changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e1aa6a622a0
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Haptics policy implementation.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <s32file.h>
    20 #include <f32file.h>
    21 #include <hwrmhaptics.h> // min and max device priority values
    22 #include <pathinfo.h>
    24 #include "hwrmhapticspolicy.h"
    25 #include "hwrmhapticstrace.h"
    27 // Internal policy filename prefix
    28 _LIT( KInternalPolicyPrefix, "internal" );
    30 //drive char and colon string length, e.g. "c:"
    31 const TInt KDriveAndColon = 2; 
    33 // Maximum policy file line length
    34 const TInt KMaxLineLength( 100 );
    36 // New line character used to terminate each line in policy file
    37 const TInt KNewLine( '\n' );
    39 // format specifier used to check for feedback clients
    40 _LIT8( KFeedback, "FEEDBACK" );
    42 // format specifier used to match valid UIDs or SIDs
    43 _LIT8( KMatchUid, "0x????????" );
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 // Two-phased constructor.
    47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 CHWRMHapticsPolicy* CHWRMHapticsPolicy::NewL( const TDesC& aFilename )
    50     {
    51     CHWRMHapticsPolicy* self = NewLC( aFilename );
    52     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    54     return self;
    55     }
    57 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 // Two-phased constructor. Leaves instance on the cleanup stack.
    59 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 //
    61 CHWRMHapticsPolicy* CHWRMHapticsPolicy::NewLC( const TDesC& aFilename )
    62     {
    63     CHWRMHapticsPolicy* self = new( ELeave ) CHWRMHapticsPolicy();
    65     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    66     self->ConstructL( aFilename );
    68     return self;
    69     }
    71 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 // Destructor
    73 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 //
    75 CHWRMHapticsPolicy::~CHWRMHapticsPolicy()
    76     {
    77     // Delete all the array objects
    78     iClientArray.ResetAndDestroy();
    79     iClientArray.Close();
    80     }
    82 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 // Method to retrieve the priority of a client with the given ID and if
    84 // it is trusted or not.
    85 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 //
    87 void CHWRMHapticsPolicy::GetPriority( const TSecureId aSid, 
    88                                       TBool& aTrusted, 
    89                                       TInt& aPriority ) const
    90     {
    91     TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
    93     // by default not found, i.e. not trusted
    94     aTrusted = EFalse;
    96     // find the client
    97     TInt pos = FindClient( aSid );
    99     if( pos != KErrNotFound )
   100         {
   101         // if client exists return the priority
   102         ret = iClientArray[pos]->Priority();
   103         aTrusted = ETrue;
   104         }
   106     aPriority = ret;
   107     }
   109 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 // C++ constructor
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CHWRMHapticsPolicy()
   114     {
   115     }
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 // By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   119 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 //
   121 void CHWRMHapticsPolicy::ConstructL( const TDesC& aFilename )
   122     {
   123     RFs fs;
   124     User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
   125     CleanupClosePushL( fs );
   127     // Buffer to store the full path and filename
   128     TFileName filename;
   129     TFileName internalFilename;
   131     // Get private file path
   132     User::LeaveIfError( fs.PrivatePath( filename ) );
   134     // add the filename to path
   135     internalFilename.Append( PathInfo::RomRootPath().Left( KDriveAndColon ) );
   136     internalFilename.Append( filename ); // private-folder of haptics server
   137     internalFilename.Append( KInternalPolicyPrefix ); // "Internal" -prefix
   138     internalFilename.Append( aFilename ); // actual filename
   139     filename.Insert( 0, PathInfo::RomRootPath().Left( KDriveAndColon ) );
   140     filename.Append( aFilename );
   142     // Parse the file and construct the array of policy clients
   143     // Add product specific file first if they need to change priorieties of
   144     // S60 defined processes.
   145     ParsePriorityFileL( fs, filename );
   146     ParsePriorityFileL( fs, internalFilename );
   148     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fs );
   149     }
   151 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 // Method constructs the array of policy clients from the 
   153 // given file 
   154 // A valid line in the file contains priority, id and app name
   155 // priority must be a valid integer from KLowestPriority to KHighestPriority.
   156 // id must be a valid SID or ALL indicating the priority for all clients 
   157 //      not specified in the file.
   158 // app name can be any string indicating the name of the client.
   159 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 //
   161 void CHWRMHapticsPolicy::ParsePriorityFileL( RFs& aFs, 
   162                                              const TDesC& aFilename )
   163     {
   164     TLex8 lex;
   165     TInt priority;
   166     TPtrC8 id;
   167     TSecureId sid;
   168     TPtrC8 feedback;
   169     TBool feedbackClient;
   170     TPtrC8 appname( KNullDesC8 );
   171     TInt err( KErrNone );
   173     // Buffer to read each line of the file into
   174     TBuf8<KMaxLineLength> fileline;
   175     TChar newLine( KNewLine );  
   176     RFileReadStream stream;    
   178     COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsPolicy::ParsePriorityFileL - Opening policy file: %S" ), &aFilename ) );
   180     // Open the file and attach to stream 
   181     err = stream.Open( aFs, aFilename, EFileRead );
   183     // Return without error if file is not found
   184     if ( err != KErrNone )
   185         {
   186         COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsPolicy::ParsePriorityFileL - Policy file open failed: %S, error: %d" ), &aFilename, err ) );
   187         }
   188     else
   189         {
   190         CleanupClosePushL( stream );
   192         while( err != KErrEof )
   193             {
   194             // read from the file upto the newline character
   195             TRAP( err, stream.ReadL( fileline, newLine ) );
   197             lex.Assign( fileline );
   198             if( lex.Val( priority ) == KErrNone )
   199                 {
   200                 // got the priority now validate it
   201                 if( priority >= KHWRMHapticsMinDevicePriority &&
   202                     priority <= KHWRMHapticsMaxDevicePriority )
   203                     {
   204                     // get the id
   205                     id.Set( lex.NextToken() );
   207                     // convert it
   208                     if( ConvertId( id, sid ) != KErrCorrupt )
   209                         {
   210                         feedbackClient = EFalse;
   212                         // check whether feedback client (may be empty)
   213                         feedback.Set( lex.NextToken() );
   214                         if( feedback.MatchF( KFeedback ) == 0 )
   215                             {
   216                             feedbackClient = ETrue;
   217                             }
   219                         // now get the appname (may be empty)
   220                         appname.Set( lex.NextToken() );
   222                         // if last token was empty and previous not, but it was
   223                         // not feedback token, then it must be appname
   224                         if( appname.Size() == 0 && 
   225                             ( feedback.Size() != 0 && !feedbackClient ) )
   226                             {
   227                             appname.Set( feedback );
   228                             }
   230                         // Create the policy
   231                         AddPolicyClientL( priority, sid, 
   232                                           feedbackClient, appname );
   233                         }
   234                     }
   235                 }
   236             }
   238         // Close stream
   239         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
   240         }
   241     }
   243 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 // Helper method to convert and validate SID from a descriptor
   245 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   246 //
   247 TInt CHWRMHapticsPolicy::ConvertId( const TDesC8& aSidDes, 
   248                                     TSecureId& aSid ) const
   249     {
   250     TInt ret( KErrNone );
   251     TUint32 id;
   253     if( aSidDes.Match( KMatchUid ) == 0 )
   254         {
   255         // this is a matching id
   256         TLex8 lex( aSidDes.Right( 8 ) );
   258         if( lex.Val( id, EHex ) != KErrNone )
   259             {
   260             // Failed to convert to int
   261             ret = KErrCorrupt;
   262             }
   263         else
   264             {
   265             // conversion ok so set the sid
   266             aSid.iId = id;
   267             }
   268         }
   269     else
   270         {
   271         ret = KErrCorrupt;
   272         }
   274     return ret;
   275     }
   277 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   278 // Adds a policy client to the array, first checks that no other 
   279 // client has been registered with the identical sid.
   280 // If one already exists KErrAlreadyExists is returned.
   281 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 //
   283 TInt CHWRMHapticsPolicy::AddPolicyClientL( const TInt aPriority, 
   284                                            const TSecureId& aSid,
   285                                            const TBool aFeedbackClient,
   286                                            const TDesC8& aAppName )
   287     {
   288     TInt ret( KErrNone );
   290     // search for existing client
   291     if( FindClient( aSid ) == KErrNotFound )
   292         {
   293         // does not already exist so create and add to the array
   294         COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsPolicy::AddPolicyClientL - adding client with sid=0x%x" ), aSid.iId ) );
   296         // create new client to be added to the array and put on cleanup stack
   297         CPolicyClient* ptrClient = CPolicyClient::NewLC( aPriority, aSid,
   298                                                          aFeedbackClient,
   299                                                          aAppName );
   301         // append the new client to the array
   302         iClientArray.AppendL( ptrClient );
   304         // array now owns the new client so pop it off the cleanup stack
   305         CleanupStack::Pop( ptrClient );
   306         }
   307     else
   308         {
   309         // client already exists so return KErrAlreadyExists
   310         COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsPolicy::AddPolicyClientL - client already exists with sid=0x%x" ), aSid.iId ) );
   311         ret = KErrAlreadyExists;
   312         }
   314     return ret;
   315     }
   317 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   318 // Searches for client with the given sid.
   319 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 //
   321 TInt CHWRMHapticsPolicy::FindClient( const TSecureId& aSid ) const
   322     {
   323     TInt index = KErrNotFound;
   325     for( TInt i = 0; i < iClientArray.Count() && index == KErrNotFound; i++ )
   326         {
   327         if( aSid == iClientArray[i]->Sid() )
   328             {
   329             COMPONENT_TRACE( ( _L( "CHWRMHapticsPolicy::FindClient - client found with sid=0x%x" ), aSid.iId ) );
   330             index = i;
   331             }
   332         }
   334     return index;
   335     }
   337 // ====================== Embedded CPolicyClient class =======================
   339 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   340 // Two-phased constructor.
   341 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   342 //
   343 CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient* 
   344 CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::NewL( const TInt aPriority,
   345                                          const TSecureId& aSid,
   346                                          const TBool aFeedbackClient,
   347                                          const TDesC8& aAppName )
   348     {
   349     CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient* self = NewLC( aPriority, aSid, 
   350                                                      aFeedbackClient,
   351                                                      aAppName );
   352     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   353     return self;
   354     }
   356 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   357 // Two-phased constructor. Leaves instance on the cleanup stack.
   358 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 //
   360 CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient*
   361 CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::NewLC( const TInt aPriority, 
   362                                           const TSecureId& aSid,
   363                                           const TBool aFeedbackClient, 
   364                                           const TDesC8& aAppName)
   365     {
   366     CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient* self =
   367         new( ELeave ) CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient( aPriority, aSid, 
   368                                                          aFeedbackClient );
   370     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   371     self->ConstructL( aAppName );
   373     return self;
   374     }
   376 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   377 // Destructor.
   378 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   379 //
   380 CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::~CPolicyClient()
   381     {
   382     delete iAppName;
   383     }
   385 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 // Returns the clients priority.
   387 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   388 //
   389 TInt CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::Priority() const
   390     {
   391     return iPriority;
   392     }
   394 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 // Returns the clients ID.
   396 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 //
   398 TSecureId CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::Sid() const
   399     {
   400     return iSid;
   401     }
   403 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 // Returns ETrue if feedback client.
   405 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   406 //
   407 TBool CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::FeedbackClient() const
   408     {
   409     return iFeedbackClient;
   410     }
   412 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   413 // Returns the client application name.
   414 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   415 //
   416 const TDesC& CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::AppName() const
   417     {
   418     return *iAppName;
   419     }
   421 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   422 // C++ constructor.
   423 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   424 //
   425 CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::CPolicyClient( TInt aPriority, 
   426                                                   const TSecureId& aSid,
   427                                                   const TBool aFeedbackClient)
   428     : iPriority( aPriority ), iSid( aSid ), iFeedbackClient( aFeedbackClient )
   429     {
   430     }
   432 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 // By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   434 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 //
   436 void CHWRMHapticsPolicy::CPolicyClient::ConstructL( const TDesC8& aAppName )
   437     {
   438     // create the descriptor for the appname
   439     iAppName = HBufC::NewL( aAppName.Length() );
   441     // and copy the 8 bit descriptor into it
   442     iAppName->Des().Copy( aAppName );
   443     }
   445 // End of File