// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// eintsockimpl.h
#ifndef __EINTSOCKIMPL_H__
#define __EINTSOCKIMPL_H__
#include <e32std.h>
#include <es_prot.h>
#include <ss_std.h>
#include <es_mbuf.h>
#include "ss_eintsock_msgs.h"
#include <comms-infras/ss_intsock.h>
class CInternalServiceResolver; // not implemented as no-one wants it at the moment
class CInternalConnection; // not implemented, as too dodgy to bypass multiplexing in esock without some serious thought
class RInternalSocket;
class TSockXferLength;
class TTransportUserStorage;
using namespace ESock;
// This is not really a C type class.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CIntSocketMessage) : public CBase, public AMessage
virtual void AcquireMessage ( AMessage* aMessage );
inline void SetMessage ( TEIntSockOpMsgWrapper& aMessage );
virtual TInt ReadDes(TInt aSrcParamIndex,TDes8 &aDes,TInt anOffset=0 );
virtual TInt ReadInt(TInt aSrcParamIndex);
virtual TInt ReadMBuf(TInt aSrcParamIndex, RMBufChain& aBufChain);
virtual void InitMBuf(TInt aParamIndex);
virtual TInt WriteDes(TInt aDstParamIndex,const TDesC8& aDes,TInt anOffset=0);
virtual TInt WriteMBuf(TInt aDstParamIndex,RMBufChain& aBufChain);
virtual void CompleteMessage(TInt anError);
virtual TBool IsNull (TInt aParamIndex);
inline TEIntSockOpMsgWrapper& Message ();
TEIntSockOpMsgWrapper iMessage;
// A simple default security checker
class TDefaultSecurityChecker : public MProvdSecurityChecker
TInt CheckPolicy (const TSecurityPolicy& /*aPolicy*/, const char * /*aDiagnostic*/)
return KErrNone;
// This class is needed for synchronous open
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAsyncWaiter) : public CActive
static CAsyncWaiter* New ();
~CAsyncWaiter ();
TInt StartAndWait ();
CAsyncWaiter ();
// CActive
void RunL ();
void DoCancel ();
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CInternalSockSubSession) : public CBase, public MProvdSecurityChecker
class TParameters
TParameters(CommsFW::TWorkerId aClientWorkerId, CommsFW::MCommsTransportSender* aSender, TTransportUserStorage& aStorage, const Messages::TNodeId& aServerCookie, TRequestWrapper* aRequest /*TWorkerId aClientWorkerId, CommsFW::TWorkerId aServerWorkerId*/);
TTransportUserStorage& iStorage;
CommsFW::TWorkerId iClientWorkerId;
Messages::TNodeId iServerCookie;
// Used by the client for subsequent calls. Presumes client remains in same thread as when opened
// RInternalSocket must be Transfer()'d if client thread changes
CommsFW::MCommsTransportSender* iSender;
TRequestWrapper* iRequest;
IMPORT_C static void ProcessMessage(const Den::TWorkerTransportMsg& aMsg, TRequestWrapper& aRequest, TTransportUserStorage& aStorage, CommsFW::TWorkerId aPeerWorkerId);
IMPORT_C static void OnPeerDeath(CommsFW::TWorkerId aPeer, TTransportUserStorage& aStorage);
IMPORT_C static void Shutdown(TBool aAlreadyDead, TTransportUserStorage& aStorage);
inline CommsFW::TWorkerId ClientWorkerId() const;
inline CommsFW::TWorkerId ServerWorkerId() const;
CommsFW::MCommsTransportSender* Sender() const;
void SetSender(CommsFW::MCommsTransportSender* aSender);
inline TInt SendReceiveMsg(Den::TWorkerTransportMsg& aMsg);
inline void SendMsg(Den::TWorkerTransportMsg& aMsg);
static TInt SendReceiveMsg(Den::TWorkerTransportMsg& aMsg, CommsFW::MCommsTransportSender* aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aServerCookie);
static void SendMsg(Den::TWorkerTransportMsg& aMsg, CommsFW::MCommsTransportSender* aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aServerCookie);
static TInt SendReceiveMsgAsync( Den::TWorkerTransportMsg& aMsg, CommsFW::MCommsTransportSender* aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aServerCookie );
virtual void FinalCompleteAllBlockedMessages(TInt aResult) = 0;
virtual TInt CheckPolicy(const TSecurityPolicy& /*aPolicy*/, const char* /*aDiagnostic*/);
static TInt LinkOffset();
typedef TDblQue<CInternalSockSubSession> TSubSessions;
class TGlobals
TSubSessions iSubSessions;
CInternalSockSubSession(const TParameters& aParams);
void ConstructL(const TParameters& aParams);
static TGlobals* Globals(TTransportUserStorage& aStorage);
static TSubSessions& SubSessions(TTransportUserStorage& aStorage);
static void AddSubsession(TTransportUserStorage& aStorage, CInternalSockSubSession* aSubSession);
static void ProcessMessageL(const Den::TWorkerTransportMsg& aMsg, TRequestWrapper& aRequest, TTransportUserStorage& aStorage, CommsFW::TWorkerId aPeerWorkerId);
static TInt PerformOperationL(const TEIntSockMsg& aMsg, TRequestWrapper& aRequest);
TInt iAccessCount;
CommsFW::TWorkerId iClientWorkerId;
// TWorkerId iServerWorkerId;
Messages::TNodeId iServerCookie;
CommsFW::MCommsTransportSender* iSender; // presumes client remains in same thread as when opened - safe for now
TDblQueLink iLink;
CWorkerThread* iOwnerThread;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CInternalSocketImpl) : public CInternalSockSubSession, public ASocket
Implementation of RInternalSocket
typedef CInternalSockSubSession inherited;
friend class CInternalSockSubSession;
friend class ProtocolManager;
// Various bits to create a new internal socket in different ways
static CInternalSocketImpl* NewL ( const CInternalSockSubSession::TParameters& aParams );
static CInternalSocketImpl* NewL ( const CInternalSockSubSession::TParameters& aParams, TServerProtocolDesc* aServiceInfo, CProtocolBase* aProt );
virtual void FinalCompleteAllBlockedMessages(TInt aResult);
void SetImpl ( CInternalSocketImpl*& aImpl );
virtual TDes8* BorrowTemporaryBuffer(TInt aSize);
virtual TDes8* BorrowTemporaryBufferL(TInt aSize);
CInternalSocketImpl(const CInternalSockSubSession::TParameters& aParams, TUint aSockType);
void ConstructL(const TParameters& aParams, TServerProtocolDesc* aServiceInfo, CProtocolBase* aProt);
void InitUserMessageL ( TSocketMessage aMessage );
void SendL ( TSockMess aWriteFunction, TEIntSockOpMsgWrapper& aMsg );
void RecvL ( TSockMess aReadFunction, TEIntSockOpMsgWrapper& aMsg );
void CancelOpen ();
// From ASocket
// ----------------
virtual void SetClosing();
virtual TBool IsClosing();
virtual void DontCompleteCurrentRequest();
virtual ASocket* InitiateAcceptingSocket();
virtual ASocket* GetAcceptingSocket();
virtual void SetReturn(TInt aReturnValue) const;
virtual void GetOwnerInfo(TProcessId& aProcId, TSoOwnerInfo& aInfo, TThreadId& aThreadId);
virtual TInt SecurityCheck();
virtual void CompleteFlowRequestMessage(TInt aErr);
virtual void InitiateDestruction();
virtual TBool CloseSocket();
virtual void PanicSocketClient(TESockPanic aPanic);
// --------------
TEIntSockOpMsgWrapper& GetMessage (TSocketMessage aMessage);
TBool ShouldCompleteCurrentRequest () const;
inline TInt Return () const;
void AdoptFlowRequest ( TRequestWrapper& aRequest );
void SetCurrentMessage ( TEIntSockOpMsgWrapper& aIntSockMsg );
void CompleteCurrentRequest ( TBool aValue );
TBool iComplete:1;
TBool iClosing:1;
mutable TInt iReturn;
TRequestWrapper iFlowRequest;
CInternalSocketImpl** iImpl; // This will hold the reference to the pointer that RInternalSocket holds.
// It will be set when the the internal socket is actuall created. in case of
// an error it will be NULL and socket will do a self deletion.
CProtocolBase* iProtocol;
#include "ss_eintsockimpl.inl"
#endif // __EINTSOCKIMPL_H__