changeset 76 cb32bcc88bad
child 78 3f0699f2e14c
equal deleted inserted replaced
73:d38941471f1c 76:cb32bcc88bad
     1 @echo off
     2 REM Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 REM All rights reserved.
     4 REM This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 REM under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 REM which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 REM at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 REM
     9 REM Initial Contributors:
    10 REM Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 REM
    12 REM Contributors:
    13 REM
    14 REM Description:  ?Description
    15 REM
    16 REM
    17 @echo on
    20 @echo Cleaning Haptics Test stubs...
    21 pushd ..\..\hapticstestplugins\group\
    22 call sbs -c armv5.test reallyclean
    23 call sbs -c winscw.test reallyclean
    24 popd
    25 @echo Cleaning Haptics Test stubs... Finished
    28 @echoBuild Haptics SystemSW Adaptation Stub plugins...
    29 pushd \sf\adaptation\stubs\systemswstubs\hwrmhapticsstubplugin\group
    30 call sbs -c winscw
    31 popd
    32 @echo Build Haptics SystemSW Adaptation Stub plugins... Finished
    35 @echo Build Haptics NCP Adaptation plugins...
    36 pushd \ncp_sw\corecom\modemadaptation_ext\adaptationlayer_ext\hapticsadaptation\group
    37 call sbs -c armv5
    38 call sbs -c armv5.atlantis
    39 call sbs -c armv5.atlantis102
    40 call sbs -c armv5.atlantisry21x
    41 call sbs -c armv5.gekko79
    42 call sbs -c armv5.platsim79
    43 call sbs -c armv5.tasmania
    44 call sbs -c armv5.vasco
    45 REM NOTE!! Please keep updating the above list as per the variant's available in the Product SDK
    46 popd
    47 @echo Build Haptics NCP Adaptation plugins... Finished