Fising some symbol visibility issues by adding as dummy object based on the templated class
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@file CNetworkController.cpp
#include "CNetworkController.h"
#include <comms-infras/nifagt.h>
#include <comms-infras/nifif.h>
#include <cdblen.h>
#include "NetConPanic.h"
#include "NetConLog.h"
#include "CTelBearer.h"
#include "CNetConDlgProcessor.h"
Implementation of CNetworkController
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("~CNetworkController()")); )
if (iImplicitNotificationCb)
delete iImplicitNotificationCb;
delete iImplicitConnectionAgentName;
iImplicitConnectionAgentName = NULL;
// delete all CNetConRequestBase objects
CNetConRequestBase* request = iRequestQueue.First();
delete request;
if (iCurrentRequest)
delete iCurrentRequest;
iCurrentRequest = NULL;
if (iProcessRequestCb)
delete iProcessRequestCb;
LOG ( NetConLog::Printf(_L("--------------- Network Controller Finished ---------------")); )
CNetworkController* CNetworkController::NewL()
Factory function
@return the new CNetworkController object
@exception leaves if memory allocation fails
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::NewL()")); )
CNetworkController* self = new(ELeave) CNetworkController();
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController()")); )
iRequestQueue.SetOffset(_FOFF(CNetConRequestBase, iLink));
void CNetworkController::ConstructL()
2nd phase of construction
@exception leaves if callback, database, dialog processor or bearer construction fails
LOG ( NetConLog::Printf(_L("--------------- Network Controller Starting ---------------")); )
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("Detailed logging enabled")); )
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::ConstructL()")); )
// create a callback for processing requests
TCallBack callback(ProcessRequestCb, this);
iProcessRequestCb = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(callback, CActive::EPriorityStandard);
// there is no existing implicitly started connection
iImplicitConnectionAgentName = NULL;
// set up callback for implicit connection event notification
TCallBack implicitCallBack(ImplicitNotificationCb, this);
iImplicitNotificationCb = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(implicitCallBack, CActive::EPriorityStandard);
// set up telephony bearer with this object as observer and dbaccess
// note that all bearers are deleted in the CNetworkControllerBase d'tor
CTelBearer* telBearer = CTelBearer::NewLC(this);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // telBearer
// ensure that the telephony bearer was added where we expect
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iBearers[KTelBearerPosition] == telBearer, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ENetConTelBearerMissing));
TInt CNetworkController::FindExistingAgentForSelection(CNifAgentBase*& aAgent, CCommsDbAccess* aDatabase) const
Searches for an Agent associated with the selected IAP
@note that there is a one-to-one relationship between agents and IAPs
@param aAgent if found a pointer to the CNifAgentBase
@return KErrNotFound if the agent with selected IAP is not found else KErrNone
@pre the selected IAP setting is stored in the DbAccess object.
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::FindExistingAgentForSelection()")); )
// read the CommDb ID of the current IAP
TUint32 iapId(0);
TInt err(KErrNone);
TRAP(err, aDatabase->GetIntL(TPtrC(IAP), TPtrC(COMMDB_ID), iapId));
if (err != KErrNone)
return KErrNotFound;
// read network ID of the current IAP
TUint32 networkId(0);
TRAP(err, aDatabase->GetIntL(TPtrC(IAP), TPtrC(IAP_NETWORK), networkId));
if (err != KErrNone)
return KErrNotFound;
// find the network
CNetwork* network = NULL;
err = FindNetworkById(networkId, network);
if (err!=KErrNone)
return err;
// ask network to find the agent
return network->FindAgentByIap(iapId, aAgent);
void CNetworkController::SelectAgent(MNetworkControllerObserver* aObserver, MServiceChangeObserver* apServiceChangeObserver, TConnStartType aStartType, TInt aConnectionAttempt, TInt aLastConnectionError, const TConnPref& aPrefs)
Adds a selection request to the queue and calls the Process Request Callback
This allows the current callstack to unwind. Processing is resumed at ProcessRequestCb
@param aObserver the pointer to the MNetworkControllerObserver that requested the selection
@param apServiceChangeObserver that requests service change notification
@param aStartType how this connection request was started - either Implicit or Explicit
@param aConnectionAttempt the connection attempt
@param aLastConnectionError if this is not the first connection attempt the error from the last connection
@param aPrefs the connection preferences to use in preference(?!) to the ones stored in commdb
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::SelectAgent()")); )
// create a new request and add it to the queue
CNetConRequestBase* newRequest = NULL;
TRAPD(err, newRequest = CSelectionRequest::NewL(this, aObserver, aStartType, aPrefs, aConnectionAttempt, aLastConnectionError));
newRequest->ipServiceChangeObserver = apServiceChangeObserver;
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tAdded request [0x%08x] to queue"), newRequest); )
// start to process request if not already processing
void CNetworkController::SelectAgent(MNetworkControllerObserver* aObserver, MServiceChangeObserver* apServiceChangeObserver, TConnStartType aStartType, TInt aConnectionAttempt, TInt aLastConnectionError)
@param aObserver the pointer to the MNetworkControllerObserver that requested the selection
@param apServiceChangeObserver that requests service change notification
@param aStartType how this connection request was started - either Implicit or Explicit
@param aConnectionAttempt the connection attempt
@param aLastConnectionError if this is not the first connection attempt the error from the last connection
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::SelectAgent2()")); )
// construct some default connection preference - this will cause the default commdb settings to be used
TConnPref prefs;
SelectAgent(aObserver, apServiceChangeObserver, aStartType, aConnectionAttempt, aLastConnectionError, prefs);
void CNetworkController::Reconnect(MNetworkControllerObserver* aObserver, CNifAgentBase* aAgent)
@param aObserver the pointer to the MNetworkControllerObserver that requested the selection
@param aAgent,the agent who's connection failed
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::Reconnect()")); )
Reconnect(aObserver, aAgent, NULL);
void CNetworkController::Reconnect(MNetworkControllerObserver* aObserver, CNifAgentBase* aAgent, CStoreableOverrideSettings* aOverrides)
Adds a reconnect request to the queue and calls the Process Request Callback
This allows the current callstack to unwind. Processing is resumed at ProcessRequestCb
@param aObserver the pointer to the MNetworkControllerObserver that requested the selection
@param aAgent,the agent who's connection failed
@param aOverrides,pointer to the override settings to store.
@note that ownership of these overrides is retained by the caller.
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::Reconnect2()")); )
CNetConRequestBase* newRequest = NULL;
TRAPD(err, newRequest = CReconnectRequest::NewL(this, aObserver, aAgent, aOverrides);)
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tAdded request [0x%08x] to queue"), newRequest); )
// start to process request if not already processing
TInt CNetworkController::CancelRequest(MNetworkControllerObserver* aObserver)
Cancel the request made by aObserver.
If this request is currently being processed then stop processing immediately.
@param aObserver pointer to the object that initiated the request
@return KErrNone if the request was found and cancelled ok otherwise KErrNotFound
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::CancelRequest()")); )
TInt retval(KErrNotFound);
CNetConRequestBase* request = NULL;
// find the request to cancel
if (iCurrentRequest && iCurrentRequest->Observer() == aObserver)
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tCancelled request [0x%08x]"), iCurrentRequest); )
// cancel the active request - this will cancel all bearer checking and any dialog box activity
// delete the request
delete iCurrentRequest;
iCurrentRequest = NULL;
// trigger callback to process next request in the queue
retval = KErrNone;
TSglQueIter<CNetConRequestBase> iter(iRequestQueue);
while ((request = iter++) != NULL)
if (request->Observer() == aObserver)
// remove request from queue
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tCancelled request [0x%08x]"), request); )
// note: don't call Cancel() on this request as it is not active
// delete the request
delete request;
request = NULL;
retval = KErrNone;
return retval;
void CNetworkController::AgentConnectionFailure(CNifAgentBase* aAgent, TInt aError)
A connection has failed.
@param aAgent the agent who's connection failed
@param aError the reason for the failure
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::AgentConnectionFailure()")); )
// retrieve agent name
TNifAgentInfo info;
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tAgent '%S' has disconnected with error %d"), &info.iName, aError); )
// remove warning - the error code is not used in all builds
// if the agent was the one for implicit connections
// then remove the stored name
if(iImplicitConnectionAgentName && info.iName == *iImplicitConnectionAgentName)
delete iImplicitConnectionAgentName;
iImplicitConnectionAgentName = NULL;
(void)GetConnectionInfo(aAgent, iImplicitNotifyInfo);
iImplicitNotifyEvent = MImplicitConnectionNotify::EImplicitConnectionDown;
TInt i(0);
// remove this agent from any bearers
for (i=0; i<iBearers.Count(); ++i)
CBearerBase* bearer = iBearers[i];
// try and remove the agent from this bearer - ignore Not Found error
TRAPD(err, bearer->RemoveAgentL(aAgent));
if (KErrNone != err)
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tERROR: Agent has disconnected from bearer with error %d"), err); )
// remove this agent from its network
for (i=0; i<iNetworks.Count(); ++i)
CNetwork* network = iNetworks[i];
// try and remove the agent from this network - ignore Not Found error
TRAPD(err, network->RemoveAgentL(aAgent));
if (KErrNone != err)
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tERROR: Agent has disconnected from network with error %d"), err); )
TInt CNetworkController::GetConnectionInfo(CNifAgentBase* aAgent, TDes8& aConnectionInfo)
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::GetConnectionInfo()")); )
_LIT(KIapId, "IAP\\Id");
_LIT(KNetId, "IAP\\IAPNetwork");
TSoIfConnectionInfo info;
TInt err = aAgent->ReadInt(KIapId(), info.iIAPId);
return err;
err = aAgent->ReadInt(KNetId(), info.iNetworkId);
return err;
aConnectionInfo = TPckg<TSoIfConnectionInfo>(info);
return KErrNone;
TInt CNetworkController::ProcessRequestCb(TAny* aThisPtr)
@param aThisPtr the pointer to the object that initiated the callback
@return KErrNone always
CNetworkController* self = static_cast<CNetworkController*>(aThisPtr);
return KErrNone;
void CNetworkController::ProcessRequest()
Deque a request and start to process it.
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::ProcessRequest()")); )
if (iCurrentRequest)
NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tCurrently processing request [0x%08x]"), iCurrentRequest);
NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tNot currently processing any request"));
if (!iRequestQueue.IsEmpty())
NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tSome requests are queued"));
NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tRequest queue is empty"));
if (iCurrentRequest)
return; // we are already processing a request
if (!iRequestQueue.IsEmpty())
iCurrentRequest = iRequestQueue.First();
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("--------------- Starting to process request [0x%08x] ---------------"), iCurrentRequest); )
void CNetworkController::RequestComplete(const CSelectionRequest* aRequest, TInt aError)
A selection request has been processed - queue another one.
@param aRequest pointer to the actual selection request
@param aError contains the reason for failure of processing the request or KErrNone
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::RequestComplete()")); )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS((CNetConRequestBase*)aRequest == iCurrentRequest, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ENetConBadRequestCallback));
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("--------------- Finished processing request [0x%08x] ---------------"), iCurrentRequest); )
// Trigger callback to process next request in the queue
// if this was an implicit request then store the name of the agent for other implicit requests
if (aError == KErrNone && aRequest->ConnectionStartType() == EConnStartImplicit)
TRAPD(err, iImplicitConnectionAgentName = (aRequest->AgentName()).AllocL());
if (err != KErrNone)
aError = err;
iImplicitConnectionPrefs = aRequest->ConnPrefs();
iImplicitNotifyInfo = aRequest->AgentConnectionInfo();
iImplicitNotifyEvent = MImplicitConnectionNotify::EImplicitConnectionUp;
ASSERT(*iImplicitConnectionAgentName == aRequest->AgentName());
// signal the observer that the selection is complete
delete iCurrentRequest;
iCurrentRequest = NULL;
void CNetworkController::RequestComplete(const CReconnectRequest* aRequest, TInt aError)
A reconnect request has been processed - queue another one.
@param aRequest pointer to the actual reconnect request
@param aError contains the reason for failure of processing the request or KErrNone
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (CReconnectRequest*)aRequest == iCurrentRequest, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ENetConBadRequestCallback));
LOG_DETAILED ( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::RequestComplete(CReconnectRequest aRequest = 0x%08x, aError = %d)"), aRequest, aError); )
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("--------------- Finished processing request [0x%08x] ---------------"), iCurrentRequest); )
// Trigger callback to process next request in the queue
// signal the observer that the selection is complete
delete iCurrentRequest;
iCurrentRequest = NULL;
TInt CNetworkController::RequestImplicitConnectionNotification(MImplicitConnectionNotify* aObserver)
Register for implicit connection event notification
Implicit Connection Notification
@param aObserver to notify of event changes
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::RequestImplicitConnectionNotification()")); )
aObserver->ImplicitConnectionEvent(iImplicitNotifyInfo, MImplicitConnectionNotify::EImplicitConnectionUp);
return iImplicitNotifyList.Append(aObserver);
void CNetworkController::CancelImplicitConnectionNotification(MImplicitConnectionNotify* aObserver)
Deregister for implicit connection event notification
@param aObserver to notify of event changes
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::CancelImplicitConnectionNotification()")); )
TInt index = iImplicitNotifyList.Find(aObserver);
TInt CNetworkController::ImplicitNotificationCb(TAny* aThisPtr)
Static callback function
@param aThisPtr the pointer to the instance of this class that triggered the callback
CNetworkController* self = STATIC_CAST(CNetworkController*, aThisPtr);
self->SendImplicitConnectionNotification(self->iImplicitNotifyInfo, self->iImplicitNotifyEvent);
return KErrNone;
void CNetworkController::SendImplicitConnectionNotification(const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo, MImplicitConnectionNotify::TEvent aEvent)
Notify all registered observers about the implicit connection event
@param aConnectionInfo a TSoIfConnectionInfo describing the implicit connection IapId and NetId
@param aEvent either Up or Down
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::SendImplicitConnectionNotification()")); )
for(TInt i=0; i<iImplicitNotifyList.Count(); ++i)
iImplicitNotifyList[i]->ImplicitConnectionEvent(aConnectionInfo, aEvent);
// //
// Bearer Availability Checking //
// //
void CNetworkController::CheckBearerAvailability(TBool aIsReconnect)
Check Bearer Availability
@param aIsReconnect if this is a reconnection then any asynchronous requests are skipped in order to speed things up
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::CheckBearerAvailability()")); )
// ensure that the telephony bearer is in the array
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iBearers[KTelBearerPosition], NetConPanic(NetworkController::ENetConTelBearerMissing));
// ask the telephony bearer to start checking for availability
TBool ret = iBearers[KTelBearerPosition]->StartChecking(aIsReconnect);
__ASSERT_DEBUG(ret, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ENetConTelBearerAlreadyChecking));
(void)ret; // remove warning in release builds
void CNetworkController::CancelBearerAvailabilityCheck()
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::CancelBearerAvailabilityCheck()")); )
// ensure that the telephony bearer is in the array
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iBearers[KTelBearerPosition], NetConPanic(NetworkController::ENetConTelBearerMissing));
Construct a new database accessor
@returns the new database accessor
CCommsDbAccess* CNetworkController::NewDatabaseL()
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::NewDatabaseL()")); )
CCommsDbAccess *database = CCommsDbAccess::NewL(ETrue);
ASSERT( database );
return database;
Construct a new dialog processor
@returns the new dialog processor
CNetConDlgProcessor* CNetworkController::NewDialogProcessorL()
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::NewDialogProcessorL()")); )
return CNetConDlgProcessor::NewL();
TInt CNetworkController::RequestSecondPhaseAvailability()
Check Second Phase Bearer Availability - e.g. signal strength
@returns KErrNone if the bearer availability is above the threshold stored in CommDB, otherwise KErrNetConInadequateSignalStrengh
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::RequestSecondPhaseAvailability()")); )
CBearerBase* const telBearer = iBearers[KTelBearerPosition];
// ensure that the telephony bearer is in the array
__ASSERT_DEBUG(telBearer, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ENetConTelBearerMissing));
// ask the telephony bearer to start checking for availability
TInt availability = telBearer->SecondPhaseAvailability();
// we have to tell the bearer to stop checking for availability here, otherwise
// subsequent availability requests will fail
// the logic is that every selection request triggers a *new* bearer availabilty
// check - in a one box device this could be optimised to a single check.
return availability;
void CNetworkController::BearerStateChange(CBearerBase* aBearer)
The bearer set available has changed - update the current
Implementation of MBearerObserver Interface
@param aBearer the bearer who's availability has changed
@note that this is quite a simple implementation
of bearer availability checking because we only
have a single bearer. If further bearers are
implemented then a 'bearer manager' class may
be used to take the responsibility of retrieveing
the availability of all bearers and then returing
to the network controller
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::BearerStateChange()")); )
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentRequest, NetConPanic(NetworkController::ENetConNoCurrentRequest));
// fetch the available bearer set from the telephony bearer
TUint32 availableBearerSet(aBearer->AvailableBearerSet());
// the LAN bearer is assumed to be always available so mask it in
availableBearerSet |= (KCommDbBearerLAN|KCommDbBearerVirtual);
// update the current request
CCommsDbAccess* CNetworkController::DbAccess()
/** Provide a pointer to the CCommsDbAccess class to facilitate access to commdb
@return CCommsDbAccess
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::DbAccess()")); )
return iCurrentRequest->DbAccess();
// //
// MNetConEnv Interface //
// //
const HBufC* CNetworkController::ImplicitConnectionAgentName() const
Retrieve the name of the Agent that is used for implicit connection
requests - i.e. connection startup from RSocket SendTo()/Connect() or
RHostResolver GetByName()
@returns an Agent name
if (iImplicitConnectionAgentName)
NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::ImplicitConnectionAgentName() %S"), iImplicitConnectionAgentName);
NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::ImplicitConnectionAgentName() returns NULL"));
return iImplicitConnectionAgentName;
const TConnPref& CNetworkController::ImplicitConnectionPrefs() const
Retrieve the connection preferences associated with the current
implicit connection
@returns a TConnPref reference
return iImplicitConnectionPrefs;
void CNetworkController::AddAgentToNetworkL(CNifAgentBase* aAgent, TUint32 aNetworkId)
Create an association between an Agent and a Network ID.
@param aAgent pointer to the Agent
@param aNetworkId the CommDb ID of the Network
LOG_DETAILED( NetConLog::Printf(_L("CNetworkController::AddAgentToNetworkL()")); )
// Is the network already available?
CNetwork* network = NULL;
TInt findErr = FindNetworkById(aNetworkId, network);
// ...if not create a new network
network=CNetwork::NewLC(aNetworkId, this);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // network
// add this agent to the network.
LOG( NetConLog::Printf(_L("\tAdded agent [0x%08x] to Network %d [0x%08x]"), aAgent, aNetworkId, network); )