changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
child 41 c87e5f80c17d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dosservices/tsrc/dsytesttool/AccessoryTestControl/inc/Siftrace.h	Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Declaration and implementation of SIF trace macros
+// Additional Lint configuration options are defined here.
+//lint -e1714 Member function not referenced.
+//   - CTFTestTimer, CTFActiveTest, copy constructors, assignment operators
+//lint -e1526 Member function not defined.
+//   - Copy constructors, assignment operators
+//lint -e714  Symbol not referenced
+//   - uid, LibEntryL
+//lint -e1711 Class has a virtual function but is not inherited
+//   - Inherited in the project that implements the test cases
+//lint -e755  Macro not referenced
+//   - Some trace macros
+//lint -e769  Enumeration constant not referenced
+//   - Panic codes are not referenced in WINS
+//lint -e1716 Virtual member function not referenced
+//   - Referenced b the project that implements the test cases
+//lint -esym(960, 69) Variable number of arguments
+//   - Log writer functions contain ellipsis
+//lint -esym(960, 54) Null statement by itself
+//   - When COMPONENT_TRACE is not enabled
+//lint -esym(960, 59) Left brace expected for if, else, for, do and while
+//   - TRACE_ASSERT macro
+//lint -e1924 C-style case
+//   - From _L macros
+//lint -e666 Expression with side effects
+//   - From TEST_CASE_TRACE
+#ifndef SIFTRACE_H
+#define SIFTRACE_H
+#include <e32svr.h>
+// Removes null statement not in line by itself warnings from 
+//lint -esym(960,54)
+// Removes "area too small" pointer cast warnings.
+//lint -e826
+// Member function not referenced (copy constructors / assignment operators)
+//lint -e1714
+// Member function not defined (copy constructors / assignment operators)
+//lint -e1526
+// Global macro not referenced
+//lint -e755
+// Symbol not referenced (uid)
+//lint -e714
+// Global enumeration constant not referenced
+//lint -e769
+// Virtual member not referenced
+//lint -e1716
+// Expression with side effects passed to macro
+//lint -e666
+// Enumeration not referenced
+//lint -e758
+// Declaration could be moved from header to module
+//lint -e759
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    inline void TraceAssertFunc( const TDesC8& aFile, TInt aLine )
+        {
+        HBufC* buffer = HBufC::New( aFile.Length() + 1 );
+        HBufC* date = HBufC::New( 32 );
+        HBufC* time = HBufC::New( 32 );
+        if ( buffer != NULL && date != NULL && time != NULL )
+            {
+            buffer->Des().Copy( aFile );
+            date->Des().Copy( _L8( __DATE__ ) );
+            time->Des().Copy( _L8( __TIME__ ) );
+            RDebug::Print( _L( "Assertion failed: file=%s, line=%d, compiled=%s %s" ), buffer->Des().PtrZ(), aLine, date->Des().PtrZ(), time->Des().PtrZ() );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            RDebug::Print( _L( "Assertion and memory allocation failed" ) );
+            }
+        delete buffer;
+        delete date;
+        delete time;
+        }
+    inline void ThisFileFunc( const TDesC8& aFile )
+        {
+        HBufC* buffer = HBufC::New( aFile.Length() + 1 );
+        HBufC* date = HBufC::New( 32 );
+        HBufC* time = HBufC::New( 32 );
+        if ( buffer != NULL && date != NULL && time != NULL )
+            {
+            buffer->Des().Copy( aFile );
+            date->Des().Copy( _L8( __DATE__ ) );
+            time->Des().Copy( _L8( __TIME__ ) );
+            RDebug::Print( _L( "File=%s, compiled=%s %s" ), buffer->Des().PtrZ(), date->Des().PtrZ(), time->Des().PtrZ() );
+            }
+        delete buffer;
+        delete date;
+        delete time;
+        }
+	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// TracePanicFunc
+	// This method is needed to utilize debugging macros defined in dostrace.h.
+	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	inline void TracePanicFunc( const TDesC8& aFile, TInt aLine )
+	    {
+	    HBufC* buffer = HBufC::New( aFile.Length() + 1 );
+	    HBufC* date = HBufC::New( 32 );
+	    HBufC* time = HBufC::New( 32 );
+	    if ( buffer != NULL && date != NULL && time != NULL )
+	        {
+	        buffer->Des().Copy( aFile );
+	        date->Des().Copy( _L8( __DATE__ ) );
+	        time->Des().Copy( _L8( __TIME__ ) );
+	        RDebug::Print( _L( "Panic happened: file=%s, line=%d, compiled=%s %s" ), buffer->Des().PtrZ(), aLine, date->Des().PtrZ(), time->Des().PtrZ() );
+	        }
+	    else
+	        {
+	        RDebug::Print( _L( "Assertion and memory allocation failed" ) );
+	        }
+	    delete buffer;
+	    delete date;
+	    delete time;
+	    User::Panic( _L( "[AccFW:AccServer]" ), KErrGeneral );
+	    }
+    #define PANIC_IF_FALSE( a ) if ( !( a ) ) TracePanicFunc( _L8( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ )
+    #define PANIC_IF_TRUE( a ) if ( ( a ) ) TracePanicFunc( _L8( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ )
+    #define PANIC_ALWAYS() TracePanicFunc( _L8( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ )
+        #define COMPONENT_TRACE_THIS_FILE ThisFileFunc( _L8( __FILE__ ) )
+    #else //#ifdef COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG
+    #endif //#ifdef COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG
+    #define TRACE_ASSERT( a ) if ( !( a ) ) TraceAssertFunc( _L8( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ )
+    #define TRACE_ASSERT_RETURN( a ) if ( !( ( a ) == KErrNone ) ) TraceAssertFunc( _L8( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ )
+    #define TRACE_ASSERT_ALWAYS TraceAssertFunc( _L8( __FILE__ ), __LINE__ )
+        #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a ) RDebug::Print a 
+    #else // #ifdef COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG
+        #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a )
+    #endif //#ifdef COMPONENT_TRACE_FLAG
+		#define TEST_CASE_TRACE( a ) RDebug::Print a 
+	#else
+		#define TEST_CASE_TRACE( a )
+	#endif //#ifdef TEST_CASE_TRACE_FLAG
+    #ifdef API_TRACE_FLAG
+        #define API_TRACE( a ) RDebug::Print a
+    #else //#ifdef API_TRACE_FLAG
+        #define API_TRACE( a )
+    #endif //#ifdef API_TRACE_FLAG
+#else // #ifdef _DEBUG
+    #define TRACE_ASSERT( a )
+    #define TRACE_ASSERT_RETURN( a ) a
+	#define TEST_CASE_TRACE( a )
+    #define COMPONENT_TRACE( a )
+    #define API_TRACE( a )
+#endif //#ifdef _DEBUG
+#endif //#ifndef ccftrace.h
+//  End of File