changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Sensor server transaction base class
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include "sensrvmessage.h"
    25 class CSensrvSession;
    26 class CSensrvProxyManager;
    27 class CSensrvPluginProxy;
    28 class CSensrvChannel;
    30 /**
    31  *  Base class for Sensor Server transactions
    32  *
    33  *  @since S60 5.0
    34  */
    35 class CSensrvTransaction : public CBase
    36     {
    37     public:
    39         /** 
    40         * Transaction types
    41         *
    42         * Mediator transactions are never owned by transaction queues and are reused, 
    43         * even if the regular transactions are not. They are used for passing events 
    44         * internally between SSY and Server main thread.
    45         */
    46         enum TSensrvTransactionType
    47             {
    48             ETransTypeNone,                      ///< Uninitialized type.
    49             ETransTypeLoadSsy = 1,               ///< Loads SSY.
    50             ETransTypeDelayedInitialize,         ///< Reloads plugin after unloading is complete
    51             ETransTypeDelayedOpenChannel,        ///< Reattempts Open channel after loading is complete
    52             ETransTypeClientQueryChannels,       ///< Waiting transaction for channel info queries
    53             ETransTypeOpenChannel,               ///< Opens channel
    54             ETransTypeCloseChannel,              ///< Closes channel
    55             ETransTypeStartListening,            ///< Starts listening to a channel
    56             ETransTypeStopListening,             ///< Stops listening to a channel
    57             ETransTypeGetProperty,               ///< Gets single property of a channel
    58             ETransTypeGetAllProperties,          ///< Gets all properties of a channel  
    59             ETransTypeSetProperty,               ///< Sets single property of a channel
    60             ETransTypeStartConditionListening,   ///< Starts condition listening
    61             ETransTypeStopConditionListening,    ///< Stops condition listening
    62             ETransTypeMediatorFirst = 10000,     ///< Just here to indicate first internal transaction.  
    63             ETransTypeMediatorNewDataAvailable,  ///< SSY mediator notifies channel about new data with this transaction.
    64             ETransTypeMediatorForceBufferFilled, ///< Channel listener notifies SSY that buffer fill needs to be forced.
    65             ETransTypeMediatorForceChannelClose, ///< SSY mediator notifies channel that it needs to be closed because of error situation.
    66             ETransTypeMediatorPropertyChanged,    ///< SSY mediator notifies channels about changed property.
    67             ETransTypeMediatorChannelsChanged    ///< SSY mediator notifies proxy about channel registration
    68             };
    70          /**
    71          * Transactino states
    72          */
    73          enum TSensrvTransactionState
    74             {
    75             ETransStateUninitialized,      ///< Initial state of transaction
    76             ETransStateQueued,             ///< Transaction has been queued
    77             ETransStateExecuting,          ///< Transaction is executing
    78             ETransStateHandledAtSsy,       ///< Transaction has been handled at SSY.
    79             ETransStateNotifyFailed,       ///< Transaction notifying to a mediator failed
    80             ETransStateCompleted           ///< Transaction has been completed and will be deleted shortly.
    81             };
    83          /**
    84          * Channel open message data
    85          */
    86         class TChannelOpenMessageData
    87             {
    88         public:
    89             inline TChannelOpenMessageData( TInt aMaxBufferingCount, TInt aDataItemSize ) : 
    90                 iMaxBufferingCount(aMaxBufferingCount), iDataItemSize(aDataItemSize) {}
    92             TInt iMaxBufferingCount;
    93             TInt iDataItemSize;
    94             };
    96         /**
    97         * Two phase constructor
    98         *
    99         * @since S60 5.0
   100         * @param aMessage The message related to this transaction. 
   101         *         Can be NULL if transaction has no client.
   102         *         Ownership of the message passes to this transaction.
   103         * @param aProxy The plugin proxy related to this transaction. 
   104         *         Can be NULL if transaction is not related to a single proxy.
   105         * @param aChannel The channel related to this transaction.
   106         *         Can be NULL if transaction is not related to a channel.
   107         * @param aType The transaction type.
   108         * @return New CSensrvTransaction instance
   109         * @exception KErrNoMemory Out of memory
   110         */
   111         static CSensrvTransaction* NewL(CSensrvMessage* aMessage, 
   112                                         CSensrvPluginProxy* aProxy, 
   113                                         CSensrvChannel* aChannel,
   114                                         TSensrvTransactionType aType);
   116         /**
   117         * Two phase constructor, leaves newly created object to cleanupstack.
   118         *
   119         * @since S60 5.0
   120         * @param aMessage The message related to this transaction. 
   121         *         Can be NULL if transaction has no client.
   122         *         Ownership of the message passes to this transaction.
   123         * @param aProxy The plugin proxy related to this transaction. 
   124         *         Can be NULL if transaction is not related to a single proxy.
   125         * @param aChannel The channel related to this transaction.
   126         *         Can be NULL if transaction is not related to a channel.
   127         * @param aType The transaction type.
   128         * @return New CSensrvTransaction instance
   129         * @exception KErrNoMemory Out of memory
   130         */
   131         static CSensrvTransaction* NewLC(CSensrvMessage* aMessage, 
   132                                         CSensrvPluginProxy* aProxy, 
   133                                         CSensrvChannel* aChannel,
   134                                         TSensrvTransactionType aType);
   136         /**
   137         * Destructor.
   138         */
   139         virtual ~CSensrvTransaction();
   141         /**
   142         * Completes the transaction and related message, if any. 
   143         *
   144         * @since S60 5.0
   145         */
   146         void Complete();
   148         /**
   149         * Gets session related to this transaction.
   150         *
   151         * @since S60 5.0
   152         * @return Session pointer. NULL if transaction has no client.
   153         */
   154         inline CSensrvSession* Session() const { return iMessage ? iMessage->Session() : NULL; };
   156         /**
   157         * Gets message related to this transaction.
   158         * 
   159         * @since S60 5.0
   160         * @return Message pointer. NULL if transaction has no client.
   161         */
   162         inline CSensrvMessage* Message() const { return iMessage; };
   164         /**
   165         * Gets the plugin proxy related to transaction.
   166         *
   167         * @since S60 5.0
   168         * @return Related proxy. NULL if transaction is not related to a single proxy.
   169         */
   170         inline CSensrvPluginProxy* Proxy() const { return iProxy; };
   172         /**
   173         * Gets related channel pointer.
   174         *
   175         * @since S60 5.0
   176         * @return Pointer to related channel. NULL if transaction is not related to a channel.
   177         */
   178         inline CSensrvChannel* Channel() const { return iChannel; };
   180         /**
   181         * Gets the transaction type.
   182         *
   183         * @since S60 5.0
   184         * @return Transaction type.
   185         */
   186         inline TSensrvTransactionType Type() const { return iType; };
   188         /**
   189         * Checks if transaction is a mediator transaction.
   190         *
   191         * @since S60 5.0
   192         * @return ETrue if transaction is a mediator transaction
   193         */
   194         inline TBool IsMediatorType() const { return iType > ETransTypeMediatorFirst ? ETrue : EFalse; };
   196         /**
   197         * Gets transaction timestamp.
   198         *
   199         * @since S60 5.0
   200         * @return TTime Transaction creation timestamp
   201         */
   202         inline const TTime& TimeStamp() const { return iTimeStamp; };
   204         /**
   205         * Resets transaction timestamp to current time.
   206         *
   207         * @since S60 5.0
   208         * @return TTime New transaction timestamp
   209         */
   210         inline const TTime& ResetTimeStamp() { iTimeStamp.HomeTime(); return iTimeStamp; };
   212         /**
   213         * Gets transaction error.
   214         *
   215         * @since S60 5.0
   216         * @return Error code.
   217         */
   218         inline TInt ErrorCode() const { return iErrorCode; };
   220         /**
   221         * Gets transaction state.
   222         *
   223         * @since S60 5.0
   224         * @return Transaction state.
   225         */
   226         inline TInt State() const { return iState; };
   228         /**
   229         * Sets transaction state.
   230         *
   231         * @since S60 5.0
   232         * @param aState The new state for transaction. 
   233         */
   234         void SetState(TSensrvTransactionState aState);
   236         /**
   237         * Sets data to message to be returned to client.
   238         * 
   239         * @since S60 5.0
   240         * @param aData Data to set to the message. 
   241         *              How TAny pointer is interpreted depends on transaction type:
   242         *              ETransTypeClientQueryChannels - RSensrvChannelInfoList*,
   243         *              ETransTypeOpenChannel - TChannelOpenMessageData*
   244         * @return KErrBadHandle Message is NULL.
   245         *         KErrBadDescriptor Message parameters are not descriptor type.
   246         *         KErrOverflow Message descriptor too small.
   247         */
   248         TInt SetMessageData(TAny* aData);
   250         /**
   251         * Sets transaction error.
   252         *
   253         * @since S60 5.0
   254         * @param aErrorCode Error code
   255         */
   256         void SetErrorCode(TInt aErrorCode);
   258         /**
   259         * Extracts message from transaction. 
   260         * Message completion responsibility transfers to caller.
   261         *
   262         * @since S60 5.0
   263         * @return The message previously owned by transaction.
   264         */
   265         CSensrvMessage* ExtractMessage();
   267     private:
   269         /**
   270          * C++ constructor
   271          *
   272          * @since S60 5.0
   273          * @param aMessage The message related to this transaction. 
   274          *         Can be NULL if transaction has no client.
   275          * @param aProxy The plugin proxy related to this transaction. 
   276          *         Can be NULL if transaction is not related to a single proxy.
   277          * @param aChannel The channel related to this transaction.
   278          *         Can be NULL if transaction is not related to a channel.
   279          * @param aType The transaction type.
   280          */
   281         CSensrvTransaction(CSensrvMessage* aMessage, 
   282                            CSensrvPluginProxy* aProxy, 
   283                            CSensrvChannel* aChannel,
   284                            TSensrvTransactionType aType);
   286     private:
   288         /**
   289         * Message related to transaction.
   290         * Can be NULL for clientless internal transactions.
   291         * Not own, but is responsible for completion. 
   292         * All messages are owned by session objects.
   293         */
   294         CSensrvMessage* iMessage;
   296         /**
   297         * Plugin proxy related to transaction.
   298         * Can be NULL for transactions not related to a single proxy.
   299         * Not Own.
   300         */
   301         CSensrvPluginProxy* iProxy;
   303         /**
   304         * Channel related to transaction.
   305         * Can be NULL for transactions not related to a channel.
   306         * Not Own.
   307         */
   308         CSensrvChannel* iChannel;
   310         /**
   311         * Transaction type.
   312         */
   313         TSensrvTransactionType iType;
   315         /**
   316         * Transaction state.
   317         */
   318         TSensrvTransactionState iState;
   320         /**
   321         * Transaction creation time. 
   322         */
   323         TTime iTimeStamp;
   325         /**
   326         * Error related to transaction.
   327         */
   328         TInt iErrorCode;
   329     };
   333 #endif // SENSRVTRANSACTION_H