Merge fix for bug 2620.
* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Client API implementation for the Mediator Server
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include "MediatorServerClient.h"
#include "MediatorCommon.h"
#include "Debug.h"
const TInt KServerRetries = 2;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::Connect
// Creates a new client-server -session with MediatorServer. Starts it up if not
// started already.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::Connect()
// Check that there's no connection existing already
if ( Handle() )
return KErrAlreadyExists;
TInt tryLoop = 0;
TInt error = 0;
// Try to create session to server. If server is not started, try to start it.
for ( tryLoop = 0; tryLoop < KServerRetries; tryLoop++ )
error = CreateSession( KMediatorServerName, Version() );
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t Session created with status %d\n"), error));
if ( error != KErrNotFound && error != KErrServerTerminated )
if ( error != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::Connect(ln%d): error=%d\n"), __LINE__, error ) );
return error;
error = StartServer();
if ( error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::Connect(ln%d): error=%d\n"), __LINE__, error ) );
return error;
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StartServer
// Creates a new process for the server and starts it up.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::StartServer()
TInt result( KErrNone );
// create server - if one of this name does not already exist
TFindProcess findServerProcess( KMediatorServerProcessName );
TFullName name;
if ( findServerProcess.Next( name ) != KErrNone ) // we don't exist already
TRequestStatus status( KRequestPending );
RProcess server;
// Create the server process
result = server.Create( KMediatorServerExe, KNullDesC );
if( result != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::StartServer: result=%d\n"), result ) );
return result;
// Process created successfully
server.Rendezvous( status );
server.Resume(); // start it going
// Wait until the completion of the server creation
// server signals us when it's up
User::WaitForRequest( status );
if( status != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::StartServer: status=%d\n"), status.Int() ) );
return status.Int();
// Server created successfully
server.Close(); // we can close the handle to server process now
return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::Close
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RMediatorServer::Close()
// Base call
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::Version
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TVersion RMediatorServer::Version(void) const
return( TVersion( KMediatorServerMajor,
KMediatorServerBuild ));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::Cancel
// Cancels ongoing command in Mediator
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RMediatorServer::Cancel( )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::Cancel\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Send the command (ignore return value)
SendReceive( ECancelAll, TIpcArgs() );
// ============================ REGISTRATION COMMANDS ==========================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::RegisterEventL
// Registers event list to MediatorServer
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::RegisterEventList( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
const REventList& aEvents )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::RegisterEventL list\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
TInt status = KErrNone;
// Check that there's something to register
if ( aEvents.Count() > 0 )
// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// Create event array write pointer
TInt arraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TEvent) ) * aEvents.Count();
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aEvents[0], arraySize, arraySize );
// Send the command to server
status = SendReceive( ERegisterEventList,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::RegisterCommandListL
// Registers command list to MediatorServer
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::RegisterCommandList( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
const RCommandList& aCommands )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::RegisterEventL list\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
TInt status = KErrNone;
// Check that there's something to register
if ( aCommands.Count() )
// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// Create command array write pointer
TInt arraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TCommand) ) * aCommands.Count();
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aCommands[0], arraySize, arraySize );
// Send the command to server
status = SendReceive( ERegisterCommandList,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::UnregisterEventL
// Unregisters event list.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::UnregisterEventList( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
const REventList& aEvents )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::UnregisterEventListL\n")));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
TInt status = KErrNone;
// Check that there's something to unregister
if ( aEvents.Count() )
// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// Create event array write pointer
TInt arraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TEvent) ) * aEvents.Count();
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aEvents[0], arraySize, arraySize );
// Send the command to server
status = SendReceive( EUnregisterEventList,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::UnregisterCommandL
// Unregisters command list.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::UnregisterCommandList( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
const RCommandList& aCommands )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::UnregisterCommandList\n")));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
TInt status = KErrNone;
// Check that there's something to unregister
if ( aCommands.Count() )
/// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// Create command array write pointer
TInt arraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TCommand) ) * aCommands.Count();
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aCommands[0], arraySize, arraySize );
// Send the command to server
status = SendReceive( EUnregisterCommandList,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::RaiseEventL
// Raise event to Mediator Server.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::RaiseEvent( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
TInt aEventId,
TVersion aVersion,
const TDesC8& aData )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::RaiseEvent\n")));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Create a structures for event data
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
TEvent event;
event.iEventId = aEventId;
event.iVersion = aVersion;
TEventBuffer eventBuffer( event );
// Send the command to server
return SendReceive( ERaiseEvent,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&aData ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::SubscribeEvent
// Subscribes a list of events
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::SubscribeEventList( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
const REventList& aEvents )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::SubscribeEventList\n")));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
TInt status = KErrNone;
// Check that there's something to unregister
if ( aEvents.Count() )
// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// Create event array write pointer
TInt arraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TEvent) ) * aEvents.Count();
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aEvents[0], arraySize, arraySize );
// Send the command to server
status = SendReceive( ESubscribeEventList,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::UnsubscribeEventListL
// Unsubscribes a list of events.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::UnsubscribeEventList( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
const REventList& aEvents )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::UnsubscribeEventList\n")));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
TInt status = KErrNone;
// Check that there's something to unregister
if ( aEvents.Count() )
// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// Create event array write pointer
TInt arraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TEvent) ) * aEvents.Count();
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aEvents[0], arraySize, arraySize );
// Send the command to server
status = SendReceive( EUnsubscribeEventList,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::IssueCommand
// Synchronous function to send command request to Mediator Server
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::IssueCommand( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
TInt aCommandId,
TVersion aVersion,
const TDesC8& aData )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::IssueCommand\n")));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// And command
TCommand command;
command.iCommandId = aCommandId;
command.iVersion = aVersion;
//Time out is initiatilized to 0 as its not used on the server side.
//this is just to compress the tool warnings.
command.iTimeout = 0;
TCommandBuffer commandBuffer( command );
// Send the command
return SendReceive( EIssueCommand,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&aData ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::IssueResponse
// Synchronous function to send command request to Mediator Server
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::IssueResponse( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
TInt aCommandId,
TInt aStatus,
const TDesC8& aData )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::IssueResponse\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// And command
TCommand command;
command.iCommandId = aCommandId;
TCommandBuffer commandBuffer( command );
// Status
TPckgBuf<TInt> statusBuffer( aStatus );
// Send the command
return SendReceive( EIssueResponse,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&aData ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::CancelCommand
// Cancels ongoing command in Mediator
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::CancelCommand( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
TInt aCommandId )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::CancelCommand\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Fill category
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// And command
TCommand command;
command.iCommandId = aCommandId;
TCommandBuffer commandBuffer( command );
// Send the command
return SendReceive( ECancelCommand,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&commandBuffer ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::ReceiveCommands
// Asynchronous function to send command request to Mediator Server
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RMediatorServer::ReceiveCommands( TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TMediatorCategoryRetBuffer& aCategoryBuffer,
TCommandRetBuffer& aCommandBuffer,
TPtr8& aCommandData )
SendReceive( EWaitForCommand, TIpcArgs( &aCategoryBuffer,
&aCommandData ), aStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::GetDomains
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::GetDomains( RDomainList& aDomains )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::GetDomains\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Cleanup
TInt err;
// Reserve default sized array for domain items
if ( ( err = aDomains.Reserve( KMediatorMaxDomainCount ) ) != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::GetDomains(ln%d): err=%d\n"), __LINE__, err ) );
return err;
// Append empty items to array to reserver space
for ( TInt index = 0; index < KMediatorMaxDomainCount; index++ )
TUid dummy = TUid::Uid(0);
aDomains.Append( dummy );
// Define data passing pointers
TInt arraySize = (sizeof(TUid) ) * KMediatorMaxDomainCount;
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aDomains[0], arraySize );
// Send the command to server
TInt status = SendReceive( EGetDomains,
TIpcArgs( &arrayPtr ) );
// If no errors, Mediator Server completes the message with count
if ( status > KMediatorMaxDomainCount )
// Reset array, otherwise Append will not work correctly.
// Reserve will perform Reset anyway, so omitting this would just complicate the code below
// We have too much data coming --> need to fetch more.
if ( ( err = aDomains.Reserve ( status ) ) != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::GetDomains(ln%d): err=%d\n"), __LINE__, err ) );
return err;
// Append empty items to array to reserver space
for ( TInt index = 0; index < status; index++ )
TUid dummy = TUid::Uid(0);
aDomains.Append( dummy );
TInt bigArraySize = (sizeof(TUid) ) * status;
TPtr8 bigArrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aDomains[0], bigArraySize );
status = SendReceive( EGetDomains,
TIpcArgs( &bigArrayPtr ) );
// Remove the unneeded items from the array
for ( TInt index = aDomains.Count() - 1; index >= status && index >= 0 ; index-- )
aDomains.Remove( index );
if ( status > 0 )
// No errors
status = KErrNone;
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::GetCategories
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::GetCategories( TUid aDomain, RCategoryList& aCategories )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::GetCategories\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Create a structures for fetch data
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = TUid::Uid(0); // Not used
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// cleanup
TInt err;
// Reserve default sized array for category items
if ( ( err = aCategories.Reserve( KMediatorMaxCategoryCount ) ) != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::GetCategories(ln%d): err=%d\n"), __LINE__, err ) );
return err;
// Append empty items to array to reserver space
for ( TInt index = 0; index < KMediatorMaxCategoryCount; index++ )
TUid dummy = TUid::Uid(0);
aCategories.Append( dummy );
// Define data passing pointers
TInt arraySize = (sizeof(TUid) ) * KMediatorMaxCategoryCount;
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aCategories[0], arraySize );
// Send the command to server
TInt status = SendReceive( EGetCategories,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
// If no errors, Mediator Server completes the message with count
if ( status > KMediatorMaxCategoryCount )
// We have too much data coming --> need to fetch more.
// Cleanup categories
if ( ( err = aCategories.Reserve( status ) ) != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::GetCategories(ln%d): err=%d\n"), __LINE__, err ) );
return err;
// Append empty items to array to reserver space
for ( TInt index = 0; index < status; index++ )
TUid dummy = TUid::Uid(0);
aCategories.Append( dummy );
TInt bigArraySize = (sizeof(TUid) ) * status;
TPtr8 bigArrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aCategories[0], bigArraySize );
status = SendReceive( EGetCategories,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&bigArrayPtr ) );
// Remove the unneeded items from the array
for ( TInt index = aCategories.Count() - 1; index >= status && index >= 0 ; index-- )
aCategories.Remove( index );
if ( status > 0 )
// No errors
status = KErrNone;
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::GetEvents
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::GetEvents( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
REventList& aEvents )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::GetEvents\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Cleanup
// Create a structures for fetch data
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
TInt err;
// Reserve default sized array for event items
if ( ( err = aEvents.Reserve( KMediatorMaxEventCount ) ) != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::GetEvents(ln%d): err=%d\n"), __LINE__, err ) );
return err;
// Append empty items to array to reserver space
for ( TInt index = 0; index < KMediatorMaxEventCount; index++ )
TEvent emptyEvent;
aEvents.Append( emptyEvent );
// Define data return pointers
TInt arraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TEvent) ) * KMediatorMaxEventCount;
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aEvents[0], arraySize );
// Send the command to server
TInt status = SendReceive( EGetEvents,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
// If no errors, Mediator Server completes the message with count
if ( status > KMediatorMaxEventCount )
// We have too much data coming --> need to fetch more.
// Cleanup events
// Reserve default sized array for event items
if ( ( err = aEvents.Reserve( status ) ) != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::GetEvents(ln%d): err=%d\n"), __LINE__, err ) );
return err;
// Append empty items to array to reserver space
for ( TInt index = 0; index < status; index++ )
TEvent emptyEvent;
aEvents.Append( emptyEvent );
// Update pointers
TInt bigArraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TEvent) ) * status;
TPtr8 bigArrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aEvents[0], bigArraySize );
status = SendReceive( EGetEvents,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&bigArrayPtr ) );
// Remove the unneeded items from the array
for ( TInt index = aEvents.Count() - 1; index >= status && index >= 0 ; index-- )
aEvents.Remove( index );
if ( status > 0 )
// No errors
status = KErrNone;
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::GetCommands
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::GetCommands( TUid aDomain,
TUid aCategory,
RCommandList& aCommands )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::GetCommands\n"));
// Check that session is open.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( Handle(), User::Panic( KMediatorServerPanic,
EMediatorClientNoSessionActive ));
// Create a structures for fetch data
TMediatorCategory category;
category.iDomain = aDomain;
category.iCategory = aCategory;
TMediatorCategoryBuffer categoryBuffer( category );
// Cleanup
TInt err;
// Reserve default sized array for command items
if ( ( err = aCommands.Reserve( KMediatorMaxCommandCount ) ) != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::GetCommands(ln%d): err=%d\n"), __LINE__, err ) );
return err;
// Append empty items to array to reserver space
for ( TInt index = 0; index < KMediatorMaxCommandCount; index++ )
TCommand emptyCommand;
aCommands.Append( emptyCommand );
// Define data return pointers
TInt arraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TCommand) ) * KMediatorMaxCommandCount;
TPtr8 arrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aCommands[0], arraySize );
// Send the command to server
TInt status = SendReceive( EGetCommands,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&arrayPtr ) );
// If no errors, Mediator Server completes the message with count
if ( status > KMediatorMaxCommandCount )
// We have too much data coming --> need to fetch more.
// Cleanup commands
if ( ( err = aCommands.Reserve( status ) ) != KErrNone )
ERROR_TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator] RMediatorServer::GetCommands(ln%d): err=%d\n"), __LINE__, err ) );
return err;
// Append empty items to array to reserver space
for ( TInt index = 0; index < status; index++ )
TCommand emptyCommand;
aCommands.Append( emptyCommand );
// Update pointers
TInt bigArraySize = ( sizeof(MediatorService::TCommand) ) * status;
TPtr8 bigArrayPtr( (TUint8*)&aCommands[0], bigArraySize );
status = SendReceive( EGetCommands,
TIpcArgs( &categoryBuffer,
&bigArrayPtr ) );
// Remove the unneeded items from the array
for ( TInt index = aCommands.Count() - 1; index >= status && index >= 0 ; index-- )
aCommands.Remove( index );
if ( status > 0 )
// No errors
status = KErrNone;
return status;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::ReceiveEvents
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RMediatorServer::ReceiveEvents( TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TMediatorCategoryRetBuffer& aCategoryBuffer,
TEventRetBuffer& aEventBuffer,
TPtr8& aEventData )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::ReceiveEvents\n")));
SendReceive( EWaitForEvent, TIpcArgs( &aCategoryBuffer,
&aEventData ), aStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::ReceiveNotifications
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RMediatorServer::ReceiveNotifications( TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TMediatorCategoryRetBuffer& aCategoryBuffer,
TNotificationTypeRetBuffer& aTypeBuffer,
TPtr8& aEventArrayPtr,
TPtr8& aCommandArrayPtr )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::ReceiveNotifications\n")));
SendReceive( EWaitForNotifications, TIpcArgs( &aCategoryBuffer,
&aCommandArrayPtr ), aStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::ReceiveEvents
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::CancelNotifications( )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::CancelNotifications\n")));
return SendReceive( ECancelNotifications, TIpcArgs() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::WaitForCommandResponse
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RMediatorServer::WaitForCommandResponse(
TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TMediatorCategoryRetBuffer& aCategoryBuffer,
TCommandRetBuffer& aCommandBuffer,
TPtr8& aCommandData,
TPckg<TInt>& aStatusBuffer )
TRACE(Print(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::WaitForCommandResponse\n")));
SendReceive( EWaitForCommandResponse, TIpcArgs( &aCategoryBuffer,
&aStatusBuffer ), aStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::FetchParameterData
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::FetchParameterData( TPtr8& aParameterData )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::FetchParameterData\n"));
return SendReceive( EFetchParameterData, TIpcArgs( &aParameterData ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::FetchNotificationEventList
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::FetchNotificationEventList( TPtr8& aEventArrayPtr )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::FetchNotificationEventList\n"));
return SendReceive( EFetchNotificationEventList, TIpcArgs( &aEventArrayPtr ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RMediatorServer::FetchNotificationCommandList
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt RMediatorServer::FetchNotificationCommandList( TPtr8& aCommandArrayPtr )
LOG(_L("[Mediator Server]\t RMediatorServer::FetchNotificationEventList\n"));
return SendReceive( EFetchNotificationCommandList, TIpcArgs( &aCommandArrayPtr ) );
// End of file