changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgr/test/multiclient/common/log.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// includes
+#include "tc_log.h"
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if (defined USE_TF_LOGGING)
+//#include <tflogger.h>
+#include <flogger.h>
+#define TFLOGTEXT(x) RFileLogger::Write(KTfLogFolder(),KTfLogFile(),EFileLoggingModeAppend, (x))
+_LIT(KFailed,   "Failed  ");
+_LIT(KPassed,   "Passed  ");
+_LIT(KWarnings, "Warnings");
+_LIT(KComments, "Comments");
+Function:  Constructor
+Description: Constructor initialises line counters for middle summary report and
+			 for total summary report. Input arguments have been initialized also.
+			 Constructor opens log file, sets file pointer to beginning of the log file
+			 and prints starting text to log file.
+Inputs: CConsoleBase *aConsole  (pointer of CConsoleBase -class),
+		and next command lien switches:
+		TDesC &aFileName		(file name of log file (-f<file name>)), 
+		bool echoOn				(state of echoing (-n)),
+		Priority priorityFilter (verbosity level (-v<value>)). 
+Outputs: No return values
+ iFailed(KFailed),
+ iWarnings(KWarnings),
+ iComments(KComments)
+	iConsole = 0;
+	iBatch = EFalse;
+	iFile = 0;
+void Log::OpenL(const TDesC &aFileName, TBool aBatch, TBool aEchoOn, TBool aTimestamp, Priority aPriorityFilter)
+	// initialisation of arguments
+    iPriorityFilter  = aPriorityFilter;
+	iWriteTimestamp  = aTimestamp;
+	iBatch           = aBatch;
+	// open console, but only if echo is on...
+	if (aEchoOn)
+	{
+		iConsole = Console::NewL(_L("TClient"), TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
+	}
+	// open file
+    TBuf8<MAX_LEN> fname;   // descriptor for the file name
+    fname.Copy(aFileName);	// conversion from TDesC type to TBuf8<>  
+    iFile = (FILE*)fopen((const char*) fname.PtrZ(), "a");
+	if (!iFile)
+	{
+		if (iConsole)
+		{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("Can't open file %S\n"), &aFileName);
+			//iConsole->Getch();
+		}
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+	}
+	// seek to start of file
+	fseek((FILE*)iFile, 0, SEEK_END);		// sets file pointer to end of log file
+	// mark session as started..
+	Printf(Log::SESSION_MARK, _L("*******************************************\nBEGIN LOG\n"));	// starting the session text
+Function:  Destructor
+Description: Destructor prints total summary report to log file and console if 
+			 allowed. Finally destructor close the log file and console.
+Inputs:  No inputs
+Outputs: No return values
+    if (iFile) 
+	{
+		// print total summary report 
+		iFailed.Total(*this);
+		iPassed.Total(*this);
+		iWarnings.Total(*this);
+		iComments.Total(*this);
+		Printf(SESSION_MARK, _L("END LOG"));
+		fclose((FILE*)iFile);
+	}
+	if (iConsole)
+	{
+		// if printing to console is allowed. then next line will be printed and console window will
+		// closed only after pressing return.
+		if (!iBatch)
+		{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("[press return to continue]\n"));
+			iConsole->Getch();
+		}
+		delete iConsole;
+	}
+Function:  SummaryReport
+Description: Prints middle summary report. Summary lines includes number of 
+			 lines between script file commands begin and end   
+Inputs: TBuf<MAX_LEN> aTestCaseName Name of test case; 
+Output: No return values	
+void Log::SummaryReport(const TDesC& aTestCaseName)
+	if (iFile)
+    {
+		Write(SUMMARY, aTestCaseName);
+		iFailed.Summary(*this);
+		iPassed.Summary(*this);
+		iWarnings.Summary(*this);
+		iComments.Summary(*this);
+    }
+void Log::RequestKeyPress()
+	_LIT(KPressReturn, "[press return to contine]\n");
+	if (iConsole && !iBatch)
+	{
+		iConsole->Write(KPressReturn);
+		iConsole->Read(iConsoleKeyRequest); // request key press
+	}
+TBool Log::ReceiveKeyPress()
+	TBool received = EFalse;
+	if (iConsole && !iBatch)
+	{
+		if (iConsoleKeyRequest == KRequestPending)
+		{
+			received = EFalse; // still waiting
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			User::WaitForRequest(iConsoleKeyRequest);
+			if (iConsole->KeyCode() == '\r')
+			{
+				received = ETrue; // got the right key
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				iConsole->Read(iConsoleKeyRequest);
+				received = EFalse; // wait some more (wrong key)
+			}
+		}
+	} else
+	{
+		received = ETrue; // simulate received
+	}
+	return received;
+void Log::WaitKeyPress()
+	if (iConsole && !iBatch)
+	{
+		TBool waiting = ETrue;
+		while (waiting)
+		{
+			User::WaitForRequest(iConsoleKeyRequest);
+			if (iConsole->KeyCode() == '\r')
+			{
+				waiting = EFalse;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				iConsole->Read(iConsoleKeyRequest);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TInt Log::MultipleChoice(TInt aMin, TInt aMax)
+	TInt choice = aMin;
+	if (iConsole && !iBatch)
+	{
+		do
+		{
+			iConsole->Printf(_L("[Press key %d...%d]\n"), aMin, aMax);
+			iConsole->Read(iConsoleKeyRequest);
+			User::WaitForRequest(iConsoleKeyRequest);
+			choice = TInt(iConsole->KeyCode()) - TInt('0');
+		} while (choice < aMin || choice > aMax);
+	}
+	return choice;
+void Log::SetTitle(const TDesC& aTitle)
+	if (iConsole)
+	{
+		iConsole->SetTitle(aTitle);
+	}
+Function:  Printf
+Description: This method adds line counters prints,  C-string format information to logfile.
+Inputs: Priority priority, const char *fmt This method can have variant number 
+		or arguments prints only allowed lines to buffer. Content of buffer will
+		be printed to log file and to console if allowed.
+Ouputs	No return values:
+void Log::Printf(Priority priority, const char *fmt, ...)
+	// route to another printf..
+	TInt   len = 0;
+    __e32_va_list list;
+    va_start(list, fmt);
+    len = vsprintf((char*)iUint8, fmt, list);
+	va_end(list);
+	iStr.Copy(TPtrC8(iUint8,len) );
+	Write(priority, iStr);
+Function:  Printf
+Description: This method prints TDesC -format information to logfile.
+Inputs: TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt. This method can 
+		have variant number of arguments.
+void Log::Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...)
+	// rest of printf...
+	VA_LIST list;
+    VA_START(list,aFmt);
+	iStr.FormatList(aFmt, list);
+	VA_END(list);
+	Write(Log::COMMENT, iStr);
+Function:  Printf
+Description: This method prints TDesC -format information to logfile.
+Inputs: Priority priority, TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt. This method can 
+		have variant number of arguments.
+void Log::Printf(Priority priority, TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...)
+	// rest of printf...
+	VA_LIST list;
+    VA_START(list,aFmt);
+	iStr.FormatList(aFmt, list);
+	VA_END(list);
+	Write(priority, iStr);
+Function:  Write
+Description: This method writes TDesC -format information to logfile.
+Inputs: Priority priority, const TDesC& aFmt.
+void Log::Write(Priority priority, const TDesC& aStr)
+	// names of priorities
+  //don't need these (paivheik)
+	/* static TText *priorityNames[] = {
+        (TText*)L"ZERO    ",
+        (TText*)L"PASS    ",
+        (TText*)L"NOTIFY  ",
+		(TText*)L"SCHEDUL ",
+		(TText*)L"MONITOR ",
+        (TText*)L"WARNING ",
+        (TText*)L"FAIL    ",
+        (TText*)L"COMMENT ",
+        (TText*)L"SUMMARY ",
+        (TText*)L"SESSION ",
+		(TText*)L"BEGIN   ",
+		(TText*)L"END     "
+    };
+	*/
+   // add line counters
+    switch (priority)
+    {
+    case PASS:    iPassed++; break;
+	case FAIL:    iFailed++; break;
+	case WARNING: iWarnings++; break;
+    case COMMENT: iComments++; break;
+	default: break;
+    }
+    // filter out unnecessary stuff
+   if ((int)iPriorityFilter > (int)priority)
+        return;
+   // get current time time and format it to string
+	TBuf<20> time_str;
+    iTime.UniversalTime();
+    TRAPD(error, iTime.FormatL(time_str, _L("%H:%T:%S:%*C3")) );
+    if (error != KErrNone)
+	{
+		time_str.Copy(_L("TIMER-ERROR"));
+	}
+	// cleaning iLog_bufout
+	iLog_bufout.Delete(0,MAX_LEN*2);
+	iLog_bufout.SetLength(0);
+	// priority name and line number
+	//don't need in these tests,
+/*	TPtrC priName(priorityNames[priority]);
+	iLog_bufout.AppendFormat(_L(" %S (%3d)\t"), &priName, Lex::GetLineNo());*/
+	// rest of printf...
+	iLog_bufout.Append(aStr);
+	// Log can ouput to three diffrent destinations
+	// (at the same time). Console window,
+	// text file, or flogger.
+	// output to console
+	if (iConsole)
+	{
+		iConsole->Write(time_str);
+		iConsole->Write(iLog_bufout);
+		iConsole->Write(_L("\n"));
+	}
+	// output to file
+	if (iFile)
+	{
+		// cleaning iOut8
+		iOut8.Delete(0,MAX_LEN*2);
+		iOut8.SetLength(0);
+		if (iWriteTimestamp)
+		{
+			iOut8.Copy(time_str);
+			fputs((char*)iOut8.PtrZ(), (FILE*)iFile);
+		}
+		iOut8.Copy(iLog_bufout);
+		fputs((char*)iOut8.PtrZ(), (FILE*)iFile);
+		fputs("\r\n", (FILE*)iFile);
+		fflush((FILE*)iFile);
+	}
+#if (defined USE_TF_LOGGING)
+	// output to flogger
+	{
+		_LIT(KTClient, "TC:");
+		iLog_bufout.Insert(0, KTClient);
+		TFLOGTEXT(iLog_bufout);
+	}