# HG changeset patch # User Gareth Long # Date 1277306663 -3600 # Node ID f1f5590fcf6f35ba5257f4925e1f21e5d579cdc1 # Parent 2d2fd482dda9b2b29870c3bd1deb9efdd23afccc Bug 3083 diff -r 2d2fd482dda9 -r f1f5590fcf6f sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/S60Macros.iby --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/S60Macros.iby Wed Jun 23 16:24:23 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +/* +* ============================================================================ +* Name : S60Macros.iby +* Part of : ROM Build Process +* +* Description: +* Build ROM Information +* +* Version: +* +* Copyright (C) 2002 Nokia Corporation. +* This material, including documentation and any related +* computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by +* Nokia Corporation. All rights are reserved. Copying, +* including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any +* or all of this material requires the prior written consent of +* Nokia Corporation. This material also contains confidential +* information which may not be disclosed to others without the +* prior written consent of Nokia Corporation. +* +* ============================================================================ +*/ + +#ifndef __S60MACROS_IBY__ +#define __S60MACROS_IBY__ + +// Scalable image +#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI + #define SCALABLE_IMAGE(path,target,name) __SCALABLE_IMAGE(DATAZ_,path,target,name) +#else + #define SCALABLE_IMAGE(path,target,name) AUTO-BITMAP=DATAZ_\ ## path ## \ ## name ## .mbm target ## \ ## name ## .mbm +#endif + + + +// App files +#ifndef RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #define S60_APP_EXE(NAME) file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\ ## NAME ## .app System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## .app + #define S60_APP_EXE_UDEB(NAME) file=ABI_DIR\UDEB\ ## NAME ## .app System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## .app +#else // RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #define S60_APP_EXE(NAME) file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\ ## NAME ## .exe PROGRAMS_DIR\ ## NAME ## .exe + #define S60_APP_EXE_UDEB(NAME) file=ABI_DIR\UDEB\ ## NAME ## .exe PROGRAMS_DIR\ ## NAME ## .exe +#endif // RD_APPS_TO_EXES + + + +// App bitmap +#ifdef RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI + #define S60_APP_BITMAP(NAME) __SCALABLE_IMAGE(DATAZ_,APP_BITMAP_DIR,APP_BITMAP_DIR, ## NAME ## ) + #define S60_APP_BITMAP2(DIR,NAME) __SCALABLE_IMAGE(DATAZ_,APP_BITMAP_DIR,APP_BITMAP_DIR, ## NAME ## ) + #else // RD_SCALABLE_UI + #define S60_APP_BITMAP(NAME) AUTO-BITMAP=DATAZ_\APP_BITMAP_DIR\ ## NAME ## .mbm APP_BITMAP_DIR\ ## NAME ## .mbm + #define S60_APP_BITMAP2(DIR,NAME) AUTO-BITMAP=DATAZ_\APP_BITMAP_DIR\ ## NAME ## .mbm APP_BITMAP_DIR\ ## NAME ## .mbm + #endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI +#else // RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI + #define S60_APP_BITMAP(NAME) __SCALABLE_IMAGE(DATAZ_,System\Apps\ ## NAME ## ,System\Apps\ ## NAME ## , ## NAME ## ) + #define S60_APP_BITMAP2(DIR,NAME) __SCALABLE_IMAGE(DATAZ_,System\Apps\ ## DIR ## ,System\Apps\ ## DIR ## , ## NAME ## ) + #else // RD_SCALABLE_UI + #define S60_APP_BITMAP(NAME) AUTO-BITMAP=DATAZ_\System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## .mbm System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## .mbm + #define S60_APP_BITMAP2(DIR,NAME) AUTO-BITMAP=DATAZ_\System\Apps\ ## DIR ## \ ## NAME ## .mbm System\Apps\ ## DIR ## \ ## NAME ## .mbm + #endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI +#endif // RD_APPS_TO_EXES + + + +// AIF icons/files +#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI // New app framework used + #ifdef RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #ifdef __SCALABLE_ICONS + #define S60_APP_AIF_ICONS(NAME) data=DATAZ_\APP_BITMAP_DIR\ ## NAME ## _AIF.MIF APP_BITMAP_DIR\ ## NAME ## _aif.mif + #else + #define S60_APP_AIF_ICONS(NAME) AUTO-BITMAP=DATAZ_\APP_BITMAP_DIR\ ## NAME ## _AIF.MBM APP_BITMAP_DIR\ ## NAME ## _aif.mbm + #endif + #else // RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #ifdef __SCALABLE_ICONS + #define S60_APP_AIF_ICONS(NAME) data=ZSYSTEM\APPS\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## _AIF.MIF System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## _aif.mif + #else + #define S60_APP_AIF_ICONS(NAME) AUTO-BITMAP=ZSYSTEM\APPS\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## _AIF.MBM System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## _aif.mbm + #endif + #endif // RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #define S60_APP_AIF_RSC(NAME) data=DATAZ_\PRIVATE\10003A3F\APPS\ ## NAME ## _reg.rsc Private\10003a3f\apps\ ## NAME ## _reg.rsc + #define S60_UPGRADABLE_APP_REG_RSC(NAME) data=DATAZ_\PRIVATE\10003A3F\APPS\ ## NAME ## _reg.rsc Private\10003a3f\import\apps\ ## NAME ## _reg.rsc + +#else // RD_SCALABLE_UI Old app framework used + #define S60_APP_AIF_ICONS(NAME) AIF=ZSYSTEM\APPS\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## .AIF System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## .aif + #define S60_APP_AIF_RSC(NAME) + #define S60_UPGRADABLE_APP_REG_RSC(NAME) +#endif + + + +//Resource file(s) +#ifdef RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #define S60_APP_RESOURCE(NAME) data=DATAZ_\APP_RESOURCE_DIR\ ## NAME ## .RSC APP_RESOURCE_DIR\ ## NAME ## .rsc + #define S60_APP_RESOURCE2(APPNAME,RESNAME) data=DATAZ_\APP_RESOURCE_DIR\ ## RESNAME ## .RSC APP_RESOURCE_DIR\ ## RESNAME ## .rsc + #ifndef RD_SCALABLE_UI // Old app framework used + #define S60_APP_CAPTION(NAME) data=DATAZ_\APP_RESOURCE_DIR\ ## NAME ## _CAPTION.RSC APP_RESOURCE_DIR\ ## NAME ## _caption.rsc + #else + #define S60_APP_CAPTION(NAME) + #endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI +#else // RD_APPS_TO_EXES + #define S60_APP_RESOURCE(NAME) data=ZSYSTEM\APPS\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## .RSC System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## .rsc + #define S60_APP_RESOURCE2(APPNAME,RESNAME) data=ZSYSTEM\APPS\ ## APPNAME ## \ ## RESNAME ## .RSC System\Apps\ ## APPNAME ## \ ## RESNAME ## .rsc + #ifndef RD_SCALABLE_UI // Old app framework used + #define S60_APP_CAPTION(NAME) data=ZSYSTEM\APPS\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## _CAPTION.RSC System\Apps\ ## NAME ## \ ## NAME ## _caption.rsc + #else + #define S60_APP_CAPTION(NAME) + #endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI +#endif // RD_APPS_TO_EXES + + +#endif //__S60MACROS_IBY__ diff -r 2d2fd482dda9 -r f1f5590fcf6f sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/beagle/image_conf_beagle.mk --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/beagle/image_conf_beagle.mk Wed Jun 23 16:24:23 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + +# +# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd +# This component and the accompanying materials are made available +# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available +# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +# +# Initial Contributors: +# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution. +# +# Contributors: +# +# Description: +# +# + +# Include platform-level configuration +include $(CONFIGROOT)/sf_refhw/image_conf_sf_refhw.mk + +PRODUCT_NAME = beagle +PRODUCT_TYPE = beagle_hrp +PRODUCT_MODEL = beagle + +# Definitions and options for Buildrom tool +PRODUCT_OPT = diff -r 2d2fd482dda9 -r f1f5590fcf6f sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/bigrom.oby --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/bigrom.oby Wed Jun 23 16:24:23 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@ +/* +* Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available +* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +* +* Initial Contributors: +* Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution. +* +* Contributors: +* Gareth Long +* Description: +* bigrom.oby +*/ + +#include +#include // so that we can override some of the settings here +#define __USE_NHD // just for bigrom, to choose between 640x360 or 640x480 + +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_KEYMAP +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_LOCATION // so that lbs.dll is included +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_SIP // so that sipsw.dll etc are included +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_SCDV // so that SCDV is included +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_BLUETOOTH // so that BT is included +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_MTP +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_OFFLINE_MODE +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_OBEX + +#define SYMBIAN_INCLUDE_USB_OTG_HOST // for usbdescriptors.dll + +#undef FF_RUNTIME_DEVICE_CAPABILITY_CONFIGURATION // to stop dcomo resources getting pulled in twice + +#define FF_TOPCONTACTSWIDGET_COMPONENT // needed for desktop_20018eee components + +/* test */ + +//#define AISATPLUGIN_IBY +#define __NVGDECODER_IBY__ // we don't want the non_sw version + +//#define photossuiteSUITE_IBY + +// Stub out the GLX stuff +//#define __GLXGALLERY_IBY__ +//#define __GLX_TVOUT_IBY__ +//#define __GLXMEMORYPLUGIN_IBY__ +//#define GLX_LOGGING_IBY +//#define __GLXFETCHER_IBY__ +//#define __GLXCOMMANDDRMUTILITY_IBY__ +//#define __GLXCONTENTHARVESTERPLUGIN_IBY__ +//#define __GLXCOMMONCOMMANDHANDLERS_IBY__ +//#define __GLXCOMMANDHANDLERMOREINFO_IBY__ +//#define __GLXCOMMANDHANDLERDRM_IBY__ +//#define __CLOUDVIEW_IBY__ + +// and remove the dependancies on this +//#define CAMERAAPP_IBY +//#define SHW_IBY +//#define __TAGCOLLECTIONPLUGIN_IBY__ +//#define __TAGSBROWSERVIEWPLUGIN_IBY__ + + + + +#define XMLUICONTROLLERRESOURCES_IBY // ai3xmlui already includes the only resource included by this file + + +// these are defined in bldprivate.hrh +#undef __LAYOUT_480_320_TOUCH +#undef __LAYOUT_320_480_TOUCH + +// these are defined in bldpublic.hrh +#undef __LAYOUT_240_320 +#undef __LAYOUT_240_320_LARGE_SCREEN +#undef __LAYOUT_320_240 +#undef __LAYOUT_320_240_LARGE_SCREEN +#undef __LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH + +#ifdef __USE_NHD +#define FF_LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH // this works, need to define early on +#define __LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH +#undef FF_LAYOUT_640_480_TOUCH_VGA4 // this works, need to define early on +#undef __LAYOUT_640_480_TOUCH + +// test +#define FF_LAYOUT_640_360 // this works, need to define early on +#define FF_LAYOUT_360_640 // this works, need to define early on +#define FF_LAYOUT_360_640_NONTOUCH // this works, need to define early on +#define FF_LAYOUT_640_360_NONTOUCH // this works, need to define early on +#define FF_LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH // this works, need to define early on +#define FF_LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH_NHD4 // this works, need to define early on +#define FF_LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH_NHD4 // this works, need to define early on +#define FF_LAYOUT_640_480_TOUCH_VGA3 // this works, need to define early on +#define FF_LAYOUT_640_480_TOUCH_VGA4 // this works, need to define early on +#define __LAYOUT_640_480_TOUCH +#define __LAYOUT_360_640_TOUCH +#define __LAYOUT_360_640 +#define __LAYOUT_640_360 + +#else +#undef FF_LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH // this works, need to define early on +#undef __LAYOUT_640_360_TOUCH +#define FF_LAYOUT_640_480_TOUCH_VGA4 // this works, need to define early on +#define __LAYOUT_640_480_TOUCH +#endif + +#define __LOCALES_37_IBY__ +#define __LOCALES_50_IBY__ +#define __LOCALES_57_IBY__ +#define __LOCALES_94_IBY__ + +#define __OMA_SUPL_PLUGINS // for core/mw/omasuplprotocolhandler.iby + +/* videoeditorcommon.dll cannot be built, so remove whatever uses it */ +#define __VIDEOEDITORENGINE_IBY__ +#define __VIDEOEDITORUICOMPONENTS_IBY__ +#define __SIMPLEVIDEOEDITOR_IBY__ +#define __SIMPLECUTVIDEO_IBY__ +#define __VIDEOPROVIDER_IBY__ + + +/* from language/app */ +//#define FF__ROM_HIDE_ISRAEL +#undef __ROM_HIDE_JERUSALEM +//#define __CLOCK_RESOURCES_IBY__ + +/* from language/mw */ +// #define __AVKON_RESOURCES_IBY__ // smiley.rsc + +/* from language/os */ +#define __GTEMAILMTM_RESOURCES_IBY__ +#define __MESSAGESERVER_RSC_IBY__ + +/* resources and customer clash with DTD files, removed DTD from the customer/app versions of desktop, email and music widget */ +/* from customer/app */ +//#define __DESKTOP_20026F4F_CUSTOMER_IBY__ +//#define __EMAILWIDGET_CUSTOMER_IBY__ +//#define __MUSICWIDGET_10207c18_CUSTOMER_IBY__ + +//test (removal when using 640x480) +#ifdef __USE_NHD +#define __ORGANIZER_2001F481_CUSTOMER_IBY__ // needed for 640x360 +#define __PROFILEWIDGET_2001CB7C_CUSTOMER_IBY__ // clashes with same file +#define __SERVICEWIDGET_20021383_CUSTOMER_IBY__ +#define __AI3TEMPLATEVIEW_20026F50_CUSTOMER_IBY__ + +#define __AI3VIEW_200286E4_CUSTOMER_IBY__ // the resources version pulls in the same file +//#define __AI3VIEW_200286E4_RESOURCES_IBY__ // the resources version pulls in the same file + +#define __AI3VIEW_200286E5_CUSTOMER_IBY__ // the resources version pulls in the same file +//#define __AI3VIEW_200286E5_RESOURCES_IBY__ // the resources version pulls in the same file + +#define __AI3VIEW_2001F48B_CUSTOMER_IBY__ // the resources version pulls in the same file + + + +/* from customer/mw (need to remove when using 640x360) */ +#define __WSFWIDGET_20026F45_CUSTOMER_IBY__ +#endif + + + +/* from core/app */ +//#define __SERVICEWIDGET_20021383_THEME_IBY__ + +/* for 640x480 */ +#define __AI3VIEW_2001FDB9_CUSTOMER_IBY__ // resources and customer version of this appear identical +#define __WIDEIMAGE_10009DFF_RESOURCES_IBY__ // resources and customer version of this appear identical + + + +/* eaacplusaudiocontrollerutility.dll can't be built, so remove whatever uses it */ +#define AUDIOCONTROLLERPLUGINSVARIANT_IBY + +#include "s60macros.iby" + +//#undef USE_CUSTOM_MMC_PARTITION // stops base.iby pulling in emmcptn.dll, which is pulled in by base_zoom2.iby +#ifdef ZOOM2 +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +//#undef SURFACEMANAGER_DRV // because zoom2.oby defines it but doesn't have _zoom2_surfacemanagerdriver.ldd +//device[VARID]=KERNEL_DIR\BUILD_DIR\pipelib.ldd \Sys\Bin\pipelib.ldd /* zoom2 base was not including this */ + +#elif defined(SYBORG) +// The following is for Syborg +#define SYMBIAN_BASE_USE_GCE +#include +define ROMDATE ##TODAY## // added for Syborg, Zoom2 includes this itself +#define BTRACE_INCLUDED // this is already done by the Syborg includes +#include // added for Syborg, Zoom2 includes this itself +#include // added for Syborg, Zoom2 includes this itself +#define USE_CUSTOM_MMC_PARTITION // stops emmcptn.dll being pulled in, which uses epbusm.dll +#include // added for Syborg, Zoom2 includes this itself +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_MTP // Syborg is defining this again + +#elif defined(BEAGLE) +// The following is for Syborg +#define SYMBIAN_BASE_USE_GCE +#include +define ROMDATE ##TODAY## // added for Syborg, Zoom2 includes this itself +//#define BTRACE_INCLUDED // this is already done by the Syborg includes +#include // added for Syborg, Zoom2 includes this itself +#include // added for Syborg, Zoom2 includes this itself +#define USE_CUSTOM_MMC_PARTITION // stops emmcptn.dll being pulled in, which uses epbusm.dll +#include // added for Syborg, Zoom2 includes this itself +#undef SYMBIAN_EXCLUDE_MTP // Syborg is defining this again +ROMBUILD_OPTION -no-header +// hanging on Beagle +#define BACKSTEPPINGSERVICE_IBY + +data= \epoc32\rom\beagle\estart.txt \sys\data\estart.txt // ??? +#endif + +/* Graphics adaptation */ + +#define SYMBIAN_BUILD_GCE +#define SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_USE_GCE // for graphics_adaptation.hby +#undef SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_ADAPTATION // allows for setup of SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_ADAPTATION to SGA_SW +#define SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_USE_EGL_REF +#define SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_USE_OPENWF +#define FBSRASTERIZER_DRV +//#define GRAPHICSRESOURCE_DRV +#define OPENWFCLIB_DRV + +//#undef FF_WLAN_WAPI_INCLUDE_IN_ROM // needed so that wapisecuritysettingsui.iby pulls in a wapuisecuritysettingsui.dll that we have in the build + + +/* miscallaneous defines */ + + + +#undef FF_WLAN_WAPI_INCLUDE_IN_ROM // needed so that wapisecuritysettingsui.iby pulls in a wapuisecuritysettingsui.dll that we have in the build + + + +/* The top-level includes */ + + +#include + + + + +#include <3gplibrary.iby> +// which includes <3gpmp4lib.iby> +#include +#include + +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +//#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +//**#include + +#include +#include +#include +//**#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +//**#include +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include +// not in 3.0.I #include +// not in 3.0.I #include +// not in 3.0.I #include +#include +#include +#include + +#include // builds in phonetsy.tsy which relies on licenseetsy.dll +// which includes +//#include +#include +#include +//GSL#include +//#include // clashes with core/mw/mmfaudioconnectioncontroller.iby +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include + +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +//#include +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +//#include +#include +//#include +// which includes +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +//#include // test removal + +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include +#include +//#include +//#include +#include +#include +//#include + +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes + +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include + +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include + +//#include // integrationtest.dll is not getting built +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +#include +// which includes +//**#include +#include +// which includes + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes + +#include +#include + +#include +//**#include +// which includes +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes + +#include +// which includes +// which includes +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes + +//**#include + +#include +#include +#include +// #include // relies on oggvorbisint/floatutil.dll, but our source only builds .libs +#include +#include +#include +#include +// which includes +//#include +// which includes +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +//**#include +// which includes + +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +//**#include +#include +#include +#include +//**#include +#include +// which includes +//**#include +#include +//#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +//#include // mutually exclusive with S60SislWapPush +#include +#include +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +// which includes +//#include +//#include +// which includes +// which includes +// not in 3.0.I #include +// which includes + +#include +//#include +#include +// which includes +#include +// which includes +// not in 3.0.I #include + +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include +// not in 3.0.I #include +#include +#include +#include +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include +// not in 3.0.I #include +//#include // clashes with language\mw\elocl.iby +#include +#include +// clashes with clockresources #include +// not in 3.0.I #include +#include +// which includes +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include +#include // need to find how to build this +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +// not in 3.0.I #include +//#undef SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_USE_GCE // for graphics_adaptation.hby +#include +// which includes +// which includes +//#define SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_USE_GCE // for graphics_adaptation.hby + +#include + +#include +#include +// which includes +#include +#include +#include + + +// manually copied into place +#include + +// needed for 3.0.I +#include +#include + +#include // exported when this module is correctly built + + +// IBY files to not include. +// This is achieved by defining the IBY's gating define. +// + +#define FBSRASTERIZER_IBY // to stop core/mw/fbsrasterizer.iby getting included +//#define __NETWORKING_TEST_IBY__ // don't pull in networktest.iby +//#define __BASE_SYBORG_IBY__ // we are using Zoom2 +//#define SWITEXTSHELL // switextshell.iby + +// fixups + +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\vimpstsettings.dll SHARED_LIB_DIR\vimpstsettings.dll + +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\LICENSEETSY_STUB.DLL Sys\Bin\licenseetsy.dll /* needed by phonetsy.tsy */ +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\SIMATKTSY_STUB.DLL Sys\Bin\simatktsy.dll /* needed by licenseetsy_stub.dll */ +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\usbcsc.ldd SHARED_LIB_DIR\usbcsc.ldd /* needed by msfs_db.fsy */ + +//extension[VARID]=KERNEL_DIR\BUILD_DIR\display.ldd \Sys\Bin\display0.ldd /* needed for the graphics composition */ + + +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\tvoutconfig.dll Sys\Bin\tvoutconfig.dll /* can't find a .iby that includes this */ +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\ddc_access.dll Sys\Bin\ddc_access.dll /* can't find a .iby that includes this */ +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\power_save_display_mode_stub.dll Sys\Bin\power_save_display_mode.dll /* can't find a .iby that includes this */ +// found properly in 3.0.I file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\usbcsc_bil.dll Sys\Bin\usbcsc_bil.dll /* can't find a .iby that includes this */ +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\fmradiotunercontrol.dll Sys\Bin\fmradiotunercontrol.dll /* can't find a .iby that includes this */ +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\usbclasscontroller.dll Sys\Bin\usbclasscontroller.dll /* added normally via usbmanbin.iby */ + +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\cnvshiftjisdirectmap.dll Sys\Bin\cnvshiftjisdirectmap.dll /* comes from the Japanese charconv IBYs */ + + +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\libegl_sw.dll Sys\Bin\libegl_sw.dll /* */ /* needed for libvgi */ +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\libopenvg_sw.dll Sys\Bin\libopenvg_sw.dll /* */ +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\libopenvgu_sw.dll Sys\Bin\libopenvgu_sw.dll /* */ +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\libopenvg.dll Sys\Bin\libopenvg.dll /* test */ +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\libopenvgu.dll Sys\Bin\libopenvgu.dll /* test */ +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\libgles_cm.dll Sys\Bin\libgles_cm.dll /* */ +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\libglesv1_cm.dll Sys\Bin\libglesv1_cm.dll /* */ /* needed by m3gcore */ + + +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\atextclient.dll Sys\Bin\atextclient.dll /*required for dunatext.dll, but not referenced by an IBY file I could see */ +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\atextcommon.dll Sys\Bin\atextcommon.dll /*required for dunatext.dll, but not referenced by an IBY file I could see */ +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\asrsttshwdevice_stub.dll Sys\Bin\asrsttshwdevice.dll /*required for nss* */ +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\atextcommon.dll Sys\Bin\atextcommon.dll /*required for dunatext.dll, but not referenced by an IBY file I could see */ +#ifdef _FULL_DEBUG +file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\mullogging.dll Sys\Bin\mullogging.dll /* needs forcing in for the debug build */ +#endif + + +// things we may ne needing (seem to be wanted a lot) +data=\epoc32\data\Z\private\10202BE9\200159c9.txt private\10202BE9\200159c9.txt +data=\epoc32\data\Z\private\10202BE9\200159c9.cre private\10202BE9\200159c9.cre +data=\epoc32\data\Z\private\101f5027\alarmserver.rsc private\101f5027\alarmserver.rsc + +data=\epoc32\data\Z\private\10202BE9\10207376.txt private\10202BE9\10207376.txt +//data=\epoc32\data\Z\private\1020383E\TZDB.DBZ private\1020383E\TZDB.DBZ + + +// extra fonts +//data=ZRESOLURCE\fonts\S60SSB_V4196.ttf Resource\Fonts\S60SSB_v4196.ttf + + + +//data=ZRESOURCE\fonts\HeiseiGothS60v1_16.ttf Resource\Fonts\HeiseiGothS60v1_16.ttf +data=ZRESOURCE\fonts\S60DIGI_V314.ttf Resource\Fonts\S60DIGI_v314.ttf +//data=ZRESOURCE\fonts\S60SC_v410.ccc Resource\Fonts\S60SC_v410.ccc +data=ZRESOURCE\fonts\S60SNR_V4196.ttf Resource\Fonts\S60SNR_v4196.ttf +data=ZRESOURCE\fonts\S60SSB_V4196.ttf Resource\Fonts\S60SSB_v4196.ttf +//data=ZRESOURCE\fonts\S60TCHK_v414.ccc Resource\Fonts\S60TCHK_v414.ccc +data=ZRESOURCE\fonts\S60TSB_V4196.ttf Resource\Fonts\S60TSB_v4196.ttf +//data=ZRESOURCE\fonts\series60korean.ttf Resource\Fonts\series60korean.ttf +//data=ZRESOURCE\plugins\ityperast.rsc Resource\plugins\ityperast.rsc +//file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\ityperast.dll Sys\Bin\ityperast.dll /* */ + + +// homescreen + +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view_200286e4\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\view_200286e4\hsps\00\manifest.dat +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view_200286e5\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\view_200286e5\hsps\00\manifest.dat +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view1_2001fdb9\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\view1_2001fdb9\hsps\00\manifest.dat +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view_2001f48b\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\view_2001f48b\hsps\00\manifest.dat +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view_2001f48b\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\view_2001f48b\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml + +// we know these weren't in place before... +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\double_row_icon_widget_2001fdbd\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\double_row_icon_widget_2001fdbd\hsps\00\manifest.dat +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\double_row_widget_2001fdc2\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\double_row_widget_2001fdc2\hsps\00\manifest.dat +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\root_2001f482\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\root_2001f482\hsps\00\manifest.dat + +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\root_2001f482\hsps\00\rootconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\root_2001f482\hsps\00\rootconfiguration.xml +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\root_2001f48f\hsps\00\rootconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\root_2001f48f\hsps\00\rootconfiguration.xml +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\single_row_icon_widget_2001fdc0\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\single_row_icon_widget_2001fdc0\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\single_row_widget_2001fdc1\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\single_row_widget_2001fdc1\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\triple_row_icon_widget_2001fdbe\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\triple_row_icon_widget_2001fdbe\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\triple_row_widget_2001fdbf\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\triple_row_widget_2001fdbf\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view_200286e4\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\view_200286e4\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view_200286e5\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\view_200286e5\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view1_2001fdb9\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\view1_2001fdb9\hsps\00\viewconfiguration.xml +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\wideimage_10009dff\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml \private\200159c0\install\wideimage_10009dff\hsps\00\widgetconfiguration.xml + + +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\root_2001f482\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\root_2001f482\hsps\00\manifest.dat +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\root_2001f48f\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\root_2001f48f\hsps\00\manifest.dat + +#if 0 +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\single_row_icon_widget_2001fdc0\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\single_row_icon_widget_2001fdc0\hsps\00\manifest.dat +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\single_row_widget_2001fdc1\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\single_row_widget_2001fdc1\hsps\00\manifest.dat +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\triple_row_icon_widget_2001fdbe\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\triple_row_icon_widget_2001fdbe\hsps\00\manifest.dat +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\triple_row_widget_2001fdbf\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\triple_row_widget_2001fdbf\hsps\00\manifest.dat +//data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\view1_2001fdb9\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\view1_2001fdb9\hsps\00\manifest.dat +data=ZPRIVATE\200159c0\install\wideimage_10009dff\hsps\00\manifest.dat \private\200159c0\install\wideimage_10009dff\hsps\00\manifest.dat +#endif + + +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.01 "sys\bin\elocl.01" +#if 0 +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.37 "sys\bin\elocl.37" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.42 "sys\bin\elocl.42" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.25 "sys\bin\elocl.25" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.07 "sys\bin\elocl.07" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.03 "sys\bin\elocl.03" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.54 "sys\bin\elocl.54" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.10 "sys\bin\elocl.10" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.04 "sys\bin\elocl.04" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.49 "sys\bin\elocl.49" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.09 "sys\bin\elocl.09" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.51 "sys\bin\elocl.51" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.02 "sys\bin\elocl.02" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.57 "sys\bin\elocl.57" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.45 "sys\bin\elocl.45" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.17 "sys\bin\elocl.17" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.59 "sys\bin\elocl.59" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.15 "sys\bin\elocl.15" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.05 "sys\bin\elocl.05" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.32 "sys\bin\elocl.32" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.68 "sys\bin\elocl.68" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.67 "sys\bin\elocl.67" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.70 "sys\bin\elocl.70" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.18 "sys\bin\elocl.18" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.08 "sys\bin\elocl.08" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.27 "sys\bin\elocl.27" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.76 "sys\bin\elocl.76" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.13 "sys\bin\elocl.13" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.78 "sys\bin\elocl.78" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.16 "sys\bin\elocl.16" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.26 "sys\bin\elocl.26" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.28 "sys\bin\elocl.28" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.79 "sys\bin\elocl.79" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.06 "sys\bin\elocl.06" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.33 "sys\bin\elocl.33" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.39 "sys\bin\elocl.39" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.14 "sys\bin\elocl.14" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.93 "sys\bin\elocl.93" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.96 "sys\bin\elocl.96" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.31 "sys\bin\elocl.31" +file=\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\elocl.30 "sys\bin\elocl.30" +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff -r 2d2fd482dda9 -r f1f5590fcf6f sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/group/bld.inf --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/group/bld.inf Wed Jun 23 16:24:23 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* +* Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available +* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +* +* Initial Contributors: +* Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution. +* +* Contributors: +* +* Description: +* +*/ + +PRJ_PLATFORMS +ARMV5 + +PRJ_EXPORTS +../bigrom.oby /epoc32/rom/config/sf_refhw/ +../image_conf_sf_refhw.mk /epoc32/rom/config/sf_refhw/ +../S60Macros.iby /epoc32/rom/include/ +../mytraces.txt /epoc32/rombuild/ + + +../zoom2/image_conf_zoom2.mk /epoc32/rom/config/sf_refhw/zoom2/ + +../syborg/image_conf_syborg.mk /epoc32/rom/config/sf_refhw/syborg/ + +../beagle/image_conf_beagle.mk /epoc32/rom/config/sf_refhw/beagle/ \ No newline at end of file diff -r 2d2fd482dda9 -r f1f5590fcf6f sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/image_conf_sf_refhw.mk --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/image_conf_sf_refhw.mk Wed Jun 23 16:24:23 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + +# +# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd +# This component and the accompanying materials are made available +# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available +# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +# +# Initial Contributors: +# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution. +# +# Contributors: +# +# Description: +# +# + +COREPLAT_NAME = sf +COREPLAT_VERSION = 3.0.0 +S60_VERSION = 5.2 +SOS_VERSION = 9.5 +PLATFORM_NAME = sf_refhw + +USE_PAGING = 0 +USE_ROMFILE = 0 +USE_SYMGEN = 0 +USE_UDEB = 1 +USE_VARIANTBLD = 0 +USE_VERGEN = 1 +USE_ROFS = 0 + +# CORE +# imaker -f /epoc32/rom/config/platform/product/image_conf_product.mk core +# +COREPLAT_OPT = $(BLDROM_OPT) -D_EABI=$(ARM_VERSION)\ + $(if $(PRODUCT_MSTNAME),-D$(call ucase,$(PRODUCT_MSTNAME))) -D$(call ucase,$(PRODUCT_NAME)) $(PRODUCT_OPT) + +CORE_OBYGEN =\ + geniby | $(CORE_PREFIX)_core_collected.oby |\ + $(E32ROMINC)/core/app $(E32ROMINC)/core/mw $(E32ROMINC)/core/os\ $(E32ROMINC)/core/stubs \ + $(call select,$(TYPE),prd,,$(E32ROMINC)/core/tools) \ + $(E32ROMINC)/language/* \ + $(E32ROMINC)/customer/* \ + $(E32ROMINC)/customervariant/* \ + | *.iby | \#include "%3" | end +# +CORE_OBY = $(CONFIGROOT)/sf_refhw/bigrom.oby $(CORE_PREFIX)_core_collected.oby +# would be added here too + +CORE_OPT = $(COREPLAT_OPT) -es60ibymacros -DSECTION + +# Workaround to fix Rombuild errors: +# "ERROR: incorrect format for time keyword..." and "The size of the ROM has not been supplied." +CORE_OPT += --DROMMEGS=80 --DROMDATE=$(CORE_TIME) + + diff -r 2d2fd482dda9 -r f1f5590fcf6f sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/mytraces.txt diff -r 2d2fd482dda9 -r f1f5590fcf6f sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/syborg/image_conf_syborg.mk --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/syborg/image_conf_syborg.mk Wed Jun 23 16:24:23 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + +# +# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd +# This component and the accompanying materials are made available +# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available +# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +# +# Initial Contributors: +# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution. +# +# Contributors: +# +# Description: +# +# + +# Include platform-level configuration +include $(CONFIGROOT)/sf_refhw/image_conf_sf_refhw.mk + +PRODUCT_NAME = syborg +PRODUCT_TYPE = qemu_simulation +PRODUCT_MODEL = qemu + +# Definitions and options for Buildrom tool +PRODUCT_OPT = diff -r 2d2fd482dda9 -r f1f5590fcf6f sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/zoom2/image_conf_zoom2.mk --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/zoom2/image_conf_zoom2.mk Wed Jun 23 16:24:23 2010 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + +# +# Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd +# This component and the accompanying materials are made available +# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available +# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +# +# Initial Contributors: +# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution. +# +# Contributors: +# +# Description: +# +# + +# Include platform-level configuration +include $(CONFIGROOT)/sf_refhw/image_conf_sf_refhw.mk + +PRODUCT_NAME = zoom2 +PRODUCT_TYPE = zoom2_hrp +PRODUCT_MODEL = zoom2 + +# Definitions and options for Buildrom tool +PRODUCT_OPT =