* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: HDMI Cable Status FSM's "Connected" state.
#include "multifinitestatemachine.h"
#include "centralrepositorywatch.h"
#include "tvoutconfigforcomposite.h"
#include "compositecablestatusfsm.h"
* "Connected" state implementation for Composite Cable Status FSM.
* Composite Cable is connected in this state.
* @code
* ?good_class_usage_example(s)
* @endcode
* @lib none.
* @since TB 9.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCompositeCableStateConnected ): public CBase,
public MFSMState, public MCentralRepositoryObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aFSMForState Finite State Machine interface for State.
* @param aTVOutConfigForHDMI TV Out Configurer.
static CCompositeCableStateConnected* NewL(
MFSMForState& aFSMForState,
CTVOutConfigForComposite& aTVOutConfigForComposite,
CCompositeCableStatusFSM& aCompositeCableStatusFSM);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCompositeCableStateConnected();
// from base class MFSMState
* From MFSMState.
* Function is called when entering the state. State can perform
* necessary entry actions if any.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param none.
* @return aFSMBody Interface pointer of a FSM body.
virtual void Enter();
* From MFSMState.
* Function is called by FSM Body whenever an event that might have
* impact on the state has been fired. Implementation has to found
* out what event has occurred and decide whether it enforces
* transition to another state.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aInterfaceId Interface Id.
* @param aEvent Interface event Id.
* @return none.
virtual void Input(
TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
TFSMEventId aEvent );
* From MFSMState.
* Function returns state's identification.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param none.
* @return TFSMState State's identification.
virtual TFSMState Id();
* From MFSMState.
* Function returns state's name.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param none.
* @return TPtrC Name of the state.
virtual TPtrC Name();
* Function returns substate's identification.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param none.
* @return TFSMState Substate's identification.
virtual TFSMState SubId();
// from base class MCentralRepositoryObserver
* Function is called by watcher every time when key value has changed
* in CR.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aRepositoryId Changed repository.
* @param aRepositoryId Changed key.
* @return none
virtual void CentRepKeyChanged(
TUid aRepositoryId,
TUint32 aId );
* Function is called by property watcher when reading the integer property's
* current value fails.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aRepositoryId Changed repository.
* @param aRepositoryId Changed key.
* @param aError Error code:
* KErrAbort if in a transaction that has previously failed,
* KErrPermissionDenied if caller fails capability check,
* KErrNotFound if the setting does not exist,
* KErrArgument if the setting exists but is not an integer, plus other system-wide error codes.
* .
* @return none
virtual void CentRepGetKeyValueFailed(
TUid aRepositoryId,
TUint32 aId,
TInt aError );
* Input function for substate Enabling.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aInterfaceId Interface Id.
* @param aEvent Interface event Id.
* @return none.
void SubStateEnablingInput(
TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
TFSMEventId aEvent );
* Input function for substate Enabled.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aInterfaceId Interface Id.
* @param aEvent Interface event Id.
* @return none.
void SubStateEnabledInput(
TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
TFSMEventId aEvent );
* Input function for substate Disabling.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aInterfaceId Interface Id.
* @param aEvent Interface event Id.
* @return none.
void SubStateDisablingInput(
TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
TFSMEventId aEvent );
* Input function for substate Setting.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aInterfaceId Interface Id.
* @param aEvent Interface event Id.
* @return none.
void SubStateSettingInput(
TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
TFSMEventId aEvent );
* Input function for substate Start Listen
* Config Changes.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aInterfaceId Interface Id.
* @param aEvent Interface event Id.
* @return none.
void SubStateStartListenConfigChangesInput(
TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
TFSMEventId aEvent );
* Input function for substate Disabling for resetting
* TV Out Configuration settings.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aInterfaceId Interface Id.
* @param aEvent Interface event Id.
* @return none.
void SubStateResettingDisableInput(
TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
TFSMEventId aEvent );
* Input function for substate Resetting.
* @since TB 9.2
* @param aInterfaceId Interface Id.
* @param aEvent Interface event Id.
* @return none.
void SubStateResettingInput(
TFSMInterfaceId aInterfaceId ,
TFSMEventId aEvent );
* C++ default constructor.
* @param aFSMForState Finite State Machine interface for State.
* @param aTVOutConfigForHDMI TV Out Configurer.
MFSMForState& aFSMForState,
CTVOutConfigForComposite& aTVOutConfigForComposite,
CCompositeCableStatusFSM& aCompositeCableStatusFSM);
* Resetting the available config in tvout config
* @since TB 9.2
* @return none.
void ClearAvailableTvOutConfig();
* Transit to Idle state
* @since TB 9.2
* @return none.
void TransitStateIdle();
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
private: // data
enum TSubState
* FSM.
* Not own.
MFSMForState& iFSMForState;
* Central Repository Watchers.
* Own
CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForAspectRatio;
CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForFlickerFilter;
CCentralRepositoryWatch* iCRWatchForTvSystem;
* TV Out Configurer.
* Not own
CTVOutConfigForComposite& iTVOutConfigForComposite;
* Composite Cable Status FSM.
* Not own.
CCompositeCableStatusFSM& iCompositeCableStatusFSM;
* TV Out Configurer for listening setting changes.
* Not own
CTVOutConfigForComposite* iTVOutConfigForSettingChanges;
// Substate
TSubState iSubState;
// Flag
TBool iCableDisconnectedWhileEnabling;
// Flag
TBool iCableConnectedWhileDisabling;
// Flag
TBool iCableDisconnectedWhileSetting;
// Flag
TBool iCableDisconnectedWhileResetting;
// Flag
TBool iCableDisconnectedWhileListening;
// Flag
TBool iCableDisconnectedWhileResettingDisable;
// Flag
TBool iResettingInput;
// Flag
TBool iClearConfig;