Bug 2675. Take default commdb from ipconnmgmt instead.
(object Petal
version 37)
(object Design "<Top Level>"
is_unit TRUE
is_loaded TRUE
defaults (object defaults
rightMargin 0.250000
leftMargin 0.250000
topMargin 0.250000
bottomMargin 0.500000
pageOverlap 0.250000
clipIconLabels TRUE
autoResize TRUE
snapToGrid TRUE
gridX 31
gridY 31
defaultFont (object Font
size 10
face "Arial"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
showMessageNum 3
showClassOfObject TRUE
notation "Booch")
root_category (object Class_Category "<Top Level>"
exportControl "Public"
global TRUE
subsystem "<Top Level>"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "CCommsDatabase"
documentation "Controls access to the DBMS server and the comms database. Also allows access to the DBMS database change notifier. Each client of the database should have one of these objects."
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "DBMS server access"
label "iDbs"
supplier "RDbs"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "The database"
label "iDatabase"
supplier "RDbNamedDatabase"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Notifys of database changes"
label "iNotifier"
supplier "RDbNotifier"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iOpenRefCout"
documentation "Reference count the database opens"
type "TInt"
initv "0"
Containment "By Value")
(object ClassAttribute "iLockRefCount"
documentation "Reference counts the transactions on the database"
type "TInt"
initv "0"
Containment "By Value")
(object ClassAttribute "iNotifierOpenError"
documentation "Error on opening the notifier. Only reported to the client if the notifier is used."
type "TInt"
initv "KErrNotReady"
Containment "By Value")
(object ClassAttribute "iShowHiddenRecords"
documentation "Determines whether the client should be shown hidden records."
type "TBool"
initv "EFalse"
Containment "By Value")))
(object Class "CCommsDbView"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "RDbView")
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "TTableStates"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CCommsDatabase")))
(object Class "RCommsDatabaseServer"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RSessionBase")))
(object Class "RSessionBase")
(object Class "CCommsDbServer"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "CCommsDatabase")
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "CCommsDbSessCounter"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CServer")))
(object Class "CServer")
(object Class "CCommsDbSessCounter"
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CCommsDatabase")))
(object Class "CCommsDbSession"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "CCommsDbView"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CSession"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CCommsDbServer"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "n"))
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "RMessage")))
(object Class "RDbView")
(object Class "CPermanentFileStore")
(object Class "CSession")
(object Class "RDbStoreDatabase")
(object Class "RMessage")
(object Class "TTableStates")
(object Class "RDbs")
(object Class "RDbNamedDatabase")
(object Class "RDbNotifier")
(object Class "CCommsDbTableView"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "View on the table"
label "iTableView"
supplier "RDbView"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "The set of columns for this table"
label "iColSet"
supplier "CDbColSet"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Reference"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
label "iTemplate"
supplier "CCommsDbTemplateRecord"
exportControl "Private"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CCommsDatabase"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
friend TRUE))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iState"
documentation "State of the table"
type "TTableState"
initv "EOpenIdle"
Containment "By Value")
(object ClassAttribute "iTableName"
documentation "The name of the table"
type "TBuf"
Containment "By Value")))
(object Class "CDbColSet")
(object Class "CCommsDbTemplateRecord"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
label "iView"
supplier "CCommsDbTableView"
exportControl "Private"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iRecordExists"
type "TBool"
Containment "By Value")))
(object Class "CDbOverrideSettings"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
label "iDb"
supplier "CCommsDatabase"
exportControl "Private"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iPartialFull"
type "TParamList"
Containment "By Value")
(object ClassAttribute "iIntOverrides"
type "CArrayFixFlat<TCommDbIntOverride>")
(object ClassAttribute "iBoolOverrides"
type "CArrayFixFlat<TCommDbBoolOverride>")
(object ClassAttribute "iDes8Overrides"
type "CArrayFixFlat<TCommDbDes8Override>")
(object ClassAttribute "iDes16Overrides"
type "CArrayFixFlat<TCommDbDes16Override>")
(object ClassAttribute "iLongDesOverrides"
type "CArrayFixFlat<CCommDbLongDesOverride*>")))
(object Class "CStoreableOverrideSettings"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CDbOverrideSettings"))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "iStore"
type "CBufStore")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
quid "34734706029E"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
supplier "CCommsDbSession")
(object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
supplier "CCommsDbServer")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$3"
quid "3479EE67021C"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$4"
supplier "CCommsDbSession")
(object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
supplier "RCommsDatabaseServer")))
(object Class_Category "Server creates and removes server sessions"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
(object Class_Category "OpenTableLC() opens a table in the database"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list)))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "CommDb"
title "CommDb"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 664
items (list diagram_item_list
(object ClassView "Class" "CCommsDatabase" @1
IncludeAttribute TRUE
location (713, 682)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @1
location (408, 495)
nlines 2
max_width 732
justify 0
label "CCommsDatabase")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @1
location (406, 561)
anchor 2
nlines 7
max_width 734
justify 0)
width 1062
height 546
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RDbs" @2
location (310, 1333)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @2
location (206, 1249)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "RDbs")
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RDbNamedDatabase" @3
location (744, 1395)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @3
location (640, 1311)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "RDbNamedDatabase")
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RDbNotifier" @4
location (1519, 1178)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @4
location (1415, 1094)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "RDbNotifier")
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "CCommsDbTableView" @5
IncludeAttribute TRUE
location (2325, 682)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @5
location (2022, 537)
nlines 2
max_width 727
justify 0
label "CCommsDbTableView")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @5
location (2022, 603)
anchor 2
nlines 5
max_width 728
justify 0)
width 1054
height 428
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RDbView" @6
location (2387, 1209)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @6
location (2283, 1125)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "RDbView")
autoResize TRUE)
(object HasView "iTableView" @7
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @7
location (2367, 985)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iTableView")
client @5
supplier @6
line_style 0)
(object HasView "iDbs" @8
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @8
location (439, 1075)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iDbs")
client @1
supplier @2
line_style 0)
(object HasView "iDatabase" @9
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @9
location (732, 1106)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iDatabase")
client @1
supplier @3
line_style 0)
(object HasView "iNotifier" @10
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @10
location (1250, 978)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iNotifier")
client @1
supplier @4
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "CDbColSet" @11
location (2914, 1116)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @11
location (2810, 1032)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "CDbColSet")
autoResize TRUE)
(object HasView "iColSet" @12
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @12
location (2731, 925)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iColSet")
client @5
supplier @11
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @13
client @5
supplier @1
line_style 0)
(object NoteView @14
location (1705, 186)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @14
location (1138, 127)
nlines 2
max_width 1159
label "CCommsDbTableView object created from a CCommsDatabase by calling OpenTableLC() or OpenViewLC(), etc")
width 1219
height 131)
(object AttachView "" @15
client @13
supplier @14
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "CCommsDbTemplateRecord" @16
IncludeAttribute TRUE
location (1922, 1426)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @16
location (1696, 1342)
nlines 2
max_width 539
justify 0
label "CCommsDbTemplateRecord")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @16
location (1696, 1408)
anchor 2
nlines 2
max_width 537
justify 0)
width 782
autoResize TRUE)
(object HasView "iTemplate" @17
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @17
location (2098, 1096)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iTemplate")
client @5
supplier @16
line_style 0)
(object HasView "iView" @18
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @18
location (2098, 1096)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iView")
client @16
supplier @5
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "CDbOverrideSettings" @19
IncludeAttribute TRUE
location (1426, 1860)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @19
location (931, 1673)
nlines 2
max_width 1196
justify 0
label "CDbOverrideSettings")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @19
location (931, 1739)
anchor 2
nlines 7
max_width 1194
justify 0)
width 1734
height 546
autoResize TRUE)
(object HasView "iDb" @20
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @20
location (977, 1238)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iDb")
client @19
supplier @1
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "CStoreableOverrideSettings" @21
IncludeAttribute TRUE
location (1426, 2418)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @21
location (1286, 2334)
nlines 2
max_width 329
justify 0
label "CStoreableOverrideSettings")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @21
location (1285, 2450)
anchor 2
nlines 1
max_width 328
justify 0)
width 478
autoResize TRUE)
(object InheritView "" @22
client @21
supplier @19
line_style 0)))))
root_subsystem (object SubSystem "<Top Level>"
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object Module_Diagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
process_structure (object Processes
ProcsNDevs (list
(object Process_Diagram ""
title ""
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
properties (object Properties))