// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This contains ESock Test cases from section 8
// EPOC includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <es_sock_internal.h>
// Test system includes
#include "SocketTestSection8.h"
#include "ES_DUMMY.H"
// Test step 8.1
const TDesC& CSocketTest8_1::GetTestName()
return ret;
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_1::InternalDoTestStepL( void )
TVerdict verdict = EPass;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Ioctl returns not started on null socket"));
// connect to esock
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server"));
RSocketServ ss;
TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
//PG 14/02/2001
//Added test for defect: TOD-4QLDXY - Ioctl on incorrectly opened socket crashes socket server.
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a socket with no protocol"));
RSocket socketNoProtoDefined;
ret = socketNoProtoDefined.Open(ss);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// see if it's started
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Check Ioctl fails"));
TRequestStatus stat;
socketNoProtoDefined.Ioctl(KDummyIoctlCheckStarted, stat);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
TESTL(KErrNotSupported == stat.Int());
return verdict;
// Test step 8.2
const TDesC& CSocketTest8_2::GetTestName()
return ret;
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_2::InternalDoTestStepL( void )
TVerdict verdict = EPass;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Ioctl observes InternalOptionBit"));
// connect to esock
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server"));
RSocketServ ss;
TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// get a protocol
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to FindProtocol dummy protocol 1"));
TProtocolDesc protoInfo;
ret = ss.FindProtocol(_L("Dummy Protocol 1"), protoInfo);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("FindProtocol returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// check internal options bit
RSocket socket;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a new socket"));
ret = socket.Open(ss, protoInfo.iAddrFamily, protoInfo.iSockType, protoInfo.iProtocol);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying Ioctl on internal options bit"));
TRequestStatus stat;
socket.Ioctl(KInternalIoctlBit, stat);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
TESTL(KErrAccessDenied == stat.Int());
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to SetOpt internal options bit"));
ret = socket.SetOpt(KSocketInternalOptionBit, KSOLSocket);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("SetOpt returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrAccessDenied == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOpt internal options bit"));
TPckgBuf<TBool> boolean;
ret = socket.GetOpt(KSocketInternalOptionBit, KSOLSocket, boolean);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOpt returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrAccessDenied == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Testing StartL() with Ioctl KDummyIoctlCheckStarted"));
socket.Ioctl(KDummyIoctlCheckStarted, stat, NULL, KIoctlDummyLevel);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int());
return verdict;
// Test step 8.3
const TDesC& CSocketTest8_3::GetTestName()
return ret;
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_3::InternalDoTestStepL( void )
TVerdict verdict = EPass;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Ioctl auto bind and check started"));
// connect to esock
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server"));
RSocketServ ss;
TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// get a protocol
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to FindProtocol dummy protocol 1"));
TProtocolDesc protoInfo;
ret = ss.FindProtocol(_L("Dummy Protocol 1"), protoInfo);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("FindProtocol returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a new socket"));
RSocket socket;
ret = socket.Open(ss, protoInfo.iAddrFamily, protoInfo.iSockType, protoInfo.iProtocol);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Testing StartL() with Ioctl KDummyIoctlCheckStarted"));
TRequestStatus stat;
socket.Ioctl(KDummyIoctlCheckStarted, stat, NULL, KIoctlDummyLevel);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int());
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Testing AutoBind()"));
TSockAddr addr;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to Connect socket"));
socket.Connect(addr, stat);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int());
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Checking bound status with Ioctl"));
socket.Ioctl(KDummyIoctlCheckBound, stat, NULL, KIoctlDummyLevel);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int());
return verdict;
// Test step 8.4
const TDesC& CSocketTest8_4::GetTestName()
return ret;
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_4::InternalDoTestStepL( void )
TVerdict verdict = EPass;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Ioctl Get and Set Options"));
// connect to esock
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server"));
RSocketServ ss;
TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// try SetLocalPort
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a socket"));
RSocket socket;
ret = socket.Open(ss, _L("Dummy Protocol 1"));
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying SetLocalPort to 666"));
ret = socket.SetLocalPort(666);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("SetLocalPort returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Port now set to %d"), socket.LocalPort());
TESTL(666 == socket.LocalPort());
// try blocking Get/Set
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Testing blocking mode Get and Set options"));
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to SetOption KSONonBlockingIO"));
ret = socket.SetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("SetOption returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSONonBlockingIO"));
TPckgBuf<TBool> boolean;
ret = socket.GetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"),
&EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean());
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
TESTL(TRUE == boolean());
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSOBlockingIO"));
ret = socket.GetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"),
&EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean());
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
TESTL(FALSE == boolean());
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to SetOption KSOBlockingIO"));
ret = socket.SetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("SetOption returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSONonBlockingIO"));
ret = socket.GetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"),
&EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean());
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
TESTL(FALSE == boolean());
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSOBlockingIO"));
ret = socket.GetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"),
&EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean());
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
TESTL(TRUE == boolean());
return verdict;
// Test step 8.5
const TDesC& CSocketTest8_5::GetTestName()
return ret;
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_5::InternalDoTestStepL( void )
TVerdict verdict = EPass;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Ioctl returns not started on null socket"));
// connect to esock
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server"));
RSocketServ ss;
TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// Added test for defect: DEF043787 SAP never gets told to cancel an Ioctl if client calls RSocket::CancelAll().
_LIT(KSomeProtocol, "Dummy Protocol 1");
RSocket socket;
ret = socket.Open(ss, KSomeProtocol);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// Do test IOCTL thats never completes, then cancel it
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Do IOCTL/CancelALL."));
TRequestStatus stat;
socket.Ioctl(KDummyIoctlIgnore, stat);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
TESTL(KErrCancel == stat.Int());
// Now query for the result of the previous IOCtl.
socket.Ioctl(KDummyIoctlCancelled, stat);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S: CancelAll failed to cancel previous IOCTL."), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Ioctl returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(stat.Int()));
TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,&ss); // socket, ss
return verdict;
const TDesC &CSocketTest8_6::GetTestName()
return ret;
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_6::InternalDoTestStepL( void )
TVerdict verdict = EPass;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: Retention of socket options from before Accept to after Accept"));
// connect to esock
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server"));
RSocketServ ss1;
TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss1);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening Socket on pdummy3"));
RSocket sock1;
ret = sock1.Open(ss1,_L("Dummy Protocol 3"));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Binding Sock1"));
TSockAddr addr;
ret = sock1.Bind(addr);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Listening on Sock1"));
ret = sock1.Listen(5);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a null Socket"));
RSocket nullSock;
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
const TUint KBufferSize = 1024;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Setting a whole bunch of KSOLSocket options on the parent (sock1) socket"));
ret = sock1.SetOpt(KSOSendBuf, KSOLSocket, KBufferSize);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
ret = sock1.SetOpt(KSORecvBuf, KSOLSocket, KBufferSize);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
ret = sock1.SetOpt(KSODebug, KSOLSocket, ETrue);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
ret = sock1.SetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C2(KProcPolicy, ECapabilityNetworkServices, ECapabilityNetworkControl);
ret = nullSock.SetOpt(KSOEnableTransfer, KSOLSocket, KProcPolicy().Package());
TESTL(KErrNotReady == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now simulating a remote connection to complete the accept"));
ret = sock1.SetOpt(KDummyOptionSetConnectComplete, KIoctlDummyLevel);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now performing accept"));
TRequestStatus stat;
sock1.Accept(nullSock, stat);
TESTL(KErrNone == stat.Int());
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Now retrieving all the options set on the null socket with getOpts"));
TInt retrievedOpt;
ret = nullSock.GetOpt(KSOSendBuf, KSOLSocket, retrievedOpt);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
if (retrievedOpt != KBufferSize)
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opt KSOSendBuf did not return the correct value"));
ret = nullSock.GetOpt(KSORecvBuf, KSOLSocket, retrievedOpt);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
if (retrievedOpt != KBufferSize)
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opt KSORecvBuf did not return the correct value"));
ret = nullSock.GetOpt(KSODebug, KSOLSocket, retrievedOpt);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
if (!retrievedOpt)
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opt KSODebug did not return the correct value"));
ret = nullSock.GetOpt(KSONonBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, retrievedOpt);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
if (!retrievedOpt)
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opt KSONonBlockingIO did not return the correct value"));
return verdict;
const TDesC &CSocketTest8_7::GetTestName()
return ret;
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_7::InternalDoTestStepL( void )
TVerdict verdict = EPass;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: getOpt with small client buffer"));
// connect to esock
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Attempting to connect to socket server"));
RSocketServ ss;
TInt ret = OptimalConnect(ss);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Connect returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// try SetLocalPort
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Opening a socket"));
RSocket socket;
ret = socket.Open(ss, _L("Dummy Protocol 1"));
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open returned %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// try with small buffer - 8 bit descriptor
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSOBlockingIO"));
TBuf8<1> smallBuf8;
ret = socket.GetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, smallBuf8);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S"),&EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrOverflow == ret);
// try with correct size descriptor
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Trying to GetOption KSOBlockingIO"));
TPckgBuf<TBool> boolean;
ret = socket.GetOpt(KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket, boolean);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("GetOption returned %S, value %d"),
&EpocErrorToText(ret), boolean());
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
TESTL(TRUE == boolean());
return verdict;
const TDesC &CSocketTest8_8::GetTestName()
return ret;
enum TVerdict CSocketTest8_8::InternalDoTestStepL( void )
TVerdict verdict = EPass;
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Test Purpose: KSOSelectLastError option update"));
RSocketServ ss;
TInt ret=OptimalConnect(ss);
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Open by name"));
RSocket sock, sock2;
ret=sock.Open(ss,_L("Dummy Protocol 3")); // dummy 3 is reconnectable
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// get last error - check that option value is updated
TInt val;
ret = sock.GetOpt(KSOSelectLastError, KSOLSocket, val);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("KSOSelectLastError returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// return value should match the updated value
TESTL (val == ret);
ret=sock2.Open(ss); // null socket to accept onto
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Set test option"));
const TInt KExpectedError = -4567; // Something random.
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
TSockAddr addr;
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
ret=sock.Listen(0); // No need for a que
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Accept - error"));
TRequestStatus rstat;
sock.Accept(sock2, rstat);
TESTL(rstat.Int() == KExpectedError);
// get last error
ret = sock.GetOpt(KSOSelectLastError, KSOLSocket, val);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("KSOSelectLastError returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KExpectedError == ret);
// return value should match the updated value
TESTL(val == ret);
// Clears last error
ret = sock.GetOpt(KSOSelectLastError, KSOLSocket, val);
Logger().WriteFormat(_L("KSOSelectLastError returned with status %S"), &EpocErrorToText(ret));
TESTL(KErrNone == ret);
// return value should match the updated value
TESTL(val == ret);
return verdict;