Bug 2675. Take default commdb from ipconnmgmt instead.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
inline SSockAddr *TSockAddr::BasePtr() const
This function returns the end point to a connection.
@return socket address
{ return (SSockAddr*)iBuf; }
inline TUint8 *TSockAddr::UserPtr() const
/** Gets an offset to place data after the base class data. This function is mainly
intended for use in derived classes.
@return Pointer to derived class intended data area */
{ return (TUint8*)(BasePtr()+1); }
inline TUint16 ByteOrder::Swap16(TUint aVal)
Reverses the order of the bytes in a 16-bit value.
@param aVal The value to reverse.
@return The reversed value.
{ return ByteOrder::Swap16((TUint16)aVal); }
inline TNameRecord::TNameRecord()
Trivial C++ constructor. This sets the fields in the
class to suitable default values.
inline TNifProgress::TNifProgress() :iStage(0), iError(KErrNone)
It sets the iStage data member to 0 and the iError data member to KErrNone.
inline TNifProgress::TNifProgress(TInt aStage, TInt aError) :iStage(aStage), iError(aError)
It sets the iStage data member to aStage and the iError data member to aError.
inline TBool TNifProgress::operator==(const TNifProgress& aRHS) const
return iStage==aRHS.iStage && iError==aRHS.iError;
inline RSubConnection::TEventFilter::TEventFilter(TInt32 aEventGroupId, TUint32 aEventMask)
: iEventGroupUid(aEventGroupId), iEventMask(aEventMask)
inline TUint32 CSubConParameterFamily::Id()
Fetch the identity of the sub-connection parameter family
return iFamilyId;
inline TAccessPointInfo::TAccessPointInfo(TUint aApId)
/** Initialises the object using the specified 32-bit long integer ID of the access point.
@param aApId The 32-bit long integer ID of the access point to initialise the object with. */
iAccessPointId = aApId;
inline TUint TAccessPointInfo::AccessPoint() const
/** Returns the 32-bit long integer ID of the access point.
@return The 32-bit long integer ID of the access point. */
return iAccessPointId;
inline void TAccessPointInfo::SetAccessPoint(TUint aAccessPoint)
/** Sets the 32-bit long integer ID of the access point.
@param aAccessPoint The 32-bit long integer ID of the access point. */
iAccessPointId = aAccessPoint;
inline TBool TAccessPointInfo::operator== (const TAccessPointInfo& aRhs) const
/** Compares the 32-bit long integer ID of the specified object with our own.
@param aRhs The TAccessPointInfo to compare.
@return A boolean value of ETrue if the TAccessPointInfo object has the same ID or false otherwise. */
return iAccessPointId == aRhs.iAccessPointId;