Don't export documentation which hasn't been contributed - workaround for bug 2011
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quidu "3DD37AA10387"))
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(object Uses_Relationship
quid "3E77323B03C6"
supplier "Logical View::MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface"
quidu "3E772C2703B6")))
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quid "3DD4CA49026D")
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quid "3DD4CA4F00D1")
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quid "3DD4CA89003E")
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quid "3DD4CA910307")
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quid "3DD4CAC6037B")
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quid "3DD4CAE30232")
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quid "3DD4CB0E0360")
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "3DD4D88002CF"
supplier "Logical View::MAgentSessionNotify"
quidu "3DD4CB0E0360")))
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quid "3DD375A303BB"
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quidu "3DD37576029E"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
quid "3DD375A303BD"
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quidu "3DD373F7026B")))
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quid "3DD375AA01BD"
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quidu "3DD3759100EE"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
quid "3DD375AA01C7"
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quidu "3DD373FC03A9")))
(object Association "iSocket"
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quid "3DD375CB0192"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$8"
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quid "3DD37653029E"
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quidu "3DD376140060")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
quid "3DD376D603DB"
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quid "3DD37DE600B9"
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quidu "3DD37DDC0304"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$25"
quid "3DD37DE600BB"
supplier "Logical View::TSockManData"
quidu "3DD37DCC018E")))
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quid "3DD37E0D01BA"
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(object Role "theCProtocolRef"
quid "3DD37E0D01C4"
label "theCProtocolRef"
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quidu "3DD37DDC0304")))
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quid "3DD37E2900DE"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$27"
quid "3DD37E2A00D5"
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quidu "3DD37DDC0304"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$28"
quid "3DD37E2A00DF"
supplier "Logical View::CProtocolBase"
quidu "3DD37E030206")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$29"
quid "3DD37E5E0224"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$30"
quid "3DD37E5E022E"
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quidu "3DD37DCC018E")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$33"
quid "3DD37E990053"
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quidu "3DD37E030206")))
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quid "3DD37F3C0011"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$35"
quid "3DD37F3C0013"
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quidu "3DD37DDC0304")))
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quid "3DD37F780112"
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quidu "3DD37E5102C6"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$37"
quid "3DD37F78011C"
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quidu "3DD37F6402C1")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$38"
quid "3DD37F9103A2"
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quidu "3DD37F6402C1"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$39"
quid "3DD37F9103AD"
supplier "Logical View::CProtocolFamilyRef"
quidu "3DD37E5102C6")))
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quid "3DD4CACF0306"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$41"
quid "3DD4CACF0308"
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quidu "3DD4CA410352")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$43"
quid "3DD4CAD30044"
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quidu "3DD4CA410352")))
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quid "3DD4CAEC032F"
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quidu "3DD4CA410352")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$47"
quid "3DD4CB0201E9"
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quidu "3DD4CA410352")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$49"
quid "3DD4CB1A001F"
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quidu "3DD4CA410352")))
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quid "3DD4D75B0183"
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$53"
quid "3DD4D9020237"
supplier "Logical View::CConnectionProvdBase"
quidu "3DD4D71D007F")))
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quid "3DD4D91603CF"
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quid "3DD4D91603D9"
supplier "Logical View::CNifSession"
quidu "3DD4CB9900D5")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$56"
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quidu "3DD4CAE30232"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$57"
quid "3DD4DCDA0051"
supplier "Logical View::CNifSession"
quidu "3DD4CB9900D5")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$59"
quid "3DD4DE730294"
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quidu "3DD4CAF900A3")))
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(object Role "$UNNAMED$60"
quid "3DD4DEAC001D"
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is_navigable TRUE)
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quid "3DD4DEAC001F"
supplier "Logical View::CBinderRef"
quidu "3DD4CAF900A3")))
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quidu "3DD4CA410352")))
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quidu "3DD4CA410352"))))
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|cont9=CList<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
|cont20=CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, $TYPE*>
|cont21=CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, $TYPE*>
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|*_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
|cm2=$NAME(orig:const $NAME&)
|cm3=<<virtual>> ~$NAME()
|cm4_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return rhs;
|cm5=<<const>> operator==(rhs:const $NAME&):bool
|cm5_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm6=<<const>> operator!=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm6_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm7=<<const>> operator<(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm7_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm8=<<const>> operator>(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm8_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm9=<<const>> operator<=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm9_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm10=<<const>> operator>=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm10_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm11=<<friend>> operator>>(i:istream&, rhs:$NAME&):istream&
|cm11_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return i;
|cm12=<<friend>> operator<<(o:ostream&, rhs:const $NAME&):ostream&
|cm12_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return o;
(object Attribute
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|agf_body=return $NAME;
|asf_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agv=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE&
|agv_body=return $NAME;
|asv_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agp=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agp_body=return $NAME;
|asp_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agr=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agr_body=return $NAME;
|asr_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|aga=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME(index:int):const $TYPE
|aga_body=return $NAME[index];
|asa=set_$BASICNAME(index:int, value:$TYPE):void
|asa_body=$NAME[index] = value;|return;
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value TRUE)
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value FALSE)
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value FALSE)
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value FALSE)
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value FALSE))
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