changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
child 41 c87e5f80c17d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e1aa6a622a0
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    19 #include "sysutil.h"
    20 #include <f32file.h>
    21 #include <bsul/ccacheddriveinfo.h>
    22 #include "sysutildomaincrkeys.h"	// for disc space
    23 #include "sysutilinternalpskeys.h"	// for disc space
    24 #include "sysutildebug.h"			// debug helper
    25 #include "sysutilpatchdata.h"		// patchable data defining the MMC drive integer identifer
    26 #include <baflpan.h>
    27 #include <e32property.h>
    28 #include <e32capability.h>
    29 #include <bsul/inifile.h>
    30 #include <bautils.h>
    31 #include "sysutilsetup.h"
    32 #include "sysutilplugindef.h"
    34 // File names of the files which store version and device type information.
    35 _LIT( KSWVersionFileName,			"sw.txt" );
    36 _LIT( KLangSWVersionFileName,		"langsw.txt" );
    37 _LIT( KLangVersionFileName,			"lang.txt" );
    38 _LIT( KDeviceAttributesFileName,	"deviceattributes.ini" );
    39 _LIT( KPRInformationFileName,       "purpose.txt" );
    41 // UID of sysutilsetup.exe.
    42 const TUid KSysUtilSetupUid = {0x10285B3B};
    44 // Publish and Subscribe keys.
    45 const TUid KTestFilePathsUid = {0x10285B40};
    46 const TUid KSWVersionUid = {0x10285B3C};
    47 const TUid KLangSWVersionUid = {0x10285B3D};
    48 const TUid KLangVersionUid = {0x10285B3E};
    49 const TUid KDeviceTypeInfoUid = {0x10285B3F};
    50 const TUid KPRInformationUid = {0x20027BC4};
    52 // Device Type Information attribute UIDs.
    53 const TUid KManufacturerNameUid = {0x10286358};
    54 const TUid KModelNameUid = {0x10286359};
    55 const TUid KModelCodeUid = {0x1028635A};
    56 const TUid KRevisionIDUid = {0x1028635B};
    57 const TUid KDefaultDeviceNameUid = {0x1028635C};
    58 const TUid KUIPlatformNameUid = {0x1028635D};
    59 const TUid KUIPlatformVersionMajorUid = {0x1028635E};
    60 const TUid KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid = {0x1028635F};
    61 const TUid KUIPlatformVersionUid = {0x10286360};
    62 const TUid KOSVersionMajorUid = {0x10286361};
    63 const TUid KOSVersionMinorUid = {0x10286362};
    64 const TUid KOSVersionUid = {0x10286363};
    66 // This is the maximum number of Device Type Information attributes that can be 
    67 // stored in the Device Type Information Publish and Subscribe property.
    68 const TUint16 KAttributeLimit = 450;
    70 // Default values that will be used if no plugin is provided, the 
    71 // deviceattributes.ini file is missing or if a device attribute is not 
    72 // specified by a licensee.
    73 _LIT16( KDefaultManufacturer, "Symbian" );
    74 _LIT16( KDefaultModelName, "Symbian" );
    75 _LIT16( KDefaultModelCode, "Symbian" );
    76 _LIT16( KDefaultRevisionID, "00.00" );
    77 _LIT16( KDefaultDeviceName, "Symbian" );
    78 _LIT16( KDefaultUIPlatform, "Symbian" );
    79 _LIT16( KDefaultUIPlatformVersionMajor, "0" );
    80 _LIT16( KDefaultUIPlatformVersionMinor, "0" );
    81 _LIT16( KDefaultUIPlatformVersion, "0.0" );
    82 _LIT16( KDefaultOSVersionMajor, "0" );
    83 _LIT16( KDefaultOSVersionMinor, "0" );
    84 _LIT16( KDefaultOSVersion, "0.0" );
    87 // Security policies for the Publish and Subscribe properties.
    88 _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( KSecurityPolicyNone, ECapability_None );
    89 _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_S1( KSecurityPolicyWriteDeviceData, 0x10285B3B, ECapabilityWriteDeviceData );
    91 _LIT( KNewLinePattern, "\\n" );
    92 _LIT( KNewline, "\n" );
    95 /**
    96 Dummy sysutil implementation object - never instantiated.
    97 @internalComponent
    98 */
    99 class CDeviceTypeInformation::TImpl
   100 	{
   101 	TUint32 iDummy;
   102 	};
   104 /**
   105 Stores a copy of the device type information attributes. For details of the 
   106 memory layout see SGL.TS0017.201 BAFL Component Design Document.doc.
   107 @internalComponent 
   108 */
   109 typedef struct _SDeviceAttributes
   110 	{
   111 	TUint16 Length() const;
   112 	TUint16 Count() const;
   113 	TInt32 Uid( const TInt aAttributeIndex ) const;
   114 	TInt16 Error( const TInt aAttributeIndex ) const;
   115 	TInt AttributeLength( const TInt aAttributeIndex ) const;
   116 	TUint16* AttributePtr( const TInt aAttributeIndex ) const;
   117 	TUint16* iDeviceAttributes;
   118 	} SDeviceAttributes;
   120 /**
   121 @return TInt16 The number of elements in the memory block.
   122 */
   123 inline TUint16 SDeviceAttributes::Length() const
   124 	{
   125 	return iDeviceAttributes[0];
   126 	}
   128 /**
   129 @return TInt16 The number of device type information attributes.
   130 */
   131 inline TUint16 SDeviceAttributes::Count() const
   132 	{
   133 	return iDeviceAttributes[1];
   134 	}
   136 /**
   137 Returns the UID which matches the attribute with the given index.
   139 @param 	aAttribIndex	The index of the attribute in iDeviceAttributes.
   140 @return TInt32 			The UID of the attribute with the given index.
   141 */
   142 inline TInt32 SDeviceAttributes::Uid( const TInt aAttribIndex ) const
   143 	{
   144 	return (iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * aAttribIndex)] << 16) + iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * aAttribIndex) + 1];
   145 	}
   147 /**
   148 Returns an error code associated with the device type information attribute with 
   149 the given index. This error code is generated when the attribute is retrieved 
   150 from a plugin/deviceattributes.ini. It indicates if a value was successfully 
   151 read, no value was provided or if an error occured.
   153 @param 	aAttribIndex	The index of the attribute in iDeviceAttributes.
   154 @return TInt16 			The error of the attribute with the given index.
   155 */
   156 inline TInt16 SDeviceAttributes::Error( const TInt aAttribIndex) const
   157 	{
   158 	return static_cast<TInt16>(iDeviceAttributes[2 + (3 * Count()) + 1 + aAttribIndex]);
   159 	}
   161 /**
   162 Returns the length of the attribute with the given index.
   164 @param 	aAttribIndex	The index of the attribute in iDeviceAttributes.
   165 @return TInt			The length of the attribute with the given index.
   166 */
   167 inline TInt SDeviceAttributes::AttributeLength( const TInt aAttribIndex ) const
   168 	{
   169 	return iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * Count()) + aAttribIndex + 1] - iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * Count()) + aAttribIndex];
   170 	}
   172 /**
   173 Returns a pointer to the attribute value in iDeviceAttributes with the given 
   174 index.
   176 @param 	aAttribIndex	The index of the attribute in iDeviceAttributes.
   177 @return TUint16*		A pointer to the attribute value with the given index.
   178 */
   179 inline TUint16* SDeviceAttributes::AttributePtr( const TInt aAttribIndex ) const
   180 	{
   181 	return iDeviceAttributes + iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * Count()) + aAttribIndex];
   182 	}
   184 // ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ======== 
   186 /**
   187 Returns the total length of all the device type information attribute values stored 
   188 in aValues.
   190 @param	aKeys	An array which contains a list of device type information attribute
   191 				UIDs. The UIDs corrospond to the values in aValues.
   192 @param	aValues	An array which contains a list of device type information attribute
   193 				values. The values corrospond to the UIDs in aKeys.
   194 @return TInt	The total length of all the device type information attribute values 
   195 				stored in aValues.
   196 @internalComponent
   197 */
   198 static TInt AttributesTotalLength( RArray<TInt32>&, CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues )
   199 	{
   200 	TUint attributesTotalLength = 0;
   201 	TInt numAttributes = aValues.Count();
   202 	for( TInt attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < numAttributes; attributeIndex++ )
   203 		{
   204 		TInt attributeLength = aValues[attributeIndex].Length();
   205 		if( attributeLength < CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength )
   206 			{
   207 			attributesTotalLength += attributeLength;
   208 			}
   209 		else
   210 			{
   211 			attributesTotalLength += CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength;
   212 			}
   213 		}
   215 	return attributesTotalLength;
   216 	}
   218 /**
   219 Returns a pointer to some memory which contains the device type information attribute 
   220 UIDs and values (these are contained in aKeys and aValues) in a compact format. The 
   221 layout of the memory can be found in the Design Document 
   222 (SGL.TS0017.201 BAFL Component Design Document.doc). 
   224 @param	aKeys		An array which contains a list of device type information 
   225 					attribute UIDs. The UIDs corrospond to the values in aValues.
   226 @param	aValues		An array which contains a list of device type information 
   227 					attribute values. The values corrospond to the UIDs in aKeys.
   228 @leave	-			One of the system-wide error codes.
   229 @return	TUint16*	A pointer to the memory which contains the device type 
   230 					information attribute UIDs and values in a compact format.
   231 @internalComponent
   232 */
   233 static TUint16* CreateDeviceTypeInfoPSDataL( RArray<TInt32>& aKeys, CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues )
   234 	{
   235 	// See SGL.TS0017.201 BAFL Component Design Document.doc for more information on the
   236 	// memory requirements and layout.
   237 	TInt memoryElements = 3 + (4 * aKeys.Count()) + AttributesTotalLength( aKeys, aValues );
   239 	// Allocate memory to store the device type information attribute keys and values
   240 	TUint16* deviceAttributes = static_cast<TUint16*>( User::AllocL( sizeof(TUint16) * memoryElements ) );
   241 	CleanupStack::PushL( deviceAttributes );
   243 	// Store the attributes length and count
   244 	deviceAttributes[0] = memoryElements;
   245 	deviceAttributes[1] = aKeys.Count();
   247 	// Store the attribute UIDs, offsets of the attributes in the memory, error codes and attribute values.
   248 	if( deviceAttributes[1] > 0 )
   249 		{
   250 		// Set the first offset to point to the start of the attributes
   251 		deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1])] = 2 + 1 + (4 * deviceAttributes[1]);
   253 		for( TInt attributeNumber = 0; attributeNumber < deviceAttributes[1]; attributeNumber++ )
   254 			{
   255 			// Store the UID as two TUint16s
   256 			deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * attributeNumber)] = static_cast<TUint16>(aKeys[attributeNumber] >> 16); 
   257 			deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * attributeNumber) + 1] = static_cast<TUint16>(aKeys[attributeNumber]); 
   259 			if( KUIPlatformVersionMajorUid.iUid == aKeys[attributeNumber] || KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid.iUid == aKeys[attributeNumber] 
   260 				|| KOSVersionMajorUid.iUid == aKeys[attributeNumber] || KOSVersionMinorUid.iUid == aKeys[attributeNumber] )
   261 				{
   262 				// If the values were present in the INI/plugin (as we have the attribute keys) and the values
   263 				// are KNullDesC16 then the values were corrupt.
   264 				if( aValues[attributeNumber].Compare( KNullDesC16 ) == 0 )
   265 					{
   266 					deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber - 1];
   267 					deviceAttributes[2 + (3 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = static_cast<TUint16>(KErrCorrupt);
   268 					continue;
   269 					}
   270 				}
   272 			// If the attribute value is too long we need to truncate it and set the error as KErrOverflow.
   273 			if( aValues[attributeNumber].Length() > CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength )
   274 				{
   275 				deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + attributeNumber] + CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength;
   276 				deviceAttributes[2 + (3 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = static_cast<TUint16>(KErrOverflow);
   277 				Mem::Copy( deviceAttributes + deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + attributeNumber], aValues[attributeNumber].Ptr(), CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength * 2 );
   278 				}
   279 			else
   280 				{
   281 				deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + attributeNumber] + aValues[attributeNumber].Length();
   282 				deviceAttributes[2 + (3 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = KErrNone;
   283 				Mem::Copy( deviceAttributes + deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + attributeNumber], aValues[attributeNumber].Ptr(), aValues[attributeNumber].Size() );
   284 				}
   285 			}
   286 		}
   287 	CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );
   289 	return deviceAttributes;
   290 	}
   292 /**
   293 Helper function which deletes the Version and Device Type Information Publish and 
   294 Subscribe properties. This is meant for testing purposes only and requires the 
   295 KSysUtilTestModeEnabled constant to be patched to ETrue.
   297 @leave	-			One of the system-wide error codes.
   298 @internalComponent
   299 */
   300 EXPORT_C void DeletePSPropertiesL()
   301 	{
   302 	if( KSysUtilTestModeEnabled )
   303 		{
   304 		TInt err = RProperty::Delete(KSWVersionUid.iUid);
   305 		if(err != KErrNotFound)
   306 			{
   307 			User::LeaveIfError(err);
   308 			}
   310 		err = RProperty::Delete(KLangSWVersionUid.iUid);
   311 		if(err != KErrNotFound)
   312 			{
   313 			User::LeaveIfError(err);
   314 			}
   316 		err = RProperty::Delete(KLangVersionUid.iUid);
   317 		if(err != KErrNotFound)
   318 			{
   319 			User::LeaveIfError(err);
   320 			}
   322 		err = RProperty::Delete(KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid);
   323 		if(err != KErrNotFound)
   324 			{
   325 			User::LeaveIfError(err);
   326 			}
   328 		err = RProperty::Delete(KPRInformationUid.iUid);
   329         if(err != KErrNotFound)
   330             {
   331             User::LeaveIfError(err);
   332             }
   333 		}
   334 	}
   336 /**
   337 Finds and returns the device type information attribute number in aAttr. This 
   338 number is used as an index in a populated instance of SDeviceAttributes.
   340 @param aAttr A reference to SDeviceAttributes which contains a copy of the device type information attributes.
   341 @param aKey The UID of the device type information attribute which needs to be found.
   342 @return The attribute index number (position) in aAttr.
   343 @return KErrNotFound aKey is not present in aAttr.
   344 @internalComponent
   345 */
   346 static TInt FindAttributeNumber( const SDeviceAttributes& aAttr, const TUid& aKey )
   347 	{
   348 	TInt bottom = 0;
   349 	TInt top = aAttr.Count() - 1;
   351 	while( bottom <= top )
   352 		{
   353 		TUint middle = bottom + ( top - bottom ) / 2;
   354 		if( static_cast<TUint32>(aKey.iUid) < aAttr.Uid( middle ) )
   355 			{
   356 			top = middle - 1;
   357 			}
   358 		else if( static_cast<TUint32>(aKey.iUid) > aAttr.Uid( middle ) )
   359 			{
   360 			bottom = middle + 1;
   361 			}
   362 		else
   363 			{
   364 			return middle;
   365 			}
   366 		}
   367 	return KErrNotFound;
   368 	}
   370 /**
   371 Find a value from the patchable data. If that fails try Publish&Subscribe,
   372 or if that fails, from Central Repository.
   374 @internalComponent
   375 @param aPCKey identifies the value to get from P&S.
   376 @param aCRKey identifies the value to get from Centrep
   377 @param aPatchableData patchable data set at compile time, may have been patched via rom patching
   378 @return Disk level threshold
   379 */
   380 static TInt FindValueL(
   381     const TUint aPCKey,
   382     const TUint aCRKey,
   383     const TInt aPatchableData )
   384     {
   385     TInt val( 0 );
   387     if (aPatchableData != -1)
   388     	{
   389     	__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil: CL treshold value found from patchable data %d",aPatchableData);	
   390     	return aPatchableData;
   391     	}
   393 	// Patchable data not set, try to get it from P & S Keys.
   394 	TInt errorCode = RProperty::Get( KPSUidDiskLevel, aPCKey, val );
   395     if ( errorCode != KErrNone )
   396         {
   397         __SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil: CL treshold value not found from PS: %d, trying CR",errorCode);
   399         CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidDiskLevel);
   400         User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get(aCRKey,val));
   401         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
   402         }	
   404 	return val;
   405     }
   407 /**
   408 Find out the critical level treashold (in bytes) for disk drives of type
   409 aMediaType. Different media types may have different tresholds. If adding
   410 a non-default treshold for some media type, implementation should go here.
   412 @internalComponent
   413 @param aMediaType identifies the media type of the drive
   414 @return Disk level threshold
   415 */
   416 static TInt64 FindCriticalLevelTresholdL( const TMediaType aMediaType )
   417     {
   418     if ( aMediaType == EMediaRam ) // RAM drives have different critical level than others
   419         {
   420         return (TInt64) FindValueL(KRamDiskCriticalThreshold, KRamDiskCriticalLevel, KSysUtilRamDiskCriticalThreshold  );
   421         }
   422     else // Some other media type
   423         {
   424         return (TInt64) FindValueL(KOtherDiskCriticalThreshold, KDiskCriticalThreshold, KSysUtilOtherDiskCriticalThreshold );
   425         }
   426     }
   428 /**
   429 Retrieves a string containing the location of sysutilplugin.dll. The location  
   430 which is retrieved is dependent upon two things. The first is a patchable constant 
   431 KSysUtilTestModeEnabled. This must be set to ETrue in order to use the test location instead 
   432 of the standard path. This is set to EFalse by default for hardware builds.
   434 The second is a Publish and Subscribe property, which has a UID of
   435 0x10285B40. If KSysUtilTestModeEnabled is set to ETrue then this property will be defined 
   436 and set to ETrue. This means that the test location is being used instead of the 
   437 standard location. If the client wishes to switch to the standard location they 
   438 can set this property to EFalse.
   440 It may be the case that the standard location needs to be used before the property 
   441 is defined. If this is needed then the client can define and set the property. 
   442 Alternatively, a call can be made to SysUtil::GetSWVersion, 
   443 SysUtil::GetLangSWVersion, SysUtil::GetLangVersion or SysUtil::GetDeviceTypeInfoL. 
   444 It can then call RProperty::Set with a value of EFalse.
   446 @param aLocation	On return contains the location of sysutilplugin.dll.
   447 @leave	-			One of the system-wide error codes.
   448 @internalComponent
   449 */
   450 static void GetDllLocationL( TDes& aLocation )
   451 	{
   452 	_LIT( KDeviceAttributeDll,	"Z:\\sys\\bin\\sysutilplugin.dll" );
   454 	if( KSysUtilTestModeEnabled )
   455 		{
   456 		TBool testPaths = EFalse;
   457 		TInt err = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory, KTestFilePathsUid.iUid, testPaths );
   458 		if( KErrNone != err )
   459             testPaths = EFalse;
   461 		if( testPaths )
   462 			{
   463 			TDriveUnit systemDrive( static_cast<TUint>(RFs::GetSystemDrive()) );
   464 			TParse path;
   465 			path.Set( systemDrive.Name(), &KDeviceAttributeDll, NULL );
   467 			aLocation = path.FullName();
   468 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("DLL Location: %S", &aLocation);
   469 			return;
   470 			}
   471 		}
   473 	__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("DLL Location: %S", &KDeviceAttributeDll);
   474 	aLocation = KDeviceAttributeDll;
   475 	}
   477 /**
   478 Retrieves a string containing the path to deviceattributes.ini. The path which 
   479 is retrieved is dependent upon two things. The first is a patchable constant 
   480 KSysUtilTestModeEnabled. This must be set to ETrue in order to use the test path instead 
   481 of the standard path. This is set to EFalse by default for hardware builds.
   483 The second is a Publish and Subscribe property, which has a UID of
   484 0x10285B40. If KSysUtilTestModeEnabled is set to ETrue then this property will be defined 
   485 and set to ETrue. This means that the test path is being used instead of the 
   486 standard path. If the client wishes to switch to the standard path they can set 
   487 this property to EFalse.
   489 It may be the case that the standard path needs to be used before the property 
   490 is defined. If this is needed then the client can define and set the property. 
   491 Alternatively, a call can be made to SysUtil::GetSWVersion, 
   492 SysUtil::GetLangSWVersion, SysUtil::GetLangVersion SysUtil::GetDeviceTypeInfoL or SysUtil::GetPRInformation. 
   493 It can then call RProperty::Set with a value of EFalse.
   495 @param 	aPath	On return contains the path to deviceattributes.ini.
   496 @return	-		One of the system-wide error codes.
   497 @internalComponent
   498 */
   499 static TInt GetFilePath( TDes& aPath )
   500 	{
   501 	_LIT( KDebugPath, "Z:\\versions\\" );
   502 	_LIT( KPath, "Z:\\resource\\versions\\" );
   504 	if( KSysUtilTestModeEnabled )
   505 		{
   506 		TBool testPaths = EFalse;
   508 		TInt err = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory, KTestFilePathsUid.iUid, testPaths );
   509 		if( KErrNone != err )
   510             testPaths = EFalse;
   512 		if( testPaths )
   513 			{
   514 			TDriveUnit systemDrive( static_cast<TUint>(RFs::GetSystemDrive()) );
   515 			TParse path;
   516 			path.Set( systemDrive.Name(), &KDebugPath, NULL );
   518 			aPath = path.DriveAndPath();
   519 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("File Location: %S", &aPath);
   520 			return KErrNone;
   521 			}
   522 		}
   524 	__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("File Location: %S", &KPath);
   525 	aPath = KPath;
   526 	return KErrNone;
   527 	}
   529 /**
   530 Fetch text from specified files. The algorithm first reads the file and puts
   531 the string into a buffer. Then it searches for these "\n" sequences in
   532 the buffer. To search for "\n" in a string the search string is specified as "\\n"
   533 with the extra slash in front to mean that we are really searching for "\n" and not
   534 the newline character - 0x000A. Once the "\n" is found in the buffer it is replaced
   535 with the newline character - 0x000A. So since this input string is unicode, it is
   536 actually searching for the byte sequence of 0x005C, 0x006E. These 4 bytes are
   537 replaced by the two byte sequence of 0x000A.
   539 @internalComponent
   540 @param aFilename File name to fetch string from.
   541 @param aValue On return, contains the requested version string. If the buffer is
   542 insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is provided
   543 that is longer than 64 characters, and the file content is larger than 64 characters,
   544 the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters (see error codes below).
   545 @param aRemoveNewLines Replaces new line patterns if set to ETrue
   546 @return KErrNone on success.
   547 	    KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor is insufficient
   548 to hold the file content, or has been truncated (see above). In both cases new-line processing
   549 is done on the buffers if needed. If the file is empty KErrEof is returned, and the length of the
   550 buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian error codes is
   551 returned if reading the version string fails.
   552 */
   553 static TInt GetTextFromFile(
   554     const TDesC& aFilename,
   555     TDes& aValue,
   556     TBool aRemoveNewLines )
   557     {
   558     RFs fs;
   559     TInt err;
   560     err = fs.Connect();
   561     if (err != KErrNone)
   562         return err;
   564     RFile file;
   565     err = file.Open( fs, aFilename,
   566                      EFileRead | EFileStreamText | EFileShareReadersOnly );
   567     if (err != KErrNone)
   568         {
   569         fs.Close();
   570         return err;
   571         }
   573     TBuf8<2> characters;
   574     err =  file.Read(characters);
   576     if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrTooBig)
   577     	{
   578 	    // This means that we have an ANSI file (without the header bytes)
   579 	    if( characters.Length() == 0 || characters.Length() == 1 )
   580 	    	{
   581 		    file.Close();
   582 		    fs.Close();
   583 			return KErrCorrupt;
   584 	    	}
   585 	    else 
   586 	    	{
   587 			TUint8 firstByte = characters[0];
   588 			TUint8 secondByte = characters[1];
   590 			// Heading byte values for unicode files
   591 			const TInt KFFByte = 255;
   592 			const TInt KFEByte = 254;
   594 		    // If file isn't unicode KErrCorrupt is returned
   595 			if( (firstByte!=KFFByte && secondByte!=KFEByte) && (secondByte!=KFFByte && firstByte!=KFEByte) )
   596 				{
   597 			    file.Close();
   598 			    fs.Close();
   599 				return KErrCorrupt;
   600 				} 
   601 	    	} 
   602     	}
   604     TFileText tf;
   605     tf.Set(file);
   606     err = tf.Read(aValue);
   607     // If the maximum length of the descriptor is insufficient to hold the record,
   608     // the Read() function returns KErrTooBig and the descriptor is filled to its maximum length.
   609     //
   610     // If Read() is called when the current position is the end of the file (that is, after
   611     // the last line delimiter in the file), KErrEof is returned, and the length of the buffer
   612     // is set to zero. In this case, this would mean an empty file, as this code always reads
   613     // from the beginning of the file.
   615     if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrTooBig)
   616     	{
   617     	if (aValue.Length() > KSysUtilVersionTextLength)
   618     		{
   619     		// File content is larger than 64 characters. Truncate to 64 characters.
   620     		aValue.Delete(KSysUtilVersionTextLength,aValue.Length() - KSysUtilVersionTextLength);
   621     		err = KErrTooBig;
   622     		}
   623     	if (aRemoveNewLines)
   624     		{
   625     		// Replace new-line patterns with real ones
   626             TInt error = aValue.Find(KNewLinePattern);
   627             while (error != KErrNotFound)
   628                 {
   629                 // error is a position
   630                 aValue.Replace(error, KNewLinePattern().Length(), KNewline );
   631                 error = aValue.Find(KNewLinePattern);
   632                 }
   633     		}
   634     	}
   636     file.Close();
   637     fs.Close();
   639     return err;
   640     }
   642 /**
   643 Launches sysutilsetup.exe which is a helper executable. It should be launched 
   644 when the current client does not have the correct capabilities to define Publish 
   645 and Subscribe properties.
   647 Flags are used to determine which Publish and Subscribe properties are defined 
   648 and set. The supported flags can be found in sysutilsetup.h.
   650 @param aFlags 			Used to determine which Publish and Subscribe properties 
   651 						should be defined and set. See sysutilsetup.h for 
   652 						supported flags.
   653 @return KErrNotReady	The excutable has panicked or was not found.
   654 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
   655 @internalComponent
   656 */
   657 static TInt LaunchSetupExecutable( const TDesC& aFlags )
   658 	{
   659 	_LIT( KSysUtilSetupExeName, "Z:\\sys\\bin\\sysutilsetup.exe" );
   660 	const TUidType KSetupUid( KNullUid, KNullUid, KSysUtilSetupUid );
   662 	RProcess setupProcess;
   663 	TInt err = setupProcess.Create( KSysUtilSetupExeName, aFlags, KSetupUid );
   664 	if( KErrNone != err )
   665 		{
   666 		return KErrNotFound == err ? KErrNotReady : err;
   667 		}
   669 	TRequestStatus status;
   670 	setupProcess.Rendezvous( status );
   671 	if( KRequestPending != status.Int() )
   672 		{
   673 		setupProcess.Kill( 0 );		// Abort startup
   674 		}
   675 	else
   676 		{
   677 		setupProcess.Resume();		// Logon OK - start the server
   678 		}
   680 	User::WaitForRequest( status );	// Wait for start or death
   682 	// We can't use the 'exit reason' if the server panicked as this
   683 	// is the panic 'reason' and may be '0' which cannot be distinguished
   684 	// from KErrNone
   685 	err = setupProcess.ExitType() == EExitPanic ? KErrNotReady : status.Int();
   686 	setupProcess.Close();
   688 	return err;
   689 	}
   691 /**
   692 Retrieves a string containing the version information for the given UID.
   694 @param aVersionUid	The UID that corresponds to the version information which is required.
   695 @param aValue		On return, contains the version string for the given aVersionUid.
   696 @return -			One of the system-wide error codes.
   697 @internalComponent
   698 */
   699 static TInt GetVersionPropertyData( const TUid& aVersionUid, TDes& aValue )
   700 	{
   701 	// The P&S property contains the version data (max length 64) and the error code
   702 	TBuf16<KSysUtilVersionTextLength + 1> temp;
   703 	TInt16 err = RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, aVersionUid.iUid, temp );
   705 	// If the P&S properties are not set we need to set them
   706 	if ( KErrNotFound == err )
   707 		{
   708 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("Launching sysutilsetup.exe");
   709 		err = LaunchSetupExecutable( KSetVersionPropertiesFlag );
   710 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("sysutilsetup.exe terminated");
   711 		if( KErrNone != err )
   712 			{
   713 			return err;
   714 			}
   716 		err = RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, aVersionUid.iUid, temp );
   717 		if( KErrNone != err )
   718 			{
   719 			return err;
   720 			}
   721 		}
   723 	if( aValue.MaxLength() < temp.Length() - 1 )
   724 		{
   725 		aValue = temp.MidTPtr( 1, aValue.MaxLength() );
   726 		return KErrTooBig;
   727 		}
   728 	aValue = temp.MidTPtr( 1, temp.Length()  - 1 );
   730 	return static_cast<TInt16>( temp[0] );
   731 	}
   733 /**
   734 Retrieves the version information from aFileName and stores it in a Publish and 
   735 Subscribe property which has a key of aKey.
   737 @param aFileName	The name of the file which contains the version information.
   738 @param aKey			The key to be used for the Publish and Subscribe property.
   739 @leave -			One of the system-wide error codes.
   740 @internalComponent
   741 */
   742 static void SetVersionPropertyL( const TDesC& aFileName, const TUid& aKey )
   743 	{
   744 	TFileName filePath;
   745 	User::LeaveIfError( GetFilePath( filePath ) );
   746 	filePath.Append( aFileName );
   748 	// The P&S property must store the version data (max length 64) and the error code.
   749 	TUint16* versionData = static_cast<TUint16*>( User::AllocL( sizeof(TUint16) * (KSysUtilVersionTextLength + 1) ) );
   750 	CleanupDeletePushL( versionData );
   752 	// The error code is store in the first TUint16 and the rest is for data.
   753 	TPtr16 versionDataPtr( versionData + 1, KSysUtilVersionTextLength );
   754 	TInt err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, versionDataPtr, ETrue );
   755 	if ( err != KErrNone )
   756 		{
   757 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE2( "Error: %d, while processing: %S", err, &filePath );
   758 		}
   760 	// Store the error code from GetTextFromFile in the first TUint16.
   761 	versionData[0] = static_cast<TUint16>( err );
   763 	err = RProperty::Define( aKey.iUid, RProperty::EByteArray, KSecurityPolicyNone, 
   764 							 KSecurityPolicyWriteDeviceData, KSysUtilVersionTextLength + 1 );
   765 	if ( KErrAlreadyExists != err )
   766 		{
   767 		User::LeaveIfError( err );
   768 		}
   770 	versionDataPtr.Set( versionData, versionDataPtr.Length() + 1, versionDataPtr.Length() + 1 );
   771 	User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KSysUtilSetupUid, aKey.iUid, versionDataPtr ) );
   772 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
   773 	}
   775 /**
   776 Sets the version information Publish and Subscribe properties.
   778 @leave -			One of the system-wide error codes.
   779 @internalComponent
   780 */
   781 EXPORT_C void SetVersionPropertiesL()
   782 	{
   783 	SetVersionPropertyL( KSWVersionFileName, KSWVersionUid );
   784 	SetVersionPropertyL( KLangSWVersionFileName, KLangSWVersionUid );
   785 	SetVersionPropertyL( KLangVersionFileName, KLangVersionUid);
   786 	SetVersionPropertyL( KPRInformationFileName, KPRInformationUid );
   787 	}
   789 /**
   790 Compares two UIDs.
   792 @param 	aLeft	The first of two UIDs to compare.
   793 @param	aRight	The second of two UIDs to compare.
   794 @return	TInt	Zero if both UIDs are the same. Positive if aLeft is greater 
   795 				than aRight. Negative if aLeft is less than aRight.
   796 @leave -		One of the system-wide error codes.
   797 @internalComponent
   798 */
   799 static TInt CompareUids( const TInt32& aLeft, const TInt32& aRight )
   800 	{
   801 	TUint32 left = static_cast<TUint32>(aLeft);
   802 	TUint32 right = static_cast<TUint32>(aRight);
   803 	if( left == right )
   804 		{
   805 		return 0;
   806 		}
   807 	else if ( left < right )
   808 		{
   809 		return -1;
   810 		}
   811 	return 1;
   812 	}
   814 /**
   815 Finds the deviceattributes.ini file which best match the current locale. If more 
   816 than one INI file is found for the current locale (this is a result of having 
   817 different versions of the INI file in different ROFS sections) then the contents 
   818 of the INI file are merged. If a attribute appears more than once then the most 
   819 recent value is taken. On return akeys and aValues will contain the merged 
   820 results.
   822 Note: The keys and values are in UID order from low to high.
   824 @param	aKeys		On return, contains the attribute UIDs.
   825 @param  aValues		On return, contains the attribute values.
   826 @leave	KErrGeneral A UID in the INI file is missing the '0x' hex prefix.
   827 @leave	-			Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
   828 @internalComponent
   829 */
   830 static void ReadDeviceAttribFilesAsArraysL( 
   831 	RArray<TInt32>& aKeys, 
   832 	CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues )
   833 	{
   834 	_LIT( KWildCardChar, "*" );
   836 	RFs fs;
   837 	fs.Connect();
   838 	CleanupClosePushL( fs );
   840 	// Get the localised version of deviceattributes.ini, if available, and use
   841 	// it to create a search pattern which will be used to find versions of the
   842 	// file that may be available in additional ROFS sections.
   843 	TFileName matchPattern;
   844 	User::LeaveIfError( GetFilePath( matchPattern ) );
   845 	matchPattern.Append( KDeviceAttributesFileName );
   846 	BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( fs, matchPattern );
   847 	matchPattern.Append( KWildCardChar );
   849 	// Get a list of all the versions of the localised deviceattributes.ini
   850 	// that may be available in additional ROFS sections. If an error occurs
   851 	// the default values will be used.
   852 	CDir* iniFileList = NULL;
   853 	TInt err = fs.GetDir( matchPattern, KEntryAttReadOnly | KEntryAttHidden | 
   854 							KEntryAttSystem | KEntryAttArchive, ESortByName, iniFileList );
   856 	__SYSUTIL_TRACE1( "Error: %d, while getting a list of deviceattribute.ini files", err );
   858 	if( err == KErrNone )
   859 		{
   860 		CleanupStack::PushL( iniFileList );
   861 		// Go through each INI file (starting with the last file first) extracting 
   862 		// the keys and values which are then stored in the two provided arrays. 
   863 		// This keys and values are stored in key order from low to high. Only the 
   864 		// most recent version of each value is stored i.e. the value in the INI 
   865 		// file which is stored in the newest ROFS section.	
   866 		TLinearOrder<TInt32> orderer( CompareUids );
   867 		for( TInt iniNumber = iniFileList->Count() - 1; iniNumber >= 0; iniNumber-- )
   868 			{
   869 			// Get next INI file
   870 			TFileName iniPath;
   871 			User::LeaveIfError( GetFilePath( iniPath ) );
   872 			iniPath.Append( (*iniFileList)[iniNumber].iName );
   874 			BSUL::CIniDocument16* iniFile = NULL;
   875 			TRAPD( err, iniFile = BSUL::CIniDocument16::NewL( fs, iniPath ) );
   876 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("BSUL::CIniDocument16::NewL error = %d", err);
   877 			if( err == KErrNone )
   878 				{
   879 				CleanupStack::PushL( iniFile );
   881 				RArray<TPtrC16> iniFileSections;
   882 				iniFile->GetSectionList( iniFileSections );
   883 				CleanupClosePushL( iniFileSections );
   885 				// For each section get the key/value pairs and insert in order to 
   886 				// the provided arrays. If a key already exists do not insert the 
   887 				// value in aValue.
   888 				TInt numIniFileSections = iniFileSections.Count();
   889 				for( TInt sectionNum = 0; sectionNum < numIniFileSections; sectionNum++ )
   890 					{
   891 					BSUL::CIniSecIter16* sectionIter = BSUL::CIniSecIter16::NewL( iniFileSections[sectionNum], iniFile );
   892 					CleanupStack::PushL( sectionIter );
   894 					TPtrC16 key;
   895 					TPtrC16 value;
   896 					while( sectionIter->Next( key, value ) )
   897 						{
   898 						const TChar char0('0');
   899 						const TChar charX('x');
   901 						TUint32 tempUid;
   902 						TLex16 lex( key );
   904 						// Skip over the '0' and 'x' hex number prefix
   905 						if( lex.Get() != char0 || lex.Get() != charX )
   906 							{
   907 							User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   908 							}
   909 						User::LeaveIfError( lex.Val( tempUid, EHex ) );	
   911 						TInt err = aKeys.InsertInOrder( static_cast<TInt32>(tempUid), orderer );
   912 						if( KErrAlreadyExists != err )
   913 							{
   914 							User::LeaveIfError( err );
   916 							TInt index = aKeys.FindInOrder( static_cast<TInt32>(tempUid), orderer );
   917 							aValues.InsertL( index, value );
   918 							}
   919 						}
   920 					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // sectionIter
   921 					}
   922 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // iniFile and iniFileSections
   923 				}
   924 			}
   925 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // iniFileList
   926 		}
   927 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // fs
   928 	}
   930 /**
   931 Retrieves the provisioned device type information attribute key/value pairs 
   932 which are stored in aKeys and aValues.
   934 Note: The keys and values are in UID order from low to high.
   936 @param	aKeys		On return, contains the attribute UIDs.
   937 @param	aValues		On return, contains the attribute values.
   938 @leave	KErrCorrupt	There is a mismatch between the number of keys and values or
   939 					an invalid key has been provided.
   940 @leave	-			Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
   941 @panic KErrTooBig	More than 450 attributes where provisioned.
   942 @internalComponent
   943 */
   944 static void GetDeviceAttributesL( RArray<TInt32>& aKeys, CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues )
   945 	{
   946 	RArray<TInt32> iniKeys;
   947 	CleanupClosePushL( iniKeys );
   949 	CDesC16ArraySeg* iniValues = new (ELeave) CDesC16ArraySeg( 8 );
   950 	CleanupStack::PushL( iniValues );
   952 	// First try to get the device type information attributes from the INI file/s.
   953 	ReadDeviceAttribFilesAsArraysL( iniKeys, *iniValues );
   955 	if( !KSysUtilDisableDeviceTypeInfoSetupExe )
   956 		{
   957 		// Now try to get the device type information attributes from a DLL.
   958 		TFileName deviceAttributeDllLocation;
   959 		GetDllLocationL(deviceAttributeDllLocation);
   961 		RLibrary deviceAttributeDll;
   962 		TInt err = deviceAttributeDll.Load( deviceAttributeDllLocation );
   963 		CleanupClosePushL( deviceAttributeDll );
   965 		if( KErrNone == err )
   966 			{
   967 			SysUtilPlugin::GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysFuncL GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysL = reinterpret_cast<SysUtilPlugin::GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysFuncL>( deviceAttributeDll.Lookup( SysUtilPlugin::EGetDeviceAttributesAsArraysLOrdinal ) );
   968 			User::LeaveIfNull( &GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysL );
   969 			GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysL( aKeys, aValues );
   970 			}
   971 		else
   972 			{
   973 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("Could not load sysutilplug.dll with error: %d ", err);
   974 			}
   975 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
   976 		}
   978 	// Merge results with the INI taking lowest priority i.e. if the value already
   979 	// exists in aKeys/aValues then ignore the one in iniKeys/iniValues.
   980 	TLinearOrder<TInt32> orderer( CompareUids );
   981 	TInt numIniAttribs = iniKeys.Count();
   982 	for( TInt keyNum = 0; keyNum < numIniAttribs; keyNum++ )
   983 		{
   984 		TInt err = aKeys.InsertInOrder( iniKeys[keyNum], orderer );
   985 		if( KErrAlreadyExists != err )
   986 			{
   987 			User::LeaveIfError( err );
   989 			TInt index = aKeys.FindInOrder( iniKeys[keyNum], orderer );
   990 			aValues.InsertL( index, (*iniValues)[keyNum] );
   991 			}
   992 		}	
   993 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
   995 	// Check we have the same number of keys and values and that we don't have too many keys
   996 	if( aKeys.Count() != aValues.Count() )
   997 		{
   998 		User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
   999 		}
  1000 	else if( aKeys.Count() > KAttributeLimit )
  1001 		{
  1002 		_LIT( KPanicReason, "KAttributeLimit exceeded" );
  1003 		User::Panic( KPanicReason, KErrTooBig );
  1004 		}
  1005 	}
  1007 /**
  1008 Validates major and minor version numbers. This means both values must be 
  1009 within the range 0 to KMaxTUint16. If the major, minor or both numbers are 
  1010 invalid their values will be replaced by KNullDesC16.
  1012 @param	aKeys	An array which contains a list of device type information attribute
  1013 				UIDs. The UIDs corrospond to the values in aValues.
  1014 @param	aValues	An array which contains a list of device type information attribute
  1015 				values. The values corrospond to the UIDs in aKeys.
  1016 @internalComponent
  1017 */
  1018 static void ValidateVersionNumbersL( RArray<TInt32>& aKeys, CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues, const TUid& aMajorVersionUid, const TUid& aMinorVersionUid)
  1019 	{
  1020 	TLinearOrder<TInt32> orderer( CompareUids );
  1021 	TInt pos = aKeys.FindInOrder( aMajorVersionUid.iUid, orderer );
  1022 	if( KErrNotFound != pos )
  1023 		{
  1024 		if( aKeys[pos + 1] == aMinorVersionUid.iUid )
  1025 			{		
  1026 			TInt32 value;
  1027 			TLex16 lex( aValues[pos] );
  1028 			TInt err = lex.Val( value );
  1030 			if( KErrNone == err && value >= 0 && value <= KMaxTUint16 )
  1031 				{
  1032 				lex = aValues[pos+ 1];
  1033 				err = lex.Val( value );
  1035 				if( KErrNone == err && value >= 0 && value <= KMaxTUint16 )
  1036 					{
  1037 					return;
  1038 					}
  1039 				}
  1040 			aValues.Delete( pos + 1 );
  1041 			aValues.InsertL( pos + 1, KNullDesC16 );
  1042 			}
  1043 		aValues.Delete( pos );
  1044 		aValues.InsertL( pos, KNullDesC16 );
  1045 		return;
  1046 		}
  1048 	pos = aKeys.FindInOrder( aMinorVersionUid.iUid, orderer );
  1049 	if( KErrNotFound != pos )
  1050 		{
  1051 		aValues.Delete( pos );
  1052 		aValues.InsertL( pos, KNullDesC16 );
  1053 		}
  1054 	}
  1056 /**
  1057 Gets the device type information attributes and stores them in their formatted form.
  1059 @return	TUint16*	Formatted device type information attributes.
  1060 @internalComponent
  1061 */
  1062 static TUint16* FormattedDeviceTypeInfoL()
  1063 	{
  1064 	RArray<TInt32> keys;
  1065 	CleanupClosePushL( keys );
  1067 	CDesC16ArraySeg* values = new (ELeave) CDesC16ArraySeg( 8 );
  1068 	CleanupStack::PushL( values );
  1070 	GetDeviceAttributesL( keys, *values );
  1072 	// Validate the major and minor UI and OS version numbers. This should be done now to avoid repeated processing
  1073 	// later on when the client calls either of the GetUIPlatformVersion APIs. An added advantage of doing 
  1074 	// this now is that we save memory space if the version numbers are corrupt.
  1075 	ValidateVersionNumbersL( keys, *values, KUIPlatformVersionMajorUid, KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid );
  1076 	ValidateVersionNumbersL( keys, *values, KOSVersionMajorUid, KOSVersionMinorUid );
  1078 	TUint16* deviceAttributes = CreateDeviceTypeInfoPSDataL( keys, *values );
  1080 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
  1082 	return deviceAttributes;
  1083 	}
  1085 /**
  1086 Sets the Device Type Information attributes Publish and Subscribe property 
  1087 value. If the property does not already exist it will define it. Otherwise, it 
  1088 will set the value again.
  1090 @leave -	One of the system-wide error codes.
  1091 @internalComponent
  1092 */
  1093 EXPORT_C void SetDeviceTypeInfoPropertyL()
  1094 	{
  1095 	TUint16* deviceAttributes = FormattedDeviceTypeInfoL();
  1096 	CleanupStack::PushL( deviceAttributes );
  1098 	// Set the Publish and Subscribe property
  1099 	TPtrC16 deviceAttributesTPtrC( deviceAttributes, deviceAttributes[0] );
  1100 	TInt propertyType = deviceAttributesTPtrC.Size() < 512 ? RProperty::EByteArray : RProperty::ELargeByteArray;
  1102 	TInt err = RProperty::Define( KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, propertyType, KSecurityPolicyNone, 
  1103 								  KSecurityPolicyWriteDeviceData, deviceAttributesTPtrC.Size() );
  1104 	if ( KErrAlreadyExists != err )
  1105 		{
  1106 		User::LeaveIfError( err );
  1107 		}	
  1108 	User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KSysUtilSetupUid, KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, deviceAttributesTPtrC ) );
  1110 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
  1111 	}
  1113 // ========================= SysUtil MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==========================
  1115 /**
  1116 Obtains the displayable software version string. 
  1118 Usage example:
  1119 @code
  1120 TBuf<KSysUtilVersionTextLength> version;
  1121 if ( SysUtil::GetSWVersion( version ) == KErrNone )
  1122 	{
  1123 	// Use the version string.
  1124 	...
  1125 	}
  1126 @endcode
  1127 The software version is provisioned by the device creator into the ROM
  1128 as a Unicode UTF16 format displayable string, for example:
  1130 <code>V 1.0\\n29-07-07\\nBuild12345\\n(c) Symbian Software</code>
  1132 This provisioned text string contains only one line of text with "\n" sequences
  1133 in the text which indicate a new line. This API will parse the
  1134 text and remove any "\n" sequences that it finds and replace it with the 
  1135 Unicode newline sequence - 0x000A. The resulting
  1136 buffer is then a unicode string with newline sequences built in. This
  1137 then can for example, allow the buffer to be displayed directly to the
  1138 screen already formatted on multiple lines.
  1140 @param aValue On return, contains the software version string. The buffer should
  1141 have space for KSysUtilVersionTextLength characters. If the buffer is 
  1142 insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is 
  1143 provided that is longer than 64 characters, and the provisioned text is larger 
  1144 than 64 characters, the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters (see error 
  1145 codes below).
  1146 @return KErrNone on success, KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor 
  1147 is insufficient to hold the provisioned text, or has been truncated (see above). 
  1148 In both cases new-line processing is done on the buffers. If a zero length
  1149 text string has been provisioned KErrEof is returned, and the length of the 
  1150 buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian 
  1151 error codes is returned if reading the version string fails.
  1152 */
  1153 EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetSWVersion( TDes& aValue )
  1154 	{
  1155 	if( KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe )
  1156 		{
  1157 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetSWVersion caching disabled");
  1159 		TFileName filePath;
  1160 		TInt err = GetFilePath( filePath );
  1161 		if( KErrNone != err)
  1162 			{
  1163 			return err;
  1164 			}
  1166 		filePath.Append( KSWVersionFileName );
  1168 		err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, aValue, ETrue );
  1169 		if ( err != KErrNone )
  1170 			{
  1171 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE2("Error: %d, while processing: %S",err, &filePath);
  1172 			}
  1174 		return err;
  1175 		}
  1176 	else
  1177 		{
  1178 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetSWVersion caching enabled");
  1179 		return GetVersionPropertyData( KSWVersionUid, aValue );
  1180 		}
  1181 	}
  1183 /**
  1184 Returns displayable software version which the currently installed language 
  1185 package is compatible with. 
  1187 This version text is provisioned by the device creator into the ROM
  1188 as a Unicode UTF16 format displayable string, for example:
  1190 <code>V 1.0\\n29-07-07\\nBuild12345\\n(c) Symbian Software</code>
  1192 This provisioned text string contains only one line of text with "\n" sequences
  1193 in the text which indicate a new line. This API will parse the
  1194 text and remove any "\n" sequences that it finds and replace it with the 
  1195 Unicode newline sequence - 0x000A. The resulting
  1196 buffer is then a unicode string with newline sequences built in. This
  1197 then can for example, allow the buffer to be displayed directly to the
  1198 screen already formatted on multiple lines.
  1200 @param aValue On return, contains the software version string. The buffer should
  1201 have space for KSysUtilVersionTextLength characters. If the buffer is 
  1202 insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is 
  1203 provided that is longer than 64 characters, and the provisioned text is larger 
  1204 than 64 characters, the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters (see error 
  1205 codes below).
  1206 @return KErrNone on success, KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor 
  1207 is insufficient to hold the provisioned text, or has been truncated (see above). 
  1208 In both cases new-line processing is done on the buffers. If a zero length
  1209 text string has been provisioned KErrEof is returned, and the length of the 
  1210 buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian 
  1211 error codes is returned if reading the version string fails.
  1212 */
  1213 EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetLangSWVersion( TDes& aValue )
  1214 	{
  1215 	if( KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe )
  1216 		{
  1217 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetLangSWVersion caching disabled");
  1219 		TFileName filePath;
  1220 		TInt err = GetFilePath( filePath );
  1221 		if( KErrNone != err)
  1222 			{
  1223 			return err;
  1224 			}
  1226 		filePath.Append( KLangSWVersionFileName );
  1228 		err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, aValue, ETrue );
  1229 		if ( err != KErrNone )
  1230 			{
  1231 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE2("Error: %d, while processing: %S",err, &filePath);
  1232 			}
  1234 		return err;
  1235 		}
  1236 	else
  1237 		{
  1238 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetLangSWVersion caching enabled");
  1239 		return GetVersionPropertyData( KLangSWVersionUid, aValue );
  1240 		}
  1241 	}
  1243 /**
  1244 Obtains the displayable version of the currently installed language package.
  1245 This does NOT do any newline processing on the version text.
  1246 (unlike, for example GetLangSWVersion() or GetSWVersion()).
  1248 This version text is provisioned by the device creator into the ROM
  1249 as a Unicode UTF16 format displayable string.
  1251 @param aValue On return, contains the software version string. The buffer should
  1252 have space for KSysUtilVersionTextLength characters. If the buffer is 
  1253 insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is 
  1254 provided that is longer than 64 characters, and the provisioned text is larger 
  1255 than 64 characters, the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters (see error 
  1256 codes below).
  1257 @return KErrNone on success, KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor 
  1258 is insufficient to hold the provisioned text, or has been truncated (see above). 
  1259 In both cases new-line processing is done on the buffers. If a zero length
  1260 text string has been provisioned KErrEof is returned, and the length of the 
  1261 buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian 
  1262 error codes is returned if reading the version string fails.
  1263 */
  1264 EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetLangVersion( TDes& aValue )
  1265 	{
  1266 	if( KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe )
  1267 		{
  1268 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetLangVersion caching disabled");
  1270 		TFileName filePath;
  1271 		TInt err = GetFilePath( filePath );
  1272 		if( KErrNone != err)
  1273 			{
  1274 			return err;
  1275 			}
  1277 		filePath.Append( KLangVersionFileName );
  1279 		err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, aValue, ETrue );
  1280 		if ( err != KErrNone )
  1281 			{
  1282 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE2("Error: %d, while processing: %S",err, &filePath);
  1283 			}
  1285 		return err;
  1286 		}
  1287 	else
  1288 		{
  1289 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetLangVersion caching enabled");
  1290 		return GetVersionPropertyData( KLangVersionUid, aValue );
  1291 		}
  1292 	}
  1294 /**
  1295 Obtains the displayable product release information string. 
  1297 Usage example:
  1298 @code
  1299 TBuf<KSysUtilVersionTextLength> prInfo;
  1300 if ( SysUtil::GetPRInformation( prInfo ) == KErrNone )
  1301     {
  1302     // Use the version string.
  1303     ...
  1304     }
  1305 @endcode
  1306 The product release information is provisioned by the device creator into the ROM
  1307 as a Unicode UTF16 format displayable string, for example:
  1309 <code>custom build\n20090626\nusb fix xyz</code>
  1310 or
  1311 <code>PR1.0</code>
  1312 or
  1313 <code>PR1.1</code>
  1315 This provisioned text string contains only one line of text with "\n" sequences
  1316 in the text which indicate a new line. This API will parse the
  1317 text and remove any "\n" sequences that it finds and replace it with the 
  1318 Unicode newline sequence - 0x000A. The resulting
  1319 buffer is then a unicode string with newline sequences built in. This
  1320 then can for example, allow the buffer to be displayed directly to the
  1321 screen already formatted on multiple lines.
  1323 @param aValue On return, contains the product release information string. The buffer should
  1324 have space for KSysUtilVersionTextLength characters. If the buffer is 
  1325 insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is 
  1326 provided that is longer than 64 characters, and the provisioned text is larger 
  1327 than 64 characters, the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters.
  1328 @return KErrNone on success, KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor 
  1329 is insufficient to hold the provisioned text, or has been truncated. 
  1330 In both cases new-line processing is done on the buffers. If a zero length
  1331 text string has been provisioned KErrEof is returned, and the length of the 
  1332 buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian 
  1333 error codes is returned if reading the product release string fails.
  1334 */
  1335 EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetPRInformation( TDes& aValue )
  1336     {
  1337 	TInt err = KErrNone;
  1338     if( KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe )
  1339         {
  1340         __SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetPRInformation caching disabled");
  1341         TFileName filePath;
  1342         GetFilePath( filePath );
  1343 		filePath.Append( KPRInformationFileName );
  1344 		err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, aValue, ETrue );
  1345 		if ( err != KErrNone )
  1346 			{
  1347 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE2("Error: %d, while processing: %S",err, &filePath);
  1348 			}
  1349 		}
  1350     else
  1351         {
  1352         __SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetPRInformation caching enabled");
  1353         err = GetVersionPropertyData( KPRInformationUid, aValue );
  1354         }
  1355 	return err;
  1356     }
  1358 /**
  1359 Checks if free system drive storage space is or will fall below critical level.
  1360 The system drive (internal, read/write, persistent drive) is also known
  1361 as the FFS (internal flash file system).
  1363 To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
  1364 setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
  1366 RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
  1367 setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
  1369 RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
  1370 as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
  1372 To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO 
  1374 appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
  1376 build time to an appropriate level.
  1378 This method also needs to determine which drive is the FFS drive. To do
  1379 this patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data has not been
  1380 set, then RFs::GetSystemDrive() will be used to determine the FFS drive. 
  1382 To set the patchdata to the FFS drive set the MACRO 
  1383 SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_FFS_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter. 
  1384 @see TDriveNumber
  1386 This function exists here to maintain binary compatibility .
  1387 @see  SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
  1389 @param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
  1390 EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
  1391 which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
  1392 @param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to the
  1393 system drive. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current system
  1394 drive space is already below critical level.
  1395 @return ETrue if system drive space would go below critical level after writing
  1396 aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
  1397 @leave System wide error codes
  1398 */
  1399 EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(
  1400     RFs* aFs,
  1401     TInt aBytesToWrite )
  1402     {
  1403     __SYSUTIL_TRACE("SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL");
  1404     TBool retVal( EFalse );
  1406     RFs fs;
  1407     if ( !aFs )
  1408         {
  1409         User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );  // Create temp session.
  1410         CleanupClosePushL( fs );
  1411         }
  1412     else
  1413         {
  1414         if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
  1415         	{
  1416         	User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
  1417         	}
  1418         fs = *aFs;
  1419         }
  1421     TInt ffsDrive = GetFFSDriveLetter( fs );
  1422     retVal = DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(&fs, aBytesToWrite, ffsDrive );
  1424 	if ( !aFs )
  1425 	    {
  1426 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
  1427 	    }
  1429     return retVal;
  1430     }
  1432 /**
  1433 Checks if free disk drive storage space is or will fall below critical
  1434 level. 
  1436 To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
  1437 setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
  1439 RAM drives  and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
  1440 setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
  1442 RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
  1443 as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
  1445 To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO 
  1447 appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
  1449 build time to an appropriate level.
  1451 This function exists here to maintain binary compatibility .
  1452 @see  SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
  1454 @param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
  1455 EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
  1456 which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
  1457 @param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to
  1458 disk. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current disk space
  1459 is already below critical level.
  1460 @param aDrive Identifies the disk drive to be checked. Numeric values
  1461 for identifying disk drives are defined in TDriveNumber enumeration.
  1462 @see TDriveNumber in f32file.h.
  1463 @return ETrue if disk space would go below critical level after writing
  1464 aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
  1465 @leave System wide error codes
  1466 */
  1467 EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(
  1468     RFs* aFs,
  1469     TInt aBytesToWrite,
  1470     TInt aDrive )
  1471     {
  1472     __SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL( %d )",aDrive);
  1474     RFs fs;
  1475     if ( !aFs )
  1476         {
  1477         User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );  // Create temp session.
  1478         CleanupClosePushL( fs );
  1479         }
  1480     else
  1481         {
  1482         if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
  1483         	{
  1484         	User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
  1485         	}
  1486         fs = *aFs;
  1487         }
  1489     TVolumeInfo vinfo;
  1490     // This may leave e.g. KErrNotReady if no drive
  1491     TInt errorCode = fs.Volume( vinfo, aDrive );
  1493     if ( !aFs )
  1494         {
  1495         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
  1496         }
  1498 	__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL RFs::Volume returned error code %d.",errorCode);
  1499     User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
  1501     const TInt64 criticalLevel = FindCriticalLevelTresholdL( vinfo.iDrive.iType );
  1502     __SYSUTIL_TRACE3("SysUtil: CL treshold value: %Ld, Free: %Ld, Size: %Ld",criticalLevel,vinfo.iFree,vinfo.iSize);
  1504     return ( vinfo.iFree - (TInt64)aBytesToWrite ) <= criticalLevel;
  1505     }
  1507 /**
  1508 Checks if free MMC storage space is or will fall below critical
  1509 level. 
  1511 To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
  1512 setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
  1514 RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
  1515 setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
  1517 RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
  1518 as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
  1520 This method also needs to determine which drive is the MMC drive. To do
  1521 this a patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data
  1522 has not been set, then the drive will be fetched using BSUL.
  1523 @see CCachedDriveInfo
  1525 To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO 
  1527 appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
  1529 build time to an appropriate level.
  1531 To set the patchdata to the MMC drive set the MACRO 
  1532 SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_MMC_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter. 
  1533 @see TDriveNumber
  1535 This function exists here to maintain binary compatibility .
  1536 @see  SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
  1538 @param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
  1539 EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
  1540 which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
  1541 @param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to
  1542 MMC. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current MMC space
  1543 is already below critical level.
  1544 @return ETrue if MMC space would go below critical level after writing
  1545 aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
  1546 @leave KErrNotFound if the MMC drive cannot be found, otherwise one of the
  1547 system-wide error codes.
  1548 */
  1549 EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(RFs* aFs, TInt aBytesToWrite)
  1550 	{
  1551 	__SYSUTIL_TRACE("SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL");
  1552     TBool retVal(EFalse);
  1554     RFs fs;
  1555     if ( !aFs )
  1556         {
  1557         User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );  // Create temp session.
  1558         CleanupClosePushL( fs );
  1559         }
  1560     else
  1561         {
  1562         if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
  1563         	{
  1564         	User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
  1565         	}
  1566         fs = *aFs;
  1567         } 
  1569     TInt mmcDrive = GetMMCDriveLetter( fs );
  1570     retVal = DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(&fs, aBytesToWrite, mmcDrive );
  1572     if ( !aFs )
  1573         {
  1574         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
  1575         }
  1577     return retVal;
  1578     }
  1580 /**
  1581 Checks if free system drive storage space is or will fall below critical level.
  1582 The system drive (internal, read/write, persistent drive) is also known
  1583 as the FFS (internal flash file system).
  1585 To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
  1586 setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
  1588 RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
  1589 setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
  1591 RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
  1592 as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
  1594 To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO 
  1596 appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
  1598 build time to an appropriate level.
  1600 This method also needs to determine which drive is the FFS drive. To do
  1601 this patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data has not been
  1602 set, then RFs::GetSystemDrive() will be used to determine the FFS drive. 
  1604 To set the patchdata to the FFS drive set the MACRO 
  1605 SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_FFS_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter. 
  1606 @see TDriveNumber
  1608 @param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
  1609 EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
  1610 which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
  1611 @param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to the
  1612 system drive. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current system
  1613 drive space is already below critical level.
  1614 @return ETrue if system drive space would go below critical level after writing
  1615 aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
  1616 @leave System wide error codes
  1617 */
  1619 EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
  1620     RFs* aFs,
  1621     TInt64 aBytesToWrite )
  1622     {
  1623     __SYSUTIL_TRACE("SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL");
  1624     TBool retVal( EFalse );
  1626     RFs fs;
  1627     if ( !aFs )
  1628         {
  1629         User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );  // Create temp session.
  1630         CleanupClosePushL( fs );
  1631         }
  1632     else
  1633         {
  1634         if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
  1635         	{
  1636         	User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
  1637         	}
  1638         fs = *aFs;
  1639         }
  1641     TInt ffsDrive = GetFFSDriveLetter( fs );
  1642     retVal = DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&fs, aBytesToWrite, ffsDrive );
  1644 	if ( !aFs )
  1645 	    {
  1646 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
  1647 	    }
  1649     return retVal;
  1650     }
  1652 /**
  1653 Checks if free disk drive storage space is or will fall below critical
  1654 level. 
  1656 To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
  1657 setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
  1659 RAM drives  and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
  1660 setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
  1662 RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
  1663 as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
  1665 To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO 
  1667 appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
  1669 build time to an appropriate level.
  1671 Usage example:
  1672 @code
  1673 TInt64 dataSize = 500000000;
  1674 if ( SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFsSession, dataSize, EDriveC ) )
  1675     {
  1676     // Can not write the data, there's not enough free space on disk.
  1677     ...
  1678     }
  1679 else
  1680     {
  1681     // It's ok to actually write the data.
  1682     ...
  1683     }
  1684 @endcode
  1685 @param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
  1686 EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
  1687 which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
  1688 @param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to
  1689 disk. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current disk space
  1690 is already below critical level.
  1691 @param aDrive Identifies the disk drive to be checked. Numeric values
  1692 for identifying disk drives are defined in TDriveNumber enumeration.
  1693 @see TDriveNumber in f32file.h.
  1694 @return ETrue if disk space would go below critical level after writing
  1695 aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
  1696 @leave System wide error codes
  1697 */
  1699 EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
  1700     RFs* aFs,
  1701     TInt64 aBytesToWrite,
  1702     TInt aDrive )
  1703     {
  1704     __SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( %d )",aDrive);
  1706     RFs fs;
  1707     if ( !aFs )
  1708         {
  1709         User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );  // Create temp session.
  1710         CleanupClosePushL( fs );
  1711         }
  1712     else
  1713         {
  1714         if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
  1715         	{
  1716         	User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
  1717         	}
  1718         fs = *aFs;
  1719         }
  1721     TVolumeInfo vinfo;
  1722     // This may leave e.g. KErrNotReady if no drive
  1723     TInt errorCode = fs.Volume( vinfo, aDrive );
  1725     if ( !aFs )
  1726         {
  1727         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
  1728         }
  1730 	__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL RFs::Volume returned error code %d.",errorCode);
  1731     User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
  1733     const TInt64 criticalLevel = FindCriticalLevelTresholdL( vinfo.iDrive.iType );
  1734     __SYSUTIL_TRACE3("SysUtil: CL treshold value: %Ld, Free: %Ld, Size: %Ld",criticalLevel,vinfo.iFree,vinfo.iSize);
  1736     return ( vinfo.iFree - aBytesToWrite ) <= criticalLevel;
  1737     }
  1739 /**
  1740 Checks if free MMC storage space is or will fall below critical
  1741 level. 
  1743 To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
  1744 setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
  1746 RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
  1747 setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
  1749 RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
  1750 as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
  1752 This method also needs to determine which drive is the MMC drive. To do
  1753 this a patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data
  1754 has not been set, then the drive will be fetched using BSUL.
  1755 @see CCachedDriveInfo
  1757 To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO 
  1759 appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
  1761 build time to an appropriate level.
  1763 To set the patchdata to the MMC drive set the MACRO 
  1764 SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_MMC_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter. 
  1765 @see TDriveNumber
  1767 @param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
  1768 EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
  1769 which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
  1770 @param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to
  1771 MMC. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current MMC space
  1772 is already below critical level.
  1773 @return ETrue if MMC space would go below critical level after writing
  1774 aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
  1775 @leave KErrNotFound if the MMC drive cannot be found, otherwise one of the
  1776 system-wide error codes.
  1777 */
  1778 EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(RFs* aFs, TInt64 aBytesToWrite)
  1779 	{
  1780 	__SYSUTIL_TRACE("SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL");
  1781     TBool retVal(EFalse);
  1783     RFs fs;
  1784     if ( !aFs )
  1785         {
  1786         User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );  // Create temp session.
  1787         CleanupClosePushL( fs );
  1788         }
  1789     else
  1790         {
  1791         if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
  1792         	{
  1793         	User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
  1794         	}
  1795         fs = *aFs;
  1796         } 
  1798     TInt mmcDrive = GetMMCDriveLetter( fs );
  1799     retVal = DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&fs, aBytesToWrite, mmcDrive );
  1801     if ( !aFs )
  1802         {
  1803         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
  1804         }
  1806     return retVal;
  1807     }
  1810 /**
  1811 Returns the FFS drive letter  
  1813 This method determines which drive is the FFS drive. To do
  1814 this a patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data
  1815 has not been set, then the drive will be fetched via a call to
  1816 GetSystemDrive().
  1818 To set the patchdata to the FFS drive set the MACRO 
  1819 SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_FFS_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter. 
  1820 @see TDriveNumber
  1822 @return TInt the integer value equivalent of the TDriveNumber
  1823 */
  1824 EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetFFSDriveLetter( RFs & aFs )
  1825 	{
  1826 	// Check the argument, and panic if necessary
  1827     if( aFs.Handle() == KNullHandle )
  1828     	{
  1829     	User::Panic(_L("KERN-EXEC"), 0);
  1830     	}
  1832 	// Check to see if FFS drive is set in patchable data
  1833 	TInt ffsDrive = KSysUtilDefaultFFSDrive;
  1834 	if( !(ffsDrive >= EDriveA && ffsDrive <= EDriveZ) )
  1835 		{
  1836 		ffsDrive =  aFs.GetSystemDrive();
  1837 		} 
  1839 	return ffsDrive;
  1840 	}
  1842 /**
  1843 Returns the MMC drive letter  
  1845 This method determines which drive is the MMC drive. To do
  1846 this a patchable data has been provided. 
  1848 To set the patchdata to the MMC drive set the MACRO 
  1849 SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_MMC_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter. 
  1850 @see TDriveNumber
  1852 @return TInt the integer value equivalent of the TDriveNumber
  1853 */
  1855 EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetMMCDriveLetter( RFs & aFs )
  1856 	{
  1857 	// Check the argument, and panic if necessary
  1858     if( aFs.Handle() == KNullHandle )
  1859     	{
  1860     	User::Panic(_L("KERN-EXEC"), 0);
  1861     	}
  1863     // Check to see if MMC drive is set in patchable data
  1864     TInt mmcDrive = KSysUtilDefaultMMCDrive;
  1866 	// If a valid mmcDrive is not currently found in patchable data, then search for one.
  1867     if( !(mmcDrive >= EDriveA && mmcDrive <= EDriveZ) )
  1868 		{
  1869 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL - searching for MMC drive");
  1870 	    // If mmcDrive is not set in patchable data, then fetch the MMC drive from BSUL.
  1871 	    BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo *cachedDriveInfo = BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo::NewLC( aFs );
  1872 	    // This will find valid MMC drive, leave if none available
  1873 	    mmcDrive = cachedDriveInfo->GetDefaultRemovableMemoryCardDriveL();
  1874 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL, Selected MMC drive %d.",mmcDrive);
  1875 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cachedDriveInfo);
  1876 		}
  1878 	return mmcDrive;
  1879 	}
  1881 /**
  1882 Creates and returns a populated CDeviceTypeInformation object which is used 
  1883 to access the device type information attributes.
  1885 All the attributes are provisioned by the device creator.
  1887 The returned object is owned by the calling code and so it is the calling
  1888 codes responsibility to delete this object when it no longer requires it. 
  1890 @return	CDeviceTypeInformation*	A pointer to an instance of CDeviceTypeInformation.
  1891 @leave	KErrNoMemory			If there is not enough memory to create the object. 
  1892 @leave	KErrNotReady			If there was a problem retrieving the device type
  1893  								information attributes.
  1894 @leave	-			 			Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
  1895 @see CDeviceTypeInformation
  1896 */
  1897 EXPORT_C CDeviceTypeInformation* SysUtil::GetDeviceTypeInfoL()
  1898 	{
  1899 	__SYSUTIL_TRACE("SysUtil::GetDeviceTypeInfoL");
  1900 	return CDeviceTypeInformation::NewL();
  1901 	}
  1903 // ================= CDeviceTypeInformation MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===================
  1905 /**
  1906 Class destructor.
  1908 Performs any clean up such as deleting memory on the heap.
  1909 */
  1910 EXPORT_C CDeviceTypeInformation::~CDeviceTypeInformation()
  1911 	{
  1912 	SDeviceAttributes* attr = reinterpret_cast<SDeviceAttributes*>( iImpl );
  1913 	if( attr != NULL )
  1914 		{
  1915 		delete attr->iDeviceAttributes;
  1916 		delete attr;
  1917 		}
  1918 	}
  1920 /**
  1921 Allocates and constructs an instance of CDeviceTypeInformation.
  1923 @return A pointer to an instance of CDeviceTypeInformation.
  1924 @leave KErrNoMemory, if there is not enough memory to create the object.
  1925 @leave -			 Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
  1926 */
  1927 CDeviceTypeInformation* CDeviceTypeInformation::NewL()
  1928 	{
  1929 	CDeviceTypeInformation* self = new (ELeave) CDeviceTypeInformation();
  1930 	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  1931 	self->ConstructL();
  1932 	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  1933 	return self;
  1934 	}
  1936 /**
  1937 Class constructor.
  1939 Performs any class construction tasks that will not cause a leave.
  1940 */
  1941 CDeviceTypeInformation::CDeviceTypeInformation() : iImpl( NULL )
  1942 	{
  1943 	}
  1945 /**
  1946 Performs class creation tasks as part of two phase construction.
  1948 Performs any class construction tasks that will cause a leave.
  1949 */
  1950 void CDeviceTypeInformation::ConstructL()
  1951 	{
  1952 	SDeviceAttributes* attr = new (ELeave) SDeviceAttributes;
  1953 	attr->iDeviceAttributes = NULL;
  1954 	iImpl = reinterpret_cast<TImpl*>( attr );
  1956 	if( !KSysUtilDisableDeviceTypeInfoSetupExe )
  1957 		{
  1958 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetDeviceTypeInfoL caching enabled");
  1960 		// Check if the P&S property is already set. If it isn't then define and set it. If it 
  1961 		// is we will most likely get KErrOverflow as we are only providing enough space to 
  1962 		// get the first TUint16. This stores the length of the attribute.
  1963 		TUint16 attributesLength;
  1964 		TPtr16 attributesLengthTPtr( &attributesLength, 1 );
  1965 		TInt err = RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, attributesLengthTPtr );
  1966 		if ( KErrNotFound == err )
  1967 			{
  1968 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE("Launching sysutilsetup.exe");
  1969 			User::LeaveIfError( LaunchSetupExecutable( KSetDeviceTypeInfoPropertyFlag ) );
  1970 			__SYSUTIL_TRACE("sysutilsetup.exe terminated");
  1972 			err = RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, attributesLengthTPtr );
  1973 			if( KErrOverflow != err )
  1974 				{
  1975 				User::LeaveIfError( err );
  1976 				}
  1977 			}
  1978 		else if( KErrOverflow != err )
  1979 			{
  1980 			User::LeaveIfError( err );
  1981 			}
  1983 		attr->iDeviceAttributes = static_cast<TUint16*>( User::AllocL( sizeof(TUint16) * attributesLength ) );
  1984 		TPtr16 deviceAttributesTPtr( attr->iDeviceAttributes, attributesLength );
  1985 		User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, deviceAttributesTPtr ) );
  1986 		}
  1987 	else
  1988 		{
  1989 		__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetDeviceTypeInfoL caching disabled");
  1990 		attr->iDeviceAttributes = FormattedDeviceTypeInfoL();
  1991 		}
  1992 	}
  1994 /**
  1995 Retrieves a reference to the attribute string which matches the provided 
  1996 UID. The attribute has a maximum length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 
  1997 characters. 
  1999 The attribute is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator 
  2000 does not provide an attribute value for the given UID then KNullDesC16 
  2001 will be supplied and KErrNotFound will be returned. If the device creator 
  2002 has supplied an attribute value which is longer than KMaxAttributeLength 
  2003 then the supplied value will be truncated. In this case KErrKErrOverflow 
  2004 will be returned.
  2006 @param	aAttributeUid	The UID of the required attribute.
  2007 @param	aValue			On return, contains the attribute value if successful 
  2008 						and KNullDesC16 otherwise.
  2009 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2010 @return KErrNotFound	A value for the given UID was not provisioned.
  2011 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
  2012 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2013 @publishedPartner
  2014 @released
  2015 */
  2016 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetAttribute( const TUid& aAttributeUid, TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2017 	{
  2018 	SDeviceAttributes* attr = reinterpret_cast<SDeviceAttributes*>( this->iImpl );
  2020 	TInt attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, aAttributeUid );
  2021 	if( KErrNotFound != attributeNumber )
  2022 		{
  2023 		aValue.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber ) );
  2024 		return attr->Error( attributeNumber );
  2025 		}
  2027 	aValue.Set( KNullDesC16 );
  2028 	return KErrNotFound;
  2029 	}
  2031 /**
  2032 Retrieves a reference to the Manufacturer Name string. This value conveys 
  2033 the name of the device manufacturer. The Manufacturer Name has a maximum 
  2034 length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters. 
  2036 This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all 
  2037 device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will 
  2038 always be retrieved.
  2040 The Manufacturer Name is provisioned by the device creator. If the device 
  2041 creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value 
  2042 will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device 
  2043 creator has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength 
  2044 then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case KErrOverflow 
  2045 will be returned.
  2047 Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x10286358. 
  2049 @param	aValue 			On return, contains the Manufacturer Name UTF-16 string.
  2050 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2051 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2052 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated
  2053 @return -				Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2054 */
  2055 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetManufacturerName( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2056 	{
  2057 	TInt err = GetAttribute( KManufacturerNameUid, aValue );
  2058 	if( KErrNotFound == err )
  2059 		{
  2060 		aValue.Set( KDefaultManufacturer );
  2061 		return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
  2062 		}
  2064 	return err;
  2065 	}
  2067 /**
  2068 Retrieves a reference to the Model Name string. This value conveys the 
  2069 model name of the device as recognisable by the end-user i.e. the consumer. 
  2070 The Model Name has a maximum length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 
  2071 characters.  
  2073 This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all 
  2074 device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will 
  2075 always be retrieved.
  2077 The Model Name is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator 
  2078 does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value will be 
  2079 supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device creator 
  2080 has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength then the 
  2081 provisioned value will be truncated. In this case KErrKErrOverflow will be 
  2082 returned.
  2084 Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x10286359. 
  2086 @param	aValue			On return, contains the Model Name.
  2087 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2088 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2089 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
  2090 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2091 */
  2092 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetModelName( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2093 	{
  2094 	TInt err = GetAttribute( KModelNameUid, aValue );
  2095 	if( KErrNotFound == err )
  2096 		{
  2097 		aValue.Set( KDefaultModelName );
  2098 		return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
  2099 		}
  2101 	return err;
  2102 	}
  2104 /**
  2105 Retrieves a reference to the Model Code string. This value conveys the 
  2106 internal model name or part number by which this model is known to the 
  2107 manufacturer. The Model Code has a maximum length of KMaxAttributeLength 
  2108 UTF-16 characters. 
  2110 This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all 
  2111 device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will 
  2112 always be retrieved.
  2114 The Model Code is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator 
  2115 does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value will be 
  2116 supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device creator 
  2117 has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength then the 
  2118 provisioned value will be truncated. In this case KErrKErrOverflow will be 
  2119 returned.
  2121 Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x1028635A. 
  2123 @param	aValue			On return, contains the Model Code.
  2124 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2125 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2126 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
  2127 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2128 */
  2129 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetModelCode( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2130 	{
  2131 	TInt err = GetAttribute( KModelCodeUid, aValue );
  2132 	if( KErrNotFound == err )
  2133 		{
  2134 		aValue.Set( KDefaultModelCode );
  2135 		return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
  2136 		}
  2138 	return err;
  2139 	}
  2141 /**
  2142 Retrieves a reference to the Revision ID string. This value contains the 
  2143 device revision and/or variant identification string and conveys the 
  2144 specific version of the hardware and software used in the device. The 
  2145 Revision ID has a maximum length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16
  2146 characters. 
  2148 This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all 
  2149 device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will 
  2150 always be retrieved.
  2152 The Revision ID is provisioned by the device creator. If the device 
  2153 creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value 
  2154 will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device 
  2155 creator has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength 
  2156 then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case 
  2157 KErrKErrOverflow will be returned.
  2159 Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x1028635B. 
  2161 @param	aValue			On return, contains the Revision ID (this also 
  2162 						includes the Variant ID).
  2163 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2164 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2165 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
  2166 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2167 */
  2168 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetRevisionID( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2169 	{
  2170 	TInt err = GetAttribute( KRevisionIDUid, aValue );
  2171 	if( KErrNotFound == err )
  2172 		{
  2173 		aValue.Set( KDefaultRevisionID );
  2174 		return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
  2175 		}
  2177 	return err;
  2178 	}
  2180 /**
  2181 Retrieves a copy of the default Device Name string. This value conveys 
  2182 the default name for the device as might be used for network identification 
  2183 e.g. Bluetooth nickname. The Device Name has a maximum length of 
  2184 KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters. 
  2186 This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all 
  2187 device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will 
  2188 always be retrieved.
  2190 The Default Device Name is provisioned by the device creator. If the device 
  2191 creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value 
  2192 will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device 
  2193 creator has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength or 
  2194 the user supplied descriptors length is less than KMaxAttributeLength then 
  2195 the provioned value will be truncated. In this case KErrKErrOverflow will 
  2196 be returned.
  2198 Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x1028635C. 
  2200 @param	aValue			On return, contains the Default Device Name.
  2201 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2202 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2203 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
  2204 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2205 */
  2206 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetDefaultDeviceName( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2207 	{
  2208 	TInt err = GetAttribute( KDefaultDeviceNameUid, aValue );
  2209 	if( KErrNotFound == err )
  2210 		{
  2211 		aValue.Set( KDefaultDeviceName );
  2212 		return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
  2213 		}
  2215 	return err;
  2216 	}
  2218 /**
  2219 Retrieves a reference to the name of the UI Platform software used 
  2220 in the device. The UI Platform name has a maximum length of 
  2221 KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters. 
  2223 This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all 
  2224 device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will 
  2225 always be retrieved.
  2227 The UI Platform is provisioned by the device creator. If the device 
  2228 creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value 
  2229 will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device 
  2230 creator has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength 
  2231 then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case 
  2232 KErrKErrOverflow will be returned.
  2234 Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x1028635D. 
  2236 @param	aValue			On return, contains the UI Platform.
  2237 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2238 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2239 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
  2240 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2241 */
  2242 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetUIPlatformName( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2243 	{
  2244 	TInt err = GetAttribute( KUIPlatformNameUid, aValue );
  2245 	if( KErrNotFound == err )
  2246 		{
  2247 		aValue.Set( KDefaultUIPlatform );
  2248 		return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
  2249 		}
  2251 	return err;
  2252 	}
  2254 /**
  2255 Retrieves a reference to the UI Platform version used in the device for 
  2256 display, transmission or tagging purposes. The UI Platform version has a maximum 
  2257 length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters. 
  2259 The string should never be used for programmatic decisions based on assumed
  2260 functionality present in the device as device creators can vary the content of
  2261 the device firmware. Instead Feature Manager should be used to query the 
  2262 functional capabilities of a device. @see CFeatureDiscovery
  2264 The UI Platform version is provisioned by the device creator. If the device 
  2265 creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value 
  2266 indicating unknown version will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will 
  2267 be returned. If the device creator has supplied a value and it is longer than 
  2268 KMaxAttributeLength then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case 
  2269 KErrOverflow will be returned. The format of the string is device dependent.
  2271 Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x10286360. 
  2273 @param	aValue			On return, contains the UI version number of the 
  2274 						current UI platform.
  2275 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2276 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2277 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated 
  2278 						due to the provided descriptor being too small.
  2279 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2280 */
  2281 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetUIPlatformVersion( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2282 	{
  2283 	TInt err = GetAttribute( KUIPlatformVersionUid, aValue );
  2284 	if( KErrNotFound == err )
  2285 		{
  2286 		aValue.Set( KDefaultUIPlatformVersion );
  2287 		return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
  2288 		}
  2290 	return err;
  2291 	}
  2293 /**
  2294 Retrieves the UI platform major and minor version numbers as TUint16s. 
  2296 The retrieved values are both standard device type information attributes 
  2297 (they are common to all device creators) as such it can be assumed that 
  2298 values will always be retrieved.
  2300 The UI version is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator 
  2301 provides invalid major and minor UI version numbers the default version 
  2302 numbers will be supplied and KErrCorrupt will be returned. If the device 
  2303 creator does not provide values for these attributes then default values 
  2304 will be supplied and KDefaultValue will be returned.
  2306 Note: The major UI version number attribute is represented by a UID of 
  2307 0x1028635E and minor UI version number is represented by a UID of 
  2308 0x1028635F. 
  2310 @param	aMajor			On return, contains the UI major version number.
  2311 @param	aMinor			On return, contains the UI minor version number.
  2312 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2313 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2314 @return KErrCorrupt		The provisioned attribute value is invalid. The 
  2315 						default value has been returned.
  2316 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2317 */
  2318 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetUIPlatformVersion( 
  2319 	TUint16& aMajor, 
  2320 	TUint16& aMinor ) const
  2321 	{
  2322 	SDeviceAttributes* attr = reinterpret_cast<SDeviceAttributes*>( this->iImpl );
  2323 	TPtrC16 majorVersionNum( KDefaultUIPlatformVersionMajor );
  2324 	TPtrC16 minorVersionNum( KDefaultUIPlatformVersionMinor );
  2326 	// If we have valid major and minor numbers use these instead of the default values. 
  2327 	// Otherwise check to see if the minor version number exists. If it does the error 
  2328 	// number associated with this should be used instead of KDefaultValue as the 
  2329 	// version number (in major/minor form) is corrupt.
  2330 	TInt attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, KUIPlatformVersionMajorUid );
  2331 	if( KErrNotFound != attributeNumber )
  2332 		{
  2333 		if( attr->Uid( attributeNumber + 1 ) == KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid.iUid )
  2334 			{
  2335 			if( KErrNone == attr->Error( attributeNumber ) && KErrNone == attr->Error( attributeNumber + 1 ) )
  2336 				{
  2337 				majorVersionNum.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber ) );
  2338 				minorVersionNum.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber + 1 ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber + 1 ) );
  2339 				}
  2340 			}
  2341 		}
  2342 	else
  2343 		{
  2344 		attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid );
  2345 		}
  2347 	TLex16 lex( majorVersionNum );
  2348 	lex.Val( aMajor, EDecimal );
  2350 	lex.Assign( minorVersionNum );
  2351 	lex.Val( aMinor, EDecimal );
  2353 	return attributeNumber == KErrNotFound ? KDefaultValue : attr->Error( attributeNumber );
  2354 	}
  2356 /**
  2357 Retrieves a reference to the Symbian OS version used in the device for 
  2358 display, transmission or tagging purposes. The Symbian OS version has a maximum 
  2359 length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters. 
  2361 The string should never be used for programmatic decisions based on assumed
  2362 functionality present in the device as device creators can very the content of
  2363 the device firmware. Instead Feature Manager should be used to query the 
  2364 functional capabilities of a device. @see CFeatureDiscovery
  2366 This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all 
  2367 devices) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will 
  2368 always be retrieved. 
  2370 The Symbian OS version is provisioned by the device creator. If the device 
  2371 creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value 
  2372 indicating unknown version will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will 
  2373 be returned. If the device creator has supplied a value and it is longer than 
  2374 KMaxAttributeLength then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case 
  2375 KErrOverflow will be returned. The format of the string is device dependent.
  2377 Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x10286363. 
  2379 @param	aValue			On return, contains the Symbian OS version number.
  2380 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2381 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2382 @return KErrOverflow	The provisioned attribute value has been truncated 
  2383 						due to the provided descriptor being too small.
  2384 @return -				Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2385 */
  2386 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetOSVersion( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
  2387 	{
  2388 	TInt err = GetAttribute( KOSVersionUid, aValue );
  2389 	if( KErrNotFound == err )
  2390 		{
  2391 		aValue.Set( KDefaultOSVersion );
  2392 		return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
  2393 		}
  2395 	return err;
  2396 	}
  2398 /**
  2399 Retrieves the Symbian OS major and minor version numbers as TUint16s. 
  2401 The retrieved values are both standard device type information attributes 
  2402 (they are common to all device creators) as such it can be assumed that 
  2403 values will always be retrieved.
  2405 The OS version is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator 
  2406 provides invalid major and minor UI version numbers the default version 
  2407 numbers will be supplied and KErrCorrupt will be returned. If the device 
  2408 creator does not provide values for these attributes then default values 
  2409 will be supplied and KDefaultValue will be returned.
  2411 Note: The major UI version number attribute is represented by a UID of 
  2412 0x10286361 and minor UI version number is represented by a UID of 
  2413 0x10286362. 
  2415 @param	aMajor			On return, contains the OS major version number.
  2416 @param	aMinor			On return, contains the OS minor version number.
  2417 @return KErrNone		Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
  2418 @return KDefaultValue	Successful, the default value has been returned.
  2419 @return KErrCorrupt		The provisioned attribute value is invalid. The 
  2420 						default value has been returned.
  2421 @return -				Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
  2422 */
  2423 EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetOSVersion( TUint16& aMajor,
  2424 	TUint16& aMinor ) const
  2425 	{
  2426 	SDeviceAttributes* attr = reinterpret_cast<SDeviceAttributes*>( this->iImpl );
  2427 	TPtrC16 majorVersionNum( KDefaultOSVersionMajor );
  2428 	TPtrC16 minorVersionNum( KDefaultOSVersionMinor );
  2430 	// If we have valid major and minor numbers use these instead of the default values. 
  2431 	// Otherwise check to see if the minor version number exists. If it does the error 
  2432 	// number associated with this should be used instead of KDefaultValue as the 
  2433 	// version number (in major/minor form) is corrupt.
  2434 	TInt attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, KOSVersionMajorUid );
  2435 	if( KErrNotFound != attributeNumber )
  2436 		{
  2437 		if( attr->Uid( attributeNumber + 1 ) == KOSVersionMinorUid.iUid )
  2438 			{
  2439 			if( KErrNone == attr->Error( attributeNumber ) && KErrNone == attr->Error( attributeNumber + 1 ) )
  2440 				{
  2441 				majorVersionNum.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber ) );
  2442 				minorVersionNum.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber + 1 ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber + 1 ) );
  2443 				}
  2444 			}
  2445 		}
  2446 	else
  2447 		{
  2448 		attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, KOSVersionMinorUid );
  2449 		}
  2451 	TLex16 lex( majorVersionNum );
  2452 	lex.Val( aMajor, EDecimal );
  2454 	lex.Assign( minorVersionNum );
  2455 	lex.Val( aMinor, EDecimal );
  2457 	return attributeNumber == KErrNotFound ? KDefaultValue : attr->Error( attributeNumber );
  2458 	}