# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Ini file for parselog.pl and parsseq.pl
# Section description:
# ExcludeClass Names of C++ node classes to exclude
# ExcludeMessage Names of messages to exclude
# ExcludeIpc Names of client/server IPCs to exclude
# ExcludeShortName Names of nodes to exclude via their "short" name (i.e. the name that they appear as on the SVG display)
# ExcludeSingleTuple Names of single tuple activities to be excluded (these are generally very simple activities,
# such as PRControlClientJoin or PRForwardStateChange, where printing out the single tuple does
# not add any more information than seeing the corresponding message being received at the node, and
# just clutter up the display). The special name "*" in the section means exclude all single tuples.
# MessageArguments List of arguments to display per message. Format of the section is:
# <message> <argument> [<argument>*]
# <argument> := <data member name>[:node]
# By default, arguments are displayed as signed decimal. The addition of the postfix ":node"
# against an argument indicates that the argument is the address of a node and should be
# displayed as the node name.
# ObjectNameTruncateAndOrder
# Used to shorten object names and indicate left-to-right object placement order on the display.
# Format of section is:
# <string> <substitute string> <placement order>
# Any occurrence of <string> in an object name is replaced with <substitute string>. For each object
# name, all entries in the section are scanned from first to last and any matching string substitutions
# are applied in turn. In addition, the first non-zero value of <placement order> from the list of matching
# entries is taken to be the object order. <placement order> is a number, starting from one, indicating the
# left-to-right ordering position on the display, relative to other objects whose <placement order> has been
# specified (for example, objects with order 2 will be to the left of those with order 3). A value of zero
# means no placement ordering is specified. This is used to just apply a string substitution.
# Excluding Tier manager and Container classes makes the relationship diagram much clearer.
# Excluding the SelectionRequest and FlowRequest classes also makes it clearer - include them
# (by commenting them out) as required.
# DND generates alot of these IPCs, hence they are removed by default
# Excluding Tier Managers makes the relationship diagram much clearer
StateChange iStateChange.iStage iStateChange.iError
BindTo iNodeId.iPtr:node
CommsBinderResponse iNodeId.iPtr:node
BindToRequest iCommsBinder.iCommsId.iPtr:node
FoundOrCreated iNodeId.iPtr:node
SelectComplete iNodeId.iPtr:node iProviderInfo.iAPId
CSRCreated iNodeId.iPtr:node
BindToComplete iValue
Stop iValue
Stopped iValue
DataClientStop iValue
DataClientStopped iValue
Error iValue iMsgId
ProviderStatusChange iValue
DataClientStatusChange iValue
GoneDown iValue1
DataClientGoneDown iValue1
ImplicitFlowRequest iFamily iProtocol
DataClientRouted iAddrUpdate.iProtocolId iAddrUpdate.iIapId
IPPolicyParams iSrcNodeId.iPtr:node iFlowId.iPtr:node
IPProtoOpenCloseRoute iValue
TImplicitFlowRequest iFlowParams.iAddrFamily iFlowParams.iProtocol iFlowParams.iFlowRequestType
FlowProvision iFlowParams.iAddrFamily iFlowParams.iProtocol iFlowParams.iFlowRequestType
TPolicyCheckResponse iValue
TPolicyCheckRequest iParams.iProcessId_Lo iParams.iThreadId_Lo iParams.iPlatSecResult
ReJoinDataClientRequest iNodeId1.iPtr:node iNodeId2.iPtr:node
SubSess iValue
# Note: the order that entries appear in this section is important as string substitutions occur in the order specified
TransportFlowShim TranFlowShim 2
CSocket Socket 2
CHostResolver HostResolver 2
SubConnectionFlow Flow 3
CPppLcp PppLcp 3
CLANLinkCommon LANLinkCommon 3
CRawIPFlow RawIPFlow 3
CTunnelFlow TunnelFlow 3
CFlowRequest FlowRequest 4
CImplicitFlowRequest ImplicitFlowReq 4
SubConnection SC 5
MetaConnection MC 7
TierManager TierMgr 8
CSelectionRequest CSelReq 8
ConnectionProvider CPr 6
CConnection CConn 6
Factory Fact 0
Container Cont 0
Default Def 0
Provider Pr 0
DataCollector DatCol 0
RefCountOwnerBase RefCntOwnBas 0
Extension Ext 0
Broker Brokr 0
Network Net 0
"message not served by the node but matching activity found=>SEND TO ACTIVITY'S ORIGINATORS" "(Unserved message but matching activity, send to activity's originators)"