// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "sysutil.h"
#include <f32file.h>
#include <bsul/ccacheddriveinfo.h>
#include "sysutildomaincrkeys.h" // for disc space
#include "sysutilinternalpskeys.h" // for disc space
#include "sysutildebug.h" // debug helper
#include "sysutilpatchdata.h" // patchable data defining the MMC drive integer identifer
#include <baflpan.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <e32capability.h>
#include <bsul/inifile.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include "sysutilsetup.h"
#include "sysutilplugindef.h"
// File names of the files which store version and device type information.
_LIT( KSWVersionFileName, "sw.txt" );
_LIT( KLangSWVersionFileName, "langsw.txt" );
_LIT( KLangVersionFileName, "lang.txt" );
_LIT( KDeviceAttributesFileName, "deviceattributes.ini" );
_LIT( KPRInformationFileName, "purpose.txt" );
// UID of sysutilsetup.exe.
const TUid KSysUtilSetupUid = {0x10285B3B};
// Publish and Subscribe keys.
const TUid KTestFilePathsUid = {0x10285B40};
const TUid KSWVersionUid = {0x10285B3C};
const TUid KLangSWVersionUid = {0x10285B3D};
const TUid KLangVersionUid = {0x10285B3E};
const TUid KDeviceTypeInfoUid = {0x10285B3F};
const TUid KPRInformationUid = {0x20027BC4};
// Device Type Information attribute UIDs.
const TUid KManufacturerNameUid = {0x10286358};
const TUid KModelNameUid = {0x10286359};
const TUid KModelCodeUid = {0x1028635A};
const TUid KRevisionIDUid = {0x1028635B};
const TUid KDefaultDeviceNameUid = {0x1028635C};
const TUid KUIPlatformNameUid = {0x1028635D};
const TUid KUIPlatformVersionMajorUid = {0x1028635E};
const TUid KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid = {0x1028635F};
const TUid KUIPlatformVersionUid = {0x10286360};
const TUid KOSVersionMajorUid = {0x10286361};
const TUid KOSVersionMinorUid = {0x10286362};
const TUid KOSVersionUid = {0x10286363};
// This is the maximum number of Device Type Information attributes that can be
// stored in the Device Type Information Publish and Subscribe property.
const TUint16 KAttributeLimit = 450;
// Default values that will be used if no plugin is provided, the
// deviceattributes.ini file is missing or if a device attribute is not
// specified by a licensee.
_LIT16( KDefaultManufacturer, "Symbian" );
_LIT16( KDefaultModelName, "Symbian" );
_LIT16( KDefaultModelCode, "Symbian" );
_LIT16( KDefaultRevisionID, "00.00" );
_LIT16( KDefaultDeviceName, "Symbian" );
_LIT16( KDefaultUIPlatform, "Symbian" );
_LIT16( KDefaultUIPlatformVersionMajor, "0" );
_LIT16( KDefaultUIPlatformVersionMinor, "0" );
_LIT16( KDefaultUIPlatformVersion, "0.0" );
_LIT16( KDefaultOSVersionMajor, "0" );
_LIT16( KDefaultOSVersionMinor, "0" );
_LIT16( KDefaultOSVersion, "0.0" );
// Security policies for the Publish and Subscribe properties.
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( KSecurityPolicyNone, ECapability_None );
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_S1( KSecurityPolicyWriteDeviceData, 0x10285B3B, ECapabilityWriteDeviceData );
_LIT( KNewLinePattern, "\\n" );
_LIT( KNewline, "\n" );
Dummy sysutil implementation object - never instantiated.
class CDeviceTypeInformation::TImpl
TUint32 iDummy;
Stores a copy of the device type information attributes. For details of the
memory layout see SGL.TS0017.201 BAFL Component Design Document.doc.
typedef struct _SDeviceAttributes
TUint16 Length() const;
TUint16 Count() const;
TInt32 Uid( const TInt aAttributeIndex ) const;
TInt16 Error( const TInt aAttributeIndex ) const;
TInt AttributeLength( const TInt aAttributeIndex ) const;
TUint16* AttributePtr( const TInt aAttributeIndex ) const;
TUint16* iDeviceAttributes;
} SDeviceAttributes;
@return TInt16 The number of elements in the memory block.
inline TUint16 SDeviceAttributes::Length() const
return iDeviceAttributes[0];
@return TInt16 The number of device type information attributes.
inline TUint16 SDeviceAttributes::Count() const
return iDeviceAttributes[1];
Returns the UID which matches the attribute with the given index.
@param aAttribIndex The index of the attribute in iDeviceAttributes.
@return TInt32 The UID of the attribute with the given index.
inline TInt32 SDeviceAttributes::Uid( const TInt aAttribIndex ) const
return (iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * aAttribIndex)] << 16) + iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * aAttribIndex) + 1];
Returns an error code associated with the device type information attribute with
the given index. This error code is generated when the attribute is retrieved
from a plugin/deviceattributes.ini. It indicates if a value was successfully
read, no value was provided or if an error occured.
@param aAttribIndex The index of the attribute in iDeviceAttributes.
@return TInt16 The error of the attribute with the given index.
inline TInt16 SDeviceAttributes::Error( const TInt aAttribIndex) const
return static_cast<TInt16>(iDeviceAttributes[2 + (3 * Count()) + 1 + aAttribIndex]);
Returns the length of the attribute with the given index.
@param aAttribIndex The index of the attribute in iDeviceAttributes.
@return TInt The length of the attribute with the given index.
inline TInt SDeviceAttributes::AttributeLength( const TInt aAttribIndex ) const
return iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * Count()) + aAttribIndex + 1] - iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * Count()) + aAttribIndex];
Returns a pointer to the attribute value in iDeviceAttributes with the given
@param aAttribIndex The index of the attribute in iDeviceAttributes.
@return TUint16* A pointer to the attribute value with the given index.
inline TUint16* SDeviceAttributes::AttributePtr( const TInt aAttribIndex ) const
return iDeviceAttributes + iDeviceAttributes[2 + (2 * Count()) + aAttribIndex];
// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
Returns the total length of all the device type information attribute values stored
in aValues.
@param aKeys An array which contains a list of device type information attribute
UIDs. The UIDs corrospond to the values in aValues.
@param aValues An array which contains a list of device type information attribute
values. The values corrospond to the UIDs in aKeys.
@return TInt The total length of all the device type information attribute values
stored in aValues.
static TInt AttributesTotalLength( RArray<TInt32>&, CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues )
TUint attributesTotalLength = 0;
TInt numAttributes = aValues.Count();
for( TInt attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < numAttributes; attributeIndex++ )
TInt attributeLength = aValues[attributeIndex].Length();
if( attributeLength < CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength )
attributesTotalLength += attributeLength;
attributesTotalLength += CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength;
return attributesTotalLength;
Returns a pointer to some memory which contains the device type information attribute
UIDs and values (these are contained in aKeys and aValues) in a compact format. The
layout of the memory can be found in the Design Document
(SGL.TS0017.201 BAFL Component Design Document.doc).
@param aKeys An array which contains a list of device type information
attribute UIDs. The UIDs corrospond to the values in aValues.
@param aValues An array which contains a list of device type information
attribute values. The values corrospond to the UIDs in aKeys.
@leave - One of the system-wide error codes.
@return TUint16* A pointer to the memory which contains the device type
information attribute UIDs and values in a compact format.
static TUint16* CreateDeviceTypeInfoPSDataL( RArray<TInt32>& aKeys, CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues )
// See SGL.TS0017.201 BAFL Component Design Document.doc for more information on the
// memory requirements and layout.
TInt memoryElements = 3 + (4 * aKeys.Count()) + AttributesTotalLength( aKeys, aValues );
// Allocate memory to store the device type information attribute keys and values
TUint16* deviceAttributes = static_cast<TUint16*>( User::AllocL( sizeof(TUint16) * memoryElements ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( deviceAttributes );
// Store the attributes length and count
deviceAttributes[0] = memoryElements;
deviceAttributes[1] = aKeys.Count();
// Store the attribute UIDs, offsets of the attributes in the memory, error codes and attribute values.
if( deviceAttributes[1] > 0 )
// Set the first offset to point to the start of the attributes
deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1])] = 2 + 1 + (4 * deviceAttributes[1]);
for( TInt attributeNumber = 0; attributeNumber < deviceAttributes[1]; attributeNumber++ )
// Store the UID as two TUint16s
deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * attributeNumber)] = static_cast<TUint16>(aKeys[attributeNumber] >> 16);
deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * attributeNumber) + 1] = static_cast<TUint16>(aKeys[attributeNumber]);
if( KUIPlatformVersionMajorUid.iUid == aKeys[attributeNumber] || KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid.iUid == aKeys[attributeNumber]
|| KOSVersionMajorUid.iUid == aKeys[attributeNumber] || KOSVersionMinorUid.iUid == aKeys[attributeNumber] )
// If the values were present in the INI/plugin (as we have the attribute keys) and the values
// are KNullDesC16 then the values were corrupt.
if( aValues[attributeNumber].Compare( KNullDesC16 ) == 0 )
deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber - 1];
deviceAttributes[2 + (3 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = static_cast<TUint16>(KErrCorrupt);
// If the attribute value is too long we need to truncate it and set the error as KErrOverflow.
if( aValues[attributeNumber].Length() > CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength )
deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + attributeNumber] + CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength;
deviceAttributes[2 + (3 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = static_cast<TUint16>(KErrOverflow);
Mem::Copy( deviceAttributes + deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + attributeNumber], aValues[attributeNumber].Ptr(), CDeviceTypeInformation::KMaxAttributeLength * 2 );
deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + attributeNumber] + aValues[attributeNumber].Length();
deviceAttributes[2 + (3 * deviceAttributes[1]) + 1 + attributeNumber] = KErrNone;
Mem::Copy( deviceAttributes + deviceAttributes[2 + (2 * deviceAttributes[1]) + attributeNumber], aValues[attributeNumber].Ptr(), aValues[attributeNumber].Size() );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );
return deviceAttributes;
Helper function which deletes the Version and Device Type Information Publish and
Subscribe properties. This is meant for testing purposes only and requires the
KSysUtilTestModeEnabled constant to be patched to ETrue.
@leave - One of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C void DeletePSPropertiesL()
if( KSysUtilTestModeEnabled )
TInt err = RProperty::Delete(KSWVersionUid.iUid);
if(err != KErrNotFound)
err = RProperty::Delete(KLangSWVersionUid.iUid);
if(err != KErrNotFound)
err = RProperty::Delete(KLangVersionUid.iUid);
if(err != KErrNotFound)
err = RProperty::Delete(KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid);
if(err != KErrNotFound)
err = RProperty::Delete(KPRInformationUid.iUid);
if(err != KErrNotFound)
Finds and returns the device type information attribute number in aAttr. This
number is used as an index in a populated instance of SDeviceAttributes.
@param aAttr A reference to SDeviceAttributes which contains a copy of the device type information attributes.
@param aKey The UID of the device type information attribute which needs to be found.
@return The attribute index number (position) in aAttr.
@return KErrNotFound aKey is not present in aAttr.
static TInt FindAttributeNumber( const SDeviceAttributes& aAttr, const TUid& aKey )
TInt bottom = 0;
TInt top = aAttr.Count() - 1;
while( bottom <= top )
TUint middle = bottom + ( top - bottom ) / 2;
if( static_cast<TUint32>(aKey.iUid) < aAttr.Uid( middle ) )
top = middle - 1;
else if( static_cast<TUint32>(aKey.iUid) > aAttr.Uid( middle ) )
bottom = middle + 1;
return middle;
return KErrNotFound;
Find a value from the patchable data. If that fails try Publish&Subscribe,
or if that fails, from Central Repository.
@param aPCKey identifies the value to get from P&S.
@param aCRKey identifies the value to get from Centrep
@param aPatchableData patchable data set at compile time, may have been patched via rom patching
@return Disk level threshold
static TInt FindValueL(
const TUint aPCKey,
const TUint aCRKey,
const TInt aPatchableData )
TInt val( 0 );
if (aPatchableData != -1)
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil: CL treshold value found from patchable data %d",aPatchableData);
return aPatchableData;
// Patchable data not set, try to get it from P & S Keys.
TInt errorCode = RProperty::Get( KPSUidDiskLevel, aPCKey, val );
if ( errorCode != KErrNone )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil: CL treshold value not found from PS: %d, trying CR",errorCode);
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidDiskLevel);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
return val;
Find out the critical level treashold (in bytes) for disk drives of type
aMediaType. Different media types may have different tresholds. If adding
a non-default treshold for some media type, implementation should go here.
@param aMediaType identifies the media type of the drive
@return Disk level threshold
static TInt64 FindCriticalLevelTresholdL( const TMediaType aMediaType )
if ( aMediaType == EMediaRam ) // RAM drives have different critical level than others
return (TInt64) FindValueL(KRamDiskCriticalThreshold, KRamDiskCriticalLevel, KSysUtilRamDiskCriticalThreshold );
else // Some other media type
return (TInt64) FindValueL(KOtherDiskCriticalThreshold, KDiskCriticalThreshold, KSysUtilOtherDiskCriticalThreshold );
Retrieves a string containing the location of sysutilplugin.dll. The location
which is retrieved is dependent upon two things. The first is a patchable constant
KSysUtilTestModeEnabled. This must be set to ETrue in order to use the test location instead
of the standard path. This is set to EFalse by default for hardware builds.
The second is a Publish and Subscribe property, which has a UID of
0x10285B40. If KSysUtilTestModeEnabled is set to ETrue then this property will be defined
and set to ETrue. This means that the test location is being used instead of the
standard location. If the client wishes to switch to the standard location they
can set this property to EFalse.
It may be the case that the standard location needs to be used before the property
is defined. If this is needed then the client can define and set the property.
Alternatively, a call can be made to SysUtil::GetSWVersion,
SysUtil::GetLangSWVersion, SysUtil::GetLangVersion or SysUtil::GetDeviceTypeInfoL.
It can then call RProperty::Set with a value of EFalse.
@param aLocation On return contains the location of sysutilplugin.dll.
@leave - One of the system-wide error codes.
static void GetDllLocationL( TDes& aLocation )
_LIT( KDeviceAttributeDll, "Z:\\sys\\bin\\sysutilplugin.dll" );
if( KSysUtilTestModeEnabled )
TBool testPaths = EFalse;
TInt err = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory, KTestFilePathsUid.iUid, testPaths );
if( KErrNone != err )
testPaths = EFalse;
if( testPaths )
TDriveUnit systemDrive( static_cast<TUint>(RFs::GetSystemDrive()) );
TParse path;
path.Set( systemDrive.Name(), &KDeviceAttributeDll, NULL );
aLocation = path.FullName();
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("DLL Location: %S", &aLocation);
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("DLL Location: %S", &KDeviceAttributeDll);
aLocation = KDeviceAttributeDll;
Retrieves a string containing the path to deviceattributes.ini. The path which
is retrieved is dependent upon two things. The first is a patchable constant
KSysUtilTestModeEnabled. This must be set to ETrue in order to use the test path instead
of the standard path. This is set to EFalse by default for hardware builds.
The second is a Publish and Subscribe property, which has a UID of
0x10285B40. If KSysUtilTestModeEnabled is set to ETrue then this property will be defined
and set to ETrue. This means that the test path is being used instead of the
standard path. If the client wishes to switch to the standard path they can set
this property to EFalse.
It may be the case that the standard path needs to be used before the property
is defined. If this is needed then the client can define and set the property.
Alternatively, a call can be made to SysUtil::GetSWVersion,
SysUtil::GetLangSWVersion, SysUtil::GetLangVersion SysUtil::GetDeviceTypeInfoL or SysUtil::GetPRInformation.
It can then call RProperty::Set with a value of EFalse.
@param aPath On return contains the path to deviceattributes.ini.
@return - One of the system-wide error codes.
static TInt GetFilePath( TDes& aPath )
_LIT( KDebugPath, "Z:\\versions\\" );
_LIT( KPath, "Z:\\resource\\versions\\" );
if( KSysUtilTestModeEnabled )
TBool testPaths = EFalse;
TInt err = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory, KTestFilePathsUid.iUid, testPaths );
if( KErrNone != err )
testPaths = EFalse;
if( testPaths )
TDriveUnit systemDrive( static_cast<TUint>(RFs::GetSystemDrive()) );
TParse path;
path.Set( systemDrive.Name(), &KDebugPath, NULL );
aPath = path.DriveAndPath();
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("File Location: %S", &aPath);
return KErrNone;
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("File Location: %S", &KPath);
aPath = KPath;
return KErrNone;
Fetch text from specified files. The algorithm first reads the file and puts
the string into a buffer. Then it searches for these "\n" sequences in
the buffer. To search for "\n" in a string the search string is specified as "\\n"
with the extra slash in front to mean that we are really searching for "\n" and not
the newline character - 0x000A. Once the "\n" is found in the buffer it is replaced
with the newline character - 0x000A. So since this input string is unicode, it is
actually searching for the byte sequence of 0x005C, 0x006E. These 4 bytes are
replaced by the two byte sequence of 0x000A.
@param aFilename File name to fetch string from.
@param aValue On return, contains the requested version string. If the buffer is
insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is provided
that is longer than 64 characters, and the file content is larger than 64 characters,
the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters (see error codes below).
@param aRemoveNewLines Replaces new line patterns if set to ETrue
@return KErrNone on success.
KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor is insufficient
to hold the file content, or has been truncated (see above). In both cases new-line processing
is done on the buffers if needed. If the file is empty KErrEof is returned, and the length of the
buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian error codes is
returned if reading the version string fails.
static TInt GetTextFromFile(
const TDesC& aFilename,
TDes& aValue,
TBool aRemoveNewLines )
RFs fs;
TInt err;
err = fs.Connect();
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
RFile file;
err = file.Open( fs, aFilename,
EFileRead | EFileStreamText | EFileShareReadersOnly );
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
TBuf8<2> characters;
err = file.Read(characters);
if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrTooBig)
// This means that we have an ANSI file (without the header bytes)
if( characters.Length() == 0 || characters.Length() == 1 )
return KErrCorrupt;
TUint8 firstByte = characters[0];
TUint8 secondByte = characters[1];
// Heading byte values for unicode files
const TInt KFFByte = 255;
const TInt KFEByte = 254;
// If file isn't unicode KErrCorrupt is returned
if( (firstByte!=KFFByte && secondByte!=KFEByte) && (secondByte!=KFFByte && firstByte!=KFEByte) )
return KErrCorrupt;
TFileText tf;
err = tf.Read(aValue);
// If the maximum length of the descriptor is insufficient to hold the record,
// the Read() function returns KErrTooBig and the descriptor is filled to its maximum length.
// If Read() is called when the current position is the end of the file (that is, after
// the last line delimiter in the file), KErrEof is returned, and the length of the buffer
// is set to zero. In this case, this would mean an empty file, as this code always reads
// from the beginning of the file.
if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrTooBig)
if (aValue.Length() > KSysUtilVersionTextLength)
// File content is larger than 64 characters. Truncate to 64 characters.
aValue.Delete(KSysUtilVersionTextLength,aValue.Length() - KSysUtilVersionTextLength);
err = KErrTooBig;
if (aRemoveNewLines)
// Replace new-line patterns with real ones
TInt error = aValue.Find(KNewLinePattern);
while (error != KErrNotFound)
// error is a position
aValue.Replace(error, KNewLinePattern().Length(), KNewline );
error = aValue.Find(KNewLinePattern);
return err;
Launches sysutilsetup.exe which is a helper executable. It should be launched
when the current client does not have the correct capabilities to define Publish
and Subscribe properties.
Flags are used to determine which Publish and Subscribe properties are defined
and set. The supported flags can be found in sysutilsetup.h.
@param aFlags Used to determine which Publish and Subscribe properties
should be defined and set. See sysutilsetup.h for
supported flags.
@return KErrNotReady The excutable has panicked or was not found.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
static TInt LaunchSetupExecutable( const TDesC& aFlags )
_LIT( KSysUtilSetupExeName, "Z:\\sys\\bin\\sysutilsetup.exe" );
const TUidType KSetupUid( KNullUid, KNullUid, KSysUtilSetupUid );
RProcess setupProcess;
TInt err = setupProcess.Create( KSysUtilSetupExeName, aFlags, KSetupUid );
if( KErrNone != err )
return KErrNotFound == err ? KErrNotReady : err;
TRequestStatus status;
setupProcess.Rendezvous( status );
if( KRequestPending != status.Int() )
setupProcess.Kill( 0 ); // Abort startup
setupProcess.Resume(); // Logon OK - start the server
User::WaitForRequest( status ); // Wait for start or death
// We can't use the 'exit reason' if the server panicked as this
// is the panic 'reason' and may be '0' which cannot be distinguished
// from KErrNone
err = setupProcess.ExitType() == EExitPanic ? KErrNotReady : status.Int();
return err;
Retrieves a string containing the version information for the given UID.
@param aVersionUid The UID that corresponds to the version information which is required.
@param aValue On return, contains the version string for the given aVersionUid.
@return - One of the system-wide error codes.
static TInt GetVersionPropertyData( const TUid& aVersionUid, TDes& aValue )
// The P&S property contains the version data (max length 64) and the error code
TBuf16<KSysUtilVersionTextLength + 1> temp;
TInt16 err = RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, aVersionUid.iUid, temp );
// If the P&S properties are not set we need to set them
if ( KErrNotFound == err )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("Launching sysutilsetup.exe");
err = LaunchSetupExecutable( KSetVersionPropertiesFlag );
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("sysutilsetup.exe terminated");
if( KErrNone != err )
return err;
err = RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, aVersionUid.iUid, temp );
if( KErrNone != err )
return err;
if( aValue.MaxLength() < temp.Length() - 1 )
aValue = temp.MidTPtr( 1, aValue.MaxLength() );
return KErrTooBig;
aValue = temp.MidTPtr( 1, temp.Length() - 1 );
return static_cast<TInt16>( temp[0] );
Retrieves the version information from aFileName and stores it in a Publish and
Subscribe property which has a key of aKey.
@param aFileName The name of the file which contains the version information.
@param aKey The key to be used for the Publish and Subscribe property.
@leave - One of the system-wide error codes.
static void SetVersionPropertyL( const TDesC& aFileName, const TUid& aKey )
TFileName filePath;
User::LeaveIfError( GetFilePath( filePath ) );
filePath.Append( aFileName );
// The P&S property must store the version data (max length 64) and the error code.
TUint16* versionData = static_cast<TUint16*>( User::AllocL( sizeof(TUint16) * (KSysUtilVersionTextLength + 1) ) );
CleanupDeletePushL( versionData );
// The error code is store in the first TUint16 and the rest is for data.
TPtr16 versionDataPtr( versionData + 1, KSysUtilVersionTextLength );
TInt err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, versionDataPtr, ETrue );
if ( err != KErrNone )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE2( "Error: %d, while processing: %S", err, &filePath );
// Store the error code from GetTextFromFile in the first TUint16.
versionData[0] = static_cast<TUint16>( err );
err = RProperty::Define( aKey.iUid, RProperty::EByteArray, KSecurityPolicyNone,
KSecurityPolicyWriteDeviceData, KSysUtilVersionTextLength + 1 );
if ( KErrAlreadyExists != err )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
versionDataPtr.Set( versionData, versionDataPtr.Length() + 1, versionDataPtr.Length() + 1 );
User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KSysUtilSetupUid, aKey.iUid, versionDataPtr ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
Sets the version information Publish and Subscribe properties.
@leave - One of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C void SetVersionPropertiesL()
SetVersionPropertyL( KSWVersionFileName, KSWVersionUid );
SetVersionPropertyL( KLangSWVersionFileName, KLangSWVersionUid );
SetVersionPropertyL( KLangVersionFileName, KLangVersionUid);
SetVersionPropertyL( KPRInformationFileName, KPRInformationUid );
Compares two UIDs.
@param aLeft The first of two UIDs to compare.
@param aRight The second of two UIDs to compare.
@return TInt Zero if both UIDs are the same. Positive if aLeft is greater
than aRight. Negative if aLeft is less than aRight.
@leave - One of the system-wide error codes.
static TInt CompareUids( const TInt32& aLeft, const TInt32& aRight )
TUint32 left = static_cast<TUint32>(aLeft);
TUint32 right = static_cast<TUint32>(aRight);
if( left == right )
return 0;
else if ( left < right )
return -1;
return 1;
Finds the deviceattributes.ini file which best match the current locale. If more
than one INI file is found for the current locale (this is a result of having
different versions of the INI file in different ROFS sections) then the contents
of the INI file are merged. If a attribute appears more than once then the most
recent value is taken. On return akeys and aValues will contain the merged
Note: The keys and values are in UID order from low to high.
@param aKeys On return, contains the attribute UIDs.
@param aValues On return, contains the attribute values.
@leave KErrGeneral A UID in the INI file is missing the '0x' hex prefix.
@leave - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
static void ReadDeviceAttribFilesAsArraysL(
RArray<TInt32>& aKeys,
CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues )
_LIT( KWildCardChar, "*" );
RFs fs;
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
// Get the localised version of deviceattributes.ini, if available, and use
// it to create a search pattern which will be used to find versions of the
// file that may be available in additional ROFS sections.
TFileName matchPattern;
User::LeaveIfError( GetFilePath( matchPattern ) );
matchPattern.Append( KDeviceAttributesFileName );
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( fs, matchPattern );
matchPattern.Append( KWildCardChar );
// Get a list of all the versions of the localised deviceattributes.ini
// that may be available in additional ROFS sections. If an error occurs
// the default values will be used.
CDir* iniFileList = NULL;
TInt err = fs.GetDir( matchPattern, KEntryAttReadOnly | KEntryAttHidden |
KEntryAttSystem | KEntryAttArchive, ESortByName, iniFileList );
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1( "Error: %d, while getting a list of deviceattribute.ini files", err );
if( err == KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PushL( iniFileList );
// Go through each INI file (starting with the last file first) extracting
// the keys and values which are then stored in the two provided arrays.
// This keys and values are stored in key order from low to high. Only the
// most recent version of each value is stored i.e. the value in the INI
// file which is stored in the newest ROFS section.
TLinearOrder<TInt32> orderer( CompareUids );
for( TInt iniNumber = iniFileList->Count() - 1; iniNumber >= 0; iniNumber-- )
// Get next INI file
TFileName iniPath;
User::LeaveIfError( GetFilePath( iniPath ) );
iniPath.Append( (*iniFileList)[iniNumber].iName );
BSUL::CIniDocument16* iniFile = NULL;
TRAPD( err, iniFile = BSUL::CIniDocument16::NewL( fs, iniPath ) );
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("BSUL::CIniDocument16::NewL error = %d", err);
if( err == KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PushL( iniFile );
RArray<TPtrC16> iniFileSections;
iniFile->GetSectionList( iniFileSections );
CleanupClosePushL( iniFileSections );
// For each section get the key/value pairs and insert in order to
// the provided arrays. If a key already exists do not insert the
// value in aValue.
TInt numIniFileSections = iniFileSections.Count();
for( TInt sectionNum = 0; sectionNum < numIniFileSections; sectionNum++ )
BSUL::CIniSecIter16* sectionIter = BSUL::CIniSecIter16::NewL( iniFileSections[sectionNum], iniFile );
CleanupStack::PushL( sectionIter );
TPtrC16 key;
TPtrC16 value;
while( sectionIter->Next( key, value ) )
const TChar char0('0');
const TChar charX('x');
TUint32 tempUid;
TLex16 lex( key );
// Skip over the '0' and 'x' hex number prefix
if( lex.Get() != char0 || lex.Get() != charX )
User::LeaveIfError( lex.Val( tempUid, EHex ) );
TInt err = aKeys.InsertInOrder( static_cast<TInt32>(tempUid), orderer );
if( KErrAlreadyExists != err )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TInt index = aKeys.FindInOrder( static_cast<TInt32>(tempUid), orderer );
aValues.InsertL( index, value );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // sectionIter
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // iniFile and iniFileSections
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // iniFileList
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // fs
Retrieves the provisioned device type information attribute key/value pairs
which are stored in aKeys and aValues.
Note: The keys and values are in UID order from low to high.
@param aKeys On return, contains the attribute UIDs.
@param aValues On return, contains the attribute values.
@leave KErrCorrupt There is a mismatch between the number of keys and values or
an invalid key has been provided.
@leave - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
@panic KErrTooBig More than 450 attributes where provisioned.
static void GetDeviceAttributesL( RArray<TInt32>& aKeys, CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues )
RArray<TInt32> iniKeys;
CleanupClosePushL( iniKeys );
CDesC16ArraySeg* iniValues = new (ELeave) CDesC16ArraySeg( 8 );
CleanupStack::PushL( iniValues );
// First try to get the device type information attributes from the INI file/s.
ReadDeviceAttribFilesAsArraysL( iniKeys, *iniValues );
if( !KSysUtilDisableDeviceTypeInfoSetupExe )
// Now try to get the device type information attributes from a DLL.
TFileName deviceAttributeDllLocation;
RLibrary deviceAttributeDll;
TInt err = deviceAttributeDll.Load( deviceAttributeDllLocation );
CleanupClosePushL( deviceAttributeDll );
if( KErrNone == err )
SysUtilPlugin::GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysFuncL GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysL = reinterpret_cast<SysUtilPlugin::GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysFuncL>( deviceAttributeDll.Lookup( SysUtilPlugin::EGetDeviceAttributesAsArraysLOrdinal ) );
User::LeaveIfNull( &GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysL );
GetDeviceAttributesAsArraysL( aKeys, aValues );
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("Could not load sysutilplug.dll with error: %d ", err);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
// Merge results with the INI taking lowest priority i.e. if the value already
// exists in aKeys/aValues then ignore the one in iniKeys/iniValues.
TLinearOrder<TInt32> orderer( CompareUids );
TInt numIniAttribs = iniKeys.Count();
for( TInt keyNum = 0; keyNum < numIniAttribs; keyNum++ )
TInt err = aKeys.InsertInOrder( iniKeys[keyNum], orderer );
if( KErrAlreadyExists != err )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TInt index = aKeys.FindInOrder( iniKeys[keyNum], orderer );
aValues.InsertL( index, (*iniValues)[keyNum] );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
// Check we have the same number of keys and values and that we don't have too many keys
if( aKeys.Count() != aValues.Count() )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
else if( aKeys.Count() > KAttributeLimit )
_LIT( KPanicReason, "KAttributeLimit exceeded" );
User::Panic( KPanicReason, KErrTooBig );
Validates major and minor version numbers. This means both values must be
within the range 0 to KMaxTUint16. If the major, minor or both numbers are
invalid their values will be replaced by KNullDesC16.
@param aKeys An array which contains a list of device type information attribute
UIDs. The UIDs corrospond to the values in aValues.
@param aValues An array which contains a list of device type information attribute
values. The values corrospond to the UIDs in aKeys.
static void ValidateVersionNumbersL( RArray<TInt32>& aKeys, CDesC16ArraySeg& aValues, const TUid& aMajorVersionUid, const TUid& aMinorVersionUid)
TLinearOrder<TInt32> orderer( CompareUids );
TInt pos = aKeys.FindInOrder( aMajorVersionUid.iUid, orderer );
if( KErrNotFound != pos )
if( aKeys[pos + 1] == aMinorVersionUid.iUid )
TInt32 value;
TLex16 lex( aValues[pos] );
TInt err = lex.Val( value );
if( KErrNone == err && value >= 0 && value <= KMaxTUint16 )
lex = aValues[pos+ 1];
err = lex.Val( value );
if( KErrNone == err && value >= 0 && value <= KMaxTUint16 )
aValues.Delete( pos + 1 );
aValues.InsertL( pos + 1, KNullDesC16 );
aValues.Delete( pos );
aValues.InsertL( pos, KNullDesC16 );
pos = aKeys.FindInOrder( aMinorVersionUid.iUid, orderer );
if( KErrNotFound != pos )
aValues.Delete( pos );
aValues.InsertL( pos, KNullDesC16 );
Gets the device type information attributes and stores them in their formatted form.
@return TUint16* Formatted device type information attributes.
static TUint16* FormattedDeviceTypeInfoL()
RArray<TInt32> keys;
CleanupClosePushL( keys );
CDesC16ArraySeg* values = new (ELeave) CDesC16ArraySeg( 8 );
CleanupStack::PushL( values );
GetDeviceAttributesL( keys, *values );
// Validate the major and minor UI and OS version numbers. This should be done now to avoid repeated processing
// later on when the client calls either of the GetUIPlatformVersion APIs. An added advantage of doing
// this now is that we save memory space if the version numbers are corrupt.
ValidateVersionNumbersL( keys, *values, KUIPlatformVersionMajorUid, KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid );
ValidateVersionNumbersL( keys, *values, KOSVersionMajorUid, KOSVersionMinorUid );
TUint16* deviceAttributes = CreateDeviceTypeInfoPSDataL( keys, *values );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
return deviceAttributes;
Sets the Device Type Information attributes Publish and Subscribe property
value. If the property does not already exist it will define it. Otherwise, it
will set the value again.
@leave - One of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C void SetDeviceTypeInfoPropertyL()
TUint16* deviceAttributes = FormattedDeviceTypeInfoL();
CleanupStack::PushL( deviceAttributes );
// Set the Publish and Subscribe property
TPtrC16 deviceAttributesTPtrC( deviceAttributes, deviceAttributes[0] );
TInt propertyType = deviceAttributesTPtrC.Size() < 512 ? RProperty::EByteArray : RProperty::ELargeByteArray;
TInt err = RProperty::Define( KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, propertyType, KSecurityPolicyNone,
KSecurityPolicyWriteDeviceData, deviceAttributesTPtrC.Size() );
if ( KErrAlreadyExists != err )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Set( KSysUtilSetupUid, KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, deviceAttributesTPtrC ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
// ========================= SysUtil MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==========================
Obtains the displayable software version string.
Usage example:
TBuf<KSysUtilVersionTextLength> version;
if ( SysUtil::GetSWVersion( version ) == KErrNone )
// Use the version string.
The software version is provisioned by the device creator into the ROM
as a Unicode UTF16 format displayable string, for example:
<code>V 1.0\\n29-07-07\\nBuild12345\\n(c) Symbian Software</code>
This provisioned text string contains only one line of text with "\n" sequences
in the text which indicate a new line. This API will parse the
text and remove any "\n" sequences that it finds and replace it with the
Unicode newline sequence - 0x000A. The resulting
buffer is then a unicode string with newline sequences built in. This
then can for example, allow the buffer to be displayed directly to the
screen already formatted on multiple lines.
@param aValue On return, contains the software version string. The buffer should
have space for KSysUtilVersionTextLength characters. If the buffer is
insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is
provided that is longer than 64 characters, and the provisioned text is larger
than 64 characters, the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters (see error
codes below).
@return KErrNone on success, KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor
is insufficient to hold the provisioned text, or has been truncated (see above).
In both cases new-line processing is done on the buffers. If a zero length
text string has been provisioned KErrEof is returned, and the length of the
buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian
error codes is returned if reading the version string fails.
EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetSWVersion( TDes& aValue )
if( KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetSWVersion caching disabled");
TFileName filePath;
TInt err = GetFilePath( filePath );
if( KErrNone != err)
return err;
filePath.Append( KSWVersionFileName );
err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, aValue, ETrue );
if ( err != KErrNone )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE2("Error: %d, while processing: %S",err, &filePath);
return err;
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetSWVersion caching enabled");
return GetVersionPropertyData( KSWVersionUid, aValue );
Returns displayable software version which the currently installed language
package is compatible with.
This version text is provisioned by the device creator into the ROM
as a Unicode UTF16 format displayable string, for example:
<code>V 1.0\\n29-07-07\\nBuild12345\\n(c) Symbian Software</code>
This provisioned text string contains only one line of text with "\n" sequences
in the text which indicate a new line. This API will parse the
text and remove any "\n" sequences that it finds and replace it with the
Unicode newline sequence - 0x000A. The resulting
buffer is then a unicode string with newline sequences built in. This
then can for example, allow the buffer to be displayed directly to the
screen already formatted on multiple lines.
@param aValue On return, contains the software version string. The buffer should
have space for KSysUtilVersionTextLength characters. If the buffer is
insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is
provided that is longer than 64 characters, and the provisioned text is larger
than 64 characters, the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters (see error
codes below).
@return KErrNone on success, KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor
is insufficient to hold the provisioned text, or has been truncated (see above).
In both cases new-line processing is done on the buffers. If a zero length
text string has been provisioned KErrEof is returned, and the length of the
buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian
error codes is returned if reading the version string fails.
EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetLangSWVersion( TDes& aValue )
if( KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetLangSWVersion caching disabled");
TFileName filePath;
TInt err = GetFilePath( filePath );
if( KErrNone != err)
return err;
filePath.Append( KLangSWVersionFileName );
err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, aValue, ETrue );
if ( err != KErrNone )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE2("Error: %d, while processing: %S",err, &filePath);
return err;
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetLangSWVersion caching enabled");
return GetVersionPropertyData( KLangSWVersionUid, aValue );
Obtains the displayable version of the currently installed language package.
This does NOT do any newline processing on the version text.
(unlike, for example GetLangSWVersion() or GetSWVersion()).
This version text is provisioned by the device creator into the ROM
as a Unicode UTF16 format displayable string.
@param aValue On return, contains the software version string. The buffer should
have space for KSysUtilVersionTextLength characters. If the buffer is
insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is
provided that is longer than 64 characters, and the provisioned text is larger
than 64 characters, the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters (see error
codes below).
@return KErrNone on success, KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor
is insufficient to hold the provisioned text, or has been truncated (see above).
In both cases new-line processing is done on the buffers. If a zero length
text string has been provisioned KErrEof is returned, and the length of the
buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian
error codes is returned if reading the version string fails.
EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetLangVersion( TDes& aValue )
if( KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetLangVersion caching disabled");
TFileName filePath;
TInt err = GetFilePath( filePath );
if( KErrNone != err)
return err;
filePath.Append( KLangVersionFileName );
err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, aValue, ETrue );
if ( err != KErrNone )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE2("Error: %d, while processing: %S",err, &filePath);
return err;
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetLangVersion caching enabled");
return GetVersionPropertyData( KLangVersionUid, aValue );
Obtains the displayable product release information string.
Usage example:
TBuf<KSysUtilVersionTextLength> prInfo;
if ( SysUtil::GetPRInformation( prInfo ) == KErrNone )
// Use the version string.
The product release information is provisioned by the device creator into the ROM
as a Unicode UTF16 format displayable string, for example:
<code>custom build\n20090626\nusb fix xyz</code>
This provisioned text string contains only one line of text with "\n" sequences
in the text which indicate a new line. This API will parse the
text and remove any "\n" sequences that it finds and replace it with the
Unicode newline sequence - 0x000A. The resulting
buffer is then a unicode string with newline sequences built in. This
then can for example, allow the buffer to be displayed directly to the
screen already formatted on multiple lines.
@param aValue On return, contains the product release information string. The buffer should
have space for KSysUtilVersionTextLength characters. If the buffer is
insufficient the descriptor is filled to its maximum length. If a buffer is
provided that is longer than 64 characters, and the provisioned text is larger
than 64 characters, the returned buffer is truncated at 64 characters.
@return KErrNone on success, KErrTooBig if the maximum length of the descriptor
is insufficient to hold the provisioned text, or has been truncated.
In both cases new-line processing is done on the buffers. If a zero length
text string has been provisioned KErrEof is returned, and the length of the
buffer is set to zero. If none of these cases apply then one of the Symbian
error codes is returned if reading the product release string fails.
EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetPRInformation( TDes& aValue )
TInt err = KErrNone;
if( KSysUtilDisableVersionSetupExe )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetPRInformation caching disabled");
TFileName filePath;
GetFilePath( filePath );
filePath.Append( KPRInformationFileName );
err = GetTextFromFile( filePath, aValue, ETrue );
if ( err != KErrNone )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE2("Error: %d, while processing: %S",err, &filePath);
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetPRInformation caching enabled");
err = GetVersionPropertyData( KPRInformationUid, aValue );
return err;
Checks if free system drive storage space is or will fall below critical level.
The system drive (internal, read/write, persistent drive) is also known
as the FFS (internal flash file system).
To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO
appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
build time to an appropriate level.
This method also needs to determine which drive is the FFS drive. To do
this patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data has not been
set, then RFs::GetSystemDrive() will be used to determine the FFS drive.
To set the patchdata to the FFS drive set the MACRO
SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_FFS_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter.
@see TDriveNumber
This function exists here to maintain binary compatibility .
@see SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
@param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
@param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to the
system drive. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current system
drive space is already below critical level.
@return ETrue if system drive space would go below critical level after writing
aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
@leave System wide error codes
EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(
RFs* aFs,
TInt aBytesToWrite )
TBool retVal( EFalse );
RFs fs;
if ( !aFs )
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() ); // Create temp session.
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
fs = *aFs;
TInt ffsDrive = GetFFSDriveLetter( fs );
retVal = DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(&fs, aBytesToWrite, ffsDrive );
if ( !aFs )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
return retVal;
Checks if free disk drive storage space is or will fall below critical
To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO
appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
build time to an appropriate level.
This function exists here to maintain binary compatibility .
@see SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
@param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
@param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to
disk. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current disk space
is already below critical level.
@param aDrive Identifies the disk drive to be checked. Numeric values
for identifying disk drives are defined in TDriveNumber enumeration.
@see TDriveNumber in f32file.h.
@return ETrue if disk space would go below critical level after writing
aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
@leave System wide error codes
EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(
RFs* aFs,
TInt aBytesToWrite,
TInt aDrive )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL( %d )",aDrive);
RFs fs;
if ( !aFs )
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() ); // Create temp session.
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
fs = *aFs;
TVolumeInfo vinfo;
// This may leave e.g. KErrNotReady if no drive
TInt errorCode = fs.Volume( vinfo, aDrive );
if ( !aFs )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL RFs::Volume returned error code %d.",errorCode);
User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
const TInt64 criticalLevel = FindCriticalLevelTresholdL( vinfo.iDrive.iType );
__SYSUTIL_TRACE3("SysUtil: CL treshold value: %Ld, Free: %Ld, Size: %Ld",criticalLevel,vinfo.iFree,vinfo.iSize);
return ( vinfo.iFree - (TInt64)aBytesToWrite ) <= criticalLevel;
Checks if free MMC storage space is or will fall below critical
To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
This method also needs to determine which drive is the MMC drive. To do
this a patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data
has not been set, then the drive will be fetched using BSUL.
@see CCachedDriveInfo
To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO
appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
build time to an appropriate level.
To set the patchdata to the MMC drive set the MACRO
SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_MMC_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter.
@see TDriveNumber
This function exists here to maintain binary compatibility .
@see SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
@param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
@param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to
MMC. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current MMC space
is already below critical level.
@return ETrue if MMC space would go below critical level after writing
aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
@leave KErrNotFound if the MMC drive cannot be found, otherwise one of the
system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(RFs* aFs, TInt aBytesToWrite)
TBool retVal(EFalse);
RFs fs;
if ( !aFs )
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() ); // Create temp session.
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
fs = *aFs;
TInt mmcDrive = GetMMCDriveLetter( fs );
retVal = DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevel_OldL(&fs, aBytesToWrite, mmcDrive );
if ( !aFs )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
return retVal;
Checks if free system drive storage space is or will fall below critical level.
The system drive (internal, read/write, persistent drive) is also known
as the FFS (internal flash file system).
To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO
appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
build time to an appropriate level.
This method also needs to determine which drive is the FFS drive. To do
this patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data has not been
set, then RFs::GetSystemDrive() will be used to determine the FFS drive.
To set the patchdata to the FFS drive set the MACRO
SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_FFS_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter.
@see TDriveNumber
@param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
@param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to the
system drive. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current system
drive space is already below critical level.
@return ETrue if system drive space would go below critical level after writing
aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
@leave System wide error codes
EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
RFs* aFs,
TInt64 aBytesToWrite )
TBool retVal( EFalse );
RFs fs;
if ( !aFs )
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() ); // Create temp session.
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
fs = *aFs;
TInt ffsDrive = GetFFSDriveLetter( fs );
retVal = DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&fs, aBytesToWrite, ffsDrive );
if ( !aFs )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
return retVal;
Checks if free disk drive storage space is or will fall below critical
To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO
appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
build time to an appropriate level.
Usage example:
TInt64 dataSize = 500000000;
if ( SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFsSession, dataSize, EDriveC ) )
// Can not write the data, there's not enough free space on disk.
// It's ok to actually write the data.
@param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
@param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to
disk. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current disk space
is already below critical level.
@param aDrive Identifies the disk drive to be checked. Numeric values
for identifying disk drives are defined in TDriveNumber enumeration.
@see TDriveNumber in f32file.h.
@return ETrue if disk space would go below critical level after writing
aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
@leave System wide error codes
EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
RFs* aFs,
TInt64 aBytesToWrite,
TInt aDrive )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( %d )",aDrive);
RFs fs;
if ( !aFs )
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() ); // Create temp session.
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
fs = *aFs;
TVolumeInfo vinfo;
// This may leave e.g. KErrNotReady if no drive
TInt errorCode = fs.Volume( vinfo, aDrive );
if ( !aFs )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL RFs::Volume returned error code %d.",errorCode);
User::LeaveIfError( errorCode );
const TInt64 criticalLevel = FindCriticalLevelTresholdL( vinfo.iDrive.iType );
__SYSUTIL_TRACE3("SysUtil: CL treshold value: %Ld, Free: %Ld, Size: %Ld",criticalLevel,vinfo.iFree,vinfo.iSize);
return ( vinfo.iFree - aBytesToWrite ) <= criticalLevel;
Checks if free MMC storage space is or will fall below critical
To calculate if a critical level has been reached the critical level threshold
setting will be used. This setting is available in the patchable data.
RAM drives and non-RAM drives have different threshold levels, so the corresponding
setting will be used for the calculation depending on the drive type.
RAM drives are defined to be drives that have the media type of EMediaRam
as returned by RFs. @see RFs::Drive
This method also needs to determine which drive is the MMC drive. To do
this a patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data
has not been set, then the drive will be fetched using BSUL.
@see CCachedDriveInfo
To set the patchdata for the RAM drive threshold set the MACRO
appropriate level. To set the patchdata for the non-RAM drive threshold
build time to an appropriate level.
To set the patchdata to the MMC drive set the MACRO
SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_MMC_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter.
@see TDriveNumber
@param aFs File server session. Must be given if available, e.g. from
EIKON environment. If NULL, this method will create a temporary session,
which causes the method to consume more time and system resources.
@param aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to write to
MMC. If value 0 is given, this method checks if the current MMC space
is already below critical level.
@return ETrue if MMC space would go below critical level after writing
aBytesToWrite more data, EFalse otherwise.
@leave KErrNotFound if the MMC drive cannot be found, otherwise one of the
system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TBool SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(RFs* aFs, TInt64 aBytesToWrite)
TBool retVal(EFalse);
RFs fs;
if ( !aFs )
User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() ); // Create temp session.
CleanupClosePushL( fs );
if( aFs->Handle() == KNullHandle )
User::Panic(_L("BAFL"), EBafPanicRFsConnectArg );
fs = *aFs;
TInt mmcDrive = GetMMCDriveLetter( fs );
retVal = DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(&fs, aBytesToWrite, mmcDrive );
if ( !aFs )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close temp session
return retVal;
Returns the FFS drive letter
This method determines which drive is the FFS drive. To do
this a patchable data has been provided. If the patchable data
has not been set, then the drive will be fetched via a call to
To set the patchdata to the FFS drive set the MACRO
SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_FFS_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter.
@see TDriveNumber
@return TInt the integer value equivalent of the TDriveNumber
EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetFFSDriveLetter( RFs & aFs )
// Check the argument, and panic if necessary
if( aFs.Handle() == KNullHandle )
User::Panic(_L("KERN-EXEC"), 0);
// Check to see if FFS drive is set in patchable data
TInt ffsDrive = KSysUtilDefaultFFSDrive;
if( !(ffsDrive >= EDriveA && ffsDrive <= EDriveZ) )
ffsDrive = aFs.GetSystemDrive();
return ffsDrive;
Returns the MMC drive letter
This method determines which drive is the MMC drive. To do
this a patchable data has been provided.
To set the patchdata to the MMC drive set the MACRO
SYMBIAN_BAFL_SYSUTIL_DEFAULT_MMC_DRIVE to the appropriate drive letter.
@see TDriveNumber
@return TInt the integer value equivalent of the TDriveNumber
EXPORT_C TInt SysUtil::GetMMCDriveLetter( RFs & aFs )
// Check the argument, and panic if necessary
if( aFs.Handle() == KNullHandle )
User::Panic(_L("KERN-EXEC"), 0);
// Check to see if MMC drive is set in patchable data
TInt mmcDrive = KSysUtilDefaultMMCDrive;
// If a valid mmcDrive is not currently found in patchable data, then search for one.
if( !(mmcDrive >= EDriveA && mmcDrive <= EDriveZ) )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL - searching for MMC drive");
// If mmcDrive is not set in patchable data, then fetch the MMC drive from BSUL.
BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo *cachedDriveInfo = BSUL::CCachedDriveInfo::NewLC( aFs );
// This will find valid MMC drive, leave if none available
mmcDrive = cachedDriveInfo->GetDefaultRemovableMemoryCardDriveL();
__SYSUTIL_TRACE1("SysUtil::MMCSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL, Selected MMC drive %d.",mmcDrive);
return mmcDrive;
Creates and returns a populated CDeviceTypeInformation object which is used
to access the device type information attributes.
All the attributes are provisioned by the device creator.
The returned object is owned by the calling code and so it is the calling
codes responsibility to delete this object when it no longer requires it.
@return CDeviceTypeInformation* A pointer to an instance of CDeviceTypeInformation.
@leave KErrNoMemory If there is not enough memory to create the object.
@leave KErrNotReady If there was a problem retrieving the device type
information attributes.
@leave - Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
@see CDeviceTypeInformation
EXPORT_C CDeviceTypeInformation* SysUtil::GetDeviceTypeInfoL()
return CDeviceTypeInformation::NewL();
// ================= CDeviceTypeInformation MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===================
Class destructor.
Performs any clean up such as deleting memory on the heap.
EXPORT_C CDeviceTypeInformation::~CDeviceTypeInformation()
SDeviceAttributes* attr = reinterpret_cast<SDeviceAttributes*>( iImpl );
if( attr != NULL )
delete attr->iDeviceAttributes;
delete attr;
Allocates and constructs an instance of CDeviceTypeInformation.
@return A pointer to an instance of CDeviceTypeInformation.
@leave KErrNoMemory, if there is not enough memory to create the object.
@leave - Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
CDeviceTypeInformation* CDeviceTypeInformation::NewL()
CDeviceTypeInformation* self = new (ELeave) CDeviceTypeInformation();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
Class constructor.
Performs any class construction tasks that will not cause a leave.
CDeviceTypeInformation::CDeviceTypeInformation() : iImpl( NULL )
Performs class creation tasks as part of two phase construction.
Performs any class construction tasks that will cause a leave.
void CDeviceTypeInformation::ConstructL()
SDeviceAttributes* attr = new (ELeave) SDeviceAttributes;
attr->iDeviceAttributes = NULL;
iImpl = reinterpret_cast<TImpl*>( attr );
if( !KSysUtilDisableDeviceTypeInfoSetupExe )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetDeviceTypeInfoL caching enabled");
// Check if the P&S property is already set. If it isn't then define and set it. If it
// is we will most likely get KErrOverflow as we are only providing enough space to
// get the first TUint16. This stores the length of the attribute.
TUint16 attributesLength;
TPtr16 attributesLengthTPtr( &attributesLength, 1 );
TInt err = RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, attributesLengthTPtr );
if ( KErrNotFound == err )
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("Launching sysutilsetup.exe");
User::LeaveIfError( LaunchSetupExecutable( KSetDeviceTypeInfoPropertyFlag ) );
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("sysutilsetup.exe terminated");
err = RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, attributesLengthTPtr );
if( KErrOverflow != err )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
else if( KErrOverflow != err )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
attr->iDeviceAttributes = static_cast<TUint16*>( User::AllocL( sizeof(TUint16) * attributesLength ) );
TPtr16 deviceAttributesTPtr( attr->iDeviceAttributes, attributesLength );
User::LeaveIfError( RProperty::Get( KSysUtilSetupUid, KDeviceTypeInfoUid.iUid, deviceAttributesTPtr ) );
__SYSUTIL_TRACE("GetDeviceTypeInfoL caching disabled");
attr->iDeviceAttributes = FormattedDeviceTypeInfoL();
Retrieves a reference to the attribute string which matches the provided
UID. The attribute has a maximum length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16
The attribute is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator
does not provide an attribute value for the given UID then KNullDesC16
will be supplied and KErrNotFound will be returned. If the device creator
has supplied an attribute value which is longer than KMaxAttributeLength
then the supplied value will be truncated. In this case KErrKErrOverflow
will be returned.
@param aAttributeUid The UID of the required attribute.
@param aValue On return, contains the attribute value if successful
and KNullDesC16 otherwise.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KErrNotFound A value for the given UID was not provisioned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetAttribute( const TUid& aAttributeUid, TPtrC16& aValue ) const
SDeviceAttributes* attr = reinterpret_cast<SDeviceAttributes*>( this->iImpl );
TInt attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, aAttributeUid );
if( KErrNotFound != attributeNumber )
aValue.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber ) );
return attr->Error( attributeNumber );
aValue.Set( KNullDesC16 );
return KErrNotFound;
Retrieves a reference to the Manufacturer Name string. This value conveys
the name of the device manufacturer. The Manufacturer Name has a maximum
length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters.
This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all
device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will
always be retrieved.
The Manufacturer Name is provisioned by the device creator. If the device
creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value
will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device
creator has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength
then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case KErrOverflow
will be returned.
Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x10286358.
@param aValue On return, contains the Manufacturer Name UTF-16 string.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated
@return - Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetManufacturerName( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
TInt err = GetAttribute( KManufacturerNameUid, aValue );
if( KErrNotFound == err )
aValue.Set( KDefaultManufacturer );
return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
return err;
Retrieves a reference to the Model Name string. This value conveys the
model name of the device as recognisable by the end-user i.e. the consumer.
The Model Name has a maximum length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16
This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all
device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will
always be retrieved.
The Model Name is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator
does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value will be
supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device creator
has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength then the
provisioned value will be truncated. In this case KErrKErrOverflow will be
Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x10286359.
@param aValue On return, contains the Model Name.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetModelName( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
TInt err = GetAttribute( KModelNameUid, aValue );
if( KErrNotFound == err )
aValue.Set( KDefaultModelName );
return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
return err;
Retrieves a reference to the Model Code string. This value conveys the
internal model name or part number by which this model is known to the
manufacturer. The Model Code has a maximum length of KMaxAttributeLength
UTF-16 characters.
This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all
device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will
always be retrieved.
The Model Code is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator
does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value will be
supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device creator
has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength then the
provisioned value will be truncated. In this case KErrKErrOverflow will be
Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x1028635A.
@param aValue On return, contains the Model Code.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetModelCode( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
TInt err = GetAttribute( KModelCodeUid, aValue );
if( KErrNotFound == err )
aValue.Set( KDefaultModelCode );
return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
return err;
Retrieves a reference to the Revision ID string. This value contains the
device revision and/or variant identification string and conveys the
specific version of the hardware and software used in the device. The
Revision ID has a maximum length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16
This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all
device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will
always be retrieved.
The Revision ID is provisioned by the device creator. If the device
creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value
will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device
creator has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength
then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case
KErrKErrOverflow will be returned.
Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x1028635B.
@param aValue On return, contains the Revision ID (this also
includes the Variant ID).
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetRevisionID( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
TInt err = GetAttribute( KRevisionIDUid, aValue );
if( KErrNotFound == err )
aValue.Set( KDefaultRevisionID );
return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
return err;
Retrieves a copy of the default Device Name string. This value conveys
the default name for the device as might be used for network identification
e.g. Bluetooth nickname. The Device Name has a maximum length of
KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters.
This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all
device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will
always be retrieved.
The Default Device Name is provisioned by the device creator. If the device
creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value
will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device
creator has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength or
the user supplied descriptors length is less than KMaxAttributeLength then
the provioned value will be truncated. In this case KErrKErrOverflow will
be returned.
Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x1028635C.
@param aValue On return, contains the Default Device Name.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetDefaultDeviceName( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
TInt err = GetAttribute( KDefaultDeviceNameUid, aValue );
if( KErrNotFound == err )
aValue.Set( KDefaultDeviceName );
return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
return err;
Retrieves a reference to the name of the UI Platform software used
in the device. The UI Platform name has a maximum length of
KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters.
This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all
device creators) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will
always be retrieved.
The UI Platform is provisioned by the device creator. If the device
creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value
will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will be returned. If the device
creator has supplied a value and it is longer than KMaxAttributeLength
then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case
KErrKErrOverflow will be returned.
Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x1028635D.
@param aValue On return, contains the UI Platform.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetUIPlatformName( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
TInt err = GetAttribute( KUIPlatformNameUid, aValue );
if( KErrNotFound == err )
aValue.Set( KDefaultUIPlatform );
return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
return err;
Retrieves a reference to the UI Platform version used in the device for
display, transmission or tagging purposes. The UI Platform version has a maximum
length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters.
The string should never be used for programmatic decisions based on assumed
functionality present in the device as device creators can vary the content of
the device firmware. Instead Feature Manager should be used to query the
functional capabilities of a device. @see CFeatureDiscovery
The UI Platform version is provisioned by the device creator. If the device
creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value
indicating unknown version will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will
be returned. If the device creator has supplied a value and it is longer than
KMaxAttributeLength then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case
KErrOverflow will be returned. The format of the string is device dependent.
Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x10286360.
@param aValue On return, contains the UI version number of the
current UI platform.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated
due to the provided descriptor being too small.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetUIPlatformVersion( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
TInt err = GetAttribute( KUIPlatformVersionUid, aValue );
if( KErrNotFound == err )
aValue.Set( KDefaultUIPlatformVersion );
return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
return err;
Retrieves the UI platform major and minor version numbers as TUint16s.
The retrieved values are both standard device type information attributes
(they are common to all device creators) as such it can be assumed that
values will always be retrieved.
The UI version is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator
provides invalid major and minor UI version numbers the default version
numbers will be supplied and KErrCorrupt will be returned. If the device
creator does not provide values for these attributes then default values
will be supplied and KDefaultValue will be returned.
Note: The major UI version number attribute is represented by a UID of
0x1028635E and minor UI version number is represented by a UID of
@param aMajor On return, contains the UI major version number.
@param aMinor On return, contains the UI minor version number.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrCorrupt The provisioned attribute value is invalid. The
default value has been returned.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetUIPlatformVersion(
TUint16& aMajor,
TUint16& aMinor ) const
SDeviceAttributes* attr = reinterpret_cast<SDeviceAttributes*>( this->iImpl );
TPtrC16 majorVersionNum( KDefaultUIPlatformVersionMajor );
TPtrC16 minorVersionNum( KDefaultUIPlatformVersionMinor );
// If we have valid major and minor numbers use these instead of the default values.
// Otherwise check to see if the minor version number exists. If it does the error
// number associated with this should be used instead of KDefaultValue as the
// version number (in major/minor form) is corrupt.
TInt attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, KUIPlatformVersionMajorUid );
if( KErrNotFound != attributeNumber )
if( attr->Uid( attributeNumber + 1 ) == KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid.iUid )
if( KErrNone == attr->Error( attributeNumber ) && KErrNone == attr->Error( attributeNumber + 1 ) )
majorVersionNum.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber ) );
minorVersionNum.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber + 1 ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber + 1 ) );
attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, KUIPlatformVersionMinorUid );
TLex16 lex( majorVersionNum );
lex.Val( aMajor, EDecimal );
lex.Assign( minorVersionNum );
lex.Val( aMinor, EDecimal );
return attributeNumber == KErrNotFound ? KDefaultValue : attr->Error( attributeNumber );
Retrieves a reference to the Symbian OS version used in the device for
display, transmission or tagging purposes. The Symbian OS version has a maximum
length of KMaxAttributeLength UTF-16 characters.
The string should never be used for programmatic decisions based on assumed
functionality present in the device as device creators can very the content of
the device firmware. Instead Feature Manager should be used to query the
functional capabilities of a device. @see CFeatureDiscovery
This is a standard device type information attribute (it is common to all
devices) as such it can be assumed that an attribute value will
always be retrieved.
The Symbian OS version is provisioned by the device creator. If the device
creator does not provide a value for this attribute then a default value
indicating unknown version will be supplied instead and KDefaultValue will
be returned. If the device creator has supplied a value and it is longer than
KMaxAttributeLength then the provisioned value will be truncated. In this case
KErrOverflow will be returned. The format of the string is device dependent.
Note: This attribute is represented by a UID of 0x10286363.
@param aValue On return, contains the Symbian OS version number.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrOverflow The provisioned attribute value has been truncated
due to the provided descriptor being too small.
@return - Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetOSVersion( TPtrC16& aValue ) const
TInt err = GetAttribute( KOSVersionUid, aValue );
if( KErrNotFound == err )
aValue.Set( KDefaultOSVersion );
return CDeviceTypeInformation::KDefaultValue;
return err;
Retrieves the Symbian OS major and minor version numbers as TUint16s.
The retrieved values are both standard device type information attributes
(they are common to all device creators) as such it can be assumed that
values will always be retrieved.
The OS version is provisioned by the device creator. If the device creator
provides invalid major and minor UI version numbers the default version
numbers will be supplied and KErrCorrupt will be returned. If the device
creator does not provide values for these attributes then default values
will be supplied and KDefaultValue will be returned.
Note: The major UI version number attribute is represented by a UID of
0x10286361 and minor UI version number is represented by a UID of
@param aMajor On return, contains the OS major version number.
@param aMinor On return, contains the OS minor version number.
@return KErrNone Successful, the provisioned value has been returned.
@return KDefaultValue Successful, the default value has been returned.
@return KErrCorrupt The provisioned attribute value is invalid. The
default value has been returned.
@return - Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CDeviceTypeInformation::GetOSVersion( TUint16& aMajor,
TUint16& aMinor ) const
SDeviceAttributes* attr = reinterpret_cast<SDeviceAttributes*>( this->iImpl );
TPtrC16 majorVersionNum( KDefaultOSVersionMajor );
TPtrC16 minorVersionNum( KDefaultOSVersionMinor );
// If we have valid major and minor numbers use these instead of the default values.
// Otherwise check to see if the minor version number exists. If it does the error
// number associated with this should be used instead of KDefaultValue as the
// version number (in major/minor form) is corrupt.
TInt attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, KOSVersionMajorUid );
if( KErrNotFound != attributeNumber )
if( attr->Uid( attributeNumber + 1 ) == KOSVersionMinorUid.iUid )
if( KErrNone == attr->Error( attributeNumber ) && KErrNone == attr->Error( attributeNumber + 1 ) )
majorVersionNum.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber ) );
minorVersionNum.Set( attr->AttributePtr( attributeNumber + 1 ), attr->AttributeLength( attributeNumber + 1 ) );
attributeNumber = FindAttributeNumber( *attr, KOSVersionMinorUid );
TLex16 lex( majorVersionNum );
lex.Val( aMajor, EDecimal );
lex.Assign( minorVersionNum );
lex.Val( aMinor, EDecimal );
return attributeNumber == KErrNotFound ? KDefaultValue : attr->Error( attributeNumber );