Bug 2675. Take default commdb from ipconnmgmt instead.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#if !defined(__SS_SOCK_H__)
#define __SS_SOCK_H__
#include <comms-infras/ss_intsock.h>
#include <comms-infras/ss_platsec_apiext.h> // ASockSubSessionPlatsecApiExt
//#include <es_prot.h>
#include <es_enum.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <comms-infras/ss_flowbinders.h>
#include <comms-infras/ss_nodeinterfaces.h>
#include "ss_flowrequest.h"
class CWaitForMBufs;
class CProtocolBase;
class ProtocolManager;
class CInternalSocketImpl;
namespace ESock
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSocketMessage) : public CBase, public AMessage
virtual void AcquireMessage ( AMessage* aMessage );
inline void SetMessage ( Den::RSafeMessage& aMessage );
inline void ProcessedMessage ();
virtual TInt ReadDes(TInt aSrcParamIndex,TDes8 &aDes,TInt anOffset=0);
virtual TInt ReadInt(TInt aSrcParamIndex);
virtual TInt ReadMBuf(TInt aSrcParamIndex, RMBufChain& aBufChain);
virtual void InitMBuf(TInt aParamIndex);
virtual TInt WriteDes(TInt aDstParamIndex,const TDesC8& aDes,TInt anOffset=0);
virtual TInt WriteMBuf(TInt aDstParamIndex,RMBufChain& aBufChain);
virtual void CompleteMessage(TInt anError);
virtual TBool IsNull (TInt aParamIndex);
TInt GetProcessAndThreadId(TProcessId& /*aProcessId*/, TThreadId& /*aThreadId*/) const;
inline const Den::RSafeMessage& Message() const;
inline Den::RSafeMessage& Message ();
Den::RSafeMessage iMessage; // Not owned
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSocket) : public CSockSubSession, public ASocket
Represents client-facing part of socket.
Implements ESOCK client socket sub-session specific handling.
Deals with RMessage2, player and session properties
@see ASocket
friend class ::ProtocolManager;
friend class ::Nif;
friend class ::CInternalSocketImpl; // need access to TSocketState enum - for esock "internal sockets"
typedef CSockSubSession inherited;
static CSocket* NewLC(TServerProtocolDesc* aServiceInfo, CSockSession* aSession, CPlayer* aPlayer, CProtocolBase* aProt, const TSubSessionUniqueId aSubSessionUniqueId, TInt aSocketType);
virtual ~CSocket();
virtual Den::TSubSessInfo Type() const
return TCFSubSessInfo(TCFSubSessInfo::ESocket);
virtual const Messages::RNodeInterface* ServiceProvider() const;
// Request service routines.
void ConnectL();
void ShutdownL();
TBool CloseSocket();
void ListenL();
void SetSockOptionL();
void GetSockOptionL();
void IoctlL();
void ReferenceL();
virtual void ProcessMessageL();
virtual void InitiateDestruction();
void AdoptFlowRequestMessage(const RMessage2& aFlowRequestMessage)
void CompleteFlowRequestMessage(TInt err);
CSocket(CSockSession* aSession, CPlayer* aPlayer, const TSubSessionUniqueId aSubSessionUniqueId, TInt aSocketType);
virtual void SetClosing();
virtual TBool IsClosing();
virtual void DontCompleteCurrentRequest();
virtual ASocket* InitiateAcceptingSocket();
virtual ASocket* GetAcceptingSocket();
virtual void PanicSocketClient(TESockPanic aPanic);
virtual void SetReturn(TInt aReturnValue) const;
virtual void GetOwnerInfo(TProcessId& aProcId, TSoOwnerInfo& aInfo, TThreadId& aThreadId);
virtual TInt SecurityCheck();
void FinalCompleteAllBlockedMessages(TInt aResult);
void ConstructL (CProtocolBase* aProtocol);
void InitUserMessageL ( TSocketMessage aMessage );
virtual TDes8* BorrowTemporaryBuffer(TInt aSize);
virtual TDes8* BorrowTemporaryBufferL(TInt aSize);
Den::RSafeMessage iFlowRequestMessage;
// ---------------------------------------------
inline void CSocketMessage::SetMessage ( Den::RSafeMessage& aMessage )
inline void CSocketMessage::ProcessedMessage ()
// Resets the handle to reflect the fact that the message has been processed
inline Den::RSafeMessage& CSocketMessage::Message ()
return iMessage;
inline const Den::RSafeMessage& CSocketMessage::Message() const
return iMessage;
} //namespace ESock
// __SS_SOCK_H__