Bug 2675. Take default commdb from ipconnmgmt instead.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "CommDbConnPref.h"
#include "Commsdat_Log.h"
EXPORT_C TCommDbConnPref::TCommDbConnPref()
: TConnPref(TConnPref::EConnPrefCommDb)
EXPORT_C TVersion TCommDbConnPref::Version()
Returns the version number of this class
@return The version information.
__FLOG_STATIC3(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::Version -> Major=%d, Minor=%d, Build=%d"), KMajorVersionNumber, KMinorVersionNumber, KBuildVersionNumber);
return TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber, KMinorVersionNumber, KBuildVersionNumber);
EXPORT_C void TCommDbConnPref::SetIapId(TUint32 aIapId)
Sets the CommDb ID of the IAP to use for this connection
@param aIapId The IAP Id to be set
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::SetIapId -> IAP Id=%d"), aIapId);
PrefPtr()->iIapId = aIapId;
EXPORT_C TUint32 TCommDbConnPref::IapId() const
Retrieves the CommDb ID of the IAP to use in this connection
@return CommDb ID of the IAP
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::IapId -> IAP Id=%d"), PrefPtr()->iIapId);
return PrefPtr()->iIapId;
EXPORT_C void TCommDbConnPref::SetNetId(TUint32 aNetId)
Sets the CommDb ID of the Network Id to use in this connection
@param aNetId Network Id to use in this connection
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::SetNetId -> NetId=%d"), aNetId);
PrefPtr()->iNetId = aNetId;
EXPORT_C TUint32 TCommDbConnPref::NetId() const
Retrieves the CommDb ID of the Network Id to use in this connection
@return CommDb ID of the Network Id to use in this connection
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::NetId -> NetId=%d"), PrefPtr()->iNetId);
return PrefPtr()->iNetId;
EXPORT_C void TCommDbConnPref::SetDialogPreference(TCommDbDialogPref aDialogPref)
Sets the dialog preference to use in this connection
@param aDialogPref Dialog preference to use in this connection
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::SetDialogPreference -> DialogPreference=%d"), aDialogPref);
PrefPtr()->iDialogPref = aDialogPref;
EXPORT_C TCommDbDialogPref TCommDbConnPref::DialogPreference() const
Retrieves the dialog preference to use in this connection
@return Dialog preference
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::DialogPreference -> DialogPreference=%d"), PrefPtr()->iDialogPref);
return PrefPtr()->iDialogPref;
EXPORT_C void TCommDbConnPref::SetDirection(TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection)
Sets the connection direction
@param aDirection Connection direction
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::SetDirection -> Direction=%d"), aDirection);
PrefPtr()->iDirection = aDirection;
EXPORT_C TCommDbConnectionDirection TCommDbConnPref::Direction() const
Retrieves the connection direction
@return Connection direction
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::Direction -> Direction=%d"), PrefPtr()->iDirection);
return PrefPtr()->iDirection;
EXPORT_C void TCommDbConnPref::SetBearerSet(TUint32 aBearerSet)
Sets the bearer set applicable for the connection
@param aBearerSet The bearer set applicable for the connection
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::SetBearerSet -> BearerSet=%d"), aBearerSet);
PrefPtr()->iBearerSet = aBearerSet;
EXPORT_C TUint32 TCommDbConnPref::BearerSet() const
Retrieves the bearer set applicable for the connection
@return The bearer set
__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbConnPref::BearerSet -> BearerSet=%d"), PrefPtr()->iBearerSet);
return PrefPtr()->iBearerSet;
EXPORT_C TInt TCommDbConnPref::Compare(const TCommDbConnPref& aPref) const
Compares two sets of connection preferences
The returned value gives a measure of the differences between the preferences
If either value has not been set then the comparison is not made
@param aPref The connection preferences to compare
@return The measure of the differences between the preferences
TInt retVal(0);
if(BearerSet() != 0 && aPref.BearerSet() != 0 &&
aPref.BearerSet() != BearerSet())
if(DialogPreference() != ECommDbDialogPrefUnknown && aPref.DialogPreference() != ECommDbDialogPrefUnknown &&
aPref.DialogPreference() != DialogPreference())
if(Direction() != ECommDbConnectionDirectionUnknown && aPref.Direction() != ECommDbConnectionDirectionUnknown &&
aPref.Direction() != Direction())
if(IapId() != 0 && aPref.IapId() != 0 &&
aPref.IapId() != IapId())
if(NetId() != 0 && aPref.NetId() != 0 &&
aPref.NetId() != NetId())
//__FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("Compare Dialog Preferences -> Result=%d"), retVal);
return retVal;
EXPORT_C TCommDbMultiConnPref::TCommDbMultiConnPref()
: TConnPref(TConnPref::EConnPrefCommDbMulti)
EXPORT_C TVersion TCommDbMultiConnPref::Version()
Returns the version number of this class
@return The version information.
__FLOG_STATIC3(KLogComponent, KCommDbShim, _L("TCommDbMultiConnPref::Version -> Major=%d, Minor=%d, Build=%d"), KMajorVersionNumber, KMinorVersionNumber, KBuildVersionNumber);
return TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber, KMinorVersionNumber, KBuildVersionNumber);
EXPORT_C TInt TCommDbMultiConnPref::SetPreference(TInt aIndex, const TCommDbConnPref& aPref)
Sets a connection preference to the array
@param aIndex Index of the array
@param aPref Connection preference settings
@return KErrNone if successful else KErrArgument
if(aIndex<1 || aIndex>KMaxMultiConnPrefCount)
return KErrArgument;
PrefPtr()->iPrefs[aIndex-1] = *(aPref.PrefPtr());
return KErrNone;
EXPORT_C TInt TCommDbMultiConnPref::GetPreference(TInt aIndex, TCommDbConnPref& aPref)
Retrieves a connection preference from the array
@param aIndex Index of the array
@param aPref On return, the connection preferences
@return KErrNone if successful else KErrArgument
if(aIndex<1 || aIndex>KMaxMultiConnPrefCount)
return KErrArgument;
*(aPref.PrefPtr()) = PrefPtr()->iPrefs[aIndex-1];
return KErrNone;
EXPORT_C void TCommDbMultiConnPref::SetConnectionAttempts(TInt aNumAttempts)
Sets the number of times to attempt the connection
@param aNumAttempts Number of attempts to be made for a connection
if(aNumAttempts<1 || aNumAttempts>KMaxMultiConnPrefCount)
PrefPtr()->iNumAttempts = aNumAttempts;
EXPORT_C TInt TCommDbMultiConnPref::ConnectionAttempts()
Retrieves the number of times to attempt the connection
@return Number of times to attempt the connection
return PrefPtr()->iNumAttempts;