* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
//Defining only language 01 for SF build purposes
#define LANGUAGE_IDS LANG sc 01
Device supports 3D ringing tones.
Cell Broadcasting support on 3G mode.
Adaptive WLAN Scanning (AWS) is a component that tells WLAN engine how often to
perform WLAN background scanning. AWS listens and receives events from other
components, concludes what would be the preferred scanning period, and then
tells it to WLAN engine.
Flag for WLANSniffer Homescreen widget.
Camcorder requires support from the Asynchronous File Save Queue.
This flags controls whether the Audio Messaing ROM files are included in the
/** #FF_AUDT
Device supports Always Up-to-date Device Time (AUDT). This is an ability to
update the device time, date and country/city automatically in phone start-up.
#undef FF_AUDT
"This flag indicates redial sequence, when video call is not succeeded for
certain reasons."
to enable/disable the emotion icon support in avkon editor control
This feature flag is required for the enabling/disabling customized birthday &
anniversary notifications for MyFaves contact in Calendar (under Community 1.0)
into 3.2.3 platform.
The requirement is
B’day & Anniversary Notification for MyFaves contact
• Picture of the MyFaves contact in the popup which can be masked as circular
• Currently Birthday notification is same as any other Calendar alarm
This feature flag is needed to enable/disable the progressiveness of the
downloads in download manager server and its clients.
Device uses capacitive touch technology in its display.
This flag controls whether Chinese variants use TrueType fonts instead of the
current stroke fonts in high resolution devices.
Current stroke fonts have good readability in small sizes and lower resolution
devices. However, with the introduction of ever sharper and larger displays
(HVGA, VGA), the stroke fonts look increasingly "too simple" and "stick-like" in
bigger sizes. Fonts with thicker, more stylistic strokes are required for a
proper look and user experience.
Following requirements already make a case for TTF fonts in Chinese:
417-16400: Chinese TrueType font for 9.1
406-137: TrueType font for Chinese
Note: The feature name intentionally avoids mentioning TrueType or TTF, as the
font technology is irrelevant, high resolution being the operative keywords.
This flag shall be used to determine if product programs need clock's
multiprotocol support, i.e. getting time information from different time source
protocols like GPS, SNTP, etc.. Product program can make a choice such that
multiprotocol feature support can be made on or off. When multiprotocol support
is off, then default NITZ protocol shall be choosen.
There will be a new component in S60 called CommsDatCreator (CDC) that will
initialize CommsDat using an input XML file which is generated by the
Configuration Tool.
When generating CommsDat the CDC needs that the default CommsDat in
Z:\private\10202be9\cccccc00.cre is empty.
The requested flag FF_COMMSDAT_CREATION_FROM_XML enables the empty CommsDat to
be included to the image as the default CommsDat.
This flags controls whether the CommsDatCreator component to be included to the
The feature enables the better utilisation of the WLAN connections that the user
has manually opened from the WLAN widget. Such connections, called as 'user
connections', will be automatically utilised in all applications that would
normally use Internet SNAP connection. If the feature is enabled, the 'user
connection' is enforced by default. The user can still control the utilisation
of the 'user connection' by enabling/disabling the connection enforcement from
WLAN settings.
We need a feature flag for ROM Creation time variation. The Phonebook2
application is constructed on a plugin based architecture. This design allows
the Phonebook2 application to be composed of various plugin components. The S60
platform Phonebook2 component contains a group UI plugin component, which
implements the whole contacts group functionality. To enable a variant to create
their own contact group functionality we need a feature flag so that the variant
can remove the platform group plugin component. This allow the component to be
removed from the ROM image, thus making the ROM size smaller.
The nickname functionality needs a feature flag for the following reasons:
-Phonebook2 component exports a central repository initialization file, which is
used to improve the Phonebook application launch -The initialization file is
read by the Symbian Contacts model server to initialize the Contacts view during
the device boot sequence
* S60 specifications define which fields take part in the device's contact name
creation (first name, last name, company name)
* The nickname requirement changes the S60 name creation rules, by adding the
contacts nickname field to the above list of fields
* Therefore the content of the Contacts view needs to be initialized
differently depending on whether the nickname feature is enabled or disabled
* The initialization file contains the configuration of the view, e.g. the
contact fields which are used for sorting the Phonebook names list view
* A feature flag is needed which allows Phonebook2 to export the correct
variant of the Contact view initilization file
* There is a considerable RAM usage penalty associated with keeping the
nickname field in the contact view when the nickname feature is disabled
* For further description of the Symbian Contacts view initilization see
-Run-time variation can be used inside the Phonebook2 application to configure
the application sort order
* But the Symbian Contacts view's must be configured correctly in order to
maintain existing performance, see above description
Customer helps are included into image based on this flag.
On enabling this feature flag GSDevDiagPlugin.dll would start the
DevDiagApp.exe. This would load all related plugins. The Diagnostics application
offers self-test service on the Mobile Applications and hardware for the phone
OMA DM SW installer implementation included in build.
This Flag is used to develop support for dual language feature. This is an
enhancement to the basic prediction feature where words predicted will come from
2 different language databases.
Defines whether the product includes the email multiprotocol framework. When the
flag is defined all parts constituting new email solution are in ROM:
application, plugin framework + imap/pop plugin and related settings UIs.
legacy email (__EMAIL_UI) must be disabled when FF_EMAIL_FRAMEWORK is enabled.
Defines whether the product includes IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP protocol support.
This enables email client selection in MCE. Fex. Freestyle email mailboxes goes
under email folder in mce-serttings. mce and sendui. Freestyle email settings
can be changed from mce-settings.
All you need to do is install own mtm-plugin and configure central repository
When defined, default email protocol plugins are enabled.
Defines whether the product includes email UI application
#undef FF_EMAIL_UI
determine which default CommsDat will be put to the image independent of image
type (prd or rnd):
- FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT: Completely empty CommsDat is used. Typically needed as the
base when creating operator variants with Configuration Tool and
- FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT: Otherwise empty CommsDat but the S60 default destinations
(Internet, MMS and Operator) as well as the Easy WLAN IAP (in case of WLAN
product) is included. This is suitable for vanilla variants of the phones.
- FF_RND_COMMSDAT: Platform releases contain typically the RND CommsDat that has
Nokia Test Network IAPs as well as some Finnish operator IAPs (DNA, Sonera,
Elisa) for RnD purposes.
Maximum of one of these flags should be defined at the time.
If none of the override flags is defined then the used CommsDat depends on the
image type: vanilla CommsDat is used for PRD image and RnD CommsDat for the RnD
image. This is typically how it should be and the override flags should only be
used if some special functionality is needed.
S60 calendar should provide possibility to integrate Farsi calendar application
to S60 calendar.
S60 calendar should provide variation point to calendar main menu, from where
Farsi calendar application can be launched. In addition S60 calendar setting
should provide access to the Farsi calendar settings. User should comfortably
move btwn Gregorian and Farsi calendars.
Farsi calendar will be enabled in the variants English & Farsi. These variants
can be extended further as per the need.
This feature is approved and targeted for 3.2.3 products. So variation required
from 3.2.3 onwards.
When enabled/defined flash can be used as Screensaver.
/** #FF_FMTX
FMTX application and Nseries Music Player support for FMTX
#define FF_FMTX
Indicates whether a device needs fullscreen HWR (HandWritingRecognition) input
or not.
This flag is used to check if generic font assets are to be used, this is used
for Symbian foundation where freetype rasterize as well as EFF fonts need to be
/** #FF_HDMI
Feature flag to indicate HDMI availability. IIf defined, device supports HDMI
(High Definition Multimedia Interface)
#undef FF_HDMI
The end-user shall be provided with animated help (tutorial kontent) from CSX
Help application. Both applications will continua existing as separate
applications, though Tutorial will not be visible in application grid, but only
provide animated content for CSX Help.
This is for REQ 417-16797. Help & Tutorial will look like one application. User
will not feel that they are 2 different applications. To implement this REQ
without breaking the compatibility, one feature flag is needed to make Help &
Toturial applications know if Tutorial is embedded in Help or running as a
standalone application. Also refer to REQ 101-39505.
S60 calendar should provide possibility to integrate separate Hijri calendar
application to S60 calendar.
S60 calendar should provide variation point to calendar main menu, from where
Hijri calendar application can be launched. In addition S60 calendar setting
should provide access to the Hijri calendar settings. User should comfortably
move btwn Gregorian and Hijri calendars.
Hijri calendar will be enabled in the variants English, Arabic, Urdu , French &
Farsi. These variants can be extended further as per the need.
This feature is approved and targeted for 3.2.3 products. So variation required
from 3.2.3 onwards.
"Feature flag 'FF_HITCHCOCK_MENU' to control which AppShell menu to use. If
disabled, old xml based menu2, and if enabled, new hitchcock based menu3."
Feature flag for enabling common idle framework to support new widgetized
stand-by mode application of Active Idle 3 on S60 by REQ "101-40598: HomeScreen:
3rd Party widget support" as alternative of existing Active Idle 2 and yet
enabling even custom made stand-by mode app to be active. The binary objects
which comprise common idle framework related components and new active stand-by
application, selection of alternative, and its depended components, can be
selected at image creation time in case where common ilde fw is accepted by
product/variant decicion.
Feature flag for activation of open menu framework to support alternative main
menu applications on S60 by REQS "101-40417: Open Shell UI internal menu model
for other applications", "417-8821: Non-touch VGA support for Matrix" and
"404-3950: Matrix: Basic Menu". Existing main menu app, Hitchcock AppShell, can
still be used if product/variant decides so, however, open menu fw which enables
altenative menu applications to run on same content, can be chosen as well. The
binary objects which comprise open menu fw and active main menu application with
its depended components can be selected at image creation time, as well as it is
possible to request appropriate main menu application UID when needed to
configure S60. These requests are, for example, setting the application UID to
launch main menu by "applications" hw-key and hide menu application from itself
Homescreen root configuration replaces existing concept of Active Idle
themes/modes from S60 5.1. FF_HOMESCREEN_SWITCHABLE_ROOT variates S60 by
enabling/disabling possibility to switch homescreen root. Homescreen root switch
must be enabled to end user to select operator/product specific alternative
homescreen active, for example, an alternative root or External Homescreen. This
feature must be able to set at run time also for post-product provision of
alternative homescreen.
If defined, the phone supports Independent Application Update feature.
Flag to control whether phone's Independent Application Update feature,
controlled by FF_IAUPDATE, is version two or later, a.k.a. IAD client phase 2.
Flag to control whether ImagePrint supports Bluetooth-printing
Flag to define whether ImagePrint supports printing to memorycard
Flag to define whether ImagePrint supports PictBridge printing - meaning
printing over USB.
Flag to define whether ImagePrint supports UPnP printing
This feature flag controls the inclusion/exclusion of chinese dictionary in
chinese variants. The flag is used in dictionary_variant.iby
the feature is implemented to adjust dynamically available input methods
according to autorotation status.
when autorotation is ON, if orientation is landscape, show menu items exclude
"virtual ITU-T" and virtual ITU-T is also unavailabe, else if orientation is
portrait show menu items exclude "FSQ" and FSQ is also unavailabe.
Generic QWERTY framework and 2nd generation text input engine integration
Enables Java Global Indicator API. Global Indicator API can be used to add
indicators to phone status pane.
New non touch NHD (=QHD) resolution. Flag determine which layout dlls are put to
hw image.
#undef FF_LAYOUT_360_640_NONTOUCH
/** #FF_LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH_QHD2
Layout data for QHD2_TOUCH resolution.
#undef FF_LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH_QHD2
/** #FF_LAYOUT_480_640_VGA3
Layout data for VGA3 resolution.
#undef FF_LAYOUT_480_640_VGA3
New non touch NHD (=QHD) resolution. Flag determine which layout dlls are put
to hw image.
#undef FF_LAYOUT_640_360_NONTOUCH
/** #FF_LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH_QHD2
Layout data for QHD2 TOUCH resolution.
#undef FF_LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH_QHD2
/** #FF_LAYOUT_640_480_VGA3
Layout data for VGA3 resolution.
#undef FF_LAYOUT_640_480_VGA3
To enable/disable LBT engine from S60. By default this should be ON
The Location Triggering subsystem provides a service to applications for
notifications based on the user’s location. Applications can create and remove
location based triggers, and applications can be notified or started when one of
their triggers is fired, i.e. the triggering conditions are met
Feature wiki : https://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/Location_based_triggering
REQ: 101-34742
BREL : 405-1756
To enable EventsUi application. Default is ON
Location events help the users to create location-based reminders. It allows
the user to create a event and assign a location to it. When you get close by
to the location, it prompts you with a reminder by playing a alarm tone or
displaying a text note or voice note assigned to that event.
REQ : 403-1621
BREl : 405-1781
To enable/disable the LBT management UI. Default is On
Settings for Location based trigerring subsystem.
REQ : 403-1621
BREl : 405-1781
#define FF_LBT_MGTUI
For enabling linked font in Chinese a new feature flag FF_LINKED_FONTS_CHINESE
is needed.
This flag controls whether a single Chinese font or a linked font is used in
Chinese builds. The linked font will contain latin set from normal S60 latin
fonts and a Chinese part which is the current Chinese font unchanged. To be used
in Chinese variants only.
Enables camera application support for Metadata system.
Meeting request UI from Custom SW will be is part of Common Email. This new flag
replaces Custom SW specific flag FF_ES_MEETING_REQUEST_UI used in Freestyle. MR
UI (viewer) is visible to Email application as Ecom plugin.
If the flag is not defined, MR UI related components are not in ROM.
In Menu (AppShell) application the performance of changing the folder has been
poor in 5.0 (uses Hitchcock). By loading the Hitchcock textures for all the
icons in advance improves the performance radically. The side effect is the
increased memory consumption. This flag enables/disables the texture
This flags controls whether the MMS Postcard ROM files are included in the
This flag enables building the NCD Engine to S60 release.
/** #FF_NCD_UI
This flag enables building the NCD UI to S60 release.
#define FF_NCD_UI
A feature flag for Near Field Communication feature
This enables National Language Table(NLT) support for encoding SMS messages.
Characters specific to a language must be encoded using the corresponding NLT,
so that the message can be sent and received using a 7-bit alphabet without any
loss of information. The method is specified in 3GPP TS 23.038 v8.0.0 and TS
23.040 v8.1.0.
Allow removal of CUG (Closed User Group) feature from Phone and SIM settings
list (in Control Panel) in cases where CUG is not supported.
When the flag is set, Active Idle does not have any softkeys.
This feature adds ODE physics engine copyright info to About application. The
notice is needed if any of the sw components which using this engine.
Configurability is required to add the copyright information, because the notice
should only displayed when required( e.g., in some products which include it ),
we will decide whether displaying these copyright information by swtich on/off
of this flag.
OFN feature stands for Optical Finger Navigation, a feature of input devices
with optical sensor. Typically phones with the OFN feature contain an optical
joystick, which is an addition to normal rocker navikey user input. Optical
joystick is utilized for various user input functionalities in menus, lists,
browser, maps, image viewer, etc. The optical joystick can be enabled/disabled
by switching the boolean flag defined/undefined.
This feature enables OMA SCOMO feature in "application management component".
Feature flag for controlling the inclusion of Out-of-Memory2 component into the
ROM image.
This feature adds OSS legal notice to About application. The notice is needed if
any of the sw components, e.g. WRT widgets include any Open Source components.
Configurability is required to add the legal notice, because the notice should
only displayed when required( e.g., in some products ), we will decide whether
displaying these information by swtich on/off of this flag.
Platform Simulator product makes it possible to execute software on simulated
target hardware using a Windows or Linux workstation. Platform Simulator is
based on ARM® RealView® tools that support modeling terminal hardware using LISA
language. Platform Simulator runs any OS e.g. S60 or Linux. The OS is introduced
to the simulator as a core image loaded into the simulated flash memory.
Compared to WINS emulator Platform Simulator based S60 simulation is much closer
to exeuction on real hardware. Yet there has to be some differences in the S60
core image. Thus the need for FF_PLATFORM_SIMULATOR flag. The flag controls S60
PPD release based core image creation for two alternate targets:
- FLAG DEFINED = compilation shall include components and configurations for
simulated hardware
- FLAG UNDEFINED = compilation shall include components and configurations for
real hardware
The NCP_COMMON_PLATFORM_SIMULATOR flag has strict dependency to the
Platform Simulator pilot 1 release models PP71 hardware i.e. a plain RAPU 1.1
configuration. In the future the Platform Simulator targets to support selected
new reference hardware configurations. This makes the flag lifetime permanent.
On enabling this feature flag pnpprovfilter.dll will be created and this feature
flag is used to enable PNPProvisioning HTTP filter which by passes the download
manager launching PNPMS provisioning engine.
This feature flag is required for launching PNPMS application from general
settings/Control Panel. On enabling this feature flag servicehelpplugin.dll will
be created and when this feature is enabled Service Help Icon will be present in
General Settings/Control Panel. Service Help will launch browser on selection
and direct the browser with predefined PnPMS server URL where user can download
provisioning settings over HTTP from web server.
"Power save mode is a collection of features which are put in a power saving
mode. These features are i.e. display light brightness, light time outs etc.
Power save mode can be extended to be supported by any application which can do
something to save battery by implementing the needed power save mode APIs."
Preminet Catalogs client.
This flag enables Authentication type plugin. On enabling this feature flag
Authtypeplugin.dll will be created and this feature will be enabled and
authetication type can be changed for configuration message from UI which will
enable item in General Settings and on selection of this item will open list
dialog for changing the authentication type.
The device has a Fn key
determine which default CommsDat will be put to the image independent of image
type (prd or rnd):
- FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT: Completely empty CommsDat is used. Typically needed as the
base when creating operator variants with Configuration Tool and
- FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT: Otherwise empty CommsDat but the S60 default destinations
(Internet, MMS and Operator) as well as the Easy WLAN IAP (in case of WLAN
product) is included. This is suitable for vanilla variants of the phones.
- FF_RND_COMMSDAT: Platform releases contain typically the RND CommsDat that has
Nokia Test Network IAPs as well as some Finnish operator IAPs (DNA, Sonera,
Elisa) for RnD purposes.
Maximum of one of these flags should be defined at the time.
If none of the override flags is defined then the used CommsDat depends on the
image type: vanilla CommsDat is used for PRD image and RnD CommsDat for the RnD
image. This is typically how it should be and the override flags should only be
used if some special functionality is needed.
The device has multidirectional "rocker" key.
This flags controls whether the UI Accelerator toolkit (ALF) is included in the
To enable the feature to variate the device capability on runtime
Platform helps are included into image based on this flag.
#define FF_S60_HELPS_IN_USE
Flag to enable/disable usage of S60 implementation of posting surface api.
Default value for this is disabled.
This enables selectable default email. When write message->email is selected
from sendui (with multible mailboxes), the default email account is the initial
selection. Default mailbox can be set from mce-settings.
FF_SENSOR_FW flag is used for image creation time variation of the sensor
Flag should be defined for products that have sensors and undefined for products
that do not.
#define FF_SENSOR_FW
By default S60 Media Player will be hidden from UI, and only be accessible
through embedded playback use cases (e.g browser, messaging, file browser, etc).
This flag will will allow product manufacturers to re-enable Media Player and
display it in the application shell if desired.
The flag will be used to enable receiving OMA CP/DM messages during system
start-up in those devices that need the feature.
Tacticons are haptic effects that can be played by the applications to indicate
success or failure of actions. Tacticons can be also automatically played
together with some Sound IDs.
Device supports Tactile Feedback. Tactile feedback is produced by UI components
and applications on pointer down events. Actual physical feedback effect
(vibra/audio/no feedback) depends on current settings and device configuration.
This is the feature flag to allow branching of the code flow based on the
capability check or SID check for the third party applications.
The feature flag is to turn ON/OFF MyFaves feature in a S60 3.2 complementary
This feature flag is for enabling/disabling MyProfile feature in T-Mobile
Complementary package(both International & US)on S60 3.2.3. This feature flag is
valid for MyProfile UI & MyProfile synchronization.
Haze theme is included in ROM image.
Jingmask theme is included in ROM image.
Touch Calibration UI is initiated at device startup.
This flag enables user to response (for example answer) and unlock screen
through sliders (software controls) to mobile terminated calls. This applies
only to touch devices.
Defines whether UPNP application is supported in the platform through
If it is defined, the Starter starts the UsbWatcher.exe in charging mode.
The USB Watcher or USB MSC Personality Plug-in code is not variated.
Note. This flag replaces RD_USB_CHARGING in 5.0 release.
The flag excludes all S60 USB host and OTG related components.
#undef FF_USB_HOST
The flag is used to enable EGPRS icon in the status pane. If the flag is
disabled, GPRS icon must be shown instead of EGPRS icon.
Flag is used for products to select in image creation time if mass storage drive
configuration is used or not. The mass storage drive configuration is following:
C=Phone memory, E=Internal mass storage and F=Memory card.
The flag affects how S60 components see the drives setup from estart
On enabling this feature flag eZitext engine will be part of the Image and
Ptiengine will utilize eZitext engine for editing features.
determine which default CommsDat will be put to the image independent of image
type (prd or rnd):
- FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT: Completely empty CommsDat is used. Typically needed as the
base when creating operator variants with Configuration Tool and
- FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT: Otherwise empty CommsDat but the S60 default destinations
(Internet, MMS and Operator) as well as the Easy WLAN IAP (in case of WLAN
product) is included. This is suitable for vanilla variants of the phones.
- FF_RND_COMMSDAT: Platform releases contain typically the RND CommsDat that has
Nokia Test Network IAPs as well as some Finnish operator IAPs (DNA, Sonera,
Elisa) for RnD purposes.
Maximum of one of these flags should be defined at the time.
If none of the override flags is defined then the used CommsDat depends on the
image type: vanilla CommsDat is used for PRD image and RnD CommsDat for the RnD
image. This is typically how it should be and the override flags should only be
used if some special functionality is needed.
Indicates whether a device needs Virtual full-screen qwerty input or not.
Indicates whether a device needs virtual ITUT input or not.
Feature flag controls whether or not a special icon is shown in status pane,
when call divert is set against voice mailbox number.
With Voice Call Continuity it is possible to provide seamless user experience
when user in transition between VoIP and cellular networks. This feature brings
a method to seamlessly continue ongoing voice call from VoIP to cellular and
vice versa. VCC handover logic shall be implemments as installable plugin (SIS)
in order to allow possibility to support several VCC signalling variations.
However VCC needed some platform changes to be fully functional (mainly at
telephony components) and those changes must be run time variable.
Feature flag is needed to manage whether VpnClient components are in ROM or not.
When enabled/defined, WEBVIDEO for ph2 is used. This will use Helix XPS
interface for video decoding and postprocessing.
The purpose of the flag is to control whether the WlanSniffer2 application is to
be integrated into 3.2 product builds or not.
The WLAN Sniffer VoIP enhancements will provide easy way to connect to VoIP
service via Sniffer's Active Idle plugin.
Device supports extended WLAN functionalities e.g. for association and
WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure (WAPI) is a Chinese national
standard for WLAN security. Although WAPI was designed to operate on top of the
IEEE 802.11 WLAN technologies, it is not compatible with the security schemes
defined in IEEE 802.11 specifications. It specifies its own methods for WLAN
authentication and data link protection.
WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure (WAPI) is a Chinese national
standard for WLAN security. Although WAPI was designed to operate on top of the
IEEE 802.11 WLAN technologies, it is not compatible with the security schemes
defined in IEEE 802.11 specifications. It specifies its own methods for WLAN
authentication and data link protection.
This feature flag is used only for including WAPI binaries to ROM. WAPI
functionality can be (run-time) enabled with FF_WLAN_WAPI.
Controls if Basic idle theme is going to image or not.
Controls if Classic idle theme is going to image or not.
Controls if Finger use idle theme goes to image or not.
Controls if Navibar idle theme is going to image or not.
The default language that is selected during bootup (this selection is
overridden by the sim language selection).
included Arabic
included Basque
included Bulgarian
included Catalan
included Croatian
included Czech
included Danish
included Dutch
included English
included English_American
included English_APAC
included English_Hongkong
included English_Japanese
included English_PrcChina
included English_Taiwan
included English_Thai
included Estonian
included Farsi
included Finnish
included French
included French_American
included Galician
included German
included Greek
included Hebrew
included Hindi
included Hongkong
included Hungarian
included Icelandic
included Indonesian
included Indonesian_APAC
included Italian
included Japanese
Korean language is planned to add as part of S60 platfrom in TB9.1 platfrom
included Latvian
included Lithuanian
included Malay
included Malay_APAC
included Norwegian
included Polish
included Portuguese
included Portuguese_American
included PrcChina
included Romanian
included Russian
included Serbian
included Slovak
included Slovenian
included Spanish
included Spanish_American
included Swedish
included Tagalog
included Taiwan
included Thai
included Turkish
included Ukrainian
included Urdu
included Vietnamese
/** #__3D_MENU
3D Menu feature enhances Application Shell with animating 3D icons.
#define __3D_MENU
This flag indicates that the 3GP Extention feature is supported in
#undef __3GP_EXTENTION
Device supports all-ARM AAC encoding capabilities.
Device supports all-ARM AAC+ and Enhanced AAC+ decoding capabilities
"The Active Idle includes several plugins to display different content.
Additional feature flags for them will be requested separately as the necessity
for them to be optional arises.At the moment this flag will cover all Active
Idle mandatory features."
#undef __ACTIVE_IDLE
"Support for Aftermarket update of Codecs, and File Formats. To allow the helix
dlls to be upgraded using a SISX file. "
Device supports internal (HS)CSD in application UIs.
"Device supports utility APIs and framework for Series 60 Audio applications to
enable predefined audio effects with audio play/record utilities. Features lilke
Volume, Graphical Equalizer, Reverb are possible."
Flag for Xpress Audio Messaging feature. Device supports recording and sending a
sound clip as a MMS message.
Device supports Audio Resource Indications Utility. Applications can use the
Audio Resource Indications Utility to request feedack when they can submit a
play request.
Device supports automatic accessory identification.
Device has basic location info display.
"Device supports bass boost, increases Bass frequency response."
General settings application supports controlling display brightness.
"In addition to the SWI certificate store check (defined by __BTIC_ENABLED),
also binaries (having TCB or DRM capability) in c: drive are integrity checked
during boot."
Device supports Bluetooth fax profile.
/** #__BT_SAP
Bluetooth SIM Access Profile (SAP) allows another device to access the SIM over
#define __BT_SAP
/** #__CAMERA
Device has Camera Application.
#define __CAMERA
"Flag enables full screen mode in camera application. Full screen is supported
only in landscape mode. If hardware is not supporting landscape mode this flag
should be set off."
The flag defines is the camera lens cover is supported by the HW.
Enables Camera Application support for geotagging.
Device prevents transferring CommDb outside of the phone.
Device has also separate cover display in addition to the main display.
Device supports circuit switched video telephony
"This flag enables customised RFS, that does not automatically erase content of
user area image."
Initial connection selection enables automatic 'usage of default destination
groups (like Internet) instead of single IAPs when starting network connections.
Deprecated in 5.0.
/** #__DRM
"Device supports OMA Digital Rights Management (DRM) partially, only forward
lock is supported"
#define __DRM
/** #__DRM_CLOCK
"DRM clock is a new clock type that is used with DRM interval and datetime based
constraints. It uses NITZ (other solutions can be studied) to get the network
time and uses that to determine if the time constrained content can be rendered
or not. This enables the content providers to sell content twice e.g. first for
a short period of time and after that (assumed user lock in) for 2nd time with
full usage rights.The user shall still have control over the normal clock of the
device, but setting of that clock shall not have effect to the DRM clock. If
NITZ is not available, user defined clock is used."
#define __DRM_CLOCK
/** #__DRM_FULL
"Device supports OMA Digital Rights Management (DRM) fully. Includes forward
lock, combined delivery, separate delivery and super-distribution"
#define __DRM_FULL
/** #__DRM_OMA2
This feature flag is used to indicate whether OMA DRM standard version 2 is
#define __DRM_OMA2
/** #__DRM_PHASE2
This feature flag is used with OMA DRM standard version 2 (Phase2) features.
#define __DRM_PHASE2
/** #__EDIT_KEY
The device has edit key
#define __EDIT_KEY
Device supports sending email messages using SMS as the bearer transport.
Device supports equalizer.
#define __EQUALIZER
Device supports Macromedia Flash Lite plugin for Web Browser
Device supports Macromedia Flash Lite Viewer for opening and playing Flash
content files (.SWF).
/** #__FM_RADIO
Device contains support for FM radio (TunerUtility and RadioServer components).
#define __FM_RADIO
Device supports handwriting recognition input.
"When the feature flag is set, HSDPA setting item is visible for the user."
/** #__IM
Device supports Instant Messaging feature of the Wireless Village initiative
#define __IM
Flag controls whether the Image Viewer application is included in rom image.
#define __IMAGE_VIEWER
"Wireless Village features (__IM & __DPB) support standalone TCP/IP binding for
Communication Initiation Request (CIR). The TCP/IP binding uses persistent
connection from the client to WV server to providelow-latency always-on CIR
AAC CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build to be used
by some other client than controller plug-in component.
AMR NB CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build to be
used by some other client than controller plug-in component.
AMR WB CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build to be
used by some other client than controller plug-in component.
This flag is used to indicate that the eAAC+ soft codec should be included in
MP3 CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build to be used
by some other client than controller plug-in component.
QCELP CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build to be
used by some other client than controller plug-in component.
/** #__IPSEC
Device supports IP Security (IPSec). The IPSec is a set of protocols developed
by the IETF to support secure exchange of packets at the IP layer. IPsec has
been deployed widely to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
#define __IPSEC
/** #__IRDA
Device supports Infrared.
#define __IRDA
/** #__JAVA
"Java platform binaries are included to the phone image. When __JAVA feature
flag is undefined, other feature flags starting with __JAVA_ does not have any
effect on platform functionality. See also feature flag __JAVA_STUBS."
#define __JAVA
"__JAVA_STUBS flag is defined, the build script is building only stubs of APIs
published by the Java domain. If the flag is not defined, both the functional
components and stub components are build. This flag must be defined if the
licensee do not have Java source code and would like to build the whole S60.
Note that it is possible to create S60 image with Java functionality if Java
binaries have been delivered to the licensee. More information is available in
__JAVA flag definition."
#undef __JAVA_STUBS
/** #__LAYOUT208_208
Device supports 208x208 resolution (square)
#undef __LAYOUT208_208
/** #__LAYOUT_240_320
Device supports 240x320 resolution (QVGA)
#define __LAYOUT_240_320
/** #__LAYOUT_240_320_LARGE_SCREEN
"Device supports 240x320 resolution (QVGA2 for larger screens, portrait)"
#define __LAYOUT_240_320_LARGE_SCREEN
/** #__LAYOUT_240_320_QVGA3
Device supports 240x320 resolution (QVGA3)
#undef __LAYOUT_240_320_QVGA3
/** #__LAYOUT_320_240
Device supports 320x240 resolution (QVGA landscape)
#define __LAYOUT_320_240
/** #__LAYOUT_320_240_LARGE_SCREEN
"Device supports 320x240 resolution (QVGA2 for larger screens, landscape)"
#define __LAYOUT_320_240_LARGE_SCREEN
/** #__LAYOUT_320_240_QVGA3
Device supports 320x240 resolution (QVGA3)
#undef __LAYOUT_320_240_QVGA3
/** #__LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH
"Device supports 360x640 resolution (QHD portrait, touch screen)"
#define __LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH
/** #__LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH
"Device supports 640x360 resolution (QHD landscape, touch screen)"
#define __LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH
Device has internal GPS hardware.
"Support for Location Centre. When enabled, Location Centre will be visible in
Application Shell."
Device supports macrodia flash 6.
Device supports MTP application.
Flag is used ro incorporate Postcard application into the release.
Device supports MPEG-4 AAC encoding. Together with feature flag
__MPEG4_VIDEO_ENCODING this flag can also enable enconding for MP4 file format.
Device supports MPEG4 encoding.
"MRT libraries: Open C, SSL, GLIB and RGA."
Device supports Media Transfer Protocol. Note! This is for Music Player
variation only.
"This feature displays a 'CNN type' ticker of text pushed via cell broadcast,
onto the idle screen of the phone."
"Device does not have dedicated key for power management, but the functionality
is combined to some other hard key."
#undef __NO_POWERKEY
/** #__OMA_POC
OMA Push-to-talk over Cellular.
#define __OMA_POC
This flag indicates that the dialer.dll is included to the rom image and
On-Screen Dialer is used for phone number entering.
Device supports OpenGL ES and EGL versions 1.0. This feature enables 3D graphics
#define __OPENGL_ES_3DAPI
"Device has a software implementation of OpenGL ES and EGL. No hardware support.
If __OPENGL_ES_3DAPI is enabled, either HW or SW implementation should exist. If
HW is not present, this flag should be enabled."
Browser application supports persistent cache in addition to default volatile
cache. Contents of this cache will remain from one browser session to the next
(also through power cycles of the phone.)
"Device contains Operator menu application. It is a wrapper to Browser
application and allows using operator specific application icon (and label), and
allows opening wanted URL initially."
Indicates whether a device has a pen support.
#define __PEN_SUPPORT
Touch Screen Calibration application.
Device supports Presence feature of the Wireless Village initiative.
#define __PRESENCE
"A flag to include/exclude S60 default TSP implementation in ROM.When the flag
is set on the default remcon TSP implementation is removed from the ROM."
Device supports WCDMA cellular stack
Device supports WLAN protocol.
/** #__QOS
Device supports Quality of Service (QOS). The QoS is capability of a network to
provide better service to selected network traffic.
#define __QOS
"Device uses alternative QVGA layout with smaller fonts, designed for devices
having larger physical screen size."
Indicates whether a device has qwerty keyboard or not.
#define __QWERTY_INPUT
/** #__RSS_FEEDS
Device supports Feeds (RSS) functionality.
#define __RSS_FEEDS
/** #__RTP_STACK
Device supports RTP.
#define __RTP_STACK
/** #__RV9
Device supports RealVideo9.
#define __RV9
Device contains Series 60 FM Radio application components.
/** #__SDND
Device supports Speaker Dependent Name Dialling (SIND). That is an ability to
voice-dial to a contact in the phone book by training a voice tag for the
#undef __SDND
Flag is used to incorporate MMS upload feature into the release.
Device supports sending a file to active call number.
Device has Ambient Light Sensor feature.
/** #__SERIES60_HELP
Device support context helps in applications.
#define __SERIES60_HELP
Device does not have a keyboard slider to activate keyboard.
Device does not have a separate voice key to activate voice command
Device includes standard Series 60 browser.
Device supports Tele Type (TTY) functionality. TTY is also referred to as TDD
(Telecommunication Device for the Deaf). Applicable to devices targeted to
United States (US) markets.
#define __SERIES60_PHONE_TTY
Device shows SW panic note when an application panic (unexpected error) occurs.
Disabling this feature in a final product is recommended.
#define __SHOW_PANICS
Device supports side volume keys.
/** #__SIND
Device supports Speaker Independent Name Dialling (SIND). That is an ability to
voice-dial to any contact in the phone book without first training a voice tag.
#define __SIND
This flag is used to control the existance of SIP/SIMPLE feature in S60.
Flag controls whether the slideshow screensaver plugin is included or not. Also
affects Themes (Psln) and Screensaver AIW provider.
Device supports stereo widening to enhance the stereo surround effect.
SVG-T viewer is included in the build.
#define __SVGT_VIEWER
This feature enables collection of device diagnostics data and sending it to
Device Management server or to PC Suite.
Device supports OTA firmware update.
#define __SYNCML_DM_FOTA
Device supports configuring IMPS using SyncML.
#define __SYNCML_DM_IMPS
Device supports device management over OBEX.
SyncML DM OMA provisioning adapter.
#define __SYNCML_DM_OTA
Device supports configuring SIP settings using SyncML.
#define __SYNCML_DM_SIP
Device supports configuring VoIP settings using SyncML.
#define __SYNCML_DM_VOIP
Device management WLAN settings supported.
#define __SYNCML_DM_WLAN
Device supports Bookmark data synchronization using the SyncML.
Device supports MMS data synchronisation using the SyncML.
#define __SYNCML_DS_MMS
Device supports short memos (notes) data synchronisation using the SyncML.
Device supports SMS synchronisation using the SyncML.
#define __SYNCML_DS_SMS
Device supports Apple iSync profile
#define __SYNCML_ISYNC
Feature flag for the next generation PC Suite.
/** #__TV_OUT
TV-Out Settings UI
#define __TV_OUT
/** #__UPNP_AVCP
Flag enables support of Audio&Video in UPnP stack.
#define __UPNP_AVCP
Flag enables support of Media Server in UPnP stack.
Flag enables support of printing in UPnP stack.
Flag that enables support of remotestorage support and mapping of drives.
This feature enables controlling and accessing other deveices via UPnP protocol.
#define __UPNP_STACK
AAC codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation)
instead of using the codec through HWDevice.
AMR NB codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation)
instead of using the codec through HWDevice.
AMR WB codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation)
instead of using the codec through HWDevice.
This flag is used to configure the AudioControllerPluginsVariant to use the
either the soft codec (if #defined) or the HW codec (if #undefed).
MP3 codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation)
instead of using the codec through HWDevice.
QCELP codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation)
instead of using the codec through HWDevice.
The device supports for vector floating-point (VFP) architecture
/** #__VIBRA
Indicates whether a device has a vibra support.
#define __VIBRA
This flag moves video call menus to upper layer for better visibility and
Device supports Video Center application.
Device has Video Recorder (CamCorder) application available.
Device supports Virtual keyboard input ( on-screen keyboard).
This feature is used to turn ON/OFF widgets implementation. Widgets are small
applications that use webtechnologies like HTML/CSS/JS.
#define __WEB_WIDGETS
WLAN hardware supports 256 bit WEP encryption
#undef __WLAN_WEP256_ENABLED
/** #__WMA
Device supports playback of WMA audio files.
#define __WMA
Clock application supports World clock and City/country views
#define __WORLD_CLOCK
/** #__XDM
This flag is used to control the existance of the OMA XDM feature
#define __XDM
This flag is used to control the existence of the Local Storage protocol
implementation of XDM
/** #__XDM_XCAP
This flag is used to control the existance of the XCAP protocol implementation
of XDM
#define __XDM_XCAP
#endif // __BLDPUBLIC_HRH