# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# ============================================================================
# Name : loc_generator.pl
# Part of : create loc files to \epoc32\s60\locfiles base on subfolders in the same folder
# Origin : S60 build team,NMP
# Created : Tue Sep 24 11:32:47 2006
# Version : 0.2
# Description:
# Version 0.2 changes(VL): added "dirty hack" so that new string is added for all layers,
# this need to be removed when S60locfiles is exporting localized .loc files to correct layers !!!
# Also added fix to sub routine update_locs [if ($key eq "") {next}; # skip empty ones]
use strict;
use File::Basename; # for fileparse
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper; # debugging purposes
# Variables...
my $version = "0.2";
my $locfile_path;
my $loc_sc_folder = "sc";
my $loc_01_folder = "01";
my @generated_files;
my $input;
my $dozip;
my $noupdatelocfiles;
my $force_generation;
my $show_help;
my $result = GetOptions('i:s' => \$input, 'zip:s' => \$dozip, 'noUpdate' => \$noupdatelocfiles, 'force' => \$force_generation , 'h' => \$show_help);
if ($show_help) {help(); die "";};
if ($input && (!-d $input)){&error_msg("Invalid parameter '$input'!");}
if ($input && $input !~ m/\\$/) {$input .= "\\";};
if (!$result){&error_msg("Required Arguments are missing or wrong");}
# Hello text
# paths to exported loc files
my @exportedlocfilepaths = ("\\epoc32\\include\\platform\\loc", "\\epoc32\\include\\platform\\mw\\loc", "\\epoc32\\include\\platform\\app\\loc");
if ($input) {
if ($dozip) {zipup_genfiles($input)};
foreach $locfile_path (@exportedlocfilepaths) {
sub zipup_genfiles {
my $folder = shift;
print "zip.exe -j -m $dozip @{generated_files}\n";
system ("zip.exe -j -m $dozip @generated_files");
# generate switch loc files
sub generate_locs {
my $folder = shift;
my @files;
my @languageids;
# get language ids from folder names
# use sc as reference
if (-d ${folder}.${loc_sc_folder}) {
opendir(SDIR, ${folder}.${loc_sc_folder}) or &error_msg("can not read ${folder}${loc_sc_folder}\n");
@files = grep !/^\.\.?$/ && /.loc$/i, readdir SDIR;
opendir(SDIR, $folder) or &error_msg("can not read $folder\n");
@languageids = grep !/^\.\.?$/ && /^\d+?$/i, readdir SDIR;
# get language ids from zip file names.
# use 01 as reference
elsif (-f "${folder}${loc_01_folder}.zip") {
open ZIP, "unzip -Z1 ${folder}${loc_01_folder}.zip |";
while (<ZIP>)
$_ =~ s/.*\///i;
$_ =~ s/_${loc_01_folder}//i;
push @files ,$_;
close ZIP;
opendir(SDIR, $folder) or &error_msg("can not read $folder\n");
my @zipfiles = grep !/^\.\.?$/ && /^\d+?.zip$/i, readdir SDIR;
foreach (@zipfiles) {
$_ =~ s/.zip//i;
push @languageids, $_;
# print Dumper( @languageids );
foreach my $loc_file (@files) {
$loc_file =~ s/_${loc_01_folder}//i;
if (!-e $folder.$loc_file || $force_generation) {
push @generated_files, $folder.$loc_file."\n";
create_include_loc($folder, $loc_file, \@languageids);
if (!$noupdatelocfiles) {
update_locs($folder, $loc_file, \@languageids);
# update exist localized loc files base on exported original loc.
# create new files for all languages in case if loc is new one
# update new defines from component exported loc to exist localized files
sub update_locs {
my $loc_path = shift;
my $loc_file = shift;
my $languageids = shift;
my ($n, $ext) = split ('\.', $loc_file);
if (!-f "${loc_path}${loc_sc_folder}\\${loc_file}"){return;};
my %defines_orig = read_loc("${loc_path}${loc_sc_folder}\\${loc_file}");
foreach my $languageID (@$languageids) {
my @add;
if (!-e "${loc_path}${languageID}\\${n}_${languageID}\.${ext}") {
foreach my $key (keys %defines_orig) {
push @add, $defines_orig{$key}."\n";
else {
my %defines = read_loc("${loc_path}${languageID}\\${n}_${languageID}\.${ext}");
foreach my $key (keys %defines_orig) {
if ($key eq "") {next}; # skip empty ones
if (!exists $defines{$key}) {
push @add, $defines_orig{$key}."\n";
next if (!scalar @add);
# Dirty quick hack to go trough all paths in this phase also
foreach my $locfile_path_temp (@exportedlocfilepaths) {
if (!-f "${locfile_path_temp}${languageID}\\${n}_${languageID}\.${ext}"){next;};
print "update ${locfile_path_temp}${languageID}\\${n}_${languageID}\.${ext} \n add lines\n @{add} \n";
open (OUT_LOC,">>${locfile_path_temp}${languageID}\\${n}_${languageID}\.${ext}") or die "Cannot open ${locfile_path_temp}${languageID}\\${n}_${languageID}\.${ext} for reading: $!";
print OUT_LOC "\n";
print OUT_LOC @add;
close OUT_LOC;
# read .loc file and return defined strings
sub read_loc {
my $read_loc = shift;
my %defines;
open (IN,"$read_loc") or die "Cannot open ${read_loc} for reading: $!";
my @lines=<IN>;
close IN;
my $open_comment = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if (m!^\s*/\*!) {
if (m!\*/!) {
if (m!\*/!) {
next if ($open_comment);
next if (!m/^\s*?\#define/i);
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/\"+/\"\#/;
$_ =~ s/\s*?\#define\s+?//i;
$_ =~ s/\s.*//i;
return %defines;
# create switch loc file
sub create_include_loc {
my $loc_path = shift;
my $loc_file = shift;
my $languageids = shift;
my ($n, $ext) = split ('\.', $loc_file);
print "create file ${loc_path}${loc_file}\n";
open (OUT,">${loc_path}${loc_file}") or die "Cannot open ${loc_path}${loc_file} for writing: $!";
# my $first = 1;
print OUT "\#if LANGUAGE_${loc_sc_folder}\n";
print OUT "\t\#include <${loc_sc_folder}\/${loc_file}\>\n";
foreach my $languageID (@$languageids) {
# next if (!-f "${locfile_path}\\${languageID}\\${n}_${languageID}${ext}");
# if ($first) {
# print OUT "\#if LANGUAGE_${languageID}\n";
# $first = 0;
# }
# else {
print OUT "\#elif LANGUAGE_${languageID}\n";
# }
print OUT "\t\#include <${languageID}\/${n}_${languageID}\.${ext}\>\n";
# print OUT "\#else\n";
# print OUT "\t\#include <${loc_sc_folder}\\${loc_file}\>\n";
print OUT "\#endif\n";
close OUT;
sub datetime {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$wbday,$yday,$isdst)=gmtime();
return (sprintf("%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$sec));
sub hello {
print "This is switch_loc_generator version ${version}\n";
print "\n";
sub error_msg ($){
my $given_command=$0;
$given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
print "";
print "\n";
print "Error: $ErrorMsg \n\n";
die "\n";
sub help {
my $given_command=$0;
$given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
print "";
print "\n";
print " Parameters:\n";
print " -i <path to localized loc zips> : custom path to generated switch loc files. Option for localisation team\n";
print " -zip <zip file name to zip up generated switch loc files> : path to zip up generated switch loc files. Option for localisation team\n";
print " -noUpdate : do not update localised loc files in epoc32 -folder\n";
print " -force : regenerate switch loc files even those are exists\n";
print " -h : print this info message\n";
print "Usage: \n$given_command -i <localised loc file folder>\n";
print "Example: \n$given_command -i \\s60\\misc\\release\\S60LocFiles\\data\n\n";
print "Example for localization team: \n$given_command -i ..\\data -zip ..\\data\\switch_loc.zip\n";
print "\n";