info ["Nodes"]
Viewpoint {
position 30 -40 120
orientation 1 0 0 0
fieldOfView 0.78
description "Camera 1"
# End Interpolated Text #
sub formatVrmlCoord($$) {
my $coordP = $_[0];
my $sep = $_[1];
return $coordP->[X] . $sep . $coordP->[Y] . $sep . $coordP->[Z];
sub outputVRMLText($$$$$$$)
my ($x,$text,$y,$z,$anchor,$otherAttr,$colour) = @_;
# print "outputVRMLText(x=$x, text=$text, y=$y, z=$z, anchor=$anchor, attr=$otherAttr, colour=$colour)\n";
my $coordRef = [ $x, -$y, $z ];
if ($colour !~ /^\d/) {
$colour = "1 1 1";
my $rotation = "";
my $def = "";
my $size = $fontHeight; # default
if (hasVrmlTokens(\$otherAttr) == 1) {
my $s = "";
while ($s = getTokens(\$otherAttr)) {
if ($s =~ /^rotation /) {
$rotation = $s;
} elsif ($s =~ /^size\s*(.*)/) {
$size = $1;
} elsif ($s =~ /DEF\s*(\S+)/) {
$def = $1;
print WRL "Transform {\n";
if ($rotation ne "") {
print WRL " $rotation\n";
print WRL " translation ", formatVrmlCoord($coordRef, " "), "\n";
print WRL " children Shape {\n";
print WRL " appearance Appearance {\n";
if ($def) {
print WRL " material DEF $def Material {\n";
} else {
print WRL " material Material {\n";
print WRL " diffuseColor $colour\n";
print WRL " emissiveColor $colour\n";
print WRL " transparency $initialTransparency\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " geometry Text {\n";
print WRL " string \"$text\"\n";
print WRL " fontStyle FontStyle {\n";
print WRL " size $size\n";
print WRL qq{ justify "MIDDLE"\n };
print WRL " family \"", FONT_FAMILY, "\"\n";
# print WRL qq{ style "BOLD"\n };
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL "}\n";
sub outputVRMLLine($$$$$$$$)
my ($x1,$y1,$z1,$x2,$y2,$z2,$colour,$otherAttr) = @_;
# print "outputVRMLLine(x1=$x1, y1=$y1, z1=$z1, x2=$x2, y2=$y2, z2=$z2, colour=$colour, attr=$otherAttr)\n";
my $def;
if (hasVrmlTokens(\$otherAttr) == 1) {
my $s = "";
while ($s = getTokens(\$otherAttr)) {
if ($s =~ /^DEF\s*(\S+)/) {
$def = $1;
my $p1Ref = [ $x1, -$y1, $z1 ];
my $p2Ref = [ $x2, -$y2, $z2 ];
$colour = "1 1 1";
my $rotateRef = calcAxialRotationAndLength($p1Ref, $p2Ref);
# printHash("Rotation", $rotateRef);
# print "\n";
my @lineCentre = (($p1Ref->[X] + $p2Ref->[X]) / 2, ($p1Ref->[Y] + $p2Ref->[Y]) / 2, ($p1Ref->[Z] + $p2Ref->[Z]) / 2);
print WRL "Transform {\n";
if (exists $rotateRef->{angle} && $rotateRef->{angle} != 0)
print WRL " rotation $rotateRef->{x} $rotateRef->{y} $rotateRef->{z} $rotateRef->{angle}\n";
print WRL " translation @lineCentre\n";
print WRL " children Shape {\n";
print WRL " appearance Appearance {\n";
if ($def) {
print WRL " material DEF $def Material {\n";
} else {
print WRL " material Material {\n";
print WRL " diffuseColor $colour\n";
# print WRL " emissiveColor 1 0 0\n";
print WRL " transparency $initialTransparency\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " geometry Cylinder {\n";
print WRL " bottom FALSE\n";
print WRL " top FALSE\n";
print WRL " radius $lineThickness\n";
print WRL " height $rotateRef->{length3D}\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL "}\n";
sub outputVRMLVerticalLine()
my ($x,$y1,$y2,$colour) = @_;
# print "outputVRMLVerticalLine(x=$x, y1=$y1, y2=$y2, colour=$colour)\n";
outputVRMLLine($x, $y1, 0, $x, $y2, 0, $colour, "");
sub outputVRMLRect($$$$$$$$)
my ($x,$y,$z,$width,$height,$fill,$stroke,$otherAttr) = @_;
# print "outputVRMLRect(x=$x, y=$y, z=$z, width=$width, height=$height, fill=$fill, stroke=$stroke, attr=$otherAttr)\n";
my $def;
if (hasVrmlTokens(\$otherAttr) == 1) {
my $s = "";
while ($s = getTokens(\$otherAttr)) {
if ($s =~ /^DEF\s*(\S+)/) {
$def = $1;
my $posRef = [ $x + ($width/2), -($y + $height/2), $z ];
my $sizeRef = [ $width, $height, $boxDepth ];
print WRL "Transform {\n";
print WRL " translation @{$posRef}\n";
print WRL " children Shape {\n";
print WRL " appearance Appearance {\n";
if ($def) {
print WRL " material DEF $def Material {\n";
} else {
print WRL " material Material {\n";
print WRL " diffuseColor $fill\n";
# print WRL " emissiveColor $fill\n";
print WRL " transparency $initialTransparency\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " geometry Box {\n";
print WRL " size @{$sizeRef}\n";
# print WRL " geometry Sphere {\n";
# print WRL " radius ", $width/2, "\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL " }\n";
print WRL "}\n";
sub calcAxialRotationAndLength($$)
my ($p1, $p2) = @_; # references
if ($p1->[Y] >= $p2->[Y]) {
my $temp = $p1;
$p1 = $p2;
$p2 = $temp;
my $x = ($p2->[X] - $p1->[X]);
my $y = ($p2->[Y] - $p1->[Y]);
my $z = ($p2->[Z] - $p1->[Z]);
my $lengthXYZ = sqrt($x*$x + $y*$y + $z*$z);
my $rotationAngle = asin($y / $lengthXYZ);
$rotationAngle = (pi/2) - $rotationAngle;
# degenerate cases
$lengthXYZ *= $lineExtensionFactor;
if ($z == 0)
return { x => 0, y => 0, z => -1, angle => $rotationAngle, length3D => $lengthXYZ };
elsif ($x == 0)
if ($z < 0) {
$rotationAngle = -$rotationAngle;
return { x => 1, y => 0, z => 0, angle => $rotationAngle, length3D => $lengthXYZ };
my $perpendicularGradientXZ = -1 / ($z / $x);
if ($p2->[X] > $p1->[X]) {
if ($perpendicularGradientXZ > 0) {
$rotationAngle = -$rotationAngle;
else {
if ($perpendicularGradientXZ < 0) {
$rotationAngle = -$rotationAngle;
return { x => 1, y => 0, z => $perpendicularGradientXZ, angle => $rotationAngle, length3D => $lengthXYZ };
sub outputNodes()
my $obj;
foreach $obj (@objects) {
if (hasRelationships($obj)) {
# figure out the colours to use, based on a chequer board pattern
my $colour;
if ($obj->{col} & 1) {
$colour = $rectangleColour1;
} else {
$colour = $rectangleColour2;
my $x = objectX($obj);
my $y = objectY($obj);
my $z = objectZ($obj);
if ($outputFormat eq "svg") {
outputRect($x, $y, $z,
$rectangleWidth, $rectangleHeight,
$colour, "black", qq{ onclick="NodeEvent(evt)" opacity="$rectangleOpacity" id="$obj->{Name}" } );
} else {
outputRect($x, $y, $z,
$rectangleWidth, $rectangleHeight,
$colour, "black", "vrml: DEF $obj->{Name}");
my $debug;
# $debug="-" . $obj->{group} . "(" . $obj->{col} . "," . $obj->{row} . ")(" . $obj->{subCol} . "," . $obj->{subRow} . ")";
my $midPointX = $x + ($rectangleWidth/2);
my $spacingY = ($rectangleHeight + $fontHeight);
if ($displayObjectAddressFlag) {
$spacingY /= 3;
} else {
$spacingY /= 2;
my $textZOffset = $boxDepth/2 + $adjustFactor;
my $otherAttr;
if ($outputFormat ne "svg") {
$otherAttr = "vrml: DEF $obj->{Name}_TF";
} else {
$otherAttr = qq{id="$obj->{Name}" onclick="NodeEvent(evt)"};
$obj->{Name} . $debug,
$y + $spacingY,
$z + $textZOffset,
"middle", $otherAttr, "black");
if ($outputFormat ne "svg") {
# Object name at rear side of box
$obj->{Name} . $debug,
$y + $spacingY,
$z - $textZOffset,
"middle", "vrml: rotation 0 1 0 " . pi . " ; DEF $obj->{Name}_TB", "black");
if ($displayObjectAddressFlag) {
if ($outputFormat ne "svg") {
outputText($midPointX, $obj->{Addr}, $y + $spacingY, $z, "middle", "vrml: size " . $boxInternalFontHeight, $boxInternalTextColour);
} else {
$y + 2*$spacingY,
$z + $textZOffset,
"middle", "", "black");
sub outputLinks()
my $obj;
foreach $obj (@objects) {
# relationships between objects are symmetrical in both directions, so only need to display
# one each of west/east and north/south.
if ($obj->{n}) {
foreach my $obj2 (@{$obj->{n}}) {
if (checkOverlap($obj, $obj2) == 1)
# ++$gridVerticalLineCount[$obj->{col}];
my $attachPoint2 = ++$obj2->{n_AttachPointCount};
my $attachPoint = ++$obj->{n_AttachPointCount};
outputTabConnectors($obj, "n", $attachPoint, $obj2, "s", $attachPoint2);
my $x1 = objectSideX($obj, "n", 0);
my $y1 = objectSideY($obj, "n", 0);
my $z1 = objectZ($obj);
my $x2 = objectSideX($obj2, "s", 0);
my $y2 = objectSideY($obj2, "s", 0);
my $z2 = objectZ($obj2);
my $otherAttr;
if ($outputFormat eq "svg") {
$otherAttr = qq{ id="$obj->{Name}_$obj2->{Name}" onclick="MessageEvent(evt)" };
} else {
$otherAttr = "vrml: DEF " . vrmlRelationshipName($obj->{Name}, $obj2->{Name});
outputLine($x1, $y1, $z1, $x2, $y2, $z2, "", $otherAttr);
# outputTextAlongLine($x1,$y1,$z1,$x2,$y2,$z2,"message");
if ($obj->{w}) {
foreach my $obj2 (@{$obj->{w}}) {
if (checkOverlap($obj, $obj2) == 1)
# ++$gridHorizontalLineCount[$obj->{row}];
my $attachPoint2 = ++$obj2->{w_AttachPointCount};
my $attachPoint = ++$obj->{w_AttachPointCount};
outputTabConnectors($obj, "w", $attachPoint, $obj2, "e", $attachPoint2);
my $x1 = objectSideX($obj, "w", 0);
my $y1 = objectSideY($obj, "w", 0);
my $z1 = objectZ($obj);
my $x2 = objectSideX($obj2, "e", 0);
my $y2 = objectSideY($obj2, "e", 0);
my $z2 = objectZ($obj2);
if ($outputFormat eq "svg") {
$otherAttr = qq{ id="$obj->{Name}_$obj2->{Name}" onclick="MessageEvent(evt)" };
} else {
$otherAttr = "vrml: DEF " . vrmlRelationshipName($obj->{Name}, $obj2->{Name});
outputLine($x1, $y1, $z1, $x2, $y2, $z2, "", $otherAttr);
# outputTextAlongLine($x1,$y1,$z1,$x2,$y2,$z2,"message");
# Output a unique background rectangle around each group in order to highlight each group seperately
sub outputGroupHighlight()
my $x = gridX(0) - $groupHighlightMargin;
for my $i (keys %groupRanges)
my $ref = $groupRanges{$i};
die "outputGroupHighlight(): minRow for group $i is non-zero ($ref->{minRow})\n" if $ref->{minRow} != 0;
gridY($ref->{row}) - $groupHighlightMargin,
gridHeight($ref->{row}, $ref->{maxRow} + 1) + $groupHighlightMargin * 2,
# $groupHighlightFill, "", qq { onclick="debugEvent(evt)" } );
$groupHighlightFill, "", "");
# Check if a line drawn between two objects will cross through another object
sub checkOverlap($$)
my ($obj, $obj2) = @_;
if (abs($obj->{col} - $obj2->{col}) > 1 || abs($obj->{row} - $obj2->{row}) > 1)
return 1;
print "Overlap $obj->{Name} and $obj2->{Name}\n";
return 0;
# Output labelled tabs representing the connection between two nodes which have intervening nodes (so
# a direct line is not possible)
sub outputTabConnectors($$$$$$)
my ($obj, $dir, $attachPoint, $obj2, $dir2, $attachPoint2) = @_;
my $objX = objectSideX($obj, $dir, $attachPoint);
my $objY = objectSideY($obj, $dir, $attachPoint);
my $objZ = objectZ($obj);
my $obj2X = objectSideX($obj2, $dir2, $attachPoint2);
my $obj2Y = objectSideY($obj2, $dir2, $attachPoint2);
my $obj2Z = objectZ($obj2);
if ($dir eq "n")
# output Tabs at the top of objects - de-emphasise the tab labels with semi-condensed font option
my $otherAttrs = "";
if ($outputFormat ne "svg") {
$otherAttrs = "vrml: DEF " . vrmlRelationshipName($obj->{Name}, $obj2->{Name});
outputLine($objX, $objY, $objZ, $objX, $objY - $tabLineLengthY, $objZ, "", $otherAttrs);
outputText($objX, getCurrentTabLabel(),
$objY - $tabLineLengthY - $tabToFontAdjustTopY,
"middle", qq{font-stretch="semi-condensed"}, "");
# output Tabs at the bottom of objects
outputLine($obj2X, $obj2Y + $tabLineLengthY, $obj2Z, $obj2X, $obj2Y, $obj2Z, "", "");
outputText($obj2X, getCurrentTabLabel(), $obj2Y + $tabLineLengthY + $fontHeight + $tabToFontAdjustBottomY,
"middle", qq{font-stretch="semi-condensed"}, "");
elsif ($dir eq "w")
die "outputTabConnectors: incorrect direction $dir\n";
# Return the current Tab Label string
sub getCurrentTabLabel()
return $tabLabel;
# Increment the current Tab Label.
# Cycle through a-z, A-Z, 0-9 (...then funny characters I guess!)
sub incrementCurrentTabLabel()
if ($tabLabel eq "z")
$tabLabel = "A";
elsif ($tabLabel eq "Z")
$tabLabel = "0";
# Return the X position of a particular column in the super grid
sub gridX($)
my ($col) = @_;
return $horizMargin + $colToSubColIndex[$col] * ($rectangleWidthWithMargin) + ($col * $gridXSpacing);
# Return the Y position of a particular row in the super grid
sub gridY($)
my ($row) = @_;
return $vertMargin + $rowToSubRowIndex[$row] * $rectangleHeightWithMargin + ($row * $gridYSpacing);
# Return the height (pixels) of an area starting at a specified row and a number of rows high.
sub gridHeight($$)
my ($startRow,$heightInRows) = @_;
my $endRow = $startRow + $heightInRows - 1;
die "gridHeight: invalid row height $heightInRows\n" if $heightInRows <= 0;
# calculate the number of sub rows within the area concerned
my $heightInSubRows = $rowToSubRowIndex[$endRow] - $rowToSubRowIndex[$startRow] + $rowToSubGridHeight[$endRow];
# height is: height of rectangles + height of spacing between rectangles + height of spacing between rows
# The "-1"s are to exclude the spacing after the last row.
return ($heightInSubRows * $rectangleHeight) +
(($heightInSubRows - 1) * $rectangleMargin) +
(($heightInRows - 1) * $gridYSpacing);
# Return the X position of one of the object's sides
# Arguments:
# obj object in question
# dir the side in question expressed as a compass point - i.e. "n", "s", "w", "e"
# attachPoint Used for "n" and "s" sides only. Zero means return X position of the centre position of the side.
# A number above zero means return the X position of a point along the side starting from its leftmost
# edge and increasing equi-distantly as the number increases. Used for drawing starting and ending
# points of a "long" line.
sub objectSideX($$$)
my ($obj,$dir,$attachPoint) = @_;
if ($dir eq "n" || $dir eq "s") {
if ($attachPoint == 0)
return objectX($obj) + ($rectangleWidth/2);
# BUG - can overlap with attachPoint 0 !!
return objectX($obj) + ($attachPoint * $tabSpacing);
elsif ($dir eq "w") {
return objectX($obj);
elsif ($dir eq "e") {
return objectX($obj) + $rectangleWidth;
else {
die "objectSideX: Bad argument (dir=$dir)\n";
sub objectSideY($$$)
my ($obj,$dir,$attachPoint) = @_;
if ($dir eq "w" || $dir eq "e") {
if ($attachPoint == 0)
return objectY($obj) + ($rectangleHeight/2);
# BUG - can overlap with attachPoint 0 !!
return objectY($obj) + ($attachPoint * 10);
elsif ($dir eq "n") {
return objectY($obj);
elsif ($dir eq "s") {
return objectY($obj) + $rectangleHeight;
else {
die "objectSideY: Bad argument (dir=$dir)\n";
# Return the X position of the leftmost side of an object.
# Calculated by taking the X position of the supergrid column that the object is within
# and adding this to the column within the subgrid that the object occupies, and then
# multiplying by the subgrid spacing.
# Arguments:
# obj object in question
sub objectX($)
my $obj = $_[0];
return gridX($obj->{col}) + $obj->{subCol} * $rectangleWidthWithMargin;
sub objectY($)
my $obj = $_[0];
return gridY($obj->{row}) + $obj->{subRow} * $rectangleHeightWithMargin;
sub objectZ($)
my $obj = $_[0];
# Find number of objects at [col,row])
my $objects = $subGridPlacement[$obj->{col}][$obj->{row}]{subZ} + 1;
# Calculate total depth to be occupied by these objects and spacing betwen them
my $depthZ = ($objects-1) * $boxDepthWithMargin + $boxDepth;
return ($depthZ/2) - ($obj->{subZ} * $boxDepthWithMargin);
sub normaliseCoords()
foreach $group (keys %groupRanges) {
my $rangeRef = $groupRanges{$group};
print "group $group, rangeRef $rangeRef\n";
my $x = $rangeRef->{minCol};
my $y = $rangeRef->{minRow};
$rangeRef->{minCol} = 0;
$rangeRef->{minRow} = 0;
$rangeRef->{maxCol} -= $x;
$rangeRef->{maxRow} -= $y;
foreach my $obj (@objects) {
if ($obj->{group} == $group) {
$obj->{col} -= $x;
$obj->{row} -= $y;
sub seperateOverlaps()
my $obj;
foreach $obj (@objects) {
my $w_e_Relations = defined($obj->{w}) || defined($obj->{e});
my $n_s_Relations = defined($obj->{n}) || defined($obj->{s});
my $col = $obj->{col};
my $row = $obj->{row};
# only deal with objects that have relationships to other objects
if ($w_e_Relations || $n_s_Relations) {
if (!defined($subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subCol})) {
$subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subCol} = 0;
$subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subRow} = 0;
$subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subZ} = 0; # VRML
# print "subGridPlacement $obj->{name} [ $col, $row ] zeroed\n";
else {
if ($outputFormat eq "svg") {
if ($w_e_Relations) {
# print "subGridPlacement $obj->{name} [ $col, $row ] subRow = ", $subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subRow},"\n";
if ($n_s_Relations) {
# print "subGridPlacement $obj->{name} [ $col, $row ] subCol = ", $subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subCol},"\n";
else {
$obj->{subZ} = $subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subZ}; # VRML
$obj->{subCol} = $subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subCol};
$obj->{subRow} = $subGridPlacement[$col][$row]{subRow};
$rowToSubGridHeight[$row] = max($rowToSubGridHeight[$row], $obj->{subRow} + 1);
$colToSubGridWidth[$col] = max($colToSubGridWidth[$col], $obj->{subCol} + 1);
# Ensure that each distinct group is displayed in its own area of the canvas vertically.
# Go through and offset vertically each of the objects in the group. Also, initialise
# the {row} for each group in the groupRange to contain the row that the group starts at.
sub seperateGroups()
my $debug = 1;
if ($debug) { print "\nseperateGroups(): g = $g\n"; }
my $row = 0;
foreach $group (keys %groupRanges)
if ($row != 0)
foreach my $obj (@objects)
if ($obj->{group} == $group)
$obj->{row} += $row;
my $ref = $groupRanges{$group};
if ($debug) { print "$group:\trow $row, height: ",$ref->{maxRow} - $ref->{minRow}, "\n"; }
$ref->{row} = $row;
$row += $ref->{maxRow} - $ref->{minRow} + $groupVerticalSeperation;
sub calculateGridPositions()
my $total = 0;
my $last;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@rowToSubGridHeight) ; ++$i) {
$last = $rowToSubGridHeight[$i];
$rowToSubRowIndex[$i] = $total;
$total += $last;
$total = 0;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@colToSubGridWidth) ; ++$i) {
$last = $colToSubGridWidth[$i];
$colToSubColIndex[$i] = $total;
$total += $last;
sub hasRelationships($)
my $objRef = $_[0];
if ($objRef->{n} || $objRef->{s} || $objRef->{w} || $objRef->{e}) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
sub isRelated($$)
my ($srcRef, $destRef) = @_;
my $obj;
foreach my $dir ( "n", "s", "e", "w" ) {
if (exists $srcRef->{$dir}) {
foreach $obj (@{$srcRef->{$dir}}) {
if ($obj == $destRef) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub max($$)
my ($a,$b) = @_;
return $a > $b ? $a : $b;
sub printArray($$)
my ($name,$array) = @_;
print $name, " (size ", scalar(@{$array}), "): ";
foreach my $i (@{$array}) {
print $i, ", ";
print "\n\n";
sub printHash($$)
my ($name,$hash) = @_;
if ($name ne "")
print $name, ":\t";
print "\t";
foreach my $i (keys %{$hash}) {
print $i, " = ", $hash->{$i}, ", ";
sub printGroupRanges()
print "\n%groupRanges:\n";
foreach my $i (keys %groupRanges) {
printHash($i, $groupRanges{$i});
print "\n";
print "\n";
sub print2DArray($$)
my ($name,$array) = @_;
print $name, ":\n";
my $index1 = 0;
my $index2 = 0;
foreach my $i (@{$array}) {
print "$index1:\n";
$index2 = 0;
foreach my $j (@{$i}) {
print "\t";
printHash($index2, $j);
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
sub getTokens($)
my $stringRef = $_[0];
$$stringRef =~ s/^\s*//;
$$stringRef =~ s/\s*$//;
if ($$stringRef !~ /;/) {
my $string = $$stringRef;
$$stringRef = "";
return $string;
$$stringRef =~ s/^(.*?)\s*;\s*//;
return $1;
# VRML Animation Routines
sub hasVrmlTokens($)
my $stringRef = $_[0];
if ($$stringRef =~ s/^vrml: //) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
# Given two strings, "X" and "Y", return a string of the form "X_Y" where
# "X" is the lexically lesser in rank.
# For example: "A1" and "B2" yields "A1_B2". The idea is to form a predictable
# and unique relationship name between two named nodes, where there are normally
# two possibilities (i.e. "A1_B2" and "B2_A1").
sub vrmlRelationshipName($$)
my ($name1, $name2) = @_;
return $name1 lt $name2 ? $name1 . "_" . $name2 : $name2 . "_" . $name1;
# Animation Glossary:
# "Node" A mesh node (e.g. "IPCPr"). Graphically represented as a box with text on front and back.
# "Relationship" A relationship between two nodes (e.g. "IPCPr_NetMCPr"). Graphically represented as a thin cylinder connecting the nodes.
# "Animate" To make a node or relationship visible.
# "DeAnimate" To make a node or relationship invisible.
# Two object associated with animation:
# @animateSequence
# Array indicating the animation sequence. Each entry is a hash:
# Hash keys present for nodes and relationships:
# {action} => (integer) 0 to make node/relationship invisible, 1 to make it visible.
# Hash keys present only for nodes:
# {object} => (ref) reference into @objects entry for the node.
# Hash keys present only for relationships:
# {name} => (string) name of the relationship.
# {srcObj} => (ref) reference into @objects for source node.
# {destObj} => (ref) reference into @objects for destination node.
# %animateVisible
# Hash indicating which nodes or relationships are currently on display at the current point in the
# animation sequence.
# {<name>} = name of node or relationship, which is a hash:
# Keys present for nodes and relationships:
# {visible} => (integer). 1 if node or relationship <name> is displayed, 0 if node or relationship <name> is no longer displayed.
# Hash keys present only for nodes:
# {related} => (hash). Keys within {related} are hash are names of nodes that are
# related to this node and whose relationships to this node are visible.
sub Animate($$$$)
my ($name, $object,$srcObject,$destObject) = @_;
die "Animate: null name" if (!$name);
if ($object) {
# animate a node
$animateVisible{$name} = { visible => 1, related => {} }; # "related" = hash of names of other objects this object has a relationship with.
push @animateSequence, { object => $object, action => 1 };
else {
# animate a relationship between nodes
$animateVisible{$name} = { visible => 1 };
push @animateSequence, { srcObj => $srcObject, destObj => $destObject, name => $name, action => 1 };
# for the two nodes, store the fact that each node has a relationship to the other
my $destName = $destObject->{Name};
my $srcName = $srcObject->{Name};
$animateVisible{$srcName}{related}{$destName} = 1;
$animateVisible{$destName}{related}{$srcName} = 1;
sub CheckAndAnimate($$$$)
my ($name,$object,$srcObject,$destObject) = @_;
# We only want to animate if the object is not already visible. Note that this is not the same the hash entry
# existing with $animateVisible{$name}{visible} set to 0, which means that it was animated and then de-animated.
# In this case, we would not want to re-animate the object, as it shouldn't be possible for the same node to
# be re-created (although relationships are assumed to be terminated once and never re-created between the same
# two nodes).
if (! exists($animateVisible{$name})) {
Animate($name, $object, $srcObject, $destObject);
return 1;
return 0;
sub CheckAndDeAnimate($$$$)
my ($name, $objRef, $srcObject, $destObject) = @_;
# Only de-animate if the object is visible (i.e. $animateVisible{$name} exists and $animateVisible{$name}{visible} is non-zero).
if ($animateVisible{$name}{visible}) {
if ($objRef) {
# de-animate out relationships to this nodes that are still visible
# (i.e. because the appropriate "ClientLeaving" etc message has not been seen)
foreach my $relatedNode (keys %{$animateVisible{$name}{related}}) {
die "CheckAndDeAnimate: overwriting destObject" if $destObject != 0;
my $destObj = findObject($relatedNode);
my $relationshipName = vrmlRelationshipName($objRef->{Name}, $destObj->{Name});
if ($animateVisible{$relationshipName}{visible}) {
push @animateSequence, { srcObj => $objRef, destObj => $destObj, name => $relationshipName, action => 0 };
$animateVisible{$relationshipName}{visible} = 0;
push @animateSequence, { object => $objRef, action => 0 };
} else {
push @animateSequence, { srcObj => $srcObject, destObj => $destObject, name => $name, action => 0 };
my $destName = $destObject->{Name};
my $srcName = $srcObject->{Name};
delete $animateVisible{$srcName}{related}{$destName};
delete $animateVisible{$destName}{related}{$srcName};
$animateVisible{$name}{visible} = 0;
# Called when a message is exchanged between two nodes.
sub AnimateObjectMessage($$$)
my ($srcRef, $destRef, $direction) = @_;
if ($srcRef != $destRef) {
my $srcName = $srcRef->{Name};
my $destName = $destRef->{Name};
my $relationshipName = vrmlRelationshipName($srcName, $destName);
if ($direction && $direction eq "~") {
# Relationship terminated
CheckAndDeAnimate($relationshipName, 0, $srcRef, $destRef);
} else {
CheckAndAnimate($relationshipName, 0, $srcRef, $destRef);
# Called when an node is created
sub AnimateObjectCreate($)
my ($objRef) = @_;
my $objectName = $objRef->{Name};
CheckAndAnimate($objectName, $objRef, 0, 0);
# Called when a node is destroyed
sub AnimateObjectDestroy($)
my ($objRef) = @_;
my $objectName = $objRef->{Name};
CheckAndDeAnimate($objectName, $objRef, 0, 0);
sub AnimateDo()
# Translate the animations we have built up in @animateSequence array into two integer arrays in the VRML file:
# action[] Action to perform. Each entry is an integer encoded as:
# (<number of VRML elements to animate> << 8) | <action>
# Where: <action> = 1 to make VRML elements visible or 0 to make them invisible.
# The VRML elements themselves are contained in the VRML "nodes" array.
# nodes[] VRML elements to animate. Each entry is a VRML SFNode reference.
# The action[] array is executed in sequence. Each entry in the action[] array corresponds to one or more
# entries in the nodes[] array. Each array has an iterator - the action[] iterator always increments one
# at a time. The nodes[] iterator increments by the number of VRML elements that the corresponding action[]
# entry needs to iterate. Thus, for each action[] entry there are one or more nodes[] entries:
# For example:
# action[0] = 1<<8 | ... : nodes[0]
# action[1] = 3<<8 | ... nodes[1] nodes[2] nodes[3]
# action[2] = 1<<8 | ... nodes[4]
# action[3] = 1<<8 | ... nodes[5]
# action[4] = 2<<8 | ... nodes[6] nodes[7]
# etc
my $name;
foreach my $seq (@animateSequence) {
if (exists $seq->{object}) {
# animate/de-animate a node
if (hasRelationships($seq->{object})) {
print WRL "USE $seq->{object}{Name},\n"; # VRML box
print WRL "USE $seq->{object}{Name}_TF,\n"; # VRML text at front
print WRL "USE $seq->{object}{Name}_TB,\n"; # VRML text at back
} else {
# animate/de-animate a relationship between nodes
if (isRelated($seq->{srcObj}, $seq->{destObj})) {
print WRL "USE $seq->{name},\n"; # VRML thin cylinder
foreach my $seq (@animateSequence) {
if (exists $seq->{object}) {
if (hasRelationships($seq->{object})) {
print "Action $seq->{action}, $seq->{object}{Name}\n";
print WRL $seq->{action} + (3 << 8), ",\n";
} else {
if (isRelated($seq->{srcObj}, $seq->{destObj})) {
print "Action $seq->{action}, $seq->{name}\n";
print WRL $seq->{action} + (1 << 8), ",\n";
sub AnimateVrmlPrologue()
# Begin Interpolated Text #
print WRL<<END
DEF TIME1 TimeSensor {
cycleInterval $vrmlCycleInterval
enabled TRUE
loop FALSE
DEF TIME2 TimeSensor {
cycleInterval $vrmlCycleInterval
enabled TRUE
loop FALSE
DEF TIME3 TimeSensor {
cycleInterval $vrmlCycleInterval
enabled TRUE
loop FALSE
DEF TIME4 TimeSensor {
cycleInterval $vrmlCycleInterval
enabled TRUE
loop FALSE
DEF TIME5 TimeSensor {
cycleInterval $vrmlCycleInterval
enabled TRUE
loop FALSE
DEF TIME6 TimeSensor {
cycleInterval $vrmlCycleInterval
enabled TRUE
loop FALSE
DEF INVERT1 ScalarInterpolator {
key [ 0 1 ]
keyValue [ 1 0 ]
DEF INVERT2 ScalarInterpolator {
key [ 0 1 ]
keyValue [ 1 0 ]
DEF INVERT3 ScalarInterpolator {
key [ 0 1 ]
keyValue [ 1 0 ]
DEF START TimeSensor {
cycleInterval 1000000
enabled TRUE
loop TRUE
# End Interpolated Text #
sub AnimateVrmlSequencerPart1()
# Begin Interpolated Text #
print WRL<<END
DEF SEQ Script {
eventIn SFTime startTime
eventIn SFTime timeCycleTime
eventIn SFBool timeIsActive1
eventIn SFBool timeIsActive2
eventIn SFBool timeIsActive3
field SFInt32 nodeIndex 0
field SFInt32 actionIndex 0
field SFInt32 pending 0
directOutput TRUE
mustEvaluate TRUE
field MFNode timeNode [ USE TIME1, USE TIME2, USE TIME3 ]
field MFNode timeNode2 [ USE TIME4, USE TIME5, USE TIME6 ]
field MFNode invertNode [ USE INVERT1, USE INVERT2, USE INVERT3 ]
field MFNode nodes [
# End Interpolated Text #
sub AnimateVrmlSequencerPart2()
print WRL<<END
field MFInt32 action [
sub AnimateVrmlSequencerPart3()
# Begin Interpolated Text #
print WRL<<END
url "javascript:
function startTime(value, time) {
function startNextNode(time) {
var count = (action[actionIndex] >> 8) & 0xff;
var act = action[actionIndex] & 0xff;
if (act == 1) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
Browser.addRoute(invertNode[i], 'value_changed', nodes[nodeIndex++], 'set_transparency');
for (var i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
timeNode[i].startTime = time;
} else {
for (var i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
Browser.addRoute(timeNode2[i], 'fraction_changed', nodes[nodeIndex++], 'set_transparency');
for (var i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
timeNode2[i].startTime = time;
pending = count;
function timeCycleTime(value, time) {
function timeIsActive1(value, time) {
timeIsActive(value, time, 0);
function timeIsActive2(value, time) {
timeIsActive(value, time, 1);
function timeIsActive3(value, time) {
timeIsActive(value, time, 2);
function timeIsActive(value, time, which) {
if (value == false) {
if (actionIndex > 0) {
var count = (action[actionIndex-1] >> 8) & 0xff;
var act = action[actionIndex-1] & 0xff;
var j = nodeIndex - count + which;
if (act == 1) {
Browser.deleteRoute(invertNode[which], 'value_changed', nodes[j], 'set_transparency');
nodes[j].transparency = 0;
} else {
Browser.deleteRoute(timeNode2[which], 'fraction_changed', nodes[j], 'set_transparency');
nodes[j].transparency = 1;
if (--pending == 0 && actionIndex < action.length) {
ROUTE START.cycleTime TO SEQ.startTime
#ROUTE TIME.fraction TO INVERT.fraction
ROUTE TIME1.fraction TO INVERT1.fraction
ROUTE TIME2.fraction TO INVERT2.fraction
ROUTE TIME3.fraction TO INVERT3.fraction
#ROUTE TIME.cycleTime TO SEQ.timeCycleTime
ROUTE TIME1.isActive TO SEQ.timeIsActive1
ROUTE TIME2.isActive TO SEQ.timeIsActive2
ROUTE TIME3.isActive TO SEQ.timeIsActive3
ROUTE TIME4.isActive TO SEQ.timeIsActive1
ROUTE TIME5.isActive TO SEQ.timeIsActive2
ROUTE TIME6.isActive TO SEQ.timeIsActive3
# End Interpolated Text #