changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <startupproperties.h>
    17 #include <ssm/ssmstartupproperties.h>
    19 #include "sysmonclisess.h"
    20 #include "sysmoncliserv.h"
    21 #include "shmadebug.h"
    23 /**
    24 Default constructor.
    25 Creates an instance of the RSysMonSession class
    26 @publishedPartner
    27 @released
    28 */
    29 EXPORT_C RSysMonSession::RSysMonSession() : RSessionBase()
    30 	{
    31 	}
    33 /**
    34 Opens connection with SysMonServer
    35 @return returns KErrNone or an error code.
    36 @publishedPartner
    37 @released
    38 */
    39 EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::OpenL()
    40 	{
    41 	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Opening session"));
    42 	User::LeaveIfError(CreateSession(KSysMonServerName, TVersion(0,0,0), 1));
    43 	}
    45 /**
    46 Closes connection with SysMonServer
    47 @publishedPartner
    48 @released
    49 */
    50 EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::Close()
    51 	{
    52 	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Closing session"));
    53 	RSessionBase::Close();
    54 	}
    56 /**
    57 Used to initiate the monitoring of a started component using CStartupProperties.
    58 Example use:
    59 @code
    60 	CStartupProperties* prop = CStartupProperties::NewLC(KFilename, KNullDesC);
    61 	prop->SetMonitored(ETrue);
    62 	prop->SetStartupType(EStartApp);
    63 	prop->SetStartMethod(EWaitForStart);
    64 	prop->SetNoOfRetries(1);
    65 	prop->SetTimeout(1000);
    66 	prop->SetRecoveryParams(EIgnoreOnFailure, 0);
    67 	iMySysMonSession.MonitorL(*prop, process);
    68 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prop);
    69 @endcode
    71 @param aStartupProperties Properties for the component to be monitored.
    72 		Number of retries and timeout in @c aStartupProperties should only be used with 
    73 		start-method @c EWaitForStart or @c EFireAndForget. 
    74 		Start-method @c EDeferredWaitForStart can not be used for monitoring.
    75 @param aProcess The running instance of the component to be monitored.
    76 @param aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure Gives the option to initiate monitoring on an already 
    77 		dead process. If the process is already dead, the monitor will be scheduled to recover 
    78 		the process. The default behaviour is to leave and not allow monitoring to be setup if 
    79 		the process is already dead.
    80 @capability ECapabilityProtServ
    81 @capability ECapabilityPowerMgmt for ERestartOSWithMode
    82 @publishedPartner
    83 @deprecated Instead of this use RSysMonSession::MonitorL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties, const RProcess& aProcess, TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure)
    84 @leave KErrDied if @c aProcess is no longer running and @c aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure is false
    85 @leave KErrArgument if @c aStartupProperties contains invalid argument or if @c aProcess contain NULL handle
    86 @leave KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the requied PlatSec capability
    87 @leave KErrAlreadyExists if the process is already registered for monitoring
    88 */
    89 EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorL(const CStartupProperties& aStartupProperties, const RProcess& aProcess, TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure)
    90 	{
    91 	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Monitor process using StartupProperties"));
    92 	DoMonitorL(aStartupProperties, &aProcess, aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure);
    93 	}
    95 /**
    96 Used by a started component to initiate self-monitoring using CStartupProperties.
    98 @param aStartupProperties Properties for itself.
    99 		Number of retries and timeout in @c aStartupProperties should only be used with 
   100 		start-method @c EWaitForStart or @c EFireAndForget.
   101 		Start-method @c EDeferredWaitForStart can not be used for monitoring.		
   102 @capability ECapabilityProtServ for ERestartOS ,ERestartOSWithMode and ECriticalNoRetries
   103 @capability ECapabilityPowerMgmt for ERestartOSWithMode
   104 @publishedPartner
   105 @deprecated Instead of this use RSysMonSession::MonitorSelfL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties)
   106 @leave KErrArgument if @c aStartupProperties contains invalid argument or if @c aProcess contain NULL handle
   107 @leave KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the requied PlatSec capability
   108 @leave KErrAlreadyExists if the process is already registered for monitoring
   109 */
   110 EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorSelfL(const CStartupProperties& aStartupProperties)
   111 	{
   112 	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Monitor self StartupProperties"));
   113 	DoMonitorL(aStartupProperties, NULL, EFalse);
   114 	}
   116 /**
   117 Used to initiate the monitoring of a started component using CSsmStartupProperties
   118 Example use:
   119 @code
   120 	CSsmStartupProperties* prop = CSsmStartupProperties::NewLC(KFilename, KNullDesC);
   121 	prop->SetCommandTypeL(ESsmCmdStartApp);
   122 	prop->SetExecutionBehaviour(ESsmWaitForSignal);	
   123 	prop->SetMonitorInfo(ESsmIgnoreOnFailure, 0, 1000, 1);
   124 	iMySysMonSession.MonitorL(*prop, process);
   125 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prop);
   126 @endcode
   128 @param aSsmStartupProperties Properties for the component to be monitored.
   129 		Number of retries and timeout in @c aSsmStartupProperties should only be used with 
   130 		start-method @c ESsmWaitForSignal or @c ESsmFireAndForget. 
   131 		Start-method @c ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal can not be used for monitoring.
   132 @param aProcess The running instance of the component to be monitored.
   133 @param aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure Gives the option to initiate monitoring on an already 
   134 		dead process. If the process is already dead, the monitor will be scheduled to recover 
   135 		the process. The default behaviour is to leave and not allow monitoring to be setup if 
   136 		the process is already dead.
   137 @capability ECapabilityProtServ
   138 @capability ECapabilityPowerMgmt for ERestartOSWithMode
   139 @publishedPartner
   140 @released
   141 @leave KErrDied if @c aProcess is no longer running and @c aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure is false
   142 @leave KErrArgument if @c aSsmStartupProperties contains invalid argument or if @c aProcess contain NULL handle
   143 @leave KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the requied PlatSec capability
   144 @leave KErrAlreadyExists if the process is already registered for monitoring
   145 */
   146 EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties, const RProcess& aProcess, TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure)
   147 	{
   148 	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Monitor process using SsmStartUpProperties"));
   149 	// Create an old style startupproperties instance using the SsmStartupProperties
   150 	CStartupProperties* startupProperties = ChangeToOldStylePropertiesL(aSsmStartupProperties);
   151 	CleanupStack::PushL(startupProperties);
   152 	DoMonitorL(*startupProperties, &aProcess, aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure);
   153 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(startupProperties);
   154 	}
   156 /**
   157 Used by a started component to initiate self-monitoring using CSsmStartupProperties
   159 @param aSsmStartupProperties Properties for itself.
   160 		Number of retries and timeout in @c aSsmStartupProperties should only be used with 
   161 		start-method @c ESsmWaitForSignal or @c ESsmFireAndForget. 
   162 		Start-method @c ESsmDeferredWaitForSignal can not be used for monitoring.		
   163 @capability ECapabilityProtServ for ERestartOS ,ERestartOSWithMode and ECriticalNoRetries
   164 @capability ECapabilityPowerMgmt for ERestartOSWithMode
   165 @publishedPartner
   166 @released
   167 @leave KErrArgument if @c aSsmStartupProperties contains invalid argument or if @c aProcess contain NULL handle
   168 @leave KErrPermissionDenied if client does not have the requied PlatSec capability
   169 @leave KErrAlreadyExists if the process is already registered for monitoring
   170 */
   171 EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::MonitorSelfL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties)
   172 	{
   173 	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Monitor self using SsmStartUpProperties"));
   174 	// Create an old style startupproperties instance using the SsmStartupProperties
   175 	CStartupProperties* startupProperties = ChangeToOldStylePropertiesL(aSsmStartupProperties);
   176 	CleanupStack::PushL(startupProperties);
   177 	DoMonitorL(*startupProperties, NULL, EFalse);
   178 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(startupProperties);
   179 	}
   181 void RSysMonSession::DoMonitorL(const CStartupProperties& aStartupProperties, const RProcess* aProcess, TBool aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure)
   182 	{
   183 	User::LeaveIfError(Validate(aStartupProperties));
   185 	CBufFlat* const propsBuf = CBufFlat::NewL(aStartupProperties.Size());
   186     CleanupStack::PushL(propsBuf);
   188     aStartupProperties.ExternalizeL(*propsBuf);
   189     TPtr8 propsPtr(propsBuf->Ptr(0));
   191 #ifdef _DEBUG
   192 	TPtrC fileName = aStartupProperties.FileName();
   193 	DEBUGPRINT2(_L("SysMonCli: Initiating monitor for %S"), &fileName);
   194 #endif
   196 	if (aProcess)
   197 		{
   198 		if (aProcess->Handle() == KNullHandle)
   199 			{
   200 			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   201 			}
   203 		TPckg<TProcessId> pidPckg(aProcess->Id());
   204 		TIpcArgs ipcArgs(&propsPtr, &pidPckg, aExecuteRecoveryMethodOnFailure);
   205 		User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(EMonitor, ipcArgs));
   206 		}
   207 	else
   208 		{
   209 		TIpcArgs ipcArgs(&propsPtr);
   210 		User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(EMonitorSelf, ipcArgs));
   211 		}
   213 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(propsBuf);
   214 	}
   216 /**
   217 Used to cancel self-monitoring of a component.
   219 This function is to be called by the component being monitored either by calling 
   220 MonitorL() or MonitorSelfL() function. By calling this function before exiting, 
   221 System Monitor will cancel the monitor request of the component so that System Monitor 
   222 will not restart it after it exit.
   223 @publishedPartner
   224 @released
   225 */
   226 EXPORT_C void RSysMonSession::CancelMonitorSelfL()
   227 	{
   228 	DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Cancelling monitor"));
   229 	User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECancelSelf));
   230 	}
   232 /** Validate CStartupProperties parameter
   233 */
   234 TInt RSysMonSession::Validate(const CStartupProperties& aProp)
   235 	{
   236 	if ((aProp.FileName().Length() > 0) && (aProp.Monitored()) && (aProp.StartupType() == EStartProcess || aProp.StartupType() == EStartApp))
   237 		{
   238 		if((aProp.StartMethod() == EFireAndForget) || (aProp.StartMethod() == EWaitForStart))
   239 			{
   240 			if(((aProp.NoOfRetries() >= 0) && (aProp.Timeout() >= 0)) && 
   241 				(aProp.RecoveryMethod() >= EIgnoreOnFailure && aProp.RecoveryMethod() <= ECriticalNoRetries))
   242 				{
   243 				return KErrNone;
   244 				}
   245 			}
   246 		}
   247 	return KErrArgument;
   248 	}
   250 /**
   251 Used to cancel monitoring of all the components during device shutdown/fail
   253 This function is to be called only by the ssm server. By calling this function early during device shutdown/fail,
   254 System Monitor will cancel all the outstanding monitor requests for all the components so that it will 
   255 not restart them after the application\process finally exit during the device shutdown.
   256 @internalTechnology
   257 @released
   258 */
   259 EXPORT_C TInt RSysMonSession::CancelAllMonitors()
   260     {
   261     DEBUGPRINT1(_L("SysMonCli: Cancelling all the monitors"));
   262     return SendReceive(ECancelAllMonitors);
   263     }
   265 /**
   266 Creates old style startup properties from the given CSsmStartupProperties.
   267 @param aSsmStartupProperties Ssm Startup properties.
   268 @return Pointer to newly created CStartupProperties object
   269 */
   270 CStartupProperties* RSysMonSession::ChangeToOldStylePropertiesL(const CSsmStartupProperties& aSsmStartupProperties) const
   271 	{
   273 	CStartupProperties* startupProperties = CStartupProperties::NewL(aSsmStartupProperties.FileName(), aSsmStartupProperties.Args());
   274 	CleanupStack::PushL(startupProperties);
   275 	const TSsmCommandType cmdType = aSsmStartupProperties.CommandType();
   276 	switch (cmdType)
   277 		{
   278 		case ESsmCmdStartApp:
   279 			startupProperties->SetStartupType(EStartApp);
   280 			//also copy the app specific info
   281 			startupProperties->SetViewless(aSsmStartupProperties.Viewless());
   282 			startupProperties->SetStartInBackground(aSsmStartupProperties.StartInBackground());
   283 			break;
   284 		case ESsmCmdStartProcess:
   285 			startupProperties->SetStartupType(EStartProcess);
   286 			break;
   287 		default:
   288 			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   289 		}
   290 	startupProperties->SetStartMethod(static_cast<TStartMethod>(aSsmStartupProperties.ExecutionBehaviour()));
   291 	startupProperties->SetTimeout(aSsmStartupProperties.Timeout());
   292 	startupProperties->SetNoOfRetries(aSsmStartupProperties.Retries());
   293 	startupProperties->SetMonitored(aSsmStartupProperties.IsMonitoringRequired());
   294 	if (aSsmStartupProperties.IsMonitoringRequired())
   295 		{
   296 		TSsmMonitorInfo monitorInfo = aSsmStartupProperties.MonitorInfo();
   297 		startupProperties->SetNoOfRetries(monitorInfo.iRetries);
   298 		startupProperties->SetRecoveryParams(static_cast<TRecoveryMethod>(monitorInfo.iRestartPolicy), monitorInfo.iRestartMode);
   299 		startupProperties->SetTimeout(monitorInfo.iTimeout);
   300 		}
   302 	CleanupStack::Pop(startupProperties);
   303 	return startupProperties;
   304 	}