Bug 1782 - GCC-E compilation error. Make friends with whole classes instead of private and protected methods.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <hwrm/hwrmfmtx.h>
#include "HWRMFmTxImpl.h"
#include "HWRMFmTxClientServer.h"
#include "HWRMtrace.h"
#include "HWRMFmTxStatusObserver.h"
#include "HWRMFmTxFrequencyObserver.h"
#include "HWRMFmTxInternalPSKeys.h"
#include "hwrmuipluginhandler.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++ constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHWRMFmTxImpl::CHWRMFmTxImpl() :
iClearFrequencyPckg(NULL, 0, 0),
iClearFrequencyCountPckg(NULL, 0, 0)
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::CHWRMFmTxImpl()" ) );
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::CHWRMFmTxImpl - return" ));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::ConstructL(MHWRMFmTxObserver* aCallback)
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ConstructL()" ) );
// NULL is acceptable value for aCallback, just means that
// client is not interested in callbacks.
iCallback = aCallback;
// Connect the session and order notifications
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ConstructL()" ));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ConstructL - Ordering notifications" ) );
iStatusObserver = CHWRMFmTxStatusObserver::NewL(iCallback);
iFrequencyObserver = CHWRMFmTxFrequencyObserver::NewL(iCallback);
TInt err(KErrNone);
TRAP(err, iUiPluginHandler = CHwrmUiPluginHandler::NewL( ));
if ( err != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE2(_L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ConstructL() - No Cone Plugin Handler" ), err );
iUiPluginHandler = NULL;
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ConstructL - return" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::~CHWRMFmTxImpl()" ) );
// close HWRM client, also deletes status observers
delete iUiPluginHandler;
// iCallback is not owned so it is not cleaned, just set to NULL
iCallback = NULL;
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::~CHWRMFmTxImpl - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::Close
// Closes session.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::Close()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Close()" ));
// Inform session that we are cleaning up now.
// Ignore errors, just trace them
TInt err(KErrNone);
if (iClient.Handle())
err =iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxCleanup, TIpcArgs());
if ( err != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Close - Error in cleanup: %d" ), err );
// Abort status/frequency notifications
if ( iStatusObserver )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Close - canceling FM Tx Status notifications" ) );
delete iStatusObserver;
iStatusObserver = NULL;
delete iFrequencyObserver;
iFrequencyObserver = NULL;
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Close - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::ReserveL
// Handles client request to reserve FM Tx
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::ReserveL(TBool aForceNoCCoeEnv)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ReserveL(0x%x)" ), aForceNoCCoeEnv);
if ( !aForceNoCCoeEnv )
if ( iUiPluginHandler )
// Check that we are on foreground (i.e. we have keyboard focus.)
// Note: There can be windows on top of our application that have explicitly disabled keyboard focus,
// but then again the foreground/background observer will not kick in in those cases either.
// -> We can use focus to determine foreground status here.
if ( iUiPluginHandler->InForeground() == EFalse )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( ( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ReserveL - Application does not have focus, Reserve denied." ) ) );
COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM VibraClient - CHWRMFmTxImpl::::ReserveL - No iUiPluginHandler available" ) );
// Do the actual reservation
COMPONENT_TRACE1(_L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ReserveL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::Release
// Handles client request to release FM Tx
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::Release()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Release()" ) );
TInt err = DoRelease();
if ( err != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Release - execution failed: %d" ), err );
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Release - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::Status
// Returns current FM Tx state
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFmTxState CHWRMFmTxImpl::Status() const
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Status" ) );
TFmTxState state = EFmTxStateUnknown;
if ( iStatusObserver )
state = iStatusObserver->Status();
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Status - return 0x%x" ), state );
return state;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableL
// Handles client request to switch FM Tx ON
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableL(TInt aFrequency)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableL(%d)"), aFrequency );
// Defaults to last used frequency
if ( !aFrequency )
aFrequency = iFrequencyObserver->Frequency();
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableL default freq = %d"), aFrequency );
// Range check on aFrequency
if ( !FrequencyRangeCheck(aFrequency) )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableL Out of range error") );
// round up to the closest frequency
aFrequency = RoundFreqToNearestStep(aFrequency);
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxOn, TIpcArgs(aFrequency)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::DisableL
// Handles client request to switch FM Tx OFF
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::DisableL()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::DisableL" ) );
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxOff, TIpcArgs()));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::DisableL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::Frequency
// Returns current Tx frequency
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHWRMFmTxImpl::Frequency() const
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Frequency" ) );
TInt frequency = 0;
if ( iFrequencyObserver )
frequency = iFrequencyObserver->Frequency();
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::Frequency - return %d" ), frequency );
return frequency;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetFrequencyRangeL
// Handles client query of FM Tx frequency range, and channel spacing (step size)
// This may already be cached, otherwise it's queried from the server-side
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetFrequencyRangeL(TFmTxFrequencyRange& aFrequencyRange) const
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetFrequencyRange" ) );
if ( iFrequencyObserver )
if ( iFrequencyObserver->FrequencyRangeUpdated() )
// Return frequency range from CenRep
aFrequencyRange.iMinFrequency = iFrequencyObserver->MinFrequency();
aFrequencyRange.iMaxFrequency = iFrequencyObserver->MaxFrequency();
aFrequencyRange.iStepSize = iFrequencyObserver->StepSize();
// Request frequency range update from server
TPckg<TFmTxFrequencyRange> freqRangePckg(aFrequencyRange);
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxGetFreqRange, TIpcArgs(&freqRangePckg)));
COMPONENT_TRACE4( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetFrequencyRange - return %d-%d, %d" ), aFrequencyRange.iMinFrequency, aFrequencyRange.iMaxFrequency, aFrequencyRange.iStepSize );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetFrequencyL
// Handles client request to set the Tx frequency
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetFrequencyL(TInt aFrequency)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetFrequencyL(%d)"), aFrequency );
// Range check on aFrequency
if ( !FrequencyRangeCheck(aFrequency) )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( ( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetFrequencyL Out of range error") ) );
// round up to the closest frequency
aFrequency = RoundFreqToNearestStep(aFrequency);
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetFreq, TIpcArgs(aFrequency)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetFrequencyL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency
// Handles client request, to scan for available clear frequencies
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequencyL(TInt& aClearFrequency)
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequencyL") );
// Call server
TPckg<TInt> clearFreqPckg(aClearFrequency);
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxGetNextClearFreq, TIpcArgs(&clearFreqPckg)));
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency - return %d" ), aClearFrequency );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency
// Handles client request, to scan for available clear frequencies
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequencyL(TClearFrequencyArray& aClearFrequencyArray, TUint& aCount)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequencyL, aCount %d"), aCount );
// Range check on aCount
if ( aCount == 0 ||
aCount > KClearFrequencyArrayMax )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequencyL Out of range error") );
// Call server
TPckg<TClearFrequencyArray> clearFreqArrayPckg(aClearFrequencyArray);
TPckg<TUint> countPckg(aCount);
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxGetNextClearFreqArray, TIpcArgs(&clearFreqArrayPckg, &countPckg)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency
// Handles client request, to scan for available clear frequencies
// Asynchronous version
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt& aClearFrequency)
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency async") );
// Call server
iClearFrequencyPckg.Set( TPckg<TInt>(aClearFrequency) );
iClient.ExecuteAsyncOperation(EHWRMFmTxGetNextClearFreq, TIpcArgs(&iClearFrequencyPckg), aStatus);
COMPONENT_TRACE3( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency - return %d, %d" ), aStatus.Int(), aClearFrequency );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequencyL
// Handles client request, to scan for available clear frequencies
// Asynchronous version
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequencyL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TClearFrequencyArray& aClearFrequencyArray, TUint& aCount)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequencyL async, aCount %d"), aCount );
// Range check on aCount
if ( aCount == 0 ||
aCount > KClearFrequencyArrayMax )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency Out of range error") );
// Call server
iClearFrequencyPckg.Set( TPckg<TClearFrequencyArray>(aClearFrequencyArray) );
iClearFrequencyCountPckg.Set( TPckg<TUint>(aCount) );
iClient.ExecuteAsyncOperation(EHWRMFmTxGetNextClearFreqArray, TIpcArgs(&iClearFrequencyPckg, &iClearFrequencyCountPckg), aStatus);
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetNextClearFrequency - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::CancelGetNextClearFrequency
// Cancels previous GetNextClearFrequency request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::CancelGetNextClearFrequency()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::CancelGetNextClearFrequency" ) );
TInt error = iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxCancelGetNextClearFreq, TIpcArgs());
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::CancelGetNextClearFrequency - return %d" ), error );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetNextClearFrequency
// Handles client request, to set the Tx frequency to a new available channel
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetNextClearFrequencyL(TInt& aClearFrequency)
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetNextClearFrequencyL") );
// Call server
TPckg<TInt> clearFreqPckg(aClearFrequency);
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetNextClearFreq, TIpcArgs(&clearFreqPckg)));
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetNextClearFrequencyL - return %d" ), aClearFrequency );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetNextClearFrequency
// Handles client request, to set the Tx frequency to a new available channel
// Asynchronous version
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetNextClearFrequency(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt& aClearFrequency)
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetNextClearFrequency async") );
// Call server
iClearFrequencyPckg.Set( TPckg<TInt>(aClearFrequency) );
iClient.ExecuteAsyncOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetNextClearFreq, TIpcArgs(&iClearFrequencyPckg), aStatus);
COMPONENT_TRACE3( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetNextClearFrequency - return %d, %d" ), aStatus.Int(), aClearFrequency );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::CancelSetNextClearFrequency
// Cancels previous SetNextClearFrequency request
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::CancelSetNextClearFrequency()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::CancelSetNextClearFrequency" ) );
TInt error = iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxCancelSetNextClearFreq, TIpcArgs());
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::CancelSetNextClearFrequency - return &d" ), error );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::IsAutoFrequencyEnabled
// Returns whether the automatic frequency mode is ON
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHWRMFmTxImpl::IsAutoFrequencyEnabled()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::IsAutoFrequencyEnabled" ) );
// Not supported yet
TBool autoFreqOn = EFalse;
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::IsAutoFrequencyEnabled - return %d" ), autoFreqOn );
return autoFreqOn;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableAutoFrequency
// Handles client request to turn automatic frequency mode ON
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableAutoFrequencyL()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableAutoFrequencyL") );
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxAutoFreqOn, TIpcArgs()));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::EnableAutoFrequencyL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::DisableAutoFrequency
// Handles client request to turn automatic frequency mode OFF
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::DisableAutoFrequencyL()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::DisableAutoFrequencyL") );
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxAutoFreqOff, TIpcArgs()));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::DisableAutoFrequencyL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetRdsData
// Returns current RDS data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetRdsData(TFmTxRdsData& aData)
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetRdsData") );
// RDS properties are only defined after 1st SetRds request
if ( RProperty::Get(KPSUidHWRMFmTx, KHWRMFmTxRdsPty, aData.iPty) != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetRdsData - PTY Get error" ) );
aData.iPty = KRdsPtyNone; // This is ok, use default value
if ( RProperty::Get(KPSUidHWRMFmTx, KHWRMFmTxRdsPtyn, aData.iPtyn) != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetRdsData - PTYN Get error" ) );
aData.iPtyn.Zero(); // This is ok, use default value
if ( RProperty::Get(KPSUidHWRMFmTx, KHWRMFmTxRdsMs, aData.iMs) != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetRdsData - MS Get error" ) );
aData.iMs = ETrue; // default is Music
if ( RProperty::Get(KPSUidHWRMFmTx, KHWRMFmTxRdsLangId, aData.iLanguageId) != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetRdsData - Language ID Get error" ) );
aData.iLanguageId = KRdsLanguageUnknown; // This is ok, use default value
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::GetRdsData - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsPTY
// Handles client request to set the Programme TYpe
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsPtyL(TRdsProgrammeType aPty)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsPtyL(%d)"), aPty );
if( aPty < KRdsPtyNone || aPty > KRdsPtyAlarm )
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetRdsPty, TIpcArgs(aPty)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsPtyL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsPTYN
// Handles client request to set the Programme TYpe Name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsPtynL(TRdsProgrammeTypeName& aPtyn)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsPtynL(%S)"), &aPtyn );
if( aPtyn.Length() > KMaxRdsPtynLength )
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetRdsPtyn, TIpcArgs(&aPtyn)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsPtynL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsMS
// Handles client request to set the Music/Speech flag
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsMsL(TBool aMusic)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsMsL(%d)"), aMusic );
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetRdsMs, TIpcArgs(aMusic)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsMsL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsLanguageId
// Handles client request to set the language ID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsLanguageIdL(TRdsLanguageIdType aLanguageId)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsLanguageIdL(0x%x)"), aLanguageId );
if( aLanguageId < KRdsLanguageUnknown || aLanguageId > KRdsLanguageAmharic )
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetRdsLanguageId, TIpcArgs(aLanguageId)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRdsLanguageIdL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotext
// Handles client request to set the RT data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextL(TDes& aText)
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextL(%S)"), &aText );
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetRadiotext, TIpcArgs(&aText)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL
// Handles client request to set the RT+ data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL(TDes& aText, TRtPlusContentType aContentType)
COMPONENT_TRACE3( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL(%S, ct %d)"), &aText, aContentType );
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetRadiotextPlus1, TIpcArgs(&aText, aContentType)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL
// Handles client request to set the RT+ data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL(TDes& aText, TRtPlusTag aTag)
COMPONENT_TRACE3( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL(%S, tag %d)"), &aText, aTag.iContentType );
THWRMRtPlusTagCmdPackage pckg(aTag);
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetRadiotextPlus2, TIpcArgs(&aText, &pckg)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL
// Handles client request to set the RT+ data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL(TDes& aText, TRtPlusTag aTag1, TRtPlusTag aTag2)
COMPONENT_TRACE4( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL(%S, tag %d, tag2 %d)"), &aText, aTag1.iContentType, aTag2.iContentType );
THWRMRtPlusTagCmdPackage pckg(aTag1);
THWRMRtPlusTagCmdPackage pckg2(aTag2);
// Call server
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxSetRadiotextPlus3, TIpcArgs(&aText, &pckg, &pckg2)));
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::SetRadiotextPlusL - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRdsData
// Clears any previously set RDS data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRdsData()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRdsData") );
// Call server
TInt err = iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxClearRdsData, TIpcArgs());
if ( err != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRdsData - execution failed: %d" ), err );
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRdsData - return" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRadiotextData
// Clears any previously set RT data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRadiotextData()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRadiotextData") );
// Call server
TInt err = iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxClearRtData, TIpcArgs());
if ( err != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRadiotextData - execution failed: %d" ), err );
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::ClearRadiotextData - return" ) );
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleGainingForeground
// Inherited From MCoeForegroundObserver - called when app comes to foreground
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleGainingForeground()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleGainingForeground()" ) );
TRAPD(err, DoReserveL(EFalse));
if ( err != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleGainingForeground - Error reserving: %d " ), err );
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleGainingForeground - return " ) );
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleLosingForeground
// Inherited From MCoeForegroundObserver - called when app goes to background
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleLosingForeground()
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleLosingForeground()" ) );
TInt err = DoRelease();
if ( err != KErrNone )
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FmTxClient - CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleLosingForeground - Error releasing: %d " ), err );
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::HandleLosingForeground - return " ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::FrequencyRangeCheck
// Helper function for enabling or setting Tx frequency
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHWRMFmTxImpl::FrequencyRangeCheck(TInt aFrequency)
COMPONENT_TRACE1( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::FrequencyRangeCheck()" ) );
TBool retVal = ETrue;
if ( iFrequencyObserver->FrequencyRangeUpdated() )
// Check against frequency range in CenRep
if ( aFrequency < iFrequencyObserver->MinFrequency() ||
aFrequency > iFrequencyObserver->MaxFrequency() )
retVal = EFalse;
// Query frequency range from server
TPckgBuf<TFmTxFrequencyRange> freqRangePckg;
TInt err = iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxGetFreqRange, TIpcArgs(&freqRangePckg));
TFmTxFrequencyRange freqRange = freqRangePckg();
COMPONENT_TRACE4( _L("HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::FrequencyRangeCheck() got from server %d-%d, %d"), freqRange.iMinFrequency, freqRange.iMaxFrequency, freqRange.iStepSize );
// Check against frequency range from server
if ( err != KErrNone ||
aFrequency < freqRange.iMinFrequency ||
aFrequency > freqRange.iMaxFrequency )
retVal = EFalse;
COMPONENT_TRACE2( _L( "HWRM FM Tx Client - CHWRMFmTxImpl::FrequencyRangeCheck() return %d" ), retVal );
return retVal;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::DoReserveL
// Helper function for reserving FM Tx resource
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHWRMFmTxImpl::DoReserveL(TBool aForceNoCCoeEnv)
User::LeaveIfError(iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxReserve, TIpcArgs(aForceNoCCoeEnv)));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::DoRelease
// Helper function for releasing FM Tx resource
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHWRMFmTxImpl::DoRelease()
return iClient.ExecuteOperation(EHWRMFmTxRelease, TIpcArgs());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHWRMFmTxImpl::RoundFreqToNearestStep
// Round up the frequency to the nearest valid frequency based on the
// frequency range and the step size
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHWRMFmTxImpl::RoundFreqToNearestStep(TInt aFrequency)
TInt stepSize = iFrequencyObserver->StepSize();
TInt frequency;
frequency = aFrequency - iFrequencyObserver->MinFrequency();
TInt remainder(0);
if ( stepSize )
remainder = frequency % stepSize;
if ( remainder == 0)
frequency = aFrequency;
if (remainder < stepSize / 2)
frequency = aFrequency - remainder;
frequency = aFrequency - remainder + stepSize;
return frequency;
// End of File