changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
child 27 4a5c47a50617
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e1aa6a622a0
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "ssmclayer.h"
    17 #include "ssmdebug.h"
    18 #include <e32cmn.h>
    19 #include <ssm/ssmstatemanager.h>
    20 #include <ssm/ssmstateawaresession.h>
    21 #include <ssm/ssmdomaindefs.h>
    22 #include <ssm/ssmsubstates.hrh>
    23 #include <ssm/ssmadaptationcli.h>
    25 #include <ssm/starterclient.h>
    26 #include <ssm/startupdomainpskeys.h>
    27 #include <ssm/ssmuiproviderdll.h>
    29 #include <ssm/startupadaptationcommands.h>
    30 #include <ssm/clayerswp.hrh>
    31 #include <ssm/ssmsystemwideproperty.h>
    32 #include <ssm/ssmstates.hrh>
    33 #include <ssm/ssmpatchableconstants.h>
    35 // The following assert ensures that it's ok to just copy the handle from the 
    36 // RSsmStateManager class as there are no other data members if RSsmStateManage
    37 // is the same size as RSessionBase.
    38 //
    39 // This assert will fail if extra data members are added to RSsmStateManager
    40 // This ensures that the code in RStarterSession is correct.
    42 __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(RSessionBase) == sizeof(RSsmStateManager)); //lint -e752 Suppress local declarator not referenced 
    45 EXPORT_C TInt RStarterSession::Connect()
    46 	{
    47 	RSsmStateManager session;
    48 	TInt err = session.Connect();
    49 	if (err == KErrNone)
    50 		{
    51 		// Connection successful, copy handle from session to this handle
    52 		SetHandle(session.Handle());
    53 		}
    54 	// session is not closed before returning as this now owns the handle 
    55     return err;
    56     }
    58 /*
    59      * Helper Function that reads KRFStatusPropertyKey SWP using RSsmSystemWideProperty and returns.
    60      * @return KErrNone on Success
    61      * Returns an error code from RSsmSystemWideProperty API - Connect & GetValue. 
    62      * On resulting error return, aRFSwpStatus contains ESsmRfOff
    63      * 
    64      * @internalComponent
    65 */	
    66 static TInt GetRFSwpStatus ( TInt& aRFSwpStatus )
    67 	{
    68 	TUint rfStatusPropertyKey = CSsmUiSpecific::RFStatusPropertyKey ();
    70 	RSsmSystemWideProperty swp;
    71 	TInt err = swp.Connect ( rfStatusPropertyKey );
    72 	DEBUGPRINT2A ( "RF SWP connect error = %d ",err );
    73 	TInt rfStatus ( ESsmRfOff );
    74 	if ( err == KErrNone )
    75 		{
    76 		err = swp.GetValue ( rfStatus );
    77 		DEBUGPRINT3A ( "RF SWP status = %d ( err %d )", rfStatus, err );
    78 		}
    80 	aRFSwpStatus = rfStatus;
    81 	swp.Close ();
    82 	return err;
    83 	}
    85 /**
    86  * This adjustment specifies how to convert start-up sub-states
    87  * to the states defined in StartupAdaptation::TGlobalState
    88  * 
    89  * It is calculated using the same method specified in CSaaStateAdaptation::MapToStartupAdaptationState(),
    90  * see that method for further details.
    91  * 
    92  * @internalComponent
    93  */
    94 const TInt KStartupSubStateAdjustment = static_cast<TInt>(StartupAdaptation::ESWStateStartingUiServices) 
    95                                     - static_cast<TInt>(ESsmStartupSubStateNonCritical);
    97 /**
    98  * Helper Function that is used for performing transition to startup substates .
    99  * @return KErrNone on Success and returns an error if RequestStateTransition fails or transition is not supported 
   100  * 
   101  * @internalComponent
   102 */
   103 static TInt TransitionToStartupSubState(TSsmState &aCurrentState, RSsmStateManager& aSession)
   104     {    
   105     TInt err = KErrNone;
   106     TInt reason = KSsmCLayerNullReason;
   107     TUint16 mainstate = aCurrentState.MainState();
   108     TUint16 substate = 0; 
   110     DEBUGPRINT2A( "RStarterSession::SetState, mainstate = %d", mainstate );                
   111     if( mainstate == ESsmStartup)
   112         {
   113         switch(aCurrentState.SubState())
   114             {
   115             case StartupAdaptation::ESWStateCharging - KStartupSubStateAdjustment:
   116                 {
   117                 substate = StartupAdaptation::ESWStateChargingToNormal - KStartupSubStateAdjustment;
   118                 TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(mainstate, substate, reason);
   119                 // Make request for state transition
   120                 err = aSession.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
   121                 break;
   122                 }
   123             case StartupAdaptation::ESWStateAlarm - KStartupSubStateAdjustment:
   124                 {
   125                 substate = StartupAdaptation::ESWStateAlarmToNormal - KStartupSubStateAdjustment;
   126                 TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(mainstate, substate, reason);
   127                 // Make request for state transition
   128                 err = aSession.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
   129                 break;
   130                 }
   131             default:
   132                 {
   133                 err = KErrArgument;
   134                 }
   135             }
   136         }
   137     else
   138        {
   139        err = KErrArgument;
   140        }                    
   141     return err;    
   142     }
   144 /**
   145  * Helper Function that is used for obtaining the currentstate.
   146  * @return KErrNone on Success and returns an error if RSsmStateAwareSession fails to connect to domainId KSM2UiServicesDomain3
   147  * @internalComponent
   148 */
   149 static TInt GetCurrentState( TSsmState &aCurrentState )
   150     {    
   151     RSsmStateAwareSession sas;
   152     const TInt err = sas.Connect(KSM2UiServicesDomain3);
   153     if (KErrNone == err)
   154         {
   155         aCurrentState = sas.State();
   156         sas.Close();       
   157         }
   158     return err;
   159     }
   161 EXPORT_C TInt RStarterSession::SetState( const TGlobalState aState )
   162 	{
   163 	RSsmStateManager session;
   164 	// Set session to use the handle stored in this
   165 	session.SetHandle(Handle());
   167 	DEBUGPRINT2A( "RStarterSession::SetState( %d )", aState );
   168     TInt err = KErrNone;
   169     //Initialising main state with an invalid main state (i.e ESsmMainSystemStateMax)
   170     TUint16 mainstate = ESsmMainSystemStateMax;
   171     TUint16 substate = 0;
   172     TSsmState currentState;
   173     TUint rfStatusPropertyKey = CSsmUiSpecific::RFStatusPropertyKey();
   174     switch (aState)
   175 		{
   176 		case ENormal:
   177 		    {
   178 		    //Switch depending on the patchable constant KSsmGracefulOffline is enabled
   179             if (IsSsmGracefulOffline())
   180                 {
   181                 err = GetCurrentState(currentState);
   182                 if ( err == KErrNone )
   183                     {
   184                     TInt globalSystemState;
   185                     err =RProperty::Get(KPSUidStartup, KPSGlobalSystemState, globalSystemState);
   186                     if( err == KErrNone )
   187                         {
   188                         mainstate = currentState.MainState();
   189                         //Allow state transition to normal RF ON if global state is not ESwStateNormalRfOn
   190                         if ((mainstate == ESsmNormal) && (globalSystemState != ESwStateNormalRfOn))
   191                             {
   192                             substate = ESsmNormalRfOnSubState;
   193                             TInt reason = KSsmCLayerNullReason;
   194                             TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(ESsmNormal,substate, reason);
   195                             err = session.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
   196                             }
   197                         else
   198                             {
   199                             //Transition to startup substate
   200                             err = TransitionToStartupSubState(currentState, session);
   201                             }
   202                         }
   203                     }
   204                 }
   205             else
   206                 {
   207                 TInt rfSwpValue;
   208                 err = GetRFSwpStatus ( rfSwpValue );
   209                 // Change value of RF Swp (to ESsmRfOn) only if it is not ESsmRfOn.
   210                 if (err == KErrNone && rfSwpValue != ESsmRfOn)
   211                     {
   212                     TSsmSwp swpRFStatus ( rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmRfOn );
   213                     err = session.RequestSwpChange ( swpRFStatus );
   214                     }
   215                 else
   216                     {
   217                     err = GetCurrentState(currentState);
   218                     if(err == KErrNone)
   219                         {
   220                         //Transition to startup substate
   221                         err = TransitionToStartupSubState(currentState, session);
   222                         }
   223                     }
   224                 }
   225             break;
   226             }
   227 		case EAlarm:
   228 			{
   229 			// Charging to alarm
   230 			mainstate = ESsmStartup;
   231 			substate = StartupAdaptation::ESWStateChargingToAlarm - KStartupSubStateAdjustment;
   232 			TInt reason = KSsmCLayerNullReason;
   233 			TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(mainstate, substate, reason);
   234 			// Make request and return success.
   235 			err = session.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
   236 			break;
   237 			}
   238             case ECharging:
   239 			{
   240 			// Alarm to charging
   241 			mainstate = ESsmStartup;
   242 			substate = StartupAdaptation::ESWStateAlarmToCharging - KStartupSubStateAdjustment;
   243 			TInt reason = KSsmCLayerNullReason;
   244 			TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(mainstate, substate, reason);
   245 			// Make request and return success.
   246 			err = session.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
   247 			break;
   248 			}
   249 		case EOffline:
   250 			{
   251 			if (IsSsmGracefulOffline())
   252                 {
   253                 TInt globalSystemState;
   254                 err =RProperty::Get(KPSUidStartup, KPSGlobalSystemState, globalSystemState); 
   255                 if( err == KErrNone )
   256                     {
   257                     //Allow state transition if global state is not ESwStateNormalRfOff
   258                     if (globalSystemState != ESwStateNormalRfOff)
   259                         {
   260                         const TInt reason = KSsmCLayerNullReason;
   261                         substate = ESsmNormalRfOffSubState;
   262                         TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(ESsmNormal, substate, reason);
   263                         // Make request for substate transition to offline
   264                         err = session.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
   265                         }
   266                     }                  
   267                 }
   268             else
   269                 {
   270                 TInt rfSwpValue;
   271                 err = GetRFSwpStatus ( rfSwpValue );
   272                 // Change value of RF SwP (to ESsmRfOff) only if it is not ESsmRfOff.
   273                 if ( err == KErrNone && rfSwpValue != ESsmRfOff )
   274                     {
   275                     TSsmSwp swpRFStatus ( rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmRfOff );
   276                     err = session.RequestSwpChange ( swpRFStatus );
   277                     }
   278                 }
   280             break;
   281 			}
   282 		case EBTSap:
   283 			{
   284 			TInt rfSwpValue;
   285 			err = GetRFSwpStatus ( rfSwpValue );
   286 			// Change value of RF Swp (to ESsmBtSap) only if it is notESsmBtSap.
   287 			if ( err == KErrNone &&	rfSwpValue != ESsmBtSap )
   288 				{
   289 				TSsmSwp swpRFStatus ( rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmBtSap );
   290 				err = session.RequestSwpChange ( swpRFStatus );
   291 				}
   292 			break;
   293 			}
   294 		default:
   295 			{
   296 			err = KErrArgument;
   297 			}
   298 		}
   300 	// Session is not closed before returning as this owns the handle
   301 	return err;
   302 	}
   304 EXPORT_C void RStarterSession::Reset( const TResetReason aReason )
   305 	{
   306 	RSsmStateManager session;
   307     // Set session to use the handle stored in this
   308     session.SetHandle(Handle());
   310     // Package up the state transition
   311     TUint16 mainstate = ESsmShutdown;
   312     TUint16 substate = KSsmAnySubState;
   313     TInt reason = aReason;
   314     TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(mainstate, substate, reason);
   316     // Make request and ignore return value
   317     session.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
   318     // Session is not closed before returning as this owns the handle
   319     }
   321 EXPORT_C void RStarterSession::Shutdown()
   322 	{
   323 	RSsmStateManager session;
   324     // Set session to use the handle stored in this
   325     session.SetHandle(Handle());
   327     // Package up the state transition
   328     TUint16 mainstate = ESsmShutdown;
   329     TUint16 substate = KSsmAnySubState;
   330     TInt reason = KSsmCLayerPowerOffReason; // A null reason on shutdown will lead to a poweroff
   331     TSsmStateTransition stateinfo(mainstate, substate, reason);
   333     // Make request and ignore return value
   334     session.RequestStateTransition(stateinfo);
   335     // Session is not closed before returning as this owns the handle
   336     }
   338 EXPORT_C TInt RStarterSession::ResetNetwork()
   339 	{
   340 	RSsmStateManager session;
   341 	// Set session to use the handle stored in this
   342 	session.SetHandle(Handle());
   344 	// Make request and return success.
   345 	TUint rfStatusPropertyKey = CSsmUiSpecific::RFStatusPropertyKey();
   346 	TSsmSwp swpRFStatus(rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmRfOff);
   348 	RSsmSystemWideProperty swp;
   349 	swp.Connect(rfStatusPropertyKey);
   351 	TRequestStatus status;
   352 	//Subscribe for SwP changes
   353 	swp.Subscribe(status);
   355 	TInt requestResult= session.RequestSwpChange(swpRFStatus);
   356 	if(KErrNone == requestResult)
   357 		{
   358 		// Wait for SwP Change
   359 	    User::WaitForRequest(status);
   360 		swpRFStatus.Set(rfStatusPropertyKey, ESsmRfOn);
   361 		requestResult = session.RequestSwpChange(swpRFStatus);
   362 		}
   363 	swp.Close();
   364 	// Session is not closed before returning as this owns the handle
   365 	return requestResult;
   366 	}
   368 EXPORT_C TBool RStarterSession::IsRTCTimeValid()
   369 	{
   370     TBool isRTCValid = EFalse;
   372 	//Ignoring return code for compatability reasons
   373     RProperty::Get(CSsmUiSpecific::ValidateRTCPropertyCategory(), 
   374                     CSsmUiSpecific::ValidateRTCPropertyKey(), isRTCValid);
   375     return isRTCValid;
   376     }
   378 EXPORT_C TInt RStarterSession::ActivateRfForEmergencyCall()
   379 	{
   380     RSsmEmergencyCallRfAdaptation ecradaptation;
   381     TInt err = ecradaptation.Connect();
   382     if (err != KErrNone)
   383     	{
   384     	return err;
   385     	}
   386     TRequestStatus status;
   387     // Request activation
   388     ecradaptation.ActivateRfForEmergencyCall(status);
   389     // Wait for completion
   390     User::WaitForRequest(status);
   391     ecradaptation.Close();
   392     // Return the completion value of status
   393     return status.Int();
   394     }
   396 EXPORT_C TInt RStarterSession::DeactivateRfAfterEmergencyCall()
   397 	{
   398 	RSsmEmergencyCallRfAdaptation ecradaptation;
   399     TInt err = ecradaptation.Connect();
   400     if (err != KErrNone)
   401     	{
   402     	return err;
   403     	}
   404     TRequestStatus status;
   405     // Request activation
   406     ecradaptation.DeactivateRfForEmergencyCall(status);
   407     // Wait for completion
   408     User::WaitForRequest(status);
   409     ecradaptation.Close();
   410     // Return the completion value of status
   411     return status.Int();
   412     }
   414 EXPORT_C TInt RStarterSession::EndSplashScreen()
   415 	{
   416 	RProperty splashscreen;
   417 	TInt err = splashscreen.Attach(KPSUidStartup, KPSSplashShutdown, EOwnerThread);
   418 	if (err != KErrNone)
   419 		{
   420 		return err;
   421 		}
   423 	err = splashscreen.Set(ESplashShutdown);
   425 	splashscreen.Close();
   426 	return err;
   427     }