changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e1aa6a622a0
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "t_chwrmlightsdata.h"
    19 #include <hwrmlight.h>
    21 /*@{*/
    22 //LIT's for reading params from ini file
    23 _LIT(KTarget,			"target");
    24 _LIT(KLight,			"light");
    25 _LIT(KDuration,			"duration");
    26 _LIT(KOnDuration,		"onduration");
    27 _LIT(KOffDuration,		"offduration");
    28 _LIT(KIntensity,		"intensity");
    29 _LIT(KRestoreState,		"restoreState");
    30 _LIT(KForceNoCCoeEnv,	"forceNoCCoeEnv");
    31 _LIT(KFadein,			"fadein");
    32 _LIT(KFadeout,			"fadeout");
    33 _LIT(KStatus,			"status");
    34 _LIT(KObserver,			"observer");
    35 /*@}*/
    38 /*@{*/
    39 //LIT's for commands
    40 _LIT(KCmdNewL, 				"NewL");
    41 _LIT(KCmdReserveLightL,		"ReserveLightL");
    42 _LIT(KCmdLightBlinkL,		"LightBlinkL");
    43 _LIT(KCmdLightOnL,			"LightOnL");
    44 _LIT(KCmdLightOffL,			"LightOffL");
    45 _LIT(KCmdLightStatus,		"LightStatus");
    46 _LIT(KCmdDestructor,		"~");
    47 /*@}*/
    49 /*@{*/
    50 _LIT(KLogError,				"Error=%d");
    51 _LIT(KLogMissingParameter,	"Missing parameter '%S'");
    52 _LIT(KLogDefaultValueUsed,	"Missing parameter '%S'. Using default value of '%d'");
    53 /*@}*/
    55 //*@{*/
    56 /*LIT's for TLightStatus enumeration*/
    57 _LIT(KELightStatusUnknown,		"ELightStatusUnknown");
    58 _LIT(KELightOn,					"ELightOn");
    59 _LIT(KELightOff,				"ELightOff");
    60 _LIT(KELightBlink,				"ELightBlink");
    61 /*@}*/
    63 const CDataWrapperBase::TEnumEntryTable CT_CHWRMLightsData::iEnumLightStatus[] = 
    64 	{ 
    65 	{ KELightStatusUnknown,		CHWRMLight::ELightStatusUnknown },
    66 	{ KELightOn,				CHWRMLight::ELightOn },
    67 	{ KELightOff,				CHWRMLight::ELightOff },
    68 	{ KELightBlink,				CHWRMLight::ELightBlink }
    69 	};
    72 /**
    73  * Two phase constructor
    74  *
    75  * @leave	system wide error
    76  */
    77 CT_CHWRMLightsData* CT_CHWRMLightsData::NewL()
    78 	{
    79 	CT_CHWRMLightsData* ret = new (ELeave) CT_CHWRMLightsData();
    80 	CleanupStack::PushL(ret);
    81 	ret->ConstructL();
    82 	CleanupStack::Pop(ret);
    83 	return ret;
    84 	}
    87 /**
    88  * Protected constructor. First phase construction
    89  */
    90 CT_CHWRMLightsData::CT_CHWRMLightsData()
    91 	: iLight(NULL)
    92 	{
    93 	}
    95 /**
    96  * Second phase construction
    97  *
    98  * @internalComponent
    99  *
   100  * @return	N/A
   101  *
   102  * @pre		None
   103  * @post	None
   104  *
   105  * @leave	system wide error
   106  */
   107 void CT_CHWRMLightsData::ConstructL()
   108 	{
   109 	}
   111 /**
   112  * Public destructor
   113  */
   114 CT_CHWRMLightsData::~CT_CHWRMLightsData()
   115 	{
   116 	DestroyData();
   117 	}
   119 /**
   120  * Return a pointer to the object that the data wraps
   121  *
   122  * @return	pointer to the object that the data wraps
   123  */
   124 TAny* CT_CHWRMLightsData::GetObject()
   125 	{
   126 	return iLight;
   127 	}
   130 /**
   131  * Process a command read from the ini file
   132  *
   133  * @param aCommand	The command to process
   134  * @param aSection	The section in the ini containing data for the command
   135  * @param aAsyncErrorIndex	Command index for async calls to return errors to
   136  *
   137  * @return	ETrue if the command is processed
   138  *
   139  * @leave System wide error
   140  */
   141 TBool CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCommandL(const TTEFFunction& aCommand, const TTEFSectionName& aSection, const TInt /*aAsyncErrorIndex*/)
   142 	{
   143 	TBool	ret = ETrue;
   144 	TInt	err=KErrNone;
   146 	if (aCommand == KCmdNewL)
   147 		{
   148 		err = DoCmdNewL(aSection);
   149 		}
   150 	else if (aCommand == KCmdReserveLightL)
   151 		{
   152 		err = DoCmdReserveLightL(aSection);
   153 		}
   154 	else if (aCommand == KCmdLightBlinkL)
   155 		{
   156 		err = DoCmdLightBlinkL(aSection);
   157 		}
   158 	else if (aCommand == KCmdLightOnL)
   159 		{
   160 		err = DoCmdLightOnL(aSection);
   161 		}
   162 	else if (aCommand == KCmdLightOffL)
   163 		{
   164 		err = DoCmdLightOffL(aSection);
   165 		}
   166 	else if (aCommand == KCmdLightStatus)
   167 		{
   168 		err = DoCmdLightStatus(aSection);
   169 		}
   170 	else if (aCommand == KCmdDestructor)
   171 		{
   172 		err = DoCmdDestructor();
   173 		}
   174 	else
   175 		{
   176 		ret=EFalse;
   177 		}
   179 	if ( err != KErrNone )
   180 		{
   181 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
   182 		SetError(err);
   183 		}
   185 	return ret;
   186 	}
   188 /**
   189  * Command NewL
   190  * 
   191  * @param aSection:		observer
   192  * 
   193  * @return
   194  */
   195 TInt CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdNewL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   196 	{
   197 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdNewL"));
   198 	DestroyData();
   200 	TInt observer = 0;
   201 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   202 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KObserver(), observer))
   203 		{
   204 		// Empty NewL
   205 		TRAP(err, iLight = CHWRMLight::NewL());
   206 		}
   207 	else
   208 		{
   209 		CHWRMLight* client = NULL;
   210 		// Call NewL with null parameter
   211 		TRAP(err, client = CHWRMLight::NewL(NULL));
   212 		delete client;
   213 		client = NULL;
   214 		}
   217 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdNewL"));
   218 	return err;
   219 	}
   221 /**
   222 * Reserves light target exclusively for this client...
   223 * 
   224 * @param aSection:		light			Defines which light should be reserved.
   225 * 						restoreState	If ETrue, the state frozen on last release will be restored upon successful reservation. I.e. if light was blinking when it was released by this
   226 * 										client the last time, it would start blinking again upon successful reservation. For the first reservation of each session this parameter is 
   227 * 										always considered EFalse regardless of what is supplied, as there is no previous frozen state to restore.
   228 * 						forceNoCCoeEnv	If EFalse, then reservation requires that this client is on the foreground at the time of reservation and light target will be automatically 
   229 * 										released and re-reserved based on background/foreground status of the this client. This also implies that CCoeEnv::Static() != NULL is 
   230 * 										required. If ETrue, the client will not require CCoeEnv to be present nor does it automatically reserve/release light by depending on 
   231 * 										foreground/background status of the client. Only trusted clients are allowed to set this flag to ETrue. Client is considered trusted if it has 
   232 * 										nonstandard priority defined in the lights policy.
   233 */ 
   234 TInt CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdReserveLightL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   235 	{
   236 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdReserveLightL"));
   237 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   239 	// Required parameters
   240 	TInt light;
   241 	GETFROMCONFIGMANDATORY(Int, aSection, KTarget, light, KLogMissingParameter, dataOk);
   243 	// Optional parameters
   244 	TBool restoreState = EFalse;
   245 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Bool, aSection, KRestoreState, restoreState, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   247 	TBool forceNoCCoeEnv = ETrue;
   248 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Bool, aSection, KForceNoCCoeEnv, forceNoCCoeEnv, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   250 	// API Method Call
   251 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   252 	if ( dataOk )
   253 		{
   254 		TRAP(err, iLight->ReserveLightL(light, restoreState, forceNoCCoeEnv));
   255 		}
   257 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdReserveLightL"));
   258 	return err;
   259 	}
   261 /**
   262 * The command blinks the target light(s) of the device for specified duration
   263 * using specified intensity. On- and Off-cycle times of the blinking can also be controlled.
   264 * 
   265 * @param aSection:		light 			Defines which light should be controlled.
   266 * 						duration		Duration of the time the light is set to blink measured in milliseconds.
   267 * 						interval		Value in milliseconds to initialize onDuration and offDuration parameters.
   268 * 						intensity		Intensity of the light.
   269 */ 
   270 TInt CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightBlinkL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   271 	{
   272 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightBlinkL"));
   273 	TBool	dataOk=ETrue;
   275 	// Required parameters
   277 	TInt light;
   278 	GETFROMCONFIGMANDATORY(Int, aSection, KLight, light, KLogMissingParameter, dataOk);
   280 	// Optional parameters
   282 	TInt duration = KHWRMInfiniteDuration;
   283 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Int, aSection, KDuration, duration, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   285 	TInt onDuration = KHWRMDefaultCycleTime;
   286 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Int, aSection, KOnDuration, onDuration, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   288 	TInt offDuration = KHWRMDefaultCycleTime;
   289 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Int, aSection, KOffDuration, offDuration, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   291 	TInt intensity = KHWRMDefaultIntensity;
   292 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Int, aSection, KIntensity, intensity, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   294 	// API Method Call
   295 	TInt	err=KErrNone;
   296 	if ( dataOk )
   297 		{
   298 		TRAP(err, iLight->LightBlinkL(light, duration, onDuration, offDuration, intensity));
   299 		}
   301 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightBlinkL"));
   302 	return err;
   303 	}
   305 /**
   306 * The command switches the specified target light on for the specified 
   307 * duration using specified intensity.
   308 * 
   309 * @param aSection:		light 			Defines which light should be controlled.
   310 * 						duration		Duration of the time the light is switched on measured in milliseconds.
   311 * 						intensity		Intensity of the light.
   312 * 						fadein			If ETrue, lights will not turn on instantly but instead smoothly fade-in. Note: All devices will not support fade-in, 
   313 * 										in which case device will behave in its default fashion.
   314 */ 
   315 TInt CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightOnL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   316 	{
   317 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightOnL"));
   318 	TBool	dataOk = ETrue;
   320 	// Required parameters
   322 	TInt light;
   323 	GETFROMCONFIGMANDATORY(Int, aSection, KLight, light, KLogMissingParameter, dataOk);
   325 	// Optional parameters
   327 	TInt duration = KHWRMInfiniteDuration;
   328 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Int, aSection, KDuration, duration, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   330 	TInt intensity = KHWRMDefaultIntensity;
   331 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Int, aSection, KIntensity, intensity, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   333 	TBool fadein = EFalse;
   334 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Bool, aSection, KFadein, fadein, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   336 	// API Method Call
   337 	TInt	err=KErrNone;
   338 	if ( dataOk )
   339 		{
   340 		TRAP(err, iLight->LightOnL(light, duration, intensity, fadein));
   341 		}
   343 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightOnL"));
   344 	return err;
   345 	}
   347 /**
   348  * The command switches the device light off for the specified 
   349  * target for the specified duration time.
   350  * 
   351  * @param aSection:		light 			Defines which light should be controlled.
   352  * 						duration		Duration of the time the light is switched off measured in milliseconds.
   353  * 						fadeout			If ETrue, lights will not turn off instantly but instead smoothly fade-out Note: All devices will not support fade-out, 
   354  * 										in which case device will behave in its default fashion.
   355  */ 
   356 TInt CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightOffL(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   357 	{
   358 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightOffL"));
   359 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   361 	// Required parameters.
   363 	TInt light;
   364 	GETFROMCONFIGMANDATORY(Int, aSection, KLight, light, KLogMissingParameter, dataOk);
   366 	// Optional parameters.
   368 	TInt duration = KHWRMInfiniteDuration;
   369 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Int, aSection, KDuration, duration, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   371 	TBool fadeout = EFalse;
   372 	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(Bool, aSection, KFadeout, fadeout, KLogDefaultValueUsed);
   374 	// API Method Call
   375 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   376 	if ( dataOk )
   377 		{
   378 		TRAP(err, iLight->LightOffL(light, duration, fadeout));
   379 		}
   381 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightOffL"));
   382 	return err;
   383 	}
   385 /**
   386  * This method compares the current light status with the expected status.
   387  * Light status: ELightStatusUnknown, ELightOn, ELightOff, ELightBlink
   388  * 
   389  * @param aSection:		expectedStatus		Light status that is expected.
   390  * 
   391  * @return
   392  */ 
   393 TInt CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdLightStatus(const TTEFSectionName& aSection)
   394 	{
   395 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CHWRMLightData::DoCmdLightStatus"));
   396 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   397 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   399 	// Required parameters.
   401 	TInt light;
   402 	GETFROMCONFIGMANDATORY(Int, aSection, KLight, light, KLogMissingParameter, dataOk);
   404 	TInt expectedStatus = CHWRMLight::ELightStatusUnknown;
   405 	if(!GetEnumFromConfig(aSection, KStatus, iEnumLightStatus, expectedStatus))
   406 		{
   407 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error in getting parameter %S from INI file"), &KStatus);
   408     	SetBlockResult(EFail);
   409 		}
   411 	if (dataOk)
   412 		{
   413 		TInt status = iLight->LightStatus(light);
   415 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Current status is %d"), status);
   416 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Expected status status is %d"), expectedStatus);
   418 		if (status != expectedStatus)
   419 			{
   420 			err = KErrCorrupt;
   421 			}
   422 		}
   424 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CHWRMLightData::DoCmdLightStatus"));
   425 	return err;
   426 	}
   428 /**
   429  * Command destructor.
   430  */
   431 TInt CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdDestructor()
   432 	{
   433 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*START* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdDestructor"));
   434 	DestroyData();
   435 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*END* CT_CHWRMLightsData::DoCmdDestructor"));
   436 	return KErrNone;
   437 	}
   439 /**
   440  * Destroy an instance of CHWRMLight.
   441  */
   442 void CT_CHWRMLightsData::DestroyData()
   443 	{
   444 	if(iLight)
   445 		{
   446 		delete iLight;
   447 		iLight = NULL;
   448 		}	
   449 	}