Binary file Version/data/sw.txt has changed
--- a/foundation_system/system_model/system_definition_v2.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
-<!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel | layer | package | collection | component)>
-<!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
- id-namespace CDATA ""
-<!-- this DTD describes schema="3.0.0" -->
-<!-- all relative paths are relative to this file
- all absolute paths are relative to the environment variable specified by the root attribute, or SRCROOT if not. -->
-<!-- Container for metadata
- meta, if present, should always be the first element in the parent
- -->
-<!ELEMENT meta ANY>
-<!ATTLIST meta
- type CDATA "auto"
- rel CDATA "Generic"
-<!-- systemModel element has name but no ID -->
-<!ELEMENT systemModel (meta*, layer+)>
-<!ATTLIST systemModel
-<!-- All items from layer down to component should have either @href or at least one valid child item.
- Anything else will be considered a placeholder
- -->
-<!ELEMENT layer (meta*, (package | collection)*) >
-<!ATTLIST layer
-<!ELEMENT package (meta*, (package | collection)*)>
- <!-- Nested packages are for backwards compatibility only -->
-<!ATTLIST package
- version CDATA #IMPLIED
- tech-domain CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT collection (meta*, (component* ))>
-<!ATTLIST collection
-<!ELEMENT component (meta*, unit*)>
-<!-- contains units or is a placeholder -->
-<!ATTLIST component
- deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
- introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
- target ( device | desktop | other ) "device"
- purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional"
- origin-model CDATA #IMPLIED
- "filter" attribute is deprecated
- "origin-model" attribute is only to be inserted by tools when merging models
- recommended class values are: doc, config, plugin, tool, api -->
-<!ATTLIST unit
- late (yes|no) #IMPLIED
- priority CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!-- filter and priority are deprecated
- "root" attribute will usually be inserted by tools when merging models, although it can be set manually-->
-<SystemDefinition schema="3.0.0">
- <systemModel name="Symbian^4">
- <layer id="os" name="OS" levels="hw services">
- <package id="kernelhwsrv" level="hw" tech-domain="hb" href="../../../../os/kernelhwsrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="boardsupport" level="hw" tech-domain="hb" href="../../../../os/boardsupport/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="buildtools" level="hw" tech-domain="to" href="../../../../os/buildtools/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="ossrv" level="services" tech-domain="hb" href="../../../../os/ossrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="security" level="services" tech-domain="se" href="../../../../os/security/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="persistentdata" level="services" tech-domain="hb" href="../../../../os/persistentdata/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="devicesrv" level="services" tech-domain="hb" href="../../../../os/devicesrv/package_definition_v2.xml"/>
- <package id="lbs" level="services" tech-domain="lo" href="../../../../os/lbs/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="commsfw" level="services" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../os/commsfw/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="networkingsrv" level="services" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../os/networkingsrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="wlan" level="services" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../os/wlan/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="cellularsrv" level="services" tech-domain="vc" href="../../../../os/cellularsrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="bt" level="services" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../os/bt/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="usb" level="services" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../os/usb/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="mm" level="services" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../os/mm/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="imagingext" level="services" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../os/imagingext/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="graphics" level="services" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../os/graphics/package_definition_v2.xml"/>
- <package id="textandloc" level="services" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../os/textandloc/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="xmlsrv" level="services" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../os/xmlsrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="deviceplatformrelease" level="services" tech-domain="to" href="../../../../os/deviceplatformrelease/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="osrndtools" level="services" tech-domain="to" href="../../../../os/osrndtools/package_definition.xml"/>
- </layer>
- <layer id="mw" name="Middleware" levels="generic specific">
- <package id="appsupport" level="generic" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../mw/appsupport/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="securitysrv" level="generic" tech-domain="se" href="../../../../mw/securitysrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="drm" level="generic" tech-domain="se" href="../../../../mw/drm/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="locationsrv" level="specific" tech-domain="lo" href="../../../../mw/locationsrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="accesssec" level="generic" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../mw/accesssec/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="ipconnmgmt" level="generic" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../mw/ipconnmgmt/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="netprotocols" level="generic" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../mw/netprotocols/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="ipappprotocols" level="generic" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../mw/ipappprotocols/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="wirelessacc" level="specific" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../mw/wirelessacc/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="vpnclient" level="specific" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../mw/vpnclient/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="ipappsrv" level="specific" tech-domain="vc" href="../../../../mw/ipappsrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="phonesrv" level="specific" tech-domain="vc" href="../../../../mw/phonesrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="messagingmw" level="specific" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../mw/messagingmw/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="imsrv" level="specific" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../mw/imsrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="legacypresence" level="specific" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../mw/legacypresence/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="opensrv" level="specific" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../mw/opensrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="remotemgmt" level="specific" tech-domain="dm" href="../../../../mw/remotemgmt/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="networkingdm" level="generic" tech-domain="dm" href="../../../../mw/networkingdm/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="remotestorage" level="generic" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../mw/remotestorage/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="remoteconn" level="generic" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../mw/remoteconn/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="srvdiscovery" level="generic" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../mw/srvdiscovery/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="dlnasrv" level="specific" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../mw/dlnasrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="btservices" level="generic" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../mw/btservices/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="usbservices" level="generic" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../mw/usbservices/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="imghandling" level="specific" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../mw/imghandling/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="metadatasrv" level="specific" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../mw/metadatasrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="mds" level="specific" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../mw/mds/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="mmuifw" level="specific" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../mw/mmuifw/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="videoutils" level="specific" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../mw/videoutils/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="mmmw" level="generic" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../mw/mmmw/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="helix" level="generic" tech-domain="mm" name="Helix"/>
- <package id="camerasrv" level="specific" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../mw/camerasrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="mmappfw" level="specific" tech-domain="mm" href="../../../../mw/mmappfw/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="inputmethods" level="generic" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../mw/inputmethods/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="classicui" level="generic" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../mw/classicui/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="svgt" level="generic" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../mw/svgt/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="uiaccelerator" level="generic" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../mw/uiaccelerator/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="uiresources" level="generic" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../mw/uiresources/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="hapticsservices" level="generic" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../mw/hapticsservices/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="gsprofilesrv" level="generic" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../mw/gsprofilesrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="homescreensrv" level="specific" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../mw/homescreensrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="appinstall" level="generic" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../mw/appinstall/package_definition_v2.xml"/>
- <package id="serviceapifw" level="specific" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../mw/serviceapifw/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="serviceapi" level="specific" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../mw/serviceapi/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="web" level="specific" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../mw/web/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="websrv" level="generic" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../mw/websrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="platformtools" level="generic" tech-domain="to" href="../../../../mw/platformtools/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="uitools" level="specific" tech-domain="to" href="../../../../mw/uitools/package_definition.xml"/>
- </layer>
- <layer id="app" name="Applications" levels="services apps">
- <package id="location" level="apps" tech-domain="lo" href="../../../../app/location/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="mmsharinguis" level="services" tech-domain="vc" href="../../../../app/mmsharinguis/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="phone" level="apps" span="2" tech-domain="vc" href="../../../../app/phone/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="videotelephony" level="apps" tech-domain="vc" href="../../../../app/videotelephony/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="poc" level="apps" tech-domain="vc" href="../../../../app/poc/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="iptelephony" level="apps" tech-domain="vc" href="../../../../app/iptelephony/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="settingsuis" level="services" tech-domain="dm" href="../../../../app/settingsuis/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="contentcontrol" level="services" tech-domain="dm" href="../../../../app/contentcontrol/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="devicecontrol" level="services" tech-domain="dm" href="../../../../app/devicecontrol/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="printing" level="services" tech-domain="de" href="../../../../app/printing/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="files" level="apps" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/files/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="contacts" level="apps" span="2" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/contacts/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="organizer" level="apps" span="2" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/organizer/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="messaging" level="apps" span="2" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/messaging/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="commonemail" level="apps" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/commonemail/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="conversations" level="apps" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/conversations/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="im" level="apps" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/im/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="utils" level="apps" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/utils/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="dictionary" level="services" tech-domain="pr" href="../../../../app/dictionary/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="camera" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/camera/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="imgeditor" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/imgeditor/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="videoeditor" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/videoeditor/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="gallery" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/gallery/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="videoplayer" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/videoplayer/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="photos" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/photos/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="videocenter" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/videocenter/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="musicplayer" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/musicplayer/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="radio" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/radio/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="voicerec" level="apps" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/voicerec/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="imgvieweruis" level="services" tech-domain="ma" href="../../../../app/imgvieweruis/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="screensaver" level="apps" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../app/screensaver/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="homescreen" level="apps" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../app/homescreen/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="graphicsuis" level="services" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../app/graphicsuis/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="profile" level="apps" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../app/profile/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="speechsrv" level="services" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../app/speechsrv/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="homescreentools" level="services" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../app/homescreentools/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="webuis" level="services" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../app/webuis/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="java" level="services" tech-domain="rt" href="../../../../app/java/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="conntools" level="services" tech-domain="dc" href="../../../../app/conntools/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="rndtools" level="services" tech-domain="to" href="../../../../app/rndtools/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="helps" level="apps" span="2" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../app/helps/package_definition.xml"/>
- <package id="techview" level="apps" span="2" tech-domain="ui" href="../../../../app/techview/package_definition_v2.xml"/>
- </layer>
- </systemModel>
Binary file helps_loc2/adobereader/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/appmngr2/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/audiothemes/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/blid/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/browserui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/btui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/calcsoft/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/calendarui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/cameraapp/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/cbsui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/certmanui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/chinesedictionary/help/data/ has changed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/helps_loc2/chinesedictionary/help/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Export help related files.
+:zip ../data/ /epoc32/data/z/resource/ overwrite
+:zip ../data/ /epoc32/winscw/c/resource/ overwrite
Binary file helps_loc2/clock2/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/connectionmonitorui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/converter/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/cscapplicationui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/deviceencryption/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/drmsettingsplugin/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/emailhelp/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/equalizer/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/eventsui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/fep/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/filemanager/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/fmtx/help/data/ has changed
--- a/helps_loc2/group/bld.inf Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/helps_loc2/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "../appmngr2/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../audiothemes/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../blid/help/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../browserui/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../btui/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../calcsoft/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../calendarui/help/group/bld.inf"
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
#include "../cbsui/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../certmanui/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../clock2/help/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../chinesedictionary/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../connectionmonitorui/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../converter/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../cscapplicationui/help/group/bld.inf"
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@
#include "../mobiledictionary/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../mpxmusicplayer/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../msgmedia/help/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../nfcapplication/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../notepad/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../omadmappui/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../omadsappui/help/group/bld.inf"
@@ -91,9 +94,9 @@
#include "../usbui/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../ussd/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../vcommand/help/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../videocenter/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../vmbx/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../voicerec/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../vpnclient/help/group/bld.inf"
-#include "../wapisecuritysettingsui/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../wlansniffer/help/group/bld.inf"
#include "../xdmsettingsui/help/group/bld.inf"
Binary file helps_loc2/gssettingsuis/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/homemedia/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/hqtts/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/iaupdate/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/idlehomescreen/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/im/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/imageeditorapp/help/data/ has changed
--- a/helps_loc2/imageeditorapp/help/group/bld.inf Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Export help related files.
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/data/z/resource/ overwrite
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/winscw/c/resource/ overwrite
Binary file helps_loc2/imageprintui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/imageviewer/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/imstutils/help/data/ has changed
--- a/helps_loc2/imstutils/help/group/bld.inf Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Export help related files.
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/data/z/resource/ overwrite
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/winscw/c/resource/ overwrite
Binary file helps_loc2/imum/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/intranetbrowsing3/help/data/ has changed
--- a/helps_loc2/intranetbrowsing3/help/group/bld.inf Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Export help related files.
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/data/z/resource/ overwrite
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/winscw/c/resource/ overwrite
Binary file helps_loc2/java/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/landmarksui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/locationsysui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/logsui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/matrixmenu/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/mce/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/mcsplugin/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/mmshui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/mmsui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/mobiledictionary/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/mpxmusicplayer/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/msgmedia/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/nfcapplication/help/data/ has changed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/helps_loc2/nfcapplication/help/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Export help related files.
+:zip ../data/ /epoc32/data/z/resource/ overwrite
+:zip ../data/ /epoc32/winscw/c/resource/ overwrite
Binary file helps_loc2/notepad/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/omadmappui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/omadsappui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/omaprovisioning/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/operatormenu/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/ovisync/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/phonebook/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/phoneui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/photossuite/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/postcard/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/presencesettingsui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/profilesapplication/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/psln/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/pushmtm/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/quickoffice/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/radio/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/saplayer/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/satui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/searchui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/secmodui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/settingwizard6/help/data/ has changed
--- a/helps_loc2/settingwizard6/help/group/bld.inf Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Export help related files.
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/data/z/resource/ overwrite
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/winscw/c/resource/ overwrite
Binary file helps_loc2/smartmessaging/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/smsui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/speeddial/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/svgtviewerplugin/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/switch5/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/unieditor/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/usbui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/ussd/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/vcommand/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/videocenter/help/data/ has changed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/helps_loc2/videocenter/help/group/bld.inf Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Export help related files.
+:zip ../data/ /epoc32/data/z/resource/ overwrite
+:zip ../data/ /epoc32/winscw/c/resource/ overwrite
Binary file helps_loc2/vmbx/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/voicerec/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/vpnclient/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/wapisecuritysettingsui/help/data/ has changed
--- a/helps_loc2/wapisecuritysettingsui/help/group/bld.inf Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Export help related files.
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/data/z/resource/ overwrite
-:zip ../data/ /epoc32/winscw/c/resource/ overwrite
Binary file helps_loc2/wlansniffer/help/data/ has changed
Binary file helps_loc2/xdmsettingsui/help/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/data/ has changed
Binary file locfiles/group/ has changed
--- a/sf_build/sf_prebuild/makefile Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/sf_build/sf_prebuild/makefile Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
include /sf/os/devicesrv/devicesrv_pub/common_platform_security_definitions_api/makefile
include /sf/os/devicesrv/devicesrv_pub/platform_path_definitions_api/makefile
include /sf/mw/qt/src/s60installs/deviceconfiguration/cmaker/makefile
-include /sf/mw/qtextensions/group/cmaker/makefile
+# removed by riku include /sf/mw/qtextensions/group/cmaker/makefile
ifeq (S60,$(BUILD))
include /sf/mw/uiresources/uigraphics/icons/makefile
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vFuture.cfg Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Symbian_OS_vFuture.cfg
-# Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2006-2007. All rights reserved.
-# This file gives the location of the file that specifies
-# configuration options for Symbian OS tb101sf
-# The following is a path relative to %EPOCROOT%
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vFuture.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE Product [
- <!ELEMENT Product (Commands)>
- <!ELEMENT Commands (Execute+ | SetEnv*)>
- <!ELEMENT Execute EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST Execute Component CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST Execute CommandLine CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<Product Name="Build Glue">
- <Commands>
- <!-- Set Env -->
- <!-- most have been set in BuildLaunch xml -->
- <SetEnv Order="1" Name="ARMRVCTVER" Value="2.2"/>
- <SetEnv Order="2" Name="ARMRVCTBLD" Value="616"/>
- <SetEnv Order="3" Name="ARMVER" Value="%ARMRVCTVER%[%ARMRVCTBLD%]"/>
- <SetEnv Order="4" Name="ARMV5VER" Value="ARM/Thumb C/C++ Compiler, RVCT%ARMRVCTVER% [Build %ARMRVCTBLD%]"/>
- <SetEnv Order="5" Name="ARMROOT" Value="C:\APPS\ARM\RVCT%ARMVER%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="6" Name="RVCT22BIN" Value="%ARMROOT%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium"/>
- <SetEnv Order="7" Name="RVCT22INC" Value="%ARMROOT%\RVCT\Data\2.2\349\include\windows"/>
- <SetEnv Order="8" Name="RVCT22LIB" Value="%ARMROOT%\RVCT\Data\2.2\349\lib"/>
- <SetEnv Order="9" Name="RVCT22_CCOPT" Value="--licretry"/>
- <SetEnv Order="10" Name="RVCT22_ASMOPT" Value="--licretry"/>
- <SetEnv Order="11" Name="RVCT22_LINKOPT" Value="--licretry"/>
- <SetEnv Order="12" Name="PATH" Value="%RVCT22BIN%;%PATH%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="13" Name="MWVER" Value="3.1.2"/>
- <SetEnv Order="14" Name="MWROOT" Value="C:\Apps\Metrowerks\OEM%MWVER%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="15" Name="MWCSym2Includes" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_C\MSL_Common\Include;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_C\MSL_Win32\Include;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_C\MSL_X86;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_C++\MSL_Common\Include;+%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_Extras\MSL_Common\Include;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_Extras\MSL_Win32\Include;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\Win32-x86 Support\Headers\Win32 SDK"/>
- <SetEnv Order="16" Name="MWSym2Libraries" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\Win32-x86 Support\Libraries\Win32 SDK;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\Runtime\Runtime_x86\Runtime_Win32\Libs"/>
- <SetEnv Order="17" Name="MWSym2LibraryFiles" Value="MSL_ALL_MSE_Symbian_D.lib;gdi32.lib;user32.lib;kernel32.lib;"/>
- <SetEnv Order="18" Name="MWCC" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwccsym2.exe"/>
- <SetEnv Order="19" Name="MWLD" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwldsym2.exe"/>
- <SetEnv Order="20" Name="PATH" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools;%PATH%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="21" Name="PATH" Value="%PATH%;C:\Apps\Python24"/>
- <SetEnv Order="22" Name="PATH" Value="%EPOCROOT%SBSv2\bin;%PATH%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="23" Name="SBS_SRC" Value="%EPOCROOT%tools\sbs"/>
- <SetEnv Order="24" Name="SBS_HOME" Value="%EPOCROOT%SBSv2"/>
- <SetEnv Order="25" Name="SOURCEROOT" Value="%SourceDir%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="26" Name="SBS_VERSION" Value="1"/>
- <SetEnv Order="27" Name="PATH" Value="%BuildDir%\reltools;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\gcc\bin;%PATH%;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\include;"/>
- <SetEnv Order="28" Name="PERL510_HOME" Value="C:\Apps\Perl.5.10.0"/>
- <SetEnv Order="29" Name="TCLDeltaCache" Value="%BuildsDirect%\%Type%\src_tcl_for_mcl_sf"/>
- <!-- Dumping environment -->
- <Execute Component="Dumping all environment variables" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="SET"/>
- <!-- Get source code from TCL -->
- <Execute Component="Delta sync TCL sources" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\perforce\ -f -s %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\tcl_in_mcl_sf_clientspec.txt -d %TCLDeltaCache% -p tcl -t for_mcl -c %ChangelistNumber%"/>
- <!-- Install cbr tools from latest green tcl build by sf zip package -->
- <Execute Component="Make temporary epoc32/relinfo Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo"/>
- <Execute Component="Get TCL sfreltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Unzip zip package of cbr tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -tcl_delta_cache %TCLDeltaCache% -log_dir %LogsDir% -product dp -number 11 -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy cbr tools to own directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy "cbr tools" \reltools\ /E /R /Y"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove cbr tools directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd "cbr tools" /s /q"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish cbrtools_unzip.log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy cbrtools_unzip.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <!-- Install SBSv2 -->
- <Execute Component="Get Raptor related components" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c dev_build_sbsv2_raptor -c dev_build_sbsv2_cpp-raptor -c dev_hostenv_dist_cygwin-1.5.25 -c dev_hostenv_dist_mingw-5.1.4 -c dev_hostenv_pythontoolsplat_python-2.5.2 -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\raptor_version.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy SBSv2 to own directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %SBS_SRC% -t %SBS_HOME%"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove Raptor related components" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -x %LogsDir%\raptor_version.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove epoc32 directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd %EPOCROOT%epoc32 /s /q"/>
- <!-- Combine system definitions -->
- <Execute Component="Join Foundation System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\foundation_system\system_model\system_definition_v2.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\joinsysdef.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.SF.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Join Nokia System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\nokia_system\nokia_model\system_definition_v2.xml -param path /os/deviceplatformrelease/nokia_system/nokia_model/system_definition_v2.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\joinsysdef.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.Nokia.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Merge System Definitions" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.SF.xml -param Downstream System_Definition_Template.Nokia.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\mergesysdef.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.Full.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create 2.0.1 format System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.Full.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\sysdefdowngrade.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy *intermediate* System Definition Files to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="copy variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition*.xml %LogsDir%\"/>
- <!-- Run Variability Tools -->
- <Execute Component="Make epoc32/data Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data"/>
- <Execute Component="Make epoc32/rom/include Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include"/>
- <Execute Component="Run Variability Tools" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability\framework" CommandLine="perl -v %BuildShortName%"/>
- <!-- Prepare scanlog for raptor -->
- <Execute Component="Make \tools Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%tools"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy SBSv2 scanlog to \tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\sbsv2htmlscanlog\ %EPOCROOT%tools\"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy SBSv2 scanlog header to \tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\sbsv2htmlscanlog\ %EPOCROOT%tools\"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy generic to \tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ %EPOCROOT%tools\"/>
- <!-- Create component lists for CBR from System_definition_template.xml -->
- <Execute Component="Create Intermediate GT System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %LogsDir%\System_Definition_Template.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\filtering.xsl -param filter-type has -param filter "!systemtest,!techview,!s60" -param addbuild 1 -out variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_GT.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Intermediate TV System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %LogsDir%\System_Definition_Template.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\filtering.xsl -param filter-type has -param filter "techview" -param addbuild 1 -out variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_TV.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Intermediate System Test System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %LogsDir%\System_Definition_Template.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\filtering.xsl -param filter-type has -param filter "systemtest" -param addbuild 1 -out variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_SystemTest.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create GTcomponents.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_GT.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n any -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\GTcomponents.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create TechviewComponents.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_TV.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n any -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\TechViewComponents.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create SystemTestComponents.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_SystemTest.xml -f systemtest -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n any -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\SystemTestComponents.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Add SystemTest to TVcomponents.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="type %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\SystemTestComponents.txt >>%CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\TechViewComponents.txt"/>
- <!-- Process System_definition.xml and set up clean-src -->
- <Execute Component="Prepare System Definition" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\System_Definition_%BuildShortName%.xml -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\system_build.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -f %BuildShortName% -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create system_definition_GT.xml" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n GT_%BuildShortName% -o %BuildBaseName%_GT.xml -l GT1.log -t %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\GT.txt -f gt -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create system_definition_TV.xml" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n TV_%BuildShortName% -o %BuildBaseName%_TV.xml -l TV1.log -t %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\TV.txt -f techview -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_TV.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create *SystemTest.xml " Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n SystemTest_%BuildShortName% -o %BuildBaseName%_SystemTest.xml -l SystemTest1.log -t %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\SystemTest.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create GCCXML XML File (NB: .TXT file not required)" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n GCCXML_%BuildShortName% -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\GCCXMLcomponents.txt -o %BuildBaseName%_GCCXML.xml -l GCCXML1.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Custkit.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n Custkit_%BuildShortName% -t %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\Custkit.txt"/>
- <!-- To avoid file-overwritten warnings, Remove sysdef_GT, sysdef_TV files as we are going to create them again-->
- <Execute Component="Remove system_definition_GT.xml " Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove system_definition_TV.xml " Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_TV.xml"/>
- <!-- Apply proper filter to generate GT, Techview sysdef files -->
- <Execute Component="Create GTcomponents.txt and system_definition_GT.xml" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -l GTFilter1.log -f gt,!techview -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create TechviewComponents.txt and system_definition_TV.xml" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -l TVFilter1.log -f !gt,techview -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_TV.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Start Phase DISTILLSRC" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n DISTILLSRC -t START"/>
- <!-- Filter source tree -->
- <Execute Component="CBR filter src" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\productionbldtools\distillsrc\ -r %CleanSourceDir% -s . -p \sf -l cedar -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\options.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase DISTILLSRC" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n DISTILLSRC -t STOP"/>
- <Execute Component="Start Phase COPYSRC" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n COPYSRC -t START"/>
- <!-- copy relinfo to support pre-built CBR components referenced from system_definition.xml -->
- <Execute Component="Make epoc32/relinfo Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Reltools.ini to epoc32/relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\reltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini "/>
- <!-- Copy clean src -->
- <Execute Component="Remove src directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd %SourceDir% /s /q"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy clean-src to src" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %CleanSourceDir% -t %SourceDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Check Export Table" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -e %Product%"/>
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase COPYSRC" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n COPYSRC -t STOP"/>
- <!-- Delete Variabilty tools -->
- <Execute Component="Delete Variability tools to ensure they don't get shipped" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability" CommandLine="rmdir /s /q %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability"/>
- <Execute Component="Start Phase Scan for S60 distribution policy files" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n SCANDISTRIBFILE -t START"/>
- <!-- Scan for S60 distribution policy files -->
- <Execute Component="Scan for S60 distribution policy files" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\productionbldtools\ %CleanSourceDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase Scan for S60 distribution policy files" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n SCANDISTRIBFILE -t STOP"/>
- <!-- Start build clients -->
- <Execute Component="Build Core Client" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -n %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -d localhost:15011 -d localhost:15012 -d localhost:15013 -w 5 -c Core#" />
- <!--Log and publish main XML -->
- <Execute Component="Copy Launch XML to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%ToolsDir%" CommandLine="copy %ToolsDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\BuildLaunch.xml %LogsDir%\BuildLaunch.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Launch XML to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %ToolsDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\BuildLaunch.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\BuildLaunch.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Glue XML to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\%BuildBaseName%.xml %LogsDir%\%BuildNumber%.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Glue XML" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\%BuildNumber%.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish BuildEnv Log" Cwd="%ToolsDir%" CommandLine="copy buildenv.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\buildenv.log"/>
- <!--Log and publish *generated* System Definition Files -->
- <Execute Component="Copy *generated* System Definition Files to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition*.xml %LogsDir%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish *generated* System Definition Files" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %LogsDir%\system_definition*.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <!-- Generate XML data for build machine env and publish to build logs dir -->
- <Execute Component="Generate BuildEnv XML" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils" CommandLine="perl -o %LogsDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish BuildEnv XML" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils" CommandLine="copy %LogsDir%\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml"/>
- <!--Update Status.txt for Kits -->
- <Execute Component="Update Status.txt for Kits" Cwd="%ToolsDir%" CommandLine="echo %BuildNumber% building > status.txt"/>
- <!--Run the Copyrights header check tool for SF -->
- <Execute Component="SF os copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.log %SourceDir%\os >> %LogsDir%\Copyrightsheadercheck.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="SF app copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.log %SourceDir%\app >> %LogsDir%\Copyrightsheadercheck.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="SF mw copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.log %SourceDir%\mw >> %LogsDir%\Copyrightsheadercheck.log 2>&1"/>
- <!--Run the Post process results tool to handle results generated by the copyrights header check for SF -->
- <Execute Component="Post Process results" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -build %BuildNumber% -input %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.csv -out %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResPath.csv -sourcepath M:\ -config %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\SFUpdateLicenceHeader.cfg >> %LogsDir%\Copyrightsheadercheck.log 2>&1"/>
- <!--Run the Copyrights header check tool for EPL -->
- <Execute Component="EPL os copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -epl -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.log %SourceDir%\os >> %LogsDir%\CopyrightsheadercheckEpl.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="EPL app copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -epl -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.log %SourceDir%\app >> %LogsDir%\CopyrightsheadercheckEpl.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="EPL mw copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -epl -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.log %SourceDir%\mw >> %LogsDir%\CopyrightsheadercheckEpl.log 2>&1"/>
- <!--Run the Post process results tool to handle results generated by the copyrights header check for EPL -->
- <Execute Component="Post Process results" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -build %BuildNumber% -input %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.csv -out %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResPathEpl.csv -sourcepath M:\ -config %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\SFUpdateLicenceHeader.cfg >> %LogsDir%\CopyrightsheadercheckEpl.log 2>&1"/>
- <!--Publish Copyrights header check logs -->
- <Execute Component="Publish copyrights header check logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *headercheck*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!-- Copy unzip from TCL Delta Cache to epoc32 tools -->
- <Execute Component="Copy unzip to epoc32\tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %TCLDeltaCache%\DP\master\sf\dev\hostenv\dist\unzip-5.40\unzip.exe \epoc32\tools\ /Y"/>
- <!-- Copy zip from TCL Delta Cache to epoc32 tools -->
- <Execute Component="Copy zip to epoc32\tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %TCLDeltaCache%\DP\master\sf\dev\hostenv\dist\zip-2.2\zip.exe \epoc32\tools\ /Y"/>
- <!-- Install GCC -->
- <Execute Component="Install GCC" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%" CommandLine="unzip %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\perltoolsplat_os\redistribution\gcc\"/>
- <!-- Bootstrap - install bldmake* to epoc32\tools-->
- <Execute Component="BootStrap1 -install bldmake " Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group" CommandLine="setupprj.bat secure"/>
- <Execute Component="BootStrap2 -install bldmake" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group" CommandLine="bld.bat rel"/>
- <!-- Setup Product variant -->
- <Execute Component="Make Epoc32/tools/variant Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools\variant"/>
- <Execute Component="Make Epoc32/include/variant Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include\variant\"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Symbian_OS.hrh" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\inc\Symbian_OS_%BuildShortName%.hrh %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include\variant\Symbian_OS.hrh"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy hrh files" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\*.hrh %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include\variant"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy cfg file" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\%BuildBaseName%.cfg %EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools\variant\variant.cfg"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy CBR cfg file" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\%BuildBaseName%_cbrtargetalias.cfg %EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools\variant\cbrtargetalias.cfg"/>
- <!-- Setup ROM variant -->
- <Execute Component="Make epoc32/rom/include Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy romdefs file" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\%BuildBaseName%_romdefs.hby %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include\symbian_os_romdefs.hby"/>
- <!-- Make Epoc.ini -->
- <Execute Component="Create Ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo PlatSecDiagnostics ON>>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\epoc.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Update Ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo PlatSecEnforcement ON >>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\epoc.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Update Ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo PlatSecProcessIsolation ON >>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\epoc.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Update Ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo PlatSecEnforceSysBin ON>>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\epoc.ini"/>
- <!-- Setup BuildInfo.txt -->
- <Execute Component="BuildInfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo DeviceFamily 100 >%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\BuildInfo.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="BuildInfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo DeviceFamilyRev 0x900 >>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\BuildInfo.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="BuildInfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo ManufacturerSoftwareBuild %BuildNumber% >>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\BuildInfo.txt"/>
- <!-- Post PreBuild Stuff -->
- <Execute Component="PreBuild HtmlScanlog" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_PreBuild.summary -v -v -l %LogsDir%\%BuildBaseName%.log -o %LogsDir%\PreBuild.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish PreBuild Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy PreBuild*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase PREBUILD" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n PREBUILD -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\PreBuild.summary.html"/>
- <!-- START PHASE GT -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase GT" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n GT -t START"/>
- <!-- Compile various tool targets prior to actual GT build -->
- <Execute Component="e32toolp Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_e32toolp -f %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -b %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group\bld.inf -c tools2_rel.vFuture.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\e32toolp.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for e32toolp" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Copy TCL reltools.ini to get rcomp" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Get latest Rcomp component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_bintools_rcomp -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\rcomp_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Get Latest Green Trace Compiler from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c osttracecompiler -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\tracecompiler_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy OS Reltools.ini to epoc32/relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\reltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest Rcomp to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_bintools_rcomp -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the Latest Green Trace Compiler to OS Archive" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c osttracecompiler -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <!-- "DS.1756" changes bootstrapping components from TCL START -->
- <Execute Component="Get latest dev_build_imgtools_romtools component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_imgtools_romtools -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\dev_build_imgtools_romtools_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest dev_build_imgtools_romtools to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_imgtools_romtools -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Get latest dev_build_imgtools_buildrom component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_imgtools_buildrom -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\dev_build_imgtools_buildrom_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest dev_build_imgtools_buildrom to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_imgtools_buildrom -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Get latest dev_build_imgtools_imglib component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_imgtools_imglib -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\dev_build_imgtools_imglib_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest dev_build_imgtools_imglib to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_imgtools_imglib -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Get latest dev_build_imgtools_sisutils component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_imgtools_sisutils -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\dev_build_imgtools_sisutils_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest dev_build_imgtools_sisutils to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_imgtools_sisutils -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <!-- "DS.1756" changes bootstrapping components from TCL END -->
- <!-- Retrieve S60 binaries which remoteconn is dependent on -->
- <Execute Component="Get specific S60 dependencies to enable remote conn compilation" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\cbrtools\perl\getrel -vv remoteconn_s60_dependencies 9 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Delete TCL reltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Rename and restore OS reltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rename %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="TOOLS2 REL Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_tools2_rel -f %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml -c tools2_rel.savespace.vFuture.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\tools2_rel.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="TOOLS2 DEB LIBRARY Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_tools2_deb -f %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml -c tools2_deb.savespace.vFuture.whatlog -i LIBRARY > %LogsDir%\tools2_deb.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for tools2 rel" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for tools2 deb" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.html -v -v "/>
- <!-- tools_rel target SHOULD be run sequentially , DO NOT add -j option below -->
- <Execute Component="TOOLS Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j 1 -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_tools -f %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml -c tools_rel.vFuture.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\tools.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for tools " Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Makefile_*tool* and logs to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_*tool* %LogsDir%\"/>
-<!-- Will want to scan and publish these logs too -->
- <!-- Compile GT using SBSv2 -->
- <Execute Component="GT Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -k -f %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_GT -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml -c default.savespace.vFuture.whatlog -c armv5.smp.savespace.vFuture.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\GT2.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Makefile_GT and log to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_GT* %LogsDir%\"/>
- <!--Post GT Build Stuff -->
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for GT" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for GT" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\GT.summary.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Publish GT Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *GT* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish other sbs Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy sbs_* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE GT -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase GT" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n GT -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\GT.summary.html"/>
- <!-- Remove S60 binaries pulled down earlier for remoteconn compilation -->
- <Execute Component="Copy TCL reltools.ini to get remoteconn_s60_dependencies" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Removerel remoteconn_s60_dependencies" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\cbrtools\perl\RemoveRel -v remoteconn_s60_dependencies "/>
-<Execute Component="Delete TCL reltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
-<Execute Component="Copy OS Reltools.ini to epoc32/relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\reltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Create About.txt" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo To find out status and general info about build %BuildNumber%, refer to Epoc Software Releases DatabaseDB>%PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\About_%BuildNumber%.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Create ESR GT Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t GT -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Make GT Release Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\CBRGT"/>
- <!--Keeping generated EPOC32 directory -->
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy Generic Epoc32 Directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRGT" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32 -t %BuildDir%\CBRGT\epoc32 -x ^^build/ -x \.sym$ -x \.bsc$ -x ^^data/media/mmccrd..\.bin$"/>
- <!-- START PHASE TV -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase TV" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n TV -t START"/>
- <!--Prep Work Drive for Techview Build -->
- <Execute Component="Prep for Techview Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp %SourceDir%\cedar\techview\tools\e32toolp /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!-- Compile Techview using SBSv2 -->
- <Execute Component="Techview Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -f %LogsDir%\sbs_TV_log.xml.log -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_TV -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_TV.xml -c default.techview.savespace.vFuture.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\TV2.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Makefile_TV and log to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_TV* %LogsDir%\"/>
- <!-- Compile System Test components using EBS -->
- <Execute Component="System Test Build (EBS)" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -d %LogsDir%\%BuildBaseName%_SystemTest.xml -p 15011 -p 15012 -p 15013 -t 5 -c 5 -l %LogsDir%\SystemTest2.log"/>
- <!--Post Techview Build Stuff -->
- <Execute Component="Publish TVonly Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *TV*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish System Test Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *SystemTest* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!--Post Techview Build Stuff -->
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for techview" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_TV_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\TV.summary.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="TV EBS HtmlScanlog" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_EBS_TV.summary -v -v -l SystemTest1.log -l SystemTest2.log -o TV.EBS.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Techview Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *TV*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE TV -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase TV" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n TV -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\TV.summary.html"/>
- <!--Package Techview -->
- <Execute Component="Create ESR TV Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t TV -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <!--Prep for CBR -->
- <Execute Component="CBR Make TV Release Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\CBRTV"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy Documentation" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %BuildDir%\documentation %BuildDir%\CBRTV\documentation /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy Techview Epoc32 Directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32 -t %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32 -x ^^build/ -x \.sym$ -x \.bsc$ -x ^^data/media/mmccrd..\.bin$"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy sdkeng-bin Directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %BuildDir%\sdkeng-bin -t %BuildDir%\CBRTV\sdkeng-bin"/>
- <!-- START PHASE ROM -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase ROM" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n ROM -t START"/>
- <!--Build Roms -->
- <Execute Component="Build Techview Roms" Cwd="%BuildDir%%EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\imgtools_os\romkiteka2\utils\ -romspec %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\symbian_os_romspec.xml -logdir %LogsDir% -buildnum %BuildNumber%"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H4 NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v=h4hrp -i=armv5 -t=nandloader -d=_NAND2 >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move H4HRPARMV5D.IMG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H4 Test NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v h4hrp -i armv5 -b udeb -d _NAND2 -t nandtest_load_rel -zip -name=h4.nandloader.reltest.img >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 Test NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move h4.nandloader.reltest.img %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 Test NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H6 NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v=34xx_sdp -i=armv5 -t=nandloader -d=_NAND2 >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H6 NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move 34xx_SDPARMV5D.IMG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H6 NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H6 Test NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v 34xx_sdp -i armv5 -b udeb -d _NAND2 -t nandtest_load_rel -zip -name=h6.nandloader.reltest.img >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H6 Test NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move h6.nandloader.reltest.img %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H6 Test NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build NaviEngine NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v=ne1_tb -i=armv5 -t=nandloader -d=_NAND2 >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move NaviEngine NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move NE1_TBARMV5D.IMG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move NaviEngine NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build NaviEngine Test NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v ne1_tb -i armv5 -b udeb -d _NAND2 -t nandtest_load_rel -zip -name=ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move NaviEngine Test NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move NaviEngine Test NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H4 Test MMC Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v h4hrp -i armv5 -b udeb -t mmctest_load_rel -zip -name=h4.mmcloader.reltest.img >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 Test MMC Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move h4.mmcloader.reltest.img %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 Test MMC Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Techview Roms HtmlScanlog" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_Techview_ROMs.summary -v -v -l techviewroms%BuildNumber%.log -o techviewroms%BuildNumber%.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Techview Roms Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy techviewroms%BuildNumber%.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Detailed ROM Logs to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\*.log %LogsDir%\rom_logs\ /Z /I"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Detailed ROM Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy rom_logs %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\rom_logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Create ESR ROM Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t ROM -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE ROM -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase ROM" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n ROM -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\techviewroms%buildNumber%.summary.html"/>
- <!--Prep for CBR -->
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy GTC ROMs" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\GTC_*.* %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32\rom\* /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy nandloader Images" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\*.nandloader.* %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32\rom\* /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy mmcloader Images" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\*.mmcloader.* %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32\rom\* /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!--Techview Dups Generation -->
- <Execute Component="Techview Dups Generation mkdir" Cwd="%SourceDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %ProductPath%\generated\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Techview Dups Generation" Cwd="%SourceDir%" CommandLine="%BuildDir%\CBRGT\epoc32\gcc\bin\diff -qr %BuildDir%\CBRGT\epoc32 %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32 | perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\productionbldtools\ > %ProductPath%\generated\logs\techview_dups.log"/>
- <!--Prep for CBR -->
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy Clean Src" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %CleanSourceDir% %BuildDir%\CBRTV\sf /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Run sbsv2cache tool" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SBS_HOME%\win32\python252\python.exe %SBS_HOME%\bin\ -v -s -o %ABLDCACHE% -l %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_TV_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log > %LogsDir%\sbs_sbsv2cache.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Raptor Cache Log" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %LogsDir%\sbs_sbsv2cache.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\sbs_sbsv2cache.log"/>
- <!-- Cleanup unnecessary files to remove warnings -->
- <Execute Component="Remove System_Definition*.bak files " Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition*.xml.bak"/>
- <Execute Component="Move *.unzipped files to logdir" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%" CommandLine="move %EPOCROOT%epoc32\gcc\*.unzipped %LogsDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Move *.unzipped files to logdir" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%" CommandLine="move %EPOCROOT%epoc32\gcc_mingw\*.unzipped %LogsDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Move *.unzipped files to logdir" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%" CommandLine="move %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include\tools\stlport\*.unzipped %LogsDir%"/>
- <!-- START PHASE CBR -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase CBR" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n CBR -t START"/>
- <!--Run CBR -->
- <Execute Component="Run CBR" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%PERL510_HOME%\bin\perl.exe %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -b %BuildBaseName% -v %BuildNumber% -c %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\options.txt -d %LogsDir%\%BuildNumber%_debug_cbr.log -l %LogsDir%\%BuildNumber%_cbr.log -p %PreviousBuildNumber% -j %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% "/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CBR debug Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%_debug_cbr.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CBR Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%_cbr.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate CBR HTML summary for CBR" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_CBR_summary -v -v -l %BuildNumber%_cbr.log -o %BuildNumber%_cbr.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CBR Summary" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%_cbr.summary.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Create ESR CBR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t CBR -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <!-- export the cbr -->
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Make Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\"/>
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Copy reltools.ini to epoc32" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%Product%\reltools.ini %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini /Y"/>
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Run script" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -n -c gt_only_baseline -c gt_techview_baseline -d %BuildDir% -s %BuildNumber% -p %Product% -t CBRSymbianIndia.tmpl -t CBRBeijing.tmpl"/>
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Delete Dirty Epoc32 relinfo dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rmdir /s /q %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo"/>
- <!-- Publish CBR export log & export table -->
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Publish Export Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy Export*.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Export Table to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%Product%\AutoCBR_%Product%_test_export.csv %LogsDir%\AutoCBR_%Product%_test_export.csv" />
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Publish Export Table" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy AutoCBR_%Product%_test_export.csv %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\AutoCBR_%Product%_test_export.csv"/>
- <!-- Request smoke testing of CBR -->
- <Execute Component="Create Smoke Testing trigger" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="echo %BuildNumber%>>smoketest_trigger_%BuildNumber%.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Smoke Testing trigger" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="echo %ChangeListNumber%>>smoketest_trigger_%BuildNumber%.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Dir for smoke test triggers" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %PublishLocation%\SmokeTestTriggers"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Smoke Testing trigger to published logs dir" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy smoketest_trigger_%BuildNumber%.txt %PublishLocation%\SmokeTestTriggers\%BuildNumber%.txt"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE CBR -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase CBR" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n CBR -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\%BuildNumber%_cbr.summary.html"/>
- <!-- GET IMGCHECK component -->
- <Execute Component="Imgcheck Make Dir relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\"/>
- <Execute Component="Get TCL sfreltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Obtain IMGCHECK component" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c dev_build_imgtools_imgcheck -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\imgcheck_version.txt"/>
- <!-- USE IMGCHECK to create SID, VID reports for these ROM images -->
- <Execute Component="Run IMGCHECK" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%BuildDir%\epoc32\tools\imgcheck.exe --e32input --sid --vid --verbose M:\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\ -x -o=%LogsDir%\SIDVID.xml -a 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish IMGCHECK Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy SIDVID.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish IMGCHECK stylesheet" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy imgcheck.xsl %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Delete Dirty Epoc32 relinfo dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rmdir /s /q %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo"/>
- <!-- Request a BFC test -->
- <Execute Component="Request BFC using" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\" CommandLine="perl -p %Product% -b %SnapshotNumber% -c %Type% -w 0"/>
- <!--Update Status.txt for Kits -->
- <Execute Component="Update Status.txt for Kits" Cwd="%ToolsDir%" CommandLine="echo %BuildNumber% completed > status.txt"/>
- <!--Get CDB tools -->
- <Execute Component="Make Dir relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\"/>
- <Execute Component="Get TCL sfreltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Obtain CDB tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c ana_compatanamdw_apicompatanamdw_cdb -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\cdb_version.txt"/>
- <!-- Retrieve S60 binaries which remoteconn is dependent on for gccxml CDB phase-->
- <Execute Component="Get specific S60 dependencies to enable remote conn compilation" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\cbrtools\perl\getrel -vv remoteconn_s60_dependencies 9 2>&1"/>
- <!-- START PHASE CDB -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase CDB" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n CDB -t START"/>
- <!-- Unpack the CDB tool into required locations -->
- <Execute Component="Replace" Cwd="%BuildDir%\cdb\cdb" CommandLine="xcopy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\ . /Y >> %LogsDir%\cdb.unziplog 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish cdb.unziplog" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy cdb.unziplog %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Unzip imreport-new to root-epoc32" Cwd="%BuildDir%\epoc32\tools" CommandLine="unzip -o \\builds01\devbuilds\cdb-tools\ >%LogsDir%\imreport-new.unziplog 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish imreport-new.unziplog" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy imreport-new.unziplog %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <!-- Run the CDB tool -->
- <Execute Component="Make Dir for CDB Info" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\cdb-info"/>
- <Execute Component="Make Dir for CDB Publish" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\cdb-info"/>
- <Execute Component="Make Dir for CDB Publish" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\cdb-info"/>
- <!--Build GCCXML (prior to running CDB tool) -->
- <Execute Component="GCCXML Server" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -d %LogsDir%\%BuildBaseName%_GCCXML.xml -p 15011 -p 15012 -p 15013 -t 5 -c 5 -l %LogsDir%\GCCXML.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish GCCXML Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *GCCXML*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate GXP files for orphanheaders" Cwd="%BuildDir%\cdb\cdb" CommandLine="perl sbsv2"/>
- <!--Run imreport and cdb using the new Tools -->
- <Execute Component="cdb Server" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -d %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\runcdb.xml -p 15011 -p 15012 -p 15013 -t 5 -c 5 -l %LogsDir%\cdbxml.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish cdbxml.log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy cdbxml.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate CDB HTML summary for CDB" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_CDB_summary -v -v -l cdbxml.log -l GCCXML.log -o %BuildNumber%_cdb.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CDB Summary" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%_cdb.summary.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Create ESR CDB Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t CDB -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <!-- Publish Documentation Precis -->
- <Execute Component="Zip Documentation Precis" Cwd="%BuildDir%\doxyref\precis\" CommandLine="zip -r %BuildDir%\cdb-info\ *"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Documentation Precis" Cwd="%BuildDir%\cdb-info\" CommandLine="copy /Y %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\cdb-info\"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE CDB -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase CDB" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n CDB -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\%BuildNumber%_cdb.summary.html"/>
- <!-- Remove S60 binaries pulled down earlier for remoteconn gccxml CDB phase -->
- <Execute Component="Removerel remoteconn_s60_dependencies" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\cbrtools\perl\RemoveRel -v remoteconn_s60_dependencies "/>
- <!--Stop Performance Monitoring -->
- <Execute Component="Stop PerfMon" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\PerfMon" CommandLine="perl -p 1973"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish PerfMon Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy PerfMon_%BuildNumber%.csv %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!--Publish the Full Logs Dir -->
- <Execute Component="Publish Full Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %LogsDir% %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber% /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- </Commands>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vFuture_Schedule12.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1227 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE Schedule12 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "schedule12.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="schedule12.xsl" ?>
-<Schedule12 Schema="2.0.0"
- Status="DRAFT"
- OS_version="tb101sf" Release_type="Update"
- DocVersion="$Change: 1767343 $ $DateTime: 2010/03/18 17:18:27 $ $Id: //SSS/release/sf/tb92/os/deviceplatformrelease/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vFuture_Schedule12.xml#90 $" >
-<OR name="Alarm Server">
- Maintains a queue of all system-wide alarms and provides APIs to manage alarms
- <system_model entry="Alarm Server"/>
-<OR name="Application Launch Services">
- System Starter, launches ROM-based servers that need to be
- started at device boot, depending on start-up mode.
- <system_model entry="System State Management"/>
- <system_model entry="After Market Application Starter"/>
- <system_model entry="Application Launch Plugins"/>
-<OS name="Authentication Services" draft="Y">
- Server which allows clients to request that the phone holder authenticates themselves to the phone.
- <system_model entry="Authentication Server"/>
-<CS name="System State Management">
- Manages changes to device states, including start-up and shutdown, and changes to system wide properties (using policy plug-ins and command lists)
- <system_model entry="System State Manager"/>
-<OR name="System Health Management">
- Manages the system health, including the monitoring of critical processes and their re-launch if they fail
- <system_model entry="System Health Manager"/>
-<CR name="System State Management Plugins">
- Provide common policy plugins and adaptation plugins for System State Management Architecture
- <system_model entry="System State Plugins"/>
-<CS name="Application Utilities">
- Assorted basic utilities available to frameworks, services, and applications.
- System utilities (BAFL) including resource file interface and clipboard, system sounds,
- command-line parsing, descriptor arrays, resource file handling.
- Used by higher level frameworks and services and available directly to applications.
- <system_model entry="Application Utilities"/>
-<CS name="Authorisation Services">
- Authorisation services, including the User Prompt Service (UPS) that allows system servers to generate prompts asking the user to authorise or deny a request from a client application.
- <system_model entry="User Prompt Service"/>
-<OR name="User Prompt Utils">
- Utility library for use by service providers writing policy plug-ins for the UPS
- <system_model entry="User Prompt Utils"/>
-<OS name="BIO Messaging">
- Smart messaging framework and support.
- In the System Model this is Bio Messaging Framework
- and Bio Messaging Parsers.
- <system_model entry="BIO Messaging Framework"/>
- </OS>
-<OS name="Bluetooth">
- Bluetooth connection and service manager and Bluetooth protocol stack.
- System Model names are Bluetooth Manager, Bluetooth SDP and Bluetooth Stack PRT.
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth AVRCP"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth PBAP"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth SDP"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Stack"/>
- <system_model entry="Remote Control Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth PAN Profile"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth HCI Framework 2"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Logging Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Notifiers Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth GAVDP"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth ROM"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Client Library"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Build Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth HCI Extension Interface"/>
-<OR name="Content Handling">
- SMIL Rich Media Parser
- <system_model entry="SMIL Parser"/>
-<OR name="C Standard Library">
- C standard library for Symbian OS
- <system_model entry="C Standard Library"/>
-<OS name="Calendar Engine">
- Engine implementation for calendar application.
- This is called Calendar in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="Calendar"/>
-<CR name="Client Provisioning Framework">
- OMA CP 1.1 compliant protocol implementation.
- Supports provisioning via WAP Push, Email, OBEX, Removable Media and the SIM.
- <system_model entry="Client Provisioning Framework"/>
-<CS name="Central Repository">
- Central setting database
- <system_model entry="Central Repository"/>
-<OR name="Certificate and Key Management">
- Certificate and key management framework and APIs
- <system_model entry="Certificate and Key Management"/>
- <system_model entry="Root Certificates"/>
- <system_model entry="File-based Certificate and Key Stores"/>
-<OS name="Security and Data Privacy Tools">
- A collection of PC-side tools and libraries for use with Security and Data Privacy
- <system_model entry="Security Tools"/>
-<CR name="Character Encoding Conversion" draft="Y">
- Character set converters. This includes the Character Encoding Conversion Framework.
- <system_model entry="Character Encoding and Conversion Framework"/>
-<OR name="Character Encoding Conversion Plugins" draft="Y">
- Character set conversion plug-ins. This includes the Character Encoding Conversion Plug-ins.
- <system_model entry="Character Encoding and Conversion Plugins"/>
-<OR name="Client Provisioning Adaptors">
- Supplies provisioning of network access points, WAP proxies, MMS,
- OMA DS and OMA DM accounts, POP, IMAP and SMTP email accounts
- and browser bookmarks.
- <system_model entry="Client Provisioning Adaptors"/>
- <system_model entry="Client Provisioning Adaptors Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Client Provisioning Framework Config"/>
-<OR name="Device Management Configuration">
- Configuration settings for Device Management.
- <system_model entry="Device Management Adaptors Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Device Management Framework Config"/>
-<CS name="Comms Database">
- Networking and communications configuration information
- <system_model entry="Comms Database"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Database Shim"/>
- <system_model entry="Prepare Default Comms Database"/>
- <system_model entry="Install Default Comms Database"/>
-<OR name="Comms File Logger">
- File logging engine used by comms framework and available to other components.
- <system_model entry="File Logger"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Debug Utility"/>
-<CS name="Comms Framework">
- Framework and utilities to support communications protocols and servers
- including Comms Root Server, Comms Framework, Network Interface Manager and Comms Buffers.
- <system_model entry="Comms Root Server"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Elements"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Buffers"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Interface Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Root Server Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms User Prompt Manager"/>
-<CR name="Comms Plugin Module (CSY)">
- Comms Server CSY plugin providing serial port emulation over IR, USB,
- Bluetooth and a virtual serial port.
- <system_model entry="Serial Port CSY"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth CSY"/>
- <system_model entry="MUX CSY"/>
-<OR name="Connection initiation">
- Network connection agents and agent plug-in interface providing connection to
- circuit-switched and packet-switched networks.
- Includes CSD AGT, PSD AGT and Network Controller.
- <system_model entry="PDP Layer"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS 3GPP CPR"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Transport Layer"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Network Layer"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS IP SCPR"/>
- <system_model entry="CSD AGT"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Controller"/>
- <system_model entry="NULL AGT"/>
- <system_model entry="PSD AGT"/>
- <system_model entry="TRP AGT"/>
- <system_model entry="Generic SCPR Parameters"/>
- <system_model entry="IP UPS Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Dialog Stub"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Dialog API"/>
-<OR name="Connectivity Device Side">
- Device side connectivity framework. This includes low level Device Connection Component,
- Service Framework and Service Providers.
- <system_model entry="Active Backup Client"/>
- <system_model entry="Connectivity Services"/>
- <system_model entry="Connectivity Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="PLP Remote Link"/>
- <system_model entry="m-Router"/>
- <system_model entry="PLP Variant"/>
- <system_model entry="Backup Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="Backup Restore Notification"/>
-<OS name="Contacts Engine">
- Engine implementation for contacts application.
- This is called Contacts Model in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="Contacts Model"/>
-<CS name="Content Access Framework v2 for DRM">
- Framework that enables DRM style content management. Note that this is the CAFv2 framework.
- <system_model entry="CAF Recogniser Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Content Access Framework for DRM"/>
-<OR name="CAF Streaming Support">
- Content Access Framework (CAF) support of streaming DRM solutions, such as DVB-H SPP and OMA DRM BCAST.
- <system_model entry="CAF Streaming Support"/>
-<OS name="Cryptographic Token Framework">
- Framework supporting secure cryptographic tokens (e.g. smart cards)
- <system_model entry="Crypto Token Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="ASN PKCS"/>
-<OS name="Cryptography Library">
- Symmetric and asymmetric keys, hash algorithms, and pseudorandom number generators.
- Note this is export restricted
- <system_model entry="Weak Crypto SPI"/>
- <system_model entry="Strong Crypto SPI"/>
- <system_model entry="Security Utils"/>
- <system_model entry="Security Config"/>
-<OR name="Cryptography Plugins">
- Software plug-in for the Crypto SPI providing symmetric and asymmetric algorithms, hash algorithms, and pseudorandom number generators.
- Note this is export restricted
- <system_model entry="Crypto SPI Plugins"/>
-<OR name="Data Link Layer Protocols">
- Protocols utilities and interfaces for OSI Data Link Layer level protocols.
- This includes a Link Layer Control group of components:
- Comms Framework Control and data protocols for Ethernet, PPP, PDP and WiFi,
- Ethernet Packet Driver and PPP Compression Plug-ins
- <system_model entry="EAP Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="EAP Plugins for WiFi"/>
- <system_model entry="Ethernet NIF"/>
- <system_model entry="Ethernet Packet Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="PPP Compression Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="PPP NIF"/>
- <system_model entry="PPP Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Raw IP NIF"/>
- <system_model entry="Wireless LAN"/>
- <system_model entry="MBMS Parameters"/>
-<OR name="Baseband Abstraction">
- Abstract interfaces and plugin implementations for a bearer service primarily in the data plane.
- <system_model entry="Baseband Channel Adaptor"/>
- <system_model entry="Inter-System Communication"/>
- <system_model entry="Baseband Channel Adaptor for C32"/>
- <system_model entry="Baseband Channel Adaptor for ISC"/>
-<OR name="Data Type Recognisers">
- Base classes for MIME-type recognizer plug-ins.
- <system_model entry="Web Recognisers"/>
-<OS name="Database Engine">
- Relational database APIs and implementation.
- This is DBMS in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="DBMS"/>
-<OR name="Device Drivers">
- Drivers supporting hardware devices.
- This includes Ethernet Driver, USB Client Driver, Sound Driver, Speech Driver,
- Video Driver, MIDI Driver, SD Card*, SDIO* and Other LDDs.
- <system_model entry="Camera Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Ethernet Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Client Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="SD Card 3C Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="SD Card 4C Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Sound Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Serial Port Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Legacy Drivers"/>
- <system_model entry="Generic Board Support Packages"/>
- <system_model entry="Media Drivers"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Host and OTG Drivers"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Host and OTG Stack"/>
-<CS name="Local Media Subsystem">
- Local (Storage) Media Logical Device Driver
- <system_model entry="Local Media Subsystem"/>
-<CS name="Kernel Tools Debug">
- Run Mode Debug API
- <system_model entry="Run Mode Debugger"/>
-<CS name="Kernel Tools Trace">
- Kernel Trace Tool
- <system_model entry="Kernel Trace Tool"/>
-<OS name="EGL API">
- Defines API for EGL
- <system_model entry="EGL Interface"/>
-<OR name="EGL Implementation" draft="Y">
- software only implementation of EGL
- <system_model entry="EGL Implementation"/>
-<OR name="ETel Fax Client / Server">
- Fax client and server side API's and protocol stack
- <system_model entry="Fax Client and Server"/>
-<CS name="Error Resolver Data">
- Error mapping data used by Error Resolver
- <system_model entry="Error Resolver Data"/>
-<CS name="ETel Server">
- Telephony server and client side APIs which includes ETel Server/Core, ETel Multimode, ETel Packet Data and Etel SIM Toolkit
- <system_model entry="ETel Config"/>
- <system_model entry="ETel Multimode"/>
- <system_model entry="ETel Packet Data"/>
- <system_model entry="ETel Server and Core"/>
- <system_model entry="ETel SIM Toolkit"/>
-<CS name="ETel 3rd Party APIs">
- Telephony APIs for 3rd party applications
- <system_model entry="ETel 3rd Party API"/>
-<OR name="Example Locales">
- Specific geographic localisation information providing localisation framework and locale specific strings.
- System Model name is Locale Support.
- <system_model entry="Number Formatting"/>
- <system_model entry="Locale Support"/>
-<CS name="Feature Manager">
- API which allows applications to query the presence of optional features and update feature information at run-time.
- <system_model entry="Feature Manager"/>
-<CS name="Feature Registry">
- API which allows applications to query the presence of optional features.
- <system_model entry="Feature Registry"/>
-<OR name="File Converters">
- A plug-in framework for converting user data between different MIME-type formats.
- <system_model entry="File Converter Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Chinese Calendar Converter"/>
- <system_model entry="Chinese Calendar Algorithm"/>
- <system_model entry="HTML to RichText Converter"/>
- <system_model entry="RichText to HTML Converter"/>
-<CS name="File Server">
- Generic file-system server and client-side APIs.
- <system_model entry="File Server"/>
-<CR name="Filesystem Drivers">
- Filesystem plug-in implementations for specific filesystems.
- <system_model entry="Base Starter"/>
- <system_model entry="File Systems"/>
- <system_model entry="FAT Filename Conversion Plugins"/>
-<OR name="USB Filesystem Drivers">
- <system_model entry="USB Host Mass Storage Server"/>
-<OR name="Flash Translation Layer">
- Generic support for code and data storage on Large, Small and
- OneNand NAND Flash using Unistore2 software.
- <system_model entry="Flash Translation Layer"/>
-<CS name="Font and Bitmap Server and Font Store">
- Font and Bitmap Server and supporting APIs
- <system_model entry="Font and Bitmap Server"/>
- <system_model entry="Font Store"/>
-<OR name="Font renderers">
- Free Type vector font rasterizer. System Model name is FreeType Font Rasterizer.
- <system_model entry="FreeType Font Rasteriser"/>
-<CS name="Graphics Services">
- Provides Graphics services and includes Graphics Device Interface (GDI), Colour Palette (PALETTE), Bitmapped Graphic Device Interfaces (BITGDI), Window Server (WSERV).
- <system_model entry="BitGDI"/>
- <system_model entry="GDI"/>
- <system_model entry="Window Server"/>
- <system_model entry="Common Graphics Headers"/>
-<OS name="Graphics Resources">
- Provides Graphics Resources and includes Graphics Resource and Direct GDI
- <system_model entry="Graphics Resource"/>
- <system_model entry="DirectGDI"/>
- <system_model entry="DirectGDI Interface"/>
-<OR name="Graphics Adapters">
- Provides Graphics adaptations and includes Graphics Resource Adapter and Direct GDI Adapter
- <system_model entry="Graphics Resource Adaptation"/>
- <system_model entry="DirectGDI Adaptation"/>
-<OR name="Graphics Composition">
- Graphics framework for hardware accelerated 2d composition.
- <system_model entry="Graphics Composition Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="Composition Engine Adaptation"/>
-<OS name="Graphics Surfaces">
- Graphics Surfaces framework and drivers for hardware accessible image data.
- <system_model entry="Display Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Surface Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="Surface Update"/>
-<CR name="Window server standard plug-ins">
- Standard plug-ins for customisation of Window Server
- <system_model entry="Window Server Plugins"/>
-<OS name="GSM SMS Plug-in">
- Messaging plug-in supporting SMS for GSM send, receive, and edit.
- This includes the SMS MTM and Scheduled Send MTM components.
- <system_model entry="SMS MTM"/>
-<CS name="GSM SMS Stack">
- Short message service stack for GSM products only and includes SMS PRT, SMS Utilities, GSM Utilities and WAP PRT components.
- <system_model entry="SMS Stack"/>
-<OR name="Grid">
- Provides grid handling suitable for spreadsheet tables.
- <system_model entry="Grid"/>
-<OS name="Hardware Resources Manager">
- Interface to query, change or be notified of changes in the status of vibration control, battery and light features.
- <system_model entry="Hardware Resources Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="Hardware Resources Manager Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Hardware Resource Manager UI Plugin"/>
-<OR name="Hardware Resources Manager FmTx API">
- API to control FM transmitter through the Hardware Resource Manager server.
- <system_model entry="FM Transmitter Control"/>
-<OS name="Help Engine">
- Engine implementation for context sensitive help application.
- <system_model entry="Help"/>
-<OS name="HTTP transport framework">
- Transport framework supporting HTTP protocol
- <system_model entry="HTTP Protocol Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="HTTP Transport Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="HTTP Transport Framework"/>
-<OR name="UPnP Framework">
- Framework support for Universal Plug and Play
- <system_model entry="UPnP"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia CAPS Plugin">
- Provides advanced image processing functionality based on Scalado CAPS.
- <system_model entry="CAPS Adaptation"/>
-<CS name="Image Conversion Library framework">
- Plug-in framework for software image conversion codecs.
- <system_model entry="Imaging Frameworks"/>
-<OS name="Internet Mail plug-in">
- Messaging plug-in modules supporting send, receive and edit internet mail protocols
- including POP3, IMAP and SMTP.
- <system_model entry="IMAP4 MTM"/>
- <system_model entry="POP3 and SMTP MTM"/>
-<OR name="Internet Protocol Utilities">
- Utility classes that support standard internet protocols.
- This includes HTTP Protocol Plug-in, HTTP Filter Plug-ins and HTTP Utilities Library
- <system_model entry="HTTP Utilities Library"/>
- <system_model entry="URI Permission Services"/>
-<OS name="IrDA">
- PRT plugin to ESock Sockets Server, implements IrDA infrared stack.
- <system_model entry="IrDA Config"/>
- <system_model entry="IrDA Stack"/>
-<CS name="Kernel">
- OS Kernel for low level device start-up.
- <system_model entry="Kernel Architecture"/>
- <system_model entry="Domain Manager"/>
-<OR name="Location Based Services">
- An LBS architecture supporting integrated GPS/A-GPS hardware and
- allowing local and network based applications to determine the
- current location of the device.
- <system_model entry="Location Based Services"/>
- <system_model entry="SUPL WAP Push Handler"/>
-<REF name="Location Based Services (Reference)">
- <system_model entry="SUPL Protocol Module"/>
- <system_model entry="A-GPS Integration Module"/>
- <system_model entry="GPS/A-GPS Positioning Module"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Positioning Module"/>
-<OR name="Logging Engine">
- Log engine for use by applications called Event Logger in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="Event Logger"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Image Conversion Codecs">
- Reference software image conversion codecs.
- This is included in the Image Conversion Library.
- <system_model entry="Imaging Plugins"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Video Renderer">
- Provides support for rendering video content to graphics surfaces.
- <system_model entry="Video Renderer"/>
-<OS name="Messaging Engine">
- Framework and support for email and phone messaging.
- This includes Message Store and Scheduled Send MTM.
- <system_model entry="MMS Configuration"/>
- <system_model entry="MMS Settings"/>
- <system_model entry="Message Server and Store"/>
- <system_model entry="Watcher Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Scheduled Send MTM"/>
- <system_model entry="Send As"/>
- <system_model entry="Message URL Handler"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Config"/>
-<REF name="Metadata Utility Framework">
- <system_model entry="Metadata Utility Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Metadata Parser Plugin"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia 3GP Library">
- Provides support for reading and writing 3GP, 3G2, and MP4 files
- <system_model entry="3GP Library"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Tuner">
- A tuner control for analogue and/or digital radio broadcast channel reception.
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Tuner"/>
-<OR name="Broadcast Radio Transmitter">
- Transmitter control and plugins for FM radio and other broadcast radio technologies.
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Transmitter"/>
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Transmitter Plugin"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia DevSound">
- Reference sound device implementation. This is included in Multimedia Framework Plug-ins.
- <system_model entry="DevSound Hardware Device API"/>
- <system_model entry="DevSound Plugin Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Reference DevSound Plugins"/>
-<OS name="Advanced Audio Adaptation Framework">
- An implementation of the existing DevSound API using a new hardware adaptation layer.
- <system_model entry="A3F DevSound"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Audio Component Framework"/>
-<OR name="A3F Plugins">
- Optional plugins for the Advanced Audio Adaptation Framework. Contains the A3F DevSound Customisation.
- <system_model entry="A3F DevSound Customisation"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Server Start"/>
-<OR name="MTP">
- MTP sub-system. This includes the framework, the transport plug-ins
- and the data providers.
- <system_model entry="MTP Transports and Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="MTP File and Folder Provider"/>
- <system_model entry="Backup and Restore Provider"/>
- <system_model entry="SyncML Data Provider"/>
- <system_model entry="MTP Task Provider"/>
- <system_model entry="MTP Calendar Provider"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Camera API">
- This is called Camera Framework in the System Model .
- <system_model entry="Camera Framework"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Camera Plugin">
- Plugins for the Multimedia Camera API.
- <system_model entry="Camera Plugins"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia OpenMAX Support">
- Open MAX IL 1.1
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL API"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Core"/>
-<CS name="Multimedia Common">
- Multimedia utility functions
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Utility Library"/>
-<CS name="Multimedia Framework">
- This subsystem comprises a high level framework for manipulating standard media formats
- This includes Multimedia Framework and MMF Recogniser.
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Speech Recognition Controller"/>
-<OS name="Multimedia Infrastructure">
- The host process, configurable threading model & management, control & data plane implementations that support the plane specific plug-in components.
- <system_model entry="Decision Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Media Device Framework 2"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Management Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="MMHP Video Client"/>
- <system_model entry="MMHP Camera Client"/>
- <system_model entry="MMHP Audio Client"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Plugins">
- Reference Plugins for Multimedia Framework
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Framework Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Translators"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Data Plane Nodes"/>
- </OR>
-<CS name="Media Device Framework">
- This subsystem comprises a low level framework for managing media devices of various kinds.
- This includes the Media Device Framework.
- Media device drivers can be found in the Device Driver component.
- <system_model entry="Media Device Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Video HAI"/>
- <system_model entry="DevSound API"/>
-<OS name="Mobile Digital Television">
- Contains the APIs to allow MDTV middleware to control DVB-H tuner hardware and to receive DVB-H broadcast data.
- <system_model entry="Mobile TV DVB-H Receiver HAI"/>
-<OS name="OBEX">
- OBEX protocol implementation supporting IrDA, Bluetooth, and USB. This includes OBEX Protocol .
- <system_model entry="OBEX MTMs"/>
- <system_model entry="OBEX Protocol"/>
- <system_model entry="OBEX Extension API"/>
-<CS name="Open Environment Core">
- Implementation of core Posix and Standard 'C' and 'C++' libraries for Symbian OS.
- <system_model entry="Open Environment Core"/>
- <system_model entry="C++ Standard Library"/>
-<OS name="Open Environment Extensions">
- Implementation of industry standard libraries for Symbian OS, intended as a complement to Open Environment Core
- <system_model entry="POSIX Realtime Extensions"/>
- <system_model entry="Pluggable Authentication Module Framework"/>
-<OS name="Crypto and SSL Libraries">
- Open Source cryptography libraries
- <system_model entry="Open Crypto Libraries"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenSSL"/>
-<OS name="OpenGL ES APIs">
- Defines APIs for Open GL ES
- <system_model entry="OpenGLES Display Properties"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenGLES Interface"/>
-<OS name="OpenVG API">
- Defines API for OpenVG
- <system_model entry="OpenVG Interface"/>
-<OR name="OpenVG Implementation" draft="Y">
- software only implementation of OpenVG
- <system_model entry="OpenVG Implementation"/>
-<CS name="Power and Memory Notification Service">
- Restart/Shutdown Notification Service
- <system_model entry="Power and Memory Notification Service"/>
-<OR name="PC Side Connectivity Non-Redistributable">
- Restricted redistribution PC side connectivity components including SCOM.
- This is not shown in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="ConnectQI"/>
-<OR name="Phone Book Synchronisation Server">
- SIM card phone book synchronisation server and client side APIs
- <system_model entry="Phonebook Sync"/>
-<CS name="Plugin Framework Server">
- Plug-in server framework and client-side APIs.
- <system_model entry="Plugin Framework"/>
-<OR name="Printing Services">
- Framework for print job setup and control.
- <system_model entry="Printing UI Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Printing Support"/>
-<OR name="Printing Support Library">
- Driver library supporting specific printer families and includes some printer drivers.
- <system_model entry="Printer Driver Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Printer Drivers"/>
-<OR name="Quality of Service">
- Protocols, utilities and interfaces for Quality of service at the Physical layer and above.
- As defined in CDMA, UMTS and IETF standards.
- This includes PDP, CFP and TFT hook.
- <system_model entry="Secondary PDP context UMTS Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS Framework PRT"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS Framework Config"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS Library"/>
- <system_model entry="PF QoS Library"/>
- <system_model entry="GPRS/UMTS QoS PRT"/>
- <system_model entry="GPRS/UMTS QoS Interface"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS Extn API"/>
-<OR name="RTP">
- Real Time Transfer Protocol and Real Time Control Protocol
- <system_model entry="RTP"/>
- <system_model entry="Secure RTP"/>
-<CR name="Screen Driver">
- Device dependent interface to bitmaps and screen device, not a device driver.
- <system_model entry="Screen Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Colour Palette"/>
-<CS name="Security Utilities">
- Common utilites for secure IPC
- <system_model entry="Security Common Utils"/>
-<OS name="Sensors Framework">
- Framework for requesting and receiving information from Sensor Plugins
- <system_model entry="Sensors Framework"/>
-<OR name="Sensor Plugins">
- Abstractions for hardware sensors such as accelerometers, proximity sensors and magnetometers
- <system_model entry="Proximity Sensor SSY Plugin"/>
- <system_model entry="Proximity Sensor LDD"/>
- <system_model entry="Accelerometer SSY Plugin"/>
-<CS name="Serial Comms Server">
- C32 Server (for devices with serial comms including IrDA) and serial comms APIs
- <system_model entry="C32 Serial Server"/>
- <system_model entry="C32 Serial Server Config"/>
-<OR name="Session level Internet protocols">
- OSI session level Internet protocols utilities and interfaces.
- This includes FTP Engine and Telnet Engine.
- <system_model entry="FTP Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="Telnet Engine"/>
-<OR name="SIP Framework">
- Framework for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
- <system_model entry="SIP Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="SIP Connection Provider Plugins"/>
-<CS name="Sockets APIs">
- Sockets API and control logic for networking.
- This is called ESock Server in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="ESock Server"/>
- <system_model entry="ESock Server Config"/>
-<OS name="Secure Software Install PC Tools">
- PC tools used to create, sign and analyse the SIS files used to install software via the native installer.
- <system_model entry="Secure Software Install SIS Tools"/>
-<OS name="Software Install Tools Device Side" draft="Y">
- Secure software install for Java MIDlet, JAR, and Symbian SIS file formats.
- <system_model entry="Secure Software Install"/>
- <system_model entry="Software Transaction Services"/>
- <system_model entry="Software Installation Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Software Install Config"/>
-<CS name="Software Component Registry">
- Enables lifecycle management for software on the device. Provides interfaces for managing and retrieving information about software components
- <system_model entry="Software Component Registry"/>
-<TEST name="Installation Reference">
- <system_model entry="Reference Software Install Plugin"/>
- <system_model entry="Reference Software Application Manager"/>
-<OR name="Software Install Tools PC Side" draft="Y">
- Secure software install for Java MIDlet, JAR, and Symbian SIS file formats.
- This is not shown in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="OpenSSL Library"/>
- <system_model entry="MakeKeys"/>
-<CR name="Store APIs">
- Persistent data storage and data streaming model for applications with supporting APIs.
- <system_model entry="Store"/>
-<OS name="OMA SyncML Data Synchronisation">
- Implementation of OMA data sync v1.2.
- This includes Sync Initiation, Data Sync Framework, Data Sync Plugins.
- <system_model entry="Data Sync Adaptors"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML Common Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML DM Interface"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML Data Sync"/>
-<OR name="OMA SyncML Configuration">
- Configuration settings for OMA SyncML Data Synchronisation.
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML Config"/>
-<OS name="OMA Device Management">
- Implementation of OMA Device Management v1.2.
- This includes Device Management Framework component and Plugins.
- <system_model entry="Device Management Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Device Management Adaptors"/>
- <system_model entry="Bookmark Support"/>
-<CS name="System Agent">
- Global device status monitor
- <system_model entry="System Agent"/>
-<OR name="SQL">
- SQL database functionality for Symbian internal and external applications.
- <system_model entry="DBMS Emulation Library"/>
- <system_model entry="SQL"/>
- <system_model entry="SQLite 3 API"/>
-<OS name="Task Scheduler">
- Server providing scheduled application launch
- <system_model entry="Task Scheduler"/>
-<CS name="TCP/IP Core Stack">
- Internet Transport and Network level protocols, utilities and interfaces.
- Includes IP Hook, Internet Sockets, TCP/IP v4/v6 PRT and DND.
- Includes IP event notifier, NAPT.
- <system_model entry="IP Hook"/>
- <system_model entry="TCP/IPv4/v6 PRT"/>
- <system_model entry="TCP/IPv4/v6 Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Internet Sockets"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking ROM"/>
- <system_model entry="DND"/>
- <system_model entry="DND Config"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Event Notifier"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Address and Port Translation"/>
- <system_model entry="Punycode Converter"/>
-<OR name="TCP/IP Security">
- Internet Transport and Network level protocols utilities and interfaces. Includes IP Sec and VPN.
- <system_model entry="IPsec"/>
- <system_model entry="Tunnel NIF"/>
-<OR name="TCP/IP Utilities">
- This is DHCP.
- <system_model entry="DHCP"/>
- <system_model entry="Mobile IP"/>
- <system_model entry="DNS Proxy"/>
-<CS name="TLS">
- Transport layer security delivering SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols over IPv4/v6.
- <system_model entry="TLS"/>
- <system_model entry="TLS Provider"/>
-<CR name="Telephony Reference Platform">
- Telephony server plugin to integrate Symbian OS with baseband providing support for GPRS and UMTS.
- This component includes the TSY together with implementations of a connection
- initiation agent (AGT) and a network interface module (NIF)
- <system_model entry="Common TSY"/>
- <system_model entry="TRP TSY"/>
- <system_model entry="C-TSY Dispatch Layer"/>
- <system_model entry="SIMATK TSY"/>
-<OR name="Telephony Utilities">
- APIs for manipulating telephone numbers called Dial in System Model.
- <system_model entry="Dial"/>
- <system_model entry="Telephony Watchers"/>
-<OS name="Text Formatting and Layout Services">
- Text Formatting and Layout Services.
- <system_model entry="Text Formatting"/>
-<OR name="Text Shaper Plugin">
- Support for rendering text in the Devanagari script.
- <system_model entry="Text Shaper Plugin"/>
-<OS name="Text Storage and Handling">
- Rich Text Storage and Handling.
- <system_model entry="Text Handling"/>
-<OR name="Timezone support">
- Timezone conversion between UTC and Wallclock time. Includes timezone database and compiler.
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Localization"/>
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Compiler"/>
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Localization Resource Factory"/>
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Database"/>
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Server"/>
-<OR name="UI Animation">
- UI frameworks support for graphical animations
- <system_model entry="Animation"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Effects"/>
-<CS name="UI Framework">
- UI Plug-in Frameworks which includes UI App Framework (Uikon, UI Look and Feel, Control Environment and FEP Base), App Architecture, Mime Recogniser Framework, UI Graphics Utilities, and Direct navigational links (DNL) framework.
- <system_model entry="View Server"/>
- <system_model entry="MIME Recognition Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Control Environment"/>
- <system_model entry="Front End Processor"/>
- <system_model entry="UI Look and Feel"/>
- <system_model entry="UIKON"/>
- <system_model entry="UI Graphics Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="Application Architecture"/>
-<OS name="USB Client">
- USB Class support providing control for USB device.
- This is called USB Manager in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="USB Manager"/>
-<CS name="User Libraries restricted distribution">
- User Libraries used by all user-side code and by the kernel, providing fundamental basic services.
- <system_model entry="User Library"/>
- <system_model entry="Compiler Runtime Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Generic Usability Library"/>
-<OR name="VCard and VCalendar">
- Electronic business card and electronic schedule parser (vCard 2.1 and vCalendar 1.0)
- <system_model entry="Agenda Versit Plugin"/>
- <system_model entry="vCard and vCal"/>
-<OR name="WAP Message API">
- WAP message interface to 3rd party stacks
- <system_model entry="WAP Message API"/>
-<OR name="WAP Push Support">
- Support for WAP push. This includes the WAP Push Framework, WAP Push MTM and WAP Push Handler.
- <system_model entry="WAP Push Support"/>
- <system_model entry="WAP Push Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="WAP Base"/>
-<OR name="WAP Short Stack">
- Part implementation of a WAP stack that supports the messaging functionality.
- <system_model entry="WAP Short Stack"/>
-<OR name="Window Server Plug-ins">
- Animation plug-ins to window server.
- This is called Clock and BMP Animation in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="BMP Animation"/>
- <system_model entry="Clock"/>
-<OR name="World Server">
- Country and city information database
- <system_model entry="World Server"/>
-<OS name="XML Framework and Plug-ins">
- XML Services provides a collection of XML components providing a XML Parsing Framework
- with a SAX like API and parser plug-ins for XML and WBXML; a XML Document Object Model
- API with XPath support; and the Open Source C library Libxml2.
- <system_model entry="WBXML Parser"/>
- <system_model entry="XML Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="XML Expat Parser"/>
- <system_model entry="Libxml2 Libraries"/>
- <system_model entry="XML Libxml2 Parser"/>
- <system_model entry="XML DOM and XPath"/>
-<CS name="Zip Library">
- ZIP compression / decompression Library.
- This is called ZIP Compression Library in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="Zip Compression Library"/>
-<OR name="USB RNDIS">
- USB RNDIS provides IP connectivity over USB
- <system_model entry="USB RNDIS"/>
-<!-- Reference/Test components -->
-<REF name="Bluetooth HCI 2 Reference Implementations">
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth HCI 2 Reference Implementations"/>
-<TEST name="CDMA TSY, Multimode TSY and SIM TSY">
- <system_model entry="Multimode TSY"/>
- <system_model entry="SIM TSY"/>
-<TEST name="Collation tables">
-<TEST name="Connectivity PC Side Reference Components">
-<TEST name="Documentation">
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Application Engines Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="UI Frameworks Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Application Services Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Base Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Infrastructure Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Security Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="C32 Serial Server Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Syslibs Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="System Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Telephony Confidential Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Telephony Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Tools Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Class and Manager Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Developer Library Help"/>
- <system_model entry="Developer Library Source"/>
- <system_model entry="Developer Library HTML"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="IrDA Documentation"/>
-<REF name="Fonts">
- <system_model entry="Reference Fonts"/>
-<REF name="Board Support Packages" more=" (For EKA2 this is the Variants for OMAP H2 and OMAP H4,
-the Bootstrap, the Emulator Variant, Peripheral Bus Controllers and reference PDDs.
-Board Support Packages also includes the Text Window Server and User HAL.)">
- <system_model entry="Text Window Server"/>
- <system_model entry="User-Side Hardware Abstraction"/>
- <system_model entry="Emulator"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP H2"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP H4"/>
- <system_model entry="Bootstrap"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP USB Host Controller Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP USB Host Controller Driver Template"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine BSP"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine BSP flexible"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine Boot Loader"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine USB Host Controller"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine Unistore2"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine Unistore2 Flexible"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP3 Variants"/>
-<REF name="A3F Reference">
- <system_model entry="Reference ACL Adaptation"/>
-<REF name="AMR Payload Formatter">
- <system_model entry="AMR Payload Formatter"/>
-<TEST name="Front End Processor (FEP) test/reference code">
- <system_model entry="FEPS"/>
-<TEST name="Locales">
-<TEST name="Monotype iType Font Rasteriser">
- <system_model entry="iType Font Rasteriser"/>
-<TEST name="Networking Packet Logger">
- <system_model entry="Packet Logger"/>
-<TEST name="OpenGL ES Renderer" more=" (binary only)">
- <system_model entry="OpenGL ES Implementation"/>
-<TEST name="On-Target debugger" more=" (on device debugging support)">
-<REF name="USB Mass Storage Server">
- <system_model entry="Mass Storage Manager"/>
-<TEST name="Bitmap and font conversion utilities (GDITOOLS)">
- <system_model entry="GDI Tools"/>
-<TEST name="Font and printer file conversion utilities (GDTRAN)">
- <system_model entry="Bitmap Font Tools"/>
-<TEST name="Slip NIF">
- <system_model entry="SLIP NIF"/>
-<REF name="Compatibility Headers">
- <system_model entry="S60 Compatibility Headers"/>
-<REF name="System State Plugins">
- <system_model entry="System State Reference Plugins"/>
-<TEST name="Test UI">
- <system_model entry="Techview"/>
-<TEST name="Tools" more=" (excluding non commercial Tools as listed in Schedule 7)">
- <system_model entry="Remote Control Reference TSP"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Manager Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="IrDA Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Test Harness"/>
- <system_model entry="CSHLPCMP Backend"/>
- <system_model entry="Wintunnel"/>
- <system_model entry="CTS Functionality Checkers"/>
- <system_model entry="Stat Source"/>
- <system_model entry="CBRPRF"/>
- <system_model entry="WinC Redistribution"/>
- <system_model entry="Additional Redistribution"/>
- <system_model entry="SDK Builder"/>
- <system_model entry="Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="E32 Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="SDIO Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="E32 Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="Base User-side Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA Device Management Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Template Variant"/>
- <system_model entry="ALP2CSH"/>
- <system_model entry="ASSERTION"/>
- <system_model entry="AUTOTEST"/>
- <system_model entry="BSPBUILDER"/>
- <system_model entry="BUILD-TOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="CHATSCRIPTS"/>
- <system_model entry="CINIDATA"/>
- <system_model entry="CJPEG"/>
- <system_model entry="CSHLPCMP Frontend"/>
- <system_model entry="CSHLPCMP_GUI"/>
- <system_model entry="DEPCHECK"/>
- <system_model entry="Developer Library Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="E32 Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="E32 Perl Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="EMULATOR_LAUNCHER"/>
- <system_model entry="ENUM"/>
- <system_model entry="ENVVAR"/>
- <system_model entry="EVALID"/>
- <system_model entry="FILESYS"/>
- <system_model entry="INSTALLUTILS"/>
- <system_model entry="JADE"/>
- <system_model entry="JAVAHELP"/>
- <system_model entry="JAVALIBRARY"/>
- <system_model entry="KITCOMPARATOR"/>
- <system_model entry="KITSETUPAPP"/>
- <system_model entry="LANGCONFIG"/>
- <system_model entry="LAUNCH"/>
- <system_model entry="LEAVESCAN"/>
- <system_model entry="LOGGER"/>
- <system_model entry="MBMCODEC"/>
- <system_model entry="MNEMONICFIX"/>
- <system_model entry="NAVIGATION_PAGES"/>
- <system_model entry="PATHBROWSER"/>
- <system_model entry="PERLLIBRARY"/>
- <system_model entry="Perl Shared Libraries"/>
- <system_model entry="PKGMGRGUI"/>
- <system_model entry="PRODUCTINSTALLER"/>
- <system_model entry="Production Build Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Production Build CBR Configuration Files"/>
- <system_model entry="PROGRAMCHECKER"/>
- <system_model entry="RCOMP"/>
- <system_model entry="Redistribution"/>
- <system_model entry="REDISTRIBUTION_WINC_EKA2"/>
- <system_model entry="ROMKIT_EKA2"/>
- <system_model entry="RTF2PTML"/>
- <system_model entry="RUNPERL"/>
- <system_model entry="SDKINFO"/>
- <system_model entry="SDK Package Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="SDKPKG-TOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="SHELLEXEC"/>
- <system_model entry="Secure Software Install Device Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Software Install Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="SWI Analysis Toolkit"/>
- <system_model entry="SPLASH"/>
- <system_model entry="Stat API"/>
- <system_model entry="SWINGWORKER"/>
- <system_model entry="TESTCASERUNNER"/>
- <system_model entry="TESTCONFIGFILEPARSER"/>
- <system_model entry="TESTDRIVER"/>
- <system_model entry="TESTEXECUTE"/>
- <system_model entry="TOOLBARPANEL"/>
- <system_model entry="TOOLS_STUBS"/>
- <system_model entry="World Database Kit"/>
- <system_model entry="World Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Example Internet Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Probe"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Unit Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Reference DRM Agent"/>
- <system_model entry="SYSTEMMONITOR"/>
- <system_model entry="RFile Logger"/>
- <system_model entry="Use Case Controller"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Test"/>
- <system_model entry="STAT_DESKTOP"/>
- <system_model entry="STAT_DEVICE"/>
- <system_model entry="Test Tools Desktop"/>
- <system_model entry="CAPTOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="MIGRATIONTOOL"/>
- <system_model entry="SYSTEMTEST_OS"/>
- <system_model entry="SYSTEMTEST_TOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="SMOKETEST"/>
- <system_model entry="RESOURCE_HANDLER"/>
- <system_model entry="BURTESTSERVER"/>
- <system_model entry="CBRTOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="CDB"/>
- <system_model entry="CDB Orphaned Header file checker"/>
- <system_model entry="Build System Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Packet Loopback CSY"/>
- <system_model entry="Core Apps Test"/>
- <system_model entry="DUMMY"/>
- <system_model entry="UI Bench"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Validation Suite"/>
- <system_model entry="Trace Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="STLPORT"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="HTTP Examples"/>
- <system_model entry="Alarm Server Test"/>
- <system_model entry="World Server Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Command Shell"/>
- <system_model entry="Telnet Server"/>
- <system_model entry="File Server Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Examples and Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Connectivity Services"/>
- <system_model entry="Connectivity Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Simulation Positioning Module"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Base Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="MTP Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Backup Test"/>
- <system_model entry="UIF Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Word"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Security Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Syslibs Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="System Test MTP Backup and Restore"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Infrastructure Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Test Utils"/>
- <system_model entry="LBS Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Examples"/>
- <system_model entry="Example Internet Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="IPv6 to 4 Tunnel"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Administration Tool"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Analyzer"/>
- <system_model entry="Name Resolver Utility"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Probe"/>
- <system_model entry="WPS Connect"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Performance Measurement Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="SUPL SMS Handler"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Protocol Module"/>
- <system_model entry="MockSY"/>
- <system_model entry="LicenseeTSY Stub"/>
-<TEST name="Text Shell">
- <system_model entry="Text Shell"/>
-<TEST name="Universal emulator interface for Java">
-<TEST name="Multimedia Test">
- <system_model entry="Imaging Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Imaging Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Camera Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Tuner Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MMF Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MMF Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MMF Characterisation Validation"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Agent"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Framework Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MDF Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Mobile TV DVB-H Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MUF Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MUF Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Trace Utility"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Audio Component Library"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Resource Controller"/>
- <system_model entry="3GP Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Codecs"/>
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Transmitter Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Transmitter Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Core Conformance Suite"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Integration Layer Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Integration Layer API"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Test Components"/>
-<REF name="Multimedia OpenMAX Reference">
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Reference Components"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Component Framework"/>
-<TEST name="Multimedia DevSound Bluetooth">
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth DevSound Plugin"/>
-<TEST name="UI look and feel layer (UIKLAF)">
- <system_model entry="UIKLAF"/>
-<TEST name="Reference Sensor Plugins">
- <system_model entry="Test Sensor"/>
-* Note that use is subject to licensee's obtaining the relevant licence(s) from
-SD-3C LLC and/or 4C Entity LLC
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vFuture_cbrtargetalias.cfg Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Comments are allowed
-# $EPOCROOT\epoc32\tools\variant\cbrtargetalias.cfg
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vFuture_romdefs.hby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// ROM-specific system-wide macros for Symbian OS vFuture
-// Not intended for customisation
-// Temporary measure until SIPCPR and friends catch up with
-// PREQ399 changes - see BR2030
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vFuture_romspec.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE RomBuildSet [
- <!ELEMENT RomBuildSet (Rom+)>
- revision CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT Rom (InFile+,Macro*,ImageFile,XMLFile)>
- >
- >
- <!ELEMENT ImageFile EMPTY>
-<RomBuildSet name="RomSet" revision="1">
- <Rom name="H2 EABI" TargetBoard="H2">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <ImageFile name="om_001.techview.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H2 EABI NAND" TargetBoard="H2">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <Macro name="_NAND2" value=""/>
- <ImageFile name="om_001.techview.nand.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 EABI" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 EABI CDMA" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <Macro name="CDMA" value=""/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview_cdma.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 EABI DevKit" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <InFile name="DevKit"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.devkit.img"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 Exclude Removable" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview_ExcludeRemovable"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.ExcludeRemovable.img"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 EABI NAND" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <Macro name="_NAND2" value=""/>
- <Macro name="RVCT" value=""/>
- <Macro name="_EABI" value="ARMV5"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.nand.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 Paged Rom" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Pagedrom"/>
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <Macro name="_NAND2" value=""/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.DemandPaging.img"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 TextShell Rom" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Textshell"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.textshell.img"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb101sf.cfg Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Symbian_OS_vtb101sf.cfg
-# Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2006-2007. All rights reserved.
-# This file gives the location of the file that specifies
-# configuration options for Symbian OS tb101sf
-# The following is a path relative to %EPOCROOT%
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb101sf.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE Product [
- <!ELEMENT Product (Commands)>
- <!ELEMENT Commands (Execute+ | SetEnv*)>
- <!ELEMENT Execute EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST Execute Component CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST Execute CommandLine CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<Product Name="Build Glue">
- <Commands>
- <!-- Set Env -->
- <!-- most have been set in BuildLaunch xml -->
- <SetEnv Order="1" Name="ARMRVCTVER" Value="2.2"/>
- <SetEnv Order="2" Name="ARMRVCTBLD" Value="616"/>
- <SetEnv Order="3" Name="ARMVER" Value="%ARMRVCTVER%[%ARMRVCTBLD%]"/>
- <SetEnv Order="4" Name="ARMV5VER" Value="ARM/Thumb C/C++ Compiler, RVCT%ARMRVCTVER% [Build %ARMRVCTBLD%]"/>
- <SetEnv Order="5" Name="ARMROOT" Value="C:\APPS\ARM\RVCT%ARMVER%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="6" Name="RVCT22BIN" Value="%ARMROOT%\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium"/>
- <SetEnv Order="7" Name="RVCT22INC" Value="%ARMROOT%\RVCT\Data\2.2\349\include\windows"/>
- <SetEnv Order="8" Name="RVCT22LIB" Value="%ARMROOT%\RVCT\Data\2.2\349\lib"/>
- <SetEnv Order="9" Name="RVCT22_CCOPT" Value="--licretry"/>
- <SetEnv Order="10" Name="RVCT22_ASMOPT" Value="--licretry"/>
- <SetEnv Order="11" Name="RVCT22_LINKOPT" Value="--licretry"/>
- <SetEnv Order="12" Name="PATH" Value="%RVCT22BIN%;%PATH%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="13" Name="MWVER" Value="3.1.2"/>
- <SetEnv Order="14" Name="MWROOT" Value="C:\Apps\Metrowerks\OEM%MWVER%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="15" Name="MWCSym2Includes" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_C\MSL_Common\Include;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_C\MSL_Win32\Include;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_C\MSL_X86;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_C++\MSL_Common\Include;+%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_Extras\MSL_Common\Include;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\MSL\MSL_Extras\MSL_Win32\Include;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\Win32-x86 Support\Headers\Win32 SDK"/>
- <SetEnv Order="16" Name="MWSym2Libraries" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\Win32-x86 Support\Libraries\Win32 SDK;%MWROOT%\Symbian_Support\Runtime\Runtime_x86\Runtime_Win32\Libs"/>
- <SetEnv Order="17" Name="MWSym2LibraryFiles" Value="MSL_ALL_MSE_Symbian_D.lib;gdi32.lib;user32.lib;kernel32.lib;"/>
- <SetEnv Order="18" Name="MWCC" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwccsym2.exe"/>
- <SetEnv Order="19" Name="MWLD" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwldsym2.exe"/>
- <SetEnv Order="20" Name="PATH" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools;%PATH%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="21" Name="PATH" Value="%PATH%;C:\Apps\Python24"/>
- <SetEnv Order="22" Name="PATH" Value="%EPOCROOT%SBSv2\bin;%PATH%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="23" Name="SBS_SRC" Value="%EPOCROOT%tools\sbs"/>
- <SetEnv Order="24" Name="SBS_HOME" Value="%EPOCROOT%SBSv2"/>
- <SetEnv Order="25" Name="SOURCEROOT" Value="%SourceDir%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="26" Name="SBS_VERSION" Value="1"/>
- <SetEnv Order="27" Name="PATH" Value="%BuildDir%\reltools;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\gcc\bin;%PATH%;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\include;"/>
- <SetEnv Order="28" Name="PERL510_HOME" Value="C:\Apps\Perl.5.10.0"/>
- <SetEnv Order="29" Name="TCLDeltaCache" Value="%BuildsDirect%\%Type%\src_tcl_for_mcl_sf"/> <!-- Cache dir for p4 sync from TCL -->
- <!-- Set Diamnods server and Schema-->
- <SetEnv Order="30" Name="DiamondsServer" Value=""/>
- <SetEnv Order="31" Name="DiamondsSchemaNum" Value="16"/>
- <!-- Dumping environment -->
- <Execute Component="Dumping all environment variables" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="SET"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Build Start to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t STARTBUILD -i START -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish PreBuild Start to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t PREBUILD -i START -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!-- Get source code from TCL -->
- <Execute Component="Delta sync TCL sources" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\perforce\ -f -s %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\tcl_in_mcl_sf_clientspec.txt -d %TCLDeltaCache% -p tcl -t for_mcl -c %ChangelistNumber%"/>
- <!-- Install cbr tools from latest green tcl build by sf zip package -->
- <Execute Component="Make temporary epoc32/relinfo Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo"/>
- <Execute Component="Get TCL sfreltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Unzip zip package of cbr tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -tcl_delta_cache %TCLDeltaCache% -log_dir %LogsDir% -product dp -number 11 -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy cbr tools to own directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy "cbr tools" \reltools\ /E /R /Y"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove cbr tools directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd "cbr tools" /s /q"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish cbrtools_unzip.log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy cbrtools_unzip.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <!-- Install SBSv2 -->
- <Execute Component="Get Raptor related components" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c dev_build_sbsv2_raptor -c dev_build_sbsv2_cpp-raptor -c dev_hostenv_dist_cygwin-1.5.25 -c dev_hostenv_dist_mingw-5.1.4 -c dev_hostenv_pythontoolsplat_python-2.5.2 -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\raptor_version.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy SBSv2 to own directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %SBS_SRC% -t %SBS_HOME%"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove Raptor related components" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -x %LogsDir%\raptor_version.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove epoc32 directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd %EPOCROOT%epoc32 /s /q"/>
- <!-- Combine system definitions -->
- <Execute Component="Join Foundation System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\foundation_system\system_model\system_definition_v2.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\joinsysdef.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.SF.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Join Nokia System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\nokia_system\nokia_model\system_definition_v2.xml -param path /os/deviceplatformrelease/nokia_system/nokia_model/system_definition_v2.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\joinsysdef.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.Nokia.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Merge System Definitions" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.SF.xml -param Downstream System_Definition_Template.Nokia.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\mergesysdef.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.Full.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create 2.0.1 format System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.Full.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\sysdefdowngrade.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy *intermediate* System Definition Files to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="copy variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition*.xml %LogsDir%\"/>
- <!-- Run Variability Tools -->
- <Execute Component="Make epoc32/data Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data"/>
- <Execute Component="Make epoc32/rom/include Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include"/>
- <Execute Component="Run Variability Tools" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability\framework" CommandLine="perl -v %BuildShortName%"/>
- <!-- Prepare scanlog for raptor -->
- <Execute Component="Make \tools Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%tools"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy SBSv2 scanlog to \tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\sbsv2htmlscanlog\ %EPOCROOT%tools\"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy SBSv2 scanlog header to \tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\sbsv2htmlscanlog\ %EPOCROOT%tools\"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy generic to \tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ %EPOCROOT%tools\"/>
- <!-- Create component lists for CBR from System_definition_template.xml -->
- <Execute Component="Create Intermediate GT System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %LogsDir%\System_Definition_Template.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\filtering.xsl -param filter-type has -param filter "!systemtest,!techview,!s60" -param addbuild 1 -out variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_GT.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Intermediate TV System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %LogsDir%\System_Definition_Template.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\filtering.xsl -param filter-type has -param filter "techview" -param addbuild 1 -out variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_TV.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Intermediate System Test System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\devlib\devlibhelp\tools\doc_tree\lib\apache\xalan.jar -in %LogsDir%\System_Definition_Template.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\filtering.xsl -param filter-type has -param filter "systemtest" -param addbuild 1 -out variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_SystemTest.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create GTcomponents.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_GT.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n any -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\GTcomponents.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create TechviewComponents.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_TV.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n any -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\TechViewComponents.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create SystemTestComponents.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability\vp_data\templates\system_definition_SystemTest.xml -f systemtest -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n any -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\SystemTestComponents.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Add SystemTest to TVcomponents.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="type %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\SystemTestComponents.txt >>%CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\TechViewComponents.txt"/>
- <!-- Process System_definition.xml and set up clean-src -->
- <Execute Component="Prepare System Definition" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\System_Definition_%BuildShortName%.xml -x %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\system_build.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -f %BuildShortName% -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create system_definition_GT.xml" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n GT_%BuildShortName% -o %BuildBaseName%_GT.xml -l GT1.log -t %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\GT.txt -f gt -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create system_definition_TV.xml" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n TV_%BuildShortName% -o %BuildBaseName%_TV.xml -l TV1.log -t %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\TV.txt -f techview -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_TV.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create *SystemTest.xml " Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n SystemTest_%BuildShortName% -o %BuildBaseName%_SystemTest.xml -l SystemTest1.log -t %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\SystemTest.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create GCCXML XML File (NB: .TXT file not required)" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n GCCXML_%BuildShortName% -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\GCCXMLcomponents.txt -o %BuildBaseName%_GCCXML.xml -l GCCXML1.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Custkit.txt" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -n Custkit_%BuildShortName% -t %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\Custkit.txt"/>
- <!-- To avoid file-overwritten warnings, Remove sysdef_GT, sysdef_TV files as we are going to create them again-->
- <Execute Component="Remove system_definition_GT.xml " Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove system_definition_TV.xml " Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_TV.xml"/>
- <!-- Apply proper filter to generate GT, Techview sysdef files -->
- <Execute Component="Create GTcomponents.txt and system_definition_GT.xml" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -l GTFilter1.log -f gt,!techview -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Create TechviewComponents.txt and system_definition_TV.xml" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -x %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition.xml -s %CleanSourceDir% -e \sf -l TVFilter1.log -f !gt,techview -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_TV.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Start Phase DISTILLSRC" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n DISTILLSRC -t START"/>
- <!-- Filter source tree -->
- <Execute Component="CBR filter src" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\productionbldtools\distillsrc\ -r %CleanSourceDir% -s . -p \sf -l cedar -c %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\options.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase DISTILLSRC" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n DISTILLSRC -t STOP"/>
- <Execute Component="Start Phase COPYSRC" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n COPYSRC -t START"/>
- <!-- copy relinfo to support pre-built CBR components referenced from system_definition.xml -->
- <Execute Component="Make epoc32/relinfo Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Reltools.ini to epoc32/relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\reltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini "/>
- <!-- Copy clean src -->
- <Execute Component="Remove src directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd %SourceDir% /s /q"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy clean-src to src" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %CleanSourceDir% -t %SourceDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Check Export Table" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -e %Product%"/>
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase COPYSRC" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n COPYSRC -t STOP"/>
- <!-- Delete Variabilty tools -->
- <Execute Component="Delete Variability tools to ensure they don't get shipped" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability" CommandLine="rmdir /s /q %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\variability"/>
- <Execute Component="Start Phase Scan for S60 distribution policy files" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n SCANDISTRIBFILE -t START"/>
- <!-- Scan for S60 distribution policy files -->
- <Execute Component="Scan for S60 distribution policy files" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\productionbldtools\ %CleanSourceDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase Scan for S60 distribution policy files" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n SCANDISTRIBFILE -t STOP"/>
- <!-- Start build clients -->
- <Execute Component="Build Core Client" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -n %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -d localhost:15011 -d localhost:15012 -d localhost:15013 -w 5 -c Core#" />
- <!--Log and publish main XML -->
- <Execute Component="Copy Launch XML to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%ToolsDir%" CommandLine="copy %ToolsDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\BuildLaunch.xml %LogsDir%\BuildLaunch.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Launch XML to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %ToolsDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\BuildLaunch.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\BuildLaunch.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Glue XML to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\%BuildBaseName%.xml %LogsDir%\%BuildNumber%.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Glue XML" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\%BuildNumber%.xml"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish BuildEnv Log" Cwd="%ToolsDir%" CommandLine="copy buildenv.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\buildenv.log"/>
- <!--Log and publish *generated* System Definition Files -->
- <Execute Component="Copy *generated* System Definition Files to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition*.xml %LogsDir%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish *generated* System Definition Files" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %LogsDir%\system_definition*.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <!-- Generate XML data for build machine env and publish to build logs dir -->
- <Execute Component="Generate BuildEnv XML" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils" CommandLine="perl -o %LogsDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish BuildEnv XML" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils" CommandLine="copy %LogsDir%\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml"/>
- <!--Update Status.txt for Kits -->
- <Execute Component="Update Status.txt for Kits" Cwd="%ToolsDir%" CommandLine="echo %BuildNumber% building > status.txt"/>
- <!--Run the Copyrights header check tool for SF -->
- <Execute Component="SF os copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.log %SourceDir%\os >> %LogsDir%\Copyrightsheadercheck.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="SF app copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.log %SourceDir%\app >> %LogsDir%\Copyrightsheadercheck.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="SF mw copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.log %SourceDir%\mw >> %LogsDir%\Copyrightsheadercheck.log 2>&1"/>
- <!--Run the Post process results tool to handle results generated by the copyrights header check for SF -->
- <Execute Component="Post Process results" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -build %BuildNumber% -input %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckRes.csv -out %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResPath.csv -sourcepath M:\ -config %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\SFUpdateLicenceHeader.cfg >> %LogsDir%\Copyrightsheadercheck.log 2>&1"/>
- <!--Run the Copyrights header check tool for EPL -->
- <Execute Component="EPL os copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -epl -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.log %SourceDir%\os >> %LogsDir%\CopyrightsheadercheckEpl.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="EPL app copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -epl -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.log %SourceDir%\app >> %LogsDir%\CopyrightsheadercheckEpl.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="EPL mw copyrights check" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -verify -epl -append -output %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.csv -log %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.log %SourceDir%\mw >> %LogsDir%\CopyrightsheadercheckEpl.log 2>&1"/>
- <!--Run the Post process results tool to handle results generated by the copyrights header check for EPL -->
- <Execute Component="Post Process results" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -build %BuildNumber% -input %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResEpl.csv -out %LogsDir%\AllHeaderCheckResPathEpl.csv -sourcepath M:\ -config %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\SFUpdateLicenceHeader.cfg >> %LogsDir%\CopyrightsheadercheckEpl.log 2>&1"/>
- <!--Publish Copyrights header check logs -->
- <Execute Component="Publish copyrights header check logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *headercheck*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!-- Copy unzip from TCL Delta Cache to epoc32 tools -->
- <Execute Component="Copy unzip to epoc32\tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %TCLDeltaCache%\DP\master\sf\dev\hostenv\dist\unzip-5.40\unzip.exe \epoc32\tools\ /Y"/>
- <!-- Copy zip from TCL Delta Cache to epoc32 tools -->
- <Execute Component="Copy zip to epoc32\tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %TCLDeltaCache%\DP\master\sf\dev\hostenv\dist\zip-2.2\zip.exe \epoc32\tools\ /Y"/>
- <!-- Install GCC -->
- <Execute Component="Install GCC" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%" CommandLine="unzip %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\perltoolsplat_os\redistribution\gcc\"/>
- <!-- Bootstrap - install bldmake* to epoc32\tools-->
- <Execute Component="BootStrap1 -install bldmake " Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group" CommandLine="setupprj.bat secure"/>
- <Execute Component="BootStrap2 -install bldmake" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group" CommandLine="bld.bat rel"/>
- <!-- Setup Product variant -->
- <Execute Component="Make Epoc32/tools/variant Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools\variant"/>
- <Execute Component="Make Epoc32/include/variant Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include\variant\"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Symbian_OS.hrh" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\inc\Symbian_OS_%BuildShortName%.hrh %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include\variant\Symbian_OS.hrh"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy hrh files" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\*.hrh %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include\variant"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy cfg file" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\%BuildBaseName%.cfg %EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools\variant\variant.cfg"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy CBR cfg file" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\%BuildBaseName%_cbrtargetalias.cfg %EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools\variant\cbrtargetalias.cfg"/>
- <!-- Setup ROM variant -->
- <Execute Component="Make epoc32/rom/include Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy romdefs file" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\%BuildBaseName%_romdefs.hby %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include\symbian_os_romdefs.hby"/>
- <!-- Make Epoc.ini -->
- <Execute Component="Create Ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo PlatSecDiagnostics ON>>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\epoc.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Update Ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo PlatSecEnforcement ON >>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\epoc.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Update Ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo PlatSecProcessIsolation ON >>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\epoc.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Update Ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo PlatSecEnforceSysBin ON>>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\epoc.ini"/>
- <!-- Setup BuildInfo.txt -->
- <Execute Component="BuildInfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo DeviceFamily 100 >%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\BuildInfo.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="BuildInfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo DeviceFamilyRev 0x900 >>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\BuildInfo.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="BuildInfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo ManufacturerSoftwareBuild %BuildNumber% >>%EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\BuildInfo.txt"/>
- <!-- Post PreBuild Stuff -->
- <Execute Component="PreBuild HtmlScanlog" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_PreBuild.summary -v -v -l %LogsDir%\%BuildBaseName%.log -o %LogsDir%\PreBuild.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish PreBuild Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy PreBuild*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase PREBUILD" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n PREBUILD -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\PreBuild.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish PreBuild End to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t PREBUILD -i STOP -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!-- START PHASE GT -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase GT" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n GT -t START"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish GT Start to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t GT -i START -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!-- Compile various tool targets prior to actual GT build -->
- <Execute Component="e32toolp Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_e32toolp -f %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -b %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp\group\bld.inf -c tools2_rel.vtb101sf.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\e32toolp.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for e32toolp" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Copy TCL reltools.ini to get rcomp" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Get latest Rcomp component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_bintools_rcomp -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\rcomp_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Get Latest Green Trace Compiler from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c osttracecompiler -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\tracecompiler_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy OS Reltools.ini to epoc32/relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\reltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest Rcomp to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_bintools_rcomp -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the Latest Green Trace Compiler to OS Archive" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c osttracecompiler -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <!-- "DS.1756" changes bootstrapping components from TCL START -->
- <Execute Component="Get latest dev_build_imgtools_romtools component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_imgtools_romtools -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\dev_build_imgtools_romtools_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest dev_build_imgtools_romtools to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_imgtools_romtools -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Get latest dev_build_imgtools_buildrom component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_imgtools_buildrom -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\dev_build_imgtools_buildrom_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest dev_build_imgtools_buildrom to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_imgtools_buildrom -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Get latest dev_build_imgtools_imglib component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_imgtools_imglib -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\dev_build_imgtools_imglib_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest dev_build_imgtools_imglib to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_imgtools_imglib -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <Execute Component="Get latest dev_build_imgtools_sisutils component from TCL" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -s -c dev_build_imgtools_sisutils -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\dev_build_imgtools_sisutils_version.txt 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Push the latest dev_build_imgtools_sisutils to OS" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -c dev_build_imgtools_sisutils -r %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini -version DP00572"/>
- <!-- "DS.1756" changes bootstrapping components from TCL END -->
- <!-- Retrieve S60 binaries which remoteconn is dependent on -->
- <Execute Component="Get specific S60 dependencies to enable remote conn compilation" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\cbrtools\perl\getrel -vv remoteconn_s60_dependencies 9 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Delete TCL reltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Rename and restore OS reltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rename %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\toreltools.ini reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="TOOLS2 REL Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_tools2_rel -f %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml -c tools2_rel.savespace.vtb101sf.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\tools2_rel.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="TOOLS2 DEB LIBRARY Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_tools2_deb -f %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml -c tools2_deb.savespace.vtb101sf.whatlog -i LIBRARY > %LogsDir%\tools2_deb.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for tools2 rel" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for tools2 deb" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.html -v -v "/>
- <!-- tools_rel target SHOULD be run sequentially , DO NOT add -j option below -->
- <Execute Component="TOOLS Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j 1 -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_tools -f %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml -c tools_rel.vtb101sf.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\tools.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for tools " Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Makefile_*tool* and logs to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_*tool* %LogsDir%\"/>
-<!-- Will want to scan and publish these logs too -->
- <!-- Compile GT using SBSv2 -->
- <Execute Component="GT Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -k -f %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_GT -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_GT.xml -c default.savespace.vtb101sf.whatlog -c armv5.smp.savespace.vtb101sf.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\GT2.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Makefile_GT and log to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_GT* %LogsDir%\"/>
- <!--Post GT Build Stuff -->
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for GT" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for GT" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%tools" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\GT.summary.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="Publish GT Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *GT* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish other sbs Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy sbs_* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE GT -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase GT" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n GT -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\GT.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish GT End to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t GT -i STOP -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!-- Remove S60 binaries pulled down earlier for remoteconn compilation -->
- <Execute Component="Copy TCL reltools.ini to get remoteconn_s60_dependencies" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Removerel remoteconn_s60_dependencies" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\cbrtools\perl\RemoveRel -v remoteconn_s60_dependencies "/>
-<Execute Component="Delete TCL reltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
-<Execute Component="Copy OS Reltools.ini to epoc32/relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\reltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Create About.txt" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="echo To find out status and general info about build %BuildNumber%, refer to Epoc Software Releases DatabaseDB>%PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\About_%BuildNumber%.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Create ESR GT Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t GT -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Make GT Release Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\CBRGT"/>
- <!--Keeping generated EPOC32 directory -->
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy Generic Epoc32 Directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRGT" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32 -t %BuildDir%\CBRGT\epoc32 -x ^^build/ -x \.sym$ -x \.bsc$ -x ^^data/media/mmccrd..\.bin$"/>
- <!-- START PHASE TV -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase TV" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n TV -t START"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish TV Start to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t TV -i START -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!--Prep Work Drive for Techview Build -->
- <Execute Component="Prep for Techview Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\sbsv1_os\e32toolp %SourceDir%\cedar\techview\tools\e32toolp /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!-- Compile Techview using SBSv2 -->
- <Execute Component="Techview Build" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs --filters=FilterSquashlog -t 3 -j %MAX_CONCURRENT% -f %LogsDir%\sbs_TV_log.xml.log -k -m %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_TV -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition_TV.xml -c default.techview.savespace.vtb101sf.whatlog -i > %LogsDir%\TV2.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Makefile_TV and log to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\build\Makefile_TV* %LogsDir%\"/>
- <!-- Compile System Test components using EBS -->
- <Execute Component="System Test Build (EBS)" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -d %LogsDir%\%BuildBaseName%_SystemTest.xml -p 15011 -p 15012 -p 15013 -t 5 -c 5 -l %LogsDir%\SystemTest2.log"/>
- <!--Post Techview Build Stuff -->
- <Execute Component="Publish TVonly Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *TV*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish System Test Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *SystemTest* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!--Post Techview Build Stuff -->
- <Execute Component="Generate html log for techview" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %EPOCROOT%tools\ -l %LogsDir%\sbs_TV_log.xml.log -o %LogsDir%\TV.summary.html -v -v "/>
- <Execute Component="TV EBS HtmlScanlog" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_EBS_TV.summary -v -v -l SystemTest1.log -l SystemTest2.log -o TV.EBS.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Techview Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *TV*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE TV -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase TV" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n TV -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\TV.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish TV End to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t TV -i STOP -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!--Package Techview -->
- <Execute Component="Create ESR TV Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t TV -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <!--Prep for CBR -->
- <Execute Component="CBR Make TV Release Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\CBRTV"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy Documentation" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %BuildDir%\documentation %BuildDir%\CBRTV\documentation /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy Techview Epoc32 Directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %EPOCROOT%epoc32 -t %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32 -x ^^build/ -x \.sym$ -x \.bsc$ -x ^^data/media/mmccrd..\.bin$"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy sdkeng-bin Directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %BuildDir%\sdkeng-bin -t %BuildDir%\CBRTV\sdkeng-bin"/>
- <!-- START PHASE ROM -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase ROM" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n ROM -t START"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ROM Start to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t ROM -i START -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!--Build Roms -->
- <Execute Component="Build Techview Roms" Cwd="%BuildDir%%EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\imgtools_os\romkiteka2\utils\ -romspec %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\symbian_os_romspec.xml -logdir %LogsDir% -buildnum %BuildNumber%"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H4 NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v=h4hrp -i=armv5 -t=nandloader -d=_NAND2 >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move H4HRPARMV5D.IMG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H4 Test NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v h4hrp -i armv5 -b udeb -d _NAND2 -t nandtest_load_rel -zip -name=h4.nandloader.reltest.img >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 Test NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move h4.nandloader.reltest.img %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 Test NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H6 NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v=34xx_sdp -i=armv5 -t=nandloader -d=_NAND2 >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H6 NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move 34xx_SDPARMV5D.IMG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H6 NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H6 Test NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v 34xx_sdp -i armv5 -b udeb -d _NAND2 -t nandtest_load_rel -zip -name=h6.nandloader.reltest.img >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H6 Test NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move h6.nandloader.reltest.img %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H6 Test NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build NaviEngine NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v=ne1_tb -i=armv5 -t=nandloader -d=_NAND2 >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move NaviEngine NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move NE1_TBARMV5D.IMG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move NaviEngine NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build NaviEngine Test NAND Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v ne1_tb -i armv5 -b udeb -d _NAND2 -t nandtest_load_rel -zip -name=ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move NaviEngine Test NAND Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move NaviEngine Test NAND Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Build H4 Test MMC Loader" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="rom -v h4hrp -i armv5 -b udeb -t mmctest_load_rel -zip -name=h4.mmcloader.reltest.img >>%LogsDir%\techviewroms%buildNumber%.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 Test MMC Loader to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move h4.mmcloader.reltest.img %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.img"/>
- <Execute Component="Move H4 Test MMC Loader detailed Log to ROM directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%\sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild\" CommandLine="move ROMBUILD.LOG %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Techview Roms HtmlScanlog" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_Techview_ROMs.summary -v -v -l techviewroms%BuildNumber%.log -o techviewroms%BuildNumber%.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Techview Roms Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy techviewroms%BuildNumber%.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Detailed ROM Logs to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\*.log %LogsDir%\rom_logs\ /Z /I"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Detailed ROM Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy rom_logs %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\rom_logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Create ESR ROM Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t ROM -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE ROM -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase ROM" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n ROM -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\techviewroms%buildNumber%.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ROM End to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t ROM -i STOP -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!--Prep for CBR -->
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy GTC ROMs" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\GTC_*.* %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32\rom\* /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy nandloader Images" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\*.nandloader.* %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32\rom\* /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy mmcloader Images" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\*.mmcloader.* %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32\rom\* /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!--Techview Dups Generation -->
- <Execute Component="Techview Dups Generation mkdir" Cwd="%SourceDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %ProductPath%\generated\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Techview Dups Generation" Cwd="%SourceDir%" CommandLine="%BuildDir%\CBRGT\epoc32\gcc\bin\diff -qr %BuildDir%\CBRGT\epoc32 %BuildDir%\CBRTV\epoc32 | perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\productionbldtools\ > %ProductPath%\generated\logs\techview_dups.log"/>
- <!--Prep for CBR -->
- <Execute Component="CBR Copy Clean Src" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %CleanSourceDir% %BuildDir%\CBRTV\sf /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Run sbsv2cache tool" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SBS_HOME%\win32\python252\python.exe %SBS_HOME%\bin\ -v -s -o %ABLDCACHE% -l %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_TV_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log > %LogsDir%\sbs_sbsv2cache.log 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Raptor Cache Log" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %LogsDir%\sbs_sbsv2cache.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\sbs_sbsv2cache.log"/>
- <!-- Cleanup unnecessary files to remove warnings -->
- <Execute Component="Remove System_Definition*.bak files " Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="del %EPOCROOT%epoc32\data\system_definition*.xml.bak"/>
- <Execute Component="Move *.unzipped files to logdir" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%" CommandLine="move %EPOCROOT%epoc32\gcc\*.unzipped %LogsDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Move *.unzipped files to logdir" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%" CommandLine="move %EPOCROOT%epoc32\gcc_mingw\*.unzipped %LogsDir%"/>
- <Execute Component="Move *.unzipped files to logdir" Cwd="%EPOCROOT%" CommandLine="move %EPOCROOT%epoc32\include\tools\stlport\*.unzipped %LogsDir%"/>
- <!-- START PHASE CBR -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase CBR" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n CBR -t START"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CBR Start to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t CBR -i START -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!--Run CBR -->
- <Execute Component="Run CBR" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%PERL510_HOME%\bin\perl.exe %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -b %BuildBaseName% -v %BuildNumber% -c %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%BuildShortName%\options.txt -d %LogsDir%\%BuildNumber%_debug_cbr.log -l %LogsDir%\%BuildNumber%_cbr.log -p %PreviousBuildNumber% -j %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% "/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CBR debug Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%_debug_cbr.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CBR Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%_cbr.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate CBR HTML summary for CBR" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_CBR_summary -v -v -l %BuildNumber%_cbr.log -o %BuildNumber%_cbr.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CBR Summary" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%_cbr.summary.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Create ESR CBR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t CBR -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <!-- export the cbr -->
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Make Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\"/>
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Copy reltools.ini to epoc32" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%Product%\reltools.ini %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini /Y"/>
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Run script" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -n -c gt_only_baseline -c gt_techview_baseline -d %BuildDir% -s %BuildNumber% -p %Product% -t CBRSymbianIndia.tmpl -t CBRBeijing.tmpl"/>
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Delete Dirty Epoc32 relinfo dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rmdir /s /q %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo"/>
- <!-- Publish CBR export log & export table -->
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Publish Export Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy Export*.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Export Table to Local Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\productionbldcbrconfig\%Product%\AutoCBR_%Product%_test_export.csv %LogsDir%\AutoCBR_%Product%_test_export.csv" />
- <Execute Component="Export CBR Publish Export Table" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy AutoCBR_%Product%_test_export.csv %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\AutoCBR_%Product%_test_export.csv"/>
- <!-- Request smoke testing of CBR -->
- <Execute Component="Create Smoke Testing trigger" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="echo %BuildNumber%>>smoketest_trigger_%BuildNumber%.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Smoke Testing trigger" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="echo %ChangeListNumber%>>smoketest_trigger_%BuildNumber%.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Create Dir for smoke test triggers" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %PublishLocation%\SmokeTestTriggers"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy Smoke Testing trigger to published logs dir" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy smoketest_trigger_%BuildNumber%.txt %PublishLocation%\SmokeTestTriggers\%BuildNumber%.txt"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE CBR -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase CBR" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n CBR -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\%BuildNumber%_cbr.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CBR End to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t CBR -i STOP -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!-- GET IMGCHECK component -->
- <Execute Component="Imgcheck Make Dir relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\"/>
- <Execute Component="Get TCL sfreltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Obtain IMGCHECK component" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c dev_build_imgtools_imgcheck -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\imgcheck_version.txt"/>
- <!-- USE IMGCHECK to create SID, VID reports for these ROM images -->
- <Execute Component="Run IMGCHECK" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%BuildDir%\epoc32\tools\imgcheck.exe --e32input --sid --vid --verbose M:\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\ -x -o=%LogsDir%\SIDVID.xml -a 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish IMGCHECK Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy SIDVID.xml %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish IMGCHECK stylesheet" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy imgcheck.xsl %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Delete Dirty Epoc32 relinfo dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rmdir /s /q %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo"/>
- <!-- Request a BFC test -->
- <Execute Component="Request BFC using" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\" CommandLine="perl -p %Product% -b %SnapshotNumber% -c %Type% -w 0"/>
- <!--Update Status.txt for Kits -->
- <Execute Component="Update Status.txt for Kits" Cwd="%ToolsDir%" CommandLine="echo %BuildNumber% completed > status.txt"/>
- <!--Get CDB tools -->
- <Execute Component="Make Dir relinfo" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\epoc32\relinfo\"/>
- <Execute Component="Get TCL sfreltools.ini" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\TCL_Support\sfreltools.ini %EPOCROOT%epoc32\relinfo\reltools.ini"/>
- <Execute Component="Obtain CDB tools" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c ana_compatanamdw_apicompatanamdw_cdb -bv DP00572_DeveloperProduct -o %LogsDir%\cdb_version.txt"/>
- <!-- Retrieve S60 binaries which remoteconn is dependent on for gccxml CDB phase-->
- <Execute Component="Get specific S60 dependencies to enable remote conn compilation" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\cbrtools\perl\getrel -vv remoteconn_s60_dependencies 9 2>&1"/>
- <!-- START PHASE CDB -->
- <Execute Component="Start Phase CDB" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n CDB -t START"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CDB Start to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t CDB -i START -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!-- Unpack the CDB tool into required locations -->
- <Execute Component="Replace" Cwd="%BuildDir%\cdb\cdb" CommandLine="xcopy %SourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\ . /Y >> %LogsDir%\cdb.unziplog 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish cdb.unziplog" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy cdb.unziplog %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Unzip imreport-new to root-epoc32" Cwd="%BuildDir%\epoc32\tools" CommandLine="unzip -o \\builds01\devbuilds\cdb-tools\ >%LogsDir%\imreport-new.unziplog 2>&1"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish imreport-new.unziplog" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy imreport-new.unziplog %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <!-- Run the CDB tool -->
- <Execute Component="Make Dir for CDB Info" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %BuildDir%\cdb-info"/>
- <Execute Component="Make Dir for CDB Publish" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\cdb-info"/>
- <Execute Component="Make Dir for CDB Publish" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="mkdir %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\cdb-info"/>
- <!--Build GCCXML (prior to running CDB tool) -->
- <Execute Component="GCCXML Server" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -d %LogsDir%\%BuildBaseName%_GCCXML.xml -p 15011 -p 15012 -p 15013 -t 5 -c 5 -l %LogsDir%\GCCXML.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish GCCXML Logs" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy *GCCXML*.* %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate GXP files for orphanheaders" Cwd="%BuildDir%\cdb\cdb" CommandLine="perl sbsv2"/>
- <!--Run imreport and cdb using the new Tools -->
- <Execute Component="cdb Server" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\ -d %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\runcdb.xml -p 15011 -p 15012 -p 15013 -t 5 -c 5 -l %LogsDir%\cdbxml.log"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish cdbxml.log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy cdbxml.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Generate CDB HTML summary for CDB" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools\scanlog\ -t %BuildNumber%_CDB_summary -v -v -l cdbxml.log -l GCCXML.log -o %BuildNumber%_cdb.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CDB Summary" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy %BuildNumber%_cdb.summary.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Create ESR CDB Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t CDB -d %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %Product% -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish ESR Build Report" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy /Y %SnapshotNumber%_%Product%_report.html %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber%\"/>
- <!-- Publish Documentation Precis -->
- <Execute Component="Zip Documentation Precis" Cwd="%BuildDir%\doxyref\precis\" CommandLine="zip -r %BuildDir%\cdb-info\ *"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish Documentation Precis" Cwd="%BuildDir%\cdb-info\" CommandLine="copy /Y %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\cdb-info\"/>
- <!-- STOP PHASE CDB -->
- <Execute Component="Stop Phase CDB" Cwd="%ToolsDir%\bin" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -- -s %SnapshotNumber% -p %BuildShortName% -n CDB -t STOP -l %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\%BuildNumber%_cdb.summary.html"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish CDB End to Diamonds" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="perl %SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GenResult\ -t CDB -i STOP -s %DiamondsServer%"/>
- <!-- Remove S60 binaries pulled down earlier for remoteconn gccxml CDB phase -->
- <Execute Component="Removerel remoteconn_s60_dependencies" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\toolsandutils\cbrtools\perl\RemoveRel -v remoteconn_s60_dependencies "/>
- <!--Stop Performance Monitoring -->
- <Execute Component="Stop PerfMon" Cwd="%SourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\PerfMon" CommandLine="perl -p 1973"/>
- <Execute Component="Publish PerfMon Log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="xcopy PerfMon_%BuildNumber%.csv %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\ /Z /I /Q"/>
- <!--Publish the Full Logs Dir -->
- <Execute Component="Publish Full Logs Dir" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %LogsDir% %PublishLocation%\%Type%\logs\%BuildNumber% /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- </Commands>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb101sf_Schedule12.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1227 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE Schedule12 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "schedule12.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="schedule12.xsl" ?>
-<Schedule12 Schema="2.0.0"
- Status="DRAFT"
- OS_version="tb101sf" Release_type="Update"
- DocVersion="$Change: 1767343 $ $DateTime: 2010/03/18 17:18:27 $ $Id: //SSS/release/sf/tb92/os/deviceplatformrelease/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb101sf_Schedule12.xml#90 $" >
-<OR name="Alarm Server">
- Maintains a queue of all system-wide alarms and provides APIs to manage alarms
- <system_model entry="Alarm Server"/>
-<OR name="Application Launch Services">
- System Starter, launches ROM-based servers that need to be
- started at device boot, depending on start-up mode.
- <system_model entry="System State Management"/>
- <system_model entry="After Market Application Starter"/>
- <system_model entry="Application Launch Plugins"/>
-<OS name="Authentication Services" draft="Y">
- Server which allows clients to request that the phone holder authenticates themselves to the phone.
- <system_model entry="Authentication Server"/>
-<CS name="System State Management">
- Manages changes to device states, including start-up and shutdown, and changes to system wide properties (using policy plug-ins and command lists)
- <system_model entry="System State Manager"/>
-<OR name="System Health Management">
- Manages the system health, including the monitoring of critical processes and their re-launch if they fail
- <system_model entry="System Health Manager"/>
-<CR name="System State Management Plugins">
- Provide common policy plugins and adaptation plugins for System State Management Architecture
- <system_model entry="System State Plugins"/>
-<CS name="Application Utilities">
- Assorted basic utilities available to frameworks, services, and applications.
- System utilities (BAFL) including resource file interface and clipboard, system sounds,
- command-line parsing, descriptor arrays, resource file handling.
- Used by higher level frameworks and services and available directly to applications.
- <system_model entry="Application Utilities"/>
-<CS name="Authorisation Services">
- Authorisation services, including the User Prompt Service (UPS) that allows system servers to generate prompts asking the user to authorise or deny a request from a client application.
- <system_model entry="User Prompt Service"/>
-<OR name="User Prompt Utils">
- Utility library for use by service providers writing policy plug-ins for the UPS
- <system_model entry="User Prompt Utils"/>
-<OS name="BIO Messaging">
- Smart messaging framework and support.
- In the System Model this is Bio Messaging Framework
- and Bio Messaging Parsers.
- <system_model entry="BIO Messaging Framework"/>
- </OS>
-<OS name="Bluetooth">
- Bluetooth connection and service manager and Bluetooth protocol stack.
- System Model names are Bluetooth Manager, Bluetooth SDP and Bluetooth Stack PRT.
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth AVRCP"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth PBAP"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth SDP"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Stack"/>
- <system_model entry="Remote Control Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth PAN Profile"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth HCI Framework 2"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Logging Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Notifiers Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth GAVDP"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth ROM"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Client Library"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Build Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth HCI Extension Interface"/>
-<OR name="Content Handling">
- SMIL Rich Media Parser
- <system_model entry="SMIL Parser"/>
-<OR name="C Standard Library">
- C standard library for Symbian OS
- <system_model entry="C Standard Library"/>
-<OS name="Calendar Engine">
- Engine implementation for calendar application.
- This is called Calendar in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="Calendar"/>
-<CR name="Client Provisioning Framework">
- OMA CP 1.1 compliant protocol implementation.
- Supports provisioning via WAP Push, Email, OBEX, Removable Media and the SIM.
- <system_model entry="Client Provisioning Framework"/>
-<CS name="Central Repository">
- Central setting database
- <system_model entry="Central Repository"/>
-<OR name="Certificate and Key Management">
- Certificate and key management framework and APIs
- <system_model entry="Certificate and Key Management"/>
- <system_model entry="Root Certificates"/>
- <system_model entry="File-based Certificate and Key Stores"/>
-<OS name="Security and Data Privacy Tools">
- A collection of PC-side tools and libraries for use with Security and Data Privacy
- <system_model entry="Security Tools"/>
-<CR name="Character Encoding Conversion" draft="Y">
- Character set converters. This includes the Character Encoding Conversion Framework.
- <system_model entry="Character Encoding and Conversion Framework"/>
-<OR name="Character Encoding Conversion Plugins" draft="Y">
- Character set conversion plug-ins. This includes the Character Encoding Conversion Plug-ins.
- <system_model entry="Character Encoding and Conversion Plugins"/>
-<OR name="Client Provisioning Adaptors">
- Supplies provisioning of network access points, WAP proxies, MMS,
- OMA DS and OMA DM accounts, POP, IMAP and SMTP email accounts
- and browser bookmarks.
- <system_model entry="Client Provisioning Adaptors"/>
- <system_model entry="Client Provisioning Adaptors Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Client Provisioning Framework Config"/>
-<OR name="Device Management Configuration">
- Configuration settings for Device Management.
- <system_model entry="Device Management Adaptors Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Device Management Framework Config"/>
-<CS name="Comms Database">
- Networking and communications configuration information
- <system_model entry="Comms Database"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Database Shim"/>
- <system_model entry="Prepare Default Comms Database"/>
- <system_model entry="Install Default Comms Database"/>
-<OR name="Comms File Logger">
- File logging engine used by comms framework and available to other components.
- <system_model entry="File Logger"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Debug Utility"/>
-<CS name="Comms Framework">
- Framework and utilities to support communications protocols and servers
- including Comms Root Server, Comms Framework, Network Interface Manager and Comms Buffers.
- <system_model entry="Comms Root Server"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Elements"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Buffers"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Interface Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Root Server Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms User Prompt Manager"/>
-<CR name="Comms Plugin Module (CSY)">
- Comms Server CSY plugin providing serial port emulation over IR, USB,
- Bluetooth and a virtual serial port.
- <system_model entry="Serial Port CSY"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth CSY"/>
- <system_model entry="MUX CSY"/>
-<OR name="Connection initiation">
- Network connection agents and agent plug-in interface providing connection to
- circuit-switched and packet-switched networks.
- Includes CSD AGT, PSD AGT and Network Controller.
- <system_model entry="PDP Layer"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS 3GPP CPR"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Transport Layer"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Network Layer"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS IP SCPR"/>
- <system_model entry="CSD AGT"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Controller"/>
- <system_model entry="NULL AGT"/>
- <system_model entry="PSD AGT"/>
- <system_model entry="TRP AGT"/>
- <system_model entry="Generic SCPR Parameters"/>
- <system_model entry="IP UPS Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Dialog Stub"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Dialog API"/>
-<OR name="Connectivity Device Side">
- Device side connectivity framework. This includes low level Device Connection Component,
- Service Framework and Service Providers.
- <system_model entry="Active Backup Client"/>
- <system_model entry="Connectivity Services"/>
- <system_model entry="Connectivity Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="PLP Remote Link"/>
- <system_model entry="m-Router"/>
- <system_model entry="PLP Variant"/>
- <system_model entry="Backup Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="Backup Restore Notification"/>
-<OS name="Contacts Engine">
- Engine implementation for contacts application.
- This is called Contacts Model in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="Contacts Model"/>
-<CS name="Content Access Framework v2 for DRM">
- Framework that enables DRM style content management. Note that this is the CAFv2 framework.
- <system_model entry="CAF Recogniser Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Content Access Framework for DRM"/>
-<OR name="CAF Streaming Support">
- Content Access Framework (CAF) support of streaming DRM solutions, such as DVB-H SPP and OMA DRM BCAST.
- <system_model entry="CAF Streaming Support"/>
-<OS name="Cryptographic Token Framework">
- Framework supporting secure cryptographic tokens (e.g. smart cards)
- <system_model entry="Crypto Token Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="ASN PKCS"/>
-<OS name="Cryptography Library">
- Symmetric and asymmetric keys, hash algorithms, and pseudorandom number generators.
- Note this is export restricted
- <system_model entry="Weak Crypto SPI"/>
- <system_model entry="Strong Crypto SPI"/>
- <system_model entry="Security Utils"/>
- <system_model entry="Security Config"/>
-<OR name="Cryptography Plugins">
- Software plug-in for the Crypto SPI providing symmetric and asymmetric algorithms, hash algorithms, and pseudorandom number generators.
- Note this is export restricted
- <system_model entry="Crypto SPI Plugins"/>
-<OR name="Data Link Layer Protocols">
- Protocols utilities and interfaces for OSI Data Link Layer level protocols.
- This includes a Link Layer Control group of components:
- Comms Framework Control and data protocols for Ethernet, PPP, PDP and WiFi,
- Ethernet Packet Driver and PPP Compression Plug-ins
- <system_model entry="EAP Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="EAP Plugins for WiFi"/>
- <system_model entry="Ethernet NIF"/>
- <system_model entry="Ethernet Packet Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="PPP Compression Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="PPP NIF"/>
- <system_model entry="PPP Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Raw IP NIF"/>
- <system_model entry="Wireless LAN"/>
- <system_model entry="MBMS Parameters"/>
-<OR name="Baseband Abstraction">
- Abstract interfaces and plugin implementations for a bearer service primarily in the data plane.
- <system_model entry="Baseband Channel Adaptor"/>
- <system_model entry="Inter-System Communication"/>
- <system_model entry="Baseband Channel Adaptor for C32"/>
- <system_model entry="Baseband Channel Adaptor for ISC"/>
-<OR name="Data Type Recognisers">
- Base classes for MIME-type recognizer plug-ins.
- <system_model entry="Web Recognisers"/>
-<OS name="Database Engine">
- Relational database APIs and implementation.
- This is DBMS in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="DBMS"/>
-<OR name="Device Drivers">
- Drivers supporting hardware devices.
- This includes Ethernet Driver, USB Client Driver, Sound Driver, Speech Driver,
- Video Driver, MIDI Driver, SD Card*, SDIO* and Other LDDs.
- <system_model entry="Camera Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Ethernet Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Client Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="SD Card 3C Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="SD Card 4C Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Sound Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Serial Port Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Legacy Drivers"/>
- <system_model entry="Generic Board Support Packages"/>
- <system_model entry="Media Drivers"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Host and OTG Drivers"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Host and OTG Stack"/>
-<CS name="Local Media Subsystem">
- Local (Storage) Media Logical Device Driver
- <system_model entry="Local Media Subsystem"/>
-<CS name="Kernel Tools Debug">
- Run Mode Debug API
- <system_model entry="Run Mode Debugger"/>
-<CS name="Kernel Tools Trace">
- Kernel Trace Tool
- <system_model entry="Kernel Trace Tool"/>
-<OS name="EGL API">
- Defines API for EGL
- <system_model entry="EGL Interface"/>
-<OR name="EGL Implementation" draft="Y">
- software only implementation of EGL
- <system_model entry="EGL Implementation"/>
-<OR name="ETel Fax Client / Server">
- Fax client and server side API's and protocol stack
- <system_model entry="Fax Client and Server"/>
-<CS name="Error Resolver Data">
- Error mapping data used by Error Resolver
- <system_model entry="Error Resolver Data"/>
-<CS name="ETel Server">
- Telephony server and client side APIs which includes ETel Server/Core, ETel Multimode, ETel Packet Data and Etel SIM Toolkit
- <system_model entry="ETel Config"/>
- <system_model entry="ETel Multimode"/>
- <system_model entry="ETel Packet Data"/>
- <system_model entry="ETel Server and Core"/>
- <system_model entry="ETel SIM Toolkit"/>
-<CS name="ETel 3rd Party APIs">
- Telephony APIs for 3rd party applications
- <system_model entry="ETel 3rd Party API"/>
-<OR name="Example Locales">
- Specific geographic localisation information providing localisation framework and locale specific strings.
- System Model name is Locale Support.
- <system_model entry="Number Formatting"/>
- <system_model entry="Locale Support"/>
-<CS name="Feature Manager">
- API which allows applications to query the presence of optional features and update feature information at run-time.
- <system_model entry="Feature Manager"/>
-<CS name="Feature Registry">
- API which allows applications to query the presence of optional features.
- <system_model entry="Feature Registry"/>
-<OR name="File Converters">
- A plug-in framework for converting user data between different MIME-type formats.
- <system_model entry="File Converter Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Chinese Calendar Converter"/>
- <system_model entry="Chinese Calendar Algorithm"/>
- <system_model entry="HTML to RichText Converter"/>
- <system_model entry="RichText to HTML Converter"/>
-<CS name="File Server">
- Generic file-system server and client-side APIs.
- <system_model entry="File Server"/>
-<CR name="Filesystem Drivers">
- Filesystem plug-in implementations for specific filesystems.
- <system_model entry="Base Starter"/>
- <system_model entry="File Systems"/>
- <system_model entry="FAT Filename Conversion Plugins"/>
-<OR name="USB Filesystem Drivers">
- <system_model entry="USB Host Mass Storage Server"/>
-<OR name="Flash Translation Layer">
- Generic support for code and data storage on Large, Small and
- OneNand NAND Flash using Unistore2 software.
- <system_model entry="Flash Translation Layer"/>
-<CS name="Font and Bitmap Server and Font Store">
- Font and Bitmap Server and supporting APIs
- <system_model entry="Font and Bitmap Server"/>
- <system_model entry="Font Store"/>
-<OR name="Font renderers">
- Free Type vector font rasterizer. System Model name is FreeType Font Rasterizer.
- <system_model entry="FreeType Font Rasteriser"/>
-<CS name="Graphics Services">
- Provides Graphics services and includes Graphics Device Interface (GDI), Colour Palette (PALETTE), Bitmapped Graphic Device Interfaces (BITGDI), Window Server (WSERV).
- <system_model entry="BitGDI"/>
- <system_model entry="GDI"/>
- <system_model entry="Window Server"/>
- <system_model entry="Common Graphics Headers"/>
-<OS name="Graphics Resources">
- Provides Graphics Resources and includes Graphics Resource and Direct GDI
- <system_model entry="Graphics Resource"/>
- <system_model entry="DirectGDI"/>
- <system_model entry="DirectGDI Interface"/>
-<OR name="Graphics Adapters">
- Provides Graphics adaptations and includes Graphics Resource Adapter and Direct GDI Adapter
- <system_model entry="Graphics Resource Adaptation"/>
- <system_model entry="DirectGDI Adaptation"/>
-<OR name="Graphics Composition">
- Graphics framework for hardware accelerated 2d composition.
- <system_model entry="Graphics Composition Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="Composition Engine Adaptation"/>
-<OS name="Graphics Surfaces">
- Graphics Surfaces framework and drivers for hardware accessible image data.
- <system_model entry="Display Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Surface Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="Surface Update"/>
-<CR name="Window server standard plug-ins">
- Standard plug-ins for customisation of Window Server
- <system_model entry="Window Server Plugins"/>
-<OS name="GSM SMS Plug-in">
- Messaging plug-in supporting SMS for GSM send, receive, and edit.
- This includes the SMS MTM and Scheduled Send MTM components.
- <system_model entry="SMS MTM"/>
-<CS name="GSM SMS Stack">
- Short message service stack for GSM products only and includes SMS PRT, SMS Utilities, GSM Utilities and WAP PRT components.
- <system_model entry="SMS Stack"/>
-<OR name="Grid">
- Provides grid handling suitable for spreadsheet tables.
- <system_model entry="Grid"/>
-<OS name="Hardware Resources Manager">
- Interface to query, change or be notified of changes in the status of vibration control, battery and light features.
- <system_model entry="Hardware Resources Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="Hardware Resources Manager Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Hardware Resource Manager UI Plugin"/>
-<OR name="Hardware Resources Manager FmTx API">
- API to control FM transmitter through the Hardware Resource Manager server.
- <system_model entry="FM Transmitter Control"/>
-<OS name="Help Engine">
- Engine implementation for context sensitive help application.
- <system_model entry="Help"/>
-<OS name="HTTP transport framework">
- Transport framework supporting HTTP protocol
- <system_model entry="HTTP Protocol Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="HTTP Transport Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="HTTP Transport Framework"/>
-<OR name="UPnP Framework">
- Framework support for Universal Plug and Play
- <system_model entry="UPnP"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia CAPS Plugin">
- Provides advanced image processing functionality based on Scalado CAPS.
- <system_model entry="CAPS Adaptation"/>
-<CS name="Image Conversion Library framework">
- Plug-in framework for software image conversion codecs.
- <system_model entry="Imaging Frameworks"/>
-<OS name="Internet Mail plug-in">
- Messaging plug-in modules supporting send, receive and edit internet mail protocols
- including POP3, IMAP and SMTP.
- <system_model entry="IMAP4 MTM"/>
- <system_model entry="POP3 and SMTP MTM"/>
-<OR name="Internet Protocol Utilities">
- Utility classes that support standard internet protocols.
- This includes HTTP Protocol Plug-in, HTTP Filter Plug-ins and HTTP Utilities Library
- <system_model entry="HTTP Utilities Library"/>
- <system_model entry="URI Permission Services"/>
-<OS name="IrDA">
- PRT plugin to ESock Sockets Server, implements IrDA infrared stack.
- <system_model entry="IrDA Config"/>
- <system_model entry="IrDA Stack"/>
-<CS name="Kernel">
- OS Kernel for low level device start-up.
- <system_model entry="Kernel Architecture"/>
- <system_model entry="Domain Manager"/>
-<OR name="Location Based Services">
- An LBS architecture supporting integrated GPS/A-GPS hardware and
- allowing local and network based applications to determine the
- current location of the device.
- <system_model entry="Location Based Services"/>
- <system_model entry="SUPL WAP Push Handler"/>
-<REF name="Location Based Services (Reference)">
- <system_model entry="SUPL Protocol Module"/>
- <system_model entry="A-GPS Integration Module"/>
- <system_model entry="GPS/A-GPS Positioning Module"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Positioning Module"/>
-<OR name="Logging Engine">
- Log engine for use by applications called Event Logger in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="Event Logger"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Image Conversion Codecs">
- Reference software image conversion codecs.
- This is included in the Image Conversion Library.
- <system_model entry="Imaging Plugins"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Video Renderer">
- Provides support for rendering video content to graphics surfaces.
- <system_model entry="Video Renderer"/>
-<OS name="Messaging Engine">
- Framework and support for email and phone messaging.
- This includes Message Store and Scheduled Send MTM.
- <system_model entry="MMS Configuration"/>
- <system_model entry="MMS Settings"/>
- <system_model entry="Message Server and Store"/>
- <system_model entry="Watcher Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Scheduled Send MTM"/>
- <system_model entry="Send As"/>
- <system_model entry="Message URL Handler"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Config"/>
-<REF name="Metadata Utility Framework">
- <system_model entry="Metadata Utility Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Metadata Parser Plugin"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia 3GP Library">
- Provides support for reading and writing 3GP, 3G2, and MP4 files
- <system_model entry="3GP Library"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Tuner">
- A tuner control for analogue and/or digital radio broadcast channel reception.
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Tuner"/>
-<OR name="Broadcast Radio Transmitter">
- Transmitter control and plugins for FM radio and other broadcast radio technologies.
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Transmitter"/>
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Transmitter Plugin"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia DevSound">
- Reference sound device implementation. This is included in Multimedia Framework Plug-ins.
- <system_model entry="DevSound Hardware Device API"/>
- <system_model entry="DevSound Plugin Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Reference DevSound Plugins"/>
-<OS name="Advanced Audio Adaptation Framework">
- An implementation of the existing DevSound API using a new hardware adaptation layer.
- <system_model entry="A3F DevSound"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Audio Component Framework"/>
-<OR name="A3F Plugins">
- Optional plugins for the Advanced Audio Adaptation Framework. Contains the A3F DevSound Customisation.
- <system_model entry="A3F DevSound Customisation"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Server Start"/>
-<OR name="MTP">
- MTP sub-system. This includes the framework, the transport plug-ins
- and the data providers.
- <system_model entry="MTP Transports and Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="MTP File and Folder Provider"/>
- <system_model entry="Backup and Restore Provider"/>
- <system_model entry="SyncML Data Provider"/>
- <system_model entry="MTP Task Provider"/>
- <system_model entry="MTP Calendar Provider"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Camera API">
- This is called Camera Framework in the System Model .
- <system_model entry="Camera Framework"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Camera Plugin">
- Plugins for the Multimedia Camera API.
- <system_model entry="Camera Plugins"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia OpenMAX Support">
- Open MAX IL 1.1
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL API"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Core"/>
-<CS name="Multimedia Common">
- Multimedia utility functions
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Utility Library"/>
-<CS name="Multimedia Framework">
- This subsystem comprises a high level framework for manipulating standard media formats
- This includes Multimedia Framework and MMF Recogniser.
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Speech Recognition Controller"/>
-<OS name="Multimedia Infrastructure">
- The host process, configurable threading model & management, control & data plane implementations that support the plane specific plug-in components.
- <system_model entry="Decision Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Media Device Framework 2"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Management Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="MMHP Video Client"/>
- <system_model entry="MMHP Camera Client"/>
- <system_model entry="MMHP Audio Client"/>
-<OR name="Multimedia Plugins">
- Reference Plugins for Multimedia Framework
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Framework Plugins"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Translators"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Data Plane Nodes"/>
- </OR>
-<CS name="Media Device Framework">
- This subsystem comprises a low level framework for managing media devices of various kinds.
- This includes the Media Device Framework.
- Media device drivers can be found in the Device Driver component.
- <system_model entry="Media Device Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Video HAI"/>
- <system_model entry="DevSound API"/>
-<OS name="Mobile Digital Television">
- Contains the APIs to allow MDTV middleware to control DVB-H tuner hardware and to receive DVB-H broadcast data.
- <system_model entry="Mobile TV DVB-H Receiver HAI"/>
-<OS name="OBEX">
- OBEX protocol implementation supporting IrDA, Bluetooth, and USB. This includes OBEX Protocol .
- <system_model entry="OBEX MTMs"/>
- <system_model entry="OBEX Protocol"/>
- <system_model entry="OBEX Extension API"/>
-<CS name="Open Environment Core">
- Implementation of core Posix and Standard 'C' and 'C++' libraries for Symbian OS.
- <system_model entry="Open Environment Core"/>
- <system_model entry="C++ Standard Library"/>
-<OS name="Open Environment Extensions">
- Implementation of industry standard libraries for Symbian OS, intended as a complement to Open Environment Core
- <system_model entry="POSIX Realtime Extensions"/>
- <system_model entry="Pluggable Authentication Module Framework"/>
-<OS name="Crypto and SSL Libraries">
- Open Source cryptography libraries
- <system_model entry="Open Crypto Libraries"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenSSL"/>
-<OS name="OpenGL ES APIs">
- Defines APIs for Open GL ES
- <system_model entry="OpenGLES Display Properties"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenGLES Interface"/>
-<OS name="OpenVG API">
- Defines API for OpenVG
- <system_model entry="OpenVG Interface"/>
-<OR name="OpenVG Implementation" draft="Y">
- software only implementation of OpenVG
- <system_model entry="OpenVG Implementation"/>
-<CS name="Power and Memory Notification Service">
- Restart/Shutdown Notification Service
- <system_model entry="Power and Memory Notification Service"/>
-<OR name="PC Side Connectivity Non-Redistributable">
- Restricted redistribution PC side connectivity components including SCOM.
- This is not shown in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="ConnectQI"/>
-<OR name="Phone Book Synchronisation Server">
- SIM card phone book synchronisation server and client side APIs
- <system_model entry="Phonebook Sync"/>
-<CS name="Plugin Framework Server">
- Plug-in server framework and client-side APIs.
- <system_model entry="Plugin Framework"/>
-<OR name="Printing Services">
- Framework for print job setup and control.
- <system_model entry="Printing UI Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Printing Support"/>
-<OR name="Printing Support Library">
- Driver library supporting specific printer families and includes some printer drivers.
- <system_model entry="Printer Driver Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Printer Drivers"/>
-<OR name="Quality of Service">
- Protocols, utilities and interfaces for Quality of service at the Physical layer and above.
- As defined in CDMA, UMTS and IETF standards.
- This includes PDP, CFP and TFT hook.
- <system_model entry="Secondary PDP context UMTS Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS Framework PRT"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS Framework Config"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS Library"/>
- <system_model entry="PF QoS Library"/>
- <system_model entry="GPRS/UMTS QoS PRT"/>
- <system_model entry="GPRS/UMTS QoS Interface"/>
- <system_model entry="QoS Extn API"/>
-<OR name="RTP">
- Real Time Transfer Protocol and Real Time Control Protocol
- <system_model entry="RTP"/>
- <system_model entry="Secure RTP"/>
-<CR name="Screen Driver">
- Device dependent interface to bitmaps and screen device, not a device driver.
- <system_model entry="Screen Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="Colour Palette"/>
-<CS name="Security Utilities">
- Common utilites for secure IPC
- <system_model entry="Security Common Utils"/>
-<OS name="Sensors Framework">
- Framework for requesting and receiving information from Sensor Plugins
- <system_model entry="Sensors Framework"/>
-<OR name="Sensor Plugins">
- Abstractions for hardware sensors such as accelerometers, proximity sensors and magnetometers
- <system_model entry="Proximity Sensor SSY Plugin"/>
- <system_model entry="Proximity Sensor LDD"/>
- <system_model entry="Accelerometer SSY Plugin"/>
-<CS name="Serial Comms Server">
- C32 Server (for devices with serial comms including IrDA) and serial comms APIs
- <system_model entry="C32 Serial Server"/>
- <system_model entry="C32 Serial Server Config"/>
-<OR name="Session level Internet protocols">
- OSI session level Internet protocols utilities and interfaces.
- This includes FTP Engine and Telnet Engine.
- <system_model entry="FTP Engine"/>
- <system_model entry="Telnet Engine"/>
-<OR name="SIP Framework">
- Framework for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
- <system_model entry="SIP Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="SIP Connection Provider Plugins"/>
-<CS name="Sockets APIs">
- Sockets API and control logic for networking.
- This is called ESock Server in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="ESock Server"/>
- <system_model entry="ESock Server Config"/>
-<OS name="Secure Software Install PC Tools">
- PC tools used to create, sign and analyse the SIS files used to install software via the native installer.
- <system_model entry="Secure Software Install SIS Tools"/>
-<OS name="Software Install Tools Device Side" draft="Y">
- Secure software install for Java MIDlet, JAR, and Symbian SIS file formats.
- <system_model entry="Secure Software Install"/>
- <system_model entry="Software Transaction Services"/>
- <system_model entry="Software Installation Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Software Install Config"/>
-<CS name="Software Component Registry">
- Enables lifecycle management for software on the device. Provides interfaces for managing and retrieving information about software components
- <system_model entry="Software Component Registry"/>
-<TEST name="Installation Reference">
- <system_model entry="Reference Software Install Plugin"/>
- <system_model entry="Reference Software Application Manager"/>
-<OR name="Software Install Tools PC Side" draft="Y">
- Secure software install for Java MIDlet, JAR, and Symbian SIS file formats.
- This is not shown in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="OpenSSL Library"/>
- <system_model entry="MakeKeys"/>
-<CR name="Store APIs">
- Persistent data storage and data streaming model for applications with supporting APIs.
- <system_model entry="Store"/>
-<OS name="OMA SyncML Data Synchronisation">
- Implementation of OMA data sync v1.2.
- This includes Sync Initiation, Data Sync Framework, Data Sync Plugins.
- <system_model entry="Data Sync Adaptors"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML Common Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML DM Interface"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML Data Sync"/>
-<OR name="OMA SyncML Configuration">
- Configuration settings for OMA SyncML Data Synchronisation.
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML Config"/>
-<OS name="OMA Device Management">
- Implementation of OMA Device Management v1.2.
- This includes Device Management Framework component and Plugins.
- <system_model entry="Device Management Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Device Management Adaptors"/>
- <system_model entry="Bookmark Support"/>
-<CS name="System Agent">
- Global device status monitor
- <system_model entry="System Agent"/>
-<OR name="SQL">
- SQL database functionality for Symbian internal and external applications.
- <system_model entry="DBMS Emulation Library"/>
- <system_model entry="SQL"/>
- <system_model entry="SQLite 3 API"/>
-<OS name="Task Scheduler">
- Server providing scheduled application launch
- <system_model entry="Task Scheduler"/>
-<CS name="TCP/IP Core Stack">
- Internet Transport and Network level protocols, utilities and interfaces.
- Includes IP Hook, Internet Sockets, TCP/IP v4/v6 PRT and DND.
- Includes IP event notifier, NAPT.
- <system_model entry="IP Hook"/>
- <system_model entry="TCP/IPv4/v6 PRT"/>
- <system_model entry="TCP/IPv4/v6 Config"/>
- <system_model entry="Internet Sockets"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking ROM"/>
- <system_model entry="DND"/>
- <system_model entry="DND Config"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Event Notifier"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Address and Port Translation"/>
- <system_model entry="Punycode Converter"/>
-<OR name="TCP/IP Security">
- Internet Transport and Network level protocols utilities and interfaces. Includes IP Sec and VPN.
- <system_model entry="IPsec"/>
- <system_model entry="Tunnel NIF"/>
-<OR name="TCP/IP Utilities">
- This is DHCP.
- <system_model entry="DHCP"/>
- <system_model entry="Mobile IP"/>
- <system_model entry="DNS Proxy"/>
-<CS name="TLS">
- Transport layer security delivering SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols over IPv4/v6.
- <system_model entry="TLS"/>
- <system_model entry="TLS Provider"/>
-<CR name="Telephony Reference Platform">
- Telephony server plugin to integrate Symbian OS with baseband providing support for GPRS and UMTS.
- This component includes the TSY together with implementations of a connection
- initiation agent (AGT) and a network interface module (NIF)
- <system_model entry="Common TSY"/>
- <system_model entry="TRP TSY"/>
- <system_model entry="C-TSY Dispatch Layer"/>
- <system_model entry="SIMATK TSY"/>
-<OR name="Telephony Utilities">
- APIs for manipulating telephone numbers called Dial in System Model.
- <system_model entry="Dial"/>
- <system_model entry="Telephony Watchers"/>
-<OS name="Text Formatting and Layout Services">
- Text Formatting and Layout Services.
- <system_model entry="Text Formatting"/>
-<OR name="Text Shaper Plugin">
- Support for rendering text in the Devanagari script.
- <system_model entry="Text Shaper Plugin"/>
-<OS name="Text Storage and Handling">
- Rich Text Storage and Handling.
- <system_model entry="Text Handling"/>
-<OR name="Timezone support">
- Timezone conversion between UTC and Wallclock time. Includes timezone database and compiler.
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Localization"/>
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Compiler"/>
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Localization Resource Factory"/>
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Database"/>
- <system_model entry="Time Zone Server"/>
-<OR name="UI Animation">
- UI frameworks support for graphical animations
- <system_model entry="Animation"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Effects"/>
-<CS name="UI Framework">
- UI Plug-in Frameworks which includes UI App Framework (Uikon, UI Look and Feel, Control Environment and FEP Base), App Architecture, Mime Recogniser Framework, UI Graphics Utilities, and Direct navigational links (DNL) framework.
- <system_model entry="View Server"/>
- <system_model entry="MIME Recognition Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Control Environment"/>
- <system_model entry="Front End Processor"/>
- <system_model entry="UI Look and Feel"/>
- <system_model entry="UIKON"/>
- <system_model entry="UI Graphics Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="Application Architecture"/>
-<OS name="USB Client">
- USB Class support providing control for USB device.
- This is called USB Manager in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="USB Manager"/>
-<CS name="User Libraries restricted distribution">
- User Libraries used by all user-side code and by the kernel, providing fundamental basic services.
- <system_model entry="User Library"/>
- <system_model entry="Compiler Runtime Support"/>
- <system_model entry="Generic Usability Library"/>
-<OR name="VCard and VCalendar">
- Electronic business card and electronic schedule parser (vCard 2.1 and vCalendar 1.0)
- <system_model entry="Agenda Versit Plugin"/>
- <system_model entry="vCard and vCal"/>
-<OR name="WAP Message API">
- WAP message interface to 3rd party stacks
- <system_model entry="WAP Message API"/>
-<OR name="WAP Push Support">
- Support for WAP push. This includes the WAP Push Framework, WAP Push MTM and WAP Push Handler.
- <system_model entry="WAP Push Support"/>
- <system_model entry="WAP Push Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="WAP Base"/>
-<OR name="WAP Short Stack">
- Part implementation of a WAP stack that supports the messaging functionality.
- <system_model entry="WAP Short Stack"/>
-<OR name="Window Server Plug-ins">
- Animation plug-ins to window server.
- This is called Clock and BMP Animation in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="BMP Animation"/>
- <system_model entry="Clock"/>
-<OR name="World Server">
- Country and city information database
- <system_model entry="World Server"/>
-<OS name="XML Framework and Plug-ins">
- XML Services provides a collection of XML components providing a XML Parsing Framework
- with a SAX like API and parser plug-ins for XML and WBXML; a XML Document Object Model
- API with XPath support; and the Open Source C library Libxml2.
- <system_model entry="WBXML Parser"/>
- <system_model entry="XML Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="XML Expat Parser"/>
- <system_model entry="Libxml2 Libraries"/>
- <system_model entry="XML Libxml2 Parser"/>
- <system_model entry="XML DOM and XPath"/>
-<CS name="Zip Library">
- ZIP compression / decompression Library.
- This is called ZIP Compression Library in the System Model.
- <system_model entry="Zip Compression Library"/>
-<OR name="USB RNDIS">
- USB RNDIS provides IP connectivity over USB
- <system_model entry="USB RNDIS"/>
-<!-- Reference/Test components -->
-<REF name="Bluetooth HCI 2 Reference Implementations">
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth HCI 2 Reference Implementations"/>
-<TEST name="CDMA TSY, Multimode TSY and SIM TSY">
- <system_model entry="Multimode TSY"/>
- <system_model entry="SIM TSY"/>
-<TEST name="Collation tables">
-<TEST name="Connectivity PC Side Reference Components">
-<TEST name="Documentation">
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Application Engines Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="UI Frameworks Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Application Services Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Base Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Infrastructure Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Security Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="C32 Serial Server Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Syslibs Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="System Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Telephony Confidential Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Telephony Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Tools Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Class and Manager Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="Developer Library Help"/>
- <system_model entry="Developer Library Source"/>
- <system_model entry="Developer Library HTML"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Documentation"/>
- <system_model entry="IrDA Documentation"/>
-<REF name="Fonts">
- <system_model entry="Reference Fonts"/>
-<REF name="Board Support Packages" more=" (For EKA2 this is the Variants for OMAP H2 and OMAP H4,
-the Bootstrap, the Emulator Variant, Peripheral Bus Controllers and reference PDDs.
-Board Support Packages also includes the Text Window Server and User HAL.)">
- <system_model entry="Text Window Server"/>
- <system_model entry="User-Side Hardware Abstraction"/>
- <system_model entry="Emulator"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP H2"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP H4"/>
- <system_model entry="Bootstrap"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP USB Host Controller Driver"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP USB Host Controller Driver Template"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine BSP"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine BSP flexible"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine Boot Loader"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine USB Host Controller"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine Unistore2"/>
- <system_model entry="NaviEngine Unistore2 Flexible"/>
- <system_model entry="OMAP3 Variants"/>
-<REF name="A3F Reference">
- <system_model entry="Reference ACL Adaptation"/>
-<REF name="AMR Payload Formatter">
- <system_model entry="AMR Payload Formatter"/>
-<TEST name="Front End Processor (FEP) test/reference code">
- <system_model entry="FEPS"/>
-<TEST name="Locales">
-<TEST name="Monotype iType Font Rasteriser">
- <system_model entry="iType Font Rasteriser"/>
-<TEST name="Networking Packet Logger">
- <system_model entry="Packet Logger"/>
-<TEST name="OpenGL ES Renderer" more=" (binary only)">
- <system_model entry="OpenGL ES Implementation"/>
-<TEST name="On-Target debugger" more=" (on device debugging support)">
-<REF name="USB Mass Storage Server">
- <system_model entry="Mass Storage Manager"/>
-<TEST name="Bitmap and font conversion utilities (GDITOOLS)">
- <system_model entry="GDI Tools"/>
-<TEST name="Font and printer file conversion utilities (GDTRAN)">
- <system_model entry="Bitmap Font Tools"/>
-<TEST name="Slip NIF">
- <system_model entry="SLIP NIF"/>
-<REF name="Compatibility Headers">
- <system_model entry="S60 Compatibility Headers"/>
-<REF name="System State Plugins">
- <system_model entry="System State Reference Plugins"/>
-<TEST name="Test UI">
- <system_model entry="Techview"/>
-<TEST name="Tools" more=" (excluding non commercial Tools as listed in Schedule 7)">
- <system_model entry="Remote Control Reference TSP"/>
- <system_model entry="USB Manager Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="IrDA Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Test Harness"/>
- <system_model entry="CSHLPCMP Backend"/>
- <system_model entry="Wintunnel"/>
- <system_model entry="CTS Functionality Checkers"/>
- <system_model entry="Stat Source"/>
- <system_model entry="CBRPRF"/>
- <system_model entry="WinC Redistribution"/>
- <system_model entry="Additional Redistribution"/>
- <system_model entry="SDK Builder"/>
- <system_model entry="Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="E32 Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="SDIO Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="E32 Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="Base User-side Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA SyncML Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="OMA Device Management Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Template Variant"/>
- <system_model entry="ALP2CSH"/>
- <system_model entry="ASSERTION"/>
- <system_model entry="AUTOTEST"/>
- <system_model entry="BSPBUILDER"/>
- <system_model entry="BUILD-TOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="CHATSCRIPTS"/>
- <system_model entry="CINIDATA"/>
- <system_model entry="CJPEG"/>
- <system_model entry="CSHLPCMP Frontend"/>
- <system_model entry="CSHLPCMP_GUI"/>
- <system_model entry="DEPCHECK"/>
- <system_model entry="Developer Library Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="E32 Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="E32 Perl Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="EMULATOR_LAUNCHER"/>
- <system_model entry="ENUM"/>
- <system_model entry="ENVVAR"/>
- <system_model entry="EVALID"/>
- <system_model entry="FILESYS"/>
- <system_model entry="INSTALLUTILS"/>
- <system_model entry="JADE"/>
- <system_model entry="JAVAHELP"/>
- <system_model entry="JAVALIBRARY"/>
- <system_model entry="KITCOMPARATOR"/>
- <system_model entry="KITSETUPAPP"/>
- <system_model entry="LANGCONFIG"/>
- <system_model entry="LAUNCH"/>
- <system_model entry="LEAVESCAN"/>
- <system_model entry="LOGGER"/>
- <system_model entry="MBMCODEC"/>
- <system_model entry="MNEMONICFIX"/>
- <system_model entry="NAVIGATION_PAGES"/>
- <system_model entry="PATHBROWSER"/>
- <system_model entry="PERLLIBRARY"/>
- <system_model entry="Perl Shared Libraries"/>
- <system_model entry="PKGMGRGUI"/>
- <system_model entry="PRODUCTINSTALLER"/>
- <system_model entry="Production Build Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Production Build CBR Configuration Files"/>
- <system_model entry="PROGRAMCHECKER"/>
- <system_model entry="RCOMP"/>
- <system_model entry="Redistribution"/>
- <system_model entry="REDISTRIBUTION_WINC_EKA2"/>
- <system_model entry="ROMKIT_EKA2"/>
- <system_model entry="RTF2PTML"/>
- <system_model entry="RUNPERL"/>
- <system_model entry="SDKINFO"/>
- <system_model entry="SDK Package Manager"/>
- <system_model entry="SDKPKG-TOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="SHELLEXEC"/>
- <system_model entry="Secure Software Install Device Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Software Install Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="SWI Analysis Toolkit"/>
- <system_model entry="SPLASH"/>
- <system_model entry="Stat API"/>
- <system_model entry="SWINGWORKER"/>
- <system_model entry="TESTCASERUNNER"/>
- <system_model entry="TESTCONFIGFILEPARSER"/>
- <system_model entry="TESTDRIVER"/>
- <system_model entry="TESTEXECUTE"/>
- <system_model entry="TOOLBARPANEL"/>
- <system_model entry="TOOLS_STUBS"/>
- <system_model entry="World Database Kit"/>
- <system_model entry="World Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Example Internet Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Probe"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Unit Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Reference DRM Agent"/>
- <system_model entry="SYSTEMMONITOR"/>
- <system_model entry="RFile Logger"/>
- <system_model entry="Use Case Controller"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Test"/>
- <system_model entry="STAT_DESKTOP"/>
- <system_model entry="STAT_DEVICE"/>
- <system_model entry="Test Tools Desktop"/>
- <system_model entry="CAPTOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="MIGRATIONTOOL"/>
- <system_model entry="SYSTEMTEST_OS"/>
- <system_model entry="SYSTEMTEST_TOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="SMOKETEST"/>
- <system_model entry="RESOURCE_HANDLER"/>
- <system_model entry="BURTESTSERVER"/>
- <system_model entry="CBRTOOLS"/>
- <system_model entry="CDB"/>
- <system_model entry="CDB Orphaned Header file checker"/>
- <system_model entry="Build System Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Packet Loopback CSY"/>
- <system_model entry="Core Apps Test"/>
- <system_model entry="DUMMY"/>
- <system_model entry="UI Bench"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Validation Suite"/>
- <system_model entry="Trace Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="STLPORT"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="HTTP Examples"/>
- <system_model entry="Alarm Server Test"/>
- <system_model entry="World Server Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Command Shell"/>
- <system_model entry="Telnet Server"/>
- <system_model entry="File Server Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Examples and Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Connectivity Services"/>
- <system_model entry="Connectivity Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Simulation Positioning Module"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Base Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="MTP Integration Test"/>
- <system_model entry="Backup Test"/>
- <system_model entry="UIF Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Word"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Security Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Messaging Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Syslibs Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="System Test MTP Backup and Restore"/>
- <system_model entry="Comms Infrastructure Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Graphics Test Utils"/>
- <system_model entry="LBS Test Product"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Examples"/>
- <system_model entry="Example Internet Utilities"/>
- <system_model entry="IPv6 to 4 Tunnel"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Administration Tool"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Analyzer"/>
- <system_model entry="Name Resolver Utility"/>
- <system_model entry="IP Probe"/>
- <system_model entry="WPS Connect"/>
- <system_model entry="Networking Performance Measurement Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="SUPL SMS Handler"/>
- <system_model entry="Network Protocol Module"/>
- <system_model entry="MockSY"/>
- <system_model entry="LicenseeTSY Stub"/>
-<TEST name="Text Shell">
- <system_model entry="Text Shell"/>
-<TEST name="Universal emulator interface for Java">
-<TEST name="Multimedia Test">
- <system_model entry="Imaging Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Imaging Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Camera Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Tuner Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MMF Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MMF Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MMF Characterisation Validation"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Agent"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Framework"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Tools"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Framework Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MDF Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Mobile TV DVB-H Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MUF Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="MUF Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Trace Utility"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="A3F Audio Component Library"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Resource Controller"/>
- <system_model entry="3GP Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Test Codecs"/>
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Transmitter Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Broadcast Radio Transmitter Integration Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Core Conformance Suite"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Integration Layer Unit Tests"/>
- <system_model entry="Multimedia Integration Layer API"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Test Components"/>
-<REF name="Multimedia OpenMAX Reference">
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Reference Components"/>
- <system_model entry="OpenMAX IL Component Framework"/>
-<TEST name="Multimedia DevSound Bluetooth">
- <system_model entry="Bluetooth DevSound Plugin"/>
-<TEST name="UI look and feel layer (UIKLAF)">
- <system_model entry="UIKLAF"/>
-<TEST name="Reference Sensor Plugins">
- <system_model entry="Test Sensor"/>
-* Note that use is subject to licensee's obtaining the relevant licence(s) from
-SD-3C LLC and/or 4C Entity LLC
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb101sf_cbrtargetalias.cfg Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Comments are allowed
-# $EPOCROOT\epoc32\tools\variant\cbrtargetalias.cfg
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb101sf_romdefs.hby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// ROM-specific system-wide macros for Symbian OS vtb101sf
-// Not intended for customisation
-// Temporary measure until SIPCPR and friends catch up with
-// PREQ399 changes - see BR2030
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb101sf_romspec.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE RomBuildSet [
- <!ELEMENT RomBuildSet (Rom+)>
- revision CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT Rom (InFile+,Macro*,ImageFile,XMLFile)>
- >
- >
- <!ELEMENT ImageFile EMPTY>
-<RomBuildSet name="RomSet" revision="1">
- <Rom name="H2 EABI" TargetBoard="H2">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <ImageFile name="om_001.techview.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H2 EABI NAND" TargetBoard="H2">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <Macro name="_NAND2" value=""/>
- <ImageFile name="om_001.techview.nand.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 EABI" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 EABI CDMA" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <Macro name="CDMA" value=""/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview_cdma.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 EABI DevKit" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <InFile name="DevKit"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.devkit.img"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 Exclude Removable" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview_ExcludeRemovable"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.ExcludeRemovable.img"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 EABI NAND" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <Macro name="_NAND2" value=""/>
- <Macro name="RVCT" value=""/>
- <Macro name="_EABI" value="ARMV5"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.nand.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 Paged Rom" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Pagedrom"/>
- <InFile name="Techview"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <Macro name="_NAND2" value=""/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.techview.DemandPaging.img"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="H4 TextShell Rom" TargetBoard="h4hrp">
- <InFile name="Textshell"/>
- <InFile name="PlatSec"/>
- <ImageFile name="h4hrp_001.textshell.img"/>
- <XMLFile name="featureUIDs.XML"/>
- </Rom>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb92sf.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/symbianosbld/cedarutils/Symbian_OS_vtb92sf.xml Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@
<SetEnv Order="17" Name="MWSym2LibraryFiles" Value="MSL_ALL_MSE_Symbian_D.lib;gdi32.lib;user32.lib;kernel32.lib;"/>
<SetEnv Order="18" Name="MWCC" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwccsym2.exe"/>
<SetEnv Order="19" Name="MWLD" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwldsym2.exe"/>
- <SetEnv Order="20" Name="PATH" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools;%PATH%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="21" Name="PATH" Value="%PATH%;C:\Apps\Python24"/>
+ <SetEnv Order="20" Name="PATH" Value="%MWROOT%\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools;%PATH%"/>
+ <SetEnv Order="21" Name="PATH" Value="%PATH%;C:\Apps\Python24"/>
<!-- %SBS_LOCAL_BIN% is required to support the optional use of a locally installed Raptor -->
- <SetEnv Order="22" Name="PATH" Value="%SBS_LOCAL_BIN%%EPOCROOT%SBSv2\bin;%PATH%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="23" Name="SBS_SRC" Value="%EPOCROOT%tools\sbs"/>
+ <SetEnv Order="22" Name="PATH" Value="%SBS_LOCAL_BIN%%EPOCROOT%SBSv2\bin;%PATH%"/>
+ <SetEnv Order="23" Name="SBS_SRC" Value="%EPOCROOT%tools"/>
<SetEnv Order="24" Name="SBS_ROOT" Value="%EPOCROOT%SBSv2"/>
- <SetEnv Order="25" Name="SOURCEROOT" Value="%SourceDir%"/>
- <SetEnv Order="26" Name="SBS_VERSION" Value="1"/>
+ <SetEnv Order="25" Name="SOURCEROOT" Value="%SourceDir%"/>
+ <SetEnv Order="26" Name="SBS_VERSION" Value="1"/>
<SetEnv Order="27" Name="PATH" Value="%BuildDir%\reltools;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\gcc\bin;%PATH%;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\include;%EPOCROOT%epoc32\include;"/>
<SetEnv Order="28" Name="PERL510_HOME" Value="C:\Apps\Perl.5.10.0"/>
<SetEnv Order="29" Name="TCLDeltaCache" Value="%BuildsDirect%\%Type%\src_tcl_for_mcl_sf"/> <!-- Cache dir for p4 sync from TCL -->
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
<Execute Component="Remove cbr tools directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd "cbr tools" /s /q"/>
<Execute Component="Publish cbrtools_unzip.log" Cwd="%LogsDir%" CommandLine="copy cbrtools_unzip.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\"/>
- <!-- Install SBSv2 -->
- <Execute Component="Get Raptor related components" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\GetDPComp\ -c dev_build_sbsv2_raptor -c dev_build_sbsv2_cpp-raptor -c dev_hostenv_dist_cygwin-1.5.25 -c dev_hostenv_dist_mingw-5.1.4 -c dev_hostenv_pythontoolsplat_python-2.5.2 -bv green -o %LogsDir%\raptor_version.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Copy SBSv2 to own directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -s %SBS_SRC% -t %SBS_ROOT%"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove Raptor related components" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="perl %CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\commonbldutils\ -x %LogsDir%\raptor_version.txt"/>
- <Execute Component="Remove epoc32 directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd %EPOCROOT%epoc32 /s /q"/>
+ <!--Setup Raptor-->
+ <Execute Component="Unzip SBSv2 to location" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="unzip \\builds01\devbuilds\BuildPCs\Software\sbsv2\ -d %SBS_SRC% >> %LogsDir%\RaptorUnzip.txt"/>
+ <Execute Component="Copy SBSv2 to own directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="xcopy %SBS_SRC%\sbs /d %SBS_ROOT% /e /i /q"/>
+ <Execute Component="Get version of SBSv2" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="sbs -v >> %LogsDir%\raptor_version.txt"/>
+ <Execute Component="Remove Raptor src directory" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="rd %SBS_SRC%\sbs /s /q"/>
<!-- Combine system definitions -->
<Execute Component="Join Foundation System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\%SYSDEF_TOOLS%\xalan.jar -in %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\foundation_system\system_model\system_definition.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\joinsysdef.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.SF.xml"/>
<Execute Component="Join Nokia System Definition" Cwd="%CleanSourceDir%\os\buildtools\bldsystemtools\buildsystemtools" CommandLine="java -jar %CleanSourceDir%\%SYSDEF_TOOLS%\xalan.jar -in %CleanSourceDir%\os\deviceplatformrelease\nokia_system\nokia_model\system_definition.xml -param path /os/deviceplatformrelease/nokia_system/nokia_model/system_definition.xml -xsl ..\sysdeftools\joinsysdef.xsl -out variability\vp_data\templates\System_Definition_Template.Nokia.xml"/>
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
<!--Prep for CBR -->
<Execute Component="CBR Copy Clean Src" Cwd="%BuildDir%\CBRTV" CommandLine="xcopy %CleanSourceDir% %BuildDir%\CBRTV\sf /E /Z /I /Q"/>
- <Execute Component="Run sbsv2cache tool" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SBS_ROOT%\win32\python252\python.exe %SBS_ROOT%\bin\ -v -s -o %ABLDCACHE% -l %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_TV_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log > %LogsDir%\sbs_sbsv2cache.log 2>&1"/>
+ <Execute Component="Run sbsv2cache tool" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="%SBS_ROOT%\win32\python264\python.exe %SBS_ROOT%\bin\ -v -s -o %ABLDCACHE% -l %LogsDir%\sbs_e32toolp_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_GT_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_TV_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_rel_log.xml.log -l %LogsDir%\sbs_tools2_deb_log.xml.log > %LogsDir%\sbs_sbsv2cache.log 2>&1"/>
<Execute Component="Publish Raptor Cache Log" Cwd="%BuildDir%" CommandLine="copy %LogsDir%\sbs_sbsv2cache.log %PublishLocation%\%Type%\%BuildNumber%\logs\sbs_sbsv2cache.log"/>
<!-- Cleanup unnecessary files to remove warnings -->
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/inc/Symbian_OS_future.hrh Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2144 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Symbian_OS.hrh
-// Configuration options for Symbian OS
-// This file is managed by the Master Codeline Forum
-/** This include is for PREQ2621 */
-#include "platform_paths.hrh"
-// For Sphinx and later versions, J2ME will no longer be included in the
-// build.
-// This #define supports PREQ1791
- @publishedPartner
- @released
-If SYMBIAN_HCI_API_V2 is defined then the HCI APIs provided in PREQ750
-(Bluetooth HCI improvements) will be required for use by a version 2
-Bluetooth Stack and a version 2 HCI. These APIs are neither binary nor
-source compatible with the previous version 1 HCI APIs. Both the original
-version 1 Bluetooth stack and HCI, and the new version 2 Bluetooth stack
-and HCI will be built, but both rombuild and the emulator will be
-configured to use the version 2 binaries. The version 2 HCI will support
-all commands and events listed in Bluetooth v2.0 specification.
-If SYMBIAN_HCI_API_V2 is not defined then only the version 1 Bluetooth
-stack and HCI will be built and used by rombuild and the emulator.
-The version 1 HCI supports most but NOT all commands and events listed
-in Bluetooth v2.0 specification.
-See BR1613 for more information.
-If __WATCHER_API_V2__ is defined then the
-watcher framework supports ECOM watcher plugins.
-#define __WATCHER_API_V2__
-Hides support APIs for loading non-ECOM watcher plugins. Non-ECOM watcher
-plugins are still loaded. The associated define __REMOVE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-removes the implementation of the support APIs.
-Assumes that __WATCHER_API_V2__ has been defined.
-#define __HIDE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-#define __REMOVE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-When SYMBIAN_TIMEZONE_SUPPORT_V1 is defined the App-services TzClient.dll
-module (and accompanying import library) is made available for client
-application use.
-This #define supports PREQ663
-the Multimedia Framework (MMF) can support video playback on
-a secondary display. The default screen will be the screen
-number in the cone environment.
-@see CVideoPlayerUtility
-File System allows more than one ROFS partition to be included in
-the composite Z: drive.
-This #define supports PREQ1085
-When __SECURE_BIN__ is defined, executable files stored as
-"data" in the XIP ROM are assumed to be in their data-caged
-locations. The presence of this #define does not imply that
-data-caging is enforced, and does not imply that binaries have
-been relocated to sys\bin.
-This #define supports PREQ537 "Platform security - file system layout".
-#define __SECURE_BIN__
-If SYMBIAN_COREAPPS_API_V2 is defined then new functionality is available within
-the Core Apps sub-system (Contacts Model, Agenda Model and World Server) to
-support a platform secured OS.
-If SYMBIAN_APPARC_APPINFO_CACHE is defined then apparc creates
-a file of application information on the first boot, which is
-used during subsequent boots for application information.
-be able to support Internet Key Exchange version 2 in
-addition to IKE v1. This involves a change in the size of
-the TPfkeyMsgBase class - see BR1736.1.
-Actual support for IKE v2 will depend on the provision
-of a suitable plugin to the Key Management Daemon.
-This #define supports PREQ1223.
-When SYMBIAN_UIKON_UNIFICATION is defined, the existing
-CEikSrvAppUiBase class is replaced with a customisable class
-provided by the System GUI.
-This #define supports PREQ819 and PREQ826
-If this macro is defined, then platform security aware security services
-APIs will be present. This includes architectural changes to several
-If this macro is not defined, the original version (since 8.0) of the
-security services APIs will be present.
-The following components are affected:
- cryptotokens
- certman
- filetokens
-Specifies that an extended API will be used in the multimedia
-camera interface. This has a v2 observer which allows camera data
-to be returned without buffer copy, and also allows clients to set
-camera access priority
-@see CCamera
-@see MCameraObserver2
-This #define supports PREQ799.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_ECOM is not defined, ECOM plugins are discovered by
-searching for DLLs in System\libs\plugins, and inferring the name of
-the resource file from the UID3 of the DLL.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_ECOM is defined, ECOM plugins will also be discovered
-by searching for resource files in \Resource\Plugins, and inferring the
-name of the DLL from the name of the resource file. When platform security
-is fully enforced, only this new style of discovery will work.
-If SYMBIAN_INETPROTUTILS_RFC3986 is defined, the Internet
-Protocol Utility Library supports RFC 3986, which increases
-the set of reserved characters.
-@see EscapeUtils::IsExcludedChar
-This #define implements BR2009.
-If this is defined, then classes which derive from COpenFont (usually
-these are part of a font rasterizer implementation) must set the
-protected member variables:
-to appropriate values during the creation of a font.
-If this macro is not defined then these member variables do not exist.
-@see COpenFont
-If __OBEX_USER_DEFINED_HEADERS__ is defined then the new API support for extended Headers will be available.
-This new support includes USER DEFINED HEADERS and the COUNT header.
-If this functionality is compiled out then the old API is available as before.
-For more information on see documents shown below.
-@see SGL.GT171.097 - Obex Header Extension how to
-@see SGL.GT171.095 - Obex Extension Design Document
-If SYMBIAN_CENTREP_NOC is defined, the Central Repository
-includes Notify-Only Client Optimization. This will cause
-repositories to be unloaded after a timeout even if the
-connection is still open.
-This #define supports PREQ1228.
-@since 8.1
-If this is defined, the MHCIEventObserver class must implement
-the FlushCompleteEvent virtual function, which will be used by
-the link manager to send Flush Complete events up to the stack.
-If this macro is not defined, Flush Complete events will be discarded.
-@see MHCIEventObserver
-@see CHCIFacade
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_CODEC_API is defined then support is
-available for PREQ1024 delivered Processing Unit or
-OpenMAX based codecs and Multimedia hardware devices.
-Provides support control the presentation of subtitle and closed captioning text
-from video playback controllers in the Multimedia Framework as part of @see CVideoPlayerUtility2.
-Note that this support is dependent on the following being present in ROM:
-- GCE version of Graphics (migration component)
-- GCE version of Videorender (optional component).
-- The Subtitle plugin (optional component).
-This #define supports PREQ1939
-If __MESSAGING_API_V2__ is defined then new functionality
-is available within the Messaging sub-system to support a
-platform secured OS, e.g. the Attachment API.
-#define __MESSAGING_API_V2__
-#define __HIDE_MESSAGING_API_V1__
-The Bookmark Database is an API used to provide system-wide
-storage and management functionality for URI bookmarks.
-If defined, this macro indicates that the Bookmark Database
-API is present in the platform.
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_UMTSR5 is defined support for the QoS
-and IMS parameters introduced by Release 5 of the 3GPP
-specification will be enabled. This involves a BC break in
-TContextConfig - see BR1582.1 for details.
-@see TContextConfig
-This #define supports PREQ192 and PREQ635.
-for QoS modification on the default PDP context will be
-enabled via the RSubconnection API.
-This #define supports PREQ870.
-When SYMBIAN_STAGED_SYSTEM_STARTUP is defined, the staged
-start-up architecture has been introduced into the OS and
-'Start-up State Aware' components can make use of the
-This #define supports PREQ 810.
-If __HIDE_IPC_V1__ is defined then the deprecated insecure IPC APIs will be removed from various Symbian OS header files. Classes affected include CSession, CServer, RMessage and RMessageptr.
-For more information see the document listed below.
-@see SMG.SM0005.004 - Platform Security Development for Zephyr
-@see CSession
-@see CServer
-@see RMessage
-@see RMessagePtr
-#define __HIDE_IPC_V1__
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_DHCPSERVER is defined, Symbian OS includes a
-simplified DHCPv4 server capable of dealing with single client.
-This #define provides functionality to support PREQ749.
-This macro removes the trivial encryption APIs that are exported by EUSER.
-See BR1320 for more details
-watcher compares the origin of Push messages against URIs in a
-"White list" and "Black list".
-This #define supports PREQ1505
-When this macro is defined, Calendar Interim API, Alarm server and UIKON
-Alert Server will support additional functionality.
-- Extra data can be attached to calendar alarm and allow UI app
-to retrieve the associated data.
-- The Alarm server can send multiple expired alarms to Alert Server without
-waiting for the previous alarm acknowledged first
-- A Resource file can be used to configure alarm play intervals and durations,
-or to disable alarm sound control.
-This #define supports PREQ1118
-If SYMBIAN_PKCS12 is defined, the PKCS#12 Key Derivation
-Algorithm is supplied.
-This #define supports PREQ1054.
-#define SYMBIAN_PKCS12
-This #define enables extra features in the MMF APIs for auto pause
-and resume of audio streams.
-If __SECURE_BACKUP__ is defined, the Secure Backup server replaces
-the use of SCRemFs for backup and restore, changing the backup protocol.
-Applications which have private data need to provide additional backup
-registration files, and may use Publish & Subscribe to receive
-notification of backup requests.
-This #define supports PREQ716 - Provide support for secure backup and
-restore for licensee PC Connectivity software
-#define __SECURE_BACKUP__
-If this macro is defined the deprecated APIs RGenericAgent,
-RNif, RNifMonitor and Nifman are removed. All of these APIs,
-exported by NIFMAN, have been deprecated and replaced by
-the RConnection API exported by ESOCK.
-@see Break request BR1070
-@released 9.0
-removed, and the RSubConnection API exported by ESOCK must be used instead.
-This #define supports PREQ 26.
-If SYMBIAN_HIDE_COREAPPS_API_V1 is defined then the insecure CoreApps APIs
-will be removed from various Symbian OS header files. Components affected are
-Contacts Model, Agenda Model and World Server.
-The related define SYMBIAN_REMOVE_COREAPPS_API_V1 removes the underlying implementations,
-causing a binary compatibility break to match the source compatibility break.
-If __UI_FRAMEWORKS_V2__ is defined then PlatSec aware UI Frameworks API's will be available.
-The following frameworks will be affected:
-File Recognizers
-Data Recognizers
-Control Panel Plugins
-App-initialization (CEikLibrary)
-#define __UI_FRAMEWORKS_V2__
-Support for the implementation of PREQ743 "Introduction of interface
-robustness patterns to support future binary compatibility".
-If SYMBIAN_TELEPHONY_USAT5 is defined then support for 3GPP
-Release 5 (U)SAT will be enabled.
-@see RSat::TCallControlV5
-This #define supports PREQ1234.
-This #define enables the generic start-up architecture in
-which the System Starter process is responsible for the
-controlled startup of the system.
-The #define supports PREQ808 and PREQ809.
-If this macro is defined, then the Bluetooth stack reconfigures to take
-advantage of security mechanisms in Publish and Subscribe. Any other
-components requiring reconfiguration to make use of Publish and Subscribe
-can also use this macro.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURITY_CAF_RFILE_HANDLE is defined then it enables the Content Access
-Framework to read from files passed to it as an open RFile handles instead of CAF
-opening the file itself. This allows files stored in a data caged directory to be
-read by CAF.
-If __JAVACUSTOMINSTALL__ is defined then an additional UI callback is made after MIDlet
-installation has succeeded or failed. This callback is intended for information only and the
-information passed can be licensee customised. The intention would be that the device user
-can use this information to diagnose install problems in conjunction with network operators.
-If this #define is not present then the callback is not present and is not called.
-For more information on see documents shown below.
-@see SGL.GT0188.253 CDMA Java MIDlet Installer Component Design
-This macro selects the Symbian OS 9.x phase of development in
-the Media Device Framework API, including changes to enable
-MDF Video Decoder Hardware devices to support applications,
-streaming and demux.
-@see CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice
-SMS Release 6 support is defined in the 3GPP specifications
-(3GPP TS 23.040 V6.5.0 and 3GPP TS 23.038 V6.1.0).
-If defined, this macro indicates that Symbian OS SMS APIs
-shall support Release 6 functionality.
-support for the SWI post install revocation service is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ919
-If SYMBIAN_TELEPHONY_IMS is defined then IMS related APIs are included
-in Telephony components.
-This #define supports PREQ61.
-When SYMBIAN_IGNORE_BIN_TARGETPATH is defined the TARGETPATH keyword in MMP files is ignored for executables.
-Executables for the emulator instead get built to the default location.
-e.g. \epoc32\release\winscw\udeb
-Comms data is now stored in the Central Repository rather than the DBMS server.
-A new module, CommsDat.dll, replaces Commdb.dll as the interface for comms data stored on a device.
-CommsDat has a different API to Commdb, but provides equivalent functionality.
-There is no longer an SQL API for access to Comms Data.
-Commdb tools have been migrated for use with CommsDat
-Commdb is deprecated and should not be used, though it remains as a temporary BC shim on top of CommsDat.
-CMMFSwCodecWrapper based audio hardware devices in the
-Multimedia Framework (MMF) can support variable bitrate codecs.
-@see CMMFSwCodecWrapper
-If __SECURE_TELEPHONY__ is defined, all Platform Security functionality
-within the Telephony subsystem will be enabled.
-If __SECURE_TELEPHONY__ is not defined, no Platform Security functionality
-within the Telephony subsystem is enabled.
-The SYMBIAN_CAF_V2 flag indicates the CAF API v2 is present.
-CAF v2 supports files containing multiple content objects, which requires
-a change of API for CAF agents: agents written for CAF v1 will not compile
-against CAF v2. See BR.1219.2 for migration information.
-This #define supports PREQ780.
-#define SYMBIAN_CAF_V2
-This macro enables a consolidation phase in the ROM building
-process to generate additional metadata for each ROM drive.
-The metadata describes the content and structure of the ROM
-conveniently filtered for any component that requires it.
-Components supply metadata with the "spidata" BUILDROM keyword.
-This macro supports PREQ806 and other requirements that
-eliminate run-time scanning of ROM content.
-Enable support for Bluetooth eSCO synchronous links.
-Defining this macro extends the interface to CHCIBase to support
-the Synchronous connection commands added in Bluetooth 1.2.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURE_MIDLET_INSTALL is defined then the Java MIDlet
-Installer supports installation under Platform Security policies,
-using the interface published by security\JavaMIDletInstaller.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURE_MIDLET_INSTALL is not defined then Java MIDlet
-installation is achieved through the security\appinst interfaces.
-the following additional features will be available in CONE.
-1) Functions to set and get the background of a control.
-2) Functions to add components to a compound control in a simpler way.
-3) Hooks for the support of layout managers.
-4) A component that will provide fonts and cache them for easier use
- of these fonts by controls.
-@see CCoeControl
-If SYMBIAN_CNTMODEL_V2 is defined, clients of the
-Contacts Model can exploit the efficiency improvements
-introduced by PREQ811, e.g. efficient use of transactions.
-This #define supports PREQ811
-If SYMBIAN_COREAPPS_PLUGIN_API_V2 is defined then Ecom solely is used as loading
-mechanism.The legacy plugin loading mechanism is used otherwise.
-If DO_NOT_USE_THIS_MACRO is defined, assume the Cedar platform.
-If DO_NOT_USE_THIS_MACRO is not defined, assume the Beech platform.
-This macro was originally introduced as a stopgap measure, to
-identify differences between Symbian OS v7.0s and Symbian OS v8.0b
-which were not specifically to do with the change from Kernel
-Architecture 1 to Kernel Architecture 2.
-This macro will be deprecated when a suitable alternative is provided.
-Strengthens the C32Root API and extends it to include
-configuration of queue length for bindings.
-This #define supports PREQ318.
-Hides unsecure APIs. Many of these have been replaced by Secure variants
-but some are no longer available in a Secure platform.
-@see User::RenameThread
-@see User::CommandLine
-#define __SECURE_API__
-If __CNF_FORMAT_V2__ is defined, assume that generates
-files in version 2 of the CNF format, and that both versions 1
-and 2 of this file format can be read by Conarc.
-If __CNF_FORMAT_V2__ is not defined, assume that
-generates files in version 1 of the CNF format, and that only
-version 1 of this file format can be read by Conarc.
-#define __CNF_FORMAT_V2__
-If SYMBIAN_SUPPORT_LINKED_FONTS is defined then APIs are provided
-to create 'linked' font instances which combine glyph sets from
-multiple existing font glyph sets.
-@see CLinkedTypefaceElement
-@see CLinkedTypefaceSpecification
-This #define supports PREQ1431.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_DBMS is defined, support for secure
-shared databases is enabled within DBMS.
-When not defined, all secure-shared-database-specific APIs
-take the form of dummy implementations which return KErrNone.
-When this macro is defined, all data files are assumed to be in their secure
-locations, and all code which provided backward compatibility for the
-insecure locations is removed. For example, ICL extended resource files
-will not be loaded from System\Libs\Plugins, only from \Resource\ICL.
-This macro only makes sense if __SECURE_DATA__ is defined.
-@since 8.0
-#define __KEYSTORE_API_V2__
-When __SECURE_DATA__ is defined, public read-only files are
-assumed to be in their data-caged locations. The presence of
-this #define does not imply that data-caging is enforced, and
-does not imply that binaries have been relocated to sys\bin.
-This #define supports PREQ537 "Platform security - file system layout".
-#define __SECURE_DATA__
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_PLATSEC is defined, additional platform security
-related functionality in enabled in the Comms-Infras and Networking
-subsystems (e.g. API policing).
-If __CONDITIONS_SCHEDULES_VALID__ is defined then the Task Scheduler component
-supports creating persistent schedules based on a set of conditions and a
-timeout. The schedule is run when either all the conditions are met or the
-timeout is reached.
-This functionality is part of PREQ694 - PREQ 694 - Automatic sending of SMS on
-network reconnection.
-If __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is defined, User::Leave() and TRAP() are
-implemented in terms of C++ exceptions where the compiler supports this.
-If __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is not defined, the legacy Symbian exception
-mechanism is used instead.
-Support for C++ exceptions by the compiler is indicated by the
-internal macro __SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ supplied by the tools.
-Where this macro is not present, __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is automatically
-This macro supports PREQ519 "Implement User::Leave() in terms of throw()".
-If __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__ is defined assume that version 2 of the bluetooth
-subsystem will be built. This is binary compatible with version 1 for all
-published-all APIs but is not source compatible. Users of classes defined
-in BTDevice.h and BTManClient.h may need to make source changes.
-The BTRegistry.dll is removed, users should link instead against BTManClient.lib.
-The APIs provided by that DLL were classified as published-partner.
-@see CBTDevice
-@see SGL.GT172.103 - Bluetooth Compatibility Specification
-If __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__ is not defined then version 1 of the bluetooth subsystem
-will be built.
-#define __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__
-If __BLUETOOTH_HCI_ALLOWS_AFH__ is defined the HCI interface will require the Adaptive Frequency Hopping CHCIBase pure virtual functions to be implemented in any derived class in Licensee produced host controller interface (HCI) code.
-If this is not defined no AFH commands may be sent to the host controller, and no AFH events will be received from the host controller.
-The APIs provided by the HCI DLL were classified as published-partner.
-@see CHCIBase
-@see MHCIEventObserver
-If EKA2 is defined, assume Kernel Architecture 2.
-If EKA2 is not defined, assume Kernel Architecture 1
-Kernel Architecture 2 is a defining property of the Cedar platform.
-Kernel Architecture 1 is a defining property of the Beech platform.
-#ifndef EKA2
-#define EKA2
-When SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_ALPHA_SUPPORT_V1 is defined a new EColor16MA
-display mode is available, having an alpha channel. The alpha support
-is tailored to the needs of wserv server-side, although some alpha
-support will also be available to client applications.
-This #define supports PREQ915.
-When __SECURE_SOFTWARE_INSTALL__ is defined, the Software
-Install APIs are replaced with versions appropriate to
-the Secure Platform.
-This #define supports PREQ56 "Software install enhancements"
-If SYMBIAN_ESOCK_V3 is defined, the socket server allows protocol
-families to run in individual threads to protect one protocol family
-from the behaviour of another. The allocation of protocol families to
-threads is determined by a naming convention on the ESK files.
-This #define supports PREQ318.
-priority SystemServer/More (i.e. process priorities EPriorityFileServer,
-EPriorityWindowServer or EPrioritySupervisor with relative thread priority
-EPriorityMore) are mapped to absolute priority 23, equal to the highest
-priority available to normal applications. This lowers the Window Server
-and File Server priorities so application threads can timeslice with them,
-benefitting audio and other pseudo real-time applications.
-If SYMBIAN_CURB_SYSTEMSERVER_PRIORITIES is not defined, these system server
-priorities remain at 24, preempting all normal user application threads.
-This #define supports PREQ955, and BR1821.
-@since 8.0
-Internal macro - do not use outside Symbian code.
-Repository notifier handler is present.
-@see CCenRepNotifyHandler
-@see MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL is defined, the bafl sysutil.dll is present,
-providing APIs for obtaining system version information and
-APIs for monitoring free disk space.
-@see SysUtil::GetSWVersion
-@see SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_BAFL_ACTIVITYMGR is defined, the bafl activitymgr.dll is
-presentand provides an API that allows the client to take action at the
-start and/or end of a period of user inactivity.
-@see CUserActivityManager::Start
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_CLIENTPROV_V2 is defined then the client provisioning
-documents will be pushed to Inbox by default, and a new API is
-added to submit the documents from Inbox back to CPAgent.
-@see RCpMsvDocInputSession
-This is a source and binary compatibility break: see BR2092.
-This #define supports PREQ1664
- /**
-The SYMBIAN_CRYPTOSPI flag indicates that the Crypto SPI is present.
-Crypto SPI (Service Provider Interface) supports licensee-pluggable
-cryptographic algorithms (e.g. for enabling hardware acceleration),
-and also allows for future extensibility of the cryptography
-interfaces (e.g. for supporting future hashes and ciphers and
-to support non-extractable private keys).
-This #define supports PREQ57.
-If SYMBIAN_C32_SERCOMMS_V2 is defined, the Comms Server allows grouped CSYs
-to get loaded into individual threads in order to avoid CSY blocking.
-The allocation of CSYs to threads is determined by naming convention from
-the configurator/INI file.
-This #define supports PREQ890
-device management support for network bearers can configured
-using the resource file 'dmnapddf.rss'
-This #define supports CR1011
-Symbian OS DHCPv4 daemon supports retrieval of
-DHCP message header fields and also 'Parameter Request List'
-in the DHCP request message to the remote DHCP server is
-This #define supports PREQ1647 and PREQ1648
-If SYMBIAN_DRM_3RD_PARTY_PLAYBACK is defined, the Multimedia Framework
-supports the playback of DRM-protected content by processes which do not
-have the DRM capability.
-@see RMMFController
-This #define supports CR1058.
-If SYMBIAN_USE_MMF_RUF_RECOGNIZER is defined, the MMF recognizer is able to
-recognize formats such as MPEG4, MPEG2, AAC and Divx.
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_1630_JPEG_EXTENSIONS is defined, the Symbian JPEG
-codec implements the PREQ1630 ICL API extensions.
-@see CImageDecoder::SetClippingRectL
-@see CImageDecoder::GetDestinationSize
-@see CImageDecoder::PrepareL
-@see CImageDecoder::OperationL
-@see CImageDecoder::ScalerL
-@see CImageDecoder::BlockStreamerL
-@see CImageEncoder::PrepareL
-@see CImageEncoder::OperationL
-@see CImageEncoder::BlockStreamerL
-This #define supports PREQ1630.
-If SYMBIAN_LFFS_SIBLEY_NORFLASH is defined support for LFFS on
-Intel Sibley NOR flash is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ912 and involves a BC break in the
-parameter list for DMediaDriverFlash::Caps() - see BR1680 for details.
- /**
-If SYMBIAN_LOCATION_PRIVACY_V2 is defined, the Symbian LBS sub-system
-includes support for the advanced privacy dialogs and standalone
-privacy components.
-This #define supports PREQ1660.
-Framework (MDF) will use the RSoundSc sound driver interface.
-If this macro is not defined, MDF will use the older RMdaDevSound interface.
-BR2079 gives further details of the migration needed by customers who
-are using the Symbian reference DevSound with their own implementation
-of RMdaDevSound.
-@see RMdaDevSound
-@see RSoundSc
-If SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_USING_SQLDB is defined then messaging server
-uses the SQLite database to store message index data.
-APIs are provided in cone.lib and ws32.lib which allow
-applications to draw to multiple displays simultaneously and
-react to a change of the active display.
-This #define supports PREQ1227
-@see CCoeEnv::ScreenDevice
-@see CScreenItem
-If SYMBIAN_POWER_RESOURCE_MANAGER_API is defined, the Power Resource
-Manager is available.
-@see PowerResourceManager
-@see DPowerResourceController
-This #define supports PREQ1398.
-If defined, the System Startup architecture supports dynamic startup
-for after market applications, and provides the SysMon process to
-monitor critical system processes.
-@see DscStore::Connect
-@see ERestartOS
-This define supports PREQ871 and PREQ1089.
-is provided, allowing applications to be notified if the radio
-is retuned to another station in order to listen to an announcement.
-@see MMMRdsTunerUtilityImpl
-@see MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver2
-@see CMMRdsTunerUtility
-This #define supports CR1097.
-If SYMBIAN_USER_PROMPT_SERVICE is defined, the User Prompt
-Service is available, allowing system servers to prompt the
-user to make a security decision about a request from a client
-application, e.g. "Allow application X to send an SMS message?"
-@see RupSubsession::Authorise
-This #define is associated with PREQ1262.
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_MUF is defined, then the PREQ1823 Multimedia
-Metadata Utility Framework is delivered in to the OS.
-@see CMetaDataClientUtility
-@see CMUFParserType
-@see MMUFObserver
-@see CMetaDataFieldsArray
-@see CMetaDataFieldItem
-@see CMetaDataParser
-This #define supports PREQ1823.
-SYMBIAN_MBUFMANAGER_V2 make several changes in
-the CMBufManager including multiple sized RMBuf's.
-This #define supports REQ7857, REQ7860, REQ7864, REQ8585, REQ8586
-developed as part of PREQ1248.
-These changes introduces a BR-2242.
-If SYMBIAN_FEATURE_MANAGER is defined then the Feature Registry
-functionality is implemented via the Feature Manager, with
-corresponding changes in the ROM building tools.
-This #define supports PREQ1645
-If SYMBIAN_BUILD_GCE is defined, the Surface Manager and Graphics
-Composition Engine APIs are available at build time.
-@see RWindowBase::SetBackgroundSurface
-@see RSurfaceManager
-@see RSurfaceUpdateSession
-Note that the Surface Manager and GCE executables are optional,
-and will not be present in the ROM or the emulator unless
-appropriately configured.
-This #define supports PREQ1007 and PREQ1019
-then the comms-infras framework supports the management plane
-with the RCommsManager API providing support for connection
-selection, bearer mobility and other functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ 1060 and PREQ 399.
-If SYMBIAN_CAF_STREAMING is defined then CAF provides support for
-streamed broadcast protection standards, such as DVB-H or OMA DRM BCAST.
-This #define supports PREQ782
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_USB_OTG_HOST is defined, executables related
-to USB Host and USB OTG will be built in addition to the
-existing support for USB Client.
-These additional components are necessary to enable building a
-ROM incorporating USB Client, Host and OTG functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ1782
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_A3FDEVSOUND is defined, the PREQ1540 DevSound API is
-present in the Advanced Audio Adaptation Framework
-This #define supports PREQ1540.
-When this macro is enabled, OMA dataSync, Device Management and Client Provisioning protocol
-implementations will be excluded.
-This #define supports PREQ2474.
-If SYMBIAN_USB_RNDIS is defined, SYMBIAN OS will provide USB Remote NDIS class (this affects Bluetooth PAN as well).
-This #define supports PREQ1872.
-If SYMBIAN_ADAPTIVE_TCP_RECEIVE_WINDOW is defined, TCP protocol will set the Receive window size according to the underlying bearer (ex. GPRS, WiFi, etc)
-and the window size will change as the bearer changes or the modulation of the bearer changes.
-#define supports PREQ1854.
-If SYMBIAN_ALARM_REPEAT_EXTENSIONS is defined then the client APIs delivered by PREQ2069 will be avilable.
-These APIs introduce an additional alarm repeat definition and a new alarm expiry behaviour.
-#define supports PREQ2069.
-component provides the MultipartParser.dll functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ2051.
-If SYMBIAN_CENTREP_SUPPORT_MULTIROFS is defined, centralrepository client
-will be able to define keyspaces that are composed of multiple files in different ROFS layers.
-This #define supports PREQ2112
-If SYMBIAN_DNS_PROXY is defined, SYMBIAN OS will provide DNS Proxy Service.
-This define supports PREQ1684.
-If SYMBIAN_DNS_PUNYCODE is defined, this will enable punycode conversion
-functionality in the system. If SYMBIAN_DNS_PUNYCODE is enabled, then the DND
-can resolve the International Domain Names also. As per the requirement, application
-can use this punycode conversion.
-This define supports PREQ2296.
-Enables the File Server Client side API for large file access (file size greater than 2GB - 1).
-Enables the configurable part of File Server side to support large files.
-This #define supports PREQ1725
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_FAT_DIRECTORY_OPT is defined, a size-configurable
-Leaf Directory Name Caching and optimisations to file creation operations
-is enabled to improve performance of locating leaf directories and
-file creation on FAT volumes.
-This #define supports PREQ1885.
-EUserHl generic usability library
-This #define supports PREQ2177
-Allows applications that use the LBS subsystem to automatically utilize the best Bluetooth GPS positioning source
-available (rather than be manually configured to a particular Bluetooth GPS device)
-side of messaging server provides enhanced search capabilities.
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_ADDRESS_PROVISION is defined, this will enable
-the DHCP server to provide IP address to the client based on its
-hardware address, this hardware address is provisioned by the
-application which is loading the DHCP server. Also NAPT will
-forward any packets to the uplink only if the source address is
-This define supports PREQ1872.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LIBRT is defined, the open environment component will be extended to include the
-Symbian OS port of the latest version of librt ("realtime") open source library.
-This #define supports PREQ1974
-If SYMBIAN_OE_POSIX_SIGNALS is enabled, the libc component will use POSIX signals emulation.
-This #define supports PREQ1579
-If SYMBIAN_SDP_IPSEC_VOIP_SUPPORT is defined, then PREQ1853 APIs enable use of the cipher based MAC evaluation
-and psuedo random generation algorithms (AES-XCBC-MAC-96 and AES-XCBC-PRF-128 respectively) through a new MAC
-interface introduced in the CryptoSpi framework.
-Tbis #define supports PREQ1853
-If SYMBIAN_SKIPPED_CALENDAR_ALARMS is present then the alarm server shall
-persist details of missed calendar alarms and clients shall be able to
-retrieve the list of missed calendar alarms from the Alarm server client API.
-This supports PREQ2088.
-When SYMBIAN_SSM_FLEXIBLE_MERGE is enabled then flexible merging
-of startup command lists based on priority is supported.
-This define supports PREQ1871.
-If SYMBIAN_SSM_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN is defined, this will enable
-Staged Shutdown of the device, which allows definition of
-a policy to specify the order for notifying registered
-components of shutdown, allowing them to perform any necessary
-tasks before the device completes its shutdown.
-This define supports PREQ2326.
-the TCP/IP stack shall support explictly bound sockets.
-If a socket is explicitly bound and a packet arrives on an interface
-that the socket isn't bound to, then the packet should be dropped.
-This define supports PREQ2279.
-This new Macro will enable the support for new run option for SIS files . When executables/files inside
-SIS file marked with this new run option, they will be executed at the end of the successful installation.
-This #define supports PREQ2264, CR1544
-If SYMBIAN_SYSTEM_STATE_MANAGEMENT is defined, this will enable
-the System State Management Architecture, which supports the
-concept of system states (including startup, normal operation,
-shutdown, and failure) and associated behaviour, and facilitates
-the transitioning between them according to licensee-defined
-policies and procedures.
-This define supports PREQ1871.
-This System Wide Define will be used to issue a warning when a rom is built that enables data paging on a
-version of the OS for which data paging is not warranted.
-This #define supports PREQ1954
-If SYMBIAN_ZERO_COPY_NETWORKING is defined the Comms Stack switches from using single memory pool overseen
-by MBufManager to multiple, HW specific pools. With SYMBIAN_ZERO_COPY_NETWORKING defined link-level flows
-can avoid copying data when communicating with the respective HW drivers.
-This #define supports PREQ2106.
-This macro is supported only in the wserv_nga configuration.
- - code changes for supporting Qt effects in graphics window server will be enabled.
- - the layer region optimizer and surface placement will no longer work.
-This #define supports PREQ2669.
-When this macro is enabled, new locale model will be enabled, three distinct locale dlls will replace the old single locale dll.
-When this is not defined, header files, that have been split, #include the extra header files to disable the source break. When this is defined, the headers have been fully split and the source break is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ2740 and other splitting "mixed" header file PREQs.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LIBSTDCPP is defined, the open environment component will be extended to include the standard new and delete operators, and STDxxx targets will be linked against stdnew.lib for ARM builds, while other targets will be linked against scppnwdl.lib for Emulator builds.
-This #define supports PREQ1184
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT is enabled, code changes for supporting Large files ( >2GB) will be built into libc.
-This will be enabled from Symbian OS Emin onwards.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_ENHANCED_LOCALE_SUPPORT is enabled, code changes for aligning OE locale support with native locales will be built into libc and libstdcppv5.
-This will be enabled from Symbian OS Emin onwards.
-This #define supports PREQ1440
- @released
-SYMBIAN_UNIVERSAL_INSTALL_FRAMEWORK toggles the support for the Software Component Registry (SCR),
- Software Installation Framework (SIF) and Software Transaction Services (STS).
- The components are built if and only if this macro is defined.
- This macro supports REQ 415-7310: Universal Software Install Framework
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/inc/Symbian_OS_tb101sf.hrh Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2127 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Symbian_OS.hrh
-// Configuration options for Symbian OS
-// This file is managed by the Master Codeline Forum
-/** This include is for PREQ2621 */
-#include "platform_paths.hrh"
-// For Sphinx and later versions, J2ME will no longer be included in the
-// build.
-// This #define supports PREQ1791
- @publishedPartner
- @released
-If SYMBIAN_HCI_API_V2 is defined then the HCI APIs provided in PREQ750
-(Bluetooth HCI improvements) will be required for use by a version 2
-Bluetooth Stack and a version 2 HCI. These APIs are neither binary nor
-source compatible with the previous version 1 HCI APIs. Both the original
-version 1 Bluetooth stack and HCI, and the new version 2 Bluetooth stack
-and HCI will be built, but both rombuild and the emulator will be
-configured to use the version 2 binaries. The version 2 HCI will support
-all commands and events listed in Bluetooth v2.0 specification.
-If SYMBIAN_HCI_API_V2 is not defined then only the version 1 Bluetooth
-stack and HCI will be built and used by rombuild and the emulator.
-The version 1 HCI supports most but NOT all commands and events listed
-in Bluetooth v2.0 specification.
-See BR1613 for more information.
-If __WATCHER_API_V2__ is defined then the
-watcher framework supports ECOM watcher plugins.
-#define __WATCHER_API_V2__
-Hides support APIs for loading non-ECOM watcher plugins. Non-ECOM watcher
-plugins are still loaded. The associated define __REMOVE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-removes the implementation of the support APIs.
-Assumes that __WATCHER_API_V2__ has been defined.
-#define __HIDE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-#define __REMOVE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-When SYMBIAN_TIMEZONE_SUPPORT_V1 is defined the App-services TzClient.dll
-module (and accompanying import library) is made available for client
-application use.
-This #define supports PREQ663
-the Multimedia Framework (MMF) can support video playback on
-a secondary display. The default screen will be the screen
-number in the cone environment.
-@see CVideoPlayerUtility
-File System allows more than one ROFS partition to be included in
-the composite Z: drive.
-This #define supports PREQ1085
-When __SECURE_BIN__ is defined, executable files stored as
-"data" in the XIP ROM are assumed to be in their data-caged
-locations. The presence of this #define does not imply that
-data-caging is enforced, and does not imply that binaries have
-been relocated to sys\bin.
-This #define supports PREQ537 "Platform security - file system layout".
-#define __SECURE_BIN__
-If SYMBIAN_COREAPPS_API_V2 is defined then new functionality is available within
-the Core Apps sub-system (Contacts Model, Agenda Model and World Server) to
-support a platform secured OS.
-If SYMBIAN_APPARC_APPINFO_CACHE is defined then apparc creates
-a file of application information on the first boot, which is
-used during subsequent boots for application information.
-be able to support Internet Key Exchange version 2 in
-addition to IKE v1. This involves a change in the size of
-the TPfkeyMsgBase class - see BR1736.1.
-Actual support for IKE v2 will depend on the provision
-of a suitable plugin to the Key Management Daemon.
-This #define supports PREQ1223.
-When SYMBIAN_UIKON_UNIFICATION is defined, the existing
-CEikSrvAppUiBase class is replaced with a customisable class
-provided by the System GUI.
-This #define supports PREQ819 and PREQ826
-If this macro is defined, then platform security aware security services
-APIs will be present. This includes architectural changes to several
-If this macro is not defined, the original version (since 8.0) of the
-security services APIs will be present.
-The following components are affected:
- cryptotokens
- certman
- filetokens
-Specifies that an extended API will be used in the multimedia
-camera interface. This has a v2 observer which allows camera data
-to be returned without buffer copy, and also allows clients to set
-camera access priority
-@see CCamera
-@see MCameraObserver2
-This #define supports PREQ799.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_ECOM is not defined, ECOM plugins are discovered by
-searching for DLLs in System\libs\plugins, and inferring the name of
-the resource file from the UID3 of the DLL.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_ECOM is defined, ECOM plugins will also be discovered
-by searching for resource files in \Resource\Plugins, and inferring the
-name of the DLL from the name of the resource file. When platform security
-is fully enforced, only this new style of discovery will work.
-If SYMBIAN_INETPROTUTILS_RFC3986 is defined, the Internet
-Protocol Utility Library supports RFC 3986, which increases
-the set of reserved characters.
-@see EscapeUtils::IsExcludedChar
-This #define implements BR2009.
-If this is defined, then classes which derive from COpenFont (usually
-these are part of a font rasterizer implementation) must set the
-protected member variables:
-to appropriate values during the creation of a font.
-If this macro is not defined then these member variables do not exist.
-@see COpenFont
-If __OBEX_USER_DEFINED_HEADERS__ is defined then the new API support for extended Headers will be available.
-This new support includes USER DEFINED HEADERS and the COUNT header.
-If this functionality is compiled out then the old API is available as before.
-For more information on see documents shown below.
-@see SGL.GT171.097 - Obex Header Extension how to
-@see SGL.GT171.095 - Obex Extension Design Document
-If SYMBIAN_CENTREP_NOC is defined, the Central Repository
-includes Notify-Only Client Optimization. This will cause
-repositories to be unloaded after a timeout even if the
-connection is still open.
-This #define supports PREQ1228.
-@since 8.1
-If this is defined, the MHCIEventObserver class must implement
-the FlushCompleteEvent virtual function, which will be used by
-the link manager to send Flush Complete events up to the stack.
-If this macro is not defined, Flush Complete events will be discarded.
-@see MHCIEventObserver
-@see CHCIFacade
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_CODEC_API is defined then support is
-available for PREQ1024 delivered Processing Unit or
-OpenMAX based codecs and Multimedia hardware devices.
-Provides support control the presentation of subtitle and closed captioning text
-from video playback controllers in the Multimedia Framework as part of @see CVideoPlayerUtility2.
-Note that this support is dependent on the following being present in ROM:
-- GCE version of Graphics (migration component)
-- GCE version of Videorender (optional component).
-- The Subtitle plugin (optional component).
-This #define supports PREQ1939
-If __MESSAGING_API_V2__ is defined then new functionality
-is available within the Messaging sub-system to support a
-platform secured OS, e.g. the Attachment API.
-#define __MESSAGING_API_V2__
-#define __HIDE_MESSAGING_API_V1__
-The Bookmark Database is an API used to provide system-wide
-storage and management functionality for URI bookmarks.
-If defined, this macro indicates that the Bookmark Database
-API is present in the platform.
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_UMTSR5 is defined support for the QoS
-and IMS parameters introduced by Release 5 of the 3GPP
-specification will be enabled. This involves a BC break in
-TContextConfig - see BR1582.1 for details.
-@see TContextConfig
-This #define supports PREQ192 and PREQ635.
-for QoS modification on the default PDP context will be
-enabled via the RSubconnection API.
-This #define supports PREQ870.
-When SYMBIAN_STAGED_SYSTEM_STARTUP is defined, the staged
-start-up architecture has been introduced into the OS and
-'Start-up State Aware' components can make use of the
-This #define supports PREQ 810.
-If __HIDE_IPC_V1__ is defined then the deprecated insecure IPC APIs will be removed from various Symbian OS header files. Classes affected include CSession, CServer, RMessage and RMessageptr.
-For more information see the document listed below.
-@see SMG.SM0005.004 - Platform Security Development for Zephyr
-@see CSession
-@see CServer
-@see RMessage
-@see RMessagePtr
-#define __HIDE_IPC_V1__
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_DHCPSERVER is defined, Symbian OS includes a
-simplified DHCPv4 server capable of dealing with single client.
-This #define provides functionality to support PREQ749.
-This macro removes the trivial encryption APIs that are exported by EUSER.
-See BR1320 for more details
-watcher compares the origin of Push messages against URIs in a
-"White list" and "Black list".
-This #define supports PREQ1505
-When this macro is defined, Calendar Interim API, Alarm server and UIKON
-Alert Server will support additional functionality.
-- Extra data can be attached to calendar alarm and allow UI app
-to retrieve the associated data.
-- The Alarm server can send multiple expired alarms to Alert Server without
-waiting for the previous alarm acknowledged first
-- A Resource file can be used to configure alarm play intervals and durations,
-or to disable alarm sound control.
-This #define supports PREQ1118
-If SYMBIAN_PKCS12 is defined, the PKCS#12 Key Derivation
-Algorithm is supplied.
-This #define supports PREQ1054.
-#define SYMBIAN_PKCS12
-This #define enables extra features in the MMF APIs for auto pause
-and resume of audio streams.
-If __SECURE_BACKUP__ is defined, the Secure Backup server replaces
-the use of SCRemFs for backup and restore, changing the backup protocol.
-Applications which have private data need to provide additional backup
-registration files, and may use Publish & Subscribe to receive
-notification of backup requests.
-This #define supports PREQ716 - Provide support for secure backup and
-restore for licensee PC Connectivity software
-#define __SECURE_BACKUP__
-If this macro is defined the deprecated APIs RGenericAgent,
-RNif, RNifMonitor and Nifman are removed. All of these APIs,
-exported by NIFMAN, have been deprecated and replaced by
-the RConnection API exported by ESOCK.
-@see Break request BR1070
-@released 9.0
-removed, and the RSubConnection API exported by ESOCK must be used instead.
-This #define supports PREQ 26.
-If SYMBIAN_HIDE_COREAPPS_API_V1 is defined then the insecure CoreApps APIs
-will be removed from various Symbian OS header files. Components affected are
-Contacts Model, Agenda Model and World Server.
-The related define SYMBIAN_REMOVE_COREAPPS_API_V1 removes the underlying implementations,
-causing a binary compatibility break to match the source compatibility break.
-If __UI_FRAMEWORKS_V2__ is defined then PlatSec aware UI Frameworks API's will be available.
-The following frameworks will be affected:
-File Recognizers
-Data Recognizers
-Control Panel Plugins
-App-initialization (CEikLibrary)
-#define __UI_FRAMEWORKS_V2__
-Support for the implementation of PREQ743 "Introduction of interface
-robustness patterns to support future binary compatibility".
-If SYMBIAN_TELEPHONY_USAT5 is defined then support for 3GPP
-Release 5 (U)SAT will be enabled.
-@see RSat::TCallControlV5
-This #define supports PREQ1234.
-This #define enables the generic start-up architecture in
-which the System Starter process is responsible for the
-controlled startup of the system.
-The #define supports PREQ808 and PREQ809.
-If this macro is defined, then the Bluetooth stack reconfigures to take
-advantage of security mechanisms in Publish and Subscribe. Any other
-components requiring reconfiguration to make use of Publish and Subscribe
-can also use this macro.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURITY_CAF_RFILE_HANDLE is defined then it enables the Content Access
-Framework to read from files passed to it as an open RFile handles instead of CAF
-opening the file itself. This allows files stored in a data caged directory to be
-read by CAF.
-If __JAVACUSTOMINSTALL__ is defined then an additional UI callback is made after MIDlet
-installation has succeeded or failed. This callback is intended for information only and the
-information passed can be licensee customised. The intention would be that the device user
-can use this information to diagnose install problems in conjunction with network operators.
-If this #define is not present then the callback is not present and is not called.
-For more information on see documents shown below.
-@see SGL.GT0188.253 CDMA Java MIDlet Installer Component Design
-This macro selects the Symbian OS 9.x phase of development in
-the Media Device Framework API, including changes to enable
-MDF Video Decoder Hardware devices to support applications,
-streaming and demux.
-@see CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice
-SMS Release 6 support is defined in the 3GPP specifications
-(3GPP TS 23.040 V6.5.0 and 3GPP TS 23.038 V6.1.0).
-If defined, this macro indicates that Symbian OS SMS APIs
-shall support Release 6 functionality.
-support for the SWI post install revocation service is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ919
-If SYMBIAN_TELEPHONY_IMS is defined then IMS related APIs are included
-in Telephony components.
-This #define supports PREQ61.
-When SYMBIAN_IGNORE_BIN_TARGETPATH is defined the TARGETPATH keyword in MMP files is ignored for executables.
-Executables for the emulator instead get built to the default location.
-e.g. \epoc32\release\winscw\udeb
-Comms data is now stored in the Central Repository rather than the DBMS server.
-A new module, CommsDat.dll, replaces Commdb.dll as the interface for comms data stored on a device.
-CommsDat has a different API to Commdb, but provides equivalent functionality.
-There is no longer an SQL API for access to Comms Data.
-Commdb tools have been migrated for use with CommsDat
-Commdb is deprecated and should not be used, though it remains as a temporary BC shim on top of CommsDat.
-CMMFSwCodecWrapper based audio hardware devices in the
-Multimedia Framework (MMF) can support variable bitrate codecs.
-@see CMMFSwCodecWrapper
-If __SECURE_TELEPHONY__ is defined, all Platform Security functionality
-within the Telephony subsystem will be enabled.
-If __SECURE_TELEPHONY__ is not defined, no Platform Security functionality
-within the Telephony subsystem is enabled.
-The SYMBIAN_CAF_V2 flag indicates the CAF API v2 is present.
-CAF v2 supports files containing multiple content objects, which requires
-a change of API for CAF agents: agents written for CAF v1 will not compile
-against CAF v2. See BR.1219.2 for migration information.
-This #define supports PREQ780.
-#define SYMBIAN_CAF_V2
-This macro enables a consolidation phase in the ROM building
-process to generate additional metadata for each ROM drive.
-The metadata describes the content and structure of the ROM
-conveniently filtered for any component that requires it.
-Components supply metadata with the "spidata" BUILDROM keyword.
-This macro supports PREQ806 and other requirements that
-eliminate run-time scanning of ROM content.
-Enable support for Bluetooth eSCO synchronous links.
-Defining this macro extends the interface to CHCIBase to support
-the Synchronous connection commands added in Bluetooth 1.2.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURE_MIDLET_INSTALL is defined then the Java MIDlet
-Installer supports installation under Platform Security policies,
-using the interface published by security\JavaMIDletInstaller.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURE_MIDLET_INSTALL is not defined then Java MIDlet
-installation is achieved through the security\appinst interfaces.
-the following additional features will be available in CONE.
-1) Functions to set and get the background of a control.
-2) Functions to add components to a compound control in a simpler way.
-3) Hooks for the support of layout managers.
-4) A component that will provide fonts and cache them for easier use
- of these fonts by controls.
-@see CCoeControl
-If SYMBIAN_CNTMODEL_V2 is defined, clients of the
-Contacts Model can exploit the efficiency improvements
-introduced by PREQ811, e.g. efficient use of transactions.
-This #define supports PREQ811
-If SYMBIAN_COREAPPS_PLUGIN_API_V2 is defined then Ecom solely is used as loading
-mechanism.The legacy plugin loading mechanism is used otherwise.
-If DO_NOT_USE_THIS_MACRO is defined, assume the Cedar platform.
-If DO_NOT_USE_THIS_MACRO is not defined, assume the Beech platform.
-This macro was originally introduced as a stopgap measure, to
-identify differences between Symbian OS v7.0s and Symbian OS v8.0b
-which were not specifically to do with the change from Kernel
-Architecture 1 to Kernel Architecture 2.
-This macro will be deprecated when a suitable alternative is provided.
-Strengthens the C32Root API and extends it to include
-configuration of queue length for bindings.
-This #define supports PREQ318.
-Hides unsecure APIs. Many of these have been replaced by Secure variants
-but some are no longer available in a Secure platform.
-@see User::RenameThread
-@see User::CommandLine
-#define __SECURE_API__
-If __CNF_FORMAT_V2__ is defined, assume that generates
-files in version 2 of the CNF format, and that both versions 1
-and 2 of this file format can be read by Conarc.
-If __CNF_FORMAT_V2__ is not defined, assume that
-generates files in version 1 of the CNF format, and that only
-version 1 of this file format can be read by Conarc.
-#define __CNF_FORMAT_V2__
-If SYMBIAN_SUPPORT_LINKED_FONTS is defined then APIs are provided
-to create 'linked' font instances which combine glyph sets from
-multiple existing font glyph sets.
-@see CLinkedTypefaceElement
-@see CLinkedTypefaceSpecification
-This #define supports PREQ1431.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_DBMS is defined, support for secure
-shared databases is enabled within DBMS.
-When not defined, all secure-shared-database-specific APIs
-take the form of dummy implementations which return KErrNone.
-When this macro is defined, all data files are assumed to be in their secure
-locations, and all code which provided backward compatibility for the
-insecure locations is removed. For example, ICL extended resource files
-will not be loaded from System\Libs\Plugins, only from \Resource\ICL.
-This macro only makes sense if __SECURE_DATA__ is defined.
-@since 8.0
-#define __KEYSTORE_API_V2__
-When __SECURE_DATA__ is defined, public read-only files are
-assumed to be in their data-caged locations. The presence of
-this #define does not imply that data-caging is enforced, and
-does not imply that binaries have been relocated to sys\bin.
-This #define supports PREQ537 "Platform security - file system layout".
-#define __SECURE_DATA__
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_PLATSEC is defined, additional platform security
-related functionality in enabled in the Comms-Infras and Networking
-subsystems (e.g. API policing).
-If __CONDITIONS_SCHEDULES_VALID__ is defined then the Task Scheduler component
-supports creating persistent schedules based on a set of conditions and a
-timeout. The schedule is run when either all the conditions are met or the
-timeout is reached.
-This functionality is part of PREQ694 - PREQ 694 - Automatic sending of SMS on
-network reconnection.
-If __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is defined, User::Leave() and TRAP() are
-implemented in terms of C++ exceptions where the compiler supports this.
-If __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is not defined, the legacy Symbian exception
-mechanism is used instead.
-Support for C++ exceptions by the compiler is indicated by the
-internal macro __SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ supplied by the tools.
-Where this macro is not present, __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is automatically
-This macro supports PREQ519 "Implement User::Leave() in terms of throw()".
-If __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__ is defined assume that version 2 of the bluetooth
-subsystem will be built. This is binary compatible with version 1 for all
-published-all APIs but is not source compatible. Users of classes defined
-in BTDevice.h and BTManClient.h may need to make source changes.
-The BTRegistry.dll is removed, users should link instead against BTManClient.lib.
-The APIs provided by that DLL were classified as published-partner.
-@see CBTDevice
-@see SGL.GT172.103 - Bluetooth Compatibility Specification
-If __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__ is not defined then version 1 of the bluetooth subsystem
-will be built.
-#define __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__
-If __BLUETOOTH_HCI_ALLOWS_AFH__ is defined the HCI interface will require the Adaptive Frequency Hopping CHCIBase pure virtual functions to be implemented in any derived class in Licensee produced host controller interface (HCI) code.
-If this is not defined no AFH commands may be sent to the host controller, and no AFH events will be received from the host controller.
-The APIs provided by the HCI DLL were classified as published-partner.
-@see CHCIBase
-@see MHCIEventObserver
-If EKA2 is defined, assume Kernel Architecture 2.
-If EKA2 is not defined, assume Kernel Architecture 1
-Kernel Architecture 2 is a defining property of the Cedar platform.
-Kernel Architecture 1 is a defining property of the Beech platform.
-#ifndef EKA2
-#define EKA2
-When SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_ALPHA_SUPPORT_V1 is defined a new EColor16MA
-display mode is available, having an alpha channel. The alpha support
-is tailored to the needs of wserv server-side, although some alpha
-support will also be available to client applications.
-This #define supports PREQ915.
-When __SECURE_SOFTWARE_INSTALL__ is defined, the Software
-Install APIs are replaced with versions appropriate to
-the Secure Platform.
-This #define supports PREQ56 "Software install enhancements"
-If SYMBIAN_ESOCK_V3 is defined, the socket server allows protocol
-families to run in individual threads to protect one protocol family
-from the behaviour of another. The allocation of protocol families to
-threads is determined by a naming convention on the ESK files.
-This #define supports PREQ318.
-priority SystemServer/More (i.e. process priorities EPriorityFileServer,
-EPriorityWindowServer or EPrioritySupervisor with relative thread priority
-EPriorityMore) are mapped to absolute priority 23, equal to the highest
-priority available to normal applications. This lowers the Window Server
-and File Server priorities so application threads can timeslice with them,
-benefitting audio and other pseudo real-time applications.
-If SYMBIAN_CURB_SYSTEMSERVER_PRIORITIES is not defined, these system server
-priorities remain at 24, preempting all normal user application threads.
-This #define supports PREQ955, and BR1821.
-@since 8.0
-Internal macro - do not use outside Symbian code.
-Repository notifier handler is present.
-@see CCenRepNotifyHandler
-@see MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL is defined, the bafl sysutil.dll is present,
-providing APIs for obtaining system version information and
-APIs for monitoring free disk space.
-@see SysUtil::GetSWVersion
-@see SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_BAFL_ACTIVITYMGR is defined, the bafl activitymgr.dll is
-presentand provides an API that allows the client to take action at the
-start and/or end of a period of user inactivity.
-@see CUserActivityManager::Start
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_CLIENTPROV_V2 is defined then the client provisioning
-documents will be pushed to Inbox by default, and a new API is
-added to submit the documents from Inbox back to CPAgent.
-@see RCpMsvDocInputSession
-This is a source and binary compatibility break: see BR2092.
-This #define supports PREQ1664
- /**
-The SYMBIAN_CRYPTOSPI flag indicates that the Crypto SPI is present.
-Crypto SPI (Service Provider Interface) supports licensee-pluggable
-cryptographic algorithms (e.g. for enabling hardware acceleration),
-and also allows for future extensibility of the cryptography
-interfaces (e.g. for supporting future hashes and ciphers and
-to support non-extractable private keys).
-This #define supports PREQ57.
-If SYMBIAN_C32_SERCOMMS_V2 is defined, the Comms Server allows grouped CSYs
-to get loaded into individual threads in order to avoid CSY blocking.
-The allocation of CSYs to threads is determined by naming convention from
-the configurator/INI file.
-This #define supports PREQ890
-device management support for network bearers can configured
-using the resource file 'dmnapddf.rss'
-This #define supports CR1011
-Symbian OS DHCPv4 daemon supports retrieval of
-DHCP message header fields and also 'Parameter Request List'
-in the DHCP request message to the remote DHCP server is
-This #define supports PREQ1647 and PREQ1648
-If SYMBIAN_DRM_3RD_PARTY_PLAYBACK is defined, the Multimedia Framework
-supports the playback of DRM-protected content by processes which do not
-have the DRM capability.
-@see RMMFController
-This #define supports CR1058.
-If SYMBIAN_USE_MMF_RUF_RECOGNIZER is defined, the MMF recognizer is able to
-recognize formats such as MPEG4, MPEG2, AAC and Divx.
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_1630_JPEG_EXTENSIONS is defined, the Symbian JPEG
-codec implements the PREQ1630 ICL API extensions.
-@see CImageDecoder::SetClippingRectL
-@see CImageDecoder::GetDestinationSize
-@see CImageDecoder::PrepareL
-@see CImageDecoder::OperationL
-@see CImageDecoder::ScalerL
-@see CImageDecoder::BlockStreamerL
-@see CImageEncoder::PrepareL
-@see CImageEncoder::OperationL
-@see CImageEncoder::BlockStreamerL
-This #define supports PREQ1630.
-If SYMBIAN_LFFS_SIBLEY_NORFLASH is defined support for LFFS on
-Intel Sibley NOR flash is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ912 and involves a BC break in the
-parameter list for DMediaDriverFlash::Caps() - see BR1680 for details.
- /**
-If SYMBIAN_LOCATION_PRIVACY_V2 is defined, the Symbian LBS sub-system
-includes support for the advanced privacy dialogs and standalone
-privacy components.
-This #define supports PREQ1660.
-Framework (MDF) will use the RSoundSc sound driver interface.
-If this macro is not defined, MDF will use the older RMdaDevSound interface.
-BR2079 gives further details of the migration needed by customers who
-are using the Symbian reference DevSound with their own implementation
-of RMdaDevSound.
-@see RMdaDevSound
-@see RSoundSc
-If SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_USING_SQLDB is defined then messaging server
-uses the SQLite database to store message index data.
-APIs are provided in cone.lib and ws32.lib which allow
-applications to draw to multiple displays simultaneously and
-react to a change of the active display.
-This #define supports PREQ1227
-@see CCoeEnv::ScreenDevice
-@see CScreenItem
-If SYMBIAN_POWER_RESOURCE_MANAGER_API is defined, the Power Resource
-Manager is available.
-@see PowerResourceManager
-@see DPowerResourceController
-This #define supports PREQ1398.
-If defined, the System Startup architecture supports dynamic startup
-for after market applications, and provides the SysMon process to
-monitor critical system processes.
-@see DscStore::Connect
-@see ERestartOS
-This define supports PREQ871 and PREQ1089.
-is provided, allowing applications to be notified if the radio
-is retuned to another station in order to listen to an announcement.
-@see MMMRdsTunerUtilityImpl
-@see MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver2
-@see CMMRdsTunerUtility
-This #define supports CR1097.
-If SYMBIAN_USER_PROMPT_SERVICE is defined, the User Prompt
-Service is available, allowing system servers to prompt the
-user to make a security decision about a request from a client
-application, e.g. "Allow application X to send an SMS message?"
-@see RupSubsession::Authorise
-This #define is associated with PREQ1262.
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_MUF is defined, then the PREQ1823 Multimedia
-Metadata Utility Framework is delivered in to the OS.
-@see CMetaDataClientUtility
-@see CMUFParserType
-@see MMUFObserver
-@see CMetaDataFieldsArray
-@see CMetaDataFieldItem
-@see CMetaDataParser
-This #define supports PREQ1823.
-SYMBIAN_MBUFMANAGER_V2 make several changes in
-the CMBufManager including multiple sized RMBuf's.
-This #define supports REQ7857, REQ7860, REQ7864, REQ8585, REQ8586
-developed as part of PREQ1248.
-These changes introduces a BR-2242.
-If SYMBIAN_FEATURE_MANAGER is defined then the Feature Registry
-functionality is implemented via the Feature Manager, with
-corresponding changes in the ROM building tools.
-This #define supports PREQ1645
-If SYMBIAN_BUILD_GCE is defined, the Surface Manager and Graphics
-Composition Engine APIs are available at build time.
-@see RWindowBase::SetBackgroundSurface
-@see RSurfaceManager
-@see RSurfaceUpdateSession
-Note that the Surface Manager and GCE executables are optional,
-and will not be present in the ROM or the emulator unless
-appropriately configured.
-This #define supports PREQ1007 and PREQ1019
-then the comms-infras framework supports the management plane
-with the RCommsManager API providing support for connection
-selection, bearer mobility and other functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ 1060 and PREQ 399.
-If SYMBIAN_CAF_STREAMING is defined then CAF provides support for
-streamed broadcast protection standards, such as DVB-H or OMA DRM BCAST.
-This #define supports PREQ782
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_USB_OTG_HOST is defined, executables related
-to USB Host and USB OTG will be built in addition to the
-existing support for USB Client.
-These additional components are necessary to enable building a
-ROM incorporating USB Client, Host and OTG functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ1782
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_A3FDEVSOUND is defined, the PREQ1540 DevSound API is
-present in the Advanced Audio Adaptation Framework
-This #define supports PREQ1540.
-When this macro is enabled, OMA dataSync, Device Management and Client Provisioning protocol
-implementations will be excluded.
-This #define supports PREQ2474.
-If SYMBIAN_USB_RNDIS is defined, SYMBIAN OS will provide USB Remote NDIS class (this affects Bluetooth PAN as well).
-This #define supports PREQ1872.
-If SYMBIAN_ALARM_REPEAT_EXTENSIONS is defined then the client APIs delivered by PREQ2069 will be avilable.
-These APIs introduce an additional alarm repeat definition and a new alarm expiry behaviour.
-#define supports PREQ2069.
-component provides the MultipartParser.dll functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ2051.
-If SYMBIAN_CENTREP_SUPPORT_MULTIROFS is defined, centralrepository client
-will be able to define keyspaces that are composed of multiple files in different ROFS layers.
-This #define supports PREQ2112
-If SYMBIAN_DNS_PROXY is defined, SYMBIAN OS will provide DNS Proxy Service.
-This define supports PREQ1684.
-If SYMBIAN_DNS_PUNYCODE is defined, this will enable punycode conversion
-functionality in the system. If SYMBIAN_DNS_PUNYCODE is enabled, then the DND
-can resolve the International Domain Names also. As per the requirement, application
-can use this punycode conversion.
-This define supports PREQ2296.
-Enables the File Server Client side API for large file access (file size greater than 2GB - 1).
-Enables the configurable part of File Server side to support large files.
-This #define supports PREQ1725
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_FAT_DIRECTORY_OPT is defined, a size-configurable
-Leaf Directory Name Caching and optimisations to file creation operations
-is enabled to improve performance of locating leaf directories and
-file creation on FAT volumes.
-This #define supports PREQ1885.
-EUserHl generic usability library
-This #define supports PREQ2177
-Allows applications that use the LBS subsystem to automatically utilize the best Bluetooth GPS positioning source
-available (rather than be manually configured to a particular Bluetooth GPS device)
-side of messaging server provides enhanced search capabilities.
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_ADDRESS_PROVISION is defined, this will enable
-the DHCP server to provide IP address to the client based on its
-hardware address, this hardware address is provisioned by the
-application which is loading the DHCP server. Also NAPT will
-forward any packets to the uplink only if the source address is
-This define supports PREQ1872.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LIBRT is defined, the open environment component will be extended to include the
-Symbian OS port of the latest version of librt ("realtime") open source library.
-This #define supports PREQ1974
-If SYMBIAN_OE_POSIX_SIGNALS is enabled, the libc component will use POSIX signals emulation.
-This #define supports PREQ1579
-If SYMBIAN_SDP_IPSEC_VOIP_SUPPORT is defined, then PREQ1853 APIs enable use of the cipher based MAC evaluation
-and psuedo random generation algorithms (AES-XCBC-MAC-96 and AES-XCBC-PRF-128 respectively) through a new MAC
-interface introduced in the CryptoSpi framework.
-Tbis #define supports PREQ1853
-If SYMBIAN_SKIPPED_CALENDAR_ALARMS is present then the alarm server shall
-persist details of missed calendar alarms and clients shall be able to
-retrieve the list of missed calendar alarms from the Alarm server client API.
-This supports PREQ2088.
-When SYMBIAN_SSM_FLEXIBLE_MERGE is enabled then flexible merging
-of startup command lists based on priority is supported.
-This define supports PREQ1871.
-If SYMBIAN_SSM_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN is defined, this will enable
-Staged Shutdown of the device, which allows definition of
-a policy to specify the order for notifying registered
-components of shutdown, allowing them to perform any necessary
-tasks before the device completes its shutdown.
-This define supports PREQ2326.
-the TCP/IP stack shall support explictly bound sockets.
-If a socket is explicitly bound and a packet arrives on an interface
-that the socket isn't bound to, then the packet should be dropped.
-This define supports PREQ2279.
-This new Macro will enable the support for new run option for SIS files . When executables/files inside
-SIS file marked with this new run option, they will be executed at the end of the successful installation.
-This #define supports PREQ2264, CR1544
-If SYMBIAN_SYSTEM_STATE_MANAGEMENT is defined, this will enable
-the System State Management Architecture, which supports the
-concept of system states (including startup, normal operation,
-shutdown, and failure) and associated behaviour, and facilitates
-the transitioning between them according to licensee-defined
-policies and procedures.
-This define supports PREQ1871.
-This System Wide Define will be used to issue a warning when a rom is built that enables data paging on a
-version of the OS for which data paging is not warranted.
-This #define supports PREQ1954
-If SYMBIAN_ZERO_COPY_NETWORKING is defined the Comms Stack switches from using single memory pool overseen
-by MBufManager to multiple, HW specific pools. With SYMBIAN_ZERO_COPY_NETWORKING defined link-level flows
-can avoid copying data when communicating with the respective HW drivers.
-This #define supports PREQ2106.
-When this macro is enabled, new locale model will be enabled, three distinct locale dlls will replace the old single locale dll.
-When this is not defined, header files, that have been split, #include the extra header files to disable the source break. When this is defined, the headers have been fully split and the source break is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ2740 and other splitting "mixed" header file PREQs.
-This Macro is used to determine whether to build EGL using the older SgImage that will be present in 9.2, or the newer SgImage (aka SgImageLite) that will be available in 10.1.
-This #define supports PREQ2637 REQ417-52864 Shareable images for Qt on NGA (SGImage Lite).
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LIBSTDCPP is defined, the open environment component will be extended to include the standard new and delete operators, and STDxxx targets will be linked against stdnew.lib for ARM builds, while other targets will be linked against scppnwdl.lib for Emulator builds.
-This #define supports PREQ1184
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT is enabled, code changes for supporting Large files ( >2GB) will be built into libc.
-This will be enabled from Symbian OS Emin onwards.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_ENHANCED_LOCALE_SUPPORT is enabled, code changes for aligning OE locale support with native locales will be built into libc and libstdcppv5.
-This will be enabled from Symbian OS Emin onwards.
-This #define supports PREQ1440
- @released
-SYMBIAN_UNIVERSAL_INSTALL_FRAMEWORK toggles the support for the Software Component Registry (SCR),
- Software Installation Framework (SIF) and Software Transaction Services (STS).
- The components are built if and only if this macro is defined.
- This macro supports REQ 415-7310: Universal Software Install Framework
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/inc/Symbian_OS_tb102sf.hrh Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2393 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Symbian_OS.hrh
-// Configuration options for Symbian OS
-// This file is managed by the Master Codeline Forum
-/** This include is for PREQ2621 */
-#include "platform_paths.hrh"
-// For Sphinx and later versions, J2ME will no longer be included in the
-// build.
-// This #define supports PREQ1791
- @publishedPartner
- @released
-If SYMBIAN_HCI_API_V2 is defined then the HCI APIs provided in PREQ750
-(Bluetooth HCI improvements) will be required for use by a version 2
-Bluetooth Stack and a version 2 HCI. These APIs are neither binary nor
-source compatible with the previous version 1 HCI APIs. Both the original
-version 1 Bluetooth stack and HCI, and the new version 2 Bluetooth stack
-and HCI will be built, but both rombuild and the emulator will be
-configured to use the version 2 binaries. The version 2 HCI will support
-all commands and events listed in Bluetooth v2.0 specification.
-If SYMBIAN_HCI_API_V2 is not defined then only the version 1 Bluetooth
-stack and HCI will be built and used by rombuild and the emulator.
-The version 1 HCI supports most but NOT all commands and events listed
-in Bluetooth v2.0 specification.
-See BR1613 for more information.
-If __WATCHER_API_V2__ is defined then the
-watcher framework supports ECOM watcher plugins.
-#define __WATCHER_API_V2__
-Hides support APIs for loading non-ECOM watcher plugins. Non-ECOM watcher
-plugins are still loaded. The associated define __REMOVE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-removes the implementation of the support APIs.
-Assumes that __WATCHER_API_V2__ has been defined.
-#define __HIDE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-#define __REMOVE_WATCHER_API_V1__
-When SYMBIAN_TIMEZONE_SUPPORT_V1 is defined the App-services TzClient.dll
-module (and accompanying import library) is made available for client
-application use.
-This #define supports PREQ663
-the Multimedia Framework (MMF) can support video playback on
-a secondary display. The default screen will be the screen
-number in the cone environment.
-@see CVideoPlayerUtility
-File System allows more than one ROFS partition to be included in
-the composite Z: drive.
-This #define supports PREQ1085
-When __SECURE_BIN__ is defined, executable files stored as
-"data" in the XIP ROM are assumed to be in their data-caged
-locations. The presence of this #define does not imply that
-data-caging is enforced, and does not imply that binaries have
-been relocated to sys\bin.
-This #define supports PREQ537 "Platform security - file system layout".
-#define __SECURE_BIN__
-If SYMBIAN_COREAPPS_API_V2 is defined then new functionality is available within
-the Core Apps sub-system (Contacts Model, Agenda Model and World Server) to
-support a platform secured OS.
-If SYMBIAN_APPARC_APPINFO_CACHE is defined then apparc creates
-a file of application information on the first boot, which is
-used during subsequent boots for application information.
-be able to support Internet Key Exchange version 2 in
-addition to IKE v1. This involves a change in the size of
-the TPfkeyMsgBase class - see BR1736.1.
-Actual support for IKE v2 will depend on the provision
-of a suitable plugin to the Key Management Daemon.
-This #define supports PREQ1223.
-When SYMBIAN_UIKON_UNIFICATION is defined, the existing
-CEikSrvAppUiBase class is replaced with a customisable class
-provided by the System GUI.
-This #define supports PREQ819 and PREQ826
-If this macro is defined, then platform security aware security services
-APIs will be present. This includes architectural changes to several
-If this macro is not defined, the original version (since 8.0) of the
-security services APIs will be present.
-The following components are affected:
- cryptotokens
- certman
- filetokens
-Specifies that an extended API will be used in the multimedia
-camera interface. This has a v2 observer which allows camera data
-to be returned without buffer copy, and also allows clients to set
-camera access priority
-@see CCamera
-@see MCameraObserver2
-This #define supports PREQ799.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_ECOM is not defined, ECOM plugins are discovered by
-searching for DLLs in System\libs\plugins, and inferring the name of
-the resource file from the UID3 of the DLL.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_ECOM is defined, ECOM plugins will also be discovered
-by searching for resource files in \Resource\Plugins, and inferring the
-name of the DLL from the name of the resource file. When platform security
-is fully enforced, only this new style of discovery will work.
-If SYMBIAN_INETPROTUTILS_RFC3986 is defined, the Internet
-Protocol Utility Library supports RFC 3986, which increases
-the set of reserved characters.
-@see EscapeUtils::IsExcludedChar
-This #define implements BR2009.
-If this is defined, then classes which derive from COpenFont (usually
-these are part of a font rasterizer implementation) must set the
-protected member variables:
-to appropriate values during the creation of a font.
-If this macro is not defined then these member variables do not exist.
-@see COpenFont
-If __OBEX_USER_DEFINED_HEADERS__ is defined then the new API support for extended Headers will be available.
-This new support includes USER DEFINED HEADERS and the COUNT header.
-If this functionality is compiled out then the old API is available as before.
-For more information on see documents shown below.
-@see SGL.GT171.097 - Obex Header Extension how to
-@see SGL.GT171.095 - Obex Extension Design Document
-If SYMBIAN_CENTREP_NOC is defined, the Central Repository
-includes Notify-Only Client Optimization. This will cause
-repositories to be unloaded after a timeout even if the
-connection is still open.
-This #define supports PREQ1228.
-@since 8.1
-If this is defined, the MHCIEventObserver class must implement
-the FlushCompleteEvent virtual function, which will be used by
-the link manager to send Flush Complete events up to the stack.
-If this macro is not defined, Flush Complete events will be discarded.
-@see MHCIEventObserver
-@see CHCIFacade
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_CODEC_API is defined then support is
-available for PREQ1024 delivered Processing Unit or
-OpenMAX based codecs and Multimedia hardware devices.
-Provides support control the presentation of subtitle and closed captioning text
-from video playback controllers in the Multimedia Framework as part of @see CVideoPlayerUtility2.
-Note that this support is dependent on the following being present in ROM:
-- GCE version of Graphics (migration component)
-- GCE version of Videorender (optional component).
-- The Subtitle plugin (optional component).
-This #define supports PREQ1939
-If __MESSAGING_API_V2__ is defined then new functionality
-is available within the Messaging sub-system to support a
-platform secured OS, e.g. the Attachment API.
-#define __MESSAGING_API_V2__
-#define __HIDE_MESSAGING_API_V1__
-The Bookmark Database is an API used to provide system-wide
-storage and management functionality for URI bookmarks.
-If defined, this macro indicates that the Bookmark Database
-API is present in the platform.
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_UMTSR5 is defined support for the QoS
-and IMS parameters introduced by Release 5 of the 3GPP
-specification will be enabled. This involves a BC break in
-TContextConfig - see BR1582.1 for details.
-@see TContextConfig
-This #define supports PREQ192 and PREQ635.
-for QoS modification on the default PDP context will be
-enabled via the RSubconnection API.
-This #define supports PREQ870.
-When SYMBIAN_STAGED_SYSTEM_STARTUP is defined, the staged
-start-up architecture has been introduced into the OS and
-'Start-up State Aware' components can make use of the
-This #define supports PREQ 810.
-If __HIDE_IPC_V1__ is defined then the deprecated insecure IPC APIs will be removed from various Symbian OS header files. Classes affected include CSession, CServer, RMessage and RMessageptr.
-For more information see the document listed below.
-@see SMG.SM0005.004 - Platform Security Development for Zephyr
-@see CSession
-@see CServer
-@see RMessage
-@see RMessagePtr
-#define __HIDE_IPC_V1__
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_DHCPSERVER is defined, Symbian OS includes a
-simplified DHCPv4 server capable of dealing with single client.
-This #define provides functionality to support PREQ749.
-This macro removes the trivial encryption APIs that are exported by EUSER.
-See BR1320 for more details
-watcher compares the origin of Push messages against URIs in a
-"White list" and "Black list".
-This #define supports PREQ1505
-When this macro is defined, Calendar Interim API, Alarm server and UIKON
-Alert Server will support additional functionality.
-- Extra data can be attached to calendar alarm and allow UI app
-to retrieve the associated data.
-- The Alarm server can send multiple expired alarms to Alert Server without
-waiting for the previous alarm acknowledged first
-- A Resource file can be used to configure alarm play intervals and durations,
-or to disable alarm sound control.
-This #define supports PREQ1118
-If SYMBIAN_PKCS12 is defined, the PKCS#12 Key Derivation
-Algorithm is supplied.
-This #define supports PREQ1054.
-#define SYMBIAN_PKCS12
-This #define enables extra features in the MMF APIs for auto pause
-and resume of audio streams.
-If __SECURE_BACKUP__ is defined, the Secure Backup server replaces
-the use of SCRemFs for backup and restore, changing the backup protocol.
-Applications which have private data need to provide additional backup
-registration files, and may use Publish & Subscribe to receive
-notification of backup requests.
-This #define supports PREQ716 - Provide support for secure backup and
-restore for licensee PC Connectivity software
-#define __SECURE_BACKUP__
-If this macro is defined the deprecated APIs RGenericAgent,
-RNif, RNifMonitor and Nifman are removed. All of these APIs,
-exported by NIFMAN, have been deprecated and replaced by
-the RConnection API exported by ESOCK.
-@see Break request BR1070
-@released 9.0
-removed, and the RSubConnection API exported by ESOCK must be used instead.
-This #define supports PREQ 26.
-If SYMBIAN_HIDE_COREAPPS_API_V1 is defined then the insecure CoreApps APIs
-will be removed from various Symbian OS header files. Components affected are
-Contacts Model, Agenda Model and World Server.
-The related define SYMBIAN_REMOVE_COREAPPS_API_V1 removes the underlying implementations,
-causing a binary compatibility break to match the source compatibility break.
-If __UI_FRAMEWORKS_V2__ is defined then PlatSec aware UI Frameworks API's will be available.
-The following frameworks will be affected:
-File Recognizers
-Data Recognizers
-Control Panel Plugins
-App-initialization (CEikLibrary)
-#define __UI_FRAMEWORKS_V2__
-Support for the implementation of PREQ743 "Introduction of interface
-robustness patterns to support future binary compatibility".
-If SYMBIAN_TELEPHONY_USAT5 is defined then support for 3GPP
-Release 5 (U)SAT will be enabled.
-@see RSat::TCallControlV5
-This #define supports PREQ1234.
-This #define enables the generic start-up architecture in
-which the System Starter process is responsible for the
-controlled startup of the system.
-The #define supports PREQ808 and PREQ809.
-If this macro is defined, then the Bluetooth stack reconfigures to take
-advantage of security mechanisms in Publish and Subscribe. Any other
-components requiring reconfiguration to make use of Publish and Subscribe
-can also use this macro.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURITY_CAF_RFILE_HANDLE is defined then it enables the Content Access
-Framework to read from files passed to it as an open RFile handles instead of CAF
-opening the file itself. This allows files stored in a data caged directory to be
-read by CAF.
-If __JAVACUSTOMINSTALL__ is defined then an additional UI callback is made after MIDlet
-installation has succeeded or failed. This callback is intended for information only and the
-information passed can be licensee customised. The intention would be that the device user
-can use this information to diagnose install problems in conjunction with network operators.
-If this #define is not present then the callback is not present and is not called.
-For more information on see documents shown below.
-@see SGL.GT0188.253 CDMA Java MIDlet Installer Component Design
-This macro selects the Symbian OS 9.x phase of development in
-the Media Device Framework API, including changes to enable
-MDF Video Decoder Hardware devices to support applications,
-streaming and demux.
-@see CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice
-SMS Release 6 support is defined in the 3GPP specifications
-(3GPP TS 23.040 V6.5.0 and 3GPP TS 23.038 V6.1.0).
-If defined, this macro indicates that Symbian OS SMS APIs
-shall support Release 6 functionality.
-support for the SWI post install revocation service is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ919
-If SYMBIAN_TELEPHONY_IMS is defined then IMS related APIs are included
-in Telephony components.
-This #define supports PREQ61.
-When SYMBIAN_IGNORE_BIN_TARGETPATH is defined the TARGETPATH keyword in MMP files is ignored for executables.
-Executables for the emulator instead get built to the default location.
-e.g. \epoc32\release\winscw\udeb
-Comms data is now stored in the Central Repository rather than the DBMS server.
-A new module, CommsDat.dll, replaces Commdb.dll as the interface for comms data stored on a device.
-CommsDat has a different API to Commdb, but provides equivalent functionality.
-There is no longer an SQL API for access to Comms Data.
-Commdb tools have been migrated for use with CommsDat
-Commdb is deprecated and should not be used, though it remains as a temporary BC shim on top of CommsDat.
-CMMFSwCodecWrapper based audio hardware devices in the
-Multimedia Framework (MMF) can support variable bitrate codecs.
-@see CMMFSwCodecWrapper
-If __SECURE_TELEPHONY__ is defined, all Platform Security functionality
-within the Telephony subsystem will be enabled.
-If __SECURE_TELEPHONY__ is not defined, no Platform Security functionality
-within the Telephony subsystem is enabled.
-The SYMBIAN_CAF_V2 flag indicates the CAF API v2 is present.
-CAF v2 supports files containing multiple content objects, which requires
-a change of API for CAF agents: agents written for CAF v1 will not compile
-against CAF v2. See BR.1219.2 for migration information.
-This #define supports PREQ780.
-#define SYMBIAN_CAF_V2
-This macro enables a consolidation phase in the ROM building
-process to generate additional metadata for each ROM drive.
-The metadata describes the content and structure of the ROM
-conveniently filtered for any component that requires it.
-Components supply metadata with the "spidata" BUILDROM keyword.
-This macro supports PREQ806 and other requirements that
-eliminate run-time scanning of ROM content.
-Enable support for Bluetooth eSCO synchronous links.
-Defining this macro extends the interface to CHCIBase to support
-the Synchronous connection commands added in Bluetooth 1.2.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURE_MIDLET_INSTALL is defined then the Java MIDlet
-Installer supports installation under Platform Security policies,
-using the interface published by security\JavaMIDletInstaller.
-If SYMBIAN_SECURE_MIDLET_INSTALL is not defined then Java MIDlet
-installation is achieved through the security\appinst interfaces.
-the following additional features will be available in CONE.
-1) Functions to set and get the background of a control.
-2) Functions to add components to a compound control in a simpler way.
-3) Hooks for the support of layout managers.
-4) A component that will provide fonts and cache them for easier use
- of these fonts by controls.
-@see CCoeControl
-If SYMBIAN_CNTMODEL_V2 is defined, clients of the
-Contacts Model can exploit the efficiency improvements
-introduced by PREQ811, e.g. efficient use of transactions.
-This #define supports PREQ811
-If SYMBIAN_COREAPPS_PLUGIN_API_V2 is defined then Ecom solely is used as loading
-mechanism.The legacy plugin loading mechanism is used otherwise.
-If DO_NOT_USE_THIS_MACRO is defined, assume the Cedar platform.
-If DO_NOT_USE_THIS_MACRO is not defined, assume the Beech platform.
-This macro was originally introduced as a stopgap measure, to
-identify differences between Symbian OS v7.0s and Symbian OS v8.0b
-which were not specifically to do with the change from Kernel
-Architecture 1 to Kernel Architecture 2.
-This macro will be deprecated when a suitable alternative is provided.
-Strengthens the C32Root API and extends it to include
-configuration of queue length for bindings.
-This #define supports PREQ318.
-Hides unsecure APIs. Many of these have been replaced by Secure variants
-but some are no longer available in a Secure platform.
-@see User::RenameThread
-@see User::CommandLine
-#define __SECURE_API__
-If __CNF_FORMAT_V2__ is defined, assume that generates
-files in version 2 of the CNF format, and that both versions 1
-and 2 of this file format can be read by Conarc.
-If __CNF_FORMAT_V2__ is not defined, assume that
-generates files in version 1 of the CNF format, and that only
-version 1 of this file format can be read by Conarc.
-#define __CNF_FORMAT_V2__
-If SYMBIAN_SUPPORT_LINKED_FONTS is defined then APIs are provided
-to create 'linked' font instances which combine glyph sets from
-multiple existing font glyph sets.
-@see CLinkedTypefaceElement
-@see CLinkedTypefaceSpecification
-This #define supports PREQ1431.
-When SYMBIAN_SECURE_DBMS is defined, support for secure
-shared databases is enabled within DBMS.
-When not defined, all secure-shared-database-specific APIs
-take the form of dummy implementations which return KErrNone.
-When this macro is defined, all data files are assumed to be in their secure
-locations, and all code which provided backward compatibility for the
-insecure locations is removed. For example, ICL extended resource files
-will not be loaded from System\Libs\Plugins, only from \Resource\ICL.
-This macro only makes sense if __SECURE_DATA__ is defined.
-@since 8.0
-#define __KEYSTORE_API_V2__
-When __SECURE_DATA__ is defined, public read-only files are
-assumed to be in their data-caged locations. The presence of
-this #define does not imply that data-caging is enforced, and
-does not imply that binaries have been relocated to sys\bin.
-This #define supports PREQ537 "Platform security - file system layout".
-#define __SECURE_DATA__
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_PLATSEC is defined, additional platform security
-related functionality in enabled in the Comms-Infras and Networking
-subsystems (e.g. API policing).
-If __CONDITIONS_SCHEDULES_VALID__ is defined then the Task Scheduler component
-supports creating persistent schedules based on a set of conditions and a
-timeout. The schedule is run when either all the conditions are met or the
-timeout is reached.
-This functionality is part of PREQ694 - PREQ 694 - Automatic sending of SMS on
-network reconnection.
-If __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is defined, User::Leave() and TRAP() are
-implemented in terms of C++ exceptions where the compiler supports this.
-If __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is not defined, the legacy Symbian exception
-mechanism is used instead.
-Support for C++ exceptions by the compiler is indicated by the
-internal macro __SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ supplied by the tools.
-Where this macro is not present, __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__ is automatically
-This macro supports PREQ519 "Implement User::Leave() in terms of throw()".
-If __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__ is defined assume that version 2 of the bluetooth
-subsystem will be built. This is binary compatible with version 1 for all
-published-all APIs but is not source compatible. Users of classes defined
-in BTDevice.h and BTManClient.h may need to make source changes.
-The BTRegistry.dll is removed, users should link instead against BTManClient.lib.
-The APIs provided by that DLL were classified as published-partner.
-@see CBTDevice
-@see SGL.GT172.103 - Bluetooth Compatibility Specification
-If __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__ is not defined then version 1 of the bluetooth subsystem
-will be built.
-#define __BLUETOOTH_API_V2__
-If __BLUETOOTH_HCI_ALLOWS_AFH__ is defined the HCI interface will require the Adaptive Frequency Hopping CHCIBase pure virtual functions to be implemented in any derived class in Licensee produced host controller interface (HCI) code.
-If this is not defined no AFH commands may be sent to the host controller, and no AFH events will be received from the host controller.
-The APIs provided by the HCI DLL were classified as published-partner.
-@see CHCIBase
-@see MHCIEventObserver
-If EKA2 is defined, assume Kernel Architecture 2.
-If EKA2 is not defined, assume Kernel Architecture 1
-Kernel Architecture 2 is a defining property of the Cedar platform.
-Kernel Architecture 1 is a defining property of the Beech platform.
-#ifndef EKA2
-#define EKA2
-When SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_ALPHA_SUPPORT_V1 is defined a new EColor16MA
-display mode is available, having an alpha channel. The alpha support
-is tailored to the needs of wserv server-side, although some alpha
-support will also be available to client applications.
-This #define supports PREQ915.
-When __SECURE_SOFTWARE_INSTALL__ is defined, the Software
-Install APIs are replaced with versions appropriate to
-the Secure Platform.
-This #define supports PREQ56 "Software install enhancements"
-If SYMBIAN_ESOCK_V3 is defined, the socket server allows protocol
-families to run in individual threads to protect one protocol family
-from the behaviour of another. The allocation of protocol families to
-threads is determined by a naming convention on the ESK files.
-This #define supports PREQ318.
-priority SystemServer/More (i.e. process priorities EPriorityFileServer,
-EPriorityWindowServer or EPrioritySupervisor with relative thread priority
-EPriorityMore) are mapped to absolute priority 23, equal to the highest
-priority available to normal applications. This lowers the Window Server
-and File Server priorities so application threads can timeslice with them,
-benefitting audio and other pseudo real-time applications.
-If SYMBIAN_CURB_SYSTEMSERVER_PRIORITIES is not defined, these system server
-priorities remain at 24, preempting all normal user application threads.
-This #define supports PREQ955, and BR1821.
-@since 8.0
-Internal macro - do not use outside Symbian code.
-Repository notifier handler is present.
-@see CCenRepNotifyHandler
-@see MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL is defined, the bafl sysutil.dll is present,
-providing APIs for obtaining system version information and
-APIs for monitoring free disk space.
-@see SysUtil::GetSWVersion
-@see SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_BAFL_ACTIVITYMGR is defined, the bafl activitymgr.dll is
-presentand provides an API that allows the client to take action at the
-start and/or end of a period of user inactivity.
-@see CUserActivityManager::Start
-This #define supports PREQ1802.
-If SYMBIAN_CLIENTPROV_V2 is defined then the client provisioning
-documents will be pushed to Inbox by default, and a new API is
-added to submit the documents from Inbox back to CPAgent.
-@see RCpMsvDocInputSession
-This is a source and binary compatibility break: see BR2092.
-This #define supports PREQ1664
- /**
-The SYMBIAN_CRYPTOSPI flag indicates that the Crypto SPI is present.
-Crypto SPI (Service Provider Interface) supports licensee-pluggable
-cryptographic algorithms (e.g. for enabling hardware acceleration),
-and also allows for future extensibility of the cryptography
-interfaces (e.g. for supporting future hashes and ciphers and
-to support non-extractable private keys).
-This #define supports PREQ57.
-If SYMBIAN_C32_SERCOMMS_V2 is defined, the Comms Server allows grouped CSYs
-to get loaded into individual threads in order to avoid CSY blocking.
-The allocation of CSYs to threads is determined by naming convention from
-the configurator/INI file.
-This #define supports PREQ890
-device management support for network bearers can configured
-using the resource file 'dmnapddf.rss'
-This #define supports CR1011
-Symbian OS DHCPv4 daemon supports retrieval of
-DHCP message header fields and also 'Parameter Request List'
-in the DHCP request message to the remote DHCP server is
-This #define supports PREQ1647 and PREQ1648
-If SYMBIAN_DRM_3RD_PARTY_PLAYBACK is defined, the Multimedia Framework
-supports the playback of DRM-protected content by processes which do not
-have the DRM capability.
-@see RMMFController
-This #define supports CR1058.
-If SYMBIAN_USE_MMF_RUF_RECOGNIZER is defined, the MMF recognizer is able to
-recognize formats such as MPEG4, MPEG2, AAC and Divx.
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_1630_JPEG_EXTENSIONS is defined, the Symbian JPEG
-codec implements the PREQ1630 ICL API extensions.
-@see CImageDecoder::SetClippingRectL
-@see CImageDecoder::GetDestinationSize
-@see CImageDecoder::PrepareL
-@see CImageDecoder::OperationL
-@see CImageDecoder::ScalerL
-@see CImageDecoder::BlockStreamerL
-@see CImageEncoder::PrepareL
-@see CImageEncoder::OperationL
-@see CImageEncoder::BlockStreamerL
-This #define supports PREQ1630.
-If SYMBIAN_LFFS_SIBLEY_NORFLASH is defined support for LFFS on
-Intel Sibley NOR flash is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ912 and involves a BC break in the
-parameter list for DMediaDriverFlash::Caps() - see BR1680 for details.
- /**
-If SYMBIAN_LOCATION_PRIVACY_V2 is defined, the Symbian LBS sub-system
-includes support for the advanced privacy dialogs and standalone
-privacy components.
-This #define supports PREQ1660.
-Framework (MDF) will use the RSoundSc sound driver interface.
-If this macro is not defined, MDF will use the older RMdaDevSound interface.
-BR2079 gives further details of the migration needed by customers who
-are using the Symbian reference DevSound with their own implementation
-of RMdaDevSound.
-@see RMdaDevSound
-@see RSoundSc
-If SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_USING_SQLDB is defined then messaging server
-uses the SQLite database to store message index data.
-APIs are provided in cone.lib and ws32.lib which allow
-applications to draw to multiple displays simultaneously and
-react to a change of the active display.
-This #define supports PREQ1227
-@see CCoeEnv::ScreenDevice
-@see CScreenItem
-If SYMBIAN_POWER_RESOURCE_MANAGER_API is defined, the Power Resource
-Manager is available.
-@see PowerResourceManager
-@see DPowerResourceController
-This #define supports PREQ1398.
-If defined, the System Startup architecture supports dynamic startup
-for after market applications, and provides the SysMon process to
-monitor critical system processes.
-@see DscStore::Connect
-@see ERestartOS
-This define supports PREQ871 and PREQ1089.
-is provided, allowing applications to be notified if the radio
-is retuned to another station in order to listen to an announcement.
-@see MMMRdsTunerUtilityImpl
-@see MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver2
-@see CMMRdsTunerUtility
-This #define supports CR1097.
-If SYMBIAN_USER_PROMPT_SERVICE is defined, the User Prompt
-Service is available, allowing system servers to prompt the
-user to make a security decision about a request from a client
-application, e.g. "Allow application X to send an SMS message?"
-@see RupSubsession::Authorise
-This #define is associated with PREQ1262.
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_MUF is defined, then the PREQ1823 Multimedia
-Metadata Utility Framework is delivered in to the OS.
-@see CMetaDataClientUtility
-@see CMUFParserType
-@see MMUFObserver
-@see CMetaDataFieldsArray
-@see CMetaDataFieldItem
-@see CMetaDataParser
-This #define supports PREQ1823.
-SYMBIAN_MBUFMANAGER_V2 make several changes in
-the CMBufManager including multiple sized RMBuf's.
-This #define supports REQ7857, REQ7860, REQ7864, REQ8585, REQ8586
-developed as part of PREQ1248.
-These changes introduces a BR-2242.
-If SYMBIAN_FEATURE_MANAGER is defined then the Feature Registry
-functionality is implemented via the Feature Manager, with
-corresponding changes in the ROM building tools.
-This #define supports PREQ1645
-If SYMBIAN_BUILD_GCE is defined, the Surface Manager and Graphics
-Composition Engine APIs are available at build time.
-@see RWindowBase::SetBackgroundSurface
-@see RSurfaceManager
-@see RSurfaceUpdateSession
-Note that the Surface Manager and GCE executables are optional,
-and will not be present in the ROM or the emulator unless
-appropriately configured.
-This #define supports PREQ1007 and PREQ1019
-then the comms-infras framework supports the management plane
-with the RCommsManager API providing support for connection
-selection, bearer mobility and other functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ 1060 and PREQ 399.
-If SYMBIAN_CAF_STREAMING is defined then CAF provides support for
-streamed broadcast protection standards, such as DVB-H or OMA DRM BCAST.
-This #define supports PREQ782
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_USB_OTG_HOST is defined, executables related
-to USB Host and USB OTG will be built in addition to the
-existing support for USB Client.
-These additional components are necessary to enable building a
-ROM incorporating USB Client, Host and OTG functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ1782
-If SYMBIAN_MULTIMEDIA_A3FDEVSOUND is defined, the PREQ1540 DevSound API is
-present in the Advanced Audio Adaptation Framework
-This #define supports PREQ1540.
-When this macro is enabled, OMA dataSync, Device Management and Client Provisioning protocol
-implementations will be excluded.
-This #define supports PREQ2474.
-If SYMBIAN_USB_RNDIS is defined, SYMBIAN OS will provide USB Remote NDIS class (this affects Bluetooth PAN as well).
-This #define supports PREQ1872.
-If SYMBIAN_ADAPTIVE_TCP_RECEIVE_WINDOW is defined, TCP protocol will set the Receive window size according to the underlying bearer (ex. GPRS, WiFi, etc)
-and the window size will change as the bearer changes or the modulation of the bearer changes.
-#define supports PREQ1854.
-If SYMBIAN_ALARM_REPEAT_EXTENSIONS is defined then the client APIs delivered by PREQ2069 will be avilable.
-These APIs introduce an additional alarm repeat definition and a new alarm expiry behaviour.
-#define supports PREQ2069.
-component provides the MultipartParser.dll functionality.
-This #define supports PREQ2051.
-by PREQ1769 will be available else it won't.
-When this macro is defined the calendar component will provide additional search and sort options when retrieving calendar instances.
-#define supports PREQ1769 and PREQ2049.
-If SYMBIAN_CENTREP_SUPPORT_MULTIROFS is defined, centralrepository client
-will be able to define keyspaces that are composed of multiple files in different ROFS layers.
-This #define supports PREQ2112
-If SYMBIAN_DNS_PROXY is defined, SYMBIAN OS will provide DNS Proxy Service.
-This define supports PREQ1684.
-If SYMBIAN_DNS_PUNYCODE is defined, this will enable punycode conversion
-functionality in the system. If SYMBIAN_DNS_PUNYCODE is enabled, then the DND
-can resolve the International Domain Names also. As per the requirement, application
-can use this punycode conversion.
-This define supports PREQ2296.
-If SYMBIAN_EMAIL_CAPABILITY_SUPPORT is defined then the IMAP/POP3 servermtms
-will use the enhanced capabilities sent by the email server.
-Enables the File Server Client side API for large file access (file size greater than 2GB - 1).
-Enables the configurable part of File Server side to support large files.
-This #define supports PREQ1725
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_FAT_DIRECTORY_OPT is defined, a size-configurable
-Leaf Directory Name Caching and optimisations to file creation operations
-is enabled to improve performance of locating leaf directories and
-file creation on FAT volumes.
-This #define supports PREQ1885.
-EUserHl generic usability library
-This #define supports PREQ2177
-If SYMBIAN_F32_ENHANCED_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION is enabled, code changes and supporting APIs for PREQ1847 will be included
-F32 Enhanced Notifications with be built in to EFile.exe and EFSRV.DLL
-SYMBIAN_FASTFLOW_TCP will enable TCP fast path/flows for high throughput download like FTP and HTTP streaming. Disabling the macro, will fall back to legacy flows.
-This define supports PREQ2133.
-additional battery charging information will be available in the OS.
-This define supports PREQ2167.
-If SYMBIAN_IPSEC_VOIP_SUPPORT is defined, it will introduce support IPSec support for VoIP services.
-This includes DSCP treatment in the IP header in context of 3GPP TS 44.318 Annex B and additional IPSec support.
-#define supports PREQ1853.
-Allows applications that use the LBS subsystem to automatically utilize the best Bluetooth GPS positioning source
-available (rather than be manually configured to a particular Bluetooth GPS device)
-side of messaging server provides enhanced search capabilities.
-If SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_HEADER_BODY_USING_SQLDB is defined then messaging server shall store a
-greater proportion of message content in SQL. Typically sized messages should be stored in their entirety.
-Attachments and large message parts may be stored externally and referenced from the database.
-If SYMBIAN_MSGS_ENHANCED_REMOVABLE_MEDIA_SUPPORT is defined then it is possible to
-have a merged view of messages across multiple drives present in the device.
-This #define supports PREQ557
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_ADDRESS_PROVISION is defined, this will enable
-the DHCP server to provide IP address to the client based on its
-hardware address, this hardware address is provisioned by the
-application which is loading the DHCP server. Also NAPT will
-forward any packets to the uplink only if the source address is
-This define supports PREQ1872.
-If SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_CONTENTION_MANAGEMENT is defined, the Networking Stack (Control/Management planes) will
-be able to support contention Management
-#define supports PREQ1927.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT is enabled, code changes for supporting Large files ( >2GB) will be built into libc.
-This will be enabled from Symbian OS Emin onwards.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LIBRT is defined, the open environment component will be extended to include the
-Symbian OS port of the latest version of librt ("realtime") open source library.
-This #define supports PREQ1974
-If SYMBIAN_OE_POSIX_SIGNALS is enabled, the libc component will use POSIX signals emulation.
-This #define supports PREQ1579
-If SYMBIAN_SDP_IPSEC_VOIP_SUPPORT is defined, then PREQ1853 APIs enable use of the cipher based MAC evaluation
-and psuedo random generation algorithms (AES-XCBC-MAC-96 and AES-XCBC-PRF-128 respectively) through a new MAC
-interface introduced in the CryptoSpi framework.
-Tbis #define supports PREQ1853
-End users will be able to connect to secured services (including, but not limited to, email, VPN, web)
-which use certificates generated with modern hash algorithms (the SHA-2 family).
-This #define supports PREQ2660, CR2008
-When enabled the following features are supported:
-1. Sip Profile Storage in Cenrep.
-2. Sip T Timers provisioning in Cenrep.
-3. Sip Registration Expiry timers in Cenrep.
-4. Forced Enable of a Sip Profile.
-5. Forced Disable of a Sip Profile.
-This supports PREQ1815.
-If SYMBIAN_SKIPPED_CALENDAR_ALARMS is present then the alarm server shall
-persist details of missed calendar alarms and clients shall be able to
-retrieve the list of missed calendar alarms from the Alarm server client API.
-This supports PREQ2088.
-When SYMBIAN_SSM_FLEXIBLE_MERGE is enabled then flexible merging
-of startup command lists based on priority is supported.
-This define supports PREQ1871.
-If SYMBIAN_SSM_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN is defined, this will enable
-Staged Shutdown of the device, which allows definition of
-a policy to specify the order for notifying registered
-components of shutdown, allowing them to perform any necessary
-tasks before the device completes its shutdown.
-This define supports PREQ2326.
-the TCP/IP stack shall support explictly bound sockets.
-If a socket is explicitly bound and a packet arrives on an interface
-that the socket isn't bound to, then the packet should be dropped.
-This define supports PREQ2279.
-When this macro is enabled new strong random number generator will be available to both kernel and user level processes.
-This #define supports PREQ211, DS1456, CR1991
-This new Macro will enable the support for new run option for SIS files . When executables/files inside
-SIS file marked with this new run option, they will be executed at the end of the successful installation.
-This #define supports PREQ2264, CR1544
-If SYMBIAN_SYSTEM_STATE_MANAGEMENT is defined, this will enable
-the System State Management Architecture, which supports the
-concept of system states (including startup, normal operation,
-shutdown, and failure) and associated behaviour, and facilitates
-the transitioning between them according to licensee-defined
-policies and procedures.
-This define supports PREQ1871.
-If SYMBIAN_TCPIPDHCP_UPDATE is defined, this will enable IPv6/DHCP updates in the System.
-If SYMBIAN_TCPIPDHCP_UPDATE is enabled, then IPv6 and DHCP shall support requirements
-of followng RFCs: 4861/4862/4291/4443/3736/3646
-This define supports PREQ1898.
-SYMBIAN_UNIVERSAL_INSTALL_FRAMEWORK toggles the support for the Software Component Registry (SCR),
-Software Installation Framework (SIF) and Software Transaction Services (STS).
-The components are built if and only if this macro is defined.
-If SYMBIAN_USE_SQLITE_VERSION_3_6_4 is defined then syslibs_sql will be built including SQLite v3.6.4.
-If this is not defined, then syslibs_sql will be built using the exising SQLite v3.6.1.
-This #define supports PREQ1869.
-This System Wide Define will be used to issue a warning when a rom is built that enables data paging on a
-version of the OS for which data paging is not warranted.
-This #define supports PREQ1954
-If SYMBIAN_ZERO_COPY_NETWORKING is defined the Comms Stack switches from using single memory pool overseen
-by MBufManager to multiple, HW specific pools. With SYMBIAN_ZERO_COPY_NETWORKING defined link-level flows
-can avoid copying data when communicating with the respective HW drivers.
-This #define supports PREQ2106.
-This macro is supported only in the wserv_nga configuration.
- - code changes for supporting Qt effects in graphics window server will be enabled.
- - the layer region optimizer and surface placement will no longer work.
-This #define supports PREQ2669.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_TRACE is enabled, code changes for supporting instrumentation
-and trace points that are entered in source code will be enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ2409.
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_EVENTLOGGER_DUALSIM is defined then syslibs_logeng (eventlogger) will be built including the changes for Dual Sim implementated as part of PREQ2473. If this is not defined, then syslibs_logeng will be built without these changes, and Dual Sim will not be supported.
-#define supports PREQ2473.
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_SDP_WMDRM_SUPPORT is defined it enables new CAF API for WM DRM support, CAFHelper,
-MTP command utilities and Crypto token framework changes to support key operations.
-This #define supports PREQ2086.
-If SYMBIAN_ENABLE_SDP_ECC is defined it enables CryptoSPI ECC definitions and Crypto token framework
-ECC keys support. This macro is dependent on SYMBIAN_ENABLE_SDP_WMDRM_SUPPORT.
-This #define supports PREQ2086.
-If SYMBIAN_OSSI_TRACE is enabled, code changes for supporting utrace messages will be enabled in Security and Native Installer components.
-This #define supports PREQ2405.
-When this macro is enabled, new locale model will be enabled, three distinct locale dlls will replace the old single locale dll.
-When this is not defined, header files, that have been split, #include the extra header files to disable the source break. When this is defined, the headers have been fully split and the source break is enabled.
-This #define supports PREQ2740 and other splitting "mixed" header file PREQs.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT is enabled, code changes for supporting Large files ( >2GB) will be built into libc.
-This will be enabled from Symbian OS Emin onwards.
-If SYMBIAN_OE_ENHANCED_LOCALE_SUPPORT is enabled, code changes for aligning OE locale support with native locales will be built into libc and libstdcppv5.
-This will be enabled from Symbian OS Emin onwards.
-This #define supports PREQ1440
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/inc/Symbian_OS_tb92sf.hrh Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/symbianosbld/cedarutils/inc/Symbian_OS_tb92sf.hrh Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -2070,4 +2070,12 @@
and should be used in preference to hand-coding ARM atomic instructions.
+If SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_FIXNATIVEORIENTATION is enabled, the Orientation Independent Windows feature is enabled.
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/platform_paths.hrh Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/symbianosbld/cedarutils/platform_paths.hrh Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -462,10 +462,7 @@
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/gstreamer/10_18 \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/gstreamer/10_18/gst \
- /epoc32/include/platform/mw/gstreamer/10_18/gst/gstcontroller \
- /epoc32/include/stdapis/machine
+ /epoc32/include/platform/mw/gstreamer
// You need to add STLLIB_USAGE_DEFINITIONS as a separate line into your mmp-file, if you are using
// the stllib.
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/reference_roms_9.5.mrp Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# reference_roms.mrp
-component reference_roms_9.5
-# This component owns the binaries, logs, etc produced by building ROM images
-# in the System Build
-# Determination of which GTC ROMs are built is done by the variability tools.
-# Unfortunately, there's no way for this MRP to indicate "all stuff generated
-# by buiding the ROMS", so this list needs to be maintained explicitly :-(
-# Further note that the System Build filters the items generated to sort the
-# GTC ROMs from the ROMs built for Integrations own purposes (ie Integration's
-# Locally Tested Configurations). Only GTC ROM files are included in this
-# component
-# For each complete ROM owned, there are either the same set of ten files, or
-# the same set of six files, for NAND or non-NAND (ie NOR) ROMs respectively
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Mature_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Minimal_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.log
-# In addition to the items built via the variability tools (inc metarombuild)
-# there are nand loader related items that are built through the XML file
-# explicitly...
-# A NAND loader for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\om_001.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\om_001.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.log
-# A NAND tester for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\h2.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h2.nandloader.reltest.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.log
-notes_source \component_defs\release.src
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/reference_roms_9.6.mrp Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# reference_roms.mrp
-component reference_roms_9.6
-# This component owns the binaries, logs, etc produced by building ROM images
-# in the System Build
-# Determination of which GTC ROMs are built is done by the variability tools.
-# Unfortunately, there's no way for this MRP to indicate "all stuff generated
-# by buiding the ROMS", so this list needs to be maintained explicitly :-(
-# Further note that the System Build filters the items generated to sort the
-# GTC ROMs from the ROMs built for Integrations own purposes (ie Integration's
-# Locally Tested Configurations). Only GTC ROM files are included in this
-# component
-# For each complete ROM owned, there are either the same set of ten files, or
-# the same set of six files, for NAND or non-NAND (ie NOR) ROMs respectively
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Mature_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Minimal_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_NE1.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_NE1S.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Mature_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Minimal_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.rofs.log
-# In addition to the items built via the variability tools (inc metarombuild)
-# there are nand loader related items that are built through the XML file
-# explicitly...
-# A NAND loader for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.log
-# An MMC loader for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.log
-notes_source \component_defs\release.src
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/reference_roms_Future.mrp Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# reference_roms.mrp
-component reference_roms_Future
-# This component owns the binaries, logs, etc produced by building ROM images
-# in the System Build
-# Determination of which GTC ROMs are built is done by the variability tools.
-# Unfortunately, there's no way for this MRP to indicate "all stuff generated
-# by buiding the ROMS", so this list needs to be maintained explicitly :-(
-# Further note that the System Build filters the items generated to sort the
-# GTC ROMs from the ROMs built for Integrations own purposes (ie Integration's
-# Locally Tested Configurations). Only GTC ROM files are included in this
-# component
-# For each complete ROM owned, there are either the same set of ten files, or
-# the same set of six files, for NAND or non-NAND (ie NOR) ROMs respectively
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Mature_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Minimal_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H4HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_H4.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_NE1.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_NE1S.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NE1S.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Standard_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Mature_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\include\GTC_Minimal_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6.rofs.log
-# In addition to the items built via the variability tools (inc metarombuild)
-# there are nand loader related items that are built through the XML file
-# explicitly...
-# A NAND loader for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.log
-notes_source \component_defs\release.src
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_MMC_H4.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC MMC H4'; Image file: GTC_MMC_H4HRP.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define USE_MSCDB
-#define _INTERNAL_MMC
-#define USE_SDIO_SD_MMC
-#include <h4hrp.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <opengles.iby>
-#include <ipupsdialog.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <mtp_ptpip.iby>
-#include <mtp_usbsic.iby>
-#include <netups.iby>
-#include <FMTx_HWRM.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <videorenderer.iby>
-#include <sqlite3.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Mature_H4.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Mature H4'; Image file: GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#include <h4hrp.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <sysstart.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <sysstartconfig.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Mature_H6.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Mature H6'; Image file: GTC_Mature_H6HRP.IMG
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#include <34xx_sdp.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <sysstart.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <sysstartconfig.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Minimal_H6.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Minimal H6'; Image file: GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define _NAND2
-#define USE_MSCDB
-#include <34xx_sdp.oby>
-#include <Techview_ExcludeRemovable.oby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_H4.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Standard H4'; Image file: GTC_Standard_H4HRP.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define _NAND2
-#define USE_MSCDB
-#include <h4hrp.oby>
-#include <PagedRom.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <opengles.iby>
-#include <ipupsdialog.iby>
-#include <authserver.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <mtp_ptpip.iby>
-#include <mtp_usbsic.iby>
-#include <FMTx_HWRM.iby>
-#include <netups.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <videorenderer.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <sqlite3.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <pinplugin.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
-patchdata ssmcmn.DLL @ KSsmGracefulShutdown 1
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_H6.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Standard H6'; Image file: GTC_Standard_H6HRP.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define _NAND2
-#define USE_MSCDB
-#include <34xx_sdp.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <opengles.iby>
-#include <ipupsdialog.iby>
-#include <authserver.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <mtp_ptpip.iby>
-#include <mtp_usbsic.iby>
-#include <FMTx_HWRM.iby>
-#include <netups.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <videorenderer.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <sqlite3.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <pinplugin.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
-patchdata ssmcmn.DLL @ KSsmGracefulShutdown 1
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_NE1.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Standard NE1'; Image file: GTC_Standard_NaviE1.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define SMP
-#include <naviengine.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_NE1S.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Standard NE1S'; Image file: GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#include <naviengine.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/bld.inf Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// BLD.INF for TB101 ROM OBY Files (TB101ROMOBY)
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Mature_H4.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Mature_H6.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Minimal_H6.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_MMC_H4.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_H4.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_H6.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_NE1.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_NE1S.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/metaRom.xml /epoc32/data/symbian_os_romspec.xml
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/metaRom.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE RomBuildSet [
- <!ELEMENT RomBuildSet (Rom+)>
- revision CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT Rom (InFile+,Macro*,ImageFile,XMLFile)>
- >
- >
- <!ELEMENT ImageFile EMPTY>
-<RomBuildSet name="RomSet" revision="1">
- <Rom name="GTC Mature H4" TargetBoard="H4hrp">
- <InFile name="GTC_Mature_H4"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Mature H6" TargetBoard="H6">
- <InFile name="GTC_Mature_H6"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Mature_H6HRP.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Minimal H6" TargetBoard="H6">
- <InFile name="GTC_Minimal_H6"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC MMC H4" TargetBoard="H4hrp">
- <InFile name="GTC_MMC_H4"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_MMC_H4HRP.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Standard H4" TargetBoard="H4hrp">
- <InFile name="GTC_Standard_H4"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Standard_H4HRP.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Standard H6" TargetBoard="H6">
- <InFile name="GTC_Standard_H6"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Standard_H6HRP.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Standard NE1" TargetBoard="NE1">
- <InFile name="GTC_Standard_NE1"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Standard_NaviE1.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Standard NE1S" TargetBoard="NE1S">
- <InFile name="GTC_Standard_NE1S"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/tb101sfrom_obys/reference_roms_tb101sf.mrp Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# reference_roms.mrp
-component reference_roms_tb101sf
-# This component owns the binaries, logs, etc produced by building ROM images
-# in the System Build
-# Determination of which GTC ROMs are built is done by the variability tools.
-# Unfortunately, there's no way for this MRP to indicate "all stuff generated
-# by buiding the ROMS", so this list needs to be maintained explicitly :-(
-# Further note that the System Build filters the items generated to sort the
-# GTC ROMs from the ROMs built for Integrations own purposes (ie Integration's
-# Locally Tested Configurations). Only GTC ROM files are included in this
-# component
-# For each complete ROM owned, there are either the same set of ten files, or
-# the same set of six files, for NAND or non-NAND (ie NOR) ROMs respectively
-source \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\tb101sfrom_obys
-exports \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\tb101sfrom_obys
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.rofs.log
-# In addition to the items built via the variability tools (inc metarombuild)
-# there are nand loader related items that are built through the XML file
-# explicitly...
-# A NAND loader for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.log
-# An MMC loader for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.log
-notes_source \component_defs\release.src
-ipr T \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\tb101sfrom_obys
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/techview_roms_9.4.history.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<relnotes name="ROMKIT">
- <purpose>
- </purpose>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/techview_roms_future.history.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<relnotes name="ROMKIT">
- <purpose>
- </purpose>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/GTC_MMC_H4.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC MMC H4'; Image file: GTC_MMC_H4HRP.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define USE_MSCDB
-#define _INTERNAL_MMC
-#define USE_SDIO_SD_MMC
-#include <h4hrp.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <opengles.iby>
-#include <ipupsdialog.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <mtp_ptpip.iby>
-#include <mtp_usbsic.iby>
-#include <netups.iby>
-#include <FMTx_HWRM.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <videorenderer.iby>
-#include <sqlite3.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/GTC_Mature_H4.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Mature H4'; Image file: GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#include <h4hrp.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <sysstart.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <sysstartconfig.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/GTC_Mature_H6.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Mature H6'; Image file: GTC_Mature_H6HRP.IMG
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#include <34xx_sdp.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <sysstart.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <sysstartconfig.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/GTC_Minimal_H6.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Minimal H6'; Image file: GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define _NAND2
-#define USE_MSCDB
-#include <34xx_sdp.oby>
-#include <Techview_ExcludeRemovable.oby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/GTC_Standard_H4.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Standard H4'; Image file: GTC_Standard_H4HRP.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define _NAND2
-#define USE_MSCDB
-#include <h4hrp.oby>
-#include <PagedRom.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <opengles.iby>
-#include <ipupsdialog.iby>
-#include <authserver.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <mtp_ptpip.iby>
-#include <mtp_usbsic.iby>
-#include <FMTx_HWRM.iby>
-#include <netups.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <videorenderer.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <sqlite3.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <pinplugin.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
-patchdata ssmcmn.DLL @ KSsmGracefulShutdown 1
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/GTC_Standard_H6.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Standard H6'; Image file: GTC_Standard_H6HRP.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define _NAND2
-#define USE_MSCDB
-#include <34xx_sdp.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <opengles.iby>
-#include <ipupsdialog.iby>
-#include <authserver.iby>
-#include <oessl.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <mtp_ptpip.iby>
-#include <mtp_usbsic.iby>
-#include <FMTx_HWRM.iby>
-#include <netups.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <videorenderer.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <sqlite3.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <oecrypto.iby>
-#include <pinplugin.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
-patchdata ssmcmn.DLL @ KSsmGracefulShutdown 1
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/GTC_Standard_NE1.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Standard NE1'; Image file: GTC_Standard_NaviE1.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#define SMP
-#include <naviengine.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/GTC_Standard_NE1S.oby Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Top Level OBY file for ROM image 'GTC Standard NE1S'; Image file: GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.img
- *
- * This file is generated automatically by binding the ROM variation points in
- * the system
- */
-#include <naviengine.oby>
-#include <Techview.oby>
-#include <shma.iby>
-#include <streamingcaf.iby>
-#include <aplp.iby>
-#include <ssrefplugins.iby>
-#include <amastart.iby>
-#include <rpnp.iby>
-#include <openvg.iby>
-#include <PlatSec.oby>
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/bld.inf Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// BLD.INF for TB101 ROM OBY Files (TB101ROMOBY)
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Mature_H4.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Mature_H6.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Minimal_H6.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_MMC_H4.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_H4.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_H6.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_NE1.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/GTC_Standard_NE1S.oby /epoc32/rom/include/
-../tb101sfrom_obys/metaRom.xml /epoc32/data/symbian_os_romspec.xml
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/metaRom.xml Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE RomBuildSet [
- <!ELEMENT RomBuildSet (Rom+)>
- revision CDATA #REQUIRED
- >
- <!ELEMENT Rom (InFile+,Macro*,ImageFile,XMLFile)>
- >
- >
- <!ELEMENT ImageFile EMPTY>
-<RomBuildSet name="RomSet" revision="1">
- <Rom name="GTC Mature H4" TargetBoard="H4hrp">
- <InFile name="GTC_Mature_H4"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Mature H6" TargetBoard="H6">
- <InFile name="GTC_Mature_H6"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Mature_H6HRP.IMG"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Minimal H6" TargetBoard="H6">
- <InFile name="GTC_Minimal_H6"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC MMC H4" TargetBoard="H4hrp">
- <InFile name="GTC_MMC_H4"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_MMC_H4HRP.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Standard H4" TargetBoard="H4hrp">
- <InFile name="GTC_Standard_H4"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Standard_H4HRP.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Standard H6" TargetBoard="H6">
- <InFile name="GTC_Standard_H6"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Standard_H6HRP.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Standard NE1" TargetBoard="NE1">
- <InFile name="GTC_Standard_NE1"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Standard_NaviE1.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
- <Rom name="GTC Standard NE1S" TargetBoard="NE1S">
- <InFile name="GTC_Standard_NE1S"/>
- <ImageFile name="GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.img"/>
- <XMLFile flag="-fm=" name="featuredatabase.XML"/>
- </Rom>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/symbianosbld/cedarutils/vFuturerom_obys/reference_roms_vFuture.mrp Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# reference_roms.mrp
-component reference_roms_vFuture
-# This component owns the binaries, logs, etc produced by building ROM images
-# in the System Build
-# Determination of which GTC ROMs are built is done by the variability tools.
-# Unfortunately, there's no way for this MRP to indicate "all stuff generated
-# by buiding the ROMS", so this list needs to be maintained explicitly :-(
-# Further note that the System Build filters the items generated to sort the
-# GTC ROMs from the ROMs built for Integrations own purposes (ie Integration's
-# Locally Tested Configurations). Only GTC ROM files are included in this
-# component
-# For each complete ROM owned, there are either the same set of ten files, or
-# the same set of six files, for NAND or non-NAND (ie NOR) ROMs respectively
-source \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\vFuturerom_obys
-exports \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\vFuturerom_obys
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H4HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_H6HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Mature_H6HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Minimal_H6HRP.rofs.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_Standard_NaviE1S.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.dir
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.IMG
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.rofs.oby
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.rofs.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.rofs.symbol
-binary \epoc32\rom\GTC_MMC_H4HRP.rofs.log
-# In addition to the items built via the variability tools (inc metarombuild)
-# there are nand loader related items that are built through the XML file
-# explicitly...
-# A NAND loader for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4hrp_001.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6_sdp.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.techview.nandloader.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.nandloader.reltest.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h6.nandloader.reltest.log
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\ne1_tb.nandloader.reltest.log
-# An MMC loader for each hardware board:
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.img
-binary \epoc32\rom\h4.mmcloader.reltest.log
-notes_source \component_defs\release.src
-ipr T \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\symbianosbld\cedarutils\vFuturerom_obys
--- a/symbianosbld/productionbldcbrconfig/tb92sf/AutoCBR_tb92sf_test_export.csv Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/symbianosbld/productionbldcbrconfig/tb92sf/AutoCBR_tb92sf_test_export.csv Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
ipappprotocols_metadata,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
ipappsrv_metadata,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
kernelhwsrv_metadata,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
+kernelhwsrv_doc_pub,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
lbs_metadata,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
messaging_metadata,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
messagingmw_metadata,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
@@ -192,6 +193,8 @@
base_drivers_camerasc,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
base_drivers_unistore2,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
base_drivers_unistore2_undeliverable,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
+base_drivers_usbdescriptors,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
+base_drivers_usbdi_utils,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
base_drivers_usbhostotg,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
base_drivers_usbhostotg_usbware,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
base_e32_compsupp,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
@@ -861,7 +864,7 @@
tools_redistribution_winc,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
tools_romkit,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
tools_s60_header_compat95,S(DEFGT),S(DEFGT),A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
-tools_s60_header_compatsymtb101sf,S(DEFGT),S(DEFGT),A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
+tools_s60_header_compatsymtb101sf,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
tools_s60_header_compatsymtb92,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
tools_sdk_eng_aifapp,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
tools_sdk_eng_aifbuilder,D E F G O T,D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T,A B D E F G O T
--- a/symbianosbld/productionbldcbrconfig/tb92sf/GCCXMLcomponents.txt Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/symbianosbld/productionbldcbrconfig/tb92sf/GCCXMLcomponents.txt Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
base_domain \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\userlibandfileserver\domainmgr\group\base_domain.mrp
base_drivers_camerasc \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\camerasc\base_drivers_camerasc.mrp
base_drivers_unistore2 \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\unistore2\base_drivers_unistore2.mrp
+base_drivers_usbdescriptors \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\usbho\usbdescriptors\base_drivers_usbdescriptors.mrp
+base_drivers_usbdi_utils \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\usbho\usbdi_utils\base_drivers_usbdi_utils.mrp
base_drivers_usbhostotg \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\usbho\base_drivers_usbhostotg.mrp
base_drivers_usbhostotg_usbware \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\usbho\usbd\base_drivers_usbhostotg_usbware.mrp
base_e32 \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\base_e32.mrp
@@ -237,6 +239,7 @@
install_config \sf\mw\appinstall\installationservices\swiconfig\group\install_config.mrp
ipappprotocols_metadata \sf\mw\ipappprotocols\ipappprotocols_info\ipappprotocols_metadata\ipappprotocols_metadata.mrp
ipappsrv_metadata \sf\mw\ipappsrv\ipappsrv_info\ipappsrv_metadata\ipappsrv_metadata.mrp
+kernelhwsrv_doc_pub \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernelhwsrv_info\doc_pub\kernelhwsrv_doc_pub.mrp
kernelhwsrv_metadata \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernelhwsrv_info\kernelhwsrv_metadata\kernelhwsrv_metadata.mrp
lbs_admin \sf\os\lbs\locationmgmt\locationcore\group\lbs_admin.mrp
lbs_agps_positioning_module \sf\os\lbs\datasourcemodules\gpspositioningmodule\group\lbs_agps_positioning_module.mrp
@@ -424,7 +427,6 @@
remoteconn_metadata \sf\mw\remoteconn\remoteconn_info\remoteconn_metadata\remoteconn_metadata.mrp
rootcerts \sf\os\security\cryptoservices\rootcertificates\rootcerts.mrp
security_asnpkcs \sf\os\security\cryptoservices\asnpkcs\group\security_asnpkcs.mrp
-security_authserver \sf\os\security\authenticationservices\authenticationserver\group\security_authserver.mrp
security_caf2 \sf\os\security\contentmgmt\contentaccessfwfordrm\group\security_caf2.mrp
security_certman \sf\os\security\cryptoservices\certificateandkeymgmt\group\security_certman.mrp
security_common \sf\os\security\cryptomgmtlibs\securityutils\group\security_common.mrp
--- a/symbianosbld/productionbldcbrconfig/tb92sf/GTcomponents.txt Wed Mar 31 23:27:53 2010 +0300
+++ b/symbianosbld/productionbldcbrconfig/tb92sf/GTcomponents.txt Wed Apr 14 17:14:32 2010 +0300
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
base_drivers_camerasc \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\camerasc\base_drivers_camerasc.mrp
base_drivers_unistore2 \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\unistore2\base_drivers_unistore2.mrp
base_drivers_unistore2_undeliverable \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\unistore2\base_drivers_unistore2_undeliverable.mrp
+base_drivers_usbdescriptors \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\usbho\usbdescriptors\base_drivers_usbdescriptors.mrp
+base_drivers_usbdi_utils \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\usbho\usbdi_utils\base_drivers_usbdi_utils.mrp
base_drivers_usbhostotg \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\usbho\base_drivers_usbhostotg.mrp
base_drivers_usbhostotg_usbware \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\usbho\usbd\base_drivers_usbhostotg_usbware.mrp
base_e32 \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\base_e32.mrp
@@ -256,6 +258,7 @@
install_testframework \sf\mw\appinstall\installationservices\switestfw\group\install_testframework.mrp
ipappprotocols_metadata \sf\mw\ipappprotocols\ipappprotocols_info\ipappprotocols_metadata\ipappprotocols_metadata.mrp
ipappsrv_metadata \sf\mw\ipappsrv\ipappsrv_info\ipappsrv_metadata\ipappsrv_metadata.mrp
+kernelhwsrv_doc_pub \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernelhwsrv_info\doc_pub\kernelhwsrv_doc_pub.mrp
kernelhwsrv_metadata \sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernelhwsrv_info\kernelhwsrv_metadata\kernelhwsrv_metadata.mrp
lbs_admin \sf\os\lbs\locationmgmt\locationcore\group\lbs_admin.mrp
lbs_agps_positioning_module \sf\os\lbs\datasourcemodules\gpspositioningmodule\group\lbs_agps_positioning_module.mrp
@@ -477,7 +480,6 @@
rootcerts \sf\os\security\cryptoservices\rootcertificates\rootcerts.mrp
screendriverhaitest \sf\os\graphics\graphicsapitest\screendriverhaitest\group\screendriverhaitest.mrp
security_asnpkcs \sf\os\security\cryptoservices\asnpkcs\group\security_asnpkcs.mrp
-security_authserver \sf\os\security\authenticationservices\authenticationserver\group\security_authserver.mrp
security_caf2 \sf\os\security\contentmgmt\contentaccessfwfordrm\group\security_caf2.mrp
security_certman \sf\os\security\cryptoservices\certificateandkeymgmt\group\security_certman.mrp
security_common \sf\os\security\cryptomgmtlibs\securityutils\group\security_common.mrp