* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Control for accessory related settings.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <AccModeSettingArray.h>
#include "AccSrvServerModel.h"
#include "AccPolAccessoryPolicy.h"
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KNoCapability, ECapability_None);
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KWriteDeviceDataPolicy, ECapabilityWriteDeviceData);
enum TAccSettingsLights
class CAccSrvConnectionController;
class CHWRMLight;
* Controller for accessory settings functionality.
* @lib AccServer
* @since S60 3.1
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAccSrvSettingsHandler ) : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAccSrvSettingsHandler* NewL( CAccSrvConnectionController* aConCtrl,
CAccSrvServerModel& aModel,
CAccPolAccessoryPolicy* aPolicy );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CAccSrvSettingsHandler();
public: // New functions
* Should be called to indicate settings handler that connection status
* has changed.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aArray list of ids representing current connection status
* @return void
void ConnectionStatusChangedL( TAccPolGenericIDArray& aArray );
* Returns all supported HW devices that can't be properly identified
* when they are connected to phone without additional information.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param void
* @return supported HW devices in a bit mask
TUint32 GetSupportedHWDevicesL() const;
* Sets or removes HW devices. Used to identify HW device properly when
* it's connected to phone.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aSettings Bit mask storing one or several HW devices.
* See AccessoryTypes.h for HW device bit mask
* definitions.
* @param aEnable ETrue: sets HW device. EFalse: removes HW device.
* @param aForce Reserved for future use.
* @return void
* @exception KErrArgument if an argument was invalid or system-wide
* error code if failed.
void SetHWDeviceSettingsL( TUint32 aSettings,
TBool aEnable,
TBool aForce ) const;
* Returns current HW devices.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param void
* @return HW devices in a bit mask.
TUint32 GetHWDeviceSettings() const;
* Sets one setting for specified accessory mode.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aAccMode Defines an accessory mode.
* @param aSetting Defines setting and it's value.
* @return void
* @exception system-wide error code if failed.
void SetAccessoryModeSettingL( const TAccMode aAccMode,
const TAccModeSetting& aSetting) const;
* Returns one setting for specified accessory mode.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aAccMode Defines an accessory mode.
* @param aSetting Defines setting and it's value.
* @return void
* @exception system-wide error code if failed.
void GetAccessoryModeSettingL( const TAccMode aAccMode,
TAccModeSetting& aSetting ) const;
* Sets several settings for specified accessory mode.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aAccMode Defines an accessory mode.
* @param aArray Defines an array of several setting and value
* pairs.
* @return void
* @exception system-wide error code if failed.
void SetAccessoryModeSettingsL( const TAccMode aAccMode,
const TAccModeSettingArray& aArray ) const;
* Returns all settings for specified accessory mode.
* @since S60 3.1
* @param aAccMode Defines accessory mode.
* @param aArray Defines an array of several setting and value
* pairs.
* @return void
* @exception system-wide error code if failed.
void GetAccessoryModeSettingsL( const TAccMode aAccMode,
TAccModeSettingArray& aArray ) const;
public: // Functions from base classes
protected: // New functions
protected: // Functions from base classes
* C++ default constructor.
CAccSrvSettingsHandler( CAccSrvConnectionController* aConCtrl,
CAccSrvServerModel& aModel,
CAccPolAccessoryPolicy* aPolicy );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Returns new settings value. Leaves, if new settings contradict with
* policy.
TUint32 ResolveNewSettingsL( TUint32 aSettings,
TBool aEnable,
TBool aForce ) const;
* Checks whether vibra can be allowed or not. As a result aVibra will
* be modified: aVibra = ETrue -> vibra is allowed,
* aVibra = EFalse -> vibra isn't allowed
void GetVibraAllowed( TAccPolGenericID& aId,
TBool& aVibra ) const;
* Checks whether lights are forced on or not. As a result aLights will
* be modified: aLights = ETrue -> lights should be put on,
* aLights = EFalse -> lights shouldn't be put on
void GetLightsAllowedL( TAccPolGenericID& aId,
TBool& aLights ) const;
* Creates CR key dynamically.
TUint32 CreateCRKeyL( const TAccMode aAccMode, const TInt aId ) const;
* Converts setting from client format to CR format.
HBufC* CodeSettingL( const TAccModeSetting& aSetting ) const;
* Converts setting from CR format to format readable by client.
void DecodeSettingL( const TDesC& aIn, TAccModeSetting& aOut ) const;
* Returns ETrue, if setting is known.
TBool StaticKey( const TInt id ) const;
* Returns all static keys for accessory mode.
void GetStaticKeys( const TAccMode aAccMode,
RArray< TUint32 >& aArray ) const;
public: // Data
protected: // Data
private: // Data
// Controls connection handling
CAccSrvConnectionController* iConCtrl;
// Model that stores server status when server is running
CAccSrvServerModel& iModel;
// Lights API services
CHWRMLight* iLightsApi;
// Tells wheter lights set on or off by accessory server.
TAccSettingsLights iLightsOn;
//Handle to the Accessory Policy
CAccPolAccessoryPolicy* iPolicy;//Not owned
public: // Friend classes
protected: // Friend classes
private: // Friend classes
// End of File