Fising some symbol visibility issues by adding as dummy object based on the templated class
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#if !defined(__SS_INTSOCK_H__)
#define __SS_INTSOCK_H__
#include <es_enum.h>
#include <es_enum_internal.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <comms-infras/ss_flowbinders.h>
#include <comms-infras/ss_nodeinterfaces.h>
#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_dataclient.h>
#include "ss_flowrequest.h"
#include <es_mbufif.h>
#include <comms-infras/ss_platsec_apiext.h> // ASockSubSessionPlatsecApiExt
class CWaitForMBufs;
class CProtocolBase;
class ProtocolManager;
class CInternalSocketImpl;
namespace ESock
class AMessage
virtual void AcquireMessage ( AMessage* aMessage ) =0;
virtual TInt ReadDes(TInt aSrcParamIndex,TDes8 &aDes,TInt anOffset=0) = 0;
virtual TInt ReadInt(TInt aSrcParamIndex) = 0;
virtual TInt ReadMBuf(TInt aSrcParamIndex, RMBufChain& aBufChain) =0;
virtual void InitMBuf(TInt aParamIndex) =0;
virtual TInt WriteDes(TInt aDstParamIndex,const TDesC8& aDes,TInt anOffset=0) = 0;
virtual TInt WriteMBuf(TInt aDstParamIndex,RMBufChain& aBufChain) = 0;
virtual void CompleteMessage(TInt anError) = 0;
virtual TBool IsNull (TInt aParamIndex) =0;
virtual TInt GetProcessAndThreadId(TProcessId& /*aProcessId*/, TThreadId& /*aThreadId*/) const;
virtual ~AMessage() {}
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(ASocket) : public Messages::ASimpleNodeIdBase,
public MSessionControlNotify, public MSessionDataNotify,
public AIPCFlowRequester
, private ASockSubSessionPlatsecApiExt
Represents binder-facing part of socket.
Implements ESOCK client socket binder and flow specific handling.
It's meant to be agregated with the apropriet client-facing part to implement
full socket functionality
@see CSocket
friend class ::ProtocolManager;
enum TSocketState
virtual void ReceivedL(
const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aSender,
const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient,
Messages::TSignatureBase& aMessage
void BindToL(const TCFDataClient::TBindTo& aBindTo);
virtual ~ASocket();
virtual const Messages::RNodeInterface* ServiceProvider() const;
TBool GetFlowAndSCPR(Messages::TNodeId& aFlow, Messages::TNodeId& aSCPR) const;
TInt GetConnectionSocketInfo(TConnectionSocketInfo& aInfo) const;
// Request service routines.
void ConnectL(TBool aConnectData);
void ShutdownL(RSocket::TShutdown aType, TBool aDisconnectData);
virtual TBool CloseSocket();
void ListenL(TInt aQlen, TBool aConnectionData);
void Accept();
void AutoBind();
void BindL();
void RemoteNameL();
void LocalNameL();
void SetLocalName();
void SetSockOptionL(TInt aOptionName, TInt aOptionLength, TInt aOptionLevel);
void GetSockOptionL(TInt aOptionName, TInt aOptionLength, TInt aOptionLevel, TInt aWriteBack);
void IoctlL(TInt aOptionName, TInt aOptionLength, TInt aOptionLevel, TBool aReadOption);
void GetDisconnectDataL( ) const;
void SendL(TInt aXferLenArg, TInt aAddrArg, TInt aSendByteCount, TInt aSendFlags, TBool aUseMBufs);
void RecvL(TInt aXferLenArg, TInt aAddrArg, TInt aReadByteCount, TInt aReadFlags, TBool aUseMBufs, TInt aRecvOneOrMore);
inline void CancelSend();
inline void CancelRecv();
void CancelConnect();
void CancelAccept();
void CancelIoctl();
void CancelAll();
void GetInfoL();
void CommunicateOwner();
TPtr8 IoctlBuffer();
// SSP Upcalls - from MSessionControlNotify
void NewData(TUint aCount);
void CanSend();
void ConnectComplete();
void ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& aConnectData);
void ConnectComplete(CSubConnectionFlowBase& anSSP);
void ConnectComplete(CSubConnectionFlowBase& anSSP,const TDesC8& aConnectData);
void CanClose(MSessionControlNotify::TDelete aDelete=MSessionControlNotify::EDelete);
void CanClose(const TDesC8& aDisconnectData,MSessionControlNotify::TDelete aDelete=MSessionControlNotify::EDelete);
TInt Error(TInt anError,TUint anOperationMask);
void Disconnect( );
void Disconnect(TDesC8& aDisconnectData);
void IoctlComplete(TDesC8* aBuf);
void SetLocalNameComplete();
void DisconnectFromListener(CSubConnectionFlowBase& aSSP);
// Utitlity functions for testing state and capabilities
inline TUint IsConnectionOriented() const;
inline TUint IsConnectionLess()const;
inline TUint IsDataGram() const;
inline TUint IsStream() const;
inline TUint IsPseudoStream() const;
inline TUint IsReliable() const;
inline TUint DeliversInOrder() const;
inline TUint IsMessageBased() const;
inline TUint CanSendUrgentData() const;
inline TUint CanSendConnectData() const;
inline TUint CanSendDisconnectData() const;
inline TUint CanBroadcast() const;
inline TUint SupportsMultiPoint() const;
inline TUint SupportsQOS() const;
inline TUint IsWriteOnly() const;
inline TUint IsReadOnly() const;
inline TUint SupportsGracefulClose() const;
inline TUint CanReconnect() const;
inline TUint SupportsPeek() const;
inline TUint RequiresOwnerInfo() const;
inline TUint StateCanProcessData() const;
virtual void InitiateDestruction();
inline void SetFlowRequestPending(TBool aPending);
KNoXferLen = -1,
KNoAddrArg = -1,
KWriteNoAddrArg = -2 // for legacy compatibility reasons we tolerate ESoWrite on a non-connected datagram socket
explicit ASocket(TInt aSocketType);
void Create(TServerProtocolDesc* aServiceInfo);
TBool CheckRunningAndSetReturn();
// Utility functions for handling blocked messages.
enum EBlockingFlags
, EBlockedSetLocalName=0x100
inline void SetBlockedReadFlag();
inline void SetBlockedWriteFlag();
inline void SetBlockedCloseFlag();
inline void SetBlockedIoctlFlag();
inline void SetBlockedConnectFlag();
inline void SetBlockedRead();
inline void SetBlockedWrite();
inline void SetBlockedClose();
inline void SetBlockedIoctl();
inline void SetBlockedConnect();
inline void SetBlockedSetLocalName();
inline TBool IsBlockedSetLocalName() const;
void CompleteSetLocalName(TInt anErr);
virtual void SetClosing() =0;
inline TBool IsBlockedRead() const;
inline TBool IsBlockedWrite() const;
inline TBool IsBlockedConnect() const;
inline TBool IsBlockedClose() const;
inline TBool IsBlockedIoctl() const;
virtual TBool IsClosing() =0;
TBool CompleteRead(TInt anError);
TBool CompleteWrite(TInt anError);
void CompleteConnect(TInt anErr);
TBool CompleteClose(TInt anErr);
void CompleteIoctl(TInt anErr);
virtual void DontCompleteCurrentRequest() = 0;
virtual ASocket* InitiateAcceptingSocket() = 0;
virtual ASocket* GetAcceptingSocket() = 0;
virtual void DoCompleteAccept();
void AcceptSetupL(const ASocket& aParentSocket, CSubConnectionFlowBase& aFlow);
virtual void PanicSocketClient(TESockPanic aPanic) =0;
virtual void SetReturn(TInt aReturnValue) const = 0;
inline TSocketState State() const;
inline void SetState(TSocketState aState);
virtual TDes8* BorrowTemporaryBuffer(TInt aSize) = 0;
virtual TDes8* BorrowTemporaryBufferL(TInt aSize) = 0;
TInt DrainStreamProtocol(AMessage* aMsg);
void DoRecv(TBool aInitialRequest);
TInt FillStreamProtocol(AMessage* aMsg);
void DoSend(TBool aInitialRequest);
TUint SelectConditionsReady();
TBool CheckReadStopped();
void TryToCompleteSelectIoctl();
void DoError(TInt aError, TUint aOperationMask, TBool aDeleteInterface = ETrue);
inline void ClearErrorIfNotFatal();
TInt RequestAsyncMBufAllocation(TInt aSignalType, TUint aSize);
enum TSocketMessage
void ReadParamL(TSocketMessage aMessage, TInt aSrcParamIndex,TDes8 &aDes,TInt anOffset=0);
void ReadParamL(TSocketMessage aMessage, TInt aSrcParamIndex, RMBufChain& aBufChain);
void WriteParamL(TSocketMessage aMessage, TInt aDstParamIndex,const TDesC8& aDes,TInt anOffset=0);
void WriteParamL(TSocketMessage aMessage, TInt aDstParamIndex, RMBufChain& aBufChain);
AMessage* GetUserMessage( TSocketMessage aMessage ) const;
void SetUserMessage ( TSocketMessage aMessageType, AMessage* aMessage );
virtual void GetOwnerInfo(TProcessId& aProcId, TSoOwnerInfo& aInfo, TThreadId& aThreadId) = 0;
virtual TInt SecurityCheck() = 0;
virtual void CompleteFlowRequestMessage(TInt err) =0;
inline TBool FlowRequestPending();
TInt GetProcessAndThreadId(TProcessId& aProcessId, TThreadId& aThreadId) const;
MSessionControl* iSSP; // NULL-ness well controlled
AMessage* iCurrentMsg;
TSockXfrLength iXferLength; // used to write transfer lengths back to client; kept in scope with socket to avoid repeated construction cost
MSessionData* iSSPData;
MFlowBinderControl* iFlowBinder;
Messages::RNodeInterface iServiceProvider;
TProtocolDesc* iProtocolInfo;
TInt iSocketType;
TSocketState iState;
TInt iDataAvailable;
TInt iSendOffset;
TInt iRecOffset;
TInt iSendByteCount;
TInt iRecByteCount;
TInt iSendFlags;
TInt iRecvFlags;
TSockAddr iRecvFromAddr;
TUint iBlockedOperations;
TInt iError;
TUint iErrorOperationMask; // stored aOperationMask from last MSessionControlNotify::Error() call
TUint iOptions;
enum { KMaxStreamChunk = 32 * 1024 };
TInt iRecBufSize;
TInt iSendBufSize;
RMBufChain iSendData;
HBufC8* iDisconnectData;
TInt iDisconnectDataError;
RMBufChain iDatagramTail;
CWaitForMBufs* iAllocAsync;
CCirBuf<TAcceptQEntry>* iAcceptQ; //lint -esym(613, ASocket::iAcceptQ) // NULL-ness well controlled
CCirBuf<TAcceptQEntry>* iNextAcceptQ; //lint -esym(613, CSocket::iAcceptQ) // NULL-ness well controlled
TInt iSelectFlags;
TSecurityPolicy iTransferSecPolicy; // used for security check during ProtocolManager::TransferSocketL()
TBool iIsBound:1;
TBool iRecvOneOrMore:1;
TBool iSecTransferEnabled:1; // flag, indicating that iTransferSecPolicy is initialized and socket transfer is enabled
TBool iIsFlowRequestPending:1;
TBool iSendUseMBufs:1;
TBool iRecvUseMBufs:1;
TInt8 iSendXferLenIdx;
TInt8 iRecvXferLenIdx;
TInt8 iSendToAddrIdx;
TInt8 iRecvFromAddrIdx;
TInt8 iBlockOnPeekReadCnt; // recursion level counter for NewData().
AMessage* iReadMsg;
AMessage* iWriteMsg;
AMessage* iBlockedCloseMsg;
AMessage* iBlockedConnectMsg;
AMessage* iBlockedIoctlMsg;
AMessage* iBlockedSetLocalNameMsg;
TSocketState iNextState; // Next state to enter after binding state exits.
TBool iConnectData; // Used to indicate if connect data is present.
RMBufAllocator iAllocator; // To speed up the RMBufChain allocation
inline TUint ASocket::IsConnectionOriented() const
return !(iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIConnectionLess);
inline TUint ASocket::IsConnectionLess() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIConnectionLess);
inline TUint ASocket::IsDataGram() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIDatagram);
inline TUint ASocket::IsStream() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIStreamBased);
inline TUint ASocket::IsPseudoStream() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIPseudoStream);
inline TUint ASocket::IsReliable() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIReliable);
inline TUint ASocket::CanReconnect() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSICanReconnect);
inline TUint ASocket::SupportsPeek() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIPeekData);
inline TUint ASocket::DeliversInOrder() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIInOrder);
inline TUint ASocket::IsMessageBased() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIMessageBased);
inline TUint ASocket::CanSendUrgentData() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIUrgentData);
inline TUint ASocket::CanSendConnectData() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIConnectData);
inline TUint ASocket::CanSendDisconnectData() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIDisconnectData);
inline TUint ASocket::CanBroadcast() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIBroadcast);
inline TUint ASocket::SupportsMultiPoint() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIMultiPoint);
inline TUint ASocket::SupportsQOS() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIQOS);
inline TUint ASocket::IsWriteOnly() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIWriteOnly);
inline TUint ASocket::IsReadOnly() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIReadOnly);
inline TUint ASocket::SupportsGracefulClose() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIGracefulClose);
inline TUint ASocket::RequiresOwnerInfo() const
return (iProtocolInfo->iServiceInfo & KSIRequiresOwnerInfo);
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedReadFlag()
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedWriteFlag()
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedConnectFlag()
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedCloseFlag()
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedIoctlFlag()
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedSetLocalName()
iBlockedOperations |= EBlockedSetLocalName;
iBlockedSetLocalNameMsg->AcquireMessage( iCurrentMsg );
inline TBool ASocket::IsBlockedSetLocalName() const
return iBlockedOperations & EBlockedSetLocalName;
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedRead()
SetBlockedReadFlag ();
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedWrite()
SetBlockedWriteFlag ();
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedClose()
SetBlockedCloseFlag ();
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedIoctl()
SetBlockedIoctlFlag ();
inline void ASocket::SetBlockedConnect()
SetBlockedConnectFlag ();
inline TBool ASocket::IsBlockedClose() const
{return iBlockedOperations&EBlockedClose;}
inline TBool ASocket::IsBlockedConnect() const
{return iBlockedOperations&EBlockedConnect;}
inline TBool ASocket::IsBlockedIoctl() const
{return iBlockedOperations&EBlockedIoctl;}
inline TBool ASocket::IsBlockedRead() const
{return iBlockedOperations&EBlockedRead;}
inline TBool ASocket::IsBlockedWrite() const
{return iBlockedOperations&EBlockedWrite;}
void ASocket::CancelSend()
{ CompleteWrite(KErrCancel); }
void ASocket::CancelRecv()
{ CompleteRead(KErrCancel); }
inline void ASocket::ClearErrorIfNotFatal()
if (State() != ESStateError)
iError = KErrNone;
inline ASocket::TSocketState ASocket::State() const
return iState;
inline void ASocket::SetState(TSocketState aState)
iState = aState;
// If we've requested notification of available MBufs for a Recv or Send
// operation and now are entering some inappropriate state then we cancel this
if(iAllocAsync && iState != ESStateConnected && iState != ESStateOpen)
delete iAllocAsync;
iAllocAsync = NULL;
inline void ASocket::SetFlowRequestPending(TBool aPending)
iIsFlowRequestPending = aPending;
inline TBool ASocket::FlowRequestPending()
return iIsFlowRequestPending;
} //namespace ESock