Don't export documentation which hasn't been contributed - workaround for bug 2011
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// - General definitions for client use
// - Table and column names,
// - Enums and constants use in tables,
// - UIDs for notifications
@deprecated since v9.1. Functionality is replaced with commsdat.
#ifndef CDBCOLS_H
#define CDBCOLS_H
#include <e32std.h>
// Database table names. The name (a string) of each table is defined by a macro.
#define NETWORK _S("Network")
/** Internet access point table identifier.*/
#define IAP _S("IAP")
/** Identifier of default dial-out ISP table.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define DIAL_OUT_ISP _S("DialOutISP")
/** Dial-in Internet Service Provider.
#define DIAL_IN_ISP _S("DialInISP")
/** Outgoing WCDMA table.
#define OUTGOING_WCDMA _S("OutgoingGPRS")
Not used in v7.0 */
#define INCOMING_WCDMA _S("IncomingGPRS")
#define LAN_SERVICE _S("LANService") // test use only
#define PAN_SERVICE_EXTENSIONS _S("PANServiceExtensions")
#define WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSIONS _S("WLANServiceExtensions")
Identifier of modem settings table.
In v7.0s, this table changed its name from MODEM to MODEM_BEARER.
In v6.1, it is possible to define only a single record for this table. */
#define MODEM_BEARER _S("ModemBearer")
#define LAN_BEARER _S("LANBearer")
/** Identifier of the default location table.
In 6.1, it is possible to define only a single record for this table.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define LOCATION _S("Location")
/** Identifier of the default chargecard table.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CHARGECARD _S("Chargecard")
/** Identifier of proxy server settings table.*/
#define PROXIES _S("Proxies")
/** Identifier of default WAP Access Point table.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define WAP_ACCESS_POINT _S("WAPAccessPoint")
/** WAP IP bearer. */
#define WAP_IP_BEARER _S("WAPIPBearer")
/** WAP SMS bearer. */
#define WAP_SMS_BEARER _S("WAPSMSBearer")
/** GPRS default settings.
It is possible to define only one record for this table.
#define DEFAULT_GPRS _S("DefaultGPRS")
/** Bluetooth device table. */
#define BT_DEVICE_TABLE _S("BTDeviceTable")
/** Bluetooth default table. */
#define BT_DEFAULT_TABLE _S("BTDefaultTable")
/** Bluetooth security table. */
#define BT_SECURITY_TABLE _S("BTSecurityTable")
/** Bluetooth persist table. */
#define BT_PERSIST_TABLE _S("BTPersistTable")
/** Identifier of the sockets table.*/
#define SS_PROTO_TABLE _S("SecureSocketTable")
/** Agent lookup table identifier*/
#define AGENT_LOOKUP _S("AgentLookup")
#define VIRTUAL_BEARER _S("VirtualBearer")
#define VPN_SERVICE _S("VpnService")
#define WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION_TABLE _S("WLANServiceExtensionTable")
#define ACCESS_POINT_TABLE _S("AccessPointTable")
#define IAP_PRIORITY_SELECTION_POLICY_TABLE _S("IAPPrioritySelectionPolicyTable")
#define XML_ACCESS_POINT_TABLE _S("AccessPoint")
#define AP_PRIORITY_SELECTION_POLICY_TABLE _S("APPrioritySelectionPolicyTable")
#define TIER_TABLE _S("TierTable")
#define MCPR_TABLE _S("MCprTable")
#define CPR_TABLE _S("CprTable")
#define SCPR_TABLE _S("SCprTable")
#define PROTOCOL_TABLE _S("ProtocolTable")
#define BEARER_TYPE_TABLE _S("BearerTypeTable")
#define CONFIG_ACCESS_POINT_TABLE _S("ConfigAccessPointTable")
#define XML_AP_PRIORITY_SELECTION_POLICY_TABLE _S("APPrioritySelectionPolicy")
#define XML_TIER_TABLE _S("Tier")
#define XML_MCPR_TABLE _S("MCpr")
#define XML_CPR_TABLE _S("Cpr")
#define XML_SCPR_TABLE _S("SCpr")
#define XML_PROTOCOL_TABLE _S("Protocol")
#define XML_BEARER_TYPE_TABLE _S("BearerType")
#define XML_CONFIG_ACCESS_POINT_TABLE _S("ConfigAccessPoint")
#define EAP_SEC_TABLE _S("EAPSecuritySettingsTable")
#define TUN_EAP_TABLE _S("TunnelledEAPSettingsTable")
#define EAP_TLS_TABLE _S("EAPTLSSettingsTable")
#define LEAP_TABLE _S("LEAPSettingsTable")
#define EAPSIM_PROTOCOL_TABLE _S("EapSimProtocolTable")
#define EAPAKA_PROTOCOL_TABLE _S("EapAkaProtocolTable")
#define POLICY_SELECTOR_TABLE _S("PolicySelectorTable")
#define XML_POLICY_SELECTOR_TABLE _S("PolicySelector")
#define POLICYSELECTOR2QOSPARAMETERS_TABLE _S("PolicySelector2QosParametersTable")
#define XML_POLICYSELECTOR2QOSPARAMETERS_TABLE _S("PolicySelector2QosParameters")
#define GENERIC_QOS_TABLE _S("GenericQosTable")
#define XML_GENERIC_QOS_TABLE _S("GenericQos")
#define WIFI_SCANENGINE_TABLE _S("WifiScanEngineTable")
//DEPRECATED : MODEM has been reassigned so as to maintain backwards compatibility
/** Identifier of default modem.
Field type: TUint32
@deprecated Unsupported since v7.0 */
// Just in case any applications use the literal pre-7.0s string for the ModemBearer table.
/** @deprecated Unsupported since v7.0 */
#define OLD_MODEM_TABLE _S("Modem")
// Global settings.
// The following macros define values for the Global table fields.
// Note that Global table fields are accessed through CCommsDatabase.
/** Number of times to attempt redial when the ISP number is busy.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define REDIAL_ATTEMPTS _S("RedialAttempts")
/** The bearer for sending SMS.
Values for this are defined by the enum RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsBearer
Field type: TUint32 */
#define SMS_BEARER _S("SmsBearer") // Takes the values of RGprs::TSmsBearer from ETEL
/** The SMS receive mode, taken from RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveMode.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define SMS_RECEIVE_MODE _S("SmsReceiveMode") // Takes the values of RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmsReceiveMode from ETel MM
/** The GPRS attach mode, i.e. whether to attach at the boot-up of the device or
at a later time.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketService::TAttachMode
Field type: TUint32 */
#define GPRS_ATTACH_MODE _S("GPRSAttachMode") // Takes the values of RGprs::TGprsAttachMode from ETEL
/** Whether or not to allow incoming requests for PDP context activation to be automatically
accepted (when there is a waiting application).
Use a TBool to specify the value.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define ACCEPT_INCOMING_GPRS _S("AcceptIncomingGprs") // Takes a TBool value - ETrue = accept incoming requests, EFalse = reject incoming requests
/** The preferred bearer when device is forced into GPRS Class C operation.
The values for this field are defined by TCommDbGprsClassCBearer.
Field type: TUint32
@see TCommDbGprsClassCBearer */
#define GPRS_CLASS_C_BEARER _S("GPRSClassCBearer") // Takes the values of TCommDbGprsClassCBearer
/** The number of connection attempts (preferences) to make.
This is limited to a maximum of 2.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS _S("ConnectionAttempts") // Number of connection preferences, with incremental rank, to try
/** Specifies the ID of the modem record to be used for data transactions.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define MODEM_DATA_FAX _S("ModemForDataAndFax")
/** Specifies the ID of the modem record to be used for phone services such as SMS.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define MODEM_PHONE_SERVICES_SMS _S("ModemForPhoneServicesAndSMS")
/** Specifies the location to be used with the default modem for data transactions.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define LOCATION_DATA_FAX _S("LocationForDataAndFax")
/** Specifies the location to be used with default modem for phone services such
as SMS.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define LOCATION_PHONE_SERVICES_SMS _S("LocationForPhoneServicesAndSMS")
/** Maximum RMBuf heap size.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define MAXMBUF_HEAP _S("MaxMBufHeap")
#define DEFAULT_AGENT _S("DefaultAgent")
#define DEFAULT_NETWORK _S("DefaultNetwork")
#define BEARER_AVAILABILITY_CHECK_TSY _S("BearerAvailabilityCheckTSY")
// The following fields define the specific CDMA parameters provisioned through OTA
// and defined in TIA-683B section 3.5.8
/** Operation capability bitmap to indicate which operations are supported by the MS.
Bit allocation:
bit 0 - SimpleIP supported
bit 1 - MobileIP supported
bit 2 - MobileIP with simple IP fallback supported
bits 3-7 - reserved
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_OP_CAPABILITY _S("CDMAOperationCapability")
/** Maximum number of SimpleIP NAI entries.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_SIMIP_MAX_NUM_NAI _S("CDMASimpleIpMaxNumNai")
/** Maximum SimpleIP NAI length (min 72 octets).
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_SIMIP_MAX_NAI_LENGTH _S("CDMASimpleIpMaxNaiLength")
/** Maximum length of SimpleIP shared secret data.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_SIMIP_MAX_SS_LENGTH _S("CDMASimpleIpMaxSsLength")
/** SimpleIP authentication algorithm bitmap supported by the MS.
Bit allocation:
bit 0 - CHAP supported
bit 1 - PAP supported
bits 2-7 - reserved
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_SIMIP_AUTH_SUPPORTED _S("CDMASimpleIpAuthSupported")
/** Maximum number of mobile IP NAI entries.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_MIP_MAX_NUM_NAI _S("CDMAMobileIpMaxNumNai")
/** Maximum MobileIP NAI length (min 72 octets).
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_MIP_MAX_NAI_LENGTH _S("CDMAMobileIpMaxNAILength")
/** Maximum length of the shared secret data (MN-AAA)
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_MIP_MAX_MN_AAA_SS_LENGTH _S("CDMAMobileIpMaxMnAaaSsLength")
/** Authentication algorithm bitmap (MN-AAA) supported by the mobile station.
Bit allocation:
bit 0 - MD5 authentication supported (RFC 3012)
bits 1-7 - reserved
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_AAA_AUTH_ALGORITHM _S("CDMAMobileIpMnAaaAuthAlgorithm")
/** Maximum length of the shared secret data (MN-HA)
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_MIP_MAX_MN_HA_SS_LENGTH _S("CDMAMobileIpMaxMnHaSsLength")
/** Authentication algorithm bitmap (MN-HA) supported by the mobile station.
Bit allocation:
bit 0 - MD5 authentication supported (RFC 3012)
bits 1-7 - reserved
Field type: TUint32 */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_HA_AUTH_ALGORITHM _S("CDMAMobileIpMnHaAuthAlgorithm")
/** Prompt for an Access Point if used.
Field type: TBool*/
#define PROMPT_FOR_AP _S("PromptForSnap")
/** If default Access Point is defined, use default Access Point. Otherwise use connection preferences.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define DEFAULT_AP _S("DefaultSnap")
/** This field differentiate the Bravo selection from the 399 selection
(needed for implicit scenarios where prefs are not available).
Field type: TUint32 */
#define DEFAULT_SNAP _S("DefaultSnap")
/** Default tier.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define DEFAULT_TIER _S("DefaultTier")
/** Prompt the User.
Field type: TBool*/
#define PROMPT_USER _S("PromptUser")
/** This field defines the default or current IEEE 802.11 regulatory domain or country code.
Field type: TCommsDatWlanRegDomain */
#define REGULATORY_DOMAIN _S("RegulatoryDomain")
#define WMM_ENABLED _S("WmmEnabled")
/** This field determines whether to use the country code information or not.
* Field type: TBool */
#define ENABLE_COUNTRYCODE _S("EnableCountryCode")
/** This field defines the default regulatory domain or country code.
* Field type: TDesC */
#define DEFAULT_REGULATORY_DOMAIN _S("DefaultRegulatoryDomain")
Maintained for backwards compatibility.
Specifies whether to show the connection dialog.
Field type: TUint32 (Boolean)
@deprecated v7.0 */
#define ASK_USER_BEFORE_DIAL _S("AskUserBeforeDial")
/** Identifier of default dial-out IAP.
Field type: TUint32
@deprecated v7.0 */
#define DIAL_OUT_IAP _S("DialOutIAP")
#define DIAL_IN_IAP _S("DialInIAP")
/** Identifier of (dial out) ISP in this IAP.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL.
@deprecated v7.0 */
#define IAP_ISP _S("IAPISP")
/** Time to stay online when all clients have closed.
Field type: TUint32
@deprecated v7.0 */
#define CLIENT_TIMEOUT _S("ClientTimout")
/** Time to stay online when idle.
Field type: TUint32
@deprecated v7.0 */
#define ROUTE_TIMEOUT _S("RouteTimeout")
/** Outgoing GPRS table.
/** Incoming GPRS table.
#define ECommDbBearerUnknown KCommDbBearerUnknown
#define ECommDbBearerCSD KCommDbBearerCSD
#define ECommDbBearerWcdma KCommDbBearerWcdma
#define ECommDbBearerLAN KCommDbBearerLAN
#define ECommDbBearerCdma2000 KCommDbBearerCdma2000
#define ECommDbBearerPSD KCommDbBearerPSD
#define ECommDbBearerVirtual KCommDbBearerVirtual
#define ECommDbBearerPAN KCommDbBearerPAN
#define ECommDbBearerWLAN KCommDbBearerWLAN
/** Avoids the need for lots of search & replace in migrations from v6.1 */
#define ECommDbBearerGPRS ECommDbBearerWcdma
// Columns common to all tables
/**Unique ID assigned by the server for identification of records by the server.
Field type: TUint32 */
#define COMMDB_ID _S("Id") // Id of the row
/**Name of the record for easy identification by the user.
This is not present in the some tables.
Field type: Text. */
#define COMMDB_NAME _S("Name") // Name of the row
// COMMDB_UNUSED_NAME with COMMDB_ID appended, is inserted in the name column of entries that
// have been deleted, but are required to be inserted by ceddump, inserted and subsequently
// deleted by ced so that the COMMDB_ID indices are preserved. Such entries may be modified
// but ideally should not be deleted as this will require all the indices to be recalculated.
// Columns for `IAP` table
// The following macros define values for the IAP table fields.
// An IAP table allows a group of related records for service information (including service
// type), and chargecard (optional) to be identified.
/** Identifier of the dialog preference in this IAP.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_DIALOG_PREF _S("DialogPref")
/** Identifier of the service in this IAP.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_SERVICE _S("IAPService")
/** Name of the service table (e.g. DIAL_OUT_ISP, OUTGOING_GPRS)
in this IAP.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_SERVICE_TYPE _S("IAPServiceType")
/** Identifier of the bearer in this IAP.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_BEARER _S("IAPBearer")
/** Identifier of the type of the bearer in this IAP.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_BEARER_TYPE _S("IAPBearerType")
/** Identifier of the network in this IAP.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_NETWORK _S("IAPNetwork")
/** Identifier of the Application secure ID in this IAP.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_APPSID _S("IAPAppSid")
/** Identifier of the weighting for networks in this IAP.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_NETWORK_WEIGHTING _S("IAPNetworkWeighting")
/** Identifier of the location in this IAP.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define IAP_LOCATION _S("Location")
//#define IAP_CHARGECARD _S("Chargecard")
#define BCA_STACK _S("BCAStack") ///< Comma separated list of BCAs, eg. C32BCA
// Columns common to all bearer tables using IP and PPP
#define IF_NAME _S("IfName") //< Interface name, e.g. "PPP" or "SLIP"
// Columns common to all service tables using IP and PPP
#define SERVICE_IF_PARAMS _S("IfParams") //< Interface parameter string
#define SERVICE_IF_NETWORKS _S("IfNetworks") //< Comma separated list of network protocols, e.g. "PPP"
/** When using external IP configuration (MobileIP or DHCP), always reject PPP peer authentication requests.
If external IP configuration is used and this field is set to TRUE then peer authentication requests are always rejected.
If external IP configuration is used and this field is set to FALSE then PPP allows authentication to proceed (although it may still fail later).
If this field is not set or absent, the result is the same as when it is set to TRUE. */
#define SERVICE_IF_PROMPT_FOR_AUTH _S("IfPromptForAuth") //< Prompt user for authentication name and password?
#define SERVICE_IF_AUTH_NAME _S("IfAuthName") //< Authentication username used by PPP
#define SERVICE_IF_AUTH_PASS _S("IfAuthPass") //< Authentication password used by PPP
#define SERVICE_IF_AUTH_RETRIES _S("AuthRetries") //< No of times to retry authentication if it fails
#define SERVICE_IF_CALLBACK_ENABLED _S("IfCallbackEnabled") //< Callback enabled?
#define SERVICE_IF_CALLBACK_TYPE _S("IfCallbackType") //< Type of callback if enabled
#define SERVICE_IF_CALLBACK_INFO _S("IfCallbackInfo") //< Info for callback request if enabled
#define SERVICE_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT _S("CallbackTimeout") //< time to wait for callback
#define SERVICE_IF_SERVER_MODE _S("IfServerMode") //< PPP in server mode?
#define SERVICE_IP_ADDR_FROM_SERVER _S("IpAddrFromServer") //< Get IP address from server?
#define SERVICE_IP_ADDR _S("IpAddr") //< IP Address of Interface
#define SERVICE_IP_NETMASK _S("IpNetMask") //< IP Netmask of Interface
#define SERVICE_IP_GATEWAY _S("IpGateway") //< IP Address of Gateway
#define SERVICE_IP_DNS_ADDR_FROM_SERVER _S("IpDNSAddrFromServer") //< Get DNS addresses from server?
#define SERVICE_IP_NAME_SERVER1 _S("IpNameServer1") //< IP Address of primary name server reachable through this interface
#define SERVICE_IP_NAME_SERVER2 _S("IpNameServer2") //< IP Address of secondary name server reachable through this interface
#define SERVICE_IP6_DNS_ADDR_FROM_SERVER _S("Ip6DNSAddrFromServer") //< Get DNS addresses from server?
#define SERVICE_IP6_NAME_SERVER1 _S("Ip6NameServer1") //< IP Address of primary name server reachable through this interface
#define SERVICE_IP6_NAME_SERVER2 _S("Ip6NameServer2") //< IP Address of secondary name server reachable through this interface
#define SERVICE_ENABLE_IP_HEADER_COMP _S("EnableIPHeaderComp") //< Enable IP header compression
#define SERVICE_ENABLE_LCP_EXTENSIONS _S("EnableLCPExtension") //< Enable LCP extension
#define SERVICE_DISABLE_PLAIN_TEXT_AUTH _S("DisablePlainTextAuth") //< Disable plain text authentication
#define SERVICE_ENABLE_SW_COMP _S("EnableSWComp") //< Enable S/W compression
#define SERVICE_IP_ADDR_LEASE_VALID_FROM _S("IpAddrLeaseValidFrom") //< Start of address lease (.e.g. a DHCP assigned ip address)
#define SERVICE_IP_ADDR_LEASE_VALID_TO _S("IpAddrLeaseValidTo") //< End of address lease (e.g. a DHCP assigned IP address)
#define SERVICE_CONFIG_DAEMON_MANAGER_NAME _S("ConfigDaemonManagerName") //< Name of the ECOM daemon manager plug-in for NIFMAN used to load a specific configuration daemon (see the next field)
#define SERVICE_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME _S("ConfigDaemonName") //< Name of the daemon used for address configuration .e.g Dhcp, MobileIp
/** Enable link-local multicast name resolution
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
// Columns of the `DIAL_OUT_ISP` and `DIAL_IN_ISP` service tables.
// The following macros define values for the dial out/in ISP table fields.
/** Description of ISP (for use by applications etc.)
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL.*/
#define ISP_DESCRIPTION _S("Description") // text field for app to use to describe ISP
/** TCommsDbIspType value indicating ISP type, e.g. Internet, LAN, etc.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_TYPE _S("Type") // int field for ISP "type" e.g. Internet, LAN, etc
/** Default phone number.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_DEFAULT_TEL_NUM _S("DefaultTelNum") // The default telephone number to be used if the location does not match those below
/** Perform dialling resolution for default phone number?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_DIAL_RESOLUTION _S("DialResolution") // Perform Dialing Resolution for default phone number?
/** Use login script?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_USE_LOGIN_SCRIPT _S("UseLoginScript") // Use login script?
/** Login script (used if ISP_USE_LOGIN_SCRIPT is ETrue).
Type Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_LOGIN_SCRIPT _S("LoginScript") // Login Script
/** Prompt user for username and password?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_PROMPT_FOR_LOGIN _S("PromptForLogin") // Prompt user for username and password?
/** Login name
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_LOGIN_NAME _S("LoginName") // Login name
/** Login Password
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_LOGIN_PASS _S("LoginPass") // Login password
/** Identifier of the chargecard used for this ISP (optional).
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_CHARGECARD _S("Chargecard")
/** Display post connection terminal (PCT) (without scanning script for READ command)?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_DISPLAY_PCT _S("DisplayPCT") // Display PCT (do not scan script for READ)?
/** Interface parameter string
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Comma separated list of network protocols, e.g. "IP"
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Prompt user for authentication username and password?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** Authentication username used by PPP
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Authentication password used by PPP
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Number of retries if authentication fails.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Callback enabled?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** TCallbackAction value indicating type of callback (if enabled)
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Callback information, e.g. phone number to call back to.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Time to wait for callback in microseconds (if enabled)
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** PPP in server mode?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Get IP address from server?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of interface
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP net mask of interface
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of gateway
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Get DNS addresses from server?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of primary name server
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of secondary name server
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Name of the ECOM configuration daemon manager component.
This component interfaces with the server identified in ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME.
If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME should also be specified.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Name of the configuration daemon server. This server is used to
provide further configuration for a connection, e.g. dynamic IP
address assignment. If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_MANAGER_NAME
should also be specified.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Enable IP header compression
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Whether to enable LCP extensions.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Disable plain text authentication?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Enable software compression (e.g. Microsoft, STAC or Predictor compression)?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** The name of the bearer (RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol value)
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_BEARER_NAME _S("BearerName") // Bearer Name (for GSM)
/** Connection speed if this is an ISDN, HSCSD or other connection (RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataSpeed
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_BEARER_SPEED _S("BearerSpeed") // Bearer Speed (for GSM)
/** The bearer CE (RMobileCall::TMobileCallTchCoding value)
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_BEARER_CE _S("BearerCE") // Bearer CE (for GSM)
/** Modem initialization string to be used when this ISP is in use. This string
will be copied into the MODEM_ISP_INIT_STRING field by RGenericAgent.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_INIT_STRING _S("InitString") // Init string specific to ISP, to be written into the MODEM_ISP_INIT_STRING by NetDial
/** TCommsDbBearerType value indicating connection type, e.g. Standard GSM, HSCSD.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_BEARER_TYPE _S("BearerType") // HSCSD or CSD?
/** RMobileCall::TMobileCallTchCoding value specifying HSCSD channel coding.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_CHANNEL_CODING _S("ChannelCoding") // Channel coding if HSCSD connection
/** RMobileCall::TMobileCallAiur value specifying AIUR for HSCSD.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_AIUR _S("AIUR") // AIUR is HSCSD connection
/** Requested number of time slots for HSCSD.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_REQUESTED_TIME_SLOTS _S("RequestedTimeSlots") // Requested time slots if HSCSD connection
/** Maximum number of time slots for HSCSD which could be requested during this
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_MAXIMUM_TIME_SLOTS _S("MaximumTimeSlots") // Maximum time slots if HSCSD connection
/** Reserved for future use.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_AUTHENTICATION _S("Authentication") // Authentication table/group (dial in only)
/** Enum of type RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataService.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_BEARER_SERVICE _S("BearerService")
/** Enum of type RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataProtocol.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_BEARER_PROTOCOL _S("BearerProtocol")
/** Enum of type RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataRLPVersion.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_RLP_VERSION _S("RlpVersion")
/** Integer specifying network to MS window size.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_IWF_TO_MS _S("IwfToMs")
/** Integer specifying MS to network window size.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_MS_TO_IWF _S("MsToIwf")
/** Integer specifying rlp ack timeout in microseconds.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_ACK_TIMER _S("AckTimer")
/** Integer specifying rlp retransmission attempts.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_RETRANSMISSION_ATTEMPTS _S("RetransmissionAttempts")
/** Integer specifying resequencing period.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_RESEQUENCE_PERIOD _S("ResequencePeriod")
/** Enum of type RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataV42bis.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_V42_COMPRESSION _S("V42Compression")
/** Integer specifying V42bis codewords.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_V42_CODEWORDS _S("V42Codewords")
/** Integer specifying V42bis maximum string length.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_V42_MAX_LENGTH _S("V42MaxLength")
/** Enum of type RMobileCall::TMobileCallAsymmetry for HSCSD.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_ASYMMETRY _S("Asymmetry")
/** HSCSD parameter - user init upgrade?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_USER_INIT_UPGRADE _S("UserInitUpgrade")
/** Use edge?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define ISP_USE_EDGE _S("UseEdge")
// Columns for `OUTGOING_WCDMA` and `INCOMING_WCDMA` tables.
// The following macros define values for the outgoing and incoming WCDMA table fields.
// Both tables have the same set of fields.
/** Access point name.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_APN _S("APN")
/** PDP (Packet Data Protocol, e.g. IP) type.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_PDP_TYPE _S("PDPType")
/** PDP address of the phone.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_PDP_ADDRESS _S("PDPAddress") // Phone IP address
/** Requested quality of service precedence class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSPrecedence. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_REQ_PRECEDENCE _S("ReqPrecedence")
/** Requested quality of service delay class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_REQ_DELAY _S("ReqDelay")
/** Requested quality of service reliability class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSReliability. This field may be left as NULL.*/
#define GPRS_REQ_RELIABILITY _S("ReqReliability")
/** Requested quality of service peak throughput.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSPeakThroughput. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_REQ_PEAK_THROUGHPUT _S("ReqPeakThroughput")
/** Requested quality of service mean throughput class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSMeanThroughput. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_REQ_MEAN_THROUGHPUT _S("ReqMeanThroughput")
/** Minimum quality of service precedence class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSPrecedence. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_MIN_PRECEDENCE _S("MinPrecedence")
/** Minimum quality of service delay class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_MIN_DELAY _S("MinDelay")
/** Minimum quality of service reliability class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSReliability. This field may be left as NULL.*/
#define GPRS_MIN_RELIABILITY _S("MinReliability")
/** Minimum quality of service peak throughput class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSMeanThroughput. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_MIN_PEAK_THROUGHPUT _S("MinPeakThroughput")
/** Minimum quality of service mean throughput class.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSMeanThroughput. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_MIN_MEAN_THROUGHPUT _S("MinMeanThroughput")
/** Whether data compression is on.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_DATA_COMPRESSION _S("DataCompression")
/** Whether IP header compression is on.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_HEADER_COMPRESSION _S("HeaderCompression")
/** Whether data compression is on and what type of compression should be used when using UMTS R5
Field type: TDataCompression. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_R5_DATA_COMPRESSION _S("R5DataCompression")
/** Whether IP header compression is on and what type of compression should be used when using UMTS R5
Field type: THeaderCompression. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_R5_HEADER_COMPRESSION _S("R5HeaderCompression")
/** Packet flow indicator - See table 10.5.161 of TS 24.008
Field type: TPacketFlowIdentifier. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_R4_PACKET_FLOW_IDENTIFIER _S("PacketFlowIdentifier")
/** Identifies the current UMTS/GPRS release in use.
Field type: TUmtsGprsRelease. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_UMTS_GPRS_RELEASE _S("UmtsGprsRelease")
/** Whether use of anonymous access is on.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS _S("AnonymousAccess")
/** Use edge?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_USE_EDGE _S("GprsUseEdge")
/** Interface parameter string.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Comma separated list of network protocols, e.g. "PPP".
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Whether to prompt user for authentication username and password.
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** Authentication username used by PPP.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Authentication password used by PPP.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Number of times to retry authentication if it fails.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP net mask of interface.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of the gateway.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Whether to get IP addresses (for the Symbian phone) from the server.
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of the Symbian phone
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Whether to get DNS addresses from the server.
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of the primary name server.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of the secondary name server.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Name of the ECOM configuration daemon manager component.
This component interfaces with the server identified in GPRS_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME.
If specified, GPRS_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME should also be specified.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Name of the configuration daemon server. This server is used to
provide further configuration for a connection, e.g. dynamic IP
address assignment. If specified, GPRS_CONFIG_DAEMON_MANAGER_NAME
should also be specified.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Whether to enable LCP extensions.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Whether to disable plain text authentication.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Service supports Internet only, WAP only or both.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_AP_TYPE _S("GprsAccessPointType")
/** If the requested QOS can not be satisfied warn the user after this time in microseconds.
Set to 0xffffffff to disable.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define GPRS_QOS_WARNING_TIMEOUT _S("QosWarningTimeout")
Link to the Gprs R99 Parameters Table
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL
#define QOS_UMTS_R99_AND_ON_TABLE _S("UmtsR99QoSAndOn")
// Columns of the `QOS R99 Parameters` Table.
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_TRAFFIC_CLASS _S("ReqTrafficClass")
#define GPRS_QOS_MIN_TRAFFIC_CLASS _S("MinTrafficClass")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_DELIVERY_ORDER _S("ReqDeliveryOrder")
#define GPRS_QOS_MIN_DELIVERY_ORDER _S("MinDeliveryOrder")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_MAX_UPLINK_RATE _S("ReqMaxUplinkRate")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_MIN_UPLINK_RATE _S("ReqMinUplinkRate")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_MAX_DOWNLINK_RATE _S("ReqMaxDownlinkRate")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_MIN_DOWNLINK_RATE _S("ReqMinDownlinkRate")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_BER _S("ReqBER")
#define GPRS_QOS_MAX_BER _S("MaxBER")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_TRAFFIC_HANDLING_PRIORITY _S("ReqTrafficHandlingPriority")
#define GPRS_QOS_MIN_TRAFFIC_HANDLING_PRIORITY _S("MinTrafficHandlingPriority")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_TRANSFER_DELAY _S("ReqTransferDelay")
#define GPRS_QOS_MAX_TRANSFER_DELAY _S("MaxTransferDelay")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_GUARANTEED_UPLINK_RATE _S("ReqGuaranteedUplinkRate")
#define GPRS_QOS_MIN_GUARANTEED_UPLINK_RATE _S("MinGuaranteedUplinkRat")
#define GPRS_QOS_REQ_GUARANTEED_DOWNLINK_RATE _S("ReqGuaranteedDownlinkRate")
#define GPRS_QOS_MIN_GUARANTEED_DOWNLINK_RATE _S("MinGuaranteedDownlinkRate")
#define GPRS_QOS_SIGNALLING_INDICATION _S("SignallingIndication")
#define GPRS_QOS_IM_CN_SIGNALLING_INDICATOR _S("IMCNSignallingIndication")
#define GPRS_QOS_SOURCE_STATISTICS_DESCRIPTOR _S("SourceStatisticsDescriptor")
// Columns of the `LAN_SERVICE` Table.
/** used when Bluetooth PAN profile or WLAN is in use */
#define LAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION_TABLE_NAME _S("LanServiceExtensionTableName")
#define LAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION_TABLE_RECORD_ID _S("LanServiceExtensionTableRecordId")
// Columns of the `PAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION` Table.
/** PAN role that the local device will act in. To dynamically select a role, use ECommDbPanRoleUnknown.
Field type: TCommDbBluetoothPanRole.*/
#define PAN_LOCAL_ROLE _S("LocalRole")
/** PAN role that the remote device will act in. To dynamically select a role, use ECommDbPanRoleUnknown.
Field type: TCommDbBluetoothPanRole.*/
#define PAN_PEER_ROLE _S("PeerRole")
/** A list of Bluetooth MAC addresses. If one address is specified, then PAN agent will connect to it. If more than one device address is specified (in a comma seperated list), then PAN agent will discover whether any of the devices are in range, and connect to one of them.
Field type: Comma-separated list of Bluetooth MAC addresses, with no "0x" preamble and no colons separating the digits*/
#define PAN_PEER_MAC_ADDRESSES _S("PeerMACAddresses")
/** Whether the agent should prompt the user to select the remote devices to which we will connect.
Field type: TBool*/
#define PAN_PROMPT_FOR_REMOTE_DEVICES _S("PromptForRemoteDevices")
/** Whether the remote role defined above should be accepted without performing an SDP query to ensure the remote device supports the specified role. Not recommended for use.
Field type: TBool*/
#define PAN_DISABLE_SDP_QUERY _S("DisableSdpQuery")
/** Whether the PAN agent should support incoming connections.
Field type: TBool*/
#define PAN_ALLOW_INCOMING _S("AllowIncomingConnections")
/** Whether the agent should prompt the user to select the remote device to which we will connect if we cannot connect to any device specified in the MAC list.
Field type: TBool*/
#define PAN_PROMPT_IF_MAC_LIST_FAILS _S("PromptIfMACListFails")
/** Whether the device is enabled for NAP service (to be used as a modem) for a particular connection
Field type: TBool
#define PAN_NAP_SERVICE_ENABLED _S("NapServiceEnabled")
/** Columns of all bearer tables */
#define AGENT_NAME _S("Agent")
#define LAST_SOCKET_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT _S("LastSocketActivityTimeout")
#define LAST_SESSION_CLOSED_TIMEOUT _S("LastSessionClosedTimeout")
#define LAST_SOCKET_CLOSED_TIMEOUT _S("LastSocketClosedTimeout")
// Columns of the `MODEM BEARER` table.
// The following macros define values for the Modem Bearer table fields.
// Note that in v7.0s, this table changed its name from MODEM to MODEM_BEARER.
// In v6.1 there can be only a single record in this table.
/** Agent identifier.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** NIF name.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** BCA (Baseband Channel Adaptor) Stack.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Comm port name.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_PORT_NAME _S("PortName")
/** The modem control channel port name.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CONTROL_CHANNEL_PORT_NAME _S("ControlChannelPortName")
/** TSY name.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_TSY_NAME _S("TSYName")
/** CSY name.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CSY_NAME _S("CSYName")
/** Data bits (TDataBits value).
Field type: TUint8. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_DATA_BITS _S("DataBits") // Data Bits to use for ISP or Modem
/** Stop bits.
This is a TStopBits value.
Field type: TUint8. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_STOP_BITS _S("StopBits") // Stop Bits to use for ISP or Modem
/** Parity.
This is a TParity value.
Field type: TUint8. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_PARITY _S("Parity") // Parity Type to use for ISP or Modem
/** Baud rate.
This is a TBps value.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_RATE _S("Rate")
/** Handshaking.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_HANDSHAKING _S("Handshaking")
/** Special rate.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPECIAL_RATE _S("SpecialRate")
/** Xon character.
Field type: TUint8. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_XON_CHAR _S("XonChar")
/** Xoff Character.
Field type: TUint8. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_XOFF_CHAR _S("XoffChar")
/** Preferred fax class.
This is a TFaxClass value.
Field type: TUint8. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_FAX_CLASS_PREF _S("FaxClassPref")
/** Preferred speaker mode.
This is a TCommsDbModemSpeakerSetting value.
Field type: TUint8. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_PREF _S("SpeakerPref")
/** Preferred speaker volume.
This is a TCommsDbModemSpeakerVolume value.
Field type: TUint8. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_VOL_PREF _S("SpeakerVolPref")
/** General modem initialisation string
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_MODEM_INIT_STRING _S("ModemInitString")
/** Data initialisation string
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_DATA_INIT_STRING _S("DataInitString")
/** Fax initialisation string.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_FAX_INIT_STRING _S("FaxInitString")
/** ISP Initialisation string. This field is written from the ISP_INIT_STRING. Should not be accessed by user.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_ISP_INIT_STRING _S("IspInitString") // To be written by NetDial from ISP_INIT_STRING.
/** Command to modify the pause created during dialling using the comma character
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_DIAL_PAUSE_LENGTH _S("DialPauseLength")
/** Command to set the time out the modem uses when establishing a link before
giving up and returning to command mode.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CARRIER_TIMEOUT _S("CarrierTimeout")
/** Command to set the number of rings before the modem auto answers.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_AUTO_ANSWER_RING_COUNT _S("AutoAnswerRingCount")
/** Command to set the modem speaker volume to low.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
// This field is left misspelled to preserve backward compatibility
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_VOL_CONTROL_LOW _S("SpeakerVolContorlLow")
/** Command to set the modem speaker volume to medium.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_VOL_CONTROL_MEDIUM _S("SpeakerVolControlMedium")
/** Command to set the modem speaker volume to high.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_VOL_CONTROL_HIGH _S("SpeakerVolControlHigh")
/** Command to set the modem speaker off.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_ALWAYS_OFF _S("SpeakerAlwaysOff")
/** Command to set the modem speaker on until the carrier.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_ON_UNTIL_CARRIER _S("SpeakerOnUntilCarrier")
/** Command to set the modem speaker on
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_ALWAYS_ON _S("SpeakerAlwaysOn")
/** Command to set the modem speaker on except during dialling.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SPEAKER_ON_AFTER_DIAL_UNTIL_CARRIER _S("SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier")
/** The dial command modifier to wait for dial tone.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_DIAL_TONE_WAIT_MODIFIER _S("DialToneWaitModifier")
/** Disable busy and dial tone detection.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CALL_PROGRESS_1 _S("CallProgress1") // Dialtone & busy detection disabled, result codes 0-5,10
/** Dial tone detection enabled, busy detection disabled.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CALL_PROGRESS_2 _S("CallProgress2") // Dialtone detection enabled & busy detection disabled, result codes 0-6,10
/** Dial tone detection disabled, busy detection enabled.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CALL_PROGRESS_3 _S("CallProgress3") // Dialtone detection disabled , but busy detection enabled, result codes 0-5,7,10
/** Dial tone and busy detection enabled.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CALL_PROGRESS_4 _S("CallProgress4") // Dialtone detection & busy detection enabled, result codes 0-7,10
/** Switch echo mode off.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_ECHO_OFF _S("EchoOff")
/** Switch verbose mode on.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_VERBOSE_TEXT _S("VerboseText")
/** Switch quiet mode on.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_QUIET_ON _S("QuietOn")
/** Switch quiet mode off.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_QUIET_OFF _S("QuietOff")
/** Dial command modifier to return to command mode after dialling.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_DIAL_COMMAND_STATE_MODIFIER _S("DialCommandStateModifier")
/** Enter on-line mode from on-line command mode.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_ON_LINE _S("OnLine")
/** Reset the modem configuration.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_RESET_CONFIGURATION _S("ResetConfiguration")
/** Return the modem configuration to its factory defaults.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_RETURN_TO_FACTORY_DEFS _S("ReturnToFactoryDefs")
/** Command the modem to only assert DCD when a carrier is actually detected, i.e.
while the link is up.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_DCD_ON_DURING_LINK _S("DCDOnDuringLink")
/** Command the modem to hang up the current call when the DTE drops the DTR line.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_DTR_HANG_UP _S("DTRHangUp")
/** Command the modem to always assert DSR.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_DSR_ALWAYS_ON _S("DSRAlwaysOn")
/** Command the modem to use RTS/CTS flow control.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Command the modem to use software flow control.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_XON_XOFF_HANDSHAKE _S("XonXoffHandshake")
/** The character used by the DTE to return to command mode from on-line mode.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_ESCAPE_CHARACTER _S("EscapeCharacter")
/** Command the modem to use a particular escape sequence guard period.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_ESCAPE_GUARD_PERIOD _S("EscapeGuardPeriod")
/** Ask the modem which fax modes are supported.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_FAX_CLASS_INTERROGATE _S("FaxClassInterrogate")
/** Set the fax mode.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_FAX_CLASS _S("FaxClass")
/** Modem response when no dial tone is detected.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_NO_DIAL_TONE _S("NoDialTone")
/** Modem response when a busy tone is detected.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_BUSY _S("Busy")
/** Modem response when no answer is detected.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_NO_ANSWER _S("NoAnswer")
/** Carrier report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CARRIER _S("Carrier")
/** Connection report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_CONNECT _S("Connect")
/** Compression Class 5 report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_COMPRESSION_CLASS_5 _S("CompressionClass5")
/** Compression V.42 bis report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_COMPRESSION_V42BIS _S("CompressionV42bis")
/** No compression report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_COMPRESSION_NONE _S("CompressionNone")
/** LAPD protocol report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_PROTOCOL_LAPD _S("ProtocolLAPD")
/** ALT protocol report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_PROTOCOL_ALT _S("ProtocolALT")
/** ALT-CELLULAR report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** No protocol report message.
Field type: 8-Bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_PROTOCOL_NONE _S("ProtocolNone")
/** Phone number of message centre.
Field type: TUint16. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_MESSAGE_CENTRE_NUMBER _S("MessageCentreNumber")
/** Validity period for SMS in minutes.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_MESSAGE_VALIDITY_PERIOD _S("MessageValidityPeriod")
/** Whether to produce an SMS delivery report.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_REPORT _S("MessageDeliveryReport")
/** Minimum signal level.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_MIN_SIGNAL_LEVEL _S("MinimumSignalLevel")
/** SIR settings.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_SIR_SETTINGS _S("SIRSettings")
/** Whether comm port should be opened in the role of DTE or DCE
Contents is a bit mask (see KModemCommRoleDCE)
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define MODEM_COMM_ROLE _S("CommRole")
/*Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. This is a TCommsDbBearerType value. */
#define BEARER_TECHNOLOGY _S("BearerTechnology")
// Columns of the 'LAN Bearer' table
#define LAN_BEARER_PACKET_DRIVER_NAME _S("PacketDriverName")
// Columns of the `LOCATION` table.
// The following macros define values for the Location table fields.
// Note that in v6.1 there can be only a single record in this table.
/** International prefix code.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_INTL_PREFIX_CODE _S("IntlPrefixCode")
/** National prefix code.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_NAT_PREFIX_CODE _S("NatPrefixCode")
/** National code.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_NAT_CODE _S("NatCode")
/** Area code.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_AREA_CODE _S("AreaCode")
/** Number to dial for an outside line.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_DIAL_OUT_CODE _S("DialOutCode")
/** Code to dial to disable call waiting facility.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_DISABLE_CALL_WAITING_CODE _S("DisableCallWaitingCode")
/** Mobile phone?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_MOBILE _S("Mobile")
/** Use pulse dialling?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_USE_PULSE_DIAL _S("UsePulseDial")
/** Wait for the dial tone?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_WAIT_FOR_DIAL_TONE _S("WaitForDialTone")
/** Pause time after dial out.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define LOCATION_PAUSE_AFTER_DIAL_OUT _S("PauseAfterDialout")
// Columns of the `CHARGECARD` table
// The following macros define values for the Chargecard table fields.
/** Account number.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CHARGECARD_ACCOUNT_NUMBER _S("AccountNumber")
/** PIN number.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CHARGECARD_PIN _S("Pin")
/** Order of dialling account number, PIN and phone number for local calls.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CHARGECARD_LOCAL_RULE _S("LocalRule")
/** Order of dialling account number, PIN and phone number for national calls.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CHARGECARD_NAT_RULE _S("NatRule")
/** Order of dialling account number, PIN and phone number for international calls.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CHARGECARD_INTL_RULE _S("IntlRule")
// Columns of the `PROXIES` table.
// The following macros define values for the Proxies table fields.
/** Identifier of the associated ISP record.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL.*/
#define PROXY_ISP _S("ISP") // ISP with which these proxies are associated
/** The table from which the PROXY_ISP has been taken.
This is necessary as GPRS records as well as ISP records can have proxy settings
associated with them.
If this field is read and its length is zero, the value DIAL_OUT_ISP is returned,
as it is assumed that any client that has not written this field is assuming
that proxies are only available to the dial out ISP and not other service
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define PROXY_SERVICE_TYPE _S("ProxyServiceType")
/** Use proxy server?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define PROXY_USE_PROXY_SERVER _S("UseProxyServer")
/** Name of the host.
Field type: Long Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define PROXY_SERVER_NAME _S("ProxyServerName") // Name of the proxy server
/** Name of the protocol for which this proxy can be used.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define PROXY_PROTOCOL_NAME _S("ProtocolName")
/** Port number.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define PROXY_PORT_NUMBER _S("PortNumber")
/** Semi-colon separated list of the addresses for which the proxy server should
not be used.
Field type: Long Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define PROXY_EXCEPTIONS _S("Exceptions")
// Columns of the `WAP_ACCESS_POINT` table. The following macros define values
// for the WAP access point table fields.
/** Text string indicating the name of the table from which to read the bearer
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_CURRENT_BEARER _S("CurrentBearer")
/** WAP start page URL.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_START_PAGE _S("StartPage")
// Columns common to the `WAP_IP_BEARER` and `WAP_SMS_BEARER` tables.
// The following macros define values for the WAP IP bearer and WAP SMS bearer table fields.
// These tables have no COMMDB_NAME field.
/** ID of the WAP Access Point record to which this bearer information refers.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL.*/
#define WAP_ACCESS_POINT_ID _S("AccessPointId")
/** WAP gateway address: an IP address or phone number.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_GATEWAY_ADDRESS _S("GatewayAddress")
/** Whether connection-oriented or connectionless API should be used.
This is a TCommsDbWapWspOption value.
Field type: TUint8. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_WSP_OPTION _S("WSPOption") // Connectionless or Connection-oriented
/** Attempt secure WTLS connection to the gateway.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_SECURITY _S("Security")
// Additional Columns of the `WAP_IP_BEARER` table.
/** Identifier of a record in the IAP table to be used.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_IAP _S("IAP")
/** Proxy port number. Required for WAP2.0 only.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_PROXY_PORT _S("ProxyPortNumber")
/** Proxy login name. Required for WAP2.0 only.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_PROXY_LOGIN_NAME _S("ProxyLogin")
/** Proxy login password. Required for WAP2.0 only.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_PROXY_LOGIN_PASS _S("ProxyPassword")
// Additional Column of the `WAP_SMS_BEARER` table.
/** Service Centre Address.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define WAP_SERVICE_CENTRE_ADDRESS _S("ServiceCentreAddress")
// The following macros define values for the Bluetooth device table fields.
// These tables have no COMMDB_NAME field.
// Column common to the `BT_DEVICE_TABLE` and `BT_SECURITY_TABLE` tables.
/** Bluetooth device address.
Field type: 8-bit Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DEV_ADD _S("DeviceAddress")
// Additional Columns of the `BT_DEVICE_TABLE` table.
/** Bluetooth device default name.
Field type: Long text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DEV_DFLT_NAME _S("DeviceDefaultName")
/** Bluetooth device friendly name.
Field type: Long text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DEV_FRIENDLY_NAME _S("DeviceFriendlyName")
/** Bluetooth device class.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DEVICE_CLASS _S("DeviceClass")
/** Bluetooth Link key.
Field type: 8-bit Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_LINKKEY _S("DeviceLinkKey")
/** Bluetooth device state.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DEV_STATE _S("DeviceStatus")
/** Bluetooth device global security setting.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DEVICE_GLOBAL_SECURITY _S("DeviceGlobalSecurity")
/** Bluetooth page scan repetition mode.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_PAGE_SCAN_REP_MODE _S("DevicePageScanRepMode")
/** Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_PAGE_SCAN_PERIOD_MODE _S("DevicePageScanPeriodMode")
/** Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_PAGE_SCAN_MODE _S("DevicePageScanMode")
/** Internal*/
#define BT_SPARE _S("DeviceSpareInfo")
/** Bluetooth clock offset.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_CLK_OFFSET _S("DeviceClkOffset")
/** Bluetooth class of device.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_COD _S("DeviceClassOfDevice")
// Additional Columns of the `WAP_SMS_BEARER` table.
/** Bluetooth security UID.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_SEC_UID _S("BTSecurityUID")
/** Bluetooth security device.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_SEC_DEVICE_SECURITY _S("BTSecurityDevice")
// Columns of the `BT_DEFAULT_TABLE` table.
// The following macros define values for the Bluetooth Default table fields.
// This table has no COMMDB_NAME field.
/** Bluetooth default service name.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DFLT_SER_NAME _S("DefaultServicename")
/** Bluetooth default service ID.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DFLT_SER_UUID _S("DefaultServiceUID")
/** Bluetooth default device address.
Field type: 8-bit Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DFLT_DEV_ADD _S("DefaultDeviceAddress")
/** Bluetooth default virtual port number.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DFLT_VIRTUAL_PORT _S("DefaultVirtualPort")
/** Bluetooth default security level.
Field type: TUint8. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define BT_DFLT_SECURITY_LEVEL _S("DefaultSecurityLevel")
// Columns of the BT Persistance Table
// The following macros define values for the Bluetooth Persist table fields.
// This table has no COMMDB_NAME field.
// These items are all internal and not intended for use.
#define BT_PERSIST_COD _S("ClassOfDevice")
#define BT_PERSIST_PAGE_TIMEOUT _S("PageTimeout")
#define BT_PERSIST_PAGE_SCAN_INTERVAL _S("PageScanInterval")
#define BT_PERSIST_PAGE_SCAN_WINDOW _S("PageScanWindow")
#define BT_PERSIST_INQUIRY_SCAN_INTERVAL _S("InquiryScanInterval")
#define BT_PERSIST_INQUIRY_SCAN_WINDOW _S("InquiryScanWindow")
#define BT_PERSIST_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY _S("HoldModeActivity")
#define BT_PERSIST_PAGE_SCAN_PERIOD _S("PageScanPeriod")
#define BT_PERSIST_PAGE_SCAN_MODE _S("PageScanMode")
#define BT_PERSIST_POWER_SETTINGS _S("PowerSettings")
#define BT_PERSIST_SCAN _S("Scan")
#define BT_PERSIST_LOCAL_NAME _S("LocalName")
#define BT_PERSIST_IAC_LAP _S("IacLap")
#define BT_PERSIST_STATE _S("PersistState")
// Columns for `SS_PROTO_TABLE` table
// The following macros define values for the SS Proto table fields.
// This table has no COMMDB_NAME field.
/** Secure Sockets protocol name.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define SS_PROTO_NAME _S("ProtocolName")
/** Secure Sockets protocol library.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define SS_PROTO_LIBRARY _S("ProtoLibrary")
// Columns of the `DEFAULT_GPRS` table.
// The following macros define values for the Default GPRS fields.
// GPRS Phase 1 requires that a default PDP (Packet Data Protocol, e.g. IP4)
// context configuration for GPRS is stored for use when no other configuration
// information is specified for a context by the terminal. This table is
// provided for this purpose. Defaults can be used when the device
// is used as a GPRS modem with an external device that does not specify GPRS
// parameters for the connection.In release v6.1 the enums that are now in
// RPacketContext and RPacketQoS were in RGprsContext.The following macros
// define the fields for the table. The description is followed by the field
// type, and whether the specified field may be left null or not.
/** Specifies usage of this default.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_USAGE _S("Usage")
/** Default access point name.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** Default PDP type (e.g. IP4).
The enum RPacketContext::TProtocolType defines valid values for this field.
Field type: TUint32. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** Default PDP address.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** Default quality of service precedence class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSPrecedence.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_PRECEDENCE _S("Precedence")
/** Default quality of service delay class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_DELAY _S("Delay")
/** Default quality of service reliability class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSReliability.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_RELIABILITY _S("Reliability")
/** Default quality of service peak throughput class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSPeakThroughput.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_PEAK_THROUGHPUT _S("PeakThroughput")
/** Default quality of service mean throughput class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSMeanThroughput.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_MEAN_THROUGHPUT _S("MeanThroughput")
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_MIN_PRECEDENCE _S("MinPrecedence")
/** Minimum quality of service delay class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_MIN_DELAY _S("MinDelay")
/** Default minimum quality of service reliability class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSReliability.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_MIN_RELIABILITY _S("MinReliability")
/** Default minimum quality of service peak throughput class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSMeanThroughput.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_MIN_PEAK_THROUGHPUT _S("MinPeakThroughput")
/** Default minimum quality of service mean throughput class.
Values for this are defined by the enum RPacketQoS::TQoSMeanThroughput.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_MIN_MEAN_THROUGHPUT _S("MinMeanThroughput")
/** Default value for whether data compression is on.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_DATA_COMPRESSION _S("DataCompression")
/** Default value for whether IP header compression is on.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_HEADER_COMPRESSION _S("HeaderCompression")
/** Default value for whether use of anonymous access is on.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS _S("AnonymousAccess")
/** Default value for EDGE parameter
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define DEFAULT_GPRS_USE_EDGE _S("GprsUseEdge")
// Columns of the `AGENT_LOOKUP` table
// The following macros define values for the Agent Lookup fields.
// This table has no COMMDB_NAME field.
/** The Agent's name.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define AGENT_FRIENDLY_NAME _S("AgentFriendlyName")
/** The internal file location of the agent.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define AGENT_FILENAME _S("AgentFilename")
/* Field type: Text. This field must not be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_IWF_NAME _S("IwfName")
/** Mask indicating valid service options.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketContext::TServiceOption. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_SERVICE_OPTION _S("ServiceOption")
/** PDP type. (IPv4 or IPv6).
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketContext::TProtocolType. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_PDP_TYPE _S("PdpType")
/** PDP address of phone.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_PDP_ADDRESS _S("PdpAddress")
/** Requested forward priority.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSLinkPriority. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_REQ_FWD_PRIORITY _S("ReqFwdPriority")
/** Requested reverse priority.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSLinkPriority. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_REQ_REV_PRIORITY _S("ReqRevPriority")
/** Requested forward bitrate.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDataRate. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_REQ_FWD_BITRATE _S("ReqFwdBitrate")
/** Requested reverse bitrate.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDataRate. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_REQ_REV_BITRATE _S("ReqRevBitrate")
/** Requested forward frame loss rate.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDataLoss. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_REQ_FWD_LOSS _S("ReqFwdLoss")
/** Requested reverse frame loss rate.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDataLoss. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_REQ_REV_LOSS _S("ReqRevLoss")
/** Requested forward delay.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_REQ_FWD_MAXDELAY _S("ReqFwdMaxdelay")
/** Requested reverse delay.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_REQ_REV_MAXDELAY _S("ReqRevMaxdelay")
/** Minimum acceptable forward bitrate.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDataRate. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIN_FWD_BITRATE _S("MinFwdBitrate")
/** Minimum acceptable reverse bitrate.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDataRate. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIN_REV_BITRATE _S("MinRevBitrate")
/** Maximum acceptable forward frame loss rate.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDataLoss. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_ACCPT_FWD_LOSS _S("AccptFwdLoss")
/** Maximum acceptable forward frame loss rate.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDataLoss. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_ACCPT_REV_LOSS _S("AccptRevLoss")
/** Maximum acceptable forward delay.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_ACCPT_FWD_MAXDELAY _S("AccptFwdMaxdelay")
/** Maximum acceptable reverse delay.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TQoSDelay. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_ACCPT_REV_MAXDELAY _S("AccptRevMaxdelay")
/** Data compression on?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_DATA_COMPRESSION _S("DataCompression")
/** Van Jacobson IP header compression on?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Use anonymous access on?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS _S("AnonymousAccess")
/** Interface parameter string.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Comma separated list of network protocols, e.g. "PPP".
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Always reject PPP peer authentication requests when using external IP configuration.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Prompt user for authentication username and password?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** Authentication username used by PPP in the Simple IP case or
by the Mobile IP implementation when Mobile IP is enabled.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Authentication password used by PPP.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Number of times to retry authentication if it fails.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP Net mask of Symbian OS mobile network interface.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP address of gateway.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Get IP addresses (for Symbian OS mobile) from server?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
IP address (of Symbian OS mobile), to be used by PPP and TCP/IP.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Get DNS addresses from server?
Field type: TBool. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** IP Address of primary name server.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP Address of secondary name server.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Get IP6 DNS address from Server?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP6 address of the primary name server
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP6 address of the secondary name server
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP address valid from this time,
used to store dynamically assigned address lease info.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** IP address valid to this time,
used to store dynamically assigned address lease info.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Name of the ECOM configuration daemon manager component.
This component interfaces with the server identified in CDMA_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME.
If specified, CDMA_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME should also be specified.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Name of the configuration daemon server. This server is used to
provide further configuration for a connection, e.g. dynamic IP
address assignment. If specified, CDMA_CONFIG_DAEMON_MANAGER_NAME
should also be specified.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Enable LCP extensions?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Disable plain text authentication?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Service supports Internet only, WAP only or both.
Field type: TUint32 from TCommsDbIspType. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_AP_TYPE _S("ApType")
/** Notify user if the requested QOS can not be satisfied for this time in microseconds.
Set to 0xffffffff to disable.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_QOS_WARNING_TIMEOUT _S("QosWarningTimeout")
/** Transparent or non-transparent radio link protocol.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketQoS::TRLPMode. This field may not be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_RLP_MODE _S("RlpMode")
// Deprecated Mobile IP fields
/** Attempt to use the mobile IP protocol.
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP _S("CDMAMobileIP")
/** Home agent address.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_HA_ADDRESS _S("HomeAgentAddress")
/** A normal reconnect (informing the user) takes place if not both the PPP link
drops and a change in SID or NID is received with in this time (in milliseconds).
If they do, an automatic reconnect takes place.
Field type: TUint32 This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_TIMEOUT _S("CDMAMobileIPTimeout")
// The following fields define the specific CDMA parameters provisioned through OTA
// and defined in TIA-683B section 3.5.8
// These fields replace the old MIP fields (CDMA_MIP, CDMA_MIP_HA_ADDRESS,
/** Defines the type of NAI this record refers to (SimpleIP or MobileIP).
Possible values: ECommDbCdmaNaiSimpleIp, ECommDbCdmaNaiMobileIp. Replaces the
CDMA_MIP field.
Field type: TUint32. This field must not be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_NAI_TYPE _S("CDMANaiType")
/** SimpleIP authentication algorithm. Possible values (TCommDbCdmaSimpIpAuthAlgorithm):
0000 - No authentication
0001 - PPP CHAP authentication
0002 - PPP PAP authentication
0003 - PPP CHAP to PAP fallback
Field type: TUint32, for the enum TCommDbCdmaSimpIpAuthAlgorithm. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_SIMIP_AUTH_ALGORITHM _S("CDMASimpleIpAuthAlgorithm")
/** SimpleIP PAP shared secret handle
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_SIMIP_PAP_SS_HANDLE _S("CDMASimpleIpPapSsHandle")
/** SimpleIP CHAP shared secret handle
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_SIMIP_CHAP_SS_HANDLE _S("CDMASimpleIpChapSsHandle")
/** Reverse-tunnelling required flag.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_T_BIT _S("CDMAMobileIpTBit")
/** Home address associated with the Mobile Station.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_HOME_ADDRESS _S("CDMAMobileIpHomeAddress")
/** IP address of the mobile node's primary home agent.
Replaces the CDMA_MIP_HA_ADDRESS field.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_PRIMARY_HOME_AGENT _S("CDMAMobileIpPrimaryHomeAgent")
/** IP address of the mobile node's secondary home agent.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_SECONDARY_HOME_AGENT _S("CDMAMobileIpSecondaryHomeAgent")
/** Authentication algorithm (MN-AAA). Possible values:
0000 - No authentication
0001 - MD5 authentication (IETF RFC 2002)
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_AAA_AUTH_ALGORITHM _S("CDMAMobileIpMnAaaAuthAlgorithm")
/** Security Parameter Index Indicator (MN-AAA)
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_AAA_SPI_INDICATOR _S("CDMAMobileIpMnAaaSpiIndicator")
/** Security Parameter Index (MN-AAA).
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_AAA_SPI _S("CDMAMobileIpMnAaaSpi")
/** MobileIP MN-AAA shared secret data.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_AAA_SS_DATA _S("CDMAMobileIpMnAaaSsData")
/** Authentication algorithm (MN-HA). Possible values:
0000 - No authentication
0001 - MD5 authentication (IETF RFC 2002)
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_HA_AUTH_ALGORITHM _S("CDMAMobileIpMnHaAuthAlgorithm")
/** Security Parameter Index Indicator (MN-HA)
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_HA_SPI_INDICATOR _S("CDMAMobileIpMnHaSpiIndicator")
/** Security Parameter Index (MN-HA)
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_HA_SPI _S("CDMAMobileIpMnHaSpi")
/** MobileIP MN-HA shared secret data.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MN_HA_SS_DATA _S("CDMAMobileIpMnHaSsData")
/** Fundamental channel multiplex option
Field type: TUint32. */
#define CDMA_FCH_MUX _S("CDMAFchMux")
/** Supplemental channel multiplex option
Field type: TUint32. */
#define CDMA_SCH_MUX _S("CDMASchMux")
/** IWF name.
Field type: Text. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** Mask indicating valid service options.
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketContext::TServiceOption. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** PDP type. (IPv4 or IPv6).
Field type: TUint32 from RPacketContext::TProtocolType. This field may not be left as NULL. */
/** PDP address of phone.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Data compression?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Van Jacobson IP header compression on?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
/** Use anonymous access?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL. */
// Default values for the deprecated Mobile IP fields.
/** Default CDMA mobile IP?
Field type: TBool. This field may be left as NULL.
@deprecated */
/** CDMA mobile IP home address.
Field type: Text. This field may be left as NULL.
@deprecated */
/** CDMA Mobile IP timeout.
Field type: TUint32. This field may be left as NULL.
@deprecated */
/** Default fundamental channel multiplex option
Field type: TUint32. */
/** Default supplemental channel multiplex option
Field type: TUint32. */
// The following fields define the specific CDMA parameters provisioned through OTA
// and defined in TIA-683B section 3.5.8
/** Defines the active operation mode in the mobile station. Possible values:
00 - SimpleIP only
01 - MobileIP with SimpleIP fallback
10 - MobileIP only
Field type: TUint32. */
#define CDMA_OP_MODE _S("CDMAOperationMode")
/** Maximum number of retries for MobileIP registration.
Field type: TUint32. */
#define CDMA_MIP_MAX_NUM_RETRY _S("CDMAMobileIpMaxNumRetry")
/** Amount of time between the first and second MobileIP registration requests,
while the Mobile Station did not receive a Registration Reply (units of 250ms).
Field type: TUint32. */
#define CDMA_MIP_FIRST_RETRY_TIMEOUT _S("CDMAMobileIpFirstRetryTimeout")
/** Re-registration threshold (time in minutes before the expiration of the registration
Field type: TUint32. */
#define CDMA_MIP_REREG_THRESHOLD _S("CDMAMobileIpReregThreshold")
/** Columns of the `VIRTUAL_BEARER table` */
/** Columns of the `VIRTUAL_SERVICE table` */
#define VPN_SERVICE_POLICY _S("Policy")
#define VPN_SERVICE_IAP _S("HomeIAP")
#define VPN_SERVICE_NETWORKID _S("HomeNetwork")
/** Columns of the `WLAN_SERVICE table` */
#define WLAN_PROFILE _S("Wlan_Profile")
#define WLAN_SSID _S("Wlan_SSID")
#define WLAN_ENCRYPTION_STATUS _S("Wlan_Encryption_Status")
#define WLAN_ENCRYPTION_TYPE _S("Wlan_Encryption_Type")
#define WLAN_DEFAULT_WEP_KEY _S("Wlan_Wep_Default_Key")
#define WLAN_ENCRYPT_KEY1_VALID _S("Wlan_Key1_Valid")
#define WLAN_WEP_Key1 _S("Wlan_Wep_Key1")
#define WLAN_ENCRYPT_KEY2_VALID _S("Wlan_Key2_Valid")
#define WLAN_WEP_KEY2 _S("Wlan_Wep_Key2")
#define WLAN_ENCRYPT_KEY3_VALID _S("Wlan_Key3_Valid")
#define WLAN_WEP_KEY3 _S("Wlan_Wep_Key3")
#define WLAN_ENCRYPT_KEY4_VALID _S("Wlan_Key4_Valid")
#define WLAN_WEP_KEY4 _S("Wlan_Wep_Key4")
#define WLANRANKING _S("Wlan_Ranking")
#define WLAN_DIALOG_PREF _S("Wlan_Dialog_Pref")
#define WLAN_NETWORK_TYPE _S("Wlan_Network_Type")
#define WLAN_FRAG_THRES _S("Wlan_Frag_Threshold")
#define WLAN_RTS_THRES _S("Wlan_RTS_Threshold")
#define WLAN_DES_TRANS_RATE _S("Wlan_Desired_Transmit_Rate")
#define WLAN_BEACON_INT _S("Wlan_Beacon_Int")
#define WLAN_CHANNEL_ID _S("Wlan_Channel_ID")
#define WLAN_AUTHENTICATION_MODE _S("Wlan_Authentication_Mode")
#define WLAN_POWERSAVE_MODE _S("Wlan_Power_Save_Mode")
#define WLAN_ALLOW_UNENCRYPT_MODE _S("Wlan_Allow_UnEncrypt_Mode")
#define WLAN_ALLOW_SHORT_PRE _S("Wlan_Allow_Short_Preamble")
#define WLAN_PREAMBLE_TYPE _S("Wlan_Preamble_Type")
#define WLAN_TX_POWER_LEVEL _S("Wlan_TX_Power_Level")
#define WLAN_EAP_PRESHARED_KEY _S("Wlan_EAP_Preshared_Key")
#define WLAN_REG_DOMAIN _S("Wlan_Reglutory_Domain")
#define WLAN_SEC_DATA _S("Wlan_Security_Data")
/** Columns of the `NETWORK table` */
#define HOST_NAME _S("HostName")
/** Columns of the AccessPoint table */
#define ACCESS_POINT_GID _S("AccessPointGID")
#define ACCESS_POINT_POLICY _S("AccessPointSelectionPolicy")
#define ACCESS_POINT_TIER _S("Tier")
#define ACCESS_POINT_MCPR _S("MCpr")
#define ACCESS_POINT_CPR _S("Cpr")
#define ACCESS_POINT_SCPR _S("SCpr")
#define ACCESS_POINT_PROTOCOL _S("Protocol")
#define ACCESS_POINT_CUSTOM_SELECTION_POLICY _S("CustomSelectionPolicy")
#define ACCESS_POINT_PRIORITY _S("Priority")
#define TIER_IMPL_UID _S("TierImplUid")
#define TIER_THREAD_NAME _S("TierThreadName")
#define TIER_MANAGER_NAME _S("TierManagerName")
#define DEFAULT_ACCESS_POINT _S("DefaultAccessPoint")
#define MCPR_UID _S("MCprUid")
#define CPR_UID _S("CprUid")
#define SCPR_UID _S("SCprUid")
#define PROTOCOL_UID _S("ProtocolUid")
#define PROTOCOL_CONFIG_LOADER_UID _S("ProtocolConfigLoaderUid")
#define PROTOCOL_CONFIG _S("ProtocolConfig")
#define LAYER_BELOW _S("LayerBelow")
#define EAPSIM_PROTOCOL_ID _S("ProtocolId")
#define EAPAKA_PROTOCOL_ID _S("ProtocolId")
#define SELECTION_POLICY_AP10 _S("AP10")
#define SELECTION_POLICY_AP11 _S("AP11")
#define SELECTION_POLICY_AP12 _S("AP12")
#define SELECTION_POLICY_AP13 _S("AP13")
#define SELECTION_POLICY_AP14 _S("AP14")
#define SELECTION_POLICY_AP15 _S("AP15")
#define EAPSIM_PROTOCOL_ID _S("ProtocolId")
#define EAPAKA_PROTOCOL_ID _S("ProtocolId")
/** Columns of the `EAP Security Settings table` */
#define EAP_SEC_OUTER_EAP_TYPE _S("OuterEapMethodType")
#define EAP_SEC_ID _S("EapId")
#define EAP_SEC_PASSWORD _S("EapPassword")
#define EAP_SEC_CONFIGID _S("ConfigId")
#define EAP_SEC_DATA _S("EAP_Method_Data")
#define EAP_SEC_VENDORID _S("EapVendorId")
#define EAP_SEC_VENDORTYPE _S("EapVendorType")
/** Columns of the `Tunnelled EAP Settings Table` */
#define TUN_EAP_INNERTYPE _S("InnerEapMethodType")
#define TUN_EAP_DATA _S("Tun_EAP_Method_Data")
/** Columns of the `EAP-TLS Settings Table` */
#define EAP_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_NAME _S("ClientCertificateName")
/** Columns of the `LEAP Settings Table` */
#define EAP_LEAP_TIMEOUT _S("LeapTimeout")
/** Columns of the base `Params Table` */
#define STYPEID _S("STypeId")
/** Columns of the `PolicySelector Table` */
#define POLICYID _S("PolicyId")
#define APPUID _S("AppUid")
#define SRCADDRESS _S("SrcAddress")
#define SRCMASK _S("SrcMask")
#define DSTADDRESS _S("DstAddress")
#define DSTMASK _S("DstMask")
#define SRCPORT _S("SrcPort")
#define DSTPORT _S("DstPort")
#define SRCPORTMAX _S("SrcPortMax")
#define DSTPORTMAX _S("DstPortMax")
#define PROTOCOLID _S("ProtocolId")
#define IAPID _S("IapId")
#define PRIORITY _S("Priority")
/** Columns of the `PolicySelector2Params Table` */
#define POLICYSELECTORID _S("PolicySelectorId")
#define PARAMSID _S("ParamsId")
/** Columns of the `GenericQos Table` */
#define DOWNLINKBANDWIDTH _S("DownlinkBandwidth")
#define UPLINKBANDWIDTH _S("UplinkBandwidth")
#define DOWNLINKMAXIMUMBURSTSIZE _S("DownLinkMaximumBurstSize")
#define UPLINKMAXIMUMBURSTSIZE _S("UpLinkMaximumBurstSize")
#define DOWNLINKAVERAGEPACKETSIZE _S("DownLinkAveragePacketSize")
#define UPLINKAVERAGEPACKETSIZE _S("UpLinkAveragePacketSize")
#define DOWNLINKMAXIMUMPACKETSIZE _S("DownLinkMaximumPacketSize")
#define UPLINKMAXIMUMPACKETSIZE _S("UpLinkMaximumPacketSize")
#define DOWNLINKDELAY _S("DownLinkDelay")
#define UPLINKDELAY _S("UpLinkDelay")
#define DOWNLINKDELAYVARIATION _S("DownLinkDelayVariation")
#define UPLINKDELAYVARIATION _S("UpLinkDelayVariation")
#define DOWNLINKPRIORITY _S("DownLinkPriority")
#define UPLINKPRIORITY _S("UpLinkPriority")
#define HEADERMODE _S("HeaderMode")
//#define QOSNAME _S("QosName")
/** Columns of the `WifiScanEngine Table`
#define SCANPERIODMS _S("ScanPeriodMs")
#define RSSIMIN _S("RSSIMin")
#define RSSIMAX _S("RSSIMax")
/** Enumerated sets and bitmasks for the modem speaker `MODEM_BEARER:MODEM_SPEAKER_PREF`. */
enum TCommsDbModemSpeakerSetting
/** Speaker always off. */
/** Speaker on until the call has been answered. */
/** Speaker always on. */
/** Speaker on after dialing until answer. */
/** Enumeration used by `MODEM_BEARER:MODEM_SPEAKER_VOL_PREF` */
enum TCommsDbModemSpeakerVolume
/** Speaker off. */
/** Speaker volume set to medium. */
/** Speaker volume set to loud. */
/** Bit mask used by `MODEM_BEARER:MODEM_COMM_ROLE` */
const TUint KModemCommRoleDCE = 0x1;
const TUint32 KLinkableFlagTag = 0x80000000;
/** Enumeration used by DIAL_*_ISP:ISP_TYPE, OUTGOING_WCDMA:GPRS_AP_TYPE. */
enum TCommsDbIspType
/** ISP internet only. */
/** ISP WAP only. */
/** ISP internet and WAP. */
/** Enum used by DIAL_*_ISP:ISP_BEARER_TYPE. */
enum TCommsDbBearerType
/** CSD bearer. */
/** HSCSD bearer. */
/** Enum used by WAP_*_BEARER:WAP_WSP_OPTION. */
enum TCommsDbWapWspOption
/** WAP WSP option set to connectionless. */
/** WAP WSP option set to connection oriented. */
Enum for use in calls to `CCommsDatabase::OpenConnectionPrefTable*LC()`,
CCommsDatabase::OpenIAPTableViewMatchingBearerSetLC() and
enum TCommDbConnectionDirection
/** Connection direction is unknown. */
/** Connection direction is outgoing. */
/** Connection direction is incoming. */
/** Bitmask for use in calls to: CCommsDatabase::OpenIAPTableViewMatchingBearerSetLC() */
enum TCommDbBearer
/** Bearer support unknown. */
KCommDbBearerUnknown = 0x0,
/** CSD Bearer support. */
KCommDbBearerCSD = 0x1,
/** WCDMA Bearer support. */
KCommDbBearerWcdma = 0x2,
/** LAN Bearer support. */
KCommDbBearerLAN = 0x4,
KCommDbBearerVirtual = 0x10,
KCommDbBearerPAN = 0x20,
KCommDbBearerWLAN = 0x40
#define DeprecatedCDMA2000 0x8
#define KCommDbBearerPSD (KCommDbBearerWcdma|DeprecatedCDMA2000)
/** The dialog preference determines whether or not a user should be prompted with
a dialog at connect time. Used in CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::UpdateDialogPrefL() */
enum TCommDbDialogPref
/** CommDB dialog preference is unknown. */
/** Preference set to prompt user. */
/** Preference set to warn user. */
/** Preference set not to prompt user. */
/** Preference set to prompt user when in wrong mode. */
/** Enum for the global setting: GPRS_CLASS_C_BEARER. */
enum TCommDbGprsClassCBearer
/** GPRS Class C bearer. */
/** GSM Class C bearer. */
/** Enum for use in calls to CCommsDatabase::NewL() */
enum TCommDbOpeningMethod
/** CommDB has been created. */
ECommDbCreated = 0,
/** CommDB Copied default. */
/** CommDB has been opened. */
/** UIDs for system agent event notification */
/** The global setting `SMS_BEARER` has changed */
const TUid KUidCommDbSMSBearerChange = {0x10008F04};
/** The global setting `SMS_RECEIVE_MODE' has changed */
const TUid KUidCommDbSMSReceiveModeChange = {0x101F4AB0};
/** The global setting `GPRS_ATTACH_MODE' has changed */
const TUid KUidCommDbGPRSAttachModeChange = {0x100092BC};
/** The `MODEM_BEARER:MODEM_TSY_NAME` field has been written or a `MODEM` record has
been deleted */
const TUid KUidCommDbModemTsyNameChange = {0x1000947f};
/** As `KUidCommDbModemTsyNameChange` above except only for a change in the
record specified by the `MODEM_DATA_FAX` global setting */
const TUid KUidCommDbModemDataAndFaxChange = {0x1000A43F} ;
/** As `KUidCommDbModemTsyNameChange` above except only for a change in the
record specified by the `MODEM_PHONE_SERVICES_SMS` global setting */
const TUid KUidCommDbModemPhoneServicesAndSMSChange = {0x1000A440};
/** A record in the `DEFAULT_GPRS` table has been modified or deleted. */
const TUid KUidCommDbGPRSDefaultParamsChange = {0x10008F05};
/** A record in the `MODEM_BEARER` table has been modified or deleted. */
const TUid KUidCommDbModemRecordChange = {0x1000A43D} ;
/** A record in the `PROXIES` table has been modified or deleted */
const TUid KUidCommDbProxiesRecordChange = {0x1000A43E};
/** Enum for DATABASE_TYPE field.
Was deprecated in v7.0 but replaced for BC with v6.1 in v7.0s and v8.0. */
enum TCommDbDatabaseType
/** Unspecified database type. Any type of database can be opened with this parameter.*/
EDatabaseTypeUnspecified =0,
/** The database has an IAP table, which defines sets of ISPs and chargecards that
may be used together. */
/** The database is arranged using separate ISP, location, modem and chargecard
tables whose records are not associated by using IAPs.
ISP type databases are deprecated from version 6.1. */
/** Enum for the global setting `CDMA_OP_CAPABILITY`
@released */
enum TCommDbCdmaOpCapability
/** Simple IP only supported. */
ECommDbCdmaOpCapabilitySimpleIp = 0x1,
/** Mobile IP only supported. */
ECommDbCdmaOpCapabilityMobileIp = 0x2,
/** Mobile IP with Simple IP fallback supported. */
ECommDbCdmaOpCapabilityFallback = 0x4
/** Enum for the global setting `CDMA_SIMIP_AUTH_SUPPORTED`
@released */
enum TCommDbCdmaSimpIpAuthCapability
/** CHAP supported. */
ECommDbCdmaSimpIpCapabilityChap = 0x1,
/** PAP supported. */
ECommDbCdmaSimpIpCapabilityPap = 0x2
/** Enum for the global settings `CDMA_MIP_MN_AAA_AUTH_ALGORITHM` and 'CDMA_MIP_MN_HA_AUTH_ALGORITHM'
@released */
enum TCommDbCdmaMIpAuthCapability
/** MD5 authentication is supported (RFC 3012). */
ECommDbCdmaMIpMd5 = 0x1
/** Enum for the fields `PAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:PAN_LOCAL_ROLE` and
@released */
enum TCommDbBluetoothPanRole
/** Role not specified. */
ECommDbPanRoleUnknown = 0x0000,
/** PAN-U Role. */
ECommDbPanRoleU = 0x1115,
/** PAN-NAP Role. */
ECommDbPanRoleNap = 0x1116,
/** PAN-GN Role. */
ECommDbPanRoleGn = 0x1117
enum TCommsDatEAPSECOuterEAPType
/** No Security */
ECommsDatEAPSecNone = 0x0,
/** EAP-MD5 */
ECommsDatEAPSecEAPMD5 = 0x1,
/** EAP-TLS */
ECommsDatEAPSecEAPTLS = 0x2,
/** EAP-TTLS */
ECommsDatEAPSecEAPTTLS = 0x3,
/** PEAP */
ECommsDatEAPSecPEAP = 0x4,
/** LEAP */
ECommsDatEAPSecLEAP = 0x5,
/** EAP-SIM */
ECommsDatEAPSecEAPSIM = 0x6,
/** EAP-AKA */
ECommsDatEAPSecEAPAKA = 0x7,
/** EAP-MSCHAPv2 */
ECommsDatEAPSecEAPMSCHAPv2 = 0x8,
/** EAP-WPS */
ECommsDatEAPSecEAPWPS = 0x9
enum TCommsDatTunEapInnerType
/** No Security */
ECommsDatTunEapNone = 0x0,
/** EAP-MD5 */
ECommsDatTunEapEAPMD5 = 0x1,
/** EAP-MSCHAPv2 */
ECommsDatTunEapMSCHAPv2 = 0x8
enum TCommsDatWlanEncrytionType
/** None */
ECommsDatWlanEncryptionTypeNone = 0x0,
/** Static WEP */
ECommsDatWlanEncryptionTypeStaticWEP = 0x1,
/** TKIP */
ECommsDatWlanEncryptionTypeTKIP = 0x2,
/** AES */
ECommsDatWlanEncryptionTypeAES = 0x3
/* Dynamic WEP */
/*ECommsDatWlanEncryptionTypeDynamicWEP = 0x4*/
enum TCommsDatWlanDialogPref
/** Unknown */
ECommsDatWlanDialogPrefUnknown = 0x0,
/** Prompt */
ECommsDatWlanDialogPrefPrompt = 0x1,
/** Do Not Prompt */
ECommsDatWlanDialogPrefNoPrompt = 0x2,
/** Warnings */
ECommsDatWlanDialogPrefWarn = 0x3
enum TCommsDatWlanNetworkType
/** Infrastructure Network */
ECommsDatWlanNetworkTypeInfrastructure = 0x0,
/** Ad-Hoc / Independent Network */
ECommsDatWlanNetworkTypeAdHoc = 0x1
enum TCommsDatWlanDesTransRate
/** 1 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate1Mbps = 0x02,
/** 2 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate2Mbps = 0x04,
/** 5.5 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate5Mbps = 0x0b,
/** 6 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate6Mbps = 0x0c,
/** 9 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate9Mbps = 0x12,
/** 11 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate11Mbps = 0x16,
/** 12 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate12Mbps = 0x18,
/** 18 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate18Mbps = 0x24,
/** 22 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate22Mbps = 0x2c,
/** 24 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate24Mbps = 0x30,
/** 33 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate33Mbps = 0x42,
/** 36 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate36Mbps = 0x48,
/** 48 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate48Mbps = 0x60,
/** 54 Mbps */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRate54Mbps = 0x6c,
/** Automatic */
ECommsDatWlanDesTransRateAuto = 0xff
enum TCommsDatWlanPowerSaveMode
/** Disabled */
ECommsDatWlanPowerSaveModeDisabled = 0x0,
/** Fast Powersave mode */
ECommsDatWlanPowerSaveModeFast = 0x1,
/** Max Powersave mode */
ECommsDatWlanPowerSaveModeMax = 0x2
enum TCommsDatWlanPreambleType
/** Short */
ECommsDatWlanPreambleTypeShort = 0x0,
/** Long */
ECommsDatWlanPreambleTypeLong = 0x1
enum TCommsDatWlanRegDomain
/** FCC - United States */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainFCC = 0x10,
/** IC - Canada */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIC = 0x20,
/** ETSI - Most of Europe */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainETSI = 0x30,
/** Spain */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSpain = 0x31,
/** France */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainFrance = 0x32,
/** MKK - Japan */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainMKK = 0x40,
// Country codes
/** AT - Austria */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainAT = 0x4154,
/** AU - Australia */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainAU = 0x4155,
/** BE - Belgium */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainBE = 0x4245,
/** BR - Brazil */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainBR = 0x4252,
/** CA - Canada */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCA = 0x4341,
/** CH - Switzerland */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCH = 0x4348,
/** CN - China */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCN = 0x434E,
/** CY - Cyprus */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCY = 0x4359,
/** CZ - Czech Republic */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCZ = 0x435A,
/** DE - Germany */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainDE = 0x4445,
/** DK - Denmark */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainDK = 0x444B,
/** EE - Estonia */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainEE = 0x4545,
/** ES - Spain */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainES = 0x4553,
/** FI - Finland */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainFI = 0x4649,
/** FR - France */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainFR = 0x4652,
/** GB - United Kingdom */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainGB = 0x4742,
/** GR - Greece */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainGR = 0x4752,
/** HK - Hong Kong */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainHK = 0x484B,
/** HU - Hungary */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainHU = 0x4855,
/** ID - Indonesia */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainID = 0x4944,
/** IE - Ireland */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIE = 0x4945,
/** IL - Israel */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIL = 0x494C,
/** IS - Iceland */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIS = 0x4953,
/** IT - Italy */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIT = 0x4954,
/** JP - Japan */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainJP = 0x4A50,
/** KR - Republic of Korea */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainKR = 0x4B52,
/** LT - Lithuania */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainLT = 0x4C54,
/** LU - Luxembourg */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainLU = 0x4C55,
/** LV - Latvia */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainLV = 0x4C56,
/** MY - Malaysia */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainMY = 0x4D59,
/** NL - Netherlands */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainNL = 0x4E4C,
/** NO - Norway */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainNO = 0x4E4F,
/** NZ - New Zealand */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainNZ = 0x4E5A,
/** PH - Philippines */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainPH = 0x5048,
/** PL - Poland */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainPL = 0x504C,
/** PT - Portugal */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainPT = 0x5054,
/** SE - Sweden */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSE = 0x5345,
/** SG - Singapore */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSG = 0x5347,
/** SI - Slovenia */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSI = 0x5349,
/** SK - Slovakia */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSK = 0x534B,
/** TH - Thailand */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainTH = 0x5448,
/** TW - Taiwan */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainTW = 0x5457,
/** US - United States */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainUS = 0x5553,
/** ZA - South Africa */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainZA = 0x5A41,
/** World */
ECommsDatWlanRegDomainWorld = 0xFF
//Regulatory Domain / Country Code information
struct TCountryInfo
TUint16 iDomain;
TUint8 iFirstChannel;
TUint8 iNumberOfChannels;
TUint8 iMaxTxPower; // in units of dBm
const struct TCountryInfo KCountryChannels[]= {//put supported channels at beginning of array and fill rest with zeros (0)
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainAT, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainAU, 1, 11, 23},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainBE, 1, 13, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainBR, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCA, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCH, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCN, 1, 13, 22},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCY, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainCZ, 1, 11, 23},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainDE, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainDK, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainEE, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainES, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainFI, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainFR, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainGB, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainGR, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainHK, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainHU, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainID, 1, 13, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIE, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIL, 1, 13, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIS, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainIT, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainJP, 1, 13, 10},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainKR, 1, 13, 22},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainLT, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainLU, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainLV, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainMY, 1, 13, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainNL, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainNO, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainNZ, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainPH, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainPL, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainPT, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSE, 1, 11, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSG, 1, 13, 23},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSI, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainSK, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainTH, 1, 13, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainTW, 1, 13, 20},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainUS, 1, 11, 60},
{ ECommsDatWlanRegDomainZA, 1, 13, 60},
{ 0, 0, 0, 0}
enum TCommsDatWlanAuthenticationMode
/** Open Authentication */
/** Shared Key */
/** WPA */
/** WPA-PSK */
/** Open Authentication using EAP */
/** WPA2 */
/* WPA2-PSK */
/* EAP-WPS */
#endif //CDBCOLS_H