changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
child 7 1a73e8f1b64d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/client/intermediate/src/interfaceselector.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <bluetooth/logger.h>
+#include <remconinterfaceselector.h>
+#include <remcon/remconinterfacebase.h>
+#include <remconerrorobserver.h>
+#include <remcon/remconinterfacefeatures.h>
+#include <remcon/remconifdetails.h>
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include "bulkreceiver.h"
+#include "receiver.h"
+#include "remconclient.h"
+#include "remconbulkclient.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+const TInt KMaxSharedThreadHeapSize = 0x0400;
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define RCIS_VERBOSE_PANIC(code) \
+	{ \
+	LOG1(_L("Panicking with RemConIfSel / %d"), code); \
+	User::Panic(KRemConIfSelPanicCat, code); \
+	}
+#define RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(cond, code) \
+	{ \
+	if ( !(cond) ) \
+		{ \
+		} \
+	}
+void CloseDeleteAndNull(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	RRemCon** sessionPtrPtr = static_cast<RRemCon**>(aPtr);
+	RRemCon* session = *sessionPtrPtr;
+	session->Close();
+	delete session;
+	*sessionPtrPtr = NULL;
+	}
+void CleanupCloseDeleteAndNullPushL(RRemCon** aSession)
+	{
+	TCleanupItem item(CloseDeleteAndNull, aSession);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(item);	
+	}
+EXPORT_C CRemConInterfaceSelector* CRemConInterfaceSelector::NewL()
+	{
+	CRemConInterfaceSelector* ifSel = new(ELeave) CRemConInterfaceSelector;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(ifSel);
+	ifSel->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(ifSel);
+	return ifSel;
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iSharedThreadHeap = UserHeap::ChunkHeap(NULL, 0, KMaxSharedThreadHeapSize);
+	if(!iSharedThreadHeap)
+		{
+		LEAVEL(KErrNoMemory);
+		}
+	iBulkCleanupCall = new(ELeave) RSpecificThreadCallBack;
+	TCallBack bulkCleanupCb(StaticBulkCleanup, this);
+	LEAVEIFERRORL(iBulkCleanupCall->Create(bulkCleanupCb, CActive::EPriorityStandard));
+	// allocate in the shared objects heap.
+	RHeap* currentHeap = User::SwitchHeap(iSharedThreadHeap);
+	CleanupSwitchHeapPushL(*currentHeap);
+		{
+		iInterfaces = CRemConInterfaceDetailsArray::NewL();
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentHeap);
+	iLock = new (ELeave) RNestableLock();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(iLock);
+	LEAVEIFERRORL(iLock->CreateLocal());
+	CleanupStack::Pop(iLock);
+	}
+	{
+	iTargetReceiver = NULL;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CRemConInterfaceSelector::~CRemConInterfaceSelector()
+	{
+	// The easy one... (i.e. non-bulk interfaces)
+	for(TInt ix = 0; ix < iInterfaces->Array().Count(); ++ix)
+		{
+		CRemConInterfaceDetails* const details = iInterfaces->Array()[ix];
+		ASSERT_DEBUG(details);
+		if(!details->IsBulk())
+			{
+			CRemConInterfaceBase* interface = details->Interface();
+			details->Interface() = NULL;
+			delete interface;
+			}
+		}
+	// The tricky one...
+	// we have to use the thread specific cleanup because they have to 
+	// cancel some objects...
+	TInt err = iBulkCleanupCall->CallBack();
+	if(err == KErrDied)
+		{
+		// If the other thread is dead then we cannot cleanly cleanup
+		// but if the heap is shared then we should be ok.
+		if(iBulkHeap == &User::Heap())
+			{
+			BulkCleanup();
+			}
+		}
+	// Finally tidy-up shared thread objects.
+	RHeap* currentHeap = User::SwitchHeap(iSharedThreadHeap);
+		{
+		delete iInterfaces;
+		}
+	User::SwitchHeap(currentHeap);
+	delete iTargetReceiver;
+	delete iControllerReceiver;
+	// delete iBulkReceiver; // This is done in the bulk thread cleanup.
+	if(iControllerSession)
+		{
+		iControllerSession->Close();
+		delete iControllerSession;
+		}
+	if(iTargetSession)
+		{
+		iTargetSession->Close();
+		delete iTargetSession;
+		}
+	// iBulkSession.Close(); // This is done in the bulk thread cleanup.
+	iBulkCleanupCall->Close();
+	delete iBulkCleanupCall;
+	iSharedThreadHeap->Close();
+	iBulkThread.Close();
+	iLock->Wait();
+	iLock->Close();
+	delete iLock;
+	}
+TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::StaticBulkCleanup(TAny* aSelf)
+	{
+	reinterpret_cast<CRemConInterfaceSelector*>(aSelf)->BulkCleanup();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::BulkCleanup()
+	{
+	CBulkReceiver* recv = iBulkReceiver;
+	iBulkReceiver = NULL;
+	delete recv;
+	if(RThread().Id() == iBulkThread.Id() && iBulkSession)
+		{
+		iBulkSession->Close();
+		delete iBulkSession;
+		iBulkSession = NULL;
+		}
+	for(TInt ix = 0; ix < iInterfaces->Array().Count(); ++ix)
+		{
+		CRemConInterfaceDetails* const details = iInterfaces->Array()[ix];
+		ASSERT_DEBUG(details);
+		if(details->IsBulk())
+			{
+			CRemConInterfaceBase* interface = details->Interface();
+			details->Interface() = NULL;
+			delete interface;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::EstablishBulkThreadBindingL()
+	{
+	if(iBulkHeap)
+		{
+		// Already bound
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(RThread().Id() == iBulkThread.Id(), ERemConIfSelMultipleBulkInterfaceThreads);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Create Binding.
+		LEAVEIFERRORL(iBulkThread.Duplicate(RThread()));
+		CleanupClosePushL(iBulkThread);
+		LEAVEIFERRORL(iBulkCleanupCall->Start());
+		iBulkReceiver = CBulkReceiver::NewL(*this);	
+		iBulkHeap = &User::Heap();
+		CleanupStack::Pop(&iBulkThread);
+		}
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::RegisterInterfaceCommonL(CRemConInterfaceBase& aInterface, const TDesC8& aFeatures)
+	{
+	const TBool bulkIf = aInterface.Bulk();
+	if(bulkIf)
+		{
+		EstablishBulkThreadBindingL();
+		}
+	// Check an instance of the same interface (same interface UID and type) 
+	// has not already been added.
+	const TUint count = iInterfaces->Array().Count();
+	for(TUint ii=0; ii<count; ++ii)
+		{
+		CRemConInterfaceBase* const iface = iInterfaces->Array()[ii]->Interface();
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(iface, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT( (iface->InterfaceUid() != aInterface.InterfaceUid()) || (iface->Type() != aInterface.Type()), 
+			ERemConIfSelInterfaceOfThatTypeAlreadyRegistered);
+		}
+	// Registration of interfaces should occur before we try to use any of 
+	// them.
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(!TargetOpened() && !ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelTardyInterfaceRegistration);
+	iLock->Wait();	// critical session
+	RHeap* currentHeap = User::SwitchHeap(iSharedThreadHeap);
+	CleanupSwitchHeapPushL(*currentHeap);
+		{
+		CRemConInterfaceDetails* details = CRemConInterfaceDetails::NewLC(aInterface.InterfaceUid(), aInterface.Type(), bulkIf, &aInterface, aFeatures);
+		iInterfaces->AppendL(details);
+		CleanupStack::Pop(details);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(currentHeap);
+	iLock->Signal(); // end of critical session
+	// The interface has been appended OK, so adjust iMaxDataLength.
+	const TUint interfaceMaxLength = aInterface.MaxLength();
+	if(!bulkIf && interfaceMaxLength > iControlMaxDataLength)
+		{
+		iControlMaxDataLength = interfaceMaxLength;
+		}
+	else if(bulkIf && interfaceMaxLength > iBulkMaxDataLength)
+		{
+		iBulkMaxDataLength = interfaceMaxLength;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::RegisterInterfaceL(CRemConInterfaceBase& aInterface)
+	{
+	RegisterInterfaceCommonL(aInterface, KNullDesC8);
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::RegisterInterfaceL(CRemConInterfaceBase& aInterface, RRemConInterfaceFeatures& aRemConInterfaceFeatures)
+	{
+	RegisterInterfaceCommonL(aInterface, aRemConInterfaceFeatures.SupportedOperations());
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::RegisterErrorObserver(MRemConErrorObserver* aObserver)
+	{
+	LOG1(_L("\taObserver = 0x%08x"), aObserver);
+	iErrorObserver = aObserver;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::OpenControllerL()
+	{
+	// An attempt to open a controller session when one is already open 
+	// is an exceptional condition.
+	if (ControllerOpened())
+		{
+		LEAVEL(KErrInUse);
+		}
+	// NB We don't enforce that there are some interfaces registered here 
+	// because the client might be connecting just to watch connection 
+	// statuses.
+	iControllerSession = new(ELeave)RRemConController();
+	LEAVEIFERRORL(iControllerSession->Connect());
+	CleanupCloseDeleteAndNullPushL(reinterpret_cast<RRemCon**>(&iControllerSession));
+	RegisterInterestedApisL(ERemConClientTypeController);
+	// Now there's a session to receive on, start the receiver.
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(!iControllerReceiver, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+	iControllerReceiver = CReceiver::NewL(*iControllerSession, *this, iControlMaxDataLength, ERemConClientTypeController);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&iControllerSession);
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::RegisterInterestedApisL(TRemConClientType aType)
+	{
+	TBool target = CRemConInterfaceBase::Target(aType);
+	// First get the size of the data we are going to pass to the server.
+	RCountSizeWriteStream counter;
+	iInterfaces->ExternalizeL(counter, aType);
+	TInt size = counter.Size();
+	counter.Close();
+	// Create a suitable size buffer.
+	RBuf8 ipcBuf;
+	ipcBuf.CreateL(size);
+	ipcBuf.CleanupClosePushL();
+	// Encode the interface details into the buffer.
+	RDesWriteStream ipcStream(ipcBuf);
+	iInterfaces->ExternalizeL(ipcStream, aType);
+	ipcStream.CommitL();
+	ipcStream.Close();
+	// Inform the correct session about the interfaces
+	if(!target)
+		{
+		LEAVEIFERRORL(iControllerSession->RegisterInterestedAPIs(ipcBuf));
+		}
+	else
+		{	
+		LEAVEIFERRORL(iTargetSession->RegisterInterestedAPIs(ipcBuf));
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&ipcBuf);
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::OpenTargetCommonL()
+	{
+	// NB We don't enforce that there are some interfaces registered here 
+	// because the client might be connecting just to watch connection 
+	// statuses.
+	CleanupCloseDeleteAndNullPushL(reinterpret_cast<RRemCon**>(&iTargetSession));
+	RegisterInterestedApisL(ERemConClientTypeTarget);
+	// Now we are finished with the features, so we can release some memory.
+	RHeap* currentHeap = User::SwitchHeap(iSharedThreadHeap);
+		{
+		for(TInt ix = 0; ix < iInterfaces->Array().Count(); ++ix)
+			{
+			CRemConInterfaceDetails* const details = iInterfaces->Array()[ix];
+			ASSERT_DEBUG(details);
+			details->DeleteFeatures();
+			}
+		}
+	User::SwitchHeap(currentHeap);
+	// Now there's a session to receive on, start the receiver.
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(!iTargetReceiver, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+	iTargetReceiver = CReceiver::NewL(*iTargetSession, *this, iControlMaxDataLength, ERemConClientTypeTarget);
+	CleanupDeleteAndNullPushL(iTargetReceiver);
+	if(iBulkReceiver)
+		{
+		// We delegate the call to the thread the receiver is running
+		// in - waiting until it has completed (with success or error).
+		iBulkReceiver->WaitUntilConnectedL();
+		}
+	CleanupStack::Pop(2, &iTargetSession); // iTargetReceiver, iTargetSession
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::OpenTargetL()
+	{
+	// An attempt to open a target session when one is already open 
+	// is an exceptional condition.
+	if (TargetOpened())
+		{
+		LEAVEL(KErrInUse);
+		}
+	iTargetSession = new(ELeave)RRemConTarget();
+	TInt err = iTargetSession->Connect();
+	if(err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		OpenTargetCommonL();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		delete iTargetSession;
+		iTargetSession = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+This should be run from the thread in which the bulk interfaces are to run.
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::BulkSessionConnectL()
+	{
+	iBulkSession = new(ELeave)RRemConBulk();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(iBulkSession);
+	LEAVEIFERRORL(iBulkSession->Connect());
+	CleanupStack::Pop(iBulkSession);
+	CleanupCloseDeleteAndNullPushL(reinterpret_cast<RRemCon**>(&iBulkSession));
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(iBulkReceiver, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+	iBulkReceiver->InitialiseL(*iBulkSession, iBulkMaxDataLength);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&iBulkSession);
+	}
+Opens a target session to RemCon.
+If any bulk interfaces have been registered on this interface selector the
+the thread in which the first bulk interface was created must be ready to run and
+not blocked waiting for the completion of this function.  Failure to do so will lead
+to deadlock.
+@param aPlayerType The type of player
+@param aPlayerSubType The sub-type of the player
+@param aPlayerName  The name of the player
+@leave KErrInUse If a target session is already open.
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::OpenTargetL(TPlayerType aPlayerType, TPlayerSubType aPlayerSubType, const TDesC8& aPlayerName)
+	{
+	// An attempt to open a target session when one is already open 
+	// is an exceptional condition.
+	if (TargetOpened())
+		{
+		LEAVEL(KErrInUse);
+		}
+	iTargetSession = new(ELeave)RRemConTarget();
+	TInt err = iTargetSession->Connect(aPlayerType,aPlayerSubType,aPlayerName);
+	if(err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		OpenTargetCommonL();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		delete iTargetSession;
+		iTargetSession = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBool CRemConInterfaceSelector::ControllerOpened() const
+	{
+	ASSERT_DEBUG((iControllerSession && iControllerSession->Handle()) || !iControllerSession);
+	return iControllerSession ? ETrue : EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBool CRemConInterfaceSelector::TargetOpened() const
+	{
+	ASSERT_DEBUG((iTargetSession && iTargetSession->Handle()) || !iTargetSession);
+	return iTargetSession ? ETrue : EFalse;
+	}
+TBool CRemConInterfaceSelector::BulkOpened() const
+	{
+	ASSERT_DEBUG((iBulkSession && iBulkSession->Handle()) || !iBulkSession);
+	return iBulkSession ? ETrue : EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::GoConnectionOrientedL(const TRemConAddress& aConnection)
+	{
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+	LEAVEIFERRORL(iControllerSession->GoConnectionOriented(aConnection));
+	// Store the address.  This means that if the server dies we know all
+	// we need to to return the existing sessions to usability without 
+	// troubling the app.
+	iAddress = aConnection;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::GoConnectionlessL()
+	{
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+	LEAVEIFERRORL(iControllerSession->GoConnectionless());
+	// Unset any stored address, so we know we are connectionless.
+	iAddress.BearerUid() = KNullUid;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearer(TRequestStatus& aStat)
+	{
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+	iControllerSession->ConnectBearer(aStat);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearerCancel()
+	{
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+	//Ignore Return code because
+	// a) It'll mostly be other than KErrNone because the server has terminated, in which
+	//    case the original async request will have completed with the error anyway!
+	// b) It's meaningless to the client whatever the return code is.
+	(void)iControllerSession->ConnectBearerCancel();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::DisconnectBearer(TRequestStatus& aStat)
+	{
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+	iControllerSession->DisconnectBearer(aStat);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::DisconnectBearerCancel()
+	{
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+	//See CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearerCancel() for comment
+	(void)iControllerSession->DisconnectBearerCancel();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::Send(TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
+											 TUid aInterfaceUid, 
+											 TUint aOperationId, 
+											 TUint& aNumRemotes,
+											 TRemConMessageType aMsgType,
+											 const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	Send(aStatus, aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aNumRemotes, aMsgType, ERemConMessageDefault, aData);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::Send(TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
+											 TUid aInterfaceUid, 
+											 TUint aOperationId, 
+											 TUint& aNumRemotes,
+											 TRemConMessageType aMsgType,
+											 TRemConMessageSubType aSubType,
+											 const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	switch ( aMsgType )
+		{
+	case ERemConCommand:
+	case ERemConNotifyCommand:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+		iControllerSession->Send(aStatus, aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aNumRemotes, aSubType, aData);
+		break;
+	case ERemConResponse:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(TargetOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoTargetSession);
+		iTargetSession->Send(aStatus, aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aNumRemotes, aSubType, aData);
+		break;
+	default:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_PANIC(ERemConIfSelBadMessageType);
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+Sends a notify command to the remote device.
+@see CRemConInterfaceSelector::Send()
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::SendNotify(TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
+											 TUid aInterfaceUid, 
+											 TUint aOperationId, 
+											 TRemConMessageType aMsgType,
+											 TRemConMessageSubType aSubType,
+											 const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	if (aMsgType == ERemConNotifyCommand)
+		{
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+		iControllerSession->SendNotify(aStatus, aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aSubType, aData);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_PANIC(ERemConIfSelBadMessageType);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::SendUnreliable(
+											 TUid aInterfaceUid, 
+											 TUint aOperationId, 
+											 TRemConMessageType aMsgType,
+											 const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	return SendUnreliable(aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aMsgType, ERemConMessageDefault, aData);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::SendUnreliable(
+											 TUid aInterfaceUid, 
+											 TUint aOperationId, 
+											 TRemConMessageType aMsgType,
+											 TRemConMessageSubType aSubType,
+											 const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	TInt ret = KErrNone;
+	switch ( aMsgType )
+		{
+		case ERemConCommand:
+		case ERemConNotifyCommand:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+		ret = iControllerSession->SendUnreliable(aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aSubType, aData);
+		break;
+		case ERemConResponse:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(TargetOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoTargetSession);
+		ret = iTargetSession->SendUnreliable(aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aSubType, aData);
+		break;
+		default:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_PANIC(ERemConIfSelBadMessageType);
+		break;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::SendCancel(TRemConMessageType aMsgType)
+	{
+	switch ( aMsgType )
+		{
+	case ERemConCommand:
+	case ERemConNotifyCommand:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(ControllerOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoControllerSession);
+		//See CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearerCancel() for comment
+		(void)iControllerSession->SendCancel();
+		break;
+	case ERemConResponse:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(TargetOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoTargetSession);
+		//See CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearerCancel() for comment
+		(void)iTargetSession->SendCancel();
+		break;
+	default:
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_PANIC(ERemConIfSelBadMessageType);
+		break;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::SendBulk(TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
+											 TUid aInterfaceUid, 
+											 TUint aOperationId, 
+											 const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	// Panic as Target Session, because bulkness is transparent to client
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(BulkOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoTargetSession);
+	iBulkSession->Send(aStatus, aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aData);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::SendBulkUnreliable(
+											TUid aInterfaceUid,
+											TUint aOperationId,
+											const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	// Panic as Target Session, because bulkness is transparent to client
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(BulkOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoTargetSession);
+	return iBulkSession->SendUnreliable(aInterfaceUid, aOperationId, aData);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::SendBulkCancel()
+	{
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(BulkOpened(), ERemConIfSelNoTargetSession);
+	//See CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearerCancel() for comment
+	(void)iBulkSession->SendCancel();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::ReceiveComplete(TUid aInterfaceUid, 
+		TUint aOperationId, 
+		TRemConMessageSubType aMsgSubType, 
+		const TRemConAddress& aRemoteAddress,
+		const TDesC8& aData, 
+		TRemConClientType aType)
+	{
+	LOG1(_L("\taInterfaceUid = 0x%08x"), aInterfaceUid);
+	LOG1(_L("\taOperationId = 0x%02x"), aOperationId);
+	LOG1(_L("\taRemoteAddress.BearerUid = 0x%08x"), aRemoteAddress.BearerUid());
+	const TUint count = iInterfaces->Array().Count();
+	for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < count ; ++ii )
+		{
+		CRemConInterfaceDetails* const details = iInterfaces->Array()[ii];
+		ASSERT_DEBUG(details);
+		CRemConInterfaceBase* const iface = details->Interface();
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(iface, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+		if (	iface->InterfaceUid() == aInterfaceUid 
+			&&	iface->Type() == aType )
+			{
+			ASSERT_DEBUG(!details->IsBulk());
+			MRemConInterfaceIf3* interfaceIf3 = reinterpret_cast<MRemConInterfaceIf3*>(iface->GetInterfaceIf(TUid::Uid(KRemConInterfaceIf3)));
+			if (interfaceIf3)
+				{
+				interfaceIf3->MrcibNewMessage(aOperationId, aData, aMsgSubType, aRemoteAddress);
+				break;
+				}
+			MRemConInterfaceIf2* interfaceIf2 = reinterpret_cast<MRemConInterfaceIf2*>(iface->GetInterfaceIf(TUid::Uid(KRemConInterfaceIf2)));
+			if (interfaceIf2)
+				{
+				interfaceIf2->MrcibNewMessage(aOperationId, aData, aMsgSubType);
+				break;
+				}
+			MRemConInterfaceIf* interfaceIf = reinterpret_cast<MRemConInterfaceIf*>(iface->GetInterfaceIf(TUid::Uid(KRemConInterfaceIf1)));
+			RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(interfaceIf, ERemConIfSelNoInterfaceImplementation);
+			interfaceIf->MrcibNewMessage(aOperationId, aData);
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::BulkReceiveComplete(TUid aInterfaceUid, TUint aOperationId, const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	LOG1(_L("\taInterfaceUid = 0x%08x"), aInterfaceUid);
+	LOG1(_L("\taOperationId = 0x%02x"), aOperationId);
+	const TUint count = iInterfaces->Array().Count();
+	for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < count ; ++ii )
+		{
+		CRemConInterfaceDetails* const details = iInterfaces->Array()[ii];
+		ASSERT_DEBUG(details);
+		CRemConInterfaceBase* const iface = details->Interface();
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(iface, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+		if(details->IsBulk() && iface->InterfaceUid() == aInterfaceUid)
+			{
+			MRemConInterfaceIf* interfaceIf = reinterpret_cast<MRemConInterfaceIf*>(iface->GetInterfaceIf(TUid::Uid(KRemConInterfaceIf1)));
+			RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(interfaceIf, ERemConIfSelNoInterfaceImplementation);
+			interfaceIf->MrcibNewMessage(aOperationId, aData);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::Error(TInt aError)
+	{
+	LOG1(_L("\taError = %d"), aError);
+	LOG1(_L("\tiErrorObserver = 0x%08x"), iErrorObserver);
+	if(aError == KErrServerTerminated)
+		{
+		// Initially try and deal with server death in a way that is
+		// transparent to the app.
+		TInt err = TryToReconnect();
+		LOG1(_L("\tTryToReconnect error = %d"), err);
+		// If we fail inform any registered app.  Unregistered apps
+		// just take the risk that they may not realise the server has
+		// died if it errors on a receive.
+		if(err && iErrorObserver)
+			{
+			iErrorObserver->MrceoError(KErrServerTerminated);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::BulkError(TInt aError)
+	{
+	LOG1(_L("\taError = %d"), aError);
+	LOG1(_L("\tiErrorObserver = 0x%08x"), iErrorObserver);
+	if(aError == KErrServerTerminated)
+		{
+		// Initially try and deal with server death in a way that is
+		// transparent to the app.
+		TInt err = TryToReconnectBulk();
+		LOG1(_L("\tTryToReconnectBulk error = %d"), err);
+		// If we fail inform any registered app.  Unregistered apps
+		// just take the risk that they may not realise the server has
+		// died if it errors on a receive.
+		if(err && iErrorObserver)
+			{
+			iErrorObserver->MrceoError(KErrServerTerminated);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::GetConnections(TSglQue<TRemConAddress>& aConnections)
+	{
+	// It doesn't matter which session we use for this.
+	RRemCon* sess = ControllerOpened() ? reinterpret_cast<RRemCon*>(iControllerSession) : reinterpret_cast<RRemCon*>(iTargetSession);
+	AssertSession(sess, ERemConIfSelNoSession);
+	return sess->GetConnections(aConnections);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CRemConInterfaceSelector::NotifyConnectionsChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	// It doesn't matter which session we use for this.
+	iNotificationSession = ControllerOpened() ? reinterpret_cast<RRemCon*>(iControllerSession) : reinterpret_cast<RRemCon*>(iTargetSession);
+	AssertSession(iNotificationSession, ERemConIfSelNoSession);
+	iNotificationSession->NotifyConnectionsChange(aStatus);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::NotifyConnectionsChangeCancel()
+	{
+	// Get the session we used for posting the original notification. It won't 
+	// have gone away in the meantime as that only happens when 'this' is 
+	// destroyed, but the client may call this without ever having called the 
+	// original notification.
+	AssertSession(iNotificationSession, ERemConIfSelNoSession);
+	//See CRemConInterfaceSelector::ConnectBearerCancel() for comment
+	(void)iNotificationSession->NotifyConnectionsChangeCancel();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CRemConInterfaceSelector::AssertSession(RRemCon* aSess, TInt aPanicCode) const
+	{
+	RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(aSess && aSess->Handle(), aPanicCode);
+	}
+Resurrects sessions in case of server death.
+For the target and controller session we try to open a new
+session.  If this succeeds we can then set the old session
+to point to the new one after closing our old defunct 
+On success we are left with happy functioning handles.
+On failure we are left with defunct handles, which are still 
+valid but will complete all requests with KErrServerTerminated.
+This means that we won't cause an application to get a bad handle
+panic if it hasn't done anything wrong.
+TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::TryToReconnect()
+	{
+	// Always want to stop receiving.  The receiver itself should stop issuing
+	// further receives on completion, but we only want to have the error function
+	// called once, so Cancel() receivers in case we had both.
+	if(TargetOpened())
+		{
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(iTargetReceiver, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+		iTargetReceiver->Cancel();
+		}
+	if(ControllerOpened())
+		{
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(iControllerReceiver, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+		iControllerReceiver->Cancel();
+		}
+	// Now try and create new sessions.  We do all the failable work first
+	// so we aren't left in a half alive situation.		
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	RRemConTarget newTarget;
+	RRemConController newController;
+	if(TargetOpened())
+		{
+		// See if we can kick RemCon back into life
+		err = newTarget.Connect();
+		}
+	if(!err && ControllerOpened())
+		{		
+		// See if we can kick RemCon back into life
+		err = newController.Connect();
+		if(!err && !iAddress.IsNull())
+			{	
+			// If an address is set the session was connection oriented, 
+			// resurrect that now.	
+			err = newController.GoConnectionOriented(iAddress);
+			}
+		}
+	if(!err)
+		{
+		// RemCon lives!  Set our sessions to be the nice new ones.
+		if(TargetOpened())
+			{
+			iTargetSession->Close();
+			iTargetSession->SetHandle(newTarget.Handle());
+			iTargetReceiver->Receive();
+			}
+		if(ControllerOpened())
+			{
+			iControllerSession->Close();
+			iControllerSession->SetHandle(newController.Handle());
+			iControllerReceiver->Receive();
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// We may not have successfully opened these, but it's safe to 
+		// close them anyway.
+		newTarget.Close();
+		newController.Close();
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+Resurrects bulk sessions in case of server death.
+For the bulk session we try to open a new
+session.  If this succeeds we can then set the old session
+to point to the new one after closing our old defunct 
+On success we are left with happy functioning handles.
+On failure we are left with defunct handles, which are still 
+valid but will complete all requests with KErrServerTerminated.
+This means that we won't cause an application to get a bad handle
+panic if it hasn't done anything wrong.
+TInt CRemConInterfaceSelector::TryToReconnectBulk()
+	{
+	// Always want to stop receiving.  The receiver itself should stop issuing
+	// further receives on completion, but we only want to have the error function
+	// called once, so Cancel() receivers in case we had both.
+	if(BulkOpened())
+		{
+		RCIS_VERBOSE_ASSERT(iBulkReceiver, ERemConIfSelInternalError);
+		iBulkReceiver->Cancel();
+		}
+	// Now try and create new sessions.  We do all the failable work first
+	// so we aren't left in a half alive situation.		
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	RRemConBulk newBulk;
+	if(BulkOpened())
+		{
+		// See if we can kick RemCon back into life
+		err = newBulk.Connect();
+		}
+	if(err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// RemCon lives!  Set our session to be the nice new one.
+		if(BulkOpened())
+			{
+			iBulkSession->Close();
+			iBulkSession->SetHandle(newBulk.Handle());
+			iBulkReceiver->Receive();
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// We may not have successfully opened this, but it's safe to 
+		// close it anyway.
+		newBulk.Close();
+		}
+	return err;
+	}