author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Thu, 11 Nov 2010 12:15:50 +0000
changeset 148 91f5f00b328b
parent 0 6d65d5acee06
permissions -rw-r--r--
define FF_MECO_XMPP, to fix Bug 3176

Copyright © 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved.
This document is confidential information of Nokia.
Nokia operates a policy of continuous development.
The information which this document contains reflects our understanding at the time when presented.
Nokia reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time
without prior notice and states no obligation to update the data included in this document.
The contents of this document are provided "AS IS". 
Name,Description,RequirementID,Runtime variation name,Runtime variation ID
FF_3D_RINGING_TONES,"Device supports 3D ringing tones.","107-20642: Enable Integration of 3D Ringing Tone Settings to Profiles",KFeatureId3DRingingTones,1720
FF_3G_CELLBROADCAST,"Cell Broadcasting support on 3G mode.",417-13289,KFeatureIdFf3gCellbroadcast,175
FF_ADAPTIVE_WLAN_SCANNING_SUPPORT,"Adaptive WLAN Scanning (AWS) is a component that tells WLAN engine how often to perform WLAN background scanning. AWS listens and receives events from other components, concludes what would be the preferred scanning period, and then tells it to WLAN engine.",403-10013,KFeatureIdFfAdaptiveWlanScanningSupport,140
FF_AI_WLANSNIFFER_WIDGET,"Flag for WLANSniffer Homescreen widget.",417-22234,KFeatureIdFfAiWlansnifferWidget,172
FF_ASYNCH_FILE_SAVE_QUEUE,"Camcorder requires support from the Asynchronous File Save Queue.","101-37288: Camcorder UI: Asynchronous image saving queue for UI",KFeatureIdAsynchFileSaveQueue,1703
FF_AUDIO_MESSAGING_INCLUDE_IN_ROM,"This flags controls whether the Audio Messaing ROM files are included in the build.","401-1806: MMS Postcard runtime enabling/disabling",,
FF_AUDT,"Device supports Always Up-to-date Device Time (AUDT). This is an ability to update the device time, date and country/city automatically in phone start-up.",101-32284,KFeatureIdFfAudt,63
FF_AUTO_REDIAL_FOR_VIDEO_CALL,"""This flag indicates redial sequence, when video call is not succeeded for certain reasons.""","107-8819: VT: Auto-redial (automatic fallback to voicecall)",KFeatureIdAutoRedialForVideoCall,1723
FF_BIRTHDAY_IMPROVEMENT,"This feature flag is required for the enabling/disabling customized birthday & anniversary notifications for MyFaves contact in Calendar (under Community 1.0) into 3.2.3 platform. 

The requirement is 

B’day & Anniversary Notification for MyFaves contact

•	Picture of the MyFaves contact in the popup which can be masked as circular

•	Currently Birthday notification is same as any other Calendar alarm

FF_BROWSER_PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD,"This feature flag is needed to enable/disable the progressiveness of the downloads in download manager server and its clients.","TSW Error ID : PNAY-759982",KFeatureIdBrowserProgressiveDownload,1724
FF_CAPACITIVE_DISPLAY,"Device uses capacitive touch technology in its display.
FF_CHINESE_FONTS_HIRES,"This flag controls whether Chinese variants use TrueType fonts instead of the current stroke fonts in high resolution devices.

Current stroke fonts have good readability in small sizes and lower resolution devices. However, with the introduction of ever sharper and larger displays (HVGA, VGA), the stroke fonts look increasingly ""too simple"" and ""stick-like"" in bigger sizes. Fonts with thicker, more stylistic strokes are required for a proper look and user experience.

Following requirements already make a case for TTF fonts in Chinese:
417-16400: Chinese TrueType font for 9.1
406-137: TrueType font for Chinese

Note: The feature name intentionally avoids mentioning TrueType or TTF, as the font technology is irrelevant, high resolution being the operative keywords.","417-16400, 406-137",KFeatureIdChineseFontsHires,138
FF_CLOCK_MULTIPROCOL_SUPPORT,"This flag shall be used to determine if product programs need clock's multiprotocol support, i.e. getting time information from different time source protocols like GPS, SNTP, etc.. Product program can make a choice such that multiprotocol feature support can be made on or off. When multiprotocol support is off, then default NITZ protocol shall be choosen.",401-5792,KFeatureIdFfClockMultiprocolSupport,190
FF_COMMSDAT_CREATION_FROM_XML,"There will be a new component in S60 called CommsDatCreator (CDC) that will initialize CommsDat using an input XML file which is generated by the Configuration Tool.
When generating CommsDat the CDC needs that the default CommsDat in Z:\private\10202be9\cccccc00.cre is empty. 
The requested flag FF_COMMSDAT_CREATION_FROM_XML  enables the empty CommsDat to be included to the image as the default CommsDat.
FF_COMMSDAT_CREATOR,"This flags controls whether the CommsDatCreator component to be included to the image.","403-2451: Create CommsDat without emulator",,
FF_CONNECTION_OVERRIDE,"The feature enables the better utilisation of the WLAN connections that the user has manually opened from the WLAN widget. Such connections, called as 'user connections', will be automatically utilised in all applications that would normally use Internet SNAP connection. If the feature is enabled, the 'user connection' is enforced by default. The user can still control the utilisation of the 'user connection' by enabling/disabling the connection enforcement from WLAN settings.",417-22234,KFeatureIdFfConnectionOverride,179
FF_CONTACTS_GROUP_FUNCTIONALITY,"We need a feature flag for ROM Creation time variation. The Phonebook2 application is constructed on a plugin based architecture. This design allows the Phonebook2 application to be composed of various plugin components. The S60 platform Phonebook2 component contains a group UI plugin component, which implements the whole contacts group functionality. To enable a variant to create their own contact group functionality we need a feature flag so that the variant can remove the platform group plugin component. This allow the component to be removed from the ROM image, thus making the ROM size smaller.","417-21312 REQ T-MOBILE int cmt1.0: customised phonebook - Groups UI",,
FF_CONTACTS_NICKNAME,"The nickname functionality needs a feature flag for the following reasons:
-Phonebook2 component exports a central repository initialization file, which is used to improve the Phonebook application launch -The initialization file is read by the Symbian Contacts model server to initialize the Contacts view during the device boot sequence
 * S60 specifications define which fields take part in the device's contact name creation (first name, last name, company name)
 * The nickname requirement changes the S60 name creation rules, by adding the contacts nickname field to the above list of fields
 * Therefore the content of the Contacts view needs to be initialized differently depending on whether the nickname feature is enabled or disabled
 * The initialization file contains the configuration of the view, e.g. the contact fields which are used for sorting the Phonebook names list view
 * A feature flag is needed which allows Phonebook2 to export the correct variant of the Contact view initilization file
 * There is a considerable RAM usage penalty associated with keeping the nickname field in the contact view when the nickname feature is disabled
 * For further description of the Symbian Contacts view initilization see \src\common\generic\app-engines\cntmodel\documentation\Contacts_How-To_Improve_Application_Start-up_Time.doc
-Run-time variation can be used inside the Phonebook2 application to configure the application sort order
 * But the Symbian Contacts view's must be configured correctly in order to maintain existing performance, see above description
","417-21297 REQ T-MOBILE int cmt1.0: customised phonebook- NICKNAME changes",KFeatureIdFfContactsNickname,182
FF_CUSTOMER_HELPS_IN_USE,"Customer helps are included into image based on this flag.",,,
FF_DEVICE_DIAGNOSTICS_APP,"On enabling this feature flag GSDevDiagPlugin.dll would start the DevDiagApp.exe. This would load all related plugins. The Diagnostics application offers self-test service on the Mobile Applications and hardware for the phone users.",107-22052,,
FF_DM_INSTALL_SECURITY,"OMA DM SW installer implementation included in build.",,KFeatureIdDmInstallSecurity,5065
FF_EMAIL_FRAMEWORK,"Defines whether the product includes the email multiprotocol framework. When the flag is defined all parts constituting new email solution are in ROM: application, plugin framework + imap/pop plugin and related settings UIs. 

legacy email (__EMAIL_UI) must be disabled when FF_EMAIL_FRAMEWORK is enabled.",417-7616,KFeatureIdFfEmailFramework,135
FF_EMAIL_HOMESCREEN,"The flag is intended for controlling the email homescreen support; homescreen email widget/plugin and the related data collection functions.
FF_EMAIL_IPS_SERVICES,"Defines whether the product includes IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP protocol support.",417-7616,KFeatureIdFfEmailIpsServices,137
FF_EMAIL_MCE_INTEGRATION,"This enables email client selection in MCE. Fex. Freestyle email mailboxes  goes under email folder in mce-serttings. mce and sendui. Freestyle email settings can be changed from mce-settings.
 All you need to do is install own mtm-plugin and configure central repository key.

FF_EMAIL_UI,"Defines whether the product includes email UI application",417-7616,KFeatureIdFfEmailUi,136
FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT,"The override flags FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT, FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT and FF_RND_COMMSDAT determine which default CommsDat will be put to the image independent of image type (prd or rnd):

- FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT: Completely empty CommsDat is used. Typically needed as the base when creating operator variants with Configuration Tool and CommsDatCreator. Same as old FF_COMMSDAT_GENERATION_FROM_XML.

- FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT: Otherwise empty CommsDat but the S60 default destinations (Internet, MMS and Operator) as well as the Easy WLAN IAP (in case of WLAN product) is included. This is suitable for vanilla variants of the phones.

- FF_RND_COMMSDAT: Platform releases contain typically the RND CommsDat that has Nokia Test Network IAPs as well as some Finnish operator IAPs (DNA, Sonera, Elisa) for RnD purposes.

Maximum of one of these flags should be defined at the time. 

If none of the override flags is defined then the used CommsDat depends on the image type: vanilla CommsDat is used for PRD image and RnD CommsDat for the RnD image. This is typically how it should be and the override flags should only be used if some special functionality is needed.
","TSW Error ID: MVLA-7JQG6U",,
FF_FLASHLITE_SCREENSAVER,"When enabled/defined flash can be used as Screensaver.",101-13428,,
FF_FMTX,"FMTX application and Nseries Music Player support for FMTX","103-3235: FMTx support in Juno music player",KFeatureIdFmtx,1705
FF_FULLSCR_HWR_INPUT,"Indicates whether a device needs fullscreen HWR (HandWritingRecognition) input or not.",106-1202,KFeatureIdFullscrHwrInput,66
FF_GENERIC_FONTS_ASSETS,"This flag is used to check if generic font assets are to be used, this is used for Symbian foundation where freetype rasterize as well as EFF fonts need to be used.",.,KFeatureIdFfGenericFontsAssets,188
FF_HDMI,"Feature flag to indicate HDMI availability.  IIf defined, device supports HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)",404-4296,KFeatureIdFfHdmi,169
FF_HELP_TUTORIAL_MERGE,"The end-user shall be provided with animated help (tutorial kontent) from CSX Help application. Both applications will continua existing as separate applications, though Tutorial will not be visible in application grid, but only provide animated content for CSX Help.

This is for REQ 417-16797. Help & Tutorial will look like one application. User will not feel that they are 2 different applications. To implement this REQ without breaking the compatibility, one feature flag is needed to make Help & Toturial applications know if Tutorial is embedded in Help or running as a standalone application. Also refer to REQ 101-39505.","101-39505 & 417-16797",KFeatureIdFfHelpTutorialMerge,164
FF_HITCHCOCK_APP_SHELL,"""Feature flag 'FF_HITCHCOCK_MENU' to control which AppShell menu to use. If disabled, old xml based menu2, and if enabled, new hitchcock based menu3.""",,KFeatureIdHitchcockAppShell,1708
FF_HOMESCREEN_COMMON_IDLEFW,"Feature flag for enabling common idle framework to support new widgetized stand-by mode application of Active Idle 3 on S60 by REQ ""101-40598: HomeScreen: 3rd Party widget support"" as alternative of existing Active Idle 2 and yet enabling even custom made stand-by mode app to be active. The binary objects which comprise common idle framework related components and new active stand-by application, selection of alternative,  and its depended components, can be selected at image creation time in case where common ilde fw is accepted by product/variant decicion.","101-40598: HomeScreen: 3rd Party widget support",,
FF_HOMESCREEN_OPEN_MENUFW,"Feature flag for activation of open menu framework to support alternative main menu applications on S60 by REQS ""101-40417: Open Shell UI internal menu model for other applications"", ""417-8821: Non-touch VGA support for Matrix"" and ""404-3950: Matrix: Basic Menu"". Existing main menu app, Hitchcock AppShell, can still be used if product/variant decides so, however, open menu fw which enables altenative menu applications to run on same content, can be chosen as well. The binary objects which comprise open menu fw and active main menu application with its depended components can be selected at image creation time, as well as it is possible to request appropriate main menu application UID when needed to configure S60. These requests are, for example, setting the application UID to launch main menu by ""applications"" hw-key and hide menu application from itself etc. ","101-40417: Open Shell UI internal menu model for other applications; 417-8821: Non-touch VGA support for Matrix; 404-3950: Matrix: Basic Menu",,
FF_HOMESCREEN_SWITCHABLE_ROOT,"Homescreen root configuration replaces existing concept of Active Idle themes/modes from S60 5.1. FF_HOMESCREEN_SWITCHABLE_ROOT variates S60 by enabling/disabling possibility to switch homescreen root. Homescreen root switch must be enabled to end user to select operator/product  specific alternative homescreen active, for example, an alternative root or External Homescreen. This feature must be able to set at run time also for post-product provision of alternative homescreen.","101-40598: HomeScreen: 3rd Party widget support",KFeatureIdFfHomescreenSwitchableRoot,154
FF_IAUPDATE,"If defined, the phone supports Independent Application Update feature.",403-9634,KFeatureIdIAUpdate,30
FF_IAUPDATE_PHASE2,"Flag to control whether phone's Independent Application Update feature, controlled by FF_IAUPDATE, is version two or later, a.k.a. IAD client phase 2.",417-5778,KFeatureIdFfIaupdatePhase2,185
FF_IMAGEPRINT_BT_PROTOCOL,"Flag to control whether ImagePrint supports Bluetooth-printing",417-2350,,
FF_IMAGEPRINT_MEMORYCARD_PROTOCOL,"Flag to define whether ImagePrint supports printing to memorycard",417-2350,,
FF_IMAGEPRINT_PICTBRIDGE_PROTOCOL,"Flag to define whether ImagePrint supports PictBridge printing - meaning printing over USB.",417-2350,,
FF_IMAGEPRINT_UPNP_PROTOCOL,"Flag to define whether ImagePrint supports UPnP printing",417-2350,,
FF_JAVA_GLOBAL_INDICATORS_API,"Enables Java Global Indicator API. Global Indicator API can be used to add indicators to phone status pane.",403-9427,KFeatureIdFfJavaGlobalIndicatorsApi,134
FF_LAYOUT_360_640_NONTOUCH,"New non touch NHD (=QHD) resolution. Flag determine which layout dlls are put to hw image. ",,,
FF_LAYOUT_480_640_VGA3,"Layout data for VGA3 resolution.",,,
FF_LAYOUT_640_360_NONTOUCH,"New non touch NHD (=QHD) resolution.  Flag determine which layout dlls are put to hw image.
FF_LAYOUT_640_480_VGA3,"Layout data for VGA3 resolution.",,,
FF_LBT_ENGINE,"To enable/disable LBT engine from S60. By default this should be ON
The Location Triggering subsystem provides a service to applications for notifications based on the user’s location. Applications can create and remove location based triggers, and applications can be notified or started when one of their triggers is fired, i.e. the triggering conditions are met
Feature wiki : https://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/Location_based_triggering
REQ: 101-34742
BREL : 405-1756",101-34742,,
FF_LBT_EVENTSUI,"To enable EventsUi application. Default is ON
Location events  help the users to create location-based reminders. It allows the user to create a event and assign a location to it.  When you get close by to the location, it prompts you with a reminder by playing a alarm tone or displaying a text note or voice note assigned to that event.
REQ : 403-1621
BREl : 405-1781",,,
FF_LBT_MGTUI,"To enable/disable the LBT management UI. Default is On
Settings for Location based trigerring subsystem.
REQ : 403-1621
BREl : 405-1781",101-34742,,
FF_LINKED_FONTS_CHINESE,"For enabling linked font in Chinese a new feature flag FF_LINKED_FONTS_CHINESE is needed.
This flag controls whether a single Chinese font or a linked font is used in Chinese builds. The linked font will contain latin set from normal S60 latin fonts and a Chinese part which is the current Chinese font unchanged. To be used in Chinese variants only.",404-1589,KFeatureIdFfLinkedFontsChinese,159
FF_M3G_ICON_RESOURCES,"Controls whether the m3g icon resources are included in the ROM image or not.","""TSW error SUCA-75NEL6: 3D Menu, Cannot disable 3D menu in variant image""",KFeatureIdM3gIconResources,1707
FF_MDS_CAMERA_SUPPORT,"Enables camera application support for Metadata system.",414-5077,,
FF_MEETING_REQUEST_UI,"Meeting request UI from Custom SW will be is part of Common Email. This new flag replaces Custom SW specific flag FF_ES_MEETING_REQUEST_UI used in Freestyle. MR UI (viewer) is visible to Email application as Ecom plugin.

If the flag is not defined, MR UI related components are not in ROM.",417-7616,KFeatureIdFfMeetingRequestUi,174
FF_MENU_TEXTURE_PRELOADING,"In Menu (AppShell) application the performance of changing the folder has been poor in 5.0 (uses Hitchcock). By loading the Hitchcock textures for all the icons in advance improves the performance radically. The side effect is the increased memory consumption. This flag enables/disables the texture pre-loading.",,KFeatureIdFfMenuTexturePreloading,118
FF_MMS_POSTCARD_INCLUDE_IN_ROM,"This flags controls whether the MMS Postcard ROM files are included in the build.","401-1806: MMS Postcard runtime enabling/disabling",,
FF_NCD_ENGINE,"This flag enables building the NCD Engine to S60 release.",401-1221,KFeatureIdFfNcdEngine,61
FF_NCD_UI,"This flag enables building the NCD UI to S60 release.",403-6912,KFeatureIdFfNcdUi,62
FF_NEAR_FIELD_COMMUNICATION,"A feature flag for Near Field Communication feature",101-30282,KFeatureIdNfc,117
FF_NLT_SUPPORT,"This enables National Language Table(NLT) support for encoding SMS messages. Characters specific to a language must be encoded using the corresponding NLT, so that the message can be sent and received using a 7-bit alphabet without any loss of information. The method is specified in 3GPP TS 23.038 v8.0.0 and TS 23.040 v8.1.0. ",417-16061,KFeatureIdNltSupport,155
FF_NO_IDLE_SOFTKEYS,"When the flag is set, Active Idle does not have any softkeys.
FF_OOM_MONITOR2_COMPONENT,"Feature flag for controlling the inclusion of Out-of-Memory2 component into the ROM image.
FF_ORIENTATION_ACTION_RULE_90,"This flag relates to autorotation feature. It is needed to set right display orientation for different products because sensors are located in different place in different product. The flag selects correct set of rule files for Context Framework / Applicationstatesourceplugin component, which depend on used sensor.
FF_PLATFORM_SIMULATOR,"Platform Simulator product makes it possible to execute software on simulated target hardware using a Windows or Linux workstation. Platform Simulator is based on ARM® RealView® tools that support modeling terminal hardware using LISA language. Platform Simulator runs any OS e.g. S60 or Linux. The OS is introduced to the simulator as a core image loaded into the simulated flash memory. 

Compared to WINS emulator Platform Simulator based S60 simulation is much closer to exeuction on real hardware. Yet there has to be some differences in the S60 core image. Thus the need for FF_PLATFORM_SIMULATOR flag. The flag  controls S60 PPD release based core image creation for two alternate targets: 
 - FLAG DEFINED = compilation shall include components and configurations for simulated hardware
 - FLAG UNDEFINED = compilation shall include components and configurations for real hardware
The NCP_COMMON_PLATFORM_SIMULATOR flag has strict dependency to the FF_PLATFORM_SIMULATOR flag.

Platform Simulator pilot 1 release models PP71 hardware i.e. a plain RAPU 1.1 configuration. In the future the Platform Simulator targets to support selected new reference hardware configurations. This makes the flag lifetime permanent.",,,
FF_PNPMS_PROV_FILTER,"On enabling this feature flag pnpprovfilter.dll will be created and this feature flag is used to enable PNPProvisioning HTTP filter which by passes the download manager launching PNPMS provisioning engine.",101-34635,KFeatureIdFfPnpmsProvFilter,133
FF_PNPMS_SERVICE_HELP_PLUGIN,"This feature flag is required for launching PNPMS application from general settings/Control Panel. On enabling this feature flag servicehelpplugin.dll will be created and when this feature is enabled Service Help Icon will be present in General Settings/Control Panel. Service Help will launch browser on selection and direct the browser with predefined PnPMS server URL where user can download provisioning settings over HTTP from web server.",101-34635,KFeatureIdPnpmsServiceHelpPlugin,128
FF_POWER_SAVE,"""Power save mode is a collection of features which are put in a power saving mode. These features are i.e. display light brightness, light time outs etc. Power save mode can be extended to be supported by any application which can do something to save battery by implementing the needed power save mode APIs.""","107-26287: S60 Power Management enablers",KFeatureIdPowerSave,1709
FF_PREMINET_CATALOGS_CLIENT,"Preminet Catalogs client.",,KFeatureIdPreminetCatalogsClient,1719
FF_PROV_AUTHTYPE_PLUGIN,"This flag enables Authentication type plugin. On enabling this feature flag Authtypeplugin.dll will be created and this feature will be enabled and authetication type can be changed for configuration message from UI which will enable item in General Settings and on selection of this item will open list dialog for changing the authentication type.",404-4928,KFeatureIdProvAuthtypePlugin,100
FF_QWERTY_FN_KEY,"The device has a Fn key","RM-RIM ID: Req. 403-492: Generic QWERTY framework",KFeatureIdQwertyFnKey,1714
FF_RND_COMMSDAT,"The override flags FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT, FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT and FF_RND_COMMSDAT determine which default CommsDat will be put to the image independent of image type (prd or rnd):

- FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT: Completely empty CommsDat is used. Typically needed as the base when creating operator variants with Configuration Tool and CommsDatCreator. Same as old FF_COMMSDAT_GENERATION_FROM_XML.

- FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT: Otherwise empty CommsDat but the S60 default destinations (Internet, MMS and Operator) as well as the Easy WLAN IAP (in case of WLAN product) is included. This is suitable for vanilla variants of the phones.

- FF_RND_COMMSDAT: Platform releases contain typically the RND CommsDat that has Nokia Test Network IAPs as well as some Finnish operator IAPs (DNA, Sonera, Elisa) for RnD purposes.

Maximum of one of these flags should be defined at the time. 

If none of the override flags is defined then the used CommsDat depends on the image type: vanilla CommsDat is used for PRD image and RnD CommsDat for the RnD image. This is typically how it should be and the override flags should only be used if some special functionality is needed.
","TSW errors: MVLA-7JQG6U",,
FF_ROCKER_KEY,"The device has multidirectional ""rocker"" key.
FF_ROM_INCLUDE_ALF,"This flags controls whether the UI Accelerator toolkit (ALF) is included in the build.","403-3876: Hitchcock UI Toolkit for 3.2",,
FF_S60_HELPS_IN_USE,"Platform helps are included into image based on this flag.",,,
FF_S60_POSTING_IMPLEMENTATION_IN_USE,"Flag to enable/disable usage of S60 implementation of posting surface api. Default value for this is disabled.","TSW error JAIN-7M7GXZ",,
FF_SELECTABLE_EMAIL,"This enables selectable default email. When write message->email is selected from sendui (with multible mailboxes), the default email account is the initial selection. Default mailbox can be set from mce-settings.",417-2279,KFeatureIdSelectableEmail,125
FF_SENSOR_FW,"FF_SENSOR_FW flag is used for image creation time variation of the sensor framework. 
Flag should be defined for products that have sensors and undefined for products that do not.","TSW error EIAL-7JTFXB",,
FF_SHOW_MMPLAYER,"By default S60 Media Player will be hidden from UI, and  only be accessible through embedded playback use cases (e.g browser, messaging, file browser, etc). 

This flag will will allow product manufacturers to re-enable Media Player and display it in the application shell if desired.  
","409-1439 Remove Media Player as a standalone application",,
FF_SIMLESS_OFFLINE_SUPPORT,"Enable / disable SIMless Offline Mode.",,KFeatureIdFfSimlessOfflineSupport,130
FF_STARTUP_OMA_DM_SUPPORT,"The flag will be used to enable receiving OMA CP/DM messages during system start-up in those devices that need the feature.",403-6367,KFeatureStartupOmaDmSupport,40
FF_SYSAP_TIMECHANGEOBSERVER_ENABLED,"SysAp time change observer is needed to inform custom driver about user clock time change.
FF_TACTICONS,"Tacticons are haptic effects that can be played by the applications to indicate success or failure of actions. Tacticons can be also automatically played together with some Sound IDs.
FF_TACTILE_FEEDBACK,"Device supports Tactile Feedback. Tactile feedback is produced by UI components and applications on pointer down events. Actual physical feedback effect (vibra/audio/no feedback) depends on current settings and device configuration.","101-31375: Audio and tactile feedback 403-2673: Tactile feedback migration: UI framework area",KFeatureIdTactileFeedback,1718
FF_TCP_MYFAVES_FEATURE,"The feature flag is to turn ON/OFF MyFaves feature in a S60 3.2 complementary package.","403-1400: MyFaves (Olympia) v1.5 for T-Mobile EU",KFeatureIdTcpMyfavesFeature,1722
FF_TCP_MYPROFILE,"This feature flag is for enabling/disabling MyProfile feature in T-Mobile Complementary package(both International & US)on S60 3.2.3. This feature flag is valid for MyProfile UI & MyProfile synchronization.","RM-RIM-ID: 417-21315",KFeatureIdFfTcpMyprofile,186
FF_TEST_AT_COMMAND,"""When the flag is set,  locod will be started and AT command can be passed through via USB cable all the way to modem side for testing purpose.""",,KFeatureIdTestATCommand,1721
FF_THEME_HAZE,"Haze theme is included in ROM image.
FF_THEME_JINGMASK,"Jingmask theme is included in ROM image.
FF_TOUCHSCREENCALIB_IN_STARTUP,"Touch Calibration UI is initiated at device startup.
FF_TOUCH_CALL_HANDLING,"Touch: Advanced components for CS Voice Telephony.","101-26663: Touch: Advanced components for CS Voice Telephony",KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling,1715
FF_TOUCH_UNLOCK_STROKE,"This flag enables user to response (for example answer) and unlock screen through sliders (software controls) to mobile terminated calls. This applies only to touch devices.",417-12868,KFeatureIdFfTouchUnlockStroke,173
FF_UPNP_FRAMEWORK_2_0,"Defines whether UPNP application is supported in the platform through MusicPlayer.",409-1054,KFeatureIdUpnpFramework20,70
FF_USB_CHARGING,"If it is defined, the Starter starts the UsbWatcher.exe in charging mode. 
The USB Watcher or USB MSC Personality Plug-in code is not variated. 
Note. This flag replaces RD_USB_CHARGING in 5.0 release.",101-39971,KFeatureIdUsbCharging,119
FF_USB_HOST,"The flag excludes all S60 USB host and OTG related components. ","""107-8379 USB on the go, 1st release 106-811 106-811: USB OTG: Audio device class host role for USB headset 101-35207 USB HID support in S60 Chili """,KFeatureIdUsbHost,1704
FF_USE_EGPRS_ICON,"The flag is used to enable EGPRS icon in the status pane. If the flag is disabled, GPRS icon must be shown instead of EGPRS icon.
FF_USE_MASS_STORAGE_CONFIG,"Flag is used for products to select in image creation time if mass storage drive configuration is used or not. The mass storage drive configuration is following: C=Phone memory, E=Internal mass storage and F=Memory card.","TSW Error: JPKN-7P6C4C",,
FF_USE_ZI_ENGINE,"On enabling this feature flag eZitext engine will be part of the Image and Ptiengine will utilize eZitext engine for editing features.",417-14311,,
FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT,"The override flags FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT, FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT and FF_RND_COMMSDAT determine which default CommsDat will be put to the image independent of image type (prd or rnd):

- FF_EMPTY_COMMSDAT: Completely empty CommsDat is used. Typically needed as the base when creating operator variants with Configuration Tool and CommsDatCreator. Same as old FF_COMMSDAT_GENERATION_FROM_XML.

- FF_VANILLA_COMMSDAT: Otherwise empty CommsDat but the S60 default destinations (Internet, MMS and Operator) as well as the Easy WLAN IAP (in case of WLAN product) is included. This is suitable for vanilla variants of the phones.

- FF_RND_COMMSDAT: Platform releases contain typically the RND CommsDat that has Nokia Test Network IAPs as well as some Finnish operator IAPs (DNA, Sonera, Elisa) for RnD purposes.

Maximum of one of these flags should be defined at the time. 

If none of the override flags is defined then the used CommsDat depends on the image type: vanilla CommsDat is used for PRD image and RnD CommsDat for the RnD image. This is typically how it should be and the override flags should only be used if some special functionality is needed.
","TSW errors: MVLA-7JQG6U",,
FF_VIRTUAL_FULLSCR_QWERTY_INPUT,"Indicates whether a device needs Virtual full-screen qwerty input or not.
FF_VIRTUAL_ITUT_INPUT,"Indicates whether a device needs virtual ITUT input or not.",101-39836,KFeatureIdVirtualItutInput,65
FF_VMBX_CALL_DIVERT_ICON,"Feature flag controls whether or not a special icon is shown in status pane, when call divert is set against voice mailbox number. 
FF_VOICE_CALL_CONTINUITY,"With Voice Call Continuity it is possible to provide seamless user experience when user in transition between VoIP and cellular networks. This feature brings a method to seamlessly continue	ongoing voice call from VoIP to cellular and vice versa. VCC handover logic shall be implemments as installable plugin (SIS) in order to allow possibility to support several VCC signalling variations.
However VCC needed some platform changes to be fully functional (mainly at telephony components) and those changes must be run time variable.",403-9826,KFeatureIdFfVoiceCallContinuity,152
FF_VPN_CLIENT,"Feature flag is needed to manage whether VpnClient components are in ROM or not.",,KFeatureIdFfVpnClient,99
FF_WEBVIDEO_PH2,"When enabled/defined, WEBVIDEO for ph2 is used. This will use Helix XPS interface for video decoding and postprocessing.",101-32618,KFeatureIdWebvideoPh2,39
FF_WLANSNIFFER,"The purpose of the flag is to control whether the WlanSniffer2 application is to be integrated into 3.2 product builds or not.",NA,,
FF_WLANSNIFFER_VOIP_ENHANCEMENTS,"The WLAN Sniffer VoIP enhancements will provide easy way to connect to VoIP service via Sniffer's Active Idle plugin.",417-13286,KFeatureIdFfWlansnifferVoipEnhancements,156
FF_WLAN_EXTENSIONS,"Device supports extended WLAN functionalities e.g. for association and authentication.",417-22238,KFeatureIdFfWlanExtensions,177
FF_WLAN_WAPI," WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure (WAPI) is a Chinese national standard for WLAN security. Although WAPI was designed to operate on top of the IEEE 802.11 WLAN technologies, it is not compatible with the security schemes defined in IEEE 802.11 specifications. It specifies its own methods for WLAN authentication and data link protection.",415-2831,KFeatureIdFfWlanWapi,129
FF_WS_NCIM,"This run-time flag is required for enableing NCIM at the run-time. 
NCIM, here onwards called as ""Nokia account"".
There is a requirement to be able to remove NCIM feature at run-time.
A brief description of NCIM: 
To implement UI for Sign-up and Sign-In. Provide simple APIs for applications to launch Sign-up and Sign-in UIs. Offer Single Sign On for all applications using NCIM Device Enablers.  Handle all communication to NCIM backend regarding account creation, session handling, authentication and authorization.",403-13063,KFeatureIdFfWsNcim,153
FF_XML_IDLE_THEME_BASIC_IDLE,"Controls if Basic idle theme is going to image or not.",,,
FF_XML_IDLE_THEME_CLASSIC_IDLE,"Controls if Classic idle theme is going to image or not.",,,
FF_XML_IDLE_THEME_FINGERUSE_IDLE,"Controls if Finger use idle theme goes to image or not.",,,
FF_XML_IDLE_THEME_NAVIBAR_IDLE,"Controls if Navibar idle theme is going to image or not.",,,
FF__ROM_HIDE_ISRAEL,"This flag controls whether Israel as a state defined in MENA and Arabic varients. ","TSW Error Id AAHG-7PLJCC",,
HLP_INTERNET_SUITE_VERY_LITE,"This flag is used only for help variation. 
Flag needs to be turned on when the Internet Suite Very Lite is present.",,KFeatureIdHlpInternetSuiteVeryLite,181
HLP_SENSOR_SETTINGS,"When this flag is used, help content for Sensor settings is visible. Originally it is needed for backporting the Sensor framework functionality from 5.0 to 3.2.",n/a,KFeatureIdHlpSensorSettings,139
JSR_135_SUPPORT,"""Java implementation supports advanced features of Java Mobile Media API (JSR135) version 1.1, implemented in release 2.6 onwards. This flag must always be enabled when __JAVA_MMAPI11 is enabled.""","JSR-135 compliancy",KFeatureIdJsr135Support,1130
RD_32_BROWSER,"RD Feature flag for implementing new Browser 3.2 features prior to branching 3.1","100-5981 Browser: UI & Usability Enhancements",,
RD_32_BROWSER_ALR,"RD Feature flag for implementing ALR support in Browser.",409-424,,
RD_3GP_WRITE_EXTENTION,"This flag enables 3GP Write Extention feature in Record Utility.",,,
RD_50_BROWSER,"RD Feature flag for implementing new Browser 5.0 features.","102-5733: Import/Export feeds using OPML file",KFeatureIdRd50Browser,23
RD_ACCESSORY_FW,"This R&D flag defines changes related to accessory framework.",,,
RD_ACTIVESYNC_UI_INTEGRATION,"RD flag for development of ActiveSync","107-13869: Exchange ActiveSync v2.5",,
RD_AIW_DIAL_DATA_API,"RD flag for development of new AIW Dial Data APIs.",,,
RD_ALF_IN_PLATFORM,"Flag enables ui accelerator toolkit development.","101-31274: Hitchcock UI toolkit for S60 platform",,
RD_ALR_AND_NLR_ENABLERS,"Enables Application and Network Level Roaming.","101-23581: Networking UI Components For Application Level Roaming",,
RD_ALR_VPN_AP_UI_DISABLED,"Disables VPN Accesspoint UI",,,
RD_ANIMATION_EFFECTS,"""R&D Flag to control inclusion of the feature """"animation effects"""".""","""101-15108: Animations and feedback effects, phase 2""",,
RD_APPS_TO_EXES,"This R&D flag is needed for incorporating apps to exes changes controlled way into Series 60 releases.","""107-141: Migrate Application Architecture to Platform Security, 101-7493: Migrate the platform software to new Application Architecture""",,
RD_ARM_MDF_HELIX_ENGINE,"This Helix engine flag is needed to variate S60 Video engine solution between all ARM MicroPlayer (ROP) and Helix engines.","102-2985 All-ARM Helix",,
RD_ASYNCH_FILE_SAVE_QUEUE,"Camcorder requires support from the Asynchronous File Save Queue.","101-37288: Camcorder UI: Asynchronous image saving queue for UI",,
RD_AUDIOCONTROLLER_STREAMINGSOURCE_SUPPORT,"R&D flag that enables the Streaming Source supports for  Audio Controllers.","107-8055 Progressive download from stand alone browser",,
RD_AUTO_KEYGUARD,"This flag is used to determine whether the automatic keyguard features in Autolock are compiled.","101-10790: Automatic Keypad lock",,
RD_BLUETOOTHIRRECEIVINGINDICATOR,"""Requirement: """"Bluetooth/IrDA receiving indicator""""""","107-22141 Bluetooth/IrDA receiving indicator",,
RD_BOOT_CUSTOMIZABLE_AI,"R&D Flag to enable smooth integration of customizable to device bootup. The flag is used variate out current Idle + Active Idle solution and replace it new customizable AI.","101-11066: Active Idle UI customization using XML UI Framework",,
RD_BROWSER_LAUNCHER_API_CHANGE,"R&D flag for implementing browser launcher API change.",,,
RD_BROWSER_PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD,"RD flag to enable/disable the progressive download functionality for certain types of browser-downloadable content.","107-8055: Progressive download (DRM + plain) from standalone browser",,
RD_BROWSER_SCROLLBARS,"This flag will be in place until the implementation of Browser using the platform scrollbars is mature enough.","TSW Error YAHN-6UQBBJ",,
RD_BROWSER_USE_AUDIOVIDEOPLUGIN,"""RD flag for development of new, combined AudioVideoPlugin""","102-4498: Browser: Video Plugin enhancements",,
RD_BROWSER_VIDEO_PLUGIN,"Support for Browser Plugin. Used in deciding whether the browser video plugin is taken in.","102-3271: Browser: Video Plugin",,
RD_BROWSER_VIDEO_PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD,"RD flag to enable/disable the progressive download functionality for browser-downloadable video content.","107-8055: Progressive download (DRM + plain) from standalone browser",,
RD_BROWSER_WIDGETS,"RD flag for development of new Widgets implementation","102-4625: Browser: Web Widgets Engine",,
RD_BTUI_RENOVATION,"Bluetooth user interface renovation.","""107-10678, 107-14424, 106-622, 107-14364""",,
RD_BT_AUDIO_RENOVATION,"Bluetooth audio renovation.","""101-18364, 107-10655""",,
RD_BT_MSG_RENOVATION,"This flag enables early development of Bluetooth OPP/BIP features (3.1u).","""107-14446: Support BT BIP as default profile for image sending, 107-14438: BT OPP/BIP: Storage Capacity Checking""",,
RD_CALENDAR_PLUGIN_FW,"This flag enables new UI concept and plugin framework for regional calendar enhancements. The flag disables old Chinese Lunar Calendar implementation (without plugin framework) and enables new Lunar Calendar plugin (using framework).","""107-13281: Thai year support in calendar107-20751: Vietnamese Lunar Calendar""",,
RD_CAMCORDER_ADVSETTINGS,"This flag indicates if the ecamadvsettings.dll is included to the rom image","101-23044: Camcorder UI: Autofocus functionality",,
RD_CATALOGS_CLIENT,"RD flag for development of Catalogs client v3","106-853: Catalogs Client v3",,
RD_CLIENT_CERTIFICATES,"RD flag for development of Client certificates and private key handling feature.","101-11568: SECURITY:Client certificates and private key handling",,
RD_COMBINE_INSTALLATION_QUERIES,"""The flag enables feature """"SW Installer: combining installation confirmation and details queries during installation""""""","ABRK-6XJAB8: SW Installer: combining installation confirmation and details queries during installation",,
RD_COMMON_ENGINE_API_CHANGE,"This R&D flag is needed to safely integrate changes to the Common Engine APIs into Series 60 releases.",,,
RD_CONTENTMANAGERLAUNCHER,"Flag for variating the new Content Manager Launcher component and related Content Manager Launcher API","101-37734: Clean replacement of Gallery Phase II",,
RD_CONTENTNOTIFICATION,"""Flag for variating the new Content Notification component and related APIs: Content Notification API, Content Notification Implementation API""","101-37734: Clean replacement of Gallery Phase II",,
RD_CONTEXT_FRAMEWORK,"""RD flag to enable feature """"Context framework"""" development""","107-25591: Context Framework and S60 SDK API",,
RD_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE_MENU,"RD flag to flag out the implementation of context sensitive menu.",,,
RD_CONTROL_PANEL,"Flag enables Control Panel development.","101-34829: Control Panel",,
RD_CONVERGED_CALL_ENGINE,"""RD flag to enable feature """"Converged call engine"""" development.""","107-25806: EarlyDelivery: S60 IETF/SIP VoIP",,
RD_CONVERGED_CALL_ENGINE_PROXY,"Used for CCE xSP proxy developmen","107-25730: S60 Telephony Converged Call Engine (CCE)",,
RD_CSXHELP_EVOLUTION,"Feature enables early development of csxhelp application functionalities.","107-12722 Accessory Monitoring API 101-36054: XHTML Help feature pack II",,
"RD_CS_PS_HO ","RD flag to enable VOIP handover development","107-25806: EarlyDelivery: S60 IETF/SIP VoIP",,
RD_CUSTOMIZABLE_AI,"R&D Flag to enable smooth development & integration of customazable Active Idle.","101-11066: Active Idle UI customization using XML UI Framework",,
RD_DEFAULT_APPLICATION_SETTINGS,"Disables the Default Application Settings subsystem.","107-6459: Default application setting for a MIME-type",,
RD_DEVICE_MODE_CONFIGURABILITY,"""This flag controls configurability features to System Application (referred as """"SysAp"""") and HwResourceManager (referred as HWRM) components.SysAp needs this flag for moving part of its key event handling functionality to a plug-in that can be variated by product programs.HWRM needs this flag for moving part of its light controlling functionality to a plug-in that can be variated by product programs.""","""101-19650: Backlight control: Device mode event configurability107-18055: Aalto: Keypads backlighting""",RdDeviceModeConfigurabilityId,
RD_DISPLAY_POST,"This flag allows to choose from either built-in Display Post implementation or an external Display Post module.","101-13298: TV-Out support in RealPlayer",,
RD_DM_MULTI_CHOICE_ALERT,"""RD flag to enable feature """"OMA DM server can query user to select options.This alert type allows the user to select multiple items from a list of options."""" development.""","101-29885: OMA DM: multiple choice alert",,
RD_DM_ROAMING_BLOCKING_SUPPORT,"Feature enables the blocking the SyncML Device Management session (Either for Device settings like MMS settings or for FOTA downloads) when user in roaming networks. This RnD flag will be used temporarily for increment 15 development time only to flag changes made on component SyncMLNotifier. ","106-798: Device Manager: Roaming Blocking support",,
RD_DM_SINGLE_CHOICE_ALERT,"""RD flag to enable feature """"OMA Device management Server can query user to select an option by sending a number of user selectable options"""" development.""","101-29884: OMA DM: single choice alert",,
RD_DM_TEXT_INPUT_ALERT,"""RD flag to enable feature """"OMA Device management Server can query user input"""" development.""","101-29886: OMA DM: text input alert",,
RD_DOS_API_CHANGE,"This flag is needed for safely (without creating bottle neck) incorporating DOS Client/Plug-in/SAE API changes into Series 60 releases.",,,
RD_DOS_SERVER_REMOVE,"R&D flag for managing the DOS Server and DOS APIs removal.",,,
RD_DRM_BUY_NEW_RIGHTS_BEFORE_EXPIRATION,"A flag to control one of the sub-features in OMA DRM v2 implementation.","""101-14569: OMA DRM v2, operator prioritized features""",,
RD_DRM_COMMON_INTERFACE_FOR_OMA_AND_WMDRM,"Feature enables early development of   the requirement '107-18152 Common interface for OMA and WM DRM'.","107-18152 Common interface for OMA and WM DRM",,
RD_DRM_DETAILS_VIEW_RENOVATION,"A flag to control one of the sub-features in OMA DRM v2 implementation.","""101-14569: OMA DRM v2, operator prioritized features""",,
RD_DRM_DROPPED_30_FEATURES,"A flag to control one of the sub-features in OMA DRM v2 implementation.","""101-14569: OMA DRM v2, operator prioritized features""",,
RD_DRM_IMSI_BINDING,"A flag to control one of the sub-features in OMA DRM v2 implementation.","""101-14569: OMA DRM v2, operator prioritized features""",,
RD_DRM_METERING,"Flag enables development of DRM Metering","101-37711 DRM Metering",,
RD_DRM_NEW_SECURE_CLOCK,"R&D feature flag is needed to develop the requirement '101-32062 New Secure clock for DRM'","101-32062: New Secure clock for DRM",,
RD_DRM_PREVIEW_RIGHT_FOR_AUDIO,"""Flag enables development of feature """"Preview right support for OMA DRM v2 protected content for audio""""""","101-20306 Preview right support for OMA DRM v2 protected content for audio",,
RD_DRM_REMOVAL_OF_EXPIRATION_WARNING_PROMPTS,"Flag is needed to develop the requirement '101-29260 Removal of DRM usage rights expiration warning prompts' without risking the maturity of CCB.","101-29260 Removal of DRM usage rights expiration warning prompts",,
RD_DRM_RIGHTS_MANAGER_REMOVAL,"R&D feature flag is needed to develop the requirement '101-41508 Rights Manager Removal'","101-41508 : Rights Manager Removal",,
RD_DRM_RINGTONE_BLOCKING,"A flag to control one of the sub-features in OMA DRM v2 implementation.","""101-14569: OMA DRM v2, operator prioritized features""",,
RD_DRM_SILENT_RIGHTS_ACQUISITION,"In order to enable safe development of  OMA DRM v2 Silent rights object acquisition","107-18139: OMA DRM v2 Silent rights object acquisitio",,
RD_DSUI_TIMEDSYNC,"To provide timed synchronization feature to be included in the Data synchronization UI .  The flag will be used only in the OmaDsAppUi component.","101-12632: OMA DS: Timed synchronization",,
RD_DS_ICAL_SUPPORT,"Support for iCalendar synchronization","107-17525 Support for iCalendar synchronization",,
RD_DS_UI_EVOLUTION,"RD flag for development of new Data Sync UI","107-13132 DS UI evolution",,
RD_EMAIL_DOMAIN_UTILS,"The flag is for controlling the releasing of the Email utility API changes that are planned to be done for 3.2",,,
RD_EMAIL_HTML_VIEW,"R&D Flag to remove HTML plugin from mail 3.0 implementation.","101-1476: HTML support to E-Mail Viewer",,
RD_ENABLE_ADDING_EDITING_OF_MSISDN,"This flag enables the usage of the new implementation of Own name store in CommonTSY.",,,
RD_ENHANCED_CBA,"RD flag to flag out implementation of Enhanced CBA",,,
RD_ENHANCED_SKINNING,"""RD Feature flag for implementing """"enhanced skinning"""" in 2.x CCB. That feature is not wanted in 2.6 but after 2.8 it will be permanently supported i.e. not optional feature.""","REQ 107-138",,
RD_EXTENDED_ICL_JPEG_API,"RD flag to enable/disable the Extended ICL JPEG API.","107-20117: Image viewer to utilize Extended ICL JPEG API",,
RD_FEATURE_MANAGER_CHANGE,"In 3.1 Feature Manager will be removed from CommonEngine and new Feature Manager component will be introduced. Flag is needed to safely implement the change. ",,,
RD_FILE_HANDLE_SUPPORT,"This R&D flag defines data caging changes to components that are used by messaging API components.","101-7654: Protecting private data (Data caging - part 2)",,
RD_FILE_MANAGER_BACKUP,"RD feature flag for implementing additional backup improvements for File Manager.","101-11144: Merging File Manager and memory card applications",,
RD_FILE_SORTING,"The flag will be used to variate the sorting functionality in File manager in R3.2.","UI CR 403-6178",,
RD_FLASHLITE_SCREENSAVER,"This flag allowes early development of new Flash as Screensaver features.",,,
RD_FLASH_AS_VIDEO_RINGING_TONE,"Device allows a video file to be set as a ringing tone.",,,
RD_FM_RADIO_ENHANCEMENTS,"RD flag to enable FM Radio Control Adaptation API development.  ",""" 101-22788 Allow FM Radio to use Offline Mode 102-3991 RDS Support and Cover UI & LCIF API for S60 FM Radio Engine""",,
RD_FM_TX_SUPPORT,"RD_FM_TX_SUPPORT flag is needed to integrate FM TX changes to S60 HW Resource Manager and SysApp","403-1166: FMTX2.0 SysApp & HWRM support",,
RD_FOTA_FLEXIBLE_MEMORY_USAGE,"Feature enables flexible memory usage for storing update files on c-drive. RnD flag will be used temporarily for increment 15 development time only to flag changes made on component fotaserver and SyncMLNotifier.","107-22712: FOTA: Flexible memory usage for downloaded package",,
RD_FSW_V2,"RD feature flag for new fastswap tasklist development.","101-16631: Usability improvement for multitasking",,
RD_FULLSCREEN_WALLPAPER,"RD feature flag for enabling full screen wallpaper development.","107-19391: Full screen wallpaper",,
RD_GALLERY_ENABLE_NG_MUSIC_PLAYER,"This feature flag will be used to variate Gallery usage between the old and the new Music Player.",409-1054,,
RD_GALLERY_GRID,"Enable/disable Grid view in Gallery","102-2988: Video: Media Player: UI enhancements",,
RD_GALLERY_PREVIEW_POPUP,"Enable disable Preview Popup in Gallery","102-2988: Video: Media Player: UI enhancements",,
RD_GBA,"Support for General Bootstarapping Architecture (GBA).  GBA enables authentication for mobile services without any user interaction.","101-33172: Support for GBA",,
RD_GENERAL_SEARCH,"""RD flag to enable feature """"In-Device Search"""" development.""","102-2878 In-Device Search",,
RD_GS_RENOVATION,"General Settings Application Renovation",,,
RD_GS_RENOVATION_PHASE2,"This flag allowes early development of new General Settings features.",,,
RD_HELPRUNTIME,"Flag to variate help content between 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 ",,,
RD_HELP_AIW_INTEGRATION,"This flag enables early development of  AIW Help consumer integration feature.","101-13178 Enabling integration of Licensee tutorial functionality",,
RD_HIERARCHICAL_COLUMN_LIST,"R&D flag for enabling Hierarchical column list UI component.","101-32487: Hierarchical dual column list",,
RD_HIERARCHICAL_LIST,"""RD flag to enable feature """"New list type: Hierarchical list"""" development.""","101-16781: New list type: Hierarchical list",,
RD_HINDI_PHONETIC_INPUT,"""RD flag to enable feature """"Hindi phonetic input"""" development.""","101-24489: Hindi phonetic input",,
RD_HOTSPOT,"Undefining this flag indicates that the HotSpotServer.exe and other related components are not included to the rom image. ","107-15734: Integration of 3rd Party WLAN clients to the Native UI and Seamless Roaming",,
RD_IDLE_SEPARATION,"R&D feature flag for moving idle functionality from Phone application to Idle application.","107-4666: Active Idle: separating phone application from Idle",,
RD_IHL_EXTJPEGAPI,"Image Handling Library utilized Extended ICL JPEG API","107-20117: Image viewer to utilize Extended ICL JPEG API",,
RD_IMAGEPREVIEW,"ImageViewer's ImagePreview API and DLL are available in release.","UI CR JLEO-6HDBPW",,
RD_IMAGINGCONFIGMANAGER,"Flag to include/exclude Imaging Configuration Manager component.","107-22657: Imaging Configuration Manager",,
RD_IM_UI_FACELIFT,"RD flag for development of IM UI facelift","107-13871: IM UI Facelift",,
RD_INTELLIGENT_TEXT_INPUT,"Flag to develop support for Intelligent Text Iinput ","""403-492: Generic QWERTY framework 403-2129: 2nd generation text input engine integration404-1533: Help key support404-1532: Enter key support""",,
RD_IV_ACCELEROMETER,"Image viewer needs RnD flag in order to variate accelerometer sensor usage.
RD_IV_SLIDESHOW,"Image Viewer with slideshow and cool image transition effects","101-13871: WOW: Gallery/Image Viewer Evolution",,
RD_IV_TRANSPARENT_UI,"Image Viewer uses transparent custom UI controls","101-13871: WOW: Gallery/Image Viewer Evolution",,
RD_IV_TRANSPARENT_UI_2,"Image Viewer uses transparent toolbar and image infos popup.","101-13871: WOW: Gallery/Image Viewer Evolution",,
RD_IV_TV_OUT,"Flag to develop the TV-Out support for images","402-1111 TV-Out support for images",,
RD_JAVA_ARCHITECTURE_RENEWAL_PHASE1,"""Java architecture renewal, phase 1. S60 implementation replaces Symbian implementation of Java Installer, Java Registry and Java Backup components.""","101-23575: Architecture renewal Phase 1",,
RD_JAVA_CONFIGURABLE_NW_INDICATOR,"Support for network indicator in Java Canvas for operator domain midlets.","101-23233: Presentation of network indicator in full screen mode Canvas",,
RD_JAVA_MEDIA_KEYS,"""To enable Java applications (also those in background) to get notifications from various media keys (PLAY, PREV, NEXT, STOP...). ""","101-32356: Media keys support in Java",,
RD_JAVA_OMA_DRM_V2,"Java Mobile Media API supports playback of the OMA DRM v2 protected audio content.","107-18517: OMA DRM v2 audio playback support via JVM",,
RD_JAVA_REUSE_IFRAMEBUFFER,"Purpose: Change LCDUI Canvas implementation to reuse the native side iFramebuffer memory between Canvas instances. ","107-24306: Java:LCDUI - Canvas instances must share iFramebuffer to save memory",,
RD_JAVA_SCALABLE_ICON,"Provide support for scalable icons for MIDlet icons (MIDlet icons & MIDlet suite icons). ","101-26480: Scalable icons for MIDlet",,
RD_JAVA_TMIDISTATECHANGE,"""R&D flag for Java, related to the symbian change: BR2058: Renaming enum values in TMidiState as a result of a namespace clash.""","Symbian BR2058: Renaming enum values in TMidiState as a result of a namespace clash.",,
RD_JAVA_VOLUME_KEYS,"Java application volume level can be controlled with phone's side volume keys.","107-20105: Java MMAPI volume control support",,
RD_KANNADA_FONTS,"Indic Kannada fonts and font support","101-24927: Rendering support for Kannada",,
RD_KEYLOCK_POLICY_SUPPORT,"Development time support for Configurable Keylock policy.","107-25727: Configurable keylock policy",,
RD_LIGHT_CONTROL_CHANGE,"RD-flag for early development of light control customizability features to System Application.","""101-23335: Backlight Current Consumption Minimization work for Rapido family products 101-32080: SysApp light control""",,
RD_LIST_STRETCH,"R&D Flag to control inclusion of ScaleII feature: Stretch two-lined list automatically as one-lined.","101-13178 Enabling integration of Licensee tutorial functionality",RdListStretchId,
RD_MAPNAV_BITMAP_ACCESS,"Feature enables early development of new features in Map and Navigation FW.","106-1225: Bitmap map access to M&N Framework for map content in SPP51.32",,
RD_MARATHI,"Marathi UI language and input","101-24966: Marathi UI language and input",,
RD_MDF_DEVVIDEO,"""This flag selects the variants of the video components to use MDF DevVideo or proprietary codec interfaces. Symbian's MDF DevVideo API is going to be used in Series 60 3.0 and Series 90 2.0 by at least Camcorder MMF plugin and Video Telephony (REQ 101-6231 ). At the same time, non-MDF versions of the components are being released to Series 60 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8. """,,,
RD_MDS_2_0,"The flag indicates that the environment contains 2.0 version of MDS APIs. See also flag RD_MDS_2_5.",101-30832,,
RD_MDS_2_5,"The flag indicates that the environment contains 2.5 version of MDS APIs. See also flag RD_MDS_2_0",101-30832,,
RD_MEDIAPLAYER_UI_ENHANCEMENTS_P2,"New Media Player enhancements.","102-5929 - Media Player: UI Enhancements part 2",,
RD_MEDIA_GALLERY_UPDATED_FEATURES,"Media Gallery updated features for 3.1",,,
RD_MEETING_REQUEST_UTILS,"Meeting request feature adds meeting request utlis non-variable component to platfrom.",,,
RD_MESSAGING_API_V2,"This R&D flag defines data caging changes to components that use messaging API.","101-7654: Protecting private data (Data caging - part 2)",,
RD_MESSAGING_GENERAL_SETTINGS_RENOVATION,"""RD flag to enable feature """"General  settings application renovation"""" development""","101-21979 General  settings application renovation",,
RD_MESSAGING_ICAL_IMPORT,"""RD flag to enable feature """"iCalendar Import"""" development""","101-33269 iCalendar Import",,
RD_MESSAGING_VIRTUAL_PHONEBOOK,"This flag controls the messaging virtual phonebook migration independently from RD_VIRTUAL_PHONEBOOK","101-17778: Messaging interface to SIM contacts",,
RD_METADATAUTILITY_M4A_INTERNATIONAL,"Metadata localization support for M4A format","409-305: Metadata localization support for M4A format",,
RD_METADATAUTILITY_ODF_ALBUMART_50,"Support for album art from ODF header of OMA DRM v2 protected content","102-6064: Support for album art from ODF header of OMA DRM v2 protected content",,
RD_METADATAUTILITY_PODCAST_50,"Metadata Utility to support podcast related additions in ID3v2","101-31081: Metadata Utility to support podcast related additions in ID3v2",,
RD_METADATAUTILITY_WM_PROVIDER_31,"Support WM/Provider in Metadata Utility ","403-1158: Support WM/Provider in Metadata Utility to enable Nokia music service",,
RD_METADATA_UTILITY_32,"RD flag for development of metadata performance improvements","102-4814: Metadata performance improvements",,
RD_MFE_CP_INTEGRATION,"""Flag enables the Mail For Exchange (MFE, Active Sync)  UI integration with control panel feature.""","101-36908: ActiveSync Integration into General Settings/Control Panel",,
RD_MSG_FAST_PREV_NEXT,"""RD flag to enable feature """"Faster opening of next or previous short message"""" development.""","101-31444: Faster opening of next or previous short message",,
RD_MSG_LIST_IMPROVEMENT,"Improved message lists ","101-31491: Improved message lists",,
RD_MSG_LOAD_ANIMATION,"""The flag enables feature """"PERFORMANCE II: opening MMS with video attached""""""","107-16129: PERFORMANCE II: opening MMS with video attached",,
RD_MSG_NAVIPANE_IMPROVEMENT,"Navi pane improvements in Messaging applications","101-35908: Navi pane improvements in Messaging applications",,
RD_MSG_XHTML_SUPPORT,"""The flag enables feature """"OMA MMS 1.3 phase 2""""""","101-34869: OMA MMS 1.3 phase 2",,
RD_MTP_SUPPORT_VIDEO_SYNC,"Nokia MTP protocol implementation must support video file transfer over the link from PC to terminal","102-6116: MTP: Synchronization of Videos",,
RD_MUIU_SPLIT,"RD Feature flag for splitting Messaging UI Utilities API into domain and internal parts.","107-20968: Partial include hierarchy change implementation for Messaging",,
RD_MULTIMEDIA_RINGING_TONES_FOR_COVER_UI,"RD flag for development of multimedia ringing tones in Cover UI","101-18505 Support for multimedia ringing tones in Cover UI",,
RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE,"Mutliple drive support in platform environment","107-25259: Enablers for multiple drive support in S60",,
RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE_ENABLERS,"Part of multiple drive support in platform environment","107-25259: Enablers for multiple drive support in S60",,
RD_MULTI_ALARMS,"""This R&D flag is needed for incorporating """"Multiple Alarms""""  in ClockApp.""","101-7743 Multiple alarms for clock",,
RD_MUSIC_COLLECTION_AUTO_REFRESH,""" When enabled, Music Collection server monitors USB and memory card events and performs a database refresh when new card is inserted or USB cable is disconnected. It will also perform the refresh after startup. The refresh is handled as a low priority task in the background. ""","Error ID:  ALEN-6G9EBW",,
RD_NEW_FAVENG_API,"R&D feature flag for implementing new Client/Server FavouritesEngine API.","""191-125: Browser Utilities: Favourites Engine: Protecting Private Data, 191-208: Browser Utilities: Favourites Engine: SDK API Cleanup""",,
RD_NG_MUSIC_PLAYER,"This flag will be used to variate between the old and the new Music Player until the new Music Player reaches maturity level and is ready to completely replace the old Music Player.","102-5575: Modular architecture for Music Player",,
RD_NO_DIALOG_BORDERS,"This R&D flag is needed to safely integrate changes needed to remove hard-coded dialog borders in S60 UI framework.",,,
RD_OMADMAPPUI_UI_EVOLUTION,"""Feature enables the Device Manager UI evolution feature. This RnD flag will be used temporarily for increment 15 development time only to flag changes made on components OmaDmAppUi, SyncMLNotifier and fotaserver.""","106-791: Device Manager UI Evolution",,
RD_OMASYNCML_DM_1_2,"Feature enables the Device Manager 1.2 version feature.","101-32827 :MEGA-OP GAP: OMA DM 1.2 support",,
RD_OMA_EMN,"The flag controls whether the OMA Email Notification function is supported by the email application. The flag is needed for the variation between 3.0 and 3.0M.",,,
RD_OPENVG_SVGTOPT,"This feature flag will allow to exclude OpenVG dependency from SVGTopt. SVGTopt currently utilizes VGRasterizer. OpenVG is the new rasterizer. ",,,
RD_PBK_MAP_EXT,"""The flag enables feature """"Map framework support for contacts application""""""","107-11392: Map framework support for contacts application",,
RD_PBK_PROPERTIES_TAB,"Feature enables early development of   the requirement '101-21162: Properties tab' in Phonebook.","101-21162: Properties tab",,
RD_PD_FOR_AUDIO_CONTENT_VIA_HELIX_ENGINE,"Defines whether Progressive Download for WMA and RA audio contents is supported via Helix engine with Music Shop.","102-6041: Middleware support for progressive download and Java buffer playback API for Windows Media Audio Content",,
RD_PF_SEC_APPARC,"""This R&D flag is needed for incorporating platform security and application architecture changes controlled way into Series 60 releases.The flag is required for Av.3.0 requirement:   107-141: Migrate Application Architecture to Platform Security and101-7493: Migrate the platform software to new Application Architecture that will be done in I9 timeframe. Flag will be removed after 2.8 branches away from 2.common.""",,,
RD_PHONEBOOK2,"Phonebook application supports multiple contact stores. It enables users to manage contacts from multiple repositories in one application.","107-8188: Phone and SIM contacts combined to same view.",,
RD_PHONE_CLIENT_EXT,"The flag is for controlling the changes in the Phone Client Dial API that will break the Phone Client Extension Consumer API","107-20970: Partial include hierarchy change implementation for RTC",,
RD_PHONE_NG,"RD feature flag for development of new Phone architecture.","107-11274: Phone Next Generation for S60",,
RD_PINB_SRV_CHANGE,"R&D Flag to handle migration from old insecure Pinboard API to new one.","""101-7493: Migrate the platform software to new Application Architecture101-7654: Protecting private data (Data caging - part 2)""",,
RD_POCUIAPI,"This R&D flag is needed for variating PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) and it's UI integration to other applications / functionality.","107-2171: Enabling platform integation of PoC applications for licencees",,
RD_PREVIEW_POPUP,"""This flag enables ScaleII component """"Preview Popup"""".""",,RdPreviewPopupId,
RD_PROGDOWNLOAD,"R&D flag for managing the Progressive Download feature implementation.","107-2224: Music Player support for HTTP progressive download",,
RD_PTIENGINE2,"Feature enables early development of new version of PtiEngine component.","101-18470: PERFORMANCE II: Performance & resource optimization of Input methods and Fonts",,
RD_RAM_TEST_UID,"""Turning the the flag on enables special UID that can be used by a RAM testing tool. A tool using the UID is not closed by out-of-memory watchdog. Flag should not be turned on in any end product as it exposes a potential security risk. Instead the flag could be used at R&D time, or in any custom builds.""",,,
RD_RA_SUPPORT_FOR_MUSIC_PLAYER,"RD flag for development of Read Audio support in Music Player.","102-4619: Support for Real Audio in Music Player",,
RD_READ_MESSAGE_DELETION,"""RD flag to enable feature """"Allow deleting only read messages"""" development""","101-31264 Allow deleting only read messages",,
RD_REMOTELOCK,"RD flag for development of RemoteLock feature.","107-3825: SECURITY: Remote Locking of the device",,
RD_REMOVE_SAE,"Flag is used to remove SAE component.",,,
RD_RIHC_CHANGE,"""This flag controls the """"Rest of inc hierachy change"""". """,,,
RD_S60_IMAGE_EDITOR,"Defines whether Image Editor application is supported in the platform.","101-27864: Platformization of Image and Video Editor applications",,
RD_S60_MANUAL_VIDEO_EDITOR,"Defines whether Manual Video Editor application is supported in the platform.","101-27864: Platformization of Image and Video Editor applications",,
RD_S60_SIGNATURE_CONNECTOR,"All signature connector development is done behind this R&D feature flag.","107-15593: Accessory selection dialog for cases when accessory connected to AV-Connector is not detected",RdS60SignatureConnectorId,
RD_S60_SIMPLE_VIDEO_EDITOR,"Defines whether Simple Video Editor application is supported in the platform.","101-27864: Platformization of Image and Video Editor applications",,
RD_SAT_REL4_FEAT,"R&D flag that enables SAT Server and SAT UI support 3GPP/ETSI specification Release 4 new features",,,
RD_SA_TO_PUBSUB_CHANGE,"""To incorporate """"System Agent migration to Publish and Subscribe""""""",,,
RD_SCALABLE_UI,"""Because 2.8 feature (scalable UI) is implemented in 2.common CCB,we need a temporary feature flag that can be used where needed in code to flag scalable UI implementation out of 2.6 builds.-> to avoid ROM hit in 2.6 and regression in code maturity.""","REQ 107-138",,
RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2,"R&D Flag to remove Scale II (Pen and Touch) support from other than S60 4.0 builds. This flag is used during new feature development, to isolate affected code from those releases that don't need to support Scale II features (< 5.0). It is NOT used for feature variation, i.e. enable/disable touch feature.",,,
RD_SCREENSAVERAIWPLUGIN,"Feature enables early development of  screensaveraiwplugin that is an AIW provider for setting images as animated or slide set screen saver.","106-1139: AIW provider for setting Screen Saver",,
RD_SCREENSAVER_GIFANIMATION,"This R&D flag is needed for safely incorporating Gif animation support for screensaver Animation Plugin",,,
RD_SD_TO_CENREP_CHANGE,"""This R&d flag is needed for incorporating """"Shared data migration to Central Repository"""" changes controlled way into Series 60 releases.The flag is required for Av.3.0 requirement:   REQ 107-138: Migration to Central Repository ()  that will be done in I9 timeframe. ""","REQ 107-138",,
RD_SECON_METADATA,"Device supports file metadata requests over ConML protocol.","403-78: ConML enhancements for file metadata",,
RD_SECURE_BIN_RES,"Flag is used variate the Increment 9 changes: i.e. relocation of binaries and resource files. We need these for 3.0 PF- security implementation. They are temporary R&D flags that can be removed once 2.8 is branched away.","""101-1591: Protecting data in file system (Data caging) , 101 - 7654: Protecting private data (Data caging - part 2) """,,
RD_SECURE_PRIV_DATA,"Flag is in charge of variating the Increment 10 tasks: i.e. moving files to private directories. We need these for 3.0 PF- security implementation. They are temporary R&D flags that can be removed once 2.8 is branched away.","""101-1591: Protecting data in file system (Data caging) , 101 - 7654: Protecting private data (Data caging - part 2) """,,
RD_SENSOR_FW,"RD flag for Sensor FW development","107-24914: Sensor server and sensor API's in S60",,
RD_SIMCHANGED_REMOVED,"A R&D flag for integrating SimChanged DLL into SysAp in release 3.0. Flag will be removed when 2.8 branches",,,
RD_SIND_VIA_AIW,"""RD flag to enable feature """"AIW Consumer for Voice Dialing Info View"""" development.""","107-19742 AIW Consumer for Voice Dialing Info View",,
RD_SLIDESHOW_SCREENSAVER,"Defines whether a set of images can be set as wallpaper. Wallpaper is shown based on user defined value and then changed to a new image in the image set.","107-19602: Slide show screensaver",,
RD_SLIDESHOW_WALLPAPER,"Defines whether a set of images can be set as wallpaper. Wallpaper is shown based on user defined value and then changed to a new image in the image set.","107-19606: Slide show wallpaper",,
RD_SLIDING_ANIMATION_EFFECTS,"""R&D Flag to exclude dialog sliding from other """"animation effects"""".""","""101-15108: Animations and feedback effects, phase 2""",,
RD_SPLIT_VIEW,"RD flag to flag out implementation of Split view.",,,
RD_STARTUP_ANIMATION_CUSTOMIZATION,"""This R&d flag is needed for incorporating """"Startup and shutdown animations customization"""" changes in a controlled manner into S60 releases.""","107-19519: Startup and Shutdown animations customization",,
RD_STARTUP_CHANGE,"This R&D flag defines changes related to start-up.",,,
RD_SUPPORT_SENDUI_API_V2,"This R&D flag defines changes to SendUI API clients.",,,
RD_SVGT_AUDIO_SUPPORT,"RD feature flag for implementing audio playback support in SVG-T engine.","101-19446: SVGT Support for Audio in order to improve content presentation capabilities for Tutorials",,
RD_SVGT_IN_MESSAGING,"SVG-T rendering support in messaging applications",107-1861,,
RD_SVGT_JSR_226_API,"If this feature flag is on then the JSR-226 functionality is available. Otherwise it is not.",,,
RD_SWITCH_TO_VIDEO,"This feature will include possibility in Phone to switch current voice call to video and vice versa.","101-17550 Video Call Access Improvements 'Switch to video' feature",,
RD_SYMBIAN_TRACES,"Enable usage of binary traces in RnD components.","101-36681: Performance hooks for Sensor UC",,
RD_TACTILE_FEEDBACK,"""This R&D flag is needed for implementing """"Tactile feedback"""" feature to S60 5.0.""","""101-31375: Audio and tactile feedback for touch UI403-2673: Tactile feedback migration: UI framework area""",,
RD_TELEPHONY_DEVICE_MODE,"This flag enables the flip (clamshell) and grip (slider) event handling. Devices without this functionality can leave the TelephonyDeviceMode.DLL component out of their builds. ","101-14014: Call audio routing: Device mode event configurability",,
RD_THUMBNAILMANAGER,"""This flag is used for temporarily variating Thumbnail Manager component.  The purpose of Thumbnail Manager is to provide convenient access thumbnail images for media objects (e.g. image and video files). Thumbnail Manager handles both generation and storing of thumbnails. S60 clients: Media Gallery, Media Player.""","101-33302: Common thumbnail manager",,
RD_TOOLBAR_SUPPORT,"R&D Flag to remove 3.1 Toolbar and Generic Buttons",,,
RD_TRACKSTER_MENU,"""Trackster is a generic component, which can be used for various purposes in various applications. The basic idea and the innovation behind the work is to build the behavior based on Bezier curves, which define how the control appears.""","101-20926: New XML UI FW component: Trackter/Wheel",,
RD_TSP_CLIENT_MAPPER,"RD Feature flag for implementing a new TSP solution for platform components which improves a TSP configurability and resolves mapping problems between RemCon and audio clients.","101-38109: Enhanced Accessory Key Event Handling",,
RD_UIFW_3_0_API_CHANGES,"R&D flag for implementing UIFW 3.0 API changes.",,,
RD_UIKON_UNBRANCH,"R&D flag for implementing Uikon unbranch related changes to Series 60 code.","107-5302: UIKON unbranch",,
RD_UI_CONTROL_TRANSPARENCY,"Semi-transparency support in UI controls. This feature relies on Symbian's window transparency support and has no effect if TRANSPARENCY keyword is not defined in WSINI.INI.","107-19701: Enabling UI semi-transparency",,
RD_UI_TRANSITION_EFFECTS_LAYOUT_SWITCH,"Development of transition effects in UI rotation (layoutswitch) use case will be done behind this flag to secure that existing functionality won't suffer regression during implementation.","101-39568: Effects enabled layout switch",,
RD_UI_TRANSITION_EFFECTS_LIST,"This flag will be used to secure that development of list transition effects won't break existing fullscreen and components transition effects.","""101-36834: Effects enabled Application Shell 101-33025: Effects enabled list components""",,
RD_UI_TRANSITION_EFFECTS_PHASE2,"Feature enables early development of 2nd phase UI transition effects.","""101-39398: UI Effects, phase 2""",,
RD_UI_TRANSITION_EFFECTS_POPUPS,"""Development of transition effects in popups (notes, queries, etc) will be done behind this flag to secure that existing functionality won't suffer regression during implementation.""","""101-33776: Effects enabled pop-ups, queries and notifications""",,
RD_UI_ZOOM,"This feature activates the zooming support in Series 60 UI.","RM-RIM: 107-5305: Zooming support in Series 60",,
RD_UNIFIED_EDITOR,"""Unified SMS and MMS Editor,  targetted for release 3.1U""","101-11845: Unified SMS and MMS editor",,
RD_USB_CHARGING,"""This flag affects to the Starter list only. If it is defined, the Starter starts the UsbWatcher.exe in charging mode. The USB Watcher or USB MSC Personality Plug-in code is not variated. ""","HRAN-74BGRC: USBWatcher to Charging startup list",,
RD_USB_HEADSET_SUPPORT,"To enable USB OTG Audio/Hid related code ","""106-811: USB OTG: Audio device class host role for USB headset  101-35207: USB HID support in S60.Chili 107-8379: USB on the go, 1st release""",,
RD_USB_WATCHER_CONFIGURATION_MGMT,"Enables USB Configuration Management.","107-149: USB Configuration Management",,
RD_USE_S60HOSTSTACK,""" Development of USB Audio/HID class drivers has been started using class driver APIs provided by S60 USB host stack. However, PREQ1782 delivers Symbian host stack which will be used in production code instead of S60 host stack. APIs offered by these two stacks are different, and when the class driver code using the S60 host stack APIs is migrated into using the Symbian host stack APIs, the developer needs to be able to switch between the stacks in the same environment.""","""USB HID class driver: 101-35207 USB HID support in S60 Chili  USB Audio class driver: 106-811 USB OTG: Audio device class host role for USB headset  RAC 101-35123: PREQ1782: USB on the go, 1st release """,,
RD_USE_SYMBIAN_SYNCML_CONVERGENCE,"RD flag for development of Symbian version of S60 SyncML engine","107-13420: DS Symbian convergence",,
RD_VIBRA_AND_LIGHT_CHANGE,"This R&D flag defines changes related to vibra and backlight.",,,
RD_VIDEO_AS_RINGING_TONE,"Device allows a video file to be set as a ringing tone.",JOIS-6G6A7S,,
RD_VIDEO_MAILBOX_SUPPORT,"R&D Flag to remove video mailbox support from older than S60 3.1 builds.",105-448,,
RD_VIRTUAL_PHONEBOOK,"Feature flag enables the usage of the Virtual Phonebook APIs.",,,
"RD_VOIP_PRESENCE ","RD flag to enable VOIP presence development","107-25806: EarlyDelivery: S60 IETF/SIP VoIP",,
RD_VOIP_REL_2_2,"RD flag to enable VOIP rel 2.2 development ","107-25806: EarlyDelivery: S60 IETF/SIP VoIP",,
RD_VT_IMAGE_SHARING,"RD flag for implementation of still image sharing.","101-13960 VT: Sharing of still image from local file during video call",,
RD_VT_LONG_SEND_KEY,"""New RD flag for development of """"Long press of send key"""" feature (for Taco) in CCB.""","107-17534: VT: Accessibility improvement: Long press of SEND key",,
RD_WCDMA_CELL_BROADCAST,"""RD flag to enable feature """"WCDMA Cell Broadcast (CBS) support"""" development.""","107-376: WCDMA Cell Broadcast (CBS) support.",,
RD_WFA_ADMISSION_CONTROL,"This flag is needed for managing whether or not to include Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) admission control to a certain platform/products.","101-33541: Support for WFA Admission Control (TSpec)",,
RD_WLAN_DDK,"""The flag enables WLAN DDK -relatedchanges implemented to wlan ldd -component.""","106-1830: WLAN DDK for S60",,
RD_WLAN_EXPANDED_EAP_TYPES,"This flag enables (or disables) the usage of expanded EAP type codes. Normal (8-bit) EAP type codes are used when the flag is disabled.","101-23228: Support for Wi-Fi Easy Setup",,
RD_WLAN_PROTECTED_SETUP,"This flag enables (or disables) Wi-Fi Protected setup (EAP-WSC, WPS) feature. An active flag requires that expanded EAP type codes are supported.","101-23228: Support for Wi-Fi Easy Setup",,
RD_WMDRM_DLA_ENABLERS,"Flag to develop the requirement '101-28290 Platformization: S60 WMDRM DLA Enablers'","101-28290 Platformization: S60 WMDRM DLA Enablers",,
RD_WOW_GALLERY_EVOLUTION,"RD Feature flag for implementing new  WOW:Gallery/Image Viewer Evolution 3.2 features prior to branching 3.1.","101-13871: WOW: Gallery/Image Viewer Evolution",,
RD_WOW_GALLERY_PREVIEW_POPUP,"In Touch-devices tappping on the popup opens the image.","402-1332: Preview popup in Gallery Grid",,
RD_WOW_GALLERY_REMOVE_TOOLBAR,"Removes Toolbar should from Gallery.","403-2117: Remove toolbar from Gallery",,
RD_WOW_GALLERY_SORTING_VIEWS,"Enable enhanced view sorting in Gallery","101-13871: WOW: Gallery/Image Viewer Evolution",,
RD_WOW_GALLERY_VIDEO_THUMBNAILS,"Enable video thumbnail support in Gallery","101-13871: WOW: Gallery/Image Viewer Evolution",,
RD_XMLUI_2,"R&D Flag to separate XML UI framework phase 2 development work from phase 1.","107-9266: XML UI Framework Phase2",,
RD_XML_ENGINE_API_CHANGE,"RD flag for development of new XML Engine APIs.",,,
__3D_MENU,"3D Menu feature enhances Application Shell with animating 3D icons.","101-1341: 3D Application Shell",KFeatureId3DMenu,1511
__3GP_EXTENTION,"This flag indicates that the 3GP Extention feature is supported in MetadataUtility.","101-13753: WMA playback and additional Metadata support for S60",KFeatureId3GpExtension,1592
__AAC,"Device supports Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) codec.",,KFeatureIdAac,75
__AAC_ENCODER_PLUGIN,"Device supports all-ARM AAC encoding capabilities.","107-3803: 16KHz audio recording",KFeatureIdAacEncoderPlugin,1141
__AAC_PLUS_DECODER_PLUGIN,"Device supports all-ARM AAC+ and Enhanced AAC+ decoding capabilities","101-8206: Enhanced AAC+ playback",KFeatureIdAacPlusDecoderPlugin,1143
__ACCESSORY_FW,"Accessory framework is a Series 60 subsystem that enables adding various accessory types to the platform by licensees.","100-5072: Accessory framework for Series 60",KFeatureIdAccessoryFw,1150
__ACTIVE_IDLE,"""The Active Idle includes several plugins to display different content. Additional feature flags for them will be requested separately as the necessity for them to be optional arises.At the moment this flag will cover all Active Idle mandatory features.""","101-671 Active Idle: phase 1",KFeatureIdActiveIdle,1119
__ALLOW_UPGRADE_HELIX,"""Support for Aftermarket update of Codecs, and File Formats. To allow the helix dlls to be upgraded using a SISX file. ""","""101-36568: Video Engine: Support for Aftermarket update of Codecs, and File Formats""",KFeatureIdAllowUpgradeHelix,1699
__ALWAYS_ONLINE,"""Devices supports Always On-line framework which enables various always-online plug-ins, e.g. Email.""",,KFeatureIdAlwaysOnLine,1078
__ALWAYS_ONLINE_EMAIL,"Device supports keeping mailbox always connected and up to date.",,KFeatureIdAlwaysOnLineEmail,1101
__ALWAYS_ONLINE_PDPCONTEXT,"Flag is used to include always on PDP context plugin binaries to the build.","101-12166: Hutchinson 3G: Permanent PDP context plugin for always-on PDP context for MMS notifications",KFeatureIdAlwaysOnlinePDPContext,1144
__ALWAYS_ONLINE_PDPCONTEXT2,"""Flag is used to include always on PDP context plugin binaries, version 2, to the build.""","107-23367: Always-on implementation for Hutchinson 3 (release 2) in S60",KFeatureIdAlwaysOnlinePDPContext2,1662
__AMR_NB,"Device supports Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) narrowband codec.",,KFeatureIdAmrNb,73
__AMR_WB,"Device supports Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) wideband codec.",,KFeatureIdAmrWb,74
__APPLICATION_CONTROLLABLE_AUDIO_ROUTING,"""An application UI can control audio routing in addition to adaption layer. If  this feature is off, only the adaptation layer controls the audio routing and the corresponding DOS Plug-in API has to be implemented.""",,KFeatureIdApplicationControllableAudioRouting,8
__APPSHELL_AVKON_UI,"This flag defines if Application Shell should use Avkon architecture in UI implementation instead of XML UI framework (XUIKON). It affects only to Application Shell component.","""107-19385 Configurable Application Shell to 3.1u based on XML UI or AVKON UI.""",KFeatureIdAppshellAvkonUi,1613
__APP_CSD_SUPPORT,"Device supports internal (HS)CSD in application UIs.",,KFeatureIdAppCsdSupport,110
__ARM_AVC,"This feature flag will enable/disable the ability of RealPlayer to playback AVC (H.264) video by including/excluding the AVC codec DLL and AVC Depacketizer DLL in the rom image.",,KFeatureIdArmAvc,1630
__ARM_MDF_H263MPEG4_DEC,"Support for MDF H263 MPEG4 decoder. This decoder is used by MediaPlayer via new helix engine and MDF. Excluded if hardware accelerated decoder is used instead.","102-2985 All-ARM Helix",KFeatureIdArmMdfH263mpeg4Dec,1644
__ARM_MDF_H264_DEC,"Support for MDF H264 decoder. This decoder is used by MediaPlayer via new helix engine and MDF. Excluded if hardware accelerated decoder is used instead.","102-2985 All-ARM Helix",KFeatureIdArmMdfH264Dec,1642
__ARM_MDF_POSTPROCESSOR,"Support for MDF Post processor. Excluded if hardware accelerated post-processing is used instead.","102-2985 All-ARM Helix",KFeatureIdArmMdfPostprocessor,1645
__ARM_MDF_REALVIDEO_DEC,"Support for MDF Realvideo decoder. This decoder is used by MediaPlayer via new helix engine and MDF. Excluded if hardware accelerated decoder is used instead.","102-2985 All-ARM Helix",KFeatureIdArmMdfRealvideoDec,1643
__AT_HANDLER,"Symbian OS side AT Handler is used with Bluetooth Hands Free profile to process and communicate with DOS.",,KFeatureIdAtHandler,223
__AUDIO_AAC,"Deprecated feature flag for Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) codec. Use __AAC  feature instead.",,KFeatureIdAudioAac,1062
__AUDIO_CONTROLLER_STREAMING,"Device supports Audio Controller Streaming feature.",,KFeatureIdAudioControllerStreaming,1591
__AUDIO_EFFECTS_API,"""Device supports utility APIs and framework for Series 60 Audio applications to enable predefined audio effects with audio play/record utilities. Features lilke Volume, Graphical Equalizer, Reverb are possible.""","101-4317 Audio effects",KFeatureIdAudioEffectsApi,497
__AUDIO_MESSAGING,"Flag for Xpress Audio Messaging feature. Device supports recording and sending a sound clip as a MMS message.","107-11778: Xpress audio messaging",KFeatureIdAudioMessaging,1565
__AUDIO_PLAYLIST,"Media Gallery & Player applications support audio file playlist (M3U media queue format). ",22178,KFeatureIdAudioPlaylist,1063
__AUDIO_RESOURCE_INDICATIONS,"Device supports Audio Resource Indications Utility. Applications can use the Audio Resource Indications Utility to request feedack when they can submit a play request.","101-5334: Audio resource indications (Pause-continue -behaviour)",KFeatureIdAudioResourceIndications,499
__AUTO_ACCESSORY_IDENTIFICATION,"Device supports automatic accessory identification.",,KFeatureIdAutoAccessoryIdentification,206
__AVC_DECODER,"Device supports H.264/MPEG4 AVC decoder","101-17691: H.264 video support for video call",KFeatureIdAvcDecoder,1567
__AVC_ENCODER,"Device supports H.264/MPEG4 AVC encoder","101-17691: H.264 video support for video call",KFeatureIdAvcEncoder,1568
__BASIC_LOCATION_INFO_DISPLAY,"Device has basic location info display.","101-12213: Minimal feature set configuration for mid-range",KFeatureIdBasicLocationInfoDisplay,1513
__BASS_BOOST_EFFECT_UI,"""Device supports bass boost, increases Bass frequency response.""","107-11621: Stereo Widening and bass boost UI in Music Player",KFeatureIdBassBoostEffectUi,1673
__BEATNIK_AUDIOENGINE,"""Beatnik Audio engine is the standard, default engine in S60 platform. With this flag, it is possible to variate out Beatnik Audio Engine and uses another midi audio engines.""","101-23639 Removal of Standard Midi Engine",KFeatureIdBeatnikAudioengine,1640
__BLUETOOTHGPSPSY,"""Devices supports Bluetooth based GPS positining. It utilizes bluetooth connection to retrieve location information from wireless GPS device, which supports required Bluethooth profile.  Must always be supported due SDK APIs.""",,KFeatureIdBluetoothGpsPsy,122
__BRANDING_SERVER,"Component enables service provider specific branding in applications.","107-23691: Branding server",KFeatureIdBrandingServer,1657
__BRIGHTNESS_CONTROL,"General settings application supports controlling display brightness.",100-2220,KFeatureIdBrightnessControl,1072
__BROWSER_ADAPTIVE_BOOKMARKS,"Browser application supports additional list of bookmarks that gets generated automatically from visited links.  List is sorted by automatic algorithm which ranks according to combination of most-recently and most-often visited pages. ",100-5868,KFeatureIdBrowserAdaptiveBookm,163
__BROWSER_AUDIO_PLUGIN,"Support for Browser Plugin. Used in deciding whether the browser audio pugin is taken into builds.",,KFeatureIdBrowserAudioPlugin,1122
__BROWSER_FILE_UPLOAD,"""Browser application supports posting a file from the file system to Web server, in addition to """"normal"""" user input.""",100-10404,KFeatureIdBrowserFileUpload,1099
__BROWSER_FRAMES,"Browser aplication support HTML <frame> tags.",100-397,KFeatureIdBrowserFrames,1069
__BROWSER_FULLSCREEN,"Browser application supports expanding the amount of screen space used for browser display.",100-5866,KFeatureIdBrowserFullScr,1066
__BROWSER_NARROW_SCREEN,"Browser application supports Narrow screen rendering. That enables user to read HTML content more easily without a need to scroll horizontally.",100-5867,KFeatureIdBrowserNarrowScreen,1060
__BROWSER_NETSCAPE_API,"Browser application supports Netscape plug-in API.",100-7069,KFeatureIdBrowserNetscapeAPI,1103
__BROWSER_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_PROXY,"The PluginAdapterUtil is a variant DLL that guarantees a common interface for plugins when interfacing with the Browser (PluginAdapter Interface). Proxy interface is used and flag is enabled with Opera browser.",,KFeatureIdBrowserPluginInterfaceProxy,162
__BROWSER_PROGRESS_IND,"""Browser application supports more detailed information of download progress (in addition to """"spinning globe"""")""",100-7066,KFeatureIdBrowserProgressInd,1064
__BROWSER_URL_COMPLETION,"""Browser application supports URL completion. When user manually enters """"go to"""" URL, list of previously-visited links will appear for selection based on matching entered characters.""",100-5869,KFeatureIdBrowserUrlCompletion,165
__BROWSER_VIDEO_PLUGIN,"Support for Browser Plugin. Used in deciding whether the browser video plugin is taken in.","102-3271: Browser: Video Plugin",KFeatureIdBrowserVideoPlugin,1606
__BT,"Device supports Bluetooth.",,KFeatureIdBt,12
__BTIC_BINARIES_CHECK_ENABLED,"""In addition to the SWI certificate store check (defined by __BTIC_ENABLED), also binaries (having TCB or DRM capability) in c: drive are integrity checked during boot.""","107-13260: Configurable integrity check of SWI certificate store and binaries in c: drive during boot",KFeatureIdBticBinariesCheckEnabled,1601
__BTIC_ENABLED,"Device has component that performs integrity check of SWI certificate store in c: drive during boot.","107-13260: Configurable integrity check of SWI certificate store and binaries in c: drive during boot",KFeatureIdBticEnabled,1600
__BT_AUDIO,"Device supports BT handsfree and headset profiles.",,KFeatureIdBtAudio,15
__BT_FAX_PROFILE,"Device supports Bluetooth fax profile.",,KFeatureIdBtFaxProfile,18
__BT_IMAGING_PROFILE,"Device supports bluetooth imaging profile.",,KFeatureIdBtImagingProfile,19
__BT_PAN_PROFILE,"Device support BT PAN profile",,KFeatureIdBtPanProfile,16
__BT_PBAP,"Support for Phone Book Access Profile","106-698: Bluetooth Phone Book Access Profile",KFeatureIdBtPbap,1686
__BT_PRINTING_PROFILE,"Device supports bluetooth printing profile.",,KFeatureIdBtPrintingProfile,20
__BT_SAP,"Bluetooth SIM Access Profile (SAP) allows another device to access the SIM over Bluetooth.","100-8230: Bluetooth Remote SIM Access Profile",KFeatureIdBtSap,222
__BT_STEREO_AUDIO,"Device supports Bluetooth stereo audio.","107-10655  BT Stereo Audio support in S60",KFeatureIdBtStereoAudio,1580
__BT_TEST_MODE,"""When this flag is enabled, the device can be put in the BT test mode. """,,KFeatureIdBtTestMode,224
__CAE_VR_CUSTOM_COMMANDS,"Optimisation flag of the CamCorder for cases where device replaces the default Camcorder plugin. Then this flag must be turned off (#undef) due to performance reasons. ",,KFeatureIdCaeVrCustomCommands,131
__CALL_IMAGETEXT,"""Device supports showing an image, animated GIF or text for an incoming call.""","100-10526: Image/text in Arriving call -situation",KFeatureIdCallImagetext,1503
__CAMERA,"Device has Camera Application.",101-71,KFeatureIdCamera,2
__CAMERA_BURST_MODE,"Camera application supports burst mode. It enables taking several snapshots with one command.",,KFeatureIdCameraBurstMode,132
__CAMERA_FULLSCREEN_VIEWFINDER,"""Flag enables full screen mode in camera application. Full screen is supported only in landscape mode. If hardware is not supporting landscape mode this flag should be set off.""","101-12525: Full screen view finder",KFeatureIdCameraFullscreenViewfinder,1607
__CAMERA_LENS_COVER,"The flag defines is the camera lens cover is supported by the HW.","error  PEJA-5ZHETE",KFeatureIdCameraLensCover,209
__CAMERA_LOCATION_SUPPORT,"Enables Camera Application support for geotagging.",417-2664,KFeatureIdCameraLocationSupport,158
__CDMA_CHANNEL_LISTING,"""Media player supports Channel Listing Mode.Channel Listing  is a method of content presentation. Content will be displayed as a list of channels the user can choose from. The device will make a request for the channel listing each time the multimedia application is invoked.""","103-353: CDMA: Multimedia: Media Player",KFeatureIdCdmaChannelListing,1121
__CDMA_EXTENDED_AMS,"Device supports Sprint extensions to Application Management System (AMS). Applicable only to CDMA devices",,KFeatureIdCdmaExtendedAms,87
__CDMA_FAST_DORMANT,"This is used to add the Fast Dormant daemon to the image at creation time and could also be used in the custom TSY to add the additional calls.","""103-1114: CDMA: Mobile Originated “Fast Dormant""""""",KFeatureIdCdmaFastDormant,290
__CDMA_IOTA,"""Device supports Internet Over The Air (IOTA), applicable only to CDMA devices. This feature enables over the air provisioning of mobile devices using HTTP.""",,KFeatureIdCdmaIota,86
__CELL_BROADCAST,"Device supports Cell Broadcast feature (CBS).",,KFeatureIdCellBroadcast,1090
__CHATNG,"""The new IM UI Application (called IM UI NG, NG = New Generation)""","107-13871: IM UI facelift",KFeatureIdChatNG,1650
__COMMDB_PROTECTION,"Device prevents transferring CommDb outside of the phone. ","107-8140: Charlie i-mode: EU&DCM: Backup limitation",KFeatureIdCommDBProtection,1507
__COMMON_DSY,"When this flag is enabled it Common DSY component is included.","101-873: Two-layer DSY implementation",KFeatureIdCommonDsy,297
__COMMON_TSY,"When this flag is enabled it Common TSY component is included.",,KFeatureIdCommonTsy,293
__COMMON_TSY__EMERGENCY_CALLS_ENABLED_IN_OFFLINE_MODE,"When this flag is enabled it is possible to dial an emergency call even when the off-line mode is on.",,KFeatureIdCommonTsyEmergencyCallsEnabledInOfflineMode,294
__CONNMON_EXTENSION,"Defines whether the Connection Monitor Extension API is used.",,KFeatureIdConnMonExtension,108
__CONNMON_UI,"Device supports connection monitoring UI.",,KFeatureIdConnMonUI,1105
__CONTENT_DOWNLOAD,"Device supports OMA content download.","107-8142: Charlie i-mode: EU&DCM: Content download variation capability",KFeatureIdContentDownload,1504
__COVER_DISPLAY,"Device has also separate cover display in addition to the main display.",,KFeatureIdCoverDisplay,3
__CS_VIDEO_TELEPHONY,"Device supports circuit switched video telephony",,KFeatureIdCsVideoTelephony,89
__CUSTOMISED_RFS,"""This flag enables customised RFS, that does not automatically erase content of user area image.""",,KFeatureIdCustomisedRFS,1670
__DEFAULT_CONNECTION,"Initial connection selection enables automatic 'usage of default destination groups (like Internet) instead of single IAPs when starting network connections. Deprecated in 5.0.","101-30139: Partial ALR support: Initial connection selection for S60 3.2 ap",KFeatureIdDefaultConnection,1693
__DHCP,"Device supports Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).",,KFeatureIdDHCP,107
__DIALUP_NETWORKING,"""The feature enables device to support Dial-up Networking service (Bluetooth, IrDA or USB).""",,KFeatureIdDialupNetworking,1660
__DISPLAY_POST,"The flag allows to choose between built-in Display Post implementation or an external Display Post module.","101-13298: TV-Out support in RealPlayer",KFeatureIdDisplayPost,1610
__DPB,"Device has Presence Enhanced Contacts application",,KFeatureIdDpb,32
__DRIVE_MODE,"This flag enables drive mode profile. The profile is silent and unmodifiable. In this profile the phone refuses to receive calls.","101-9956: Charlie i-mode: DCM Only: Supplementary Service: Drive mode",KFeatureIdDriveMode,1412
__DRM,"""Device supports OMA Digital Rights Management (DRM) partially, only forward lock is supported""",,KFeatureIdDrm,91
__DRM_CLOCK,"""DRM clock is a new clock type that is used with DRM interval and datetime based constraints. It uses NITZ (other solutions can be studied) to get the network time and uses that to determine if the time constrained content can be rendered or not. This enables the content providers to sell content twice e.g. first for a short period of time and after that (assumed user lock in) for 2nd time with full usage rights.The user shall still have control over the normal clock of the device, but setting of that clock shall not have effect to the DRM clock. If NITZ is not available, user defined clock is used.""","100-10653: DRM clock",KFeatureIdDrmClock,96
__DRM_FULL,"""Device supports OMA Digital Rights Management (DRM) fully. Includes forward lock, combined delivery, separate delivery and super-distribution""",,KFeatureIdDrmFull,93
__DRM_OMA2,"This feature flag is used to indicate whether OMA DRM standard version 2 is enabled.","107-145: OMA DRM Version 2: Base Services",KFeatureIdDrmOma2,98
__DRM_PHASE2,"This feature flag is used with OMA DRM standard version 2 (Phase2) features.",,KFeatureIdDrmPhase2,95
__DRM_USER_DATA_TRANSFER,"""There must be possibility to transfer downloaded applications and other DRM content to the swap phone in a service point through service software.UDT makes it possible to transfer user's valuable content and Rights DB containig Rights objects for DRM content to another phone (containing same functionality) e.g. in warranty cases.""","100-10031: Transfer of downloaded applications and DRM content to swap phone",KFeatureIdDrmUserDataTransfer,97
__DYNAMIC_PROFILES,"Profiles application supports user to add new / delete old profiles.",,KFeatureIdDynamicProfiles,1056
__EDGE_KNOWLEDGE,"This flag defines whether the information of current radio link using EDGE is available through Connection Monitor component.",,KFeatureIdEdgeKnowledge,104
__EDIT_KEY,"The device has edit key","101-12197: Edit key made optional",KFeatureIdEditKey,1672
__EMAIL_OVER_SMS,"Device supports sending email messages using SMS as the bearer transport.",,KFeatureIdEmailOverSms,1092
__EMAIL_UI,"Device has email UI components.","101-9949: Charlie i-mode: EU&DCM: Removing e-mail from Messaging centre application",KFeatureIdEmailUi,1410
__EN_POLICY_DOS,"""ENPolicy provides emergency number policy APIs and is used by phoneserver component.DOS emergency number policy checks emergency number by using ETel custom API.SOS emergency number policy checks emergency number by using ETel multimode API and System agent.""",,KFeatureIdEnPolicyDos,1118
__EQUALIZER,"Device supports equalizer.",,KFeatureIdEqualizer,1502
__EXE_PROTECTION,"""Applications are not allowed to be started from MMC, when this flag is enabled.""","101-10958: Charlie i-mode: EU&DCM: Application execution limitation",KFeatureIdExeProtection,1499
__EXTENDED_STARTUP,"Device boot framework supports starting also 3rd party applications upon the boot. By default only native applications can be started.",100-128,KFeatureIdExtendedStartup,1057
__FLASH_LITE_BROWSER_PLUGIN,"Device supports Macromedia Flash Lite plugin for Web Browser","107-10468: Flash Lite 1.1 Viewer in Series 60 2.8",KFeatureIdFlashLiteBrowserPlugin,1146
__FLASH_LITE_VIEWER,"Device supports Macromedia Flash Lite Viewer for opening and playing Flash content files (.SWF).","107-10468: Flash Lite 1.1 Viewer in Series 60 2.8",KFeatureIdFlashLiteViewer,1145
__FLIGHT_MODE,"Device suppors flight mode. Device can be used off-line. RF and Bluetooth transmitters are inactive and emergency call is not possible.",,KFeatureIdFlightMode,6
__FMTX,"The feature flag is used to enable/disable the FM radio transmitter.",,-,
__FM_RADIO,"Device contains support for FM radio (TunerUtility and RadioServer components).",,KFeatureIdFmRadio,5
__GENERAL_SEARCH_FRAMEWORK,"""This feature finds keywords in application data files, databases, services and locations available in mobile environment. This flag controls the framework (engine) part of the search feature.""","102-2878 In-Device Search",KFeatureIdGeneralSearchFramework,1648
__GENERAL_SEARCH_UI,"""This feature finds keywords in application data files, databases, services and locations available in mobile environment. This flag controls the UI part of the search feature.""","102-2878 In-Device Search",KFeatureIdGeneralSearchUi,1649
__HANDWRITING_RECOGNITION_INPUT,"Device supports handwriting recognition input.","107-9221: ScaleII: Latin handwriting recognition",KFeatureIdHandwritingRecognitionInput,1604
__HINDI_ROM_CONTENT,"Device supports Hindi fonts. Flag may be used only in IBY files.",,KFeatureIdHindiRomContent,1636
__HSXPA_SUPPORT,"""When the feature flag is set, HSDPA setting item is visible for the user.""","107-24769: Setting to enable/disable High speed (HS) channel",KFeatureIdHsxpaSupport,1666
__HTTP_DIGEST_AUTH,"HTTP digest authentication",,KFeatureIdHttpDigestAuth,1084
__HWRM_TARGET_MODIFIER_PLUGIN,"HWRM Target Modifier Plug-in (TMP) is responsible for device specific target modifications according to target activation status. Customers desiring custom functionality can simply replace the entire plug-in by udefining the flag and implementing own plug-in.","101-19650: Backlight control: Device mode event configurability",KFeatureIdHwrmTargetModifierPlugin,1665
__ID3V2_METADATA,"""The component provides metadata information for music clients based on the 2.2,2.3,and 2.4 standards of ID3V2.""",107-3029,KFeatureIdId3V2Metadata,495
__IETD,"""Device supports Image enhancement for transflective display. If this feature is on,  the Display Enhancements Adaptation API has to be implemented.""",,KFeatureIdIetd,4
__IM,"Device supports Instant Messaging feature of the Wireless Village initiative",,KFeatureIdIm,33
__IMAGE_UPLOAD,"Device supports Image Upload feature.",,KFeatureIdImageUpload,1086
__IMAGE_VIEWER,"Flag controls whether the Image Viewer application is included in rom image.","107-23368: Clean Replacement of S60 Gallery phase I",KFeatureIdImageViewer,1682
__IMPS_STANDALONE_IP_CIR,"""Wireless Village features (__IM & __DPB) support standalone TCP/IP binding for Communication Initiation Request (CIR).  The TCP/IP binding uses persistent connection from the client to WV server to providelow-latency always-on CIR channel.""",,KFeatureIdImpsStandaloneIpCir,34
__INCLUDE_AAC_CMMFCODEC,"AAC CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build  to be used by some other client than controller plug-in component.",,KFeatureIdIncludeAacCMMFCodec,492
__INCLUDE_AMR_NB_CMMFCODEC,"AMR NB CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build to be used by some other client  than controller plug-in component.",,KFeatureIdIncludeAmrNbCMMFCodec,289
__INCLUDE_AMR_WB_CMMFCODEC,"AMR WB CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build  to be used by some other client than controller plug-in component.",,KFeatureIdIncludeAmrWbCMMFCodec,491
__INCLUDE_EAACPLUS_CMMFCODEC,"This flag is used to indicate that the eAAC+ soft codec should be included in ROM.",,KFeatureIdIncludeEaacplusCmmfcodec,1521
__INCLUDE_MP3_CMMFCODEC,"MP3 CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build  to be used by some other client than controller plug-in component.",,KFeatureIdIncludeMp3CMMFCodec,493
__INCLUDE_QCELP_CMMFCODEC,"QCELP CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) is included in build  to be used by some other client  than controller plug-in component.",,KFeatureIdIncludeQcelpCMMFCodec,494
__INDIC_ROM_CONTENT,"Device supports Indic fonts. Flag may be used only in IBY files.",,KFeatureIdIndicRomContent,1694
__INSTALLER_SISX,"Device supports native Symbian OS installation packages.","107-144: Migrate SW Install application to platform security",KFeatureIdInstallerSisx,1411
__IPSEC,"Device supports IP Security (IPSec). The IPSec is a set of protocols developed by the IETF to support secure exchange of packets at the IP layer. IPsec has been deployed widely to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).  ",,KFeatureIdIpsec,102
__IPV4_NAT,"Device supports network address translation of IP (version 4) connections.",,KFeatureIdIPv4Nat,313
__IPV6,"Device application Uis support IPV6.",,KFeatureIdIPv6,1088
__IP_PUSH,"Device supports IP Push feature.","101-9964: Charlie i-mode: DCM only: IP Push",KFeatureIdIpPush,1409
__IRDA,"Device supports Infrared.",,KFeatureIdIrda,11
__I_CAL_SUPPORT,"This flag enables I-Cal syncronization.",,KFeatureIdICalSupport,1588
__JAPANESE_PICTOGRAPHS_GROUPING,"Activates alternative grouping of Japanese pictographs. This feature is effective only if __JAPANESE_PICTOGRAPHS is also defined.",,KFeatureIdJapanesePictographsGrouping,1500
__JAVA,"""Java platform binaries are included to the phone image. When __JAVA feature flag is undefined, other feature flags starting with __JAVA_ does not have any effect on platform functionality. See also feature flag __JAVA_STUBS.""","107-24512: Non-Java support for S60 builds",KFeatureIdJava,1687
__JAVA_3DAPI,"Java implementation supports 3D API  (JSR184)",,KFeatureIdJava3DAPI,146
__JAVA_API_ENHANCEMENTS_IAP,"Support for Java API enhancements which provides access to internet access point settings and allows the selection of the destination network.","107-22800: MATURIZATION: Java Mobinfo API enables reading phone settings",KFeatureIdJavaApiEnhancementsIap,1667
__JAVA_API_ENHANCEMENTS_MOBINFO,"""Support for Java API enhancements which provides access to telephony properties and services. These properties include IMEI, IMSI, battery change level, network signal strength and network country code.""","107-24744: Java: IAP Info API ; 101-23273: Java: IAP Control API",KFeatureIdJavaApiEnhancementsMobinfo,1668
__JAVA_ESWT,"Support for Embedded Standard Widget Toolkit. ","101-26438: Java eSWT-UI",KFeatureIdJavaESWT,1664
__JAVA_FILEAPI,"Java implementation supports Java File API (JSR75)",,KFeatureIdJavaFileAPI,144
__JAVA_J2MEWEBSERVICESAPI,"""Java J2ME Web Services API (JSR-172) compliancy.Provides two new capabilities to the J2ME platform: (1) access to remote SOAP / XML based web services(2) parsing XML data""","JSR-172 compliancy",KFeatureIdJ2MEWebServicesAPI,150
__JAVA_JSR177_SECURITY_AND_TRUST_SERVICES_APDU,"Flag enables the optional APDU part of Java Adaptation of the Security and Trust Services API JSR 177 implementation. ","107-17079: Security and Trust Services API JSR 177: SATSA-APDU support",KFeatureIdJavaJsr177SecurityAndTrustServicesApdu,1585
__JAVA_JSR177_SECURITY_AND_TRUST_SERVICES_CRYPTO,"Flag enables the optional Crypto part of Java Adaptation of the Security and Trust Services API JSR 177 implementation. ",,KFeatureIdJavaJsr177SecurityAndTrustServicesCrypto,1587
__JAVA_JSR177_SECURITY_AND_TRUST_SERVICES_PKI,"Flag enables the optional PKI part of Java Adaptation of the Security and Trust Services API JSR 177 implementation. ",,KFeatureIdJavaJsr177SecurityAndTrustServicesPki,1586
__JAVA_JSR205_WMA_2_0_SUPPORT,"""Device supports JSR 205, WMA 2.0 specification.""","107-71: Wireless Messaging API (WMA) 2.0 JSR 205",KFeatureIdJavaJsr205Wma20Support,1415
__JAVA_JSR_177_SECURITY_AND_TRUST_SERVICES,"""Device supports JSR 177, Security and Trust Services API for J2ME""","101-2731: Security and Trust Services API JSR 177",KFeatureIdJavaJsr177SecurityAndTrustServices,1419
__JAVA_JSR_180_SIP_API,"""Device supports JSR 180, SIP API for J2ME""","101-5347: SIP API JSR 180",KFeatureIdJavaJsr180SipAPI,1417
__JAVA_JSR_226_2D_SVG_API,"""Device supports JSR 226, Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API for J2ME""","101-5348: Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API JSR 226",KFeatureIdJavaJsr2262DSvgAPI,1418
__JAVA_JSR_234_3D_AUDIO_AND_MUSIC_CAPABILITIES,"""Device supports JSR 234, Advanced Multimedia Supplements""","107-3791: 3D audio capability and music capability for Advanced Multimedia Supplements JSR 234",KFeatureIdJavaJsr2343DAudioAndMusicCapabilities,1416
__JAVA_LOCATIONAPI,"Java implementation supports Java Location API (JSR-179)",,KFeatureIdJavaLocationAPI,147
__JAVA_MIDP20,"Device has Java MIDP2.0.",,KFeatureIdJavaMIDP20,1413
__JAVA_MMAPI11,"Java implementation supports Java Mobile Media API (JSR135) version 1.1",,KFeatureIdJavaMMAPI11,143
__JAVA_PIMAPI,"Java implementation supports Java PIM API (JSR75)",,KFeatureIdJavaPIMAPI,145
__JAVA_STUBS,"""__JAVA_STUBS flag is defined, the build script is building only stubs of APIs published by the Java domain. If the flag is not defined, both the functional components and stub components are build. This flag must be defined if the licensee do not have Java source code and would like to build the whole S60. Note that it is possible to create S60 image with Java functionality if Java binaries have been delivered to the licensee. More information is available in __JAVA flag definition.""","107-24512: Non-Java support for S60 builds",KFeatureIdJavaStubs,1688
__KEEP_DRM_CONTENT_ON_PHONE,"Device prevents transferring DRM protected content out of the phone. ",,KFeatureIdKeepDRMContentOnPhone,1506
__LANDMARKS,"Defines whether landmarks feature is supprted in the device.",,KFeatureIdLandmarks,112
__LANDMARKS_CONVERTER,"""This feature provides functionality for reading from and writing to the XML-based landmarks content format.Must always be supported due SDK APIs. There are two components with this feature:- Ecom plug-in under Landmarks API that converts from the landmarks content format to native landmark objects and vise versa. - Recognizer Plug-in to recognizer FW for detecting landmarks content format.""","100-7924: Landmark messaging",KFeatureIdLandmarksConverter,123
__LAYOUT176_208,"Device supports 176x208 resolution",,KFeatureIdLayout176_208,1123
__LAYOUT208_176,"Device supports 208x176 resolution",,KFeatureIdLayout208_176,1582
__LAYOUT208_208,"Device supports 208x208 resolution (square)",,KFeatureIdLayout208_208,1124
__LAYOUT_240_320,"Device supports 240x320 resolution (QVGA)",,KFeatureIdLayout240_320,1125
__LAYOUT_240_320_LARGE_SCREEN,"""Device supports 240x320 resolution (QVGA2 for larger screens, portrait)""",,KFeatureIdLayout240_320_LargeScreen,1621
__LAYOUT_240_320_QVGA3,"Device supports 240x320 resolution (QVGA3)",,KFeatureIdLayout240_320_QVGA3,1677
__LAYOUT_240_320_TOUCH,"""Device supports 240x320 resolution (QVGA, touch screen)""",,KFeatureIdLayout240_320_Touch,1625
__LAYOUT_320_240,"Device supports 320x240 resolution (QVGA landscape)",,KFeatureIdLayout320_240,1126
__LAYOUT_320_240_LARGE_SCREEN,"""Device supports 320x240 resolution (QVGA2 for larger screens, landscape)""",,KFeatureIdLayout320_240_LargeScreen,1622
__LAYOUT_320_240_QVGA3,"Device supports 320x240 resolution (QVGA3)",,KFeatureIdLayout320_240_QVGA3,1678
__LAYOUT_320_240_TOUCH,"""Device supports 320x240 resolution (QVGA landscape, touch screen)""",,KFeatureIdLayout320_240_Touch,1626
__LAYOUT_320_480,"Device supports 320x480 resolution (HVGA portrait)",,KFeatureIdLayout320_480,1617
__LAYOUT_320_480_TOUCH,"""Device supports 320x480 resolution (HVGA portrait, touch screen)""",,KFeatureIdLayout320_480_Touch,1627
__LAYOUT_352_416,"Device supports 352x416 resolution (double)",,KFeatureIdLayout352_416,1127
__LAYOUT_352_800,"Device supports 352x800 resolution (WVGA portrait)",,KFeatureIdLayout352_800,1620
__LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH,"""Device supports 360x640 resolution (QHD portrait, touch screen)""","101-39113: Platform support for resolution 640 x 360 (QHD)",KFeatureIdLayout360_640_Touch,1701
__LAYOUT_416_352,"Device supports 416x352 resolution (double landscape)",,KFeatureIdLayout416_352,1128
__LAYOUT_480_320,"Device supports 480x320 resolution (HVGA landscape)",,KFeatureIdLayout480_320,1618
__LAYOUT_480_320_TOUCH,"""Device supports 480x320 resolution (HVGA landscape, touch screen)""",,KFeatureIdLayout480_320_Touch,1628
__LAYOUT_480_640,"Device supports 480x640 resolution (VGA portrait)",,KFeatureIdLayout480_640,1615
__LAYOUT_480_640_TOUCH,"""Device supports 480x640 resolution (VGA portrait, touch screen)""",,KFeatureIdLayout480_640_Touch,1623
__LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH,"""Device supports 640x360 resolution (QHD landscape, touch screen)""","101-39113: Platform support for resolution 640 x 360 (QHD)",KFeatureIdLayout640_360_Touch,1700
__LAYOUT_640_480,"Device supports 640x480 resolution (VGA landscape)",,KFeatureIdLayout640_480,1616
__LAYOUT_640_480_TOUCH,"""Device supports 640x480 resolution (VGA landscape, touch screen)""",,KFeatureIdLayout640_480_Touch,1624
__LAYOUT_800_352,"Device supports 800x352 resolution (WVGA landscape)",,KFeatureIdLayout800_352,1619
__LIGHTSURF,"Flag is used to incorporate the LightSurf Picture Messaging transport engine into the release.",102-309,KFeatureIdLightSurf,243
__LOCATIONFRAMEWORKCORE,"Device supports location basic services.    Must always be supported due SDK APIs.",,KFeatureIdLocationFrameworkCore,114
__LOCATIONGPSHW,"Device has internal GPS hardware.",,KFeatureIdLocationGpsHw,1138
__LOCATIONSYSUI,"Device has Location system application.  Must always be supported due SDK APIs.","""UI CR, ID: JHEO-63ZGNM""",KFeatureIdLocationSysUi,124
__LOCATIONVERIFIER,"Device has a location verifier module.",,KFeatureIdLocationVerifier,1136
__LOCATION_CENTRE,"""Support for Location Centre. When enabled, Location Centre will be visible in Application Shell.""","108-854: Common Location Centre umbrella application to incorporate individual S60 location applications.",KFeatureIdLocationCentre,1702
__LOGGER_GPRS,"This flag defines whether Data Connection Logger component sets Attach Mode and Default APN parameters to TSY at system boot.",,KFeatureIdLoggerGprs,103
__MACROMEDIA_FLASH_6,"Device supports macrodia flash 6.",,KFeatureIdMacromediaFlash6,79
__MANNER_MODE,"""The Manner Mode can SET/CANCEL the following settings at one time by simply depressing the Manner Key.  ?Mute Ring tone?Vibration Ringer?Mute Key Confirmation Tone?Boost Mic Sensitivity?Mute Low Power Alarm-Shutter sound must not be mute""","107-17127: Rosetta i-Mode: DCM Only: Manner Mode",KFeatureIdMannerMode,1629
__MAP_AND_NAVIGATION_AIW_PROVIDER,"This flag is intended to toggle presence of Map and Navigation AIW provider in ROM. ",,KFeatureIdMapAndNavigationAiwProvider,1602
__MEDIATOR,"Mediator is a server that extends mechanisms of inter-process communication. It supports creation of indirect interfaces for passing commands and events between clients and easy transfer of large amounts of data.","107-16200: PERFORMANCE III: System boot-up performance improvements",KFeatureIdMediator,1614
__MEDIA_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL,"Device supports MTP application.","102-6138: MTP: Support for Music Synchronization for S60 3.1 products 101-36552: MTP: Maturation of Music Synchronization for S60 3.2 products",KFeatureIdMediaTransferProtocol,1697
__MEETING_REQUEST_ENABLER,"This flag allows 3rd parties to implement their own meeting request solutions.",,KFeatureIdMeetingRequestEnabler,1590
__MEETING_REQUEST_SUPPORT,"Email and calendar support meeting request.","100-5952: Email to support Outlook meeting request",KFeatureIdMeetingRequestSupport,1508
__MIPV4,"Devices supports Mobile IPv4",,KFeatureIdMIPv4,312
__MIPV6,"Devices supports Mobile IPv6. ",,KFeatureIdMIPv6,106
__MMC,"Device supports Multimedia Card (MMC).",20016,KFeatureIdMmc,1
__MMCOMMSAVCONTROLLER,"Device supports Multimedia Comms Controller for OMA PoC.","""107-4955: Basic telephony, SIP telephony features, on-screen indicators""",KFeatureIdMmCommsAvController,505
__MMCOMMSCONTROLLER,"Device supports Multimedia Comms Controller for VoIP.","""107-4955: Basic telephony, SIP telephony features, on-screen indicators""",KFeatureIdMmCommsController,500
__MMCOMMSENGINE,"Device supports Multimedia Comms Engine for OMA PoC.","""107-4955: Basic telephony, SIP telephony features, on-screen indicators""",KFeatureIdMmCommsEngine,501
__MMC_EJECT,"Device supports software based eject triggered from the options menu by the user.",,KFeatureIdMmcEject,1683
__MMC_HOTSWAP,"Device supports MMC hotswap. A MMC card can be inserted and removed from device without removing battery or rebooting the device",100-6733,KFeatureIdMmcHotswap,1076
__MMC_LOCK,"Device supports locked (i.e. password protected) Multimedia cards.",,KFeatureIdMmcLock,1671
__MMF_DRM_UTILITY,"Enables a utility for 3rd party applications to play DRM encrypted audio.",102-2123,KFeatureIdMmfDrmUtility,496
__MMS,"Flag is used for inclusion or exclusion of components from the MMS UIs and MMS Engine subsystems.","103-1809: CDMA: Modifications to MMS UIs subsystem for adding Picture Mail support",KFeatureIdMMS,244
__MMS_POSTCARD,"Flag is used ro incorporate Postcard application into the release.","107-5246: Vodafone MMS Postcard client",KFeatureIdMmsPostcard,1509
__MMS_XID_HEADER_HTTP_FILTER,"Enables inclusion of custom http header on Mms Http Post and Get requests for subscriber identification.","102-2525: CDMA: Configurable HTTP header extension for MMS",KFeatureIdMmsXidHeaderHttpFilter,1520
__MOBILE_ACTIVE_SYNC,"This feature activates the Exchange Active Sync UI.","107-13869: Exchange ActiveSync v2.5",KFeatureIdMobileActiveSync,1651
__MP3,"Device supports MP3 audio codec.",,KFeatureIdMp3,71
__MPEG4_AAC_ENCODING,"Device supports MPEG-4 AAC encoding. Together with feature flag __MPEG4_VIDEO_ENCODING this flag can also enable enconding for MP4 file format.","""101-4965: MPEG-4 encoding to MP4 file format, 101-7851: MPEG4/AAC-LC audio, 107-2794: MPEG-4 AAC-LC encoding""",KFeatureIdMpegAacEncoding,282
__MPEG4_VIDEO_ENCODING,"Device supports MPEG4 encoding.",,KFeatureIdMpeg4VideoEncoding,80
__MROUTER,"Device uses Symbian MRrouter technology for PC connectivity.  If this feature is on the alternative feature __SRCS shall be off.",,KFeatureIdMRouter,14
__MRT_SDK_LIBRARIES,"""MRT libraries: Open C, SSL, GLIB and RGA.""","101-16695: Standard C library support; 106-705: S60 Gaming APIs",KFeatureIdMrtSdkLibraries,1663
__MTP_PROTOCOL_SUPPORT,"Device supports Media Transfer Protocol. Note! This is for Music Player variation only.","107-10930: MTP solution for S60 Music Player",KFeatureIdMtpProtocolSupport,504
__MULTIMEDIA_SHARING,"Multimedia Sharing application.","101-17547: Video / Multimedia sharing",KFeatureIdMultimediaSharing,1656
__MULTIPLE_PROV_CTX,"""Device supports Multiple OMA Provisioning contexts. The feature allows the user to choose which configuration context is currently """"active"""" in order to improve usability by reducing the number of detailed connectivity decisions and processes involved with utilizing services.""",100-5975,KFeatureIdMultipleProvCtx,1059
__NETWORK_REGISTRATION,"This flag defines whether network registration status including roaming information is available from Connection Monitor server component.",,KFeatureIdNetworkRegistration,105
__NEWSTICKER,"""This feature displays a 'CNN type' ticker of text pushed via cell broadcast, onto the idle screen of the phone.""","""102-2152 : """"Rich"""" Cell Broadcast: Message Storage   102- 2153: S60 """"News Ticker"""" application """,KFeatureIdNewsticker,166
__NOT_SUPPORTED_FEATURE1,"This feature will always be off (for testing purposes)",,KFeatureIdNotSupportedFeature1,1001
__NOT_SUPPORTED_FEATURE2,"This feature will always be off (for testing purposes)",,KFeatureIdNotSupportedFeature2,1003
__NO_OTA_CONFIGURATION,"Device does NOT support old OTA configuration which has been replaced by new OMA Provisioning.  To keep compatibility with old mechanism you should set this off  (#undef).",,KFeatureIdNoOtaConfig,1051
__NO_POWERKEY,"""Device does not have dedicated key for power management, but the functionality is combined to some other hard key.""","107-18196: End key usage as power key",KFeatureIdNoPowerkey,1639
__NP_PROXY,"Support for network based positioning methods. All PSYs that implement network based positioning technology shall be hidden behind Network Positioning Proxy.","107-15013: Network positioning proxy",KFeatureIdNpProxy,1598
__OCSP,"Device supports Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). The protocol specifies the syntax for communication between the server (which contains the certificate status) and the client application (which is informed of that status). ",,KFeatureIdOCSP,149
__OFFLINE_MODE,"Device suppors off-line mode. Device can be used off-line and Bluetooth transmitter can be enabled.  RF transmitter can be activated only for emergency calls. ",,KFeatureIdOfflineMode,7
__OMA_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS,"""The flag is used for image time variation of the OMA EMN watcher plugin that receives the incoming OMA email notifications. Additionally,it would be used for hiding the EMN functionality from the email settings. ""","101-22830: Enable disabling OMA EMN in operator variants",KFeatureIdOmaEmailNotifications,1633
__OMA_IMPS_12,"Support to OMA IMPS 1.1 and 1.2 protocols.","107-24754: OMA IMPS 1.1/1.2 adaptation for Presence Framework",KFeatureIdOmaImps12,1684
__OMA_IMPS_13,"Support to OMA IMPS 1.3 protocol.","107-24753: OMA IMPS 1.3 adaptation for Presence Framework",KFeatureIdOmaImps13,1685
__OMA_POC,"OMA Push-to-talk over Cellular.","102-1304: OMA PoC functionality in Series 60",KFeatureIdOmaPoc,1538
__OMA_PROV,"""Existing component OMA Provisioning needs to be variated because not all platforms are intended to be used in GSM/UMTS networks, that support the protocol well. For example CDMA network operators use different methods for delivering phone settings. Especially from the 2.7 platform side, this kind of variability has been requested.""",,KFeatureIdOmaProv,228
__OMA_SUPL_PLUGINS,"Device has OMA SUPL variant of SUPL Protocol Plug-in for Common SUPL Framework.",107-11387,KFeatureIdOmaSuplPlugins,1584
__ON_SCREEN_DIALER,"This flag indicates that the dialer.dll is included to the rom image and On-Screen Dialer is used for phone number entering. ","101-12265: Onscreen dialer application for S60 CS Telephony",KFeatureIdOnScreenDialer,1696
__OPENGL_ES_3DAPI,"Device supports OpenGL ES and EGL versions 1.0. This feature enables 3D graphics rendering",,KFeatureIdOpenGLES3DApi,10
__OPENGL_ES_SW_IMPLEMENTATION,"""Device has a software implementation of OpenGL ES and EGL. No hardware support. If __OPENGL_ES_3DAPI is enabled, either HW or SW implementation should exist. If HW is not present, this flag should be enabled.""",,KFeatureIdOpenGLESSWImplementation,210
__OPENVG_SW_IMPLEMENTATION,"""Device has a software implementation of OpenVG API. If no hardware support is present, this flag should be enabled.""","102-3927 PERFORMANCE II: OpenVG 1.0 for S60",KFeatureIdOpenvgSwImplementation,1605
__OPERATOR_CACHE,"Browser application supports persistent cache in addition to default volatile cache.  Contents of this cache will remain from one browser session to the next (also through power cycles of the phone.)",100-6511,KFeatureIdOperatorCache,1071
__OPERATOR_MENU,"""Device contains Operator menu application.  It is a wrapper to Browser application and allows using operator specific application icon (and label), and allows opening wanted URL initially.""",100-6515,KFeatureIdOperatorMenu,1058
__PALETTE_INDEX_ADDRESS_FIXED,"""The flag tells whether the palette index address is defined with #define in palette.cpp or calculated dynamically in run-time, which is slower.""",,KFeatureIdPaletteIndexAddressFixed,1120
__PEN_SUPPORT,"Indicates whether a device has a pen support.",,KFeatureIdPenSupport,410
__PEN_SUPPORT_CALIBRATION,"Touch Screen Calibration application.","101-12218: ScaleII: Request for new application:Touch screen calibration",KFeatureIdPenSupportCalibration,1658
__PHONE_HIDE_MO_DATACALL_NUMBER,"Phone application supports hiding CSD dial-up number. Applicable to devices targeted to United States (US) markets",,KFeatureIdPhoneHideDataCallNbr,90
__PHONE_NUMBER_GROUPING,"""Device supports phone number grouping. Numbers shown in the display (incoming/outgoing call, phone book, recent call lists) and in number editing are grouped for easier readability (format: 1 234 567 8900). Applicable to devices targeted to United States (US) markets. ""","20026; 107-2376: US: Number grouping",KFeatureIdPhoneNumberGrouping,291
__PLUG_AND_PLAY_MOBILE_SERVICES,"Device supports Plug and Play Mobile Services.","101-12637: OMA CP: PnP mobile services",KFeatureIdPlugAndPlayMobileServices,1659
__PRESENCE,"Device supports Presence feature of the Wireless Village initiative. ",,KFeatureIdPresence,36
__PRESENCE_FRAMEWORK,"Presence Framework provides protocol agnostic presence handling services to S60 applications and subsystems. Concrete presence protocols are implemented as plug-ins to Presence Framework. In long run protocol agnostic Presence Framework replaces purely Wireless Village specific presence suppor controlled with __PRESENCE flag.","107-11425: Presence framework",KFeatureIdPresenceFramework,1637
__PRIVACYFRAMEWORK,"Device supports location privacy. It enables controlling end user privacy.  Must always be supported due SDK APIs.",,KFeatureIdPrivacyFramework,115
__PRODUCT_REMCON_TSP,"""A flag to include/exclude S60 default TSP implementation in ROM.When the flag is set on the default remcon TSP implementation is removed from the ROM.""","101-38107: S60 default TSP implementation made variable",KFeatureIdProductRemconTsp,1689
__PROTOCOL_CDMA,"Device supports CDMA cellular stack.",,KFeatureIdProtocolCdma,83
__PROTOCOL_GSM,"Device supports GSM cellular stack.",,KFeatureIdProtocolGsm,81
__PROTOCOL_TDMA,"Device supports TDMA cellular stack.",,KFeatureIdProtocolTdma,84
__PROTOCOL_WCDMA,"Device supports WCDMA cellular stack",,KFeatureIdProtocolWcdma,82
__PROTOCOL_WLAN,"Device supports WLAN protocol.",,KFeatureIdProtocolWlan,109
__PUSH_WHITELIST,"Device supports authentication based on whitelist",,KFeatureIdPushWhiteList,227
__QCELP,"Device supports QCELP","""103-1080,201-1295,103-352,103-145,103-1548,103-146""",KFeatureIdQcelp,281
__QOS,"Device supports Quality of Service (QOS). The QoS is capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic.",,KFeatureIdQos,101
__QVGA2_LAYOUT_IN_USE,"""Device uses alternative QVGA layout with smaller fonts, designed for devices having larger physical screen size.""",,KFeatureIdQvga2LayoutInUse,1596
__QWERTY_INPUT,"Indicates whether a device has qwerty keyboard or not.",,KFeatureIdQwertyInput,409
__REAL_PLAYER_AS_DEFAULT,"Defines whether RealOne Player is system default player for certain MIME types. Disabling this flag enables use of another media player.","101-22948: Removal of Dependencies to RealOne Player",KFeatureIdRealPlayerAsDefault,1641
__REMOTE_LOCK,"Device supports remote locking.","107-3825: SECURITY: Remote Locking of the device",KFeatureIdRemoteLock,1652
__REMOTE_STORAGE_FW,"""Flag enable RemoteStorage feature, access to shared file systems like file shared and web servers.""","107-5298: File Sharing; 107-12855: Symbian File Extension",KFeatureIdRemoteStorageFw,1581
__RESTRICTED_CALL_BARRING,"Enables a subset of call barring options to be displayed in GS.","103-2749: S60 i-mode: Call Barring UI Modifications",KFeatureIdRestrictedCallBarring,1608
__RESTRICTED_CALL_DIVERT,"Enables alternative call divert view and handling in GS.","103-2750: S60 i-mode: Call Divert UI Modifications",KFeatureIdRestrictedCallDivert,1609
__RESTRICTED_VOICE_MAIL,"Device has restricted voice mail functionality (no voice mail number setting).","Requirement 107-9010: Charlie i-mode: DCM only: Supplementary Service: Voice mailbox",KFeatureIdRestrictedVoiceMail,1505
__RFID,"Device supports Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ticket information in Wallet settings.",,KFeatureIdRfid,22
__ROM_HIDE_JERUSALEM,"""This flags controls whether Jerusalem or Tel Aviv appears in the common city list. E.g. in Startup, GS or Clock application.""","TSW Error: EMYP-6N5DPR",,
__RSS_FEEDS,"Device supports Feeds (RSS) functionality.",,KFeatureIdRssFeeds,167
__RTP_STACK,"Device supports RTP.",,KFeatureIdRtpStack,1589
__RV9,"Device supports RealVideo9.",,KFeatureIdRV9,1094
__S60_,"Indicates that S60 release is built",,,
__S60_32__,"Indicates that S60 release 3.2  is built.",,,
__S60_50__,"Indicates that S60 release 5.0  is built.",,,
__S60_FM_RADIO_APPLICATION,"Device contains Series 60 FM Radio application components.",,KFeatureIdS60FmRadioApplication,1539
__SAP_APPLICATION_MANAGEMENT,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Application management","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapApplicationManagement,1576
__SAP_DEVICE_LOCK_ENHANCEMENTS,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Device Lock Enhancements","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapDeviceLockEnhancements,1611
__SAP_EMBEDDED_LINK_ADAPTER,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Embedded Link adapter","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapEmbeddedLinkAdapter,1569
__SAP_IDLE_SOFTKEY_ADAPTER,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Idle Softkey adapter","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapIdleSoftkeyAdapter,1570
__SAP_OPERATOR_LOGO_ADAPTER,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Operator logo adapter","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapOperatorLogoAdapter,1571
__SAP_POLICY_MANAGEMENT,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Policy management","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapPolicyManagement,1578
__SAP_SCREENSAVER_ADAPTER,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Screensaver adapter","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapScreensaverAdapter,1572
__SAP_STARTUP_ADAPTER,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Startup adapter","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapStartupAdapter,1573
__SAP_TERMINAL_CONTROL_FW,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Terminal control","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapTerminalControlFw,1577
__SAP_THEMES_ADAPTER,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Themes adapter","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapThemesAdapter,1574
__SAP_UI_SETTING_SERVER,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/UI settins server","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapUiSettingServer,1579
__SAP_WALLPAPER_ADAPTER,"Feature flag for Sync and Provisioning/Wallpaper adapter","101-13725: TARM Feature Pack",KFeatureIdSapWallpaperAdapter,1575
__SAT_BIP,"""This flag constitutes of five SAT commands: Open Channel, Close Channel, Send Data, Receive Data, Channel Status. They implement the """"e"""" class of SAT commands and are related to Bearer Independent Protocol. When this flag is enabled, these SAT commands are supported.""",,KFeatureIdSatBip,1542
__SAT_CALL_CONTROL,"""When this flag is enabled and call control service is activated by the SIM, all dialled digit strings, supplementary service (SS) control strings and unstructured supplementary data (USSD) strings are first passed to the SIM before the ME sets up the call, the supplementary service operation or the USSD operation.""",,KFeatureIdSatCallControl,1541
__SAT_DISPLAY_TEXT,"""If this flag is enabled, SIM can request ME to display a text message, and/or an icon.""",,KFeatureIdSatDisplayText,1543
__SAT_GET_INKEY,"""If this flag is enabled, SAT Get Inkey command instructs the ME to display text and/or an icon and to expect the user to enter a single character. """,,KFeatureIdSatGetInkey,1544
__SAT_GET_INPUT,"""If this flag is enabled, SAT Get Input command instructs the ME to display text and/or an icon and that any response string entered by the user shall be passed transparently by the ME to the SIM and shall not be stored in the ME. """,,KFeatureIdSatGetInput,1545
__SAT_LANGUAGE_NOTIFICATION,"""If this flag is enabled, the SIM shall use SAT Language Notification command to notify the ME about the language currently used for any text string within proactive commands or envelope command responses.""",,KFeatureIdSatLanguageNotification,1546
__SAT_LAUNCH_BROWSER,"""If this flag is enabled, upon receiving SAT Launch Browser command, the ME shall decide if it is able to execute the command. See details from 3GPP specifications.""",,KFeatureIdSatLaunchBrowser,1547
__SAT_MO_SM_CONTROL,"""When this flag is enabled, mobile originated short messages are controlled by SIM.""",,KFeatureIdSatMoSmControl,1548
__SAT_PLAY_TONE,"""When this flag is enabled, SIM can instruct the ME to play an audio tone.""",,KFeatureIdSatPlayTone,1549
__SAT_PROVIDE_LOCAL_INFO,"""If this flag is enabled, SIM can request ME to provide current local information to the SIM.""",,KFeatureIdSatProvideLocalInfo,1550
__SAT_REFRESH,"""When this flag is enabled, clients of SAT Refresh API are enabled to be notified of the changes to the SIM configuration that have occurred as the result of a SIM application activity.""",,KFeatureIdSatRefresh,1551
__SAT_SELECT_ITEM,"""If this flag is enabled, the SIM shall supply a set of items to the ME from which the user may choose one. """,,KFeatureIdSatSelectItem,1552
__SAT_SEND_DTMF,"""When this flag is enabled, SAT Send DTMF command requests the ME to send a Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) string after a call has been successfully established either by the proactive command SET UP CALL or the user. """,,KFeatureIdSatSendDtfm,1553
__SAT_SEND_SM,"""When this flag is enabled, SMS commands may be sent by the SIM. See details from 3GPP specification.""",,KFeatureIdSatSendSm,1554
__SAT_SEND_SS,"""When this flag is enabled and SIM requests ME to send supplementary service (SS) command, the ME shall decide if it is able to execute the command. See details from 3GPP specification.""",,KFeatureIdSatSendSs,1555
__SAT_SEND_USSD,"""When this flag is enabled and SIM requests ME to send unstructured supplementary service data (USSD), the ME shall decide if it is able to execute the command. See details from 3GPP specification.""",,KFeatureIdSatSendUssd,1556
__SAT_SETUP_CALL,"""When this flag is enabled and SIM requests ME to set up a call, the ME shall decide if it able to execute the command.""",,KFeatureIdSatSetupCall,1557
__SAT_SET_UP_EVENT_LIST,"""If this flag is enabled, the SIM shall supply a set of events. """,,KFeatureIdSatSetUpEventList,1558
__SAT_SET_UP_IDLE_MODE_TEXT,"""If this flag is enabled, the SIM shall supply a text string, which shall be displayed by the ME as an idle mode text if the ME is able to do it. """,,KFeatureIdSatSetUpIdleModeText,1559
__SAT_SET_UP_MENU,"""When this flag is enabled, the SIM shall supply a set of menu items, which shall be integrated with the menu system in order to give the user the opportunity to choose one of these menu items at his own discretion.""",,KFeatureIdSatSetUpMenu,1560
__SCALABLE_ICONS,"""Flag defines whether icons are taken from scalable icons directory or from bitmap icon directory. In a 176*208 device it is better to use bitmap icons instead of SVGT icons, for both performance and memory consumption reasons.And also, avkon's bitmap icons are still needed in release 2.8 for compatibility mode. (SDK applications may have loaded them directly via CFbsBitmap::Load).""",,KFeatureIdScalableIcons,1129
__SDND,"Device supports Speaker Dependent Name Dialling (SIND). That is an ability to voice-dial to a contact in the phone book by training a voice tag for the contact.",,KFeatureIdSdnd,283
__SEAMLESS_LINKS,"""Device support seamless links, i.e. application offer direct browser links to download services applicable to the application.""",100-3147,KFeatureIdSeamlessLinks,1074
__SECURE_HW,"Device supports secure HW that can be used through the Secure Environment API.",,KFeatureIdSecureHW,94
__SENDUI_MMS_UPLOAD,"Flag is used to incorporate MMS upload feature into the release.","101-6860 MMS Upload application",KFeatureIdSenduiMmsUpload,1135
__SEND_FILE_IN_CALL,"Device supports sending a file to active call number.",,KFeatureIdSendFileInCall,1087
__SERIES60_,"Deprecated but included for compatibility reasons. Indicates that S60 release is built.",,,
__SERIES60_32__,"Deprecated but included for compatibility reasons. Indicates that S60 release 3.2  is built.",,,
__SERIES60_AMBIENT_LIGHT_SENSOR,"Device has Ambient Light Sensor feature.","""TSW error SVAO-6EYF2L: Brightness slider appears in display settings-menu, when Light sensor slider is set to """"Dark""""""",KFeatureIdAmbientLightSensor,1529
__SERIES60_HELP,"Device support context helps in applications.",,KFeatureIdHelp,1012
__SERIES60_KEYPAD_NO_SLIDER,"Device does not have a keyboard slider to activate keyboard.",,KFeatureIdKeypadNoSlider,1013
__SERIES60_KEYPAD_NO_VOICE_KEY,"Device does not have a separate voice key to activate voice command functionality.",,KFeatureIdKeypadNoVoiceKey,1014
__SERIES60_MIDI,"Device supports Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) sounds.",20014,KFeatureIdMidi,1011
__SERIES60_MMC,"Deprecated flag. Included for compatibility reasons. Value must equal to __MMC.",,,
__SERIES60_NATIVE_BROWSER,"Device includes standard Series 60 browser.",,KFeatureIdSeries60NativeBrowser,168
__SERIES60_PHONE_2DIGIT_DIAL,"Phone application supports 2 digit call number for dialing customer service number. Applicable to devices targeted to United States (US) markets",20287,KFeatureIdPhone2DigitDial,1033
__SERIES60_PHONE_CNAP,"Device supports Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) as defined in GSM 2.96. B subscriber is able to see A subscriber's number and name even the caller's ID is not stored in the phone. The name of the subscriber comes from network.",20028,KFeatureIdPhoneCnap,1031
__SERIES60_PHONE_NUMBER_GROUPING,"Deprecated flag. Included for compatibility reasons. Value must equal to __PHONE_NUMBER_GROUPING",,,
__SERIES60_PHONE_TTY,"Device supports Tele Type (TTY) functionality.  TTY is also referred to as TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf). Applicable to devices targeted to United States (US) markets. ",20040,KFeatureIdPhoneTty,1032
__SERIES60_PUSH_SL,"Device supports WAP Push Service Loading (SL). When receiving the SL message the terminal will automatically load content to client without user confirmation. The SL together with SI (Service Indication) offer standard way of receiving notifications of services in the Internet e.g news.",100-2794,KFeatureIdPushSL,1054
__SERIES60_PUSH_SP,"Device support WAP Simple Push (SP).  The SP is a standard way of pushing content into device e.g ringing tones.",,KFeatureIdPushSP,1055
__SERIES60_REAL_PLAYER,"Device has Real One Player application available",22142,KFeatureIdRealPlayer,1040
__SERIES60_SETTINGS_PROTECTION,"""Devices protects certain SW settings, like Internet access points. Operators can preset the phones already in the factory so that later user is not able to modify settings.""",20021,KFeatureIdSettingsProtection,1050
__SHOW_PANICS,"Device shows SW panic note when an application panic (unexpected error) occurs. Disabling this feature in a final product is recommended.",-,KFeatureIdShowPanics,1075
__SIDE_VOLUME_KEYS,"Device supports side volume keys.",102-607,KFeatureIdSideVolumeKeys,207
__SIMCARD,"""Device supports SIM card in the user interface applications, e.g. SMS application. Applicable only to CDMA devices. Some CDMA carriers do not support SIM Cards (and either R-UIM cards) such as Sprint.""",,KFeatureIdSimCard,88
__SIMPLE_LOGS,"""Device uses only """"simple"""" logs (call logs only)""",,KFeatureIdSimpleLogs,1089
__SIM_CERTIFICATES,"Device supports reading certificates from SIM.",,KFeatureIdSimCertificates,25
__SIM_PHONEBOOK_MATCH,"Number matching from SIM. Feature enables the usage of SIM phonebook in addition to Symbian Contacts database. ","""Caliberi ID:EMFR63206, Number matching from SIM""",KFeatureIdSimPhonebookMatch,292
__SIND,"Device supports Speaker Independent Name Dialling (SIND). That is an ability to voice-dial to any contact in the phone book without first training a voice tag.","""107-439: Speaker-Independent Name Dialing, Voice Commands and Text-To-Speech""",KFeatureIdSind,72
__SIP_SIMPLE_PRESENCE_PROTOCOL,"This flag is used to control the existance of SIP/SIMPLE feature in S60.","107-5298: File Sharing; 107-12855: Symbian File Extension",KFeatureIdSipSimplePresenceProtocol,1635
__SLIDESHOW_SCREENSAVER,"Flag controls whether the slideshow screensaver plugin is included or not. Also affects Themes (Psln) and Screensaver AIW provider.","107-19602: Slide show screensaver",KFeatureIdSlideshowScreensaver,1676
__SMARTMSG_SMS_BOOKMARK_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSBookmarkReceiving,1106
__SMARTMSG_SMS_GMS_MESSAGE_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSGmsMessageReceiving,1112
"__SMARTMSG_SMS_GMS_MESSAGE_SENDING_SUPPORTED ","Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSGmsMessageSendingSupported,1113
__SMARTMSG_SMS_IAP_SETTINGS_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSIapSettingsReceiving,1108
__SMARTMSG_SMS_OPERATOR_LOGO_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSOperatorLogoReceiving,1110
__SMARTMSG_SMS_RINGING_TONE_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSRingingToneReceiving,1111
__SMARTMSG_SMS_VCAL_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSVcalReceiving,1114
__SMARTMSG_SMS_VCAL_SENDING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSVcalSending,1116
__SMARTMSG_SMS_VCARD_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSVcardReceiving,1115
__SMARTMSG_SMS_VCARD_SENDING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSVcardSending,1117
__SMARTMSG_SMS_WAP_AP_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSWapApReceiving,1107
__SMARTMSG_SMS_WV_SETTINGS_RECEIVING,"Device supports the specified fine-tuning of Smart Messaging over SMS.",,KFeatureIdSmartmsgSMSWvSettingsReceiving,1109
__SMART_CARD_PROV,"Device supports reading OMA Provisioning files from SIM/WIM.",,KFeatureIdSmartCardProv,27
__SMIL_EDITOR,"""MMS editor supports slide set creation (MMS Conformant Document version 2.0.0 [2]). That allows end user to create a ?slide show? as a Multimedia Message (MM) using a slide template. """,20173,KFeatureIdSmilEditor,1073
__SMIL_STREAMING,"Device supports streaming in SMIL content",,KFeatureIdSmilStreaming,78
__SRCS,"Devices uses Short Range Connectivity Server technology for PC connectivity.  If this feature is on the alternative feature __MROUTER shall be off",,KFeatureIdSrcs,17
__SSO,"Device supports Single-Sign-On (SSO) feature (alias name is Mobile Personality identify). The feature is used to make user authentication easier to end user who is using e-commerce service via Wallet.","""for S60 requirement ID: 100-8421 for S90 requirement ID: 100-5982""",KFeatureIdSSO,28
__STEREO_WIDENING_EFFECT_UI,"Device supports stereo widening to enhance the stereo surround effect.","107-11621: Stereo Widening and bass boost UI in Music Player",KFeatureIdStereoWideningEffectUi,1674
__SUPL_FRAMEWORK,"Device has Secure User Plane Location (SUPL) Framework.",107-11387,KFeatureIdSuplFramework,1583
__SUPPORTED_FEATURE1,"This feature will always be on (for testing purposes)",,KFeatureIdSupportedFeature1,1000
__SUPPORTED_FEATURE2,"This feature will always be on (for testing purposes)",,KFeatureIdSupportedFeature2,1002
__SVGT,"Device supports Scalable Vector Graphics - Tiny (SVGT) file format. The feature enables viewing 2D vector graphics animations specified by the W3C.",,KFeatureIdSvgt,77
__SVGT_SCREENSAVER_PLUGIN,"SVG-T ScreenSaver is a ECOM plugin DLL based on the Netscape plugin API. This is used by the screensaver application to support SVG Screensavers.","106-813: Replacing native browser",KFeatureIdSvgtScreensaverPlugin,1647
__SVGT_VIEWER,"SVG-T viewer is included in the build.",,KFeatureIdSvgtViewer,1139
__SYNCML_DM,"Device supports SyncML device management standard. This feature enables Over The Air (OTA) administration of the device settings.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDm,41
__SYNCML_DM_1_1_2,"SyncML protocol version  1.1.2","101-32827 :MEGA-OP GAP: OMA DM 1.2 support",KFeatureIdSyncMlDm112,1695
__SYNCML_DM_DIAGNOSTICS,"This feature enables collection of device diagnostics data and sending it to Device Management server or to PC Suite.","107-22052: Terminal Diagnostics: Phone Doctor and Diagnostics MO",KFeatureIdSyncMlDmDiagnostics,1681
__SYNCML_DM_DS,"Device supports configuring data synchronisation settings using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDmDs,47
__SYNCML_DM_EMAIL,"Device supports configuring Email settings using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDmEmail,49
__SYNCML_DM_FOTA,"Device supports OTA firmware update.","107-352 OTA Firmware update",KFeatureIdSyncMlDmFota,58
__SYNCML_DM_IAP,"Device supports configuring Internet Access Points (IAP) using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDmIAP,48
__SYNCML_DM_IMPS,"Device supports configuring IMPS using SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDmImps,57
__SYNCML_DM_MMS,"Device supports configuring MMS settings using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDmMMS,50
__SYNCML_DM_OBEX,"Device supports device management over OBEX.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDmObex,54
__SYNCML_DM_OTA,"SyncML DM OMA provisioning adapter.","101-34922: OMA CP adapter for OMA DM to be made configurable",KFeatureIdSyncMlDmOta,1679
__SYNCML_DM_SIP,"Device supports configuring SIP settings using SyncML.","107-5479: VoIP: OMA CP/DM for SIP",KFeatureIdSyncMlDmSIP,60
__SYNCML_DM_STREAMING,"Device supports configuring Streaming using SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDmStreaming,56
__SYNCML_DM_VOIP,"Device supports configuring VoIP settings using SyncML.","107-7027: VoIP: OMA CP/DM for VoIP",KFeatureIdSyncMlDmVoIP,59
__SYNCML_DM_WLAN,"Device management WLAN settings supported.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDmWlan,55
__SYNCML_DS,"Device supports SyncML data synchronization standard. This feature enables Over The Air (OTA) synchronisation of device data.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDs,42
__SYNCML_DS_AIW_PROVIDER,"SyncML AIW provider provides menu items and commands for starting and editing the settings of synchronization directly from PIM applications.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDsAiwProvider,1516
__SYNCML_DS_ALERT,"Device supports SyncML data synchronisation alert. This feature enables triggering data synchronisation via the alert sent by SyncML server.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDsAlert,52
__SYNCML_DS_BOOKMARK,"Device supports Bookmark data synchronization using the SyncML.","""403-1687: Platformize existing PC-suite adapters403-2104: Platformize existing PC-suite adapters""",KFeatureIdSyncMlDsBookmark,1706
__SYNCML_DS_CAL,"Device supports calendar data synchronization using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDsCal,46
__SYNCML_DS_CON,"Device supports contacts data synchronization using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDsCon,45
__SYNCML_DS_EMAIL,"Device supports Email data synchronization using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDsEmail,44
__SYNCML_DS_EMAIL_FILTERING,"Device supports filtering of Email data in  SyncML synchronization.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDsEmailFiltering,113
__SYNCML_DS_MMS,"Device supports MMS data synchronisation using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDsMMS,43
__SYNCML_DS_NOTEPAD,"Device supports short memos (notes) data synchronisation using the SyncML.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlDsNotepad,53
__SYNCML_DS_OVER_HTTP,"Device supports data synchronization over HTTP.","101-9950: Charlie i-mode:DCM: Removing of remote data synchronization",KFeatureIdSyncMlDsOverHttp,1414
__SYNCML_DS_SMS,"Device supports SMS synchronisation using the SyncML.","101-14675: PC Suite: Text message support for Symbian OS",KFeatureIdSyncMlDsSms,1599
__SYNCML_ISYNC,"Device supports Apple iSync profile","101-36373: Apple iSync profile addition 101-26221 Apple iSync plug-in development",KFeatureIdSyncMlIsync,1680
__SYNCML_OBEX,"Device supports SyncML over OBEX. This feature enables device management and data synchronisation over local connectivity.",,KFeatureIdSyncMlObex,51
__SYNCML_TWIN_SUITE,"Feature flag for the next generation PC Suite.","101-27411: TWIN sync profile to be integrated into ROM",KFeatureIdSyncMlTwinSuite,1675
__TELEPHONY_SERVICE,"This flag is used when telephony service provides its functionality also to external subsystems.","101-4941: S60 telephony functionality support for Cover UI development",KFeatureIdTelephonyService,1137
__TV_OUT,"TV-Out Settings UI","105-414: TV-Out Settings UI",KFeatureIdTvOut,1540
__UI_TRANSITION_EFFECTS,"Defines whether transition effects are used in UI. Also controls whether the effect engine is included in ROM or not.","""107-20718: UI effects, phase 1""",KFeatureIdUiTransitionEffects,1638
__UI_ZOOM,"This feature activates the zooming support in Series 60 UI.","107-5305: Zooming support in Series 60",KFeatureIdUiZoom,1631
__UPIN,"Enables UPIN functionality.","TSW error ERWG-6JSBW2  - USIM card codes: There is no 'Code in use' item in Phone and SIM settings.",KFeatureIdUpin,1612
__UPNP_AVCP,"Flag enables support of Audio&Video in UPnP stack. ",,KFeatureIdUpnpAvcp,1533
__UPNP_MEDIASERVER,"Flag enables support of Media Server in UPnP stack. ",,KFeatureIdUpnpMediaserver,1661
__UPNP_PRINT_FRAMEWORK,"Flag enables support of printing in UPnP stack.",,KFeatureIdUpnpPrintFramework,1535
__UPNP_REMOTE_STORAGE,"Flag that enables support of remotestorage support and mapping of drives. ",,KFeatureIdUpnpRemoteStorage,1536
__UPNP_STACK,"This feature enables controlling and accessing other deveices via UPnP protocol. ","107-10988: UPnP Framework for S60",KFeatureIdUpnpStack,1528
__USB,"Device supports Universal Serial Bus (USB).",,KFeatureIdUsb,13
__USB_DEVICE_LOCK,"Device supports USB device lock functionality.",,KFeatureIdUsbDeviceLock,1140
__USB_MULTIPERSONALITY,"Enables multipersonality support in USB",,KFeatureIdUsbMultiPersonality,1534
__USB_PICTBRIDGE,"Includes and excludes components used in PictBridge printing.","""101-5605 """"USB PictBridge: Image Printing over USB""""""",KFeatureIdUsbPictbridge,1531
__USB_PICTBRIDGE_UI,"Includes and excludes UI components used in PictBridge printing","""101-5605 """"USB PictBridge: Image Printing over USB""""""",KFeatureIdUsbPictbridgeUi,1566
__USB_PTP,"Includes and excludes PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) components.","""101-5605 """"USB PictBridge: Image Printing over USB""""""",KFeatureIdUsbPtp,1532
__USB_REMOTE_PERSONALITY,"Includes and excludes S60 USB Remote Personality component.","107-21488: S60 support for USB mode switching",KFeatureIdUsbRemotePersonality,1690
__USB_STREAMING,"Video telephony requires USB camera connection. USB streaming interface provides fast USB data transfer and control interface for imaging componet using the camera.",101-1673,KFeatureIdUsbStreaming,221
__USER_CONFIGURABLE_USSD_MENU,"Device supports user-configurable USSD menu.",,KFeatureIdUserConfigurableUssdMenu,1501
__USE_AAC_CMMFCODEC,"AAC codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) instead of using the codec through HWDevice.",,KFeatureIdUseAacCMMFCodec,286
__USE_AMR_NB_CMMFCODEC,"AMR NB codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) instead of using the codec through HWDevice.",,KFeatureIdUseAmrNbCMMFCodec,284
__USE_AMR_WB_CMMFCODEC,"AMR WB codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) instead of using the codec through HWDevice.",,KFeatureIdUseAmrWbCMMFCodec,285
__USE_DRMENGINE_IN_CCP,"Device uses DRM in closed content policy which prevents sending that content out of device which has the configured MIME type. ",,KFeatureIdUseDrmEngineInCcp,92
__USE_EAACPLUS_CMMFCODEC,"This flag is used to configure the AudioControllerPluginsVariant to use the either the soft codec (if #defined)  or the HW codec (if #undefed).",,KFeatureIdUseEaacplusCmmfCodec,1522
__USE_MP3_CMMFCODEC,"MP3 codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) instead of using the codec through HWDevice.",,KFeatureIdUseMp3CMMFCodec,287
__USE_QCELP_CMMFCODEC,"QCELP codec controller plug-in uses CMMFCodec (all-ARM software implementation) instead of using the codec through HWDevice.",,KFeatureIdUseQcelpCMMFCodec,288
__USSD,"Device supports Unstructured Suppelementary Service Data (USSB).",,KFeatureIdUSSD,1091
__VFP_HW_SUPPORT,"The device supports for vector floating-point (VFP) architecture","101-32243 VFP support for OpenVG 1.0 SW adaptation ; 101-19648 Floating-point support for SVG-T Engine",KFeatureIdVfpHwSupport,1669
__VIBRA,"Indicates whether a device has a vibra support.",,KFeatureIdVibra,411
__VIDEOCALL_MENU_VISIBILITY,"This flag moves video call menus to upper layer for better visibility and usability.","101-15010: Improve videocall visibility in S60 UI",KFeatureIdVideocallMenuVisibility,1519
__VIDEO_CENTER_SUPPORTED,"Device supports Video Center application.","102-6138: MTP: Support for Music Synchronization for S60 3.1 products 101-36552: MTP: Maturation of Music Synchronization for S60 3.2 products",KFeatureIdVideoCenterSupported,1698
__VIDEO_MENU,"Support for Video services application. Used in deciding whether the video services application  is taken in.","102-3271: Browser: Video Plugin",KFeatureIdVideoMenu,1634
__VIDEO_RECORDER,"Device has Video Recorder (CamCorder) application available.",22141,KFeatureIdVideoRecorder,208
__VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_INPUT,"Device supports Virtual keyboard input ( on-screen keyboard).","107-9245: ScaleII: Latin virtual keyboard",KFeatureIdVirtualKeyboardInput,1603
__VOIP,"VoIP is enabled in terminal when this flag is enabled.","""107-4955: Basic telephony, SIP telephony features, on-screen indicators.""",KFeatureIdCommonVoip,298
__WALLET,"""Device supports Wallet core functionality (Generic ECML Cards, Personal Notes and Access code)""",,KFeatureIdWallet,21
__WEB_WIDGETS,"This feature is used to turn ON/OFF widgets implementation. Widgets are small applications that use webtechnologies like HTML/CSS/JS.","102-5688: Widget Management",KFeatureIdWebWidgets,1691
__WIM,"Device supports WAP Wireless Identification Module (WIM).","101-2731: Security and Trust Services API JSR 177",KFeatureIdWim,24
__WINDOWS_MEDIA,"Device supports Windows Media. In other words it indicates whether WM-related components such as ASF-parser and codecs are in place.",,KFeatureIdWindowsMedia,1653
__WINDOWS_MEDIA_DRM,"Device supports Windows Media DRM. In other words it indicates whether WMDRM related components such as WMDRM MTP plugin and WMDRM PK are in place.",,KFeatureIdWindowsMediaDrm,1654
__WLAN_WEP256_ENABLED,"WLAN hardware supports 256 bit WEP encryption",,KFeatureIdWlanWep256Enabled,1530
__WMA,"Device supports playback of WMA audio files.","""103-2470: WMA playback support, 101-13753: WMA playback support for S60""",KFeatureIdWma,503
__WORLD_CLOCK,"Clock application supports World clock and City/country views",,KFeatureIdWorldClock,1098
__WSP,"Device uses WAP WSP protocol for browsing instead of the default HTTP protocol.",,KFeatureIdWsp,26
__XDM,"This flag is used to control the existance of the OMA XDM feature","102-1304: OMA PoC functionality in Series 60",KFeatureIdXdm,1523
__XDM_LOCALSTORAGE,"This flag is used to control the existence of the Local Storage protocol implementation of XDM","102-1304: OMA PoC functionality in Series 60",KFeatureIdXdmLocalStorage,1525
__XDM_XCAP,"This flag is used to control the existance of the XCAP protocol implementation of XDM","102-1304: OMA PoC functionality in Series 60",KFeatureIdXdmXcap,1524
__XSP_EXTENSION_MANAGER,"""xSP Extension Manager is API on top of the Phonebook2 UI Extension API to manage multiple xSP extensions and provide additional functionality (e.g. Sorting of xSP tabs, Accessing certain xSP view from external application and showing it to user).""","101-32923: VoIP Rel 2.2",KFeatureIdXspExtensionManager,1692