author William Roberts <>
Mon, 21 Jun 2010 22:40:59 +0100
changeset 60 c6f96f45774a
parent 0 dfb7c4ff071f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Mark extraneous symbols as ABSENT (bug 3065)

# Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:

my $version = "1.0 (26/4/06)";

# Global variables

%interestingTables = (
	AccessPointTable	=> 1,
	ProtocolTable		=> 1,
	SCprTable			=> 1,
	CprTable			=> 1,
	MCprTable			=> 1,
	TierTable			=> 1

$tableName = "";
$tableId = 0;
$tableOfInterest = 0;

$topMargin = 100;
$leftMargin = 100;
$verticalSpacing = 100;
$fontSize = 15;
$fontHeight = $fontSize;
$fontVerticalSpacing = $fontHeight + 5;

$rectWidth = $fontSize * 10 ;
$rectFontHeightRatio = 3;
$rectHeight = $fontHeight * $rectFontHeightRatio;
$rectHorizSpacing = 40;
$rectVertSpacing = 40;
$horizontalSpacing = $rectWidth + $rectHorizSpacing;
$verticalSpacing = $rectHeight + $rectVertSpacing;

while (<>) {
	if (/^\[/)
	elsif (/ADD_SECTION/)
	elsif (/END_ADD/)
	elsif ( /FIELD_COUNT\s*=\s*/ )			# ensure this check is above the field check below
	elsif ( /ADD_TEMPLATE/ )
	elsif ( /\s*(\w+)=\s*(.*)$/ )
		processField($1, $2);


# Subroutines

sub processTable($)
	($tableName) = $_;
	$tableName =~ s/^\[(\w+)\]$/$1/;
	chomp $tableName;
	$tableId = 0;
	if ($interestingTables{$tableName} == 1)
		$tableOfInterest = 1;
		$tableOfInterest = 0;
sub processAddSection()

sub processEndAdd()

sub processAddTemplate()

sub processFieldCount()
sub processField($$)
	my $fieldName = $_[0];
	my $value = $_[1];
#	print "\t\tField $tableName, $tableId, $fieldName = $value\n";
	if ($tableOfInterest == 1)
		$database{$tableName}[$tableId]{$fieldName} = $value;

sub outputObjects()
	my $apCount = scalar( @{$database{AccessPointTable}} );
	my $ap;
	my $currentY = $topMargin;
	for ($ap = 1 ; $ap < $apCount ; ++$ap)
		outputAP($database{AccessPointTable}[$ap], $currentY);
		$currentY += $verticalSpacing;

sub outputAP($$)
	my $ap = $_[0];
	my $y = $_[1];
	my $x = $leftMargin;
	outputTextRect($x, $y, $database{ProtocolTable}[$ap->{Protocol}]{Name}, UidString($database{ProtocolTable}[$ap->{Protocol}]{ProtocolUid}));
	$x += $horizontalSpacing;
	outputTextRect($x, $y, $database{SCprTable}[$ap->{SCpr}]{Name}, UidString($database{SCprTable}[$ap->{SCpr}]{SCprUid}));
	$x += $horizontalSpacing;
	outputTextRect($x, $y, $database{CprTable}[$ap->{Cpr}]{Name}, UidString($database{CprTable}[$ap->{Cpr}]{CprUid}));
	$x += $horizontalSpacing;
	outputTextRect($x, $y, $database{MCprTable}[$ap->{MCpr}]{Name}, UidString($database{MCprTable}[$ap->{MCpr}]{MCprUid}));
	$x += $horizontalSpacing;
	outputTextRect($x, $y, $database{TierTable}[$ap->{Tier}]{TierManagerName}, UidString($database{TierTable}[$ap->{Tier}]{TierManagerUid}));
	$x += $horizontalSpacing;
#	print "AP $ap->{Name}:\n";
#	print "\tProtocol $ap->{Protocol} ($database{ProtocolTable}[$ap->{Protocol}]{Name})\n";
#	print "\tSCpr $ap->{SCpr} ($database{SCprTable}[$ap->{SCpr}]{Name})\n";
#	print "\tCpr $ap->{Cpr} ($database{CprTable}[$ap->{Cpr}]{Name})\n";
#	print "\tMCpr $ap->{MCpr} ($database{MCprTable}[$ap->{MCpr}]{Name})\n";
#	print "\tTier $ap->{Tier} ($database{TierTable}[$ap->{Tier}]{TierManagerName}, $database{TierTable}[$ap->{Tier}]{TierManagerUid})\n";

sub UidString($)
	my $num = $_[0];
	return sprintf("%08x", $num);
sub printDatabase()
	foreach $table ( keys %database )
		print "$table:\n";
		# entry zero is not initialised (commsdat id entries begin at 1)
		for ($record = 1 ; $record < scalar(@{$database{$table}}) ; ++$record)
			print "\t$record:\n";
			foreach $field ( keys %{$database{$table}[$record]} )
				print "\t\t$field = $database{$table}[$record]{$field}\n";

sub capitaliseText($)
	my $text = $_[0];
	my $doCpr = 1;
	if ($text =~ s/scpr/Scpr/)
		$doCpr = 0;
	if ($text =~ s/mcpr/Mcpr/)
		$doCpr = 0;
	$text =~ s/shim/Shim/;
	if ($doCpr == 1)
		$text =~ s/cpr/Cpr/;
	return $text;

# SVG output routines

sub openSVGFile()
	open SVG, ">ced.svg" || die "Cannot open ced.svg for writing\n";

sub closeSVGFile()
	close SVG;

sub outputDocHeader()
	my ($width,$height) = @_;
	print SVG '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>',"\n";
	print SVG '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">',"\n";
	print SVG "<svg height=\"$height\" width=\"$width\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\">\n";

sub outputDocFooter()
	print SVG "</svg>\n";

sub outputText($$$$)
	my ($x,$text,$y,$anchor,$decoration,$colour) = @_;
	my $attrs = qq{ x="$x" y="$y" font-size="$fontSize"};
	if ($decoration)
		$attrs .= qq{ text-decoration="$decoration" };
	if ($anchor)
		$attrs .= qq { text-anchor="$anchor" };
	if ($colour)
		if ($colour =~ s/^!//)
			outputRect($x - 1, $y - $fontHeight, 3, $fontHeight);
		if ($colour)
			$attrs .= qq { fill="$colour" };
	print SVG "<text $attrs>$text</text>\n";

sub outputRect($$$$)
	my ($x,$y,$width,$height) = @_;
	print SVG qq {<rect fill="white" stroke="black" x="$x" y="$y" width="$width" height="$height" />\n};

sub	outputTextRect($$$$)
	my $x = $_[0];
	my $y = $_[1];
	my $text1 = $_[2];
	my $text2 = $_[3];
	outputRect($x,$y,$rectWidth, $rectHeight);
	$y += $rectHeight/$rectFontHeightRatio + $fontHeight/2;
	outputText($x + $rectWidth/2, capitaliseText($text1), $y, "middle");	
	if ($text2)
		$y += $fontVerticalSpacing;
		outputText($x + $rectWidth/2, $text2, $y, "middle");	