changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Vibra control API implementation that uses HWRM vibra API
    15 *                instead of DOS.
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include "vibractrlwrapperimpl.h"
    24 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    26 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    27 // CVibraControlImpl::CVibraControlImpl
    28 // Constructor with notify handling.
    29 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 //
    31 CVibraControlImpl::CVibraControlImpl(MVibraControlObserver* aCallback)
    32     :iCallback(aCallback),
    33     iVibra(NULL)
    34     {
    35     //...
    36     }
    38 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 // CVibraControlImpl::~CVibraControlImpl
    40 // Destructor
    41 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 //
    43 CVibraControlImpl::~CVibraControlImpl()
    44     {
    45     delete iVibra;
    46     iVibra = NULL;
    48     // PCLint demands
    49     iCallback = NULL;
    50     }
    52 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 // CVibraControlImpl::ConstructL
    54 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
    55 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 //
    57 void CVibraControlImpl::ConstructL()
    58     {
    59     // Ignore status change notifications caused by initialization
    60     // to make functionality similar to old vibra.
    61     iVibraRouteEvents = EFalse;
    63     // To get access vibra thru DOS
    64     iVibra = CHWRMVibra::NewL(this);
    66     iVibraRouteEvents = ETrue;
    67     }
    70 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // CVibraControlImpl::HandleErrorL
    72 // Handles error from HWRM Vibra API
    73 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 void CVibraControlImpl::HandleErrorL(TInt aError)
    75     {
    76     if ( aError != KErrNone )
    77         {
    78         if ( aError == KErrAccessDenied )
    79             {
    80             NotifyRequestStatus(EVibraRequestNotAllowed);
    81             }
    82         else 
    83             {
    84             NotifyRequestStatus(EVibraRequestFail);
    85             if ( aError == KErrArgument || aError == KErrNotSupported )
    86                 {
    87                 User::Leave(aError);
    88                 }
    89             else
    90                 {
    91                 User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
    92                 }
    93             }        
    94         }
    95     else
    96         {
    97         NotifyRequestStatus(EVibraRequestOK);
    98         iExpectingStop = ETrue;  // Expecting vibra to be stopped by HWRM timer soon.
    99         }
   100     }
   102 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   103 // CVibraControlImpl::StartVibraL:
   104 // Route call to HWRM Vibra API
   105 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 EXPORT_C void CVibraControlImpl::StartVibraL(TUint16 aDuration, TInt aIntensity)
   107     {
   108     if ( aIntensity != 0 )
   109         {        
   110         TRAPD(err, iVibra->StartVibraL(aDuration, aIntensity));
   111         HandleErrorL(err);
   112         }
   113     else
   114         {
   115         StopVibraL();
   116         }    
   117     }
   119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 // CVibraControlImpl::StartVibraL:
   121 // Route call to HWRM Vibra API
   122 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 EXPORT_C void CVibraControlImpl::StartVibraL(TUint16 aDuration)
   124     {
   125     TRAPD(err, iVibra->StartVibraL(aDuration));
   127     HandleErrorL(err);
   128     }
   130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 // CVibraControlImpl::StopVibra
   132 // Vibra is stopped and timer supervising vibra is cancelled.
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 EXPORT_C void CVibraControlImpl::StopVibraL()
   135     {
   136     TRAPD(err, iVibra->StopVibraL());
   138     if ( err != KErrNone )
   139         {
   140         NotifyRequestStatus(EVibraRequestUnableToStop);
   141         User::Leave(err);
   142         }
   143     else
   144         {
   145         NotifyRequestStatus(EVibraRequestStopped);
   146         }   
   147     }
   149 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   150 // CVibraControlImpl::VibraSettings
   151 // Mode of the vibra is returned (from user profiles)
   152 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153 EXPORT_C CVibraControl::TVibraModeState CVibraControlImpl::VibraSettings() const
   154     {
   155     CHWRMVibra::TVibraModeState hwrmState = iVibra->VibraSettings();
   157     CVibraControl::TVibraModeState retval;
   159     switch (hwrmState)
   160         {
   161         case CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeON:
   162             {
   163             retval = CVibraControl::EVibraModeON;
   164             break;
   165             }
   166         case CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeOFF:
   167             {
   168             retval = CVibraControl::EVibraModeOFF;
   169             break;
   170             }
   171         default:
   172             {
   173             retval = CVibraControl::EVibraModeUnknown;
   174             break;
   175             }
   176         }
   178     return retval;
   179     }
   181 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // CVibraControlImpl::NotifyRequestStatus
   183 // VibraRequestStatus callback method is called if there is observer who is
   184 // listening it.
   185 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 void CVibraControlImpl::NotifyRequestStatus(TVibraRequestStatus aStatus)
   187     {
   188     if (iCallback && iVibraRouteEvents  )
   189         {
   190         iCallback->VibraRequestStatus(aStatus);
   191         }
   192     }
   194 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 // CVibraControlImpl::VibraModeChanged
   196 // Handler for events from HWRM Vibra API
   197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 void CVibraControlImpl::VibraModeChanged(CHWRMVibra::TVibraModeState aStatus)
   199     {
   200     if ( iCallback && iVibraRouteEvents )
   201         {        
   202         if ( aStatus == CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeON )
   203             {
   204             iCallback->VibraModeStatus(CVibraControl::EVibraModeON);
   205             }
   206         else if ( aStatus == CHWRMVibra::EVibraModeOFF )
   207             {
   208             iCallback->VibraModeStatus(CVibraControl::EVibraModeOFF);
   209             }
   210         else
   211             {
   212             iCallback->VibraModeStatus(CVibraControl::EVibraModeUnknown);
   213             }
   214         }
   215     }
   217 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   218 // CVibraControlImpl::VibraStatusChanged
   219 // Handler for events from HWRM Vibra API
   220 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 void CVibraControlImpl::VibraStatusChanged(CHWRMVibra::TVibraStatus aStatus)
   222     {
   223     // Only notify stop if expecting one. This is required to handle
   224     // stop generated automatically by HWRM vibra timer. All other
   225     // status notifications are either already handled in initial call or 
   226     // relate to some other vibra client.
   227     if ( iExpectingStop && aStatus == CHWRMVibra::EVibraStatusStopped )
   228         {
   229         iExpectingStop = EFalse;
   230         NotifyRequestStatus(EVibraRequestStopped);
   231         }
   232     }
   234 //  End of File