changeset 0 4e1aa6a622a0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/systemhealthmanagement/systemhealthmgr/test/tstartupproperties/src/tstartupproperties_stepdefval.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:53:00 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include <barsread.h> //TResourceReader
+#include <barsc.h> //RResourceFile
+#include <e32modes.h> //EStartupModeUndefined
+#include <startupproperties.h>
+#include <tstartupproperties.rsg> 
+#include "tstartupproperties_stepdefval.h"
+	{
+	SetTestStepName (KCTestCaseDefVal);
+	}
+ */
+TVerdict CStartupPropertiesTestStepDefVal::doTestStepL()
+	{
+	RFs fsSession;
+	User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.Connect());
+	CleanupClosePushL (fsSession);
+	RResourceFile rFile;
+	TRAPD(err, rFile.OpenL(fsSession, KStartupPropertiesTestRsc));
+	if(err)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Problem %d with test resource file %S"), err, &KStartupPropertiesTestRsc );
+		User::Leave(err);
+		}
+	CleanupClosePushL (rFile);
+	TestDefaultValues_CtorL();
+	TestDefaultValues_START_APP_INFOL(rFile);
+	TestDefaultValues_START_APP_INFO2L(rFile);
+	TestDefaultValues_START_PROCESS_INFOL(rFile);
+	TestDefaultValues_START_PROCESS_INFO2L(rFile);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rFile);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fsSession);
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+CStartupProperties* CStartupPropertiesTestStepDefVal::CreateFromResourceLC(RResourceFile& aRFile, TInt aResourceId)
+	{
+	HBufC8* resource = aRFile.AllocReadLC (aResourceId);
+	TResourceReader reader;
+	reader.SetBuffer(resource);
+	CStartupProperties* prop = CStartupProperties::NewL(reader);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //resource
+	CleanupStack::PushL (prop);
+	return prop;
+	}
+/** Verify default values set by C++ c'tor */
+void CStartupPropertiesTestStepDefVal::TestDefaultValues_CtorL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Verifying default values set by C++ c'tor"));	
+	CStartupProperties* cprop = CStartupProperties::NewLC();
+	TEST(cprop->Version() 				== 1);
+	TEST(cprop->StartupType() 			== EStartProcess);
+	TEST(cprop->StartMethod() 			== EFireAndForget);
+	TEST(cprop->RecoveryMethod()		== EIgnoreOnFailure);
+	TEST(cprop->RestartMode() 			== EStartupModeUndefined);
+	// values here below not explicit initialised in c'tor
+	TEST(cprop->ActionOnCommandFailure()== EIgnoreCommandFailure);
+	TEST(cprop->FileName() 				== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(cprop->Args() 					== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(cprop->Viewless() 				== EFalse);
+	TEST(cprop->StartInBackground()		== EFalse);
+	TEST(cprop->Timeout() 				== 0);
+	TEST(cprop->NoOfRetries() 			== 0);
+	TEST(cprop->Version() 				== 1);
+	TEST(cprop->Monitored() 			== EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (cprop);
+	}
+/** Verify default values set in struct START_APP_INFO */
+void CStartupPropertiesTestStepDefVal::TestDefaultValues_START_APP_INFOL(RResourceFile& aRFile)
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Verifying default values set in struct START_APP_INFO"));	
+	CStartupProperties* rapp = CreateFromResourceLC(aRFile, R_APP_INFO_DEFAULT);
+	TEST(rapp->StartupType() 			== EStartApp);
+	TEST(rapp->FileName() 				== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(rapp->Args() 					== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(rapp->StartMethod() 			== EFireAndForget);
+	TEST(rapp->Viewless() 				== EFalse);
+	TEST(rapp->StartInBackground()		== EFalse);
+	TEST(rapp->Timeout() 				== 0);
+	TEST(rapp->ActionOnCommandFailure() == EPanicOnCommandFailure);
+	TEST(rapp->NoOfRetries() 			== 0);
+	// verify the ones not used by this struct as well
+	TEST(rapp->RecoveryMethod()			== ERestartOS);
+	TEST(rapp->Version() 				== 1);
+	TEST(rapp->RestartMode() 			== EStartupModeUndefined);
+	TEST(rapp->Monitored() 				== EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (rapp);
+	}
+/** Verify default values set in struct START_APP_INFO2 */
+void CStartupPropertiesTestStepDefVal::TestDefaultValues_START_APP_INFO2L(RResourceFile& aRFile)
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Verifying default values set in struct START_APP_INFO2"));	
+	CStartupProperties* rapp2 = CreateFromResourceLC(aRFile, R_APP_INFO2_DEFAULT);
+	TEST(rapp2->StartupType() 			== EStartApp);
+	TEST(rapp2->FileName() 				== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(rapp2->Args() 					== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(rapp2->StartMethod() 			== EFireAndForget);
+	TEST(rapp2->Viewless() 				== EFalse);
+	TEST(rapp2->StartInBackground()		== EFalse);
+	TEST(rapp2->Timeout() 				== 0);
+	TEST(rapp2->RecoveryMethod()		== ERestartOS);
+	TEST(rapp2->NoOfRetries() 			== 0);
+	TEST(rapp2->Monitored() 			== EFalse);
+	TEST(rapp2->RestartMode() 			== EStartupModeUndefined);
+	// verify the ones not used by this struct as well
+	TEST(rapp2->ActionOnCommandFailure()== EPanicOnCommandFailure);
+	TEST(rapp2->Version() 				== 1);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (rapp2);
+	}
+/** Verify default values set in struct START_PROCESS_INFO */
+void CStartupPropertiesTestStepDefVal::TestDefaultValues_START_PROCESS_INFOL(RResourceFile& aRFile)
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Verifying default values set in struct START_PROCESS_INFO"));		
+	CStartupProperties* rproc = CreateFromResourceLC(aRFile, R_PROCESS_INFO_DEFAULT);
+	TEST(rproc->StartupType() 			== EStartProcess);
+	TEST(rproc->FileName() 				== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(rproc->Args() 					== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(rproc->StartMethod() 			== EFireAndForget);
+	TEST(rproc->Timeout() 				== 0);
+	TEST(rproc->ActionOnCommandFailure()== EPanicOnCommandFailure);
+	TEST(rproc->NoOfRetries() 			== 0);
+	// verify the ones not used by this struct as well
+	TEST(rproc->RecoveryMethod()		== ERestartOS);
+	TEST(rproc->Version() 				== 1);	
+	TEST(rproc->Viewless() 				== EFalse);
+	TEST(rproc->StartInBackground()		== EFalse);
+	TEST(rproc->Monitored() 			== EFalse);
+	TEST(rproc->RestartMode() 			== EStartupModeUndefined);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (rproc);
+	}
+/** Verify default values set in struct START_PROCESS_INFO2 */
+void CStartupPropertiesTestStepDefVal::TestDefaultValues_START_PROCESS_INFO2L(RResourceFile& aRFile)
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Verifying default values set in struct START_PROCESS_INFO2"));			
+	CStartupProperties* rproc2 = CreateFromResourceLC(aRFile, R_PROCESS_INFO2_DEFAULT);
+	TEST(rproc2->StartupType() 			== EStartProcess);
+	TEST(rproc2->FileName() 			== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(rproc2->Args() 				== KNullDesC);
+	TEST(rproc2->StartMethod() 			== EFireAndForget);
+	TEST(rproc2->Timeout() 				== 0);
+	TEST(rproc2->RecoveryMethod()		== ERestartOS);
+	TEST(rproc2->NoOfRetries() 			== 0);
+	TEST(rproc2->Monitored() 			== EFalse);
+	TEST(rproc2->RestartMode() 			== EStartupModeUndefined);
+	// verify the ones not used by this struct as well
+	TEST(rproc2->ActionOnCommandFailure()== EPanicOnCommandFailure);
+	TEST(rproc2->Version() 				== 1);	
+	TEST(rproc2->Viewless() 			== EFalse);
+	TEST(rproc2->StartInBackground()	== EFalse);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rproc2);
+	}