// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This contains CTestCaseEsock which is the base class for all
// the ESOCK suite test cases
#if (!defined __ESOCKTESTSTEP_H__)
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <test/testexecutestepbase.h>
#include "TestSuiteEsock.h"
class CEasyTestStep : public CTestStep
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL()
return TestStepResult();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepL()
return TestStepResult();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL()
return TestStepResult();
virtual TVerdict easyTestStepPreambleL()
{ return EPass; }
virtual TVerdict easyTestStepL() = 0;
virtual TVerdict easyTestStepPostambleL()
{ return EPass; }
void MergeVerdict(TVerdict aVerdict)
if(TestStepResult() == EPass)
class CTestStepEsock : public CEasyTestStep
public :
enum { ipAddress1 =0 , ipAddress2 , ipAddress3 , ipAddress4 , ipAddress5 , ipAddress7, ipAddress8, ipAddress9 } ip_table;
// Close sockets in Postamble.
TVerdict easyTestStepPostambleL();
const TDesC& SectionName(const TDesC& aSectName);
// config file access - Esock specific
TBool GetIpAddressFromConfig(const TDesC &aSectName,const TDesC &aKeyName,TInetAddr &anAddr);
void StripeDes32(TDes8 &aBuf, TInt aStartPos, TInt anEndPos);
void StripeMem32(TUint *aBuf, TInt aStartPos, TInt aEndPos);
void StripeMem(TUint8 *aBuf, TInt aStartPos, TInt anEndPos, TUint aStartChar, TUint anEndChar, TInt aOffset=0);
void StripeDes(TDes8 &aBuf, TInt aStartPos, TInt anEndPos, TUint aStartChar, TUint anEndChar, TInt aOffset=0);
// common socket operations
TInt OpenListeningSocketL(TInetAddr anAddr, TInt &aSockIndex, TInt aPort=1, TInt aSize=5);
TInt OpenActiveSocketL(TInetAddr anAddr, TInt &aSockIndex, TInt aPort=1);
TInt AcceptConnectionL(TInt &aSockIndex, TInt aListenIndex);
void CloseSockets(TUint aLoglevel = 0);
TInt OpenSockets(TUint addrFamily, TUint aSockType, TUint aProtocol, TUint aNumSockets = 1);
TInt OpenSockets(const TDesC &aName, TUint aNumSockets = 1);
TInt OpenSockets(TUint aNumSockets = 1);
TInt OpenMinSockets(const TDesC &aSectName, TUint addrFamily, TUint aSockType, TUint aProtocol, TUint aMinSockets = 1);
TInt OpenConnectionsL(const TDesC &aSectName, TInt &aSockIndex2, TInt &aSockIndex3);
TInt SetRoute(TInt aOp, TUint32 aDest, TUint32 aNetMask, TUint32 aGateway, TUint32 aInterface, TInt aMetric);
TInt ListRoutes();
void GetHostByNameL(TNameRecord& aRecord, const TDesC& aHost);
void GetHostByAddrL(TNameRecord& aRecord, const TInetAddr& aAddr);
void GetHostNameL();
void SetHostNameL(const TDesC& aHost);
void GetHostByNameCancelL(TNameRecord& aRecord, const TDesC& aHost);
// IPv4
TBool GetAppendixB1();
TBool GetAppendixB2();
TBool GetAppendixB3();
TBool GetAppendixB4();
TBool GetAppendixB5();
TBool GetAppendixB6();
// IPv6
TBool GetAppendixC1();
void GetAppendixC2();
TBool GetAppendixC3();
// pointer to suite which owns this test
CTestSuiteEsock* iEsockSuite;
RArray<TInetAddr> appendixInArray, appendixOutArray;
RHeap* TestHeap;
class CESockTestStep_OOMCapable : public CTestStepEsock
void SetHeapFailNext(TInt aFailureIndex)
if(iOOMSess.Handle() == KNullHandle)
if(iOOMSess.Handle() != KNullHandle)
iOOMSess.__DbgFailNext(aFailureIndex - 1); // want to start with 0th
void ResetHeapFailNext()
if(iOOMSess.Handle() != KNullHandle)
TBool CheckForHeapFailNext()
if(iOOMSess.Handle() != KNullHandle)
// If ESOCK heaps are still in FailNext mode then we try to flag the termination
// of the loop to TEF by setting the local heap to fail. Because this might get
// "eaten" inside TEF before it checks we walk a failure point here too
return iOOMSess.__DbgCheckFailNext();
return ETrue;
// virtual enum TVerdict InternalDoTestStepL() =0;
RSocketServ iOOMSess;
#endif /* __ESOCKTESTSTEP_H__ */